[Python-announce] [RELEASE] pyspread 2.2.2

2023-09-03 Thread Martin Manns

pyspread 2.2.2

This is a bugfix release.

Bug fixes:
 * pip install fixed by replacing deprecated setup.py option `requires` 
with `install_requires`

 * Shebang removed from desktop file

About pyspread

Pyspread is a non-traditional spreadsheet that is based on and written
in the programming language Python.

The goal of pyspread is to be the most pythonic spreadsheet application.

Pyspread is free software. It is released under the GPL v3.

Project website:   https://pyspread.gitlab.io/
Download page: https://pypi.org/project/pyspread/
Signature for tarball: 

Source code:   https://gitlab.com/pyspread/pyspread


 * Python (≥ 3.6)
 * numpy (>=1.1)
 * PyQt5 (≥ 5.10, requires PyQt5.Svg)
 * setuptools (>=40.0)
 * markdown2 (>= 2.3)

 * matplotlib (>=1.1.1)
 * pyenchant (>=1.1)
 * pip (>=18)
 * python-dateutil (>= 2.7.0)
 * py-moneyed (>=2.0)
 * rpy2 (>=3.4)
 * plotnine (>=0.8)
 * libvoikko (>=4.3)
 * nuspell (>=5.1)
 * hspell (>= 1.4)
 * ggplot2 (>=3.4)

For building the apidocs with Sphinx see apidocs/requirements.txt


Python-announce-list mailing list -- python-announce-list@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-announce-list-le...@python.org
Member address: arch...@mail-archive.com

Re: scipy.optimize.least_squares for more than one dimension?

2023-07-09 Thread Martin Schöön via Python-list
Den 2023-06-30 skrev Martin Schöön :
> Yesterday I wanted to move from optimize.leastsq to 
> least_squares. I have data depending on four variables
> and want to fit a function in four variables to this
> data. This works with leastsq but not with least_squares.
> Am I trying to do something least_squares is not capable
> of?
> Disclaimer: I was burning midnight oil...
Problem solved.

Yes, least_squares can, of course, handle multi-dimensional situations.

Me burning midnight oil was the problem. I have been tinkering a
bit with scipy.optimize.least_squares tonight. All simple examples
I tried worked regardless of number of dimensions. I went back to
my old code and found a couple of basic mistakes. Done.


scipy.optimize.least_squares for more than one dimension?

2023-06-30 Thread Martin Schöön via Python-list
Yesterday I wanted to move from optimize.leastsq to 
least_squares. I have data depending on four variables
and want to fit a function in four variables to this
data. This works with leastsq but not with least_squares.

Am I trying to do something least_squares is not capable

Disclaimer: I was burning midnight oil...



[Python-announce] [RELEASE] pyspread 2.2.1

2023-05-01 Thread Martin Manns

pyspread 2.2

This is a bugfix release
Note that missing libvoikko, nuspell and hspell may lead to warning 
messages if pyenchant is installed. However,  pyspread is still 
functional as this affects only spellchecking.

Bug fixes:
 * Chart dialog now correctly starts if rpy2 is not installed and if 
optional R modules are missing.

 * Deleting large selections is now significantly faster.
 * Pasting into large selections is now significantly faster.
 * QPen cache now is limited in size.

About pyspread

Pyspread is a non-traditional spreadsheet that is based on and written
in the programming language Python.

The goal of pyspread is to be the most pythonic spreadsheet application.

Pyspread is free software. It is released under the GPL v3.

Project website:   https://pyspread.gitlab.io/
Download page: https://pypi.org/project/pyspread/
Signature for tarball:
Source code:   https://gitlab.com/pyspread/pyspread


 * Python (≥ 3.6)
 * numpy (>=1.1)
 * PyQt5 (≥ 5.10, requires PyQt5.Svg)
 * setuptools (>=40.0)
 * markdown2 (>= 2.3)

 * matplotlib (>=1.1.1)
 * pyenchant (>=1.1)
 * pip (>=18)
 * python-dateutil (>= 2.7.0)
 * py-moneyed (>=2.0)
 * rpy2 (>=3.4)
 * plotnine (>=0.8)
 * libvoikko (>=4.3)
 * nuspell (>=5.1)
 * hspell (>= 1.4)
 * ggplot2 (>=3.4)

For building the apidocs with Sphinx see apidocs/requirements.txt


Python-announce-list mailing list -- python-announce-list@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-announce-list-le...@python.org
Member address: arch...@mail-archive.com

[Python-announce] [RELEASE] pyspread 2.2

2023-04-23 Thread Martin Manns

pyspread 2.2

This release adds R charts via rpy2. Plotnine is also supported.
Examples are available in the chart dialog.
Note that the R packages graphics, lattice and ggplot2 are used for the 

Bug fixes:
 * Thick lines are now antialiased

About pyspread

Pyspread is a non-traditional spreadsheet that is based on and written
in the programming language Python.

The goal of pyspread is to be the most pythonic spreadsheet application.

Pyspread is free software. It is released under the GPL v3.

Project website:   https://pyspread.gitlab.io/
Download page: https://pypi.org/project/pyspread/
Signature for tarball:
Source code:   https://gitlab.com/pyspread/pyspread


 * Python (≥ 3.6)
 * numpy (>=1.1)
 * PyQt5 (≥ 5.10, requires PyQt5.Svg)
 * setuptools (>=40.0)
 * markdown2 (>= 2.3)

 * matplotlib (>=1.1.1)
 * pyenchant (>=1.1)
 * pip (>=18)
 * python-dateutil (>= 2.7.0)
 * py-moneyed (>=2.0)
 * rpy2 (>=3.4)
 * plotnine (>=0.8)

For building the apidocs with Sphinx see apidocs/requirements.txt



Python-announce-list mailing list -- python-announce-list@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-announce-list-le...@python.org
Member address: arch...@mail-archive.com

Re: Problem with Matplotlib example

2023-04-14 Thread Martin Schöön
Den 2023-04-13 skrev MRAB :
> On 2023-04-13 19:41, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> Anyone had success running this example?
>> https://tinyurl.com/yhhyc9r

>> As far as I know I have an up-to-date matplotlib installed. Pip has
>> nothing more modern to offer me.
> All I can say is that it works for me!
> Python 3.10 and 3.11, matplotlib 3.6.1 and then 3.7.1 after updating it.
Thanks are due to both you and Thomas. Your replies put me on the right
scent. I soon learned what I should have know since ages: pip reporting
there is now newer version of a package does not mean there is *no
newer* version. It means there is no newer version for the version of
Python I use. In my case I am on Python 3.7. At work, where I am on
Python 3.8, this matplotlib example works just fine.


Problem with Matplotlib example

2023-04-13 Thread Martin Schöön
Anyone had success running this example?

When I try I get this error:
"TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'transform'"

This is for the line
"m = MarkerStyle(SUCESS_SYMBOLS[mood], transform=t)"

Yes, I know, I could dive into the documentation myself but I hope
some kind soul here will help out.

As far as I know I have an up-to-date matplotlib installed. Pip has
nothing more modern to offer me.



Re: on the python paradox

2022-12-11 Thread Martin Di Paola

On Mon, Dec 05, 2022 at 10:37:39PM -0300, Sabrina Almodóvar wrote:

The Python Paradox
   Paul Graham
   August 2004


Hence what, for lack of a better name, I'll call the Python paradox: 
if a company chooses to write its software in a comparatively 
esoteric language, they'll be able to hire better programmers, 
because they'll attract only those who cared enough to learn it. And 
for programmers the paradox is even more pronounced: the language to 
learn, if you want to get a good job, is a language that people 
don't learn merely to get a job.


I don't think that an esoteric language leads to better programmers.

I know really good people that work mostly in assembly which by today
standard would be considered "esoteric".

They are really good at their field but they write shitty code in higher
languages as python.

That same goes for the other direction: I saw Ruby programmers writing C
code and trust me, it didn't result in good quality code.

I would be more inclined to think that a good programmer is not the one
that knows an esoteric language but the one that can jump from one
programming paradigm to another.

And when I say "jump" I mean that he/she can understand the problem to
solve, find the best tech stack to solve it and do it in an efficient
manner using that tech stack correctly.

It is in the "using that tech stack correctly" where some programmers
that "think" they know languages A, B and C get it wrong.

Just writing code that "compiles" and "it does not immediately crash" is
not enough to say that "you are using the tech stack correctly".

On Wed, Dec 07, 2022 at 10:58:09AM -0500, David Lowry-Duda wrote:

On Mon, Dec 05, 2022 at 10:37:39PM -0300, Sabrina Almodóvar wrote:

The Python Paradox
   Paul Graham
   August 2004


Hence what, for lack of a better name, I'll call the Python paradox: 
if a company chooses to write its software in a comparatively 
esoteric language, they'll be able to hire better programmers, 
because they'll attract only those who cared enough to learn it. And 
for programmers the paradox is even more pronounced: the language to 
learn, if you want to get a good job, is a language that people 
don't learn merely to get a job.


I wonder what the appropriately esoteric language is today?

We can sort of think of go/rust as esoteric versions of C/C++. But 
what would be the esoteric python?

Perhaps Julia? I don't know of any large software projects happening 
in julia world that aren't essentially scientific computing libraries 
(but this is because *I* work mostly with scientific computing 
libraries and sometimes live under a rock).



Re: Which architectures to support in a CI like Travis?

2022-09-19 Thread Martin Di Paola

I would depend on the project.

In the crytoanalysis tool that I developing, "cryptonita", I just
manipule bytes. Nothing that could depend on the distro so my CI picks
one OS and run the tests there.

Project: https://github.com/cryptonitas/cryptonita

On the other extreme I have "byexample", a tool that takes the examples
in your docs and run them as automated tests. It supports different
languages (Python, Ruby, Java, ...) and it works using the interpreter
of each languages.

An there is the challenge for its CI. Because byexample highly depends
on the version of the interpreter, the CI config tries a lot of
different scenarios

Project: https://byexamples.github.io/

I don't tests different distros but I should for some cases that I
suspect that it could be differences in how some interpreters behave.

An about OS, I'm planning to add MacOS to the CI because I know that
some users had problems in the past in that platform because how
byexample interacts with the terminal.

So two projects, both in Python, but with two totally different
dependencies on the environment where they run, so their CI are

The two examples are using Gitlab actions but the same applies to


On Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 09:46:45AM +, c.bu...@posteo.jp wrote:


I am using TravisCI for my project on GitHub. The project is packaged
for Debian, Ubuntu, Arch and several other distros.

All this distros support multiple architectures and they have their own
test machines to take care that all packages working on all archs.

On my side (upstream) I wonder which arch I should "support" in my
TravisCI configuration. I wan't to speed up travis and I want to save
energy and carbon.

I suspect that my Python code should run on much every platform that
offers a Python interpreter. Of course there are edge cases. But they
would be captured by the distros own test environments.

So is there a good and objective reason to support multiple (and maybe)
exotic platforms in a CI pipeline on upstream?



Re: Simple TCP proxy

2022-07-27 Thread Martin Di Paola

On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 08:32:31PM +0200, Morten W. Petersen wrote:

You're thinking of the backlog argument of listen?

From my understanding, yes, when you set up the "accepter" socket (the
one that you use to listen and accept new connections), you can define
the length of the queue for incoming connections that are not accepted

This will be the equivalent of your SimpleQueue which basically puts a
limits on how many incoming connections are "accepted" to do a real job.

Using skt.listen(N) the incoming connections are put on hold by the OS
while in your implementation are formally accepted but they are not
allowed to do any meaningful work: they are put on the SimpleQueue and
only when they are popped then they will work (send/recv data).

The difference then between the OS and your impl is minimal. The only
case that I can think is that on the clients' side it may exist a
timeout for the acceptance of the connection so your proxy server will
eagerly accept these connections so no timeout is possible(*)

On a side note, you implementation is too thread-naive: it uses plain
Python lists, integers and boolean variables which are not thread safe.
It is a matter of time until your server will start behave weird.

One option is that you use thread-safe objects. I'll encourage to read
about thread-safety in general and then which sync mechanisms Python

Another option is to remove the SimpleQueue and the background function
that allows a connection to be "active".

If you think, the handlers are 99% independent except that you want to
allow only N of them to progress (stablish and forward the connection)
and when a handler finishes, another handler "waiting" is activated, "in
a queue fashion" as you said.

If you allow me to not have a strict queue discipline here, you can achieve
the same results coordinating the handlers using semaphores. Once again,
take this email as starting point for your own research.

On a second side note, the use of handlers and threads is inefficient
because while you have N active handlers sending/receiving data, because
you are eagerly accepting new connections you will have much more
handlers created and (if I'm not wrong), each will be a thread.

A more efficient solution could be

1) accept as many connections as you can, saving the socket (not the
handler) in the thread-safe queue.
2) have N threads in the background popping from the queue a socket and
then doing the send/recv stuff. When the thread is done, the thread
closes the socket and pops another from the queue.

So the queue length will be the count of accepted connections but in any
moment your proxy will not activate (forward) more than N connections.

This idea is thread-safe, simpler, efficient and has the queue
discipline (I leave aside the usefulness).

I encourage you to take time to read about the different things
mentioned as concurrency and thread-related stuff is not easy to


(*) make your proxy server slow enough and yes, you will get timeouts

Well, STP will accept all connections, but can limit how many of the
accepted connections that are active at any given time.

So when I bombed it with hundreds of almost simultaneous connections, all
of them were accepted, but only 25 were actively sending and receiving data
at any given time. First come, first served.



On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM Chris Angelico  wrote:

On Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 02:15, Morten W. Petersen 
> Hi.
> I'd like to share with you a recent project, which is a simple TCP proxy
> that can stand in front of a TCP server of some sort, queueing requests
> then allowing n number of connections to pass through at a time:

How's this different from what the networking subsystem already does?
When you listen, you can set a queue length. Can you elaborate?


I am https://leavingnorway.info
Videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBlogologue
Twittering at http://twitter.com/blogologue
Blogging at http://blogologue.com
Playing music at https://soundcloud.com/morten-w-petersen
Also playing music and podcasting here:
On Google+ here https://plus.google.com/107781930037068750156
On Instagram at https://instagram.com/morphexx/

I am https://leavingnorway.info

Videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBlogologue
Twittering at http://twitter.com/blogologue

Blogging at http://blogologue.com
Playing music at https://soundcloud.com/morten-w-petersen

Also playing music and podcasting here:

On Instagram at https://instagram.com/morphexx/


Re: exec() an locals() puzzle

2022-07-20 Thread Martin Di Paola

I did a few tests

# test 1
def f():
i = 1
exec('y = i; print(y); print(locals())')
a = eval('y')
u = a

{'i': 1}
{'i': 1, 'y': 1}
{'i': 1, 'y': 1}
{'i': 1, 'y': 1, 'a': 1}

# test 2
def f():
i = 1
exec('y = i; print(y); print(locals())')
a = eval('y')
y = a
{'i': 1}
{'i': 1, 'y': 1}
{'i': 1}
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'y' is not defined

So test 1 and 2 are the same except that the variable 'y' is not
present/present in the f's code.

When it is not present, exec() modifies the f's locals and adds an 'y'
to it but when the variable 'y' is present in the code (even if not
present in the locals()), exec() does not add any 'y' (and the next
eval() then fails)

The interesting part is that if the 'y' variable is in the f's code
*and* it is defined in the f's locals, no error occur but once again the
exec() does not modify f's locals:

# test 3
def f():
i = 1
y = 42
exec('y = i; print(y); print(locals())')
a = eval('y')
y = a
{'i': 1, 'y': 42}
{'i': 1, 'y': 1}
{'i': 1, 'y': 42}
{'i': 1, 'y': 42, 'a': 42}

Why does this happen? No idea.

I may be related with this:

# test 4
def f():
i = 1
exec('y = i; print(y); print(locals())')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'y' is not defined

Despite exec() adds the 'y' variable to f's locals, the variable is not
accessible/visible from f's code.

So, a few observations (by no means this is how the vm works):

1) each function has a set of variables defined by the code (let's call
this "code-defined locals" or "cdef-locals").
2) each function also has a set of "runtime locals" accessible from
3) exec() can add variables to locals() (runtime) set but it cannot add
any to cdef-locals.
4) locals() may be a superset of cdef-locals (but entries in cdef-locals
which value is still undefined are not shown in locals())
5) due rule 4, exec() cannot add a variable to locals() if it is already
 present in the in cdef-locals.
6) when eval() runs, it uses locals() set for lookup

Perhaps rule 5 is to prevent exec() to modify any arbitrary variable of
the caller...

Anyways, nice food for our brains.

On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 04:56:02PM +, george trojan wrote:

I wish I could understand the following behaviour:

1. This works as I expect it to work:

def f():
   i = 1
   exec('y = i; print(y); print(locals())')
   exec('y *= 2')
   print('ok:', eval('y'))

{'i': 1}
{'i': 1, 'y': 1}
{'i': 1, 'y': 1}
ok: 2

2. I can access the value of y with eval() too:

def f():
   i = 1
   exec('y = i; print(y); print(locals())')
   u = eval('y')

{'i': 1}
{'i': 1, 'y': 1}
{'i': 1, 'y': 1}

3. When I change variable name u -> y, somehow locals() in the body of
the function loses an entry:

def f():
   i = 1
   exec('y = i; print(y); print(locals())')
   y = eval('y')

{'i': 1}
{'i': 1, 'y': 1}
{'i': 1}

   Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [1], in ()  7 print(y)  8 # y
= eval('y')  9 #print('ok:', eval('y'))---> 10 f()

Input In [1], in f()  4 exec('y = i; print(y); print(locals())')
  5 print(locals())> 6 y = eval('y')  7 print(y)

File :1, in 
NameError: name 'y' is not defined1.

Another thing: within the first exec(), the print order seems
reversed. What is going on?

BTW, I am using python 3.8.13.



Re: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

2022-07-20 Thread Martin Di Paola


If you want a pure-python but definitely a more hacky implementation,
you can play around with inspect.stack() and get the variables from
the outer frames.

# code:
x = 32
y = 42
printf("Hello x={x}, y={y}", x=27)

# output:
Hello x=27, y=42

The implementation of printf() was never released in PyPI (I guess I never saw
it as more than a challenge).

But the implementation is quite simple (I did a post about it):

On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 10:46:35AM -0600, Mats Wichmann wrote:

On 7/20/22 05:04, Frank Millman wrote:

I think the preferred style these days is f'{x[-1]}' which works."

Unfortunately the 'f' option does not work for me in this case, as I am
using a string object, not a string literal.

For that you could consider


(straying a bit off thread subject by now, admittedly)


Re: Simple message passing system and thread safe message queue

2022-07-18 Thread Martin Di Paola

Hi, I couldn't read your posts, every time I try to open one I'm
redirected to an index page.

I took a look at the smps project and I as far I understand it is a
SSL client that sends messages to a server that implements a store of

I would suggest to remove the sleep() calls and as a challenge for you,
make the server single-thread using asyncio and friends.


On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 06:31:28PM +0200, Morten W. Petersen wrote:


I wrote a couple of blog posts as I had to create a message passing system,
and these posts are here:


Any comments or suggestions?



I am https://leavingnorway.info
Videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBlogologue
Twittering at http://twitter.com/blogologue
Blogging at http://blogologue.com
Playing music at https://soundcloud.com/morten-w-petersen
Also playing music and podcasting here:
On Google+ here https://plus.google.com/107781930037068750156
On Instagram at https://instagram.com/morphexx/



2022-07-08 Thread Martin Di Paola

On Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 04:15:35PM -0600, Mats Wichmann wrote:

In addition... there is no "Python 10.0" ...

Mmm, perhaps that's the problem :D

@Angie Odette Lima Banguera, vamos a necesitar algun traceback o algo
para guiarte. Podes tambien buscar en internet (youtube) q hay varios
tutoriales para los primeros pasos.

Good luck!

Re: Filtering XArray Datasets?

2022-06-07 Thread Martin Di Paola

Hi, I'm not an expert on this so this is an educated guess:

You are calling drop=True and I presume that you want to delete the rows
of your dataset that satisfy a condition.

That's a problem.

If the underlying original data is stored in a dense contiguous array,
deleting chunks of it will leave it with "holes". Unless the backend
supports sparse implementations, it is likely that it will go for the
easiest solution: copy the non-deleted rows in a new array.

I don't know the details of you particular problem but most of the time
the trick is in not letting the whole data to be loaded.

Try to see if instead of loading all the dataset and then performing the
filtering/selection, you can do the filtering during the loading.

An alternative could use filtering "before" doing the real work. For
example, if you have a CSV of >100GB you could write a program X that
copies the dataset into a new CSV but doing the filtering. Then, you
load the filtered dataset and do the real work in a program Y.

I explicitly named X and Y as, in principle, they are 2 different programs using
even 2 different technologies.

I hope this email can give you hints of how to fix it. In my last
project I had a similar problem and I ended up doing the filtering on
Python and the "real work" in Julia.


On Mon, Jun 06, 2022 at 02:28:41PM -0800, Israel Brewster wrote:

I have some large (>100GB) datasets loaded into memory in a two-dimensional (X 
and Y) NumPy array backed XArray dataset. At one point I want to filter the data 
using a boolean array created by performing a boolean operation on the dataset 
that is, I want to filter the dataset for all points with a longitude value 
greater than, say, 50 and less than 60, just to give an example (hopefully that 
all makes sense?).

Currently I am doing this by creating a boolean array (data[‘latitude’]>50, for 
example), and then applying that boolean array to the dataset using .where(), with 
drop=True. This appears to work, but has two issues:

1) It’s slow. On my large datasets, applying where can take several minutes 
(vs. just seconds to use a boolean array to index a similarly sized numpy array)
2) It uses large amounts of memory (which is REALLY a problem when the array is 
already using 100GB+)

What it looks like is that values corresponding to True in the boolean array 
are copied to a new XArray object, thereby potentially doubling memory usage 
until it is complete, at which point the original object can be dropped, 
thereby freeing the memory.

Is there any solution for these issues? Some way to do an in-place filtering?
Israel Brewster
Software Engineer
Alaska Volcano Observatory
Geophysical Institute - UAF
2156 Koyukuk Drive
Fairbanks AK 99775-7320
Work: 907-474-5172
cell:  907-328-9145



Re: Automatic Gain Control in Python?

2022-05-29 Thread Martin Schöön
Den 2022-05-29 skrev Christian Gollwitzer :
> Am 29.05.22 um 00:45 schrieb Stefan Ram:
>> "Steve GS"  writes:
>>> Subject: Automatic Gain Control in Python?
>>Automatic Gain Control in Python is trivial. You have a list
>>of samples and normalize them, i.e., divide by max. Slightly
>> [ s/max( samples )for s in samples ]
>>(where sample values are normalized to the range -1,+1.)
> No, that's not it. Loudness is perceived in a different way, the crudest 

> music is incredibly loud, and you might have wondered, how they do that.
> Google for "Loudness war" and "dynamic range compression" if you want to 
> understand it in detail.
I have no suggestions for solving the problem but it struck me that
you might be interested in looking up a standard called EBU R128.
Start with youtube and you find lectures/demos.

Python connection; There is a Python package called ffmpeg-normalize
which contains an implementation of EBU R128. AFAIK it works on files,
not streaming audio.


Re: Request for assistance (hopefully not OT)

2022-05-17 Thread Martin Di Paola

Try to reinstall python and only python and if you succeeds, then try to
reinstall the other tools.

For this, use "apt-get" instead of "apt"

$ sudo apt-get reinstall python3

When a system is heavily broken, be extra careful and read the output of
the programs. If "apt-get" says than in order to reinstall python it will have
to remove half of your computer, abort. Better ask than sorry.

Best of the lucks.


On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 06:20:39AM -0500, o1bigtenor wrote:


I was having space issues in my /usr directory so I deleted some
programs thinking that the space taken was more an issue than having
older versions of the program.

So one of the programs I deleted (using rm -r) was python3.9.
Python3.10 was already installed so I thought (naively!!!) that things
should continue working.
(Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 were also part of this cleanup.)

So now I have problems.

Following is the system barf that I get when I run '# apt upgrade'.

What can I do to correct this self-inflicted problem?

(running on debian testing 5.17

Setting up python2.7-minimal (2.7.18-13.1) ...
Could not find platform independent libraries 
Could not find platform dependent libraries 
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to [:]
/usr/bin/python2.7: can't open file
'/usr/lib/python2.7/py_compile.py': [Errno 2] No such file or
dpkg: error processing package python2.7-minimal (--configure):
installed python2.7-minimal package post-installation script
subprocess returned error exit status 2
Setting up python3.9-minimal (3.9.12-1) ...
update-binfmts: warning: /usr/share/binfmts/python3.9: no executable
/usr/bin/python3.9 found, but continuing anyway as you request
/var/lib/dpkg/info/python3.9-minimal.postinst: 51: /usr/bin/python3.9: not found
dpkg: error processing package python3.9-minimal (--configure):
installed python3.9-minimal package post-installation script
subprocess returned error exit status 127
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of python3.9:
python3.9 depends on python3.9-minimal (= 3.9.12-1); however:
 Package python3.9-minimal is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package python3.9 (--configure):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of python2.7:
python2.7 depends on python2.7-minimal (= 2.7.18-13.1); however:
 Package python2.7-minimal is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package python2.7 (--configure):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of python3.9-dev:
python3.9-dev depends on python3.9 (= 3.9.12-1); however:
 Package python3.9 is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package python3.9-dev (--configure):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
. . .
Errors were encountered while processing:


Re: Changing calling sequence

2022-05-13 Thread Martin Di Paola

You probably want something like overload/multiple dispatch. I quick search
on PyPI yields a 'multipledispatch' package.

I never used, however.

On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 08:36:26AM -0700, Tobiah wrote:

On 5/11/22 06:33, Michael F. Stemper wrote:

I have a function that I use to retrieve daily data from a
home-brew database. Its calling sequence is;

def TempsOneDay( year, month, date ):

After using it (and its friends) for a few years, I've come to
realize that there are times where it would be advantageous to
invoke it with a datetime.date as its single argument.

You could just use all keyword args:

def TempsOneDay(**kwargs):

   if 'date' in kwargs:
   elif 'year' in kwargs and 'month' in kwargs and 'day' in kwargs:
   handle_args(kwargs['year'], kwargs['month'], kwargs['day'])
   raise Exception("Bad keyword args")


TempsOneDay(year=2022, month=11, day=30)



Re: Accuracy of multiprocessing.Queue.qsize before any Queue.get invocations?

2022-05-13 Thread Martin Di Paola

If the queue was not shared to any other process, I would guess that its
size is reliable.

However, a plain counter could be much simpler/safer.

The developer of multiprocessing.Queue, implemented
size() thinking in how to share the size and maintain a reasonable
consistency between process.
He/she probably didn't care how well works in a single-process scenario
as this is a very special case.


On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 06:07:02PM -0500, Tim Chase wrote:

The documentation says[1]

Return the approximate size of the queue. Because of
multithreading/multiprocessing semantics, this number is not

Are there any circumstances under which it *is* reliable?  Most
germane, if I've added a bunch of items to the Queue, but not yet
launched any processes removing those items from the Queue, does
Queue.qsize accurately (and reliably) reflect the number of items in
the queue?

 q = Queue()
 for fname in os.listdir():
 file_count = q.qsize() # is this reliable?
 # since this hasn't yet started fiddling with it
 for _ in range(os.cpu_count()):
   Process(target=myfunc, args=(q, arg2, arg3)).start()

I'm currently tracking the count as I add them to my Queue,

 file_count = 0
 for fname in os.listdir():
   file_count += 1

but if .qsize is reliably accurate before anything has a chance to
.get data from it, I'd prefer to tidy the code by removing the
redunant counting code if I can.

I'm just not sure what circumstances the "this number is not
reliable" holds.  I get that things might be asynchronously
added/removed once processes are running, but is there anything that
would cause unreliability *before* other processes/consumers run?






Re: windows 11 what is wrong?

2022-04-27 Thread Lars Martin Hambro
Repair passed but pip3 and pip did not find pip.exe and missing modules.

Lars Martin hambro

Fra: Lars Martin Hambro 
Sendt: onsdag 27. april 2022, 21:31
Til: python-list@python.org 
Emne: windows 11 what is wrong?


Lars Martin Hambro


[issue47188] ncurses: *** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated with -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3

2022-04-06 Thread Martin Liška

Martin Liška  added the comment:

So the issue is ncurses, closing here.

stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue47188] ncurses: *** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated with -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3

2022-04-01 Thread Martin Liška

New submission from Martin Liška :

Note -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 will come newly with GCC12. So I noticed the following 

import curses


Error message:
*** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated

#0  __pthread_kill_implementation (threadid=, 
signo=signo@entry=6, no_tid=no_tid@entry=0) at pthread_kill.c:44
#1  0x77d1e1e3 in __pthread_kill_internal (signo=6, threadid=) at pthread_kill.c:78
#2  0x77cce306 in __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at 
#3  0x77cb7813 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79
#4  0x77d111b7 in __libc_message (action=action@entry=do_abort, 
fmt=fmt@entry=0x77e573cf "*** %s ***: terminated\n") at 
#5  0x77db630a in __GI___fortify_fail (msg=msg@entry=0x77e57375 
"buffer overflow detected") at fortify_fail.c:26
#6  0x77db48b6 in __GI___chk_fail () at chk_fail.c:28
#7  0x77db5be8 in __wcrtomb_chk (s=s@entry=0xaae440 "\376\271\255", 
wchar=wchar@entry=97 L'a', ps=ps@entry=0x7fffd4f0, buflen=buflen@entry=1) 
at wcrtomb_chk.c:31
#8  0x77a18b31 in wcrtomb (__ps=, __wchar=, __s=, __s=, __wchar=, 
__ps=) at /usr/include/bits/wchar2.h:402
#9  unget_wch_sp (sp=0xab0920, wch=97 L'a') at 
#10 0x77a18b61 in unget_wch (wch=) at 
#11 0x77a55be5 in _curses_unget_wch (module=, ch='a') at 
#12 0x006f6669 in cfunction_vectorcall_O (func=, args=0x77b355b0, 
nargsf=, kwnames=0x0) at Objects/methodobject.c:512
#13 0x0042d0e8 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0, 
nargsf=, args=, callable=, tstate=) 
at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:114
#14 PyObject_Vectorcall (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=, args=, callable=) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:123
#15 call_function (kwnames=0x0, oparg=, pp_stack=, bounds=0x7fffd640, tstate=0xa70520) at Python/ceval.c:5379
#16 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (tstate=, f=, 
throwflag=) at Python/ceval.c:3772

So as seen __wcrtomb_chk is called with buflen == 1 and the function aborts if:

__wcrtomb_chk (char *s, wchar_t wchar, mbstate_t *ps, size_t buflen)
  /* We do not have to implement the full wctomb semantics since we
 know that S cannot be NULL when we come here.  */
  if (buflen < MB_CUR_MAX)
__chk_fail ();

  return __wcrtomb (s, wchar, ps);

Where MB_CUR_MAX == 6.

So the question is if the issue is in libcurses library (that is compiler with 
-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3), or in Modules/_cursesmodule.c?

messages: 416495
nosy: Martin Liška
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: ncurses: *** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated with 

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43818] Email does not apply policy to multipart messages with defects

2022-03-28 Thread Martin Dengler

Martin Dengler  added the comment:

Possible related to https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/32137 and 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43818] Email does not apply policy to multipart messages with defects

2022-03-26 Thread Martin Dengler

Change by Martin Dengler :

nosy: +mdengler

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43323] UnicodeEncodeError: surrogates not allowed when parsing invalid charset

2022-03-26 Thread Martin Dengler

Change by Martin Dengler :

nosy: +mdengler

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Could frozendict or frozenmap be of some use for PEP 683 (Immortal objects)?

2022-03-09 Thread Martin Di Paola

I perhaps didn't understand the PEP completely but I think that the goal
of marking some objects as immortal is to remove the refcount from they.

For immutable objects that would make them truly immutable.

However I don't think that the immortality could be applied to any
immutable object by default.

Think in the immutable strings (str). What would happen with a program
that does heavy parsing? I imagine that it will generate thousands of
little strings. If those are immortal, the program will fill its memory
very quickly as the GC will not reclaim their memory.

The same could happen with any frozenfoo object.

Leaving immortality to only a few objects, like True and
None makes more sense as they are few (bound if you want).

On Wed, Mar 09, 2022 at 09:16:00PM +0100, Marco Sulla wrote:

As title. dict can't be an immortal object, but hashable frozendict
and frozenmap can. I think this can increase their usefulness.

Another advantage: frozen dataclass will be really immutable if they
could use a frozen(dict|map) instead of a dict as __dict__


Re: Execute in a multiprocessing child dynamic code loaded by the parent process

2022-03-08 Thread Martin Di Paola

Then, you must put the initialization (dynamically loading the modules)
into the function executed in the foreign process.

You could wrap the payload function into a class instances to achieve this.
In the foreign process, you call the instance which first performs
the initialization and then executes the payload.

That's what I have in mind: loading the modules first, and then unpickle
and call the real target function.

[issue46913] UBSAN: test_ctypes, test_faulthandler and test_hashlib are failing

2022-03-07 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter  added the comment:

The ctypes overflow is probably the same as described in Issue 28169 and Issue 

nosy: +martin.panter

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Execute in a multiprocessing child dynamic code loaded by the parent process

2022-03-07 Thread Martin Di Paola

I understand that yes, pickle.loads() imports any necessary module but
only if they can be find in sys.path (like in any "import" statement).

Dynamic code loaded from a plugin (which we presume it is *not* in
sys.path) will not be loaded.

Quick check. Run in one console the following:

import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.reduction

import pickle

In a separated Python console run the following:

import pickle
import sys

'multiprocessing' in sys.modules


'multiprocessing' in sys.modules

So the last check proves that pickle.loads imports any necessary module.


On Mon, Mar 07, 2022 at 08:28:15AM +, Barry wrote:

On 7 Mar 2022, at 02:33, Martin Di Paola  wrote:

Yes but I think that unpickle (pickle.loads()) does that plus
importing any module needed

Are you sure that unpickle will import code? I thought it did not do that.



Re: Execute in a multiprocessing child dynamic code loaded by the parent process

2022-03-06 Thread Martin Di Paola

Yeup, that would be my first choice but the catch is that "sayhi" may
not be a function of the given module. It could be a static method of
some class or any other callable.

Ah, fair. Are you able to define it by a "path", where each step in
the path is a getattr() call?

Yes but I think that unpickle (pickle.loads()) does that plus
importing any module needed
in the path which it is handy because I can preload the plugins
(modules) before the unpickle but the path may contain others
more-standard modules as well.

Something like "myplugin.re.match". unpickle should import 're' module
automatically will it is loading the function "match".

Fair. I guess, then, that the best thing to do is to preload the
modules, then unpickle. So, basically what you already have, but with
more caveats.

Yes, this will not be transparent for the user, just trying to minimize
the changes needed.

And it will require some documentation for those caveats. And tests.

Thanks for the brainstorming!

Re: Execute in a multiprocessing child dynamic code loaded by the parent process

2022-03-06 Thread Martin Di Paola

I'm not so sure about that. The author of the plugin knows they're
writing code that will be dynamically loaded, and can therefore
expect the kind of problem they're having. It could be argued that
it's their responsibility to ensure that all the needed code is loaded
into the subprocess.

Yes but I try to always make my libs/programs as much as usable as
possible. "Ergonomic" would be the word.

In the case of the plugin-engine I'm trying to hide any side-effect or
unexpected behaviour of the engine so the developer of the plugin
does not have take that into account.

I agree that if the developer uses multiprocessing he/she needs to know
its implications. But if I can "smooth" any rough corner, I will try to
do it.

For example, the main project (developed by me) uses threads for
concurrency. It would be simpler to load the plugins and instantiate
them *once* and ask the plugins developers to take care of any
race condition (RC) within their implementation.

Because the plugins were instantiated *once*, it is almost guaranteed
that the plugins will suffer from race conditions and they will require
some sort of locking.

This is quite risky: you may forget to protect something and you will
end up with a RC and/or you may put the lock in the wrong place and the
whole thing will not work concurrently.

My decision back then was to instantiate each plugin N+1 times: once in
the main thread and then once per worker thread.

With this, no single plugin instance will be shared so there is no risk
of RC and no need for locking. (Yes, I know, the developer just needs to
use a module variable or a class attribute and it will get a RC and
these are shared but it is definitely not the default scenario).

If sharing is required I provide an object that minimizes the locking

It was much complex for me at the design and at the implementation level
but I think that it is safer and requires less from the plugin

Reference: https://byexamples.github.io/byexample/contrib/concurrency-model

Re: Execute in a multiprocessing child dynamic code loaded by the parent process

2022-03-06 Thread Martin Di Paola

Try to use `fork` as "start method" (instead of "spawn").

Yes but no. Indeed with `fork` there is no need to pickle anything. In
particular the child process will be a copy of the parent so it will
have all the modules loaded, including the dynamic ones. Perfect.

The problem is that `fork` is the default only in Linux. It works in
MacOS but it may lead to crashes if the parent process is multithreaded
(and the my is!) and `fork` does not work in Windows.

Re: Execute in a multiprocessing child dynamic code loaded by the parent process

2022-03-06 Thread Martin Di Paola

The way you've described it, it's a hack. Allow me to slightly redescribe it.

modules = loader()
objs = init(modules)

def invoke(mod, func):
   # I'm assuming that the loader is smart enough to not load
   # a module that's already loaded. Alternatively, load just the
   # module you need, if that's a possibility.
   target = getattr(modules[mod], func)

ch = multiprocessing.Process(target=invoke, args=("some_module", "sayhi"))

Yeup, that would be my first choice but the catch is that "sayhi" may
not be a function of the given module. It could be a static method of
some class or any other callable.

And doing the lookup by hand sounds complex.

The thing is that the use of multiprocessing is not something required by me
(by my plugin-engine), it was a decision of the developer of a particular
plugin so I don't have any control on that.

Using multiprocessing.reduction was a practical decision: if the user
wants to call something non-pickleable, it is not my fault, it is
multiprocessing's fault.

It *would* be my fault if multiprocessing.Process fails only because I'm
loading the code dynamically.

[...] I won't say "the" correct way, as there are other valid
ways, but there's certainly nothing wrong with this idea.

Do you have some in mind? Or may be a project that I could read?


Execute in a multiprocessing child dynamic code loaded by the parent process

2022-03-06 Thread Martin Di Paola

Hi everyone. I implemented time ago a small plugin engine to load code

So far it worked well but a few days ago an user told me that he wasn't
able to run in parallel a piece of code in MacOS.

He was using multiprocessing.Process to run the code and in MacOS, the
default start method for such process is using "spawn". My understanding
is that Python spawns an independent Python server (the child) which
receives what to execute (the target function) from the parent process.

In pseudo code this would be like:

modules = loader() # load the plugins (Python modules at the end)
objs = init(modules) # initialize the plugins

# One of the plugins wants to execute part of its code in parallel
# In MacOS this fails
ch = multiprocessing.Process(target=objs[0].sayhi)

The code fails with "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'foo'" (where
'foo' is the name of the loaded plugin).

This is because the parent program sends to the serve (the child) what
needs to execute (objs[0].sayhi) using pickle as the serialization

Because Python does not really serialize code but only enough
information to reload it, the serialization of "objs[0].sayhi" just
points to its module, "foo".

Module which it cannot be imported by the child process.

So the question is, what would be the alternatives and workarounds?

I came with a hack: use a trampoline() function to load the plugins
in the child before executing the target function.

In pseudo code it is:

modules = loader() # load the plugins (Python modules at the end)
objs = init(modules) # initialize the plugins

def trampoline(target_str):
   loader() # load the plugins now that we are in the child process

   # deserialize the target and call it
   target = reduction.loads(target_str)

# Serialize the real target function, but call in the child
# trampoline(). Because it can be accessed by the child it will
# not fail
target_str = reduction.dumps(objs[0].sayhi)
ch = multiprocessing.Process(target=trampoline, args=(target_str,))

The hack works but is this the correct way to do it?

The following gist has the minimal example code that triggers the issue
and its workaround:


[issue46880] zipfile library doesn't extract windows zip files properly on linux

2022-02-28 Thread Martin Fischer

Martin Fischer  added the comment:

Can you attach such a .zip file so that others can reproduce the bug?

nosy: +push-f

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46884] [doc] msilib.rst uses data directive to document modules

2022-02-28 Thread Martin Fischer

Martin Fischer  added the comment:

([2] was meant to be an online link: 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46884] [doc] msilib.rst uses data directive to document modules

2022-02-28 Thread Martin Fischer

Change by Martin Fischer :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29744
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/31620

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46884] [doc] msilib.rst uses data directive to document modules

2022-02-28 Thread Martin Fischer

New submission from Martin Fischer :

As per [1] the py:data directive describes data in a module.
It should not be used for submodules, that's what the module directive is for. 
A side-effect that this is causing is that msilib.schema, msilib.sequence 
and msilib.text do not show up in the Python Module Index[2] as they should.

[1]: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/domains.html

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 414209
nosy: docs@python, push-f
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: [doc] msilib.rst uses data directive to document modules
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46879] [doc] incorrect sphinx object names

2022-02-28 Thread Martin Fischer

Change by Martin Fischer :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29739
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/31615

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46879] [doc] incorrect sphinx object names

2022-02-28 Thread Martin Fischer

New submission from Martin Fischer :

API members documented in sphinx have an object name, which allow the
documentation to be linked from other projects. Sphinx calculates the
object name by prefixing the current module name to the directive
argument, e.g:

.. module:: foo
.. function:: bar.baz

becomes foo.bar.baz. Since these anchors aren't displayed in the
documentation, some mistakes have crept in, namely the Python stdlib
documentation currently contains the objects:

* asyncio.asyncio.subprocess.DEVNULL
* asyncio.asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
* asyncio.asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT
* asyncio.asyncio.subprocess.Process
* multiprocessing.sharedctypes.multiprocessing.Manager
* xml.etree.ElementTree.xml.etree.ElementInclude

As can be observed in the URL fragments:

I have a patch, prepared, I'll send a PR straight away.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 414192
nosy: docs@python, push-f
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: [doc] incorrect sphinx object names
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46877] [doc] unittest.doModuleCleanups() does not exist

2022-02-28 Thread Martin Fischer

Change by Martin Fischer :

title: unittest.doModuleCleanups() does not exist -> [doc] 
unittest.doModuleCleanups() does not exist

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46877] unittest.doModuleCleanups() does not exist

2022-02-27 Thread Martin Fischer

New submission from Martin Fischer :

The unittest documentation[1] describes unittest.doModuleCleanups().

That function however doesn't exist since it's only in the unittest.case module 
and not re-exported in the unittest module (unlike addModuleCleanup).

So I think either the documentation should be corrected or doModuleCleanups 
should be re-exported in unittest/__init__.py to match the documentation.

[1]: https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/unittest.html

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 414177
nosy: docs@python, lisroach, michael.foord, push-f
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: unittest.doModuleCleanups() does not exist
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Saving/exporting plots from Jupyter-labs?

2022-02-21 Thread Martin Schöön
Den 2022-02-14 skrev Martin Schöön :
> Now I am trying out Jupyter-labs. I like it. I have two head-
> scratchers for now:

> 2) Why is Jupyter-labs hooking up to Google-analytics?

Now I can answer this one myself. In a tab I had been working my
way through a Holoviews tutorial. The tutorial demonstrated how
one can open the online Holoviews documentation inside a 
notebook cell. This is how google-analytics and twitter got
'involved'. Jupyter-labs was not guilty.


[issue46740] Improve Telnetlib's throughput

2022-02-20 Thread Martin Kirchgessner

Change by Martin Kirchgessner :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29577
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/31449

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: library not initialized (pygame)

2022-02-19 Thread Martin Di Paola

Could you share the traceback / error that you are seeing?

On Sun, May 02, 2021 at 03:23:21PM -0400, Quentin Bock wrote:

#imports and variables for game
import pygame
from pygame import mixer
running = True

#initializes pygame

#creates the pygame window
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1200, 800))

#Title and Icon of window
pygame.display.set_caption("3.02 Project")
icon = pygame.image.load('3.02 icon.png')

#setting up font
font = pygame.font.Font('C:\Windows\Fonts\OCRAEXT.ttf', 16)
font_x = 10
font_y = 40
items_picked_up = 0
items_left = 3

def main():
   global running, event

   #Game Loop
   while running:
   #sets screen color to black
   screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

   #checks if the user exits the window
   for event in pygame.event.get():
   if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
   running = False

   def display_instruction(x, y):
   instructions = font.render("Each level contains 3 items you
must pick up in each room.", True, (255, 255, 255))
   instructions_2 = font.render("When you have picked up 3 items,
you will advance to the next room, there are 3.", True, (255, 255, 255))
   instructions_3 = font.render("You will be able to change the
direction you are looking in the room, this allows you to find different
objects.", True, (255, 255, 255))
   clear = font.render("Click to clear the text.", True, (255,
255, 255))
   screen.blit(instructions, (10, 40))
   screen.blit(instructions_2, (10, 60))
   screen.blit(instructions_3, (10, 80))
   screen.blit(clear, (10, 120))

   if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
   if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
   screen.fill(pygame.Color('black'))  # clears the screen text

   display_instruction(font_x, font_y)


the error apparently comes from the first instructions variable saying
library not initialized not sure why, its worked before but not now :/


Re: venv and executing other python programs

2022-02-17 Thread Martin Di Paola

That's correct. I tried to be systematic in the analysis so I tested all
the possibilities.

Your test results were unexpected for `python3 -m venv xxx`. By
default, virtual environments exclude the system and user site
packages. Including them should require the command-line argument
`--system-site-packages`. I'd check sys.path in the environment. Maybe
you have PYTHONPATH set.

Nope, I checked with "echo $PYTHONPATH" and nothing. I also checked 
"sys.path" within and without the environment:

Inside the environment:

['', '/usr/lib/python37.zip', '/usr/lib/python3.7', 

Outside the environment:

['', '/usr/lib/python37.zip', '/usr/lib/python3.7', 

Indeed the "sys.path" inside the environment does not include system's 

I'll keep looking

A virtual environment is configured by a "pyvenv.cfg" file that's
either beside the executable or one directory up. Activating an
environment is a convenience, not a requirement.

Thanks, that makes a little more sense!



[issue46756] Incorrect authorization check in urllib.request

2022-02-16 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter  added the comment:

Maybe the same as Issue 42766?

nosy: +martin.panter

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46738] Allow http.server to emit HTML 5

2022-02-15 Thread Martin Panter

Change by Martin Panter :

superseder:  -> Generate HTML 5 with SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.list_directory

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: venv and executing other python programs

2022-02-15 Thread Martin Di Paola
If you have activated the venv then any script that uses /usr/bin/env 
will use executables from the venv

bin folder.

That's correct. I tried to be systematic in the analysis so I tested all 
the possibilities.

I avoid all these issues by not activating the venv. Python has code to 

how to use the venv libraries that are installed in it when invoked. It does not
depend on the activate script being run.

I had to test this myself because I didn't believe it but you are right.  
Without having the venv activated, if the shebang explicitly points to 
the python executable of the venv, the program will have access to the 
libs installed in the environment.

The same if I do:

/home/user/venv/bin/python foo.py

Thanks for the info!


Do you have a particular context where you are having troubles? May be there is 
something else going on...


On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 06:35:18AM +0100, Mirko via Python-list wrote:


I have recently started using venv for my hobby-programming. There
is an annoying problem. Since venv modifies $PATH, python programs
that use the "#!/usr/bin/env python" variant of the hashbang often
fail since their additional modules aren't install inside in venv.

How to people here deal with that?

Please note: I'm not interested in discussing whether the
env-variant is good or bad. ;-) It's not that *I* use it, but
several progs in /usr/bin/.

Thanks for your time.



Re: Saving/exporting plots from Jupyter-labs?

2022-02-15 Thread Martin Schöön
Den 2022-02-15 skrev Reto :
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 08:54:01PM +0000, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> 1) In notebooks I can save a plot by right-clicking on it and do
>> save image as. In Jupyter-lab that does not work and so far I
>> have not been able to figure out how to do it. Yes, I have looked
>> in the documentation.
> Shift + right click brings up the usual browser menu



Re: venv and executing other python programs

2022-02-15 Thread Martin Di Paola

I did a few experiments in my machine. I created the following foo.py

  import pandas

Now "pandas" is installed under Python 3 outside the venv. I can run it 
successfully calling "python3 foo.py".

If I add the shebang "#!/usr/bin/env python3" (notice the 3), I can also 
run it as "./foo.py".

Calling it as "python foo.py" or using the shebang "#!/usr/bin/env 
python" does not work and it makes sense since "pandas" is installed

only for python 3.

New I create a virtual env with "python3 -m venv xxx" and activate it.

Once inside I can run foo.py in 4 different ways:

 - python foo.py
 - python3 foo.py
 - ./foo.py (using the shebang "#!/usr/bin/env python")
 - ./foo.py (using the shebang "#!/usr/bin/env python3")

Now all of that was with "pandas" installed outside of venv but not 

I did the same experiments with another library, "cryptonita" which it 
is not installed outside but inside and I was able to executed in 
4 different ways too (inside the venv of course):

 - python foo.py
 - python3 foo.py
 - ./foo.py (using the shebang "#!/usr/bin/env python")
 - ./foo.py (using the shebang "#!/usr/bin/env python3")

Do you have a particular context where you are having troubles? May be 
there is something else going on...


On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 06:35:18AM +0100, Mirko via Python-list wrote:


I have recently started using venv for my hobby-programming. There
is an annoying problem. Since venv modifies $PATH, python programs
that use the "#!/usr/bin/env python" variant of the hashbang often
fail since their additional modules aren't install inside in venv.

How to people here deal with that?

Please note: I'm not interested in discussing whether the
env-variant is good or bad. ;-) It's not that *I* use it, but
several progs in /usr/bin/.

Thanks for your time.


Saving/exporting plots from Jupyter-labs?

2022-02-14 Thread Martin Schöön
I have used Jupyter notebooks for some time now. I am not a heavy
or advanced user. I find the notebook format a nice way to create 
python documents.

Now I am trying out Jupyter-labs. I like it. I have two head-
scratchers for now:

1) In notebooks I can save a plot by right-clicking on it and do
save image as. In Jupyter-lab that does not work and so far I
have not been able to figure out how to do it. Yes, I have looked
in the documentation.

2) Why is Jupyter-labs hooking up to Google-analytics?



[issue46740] Improve Telnetlib's throughput

2022-02-13 Thread Martin Kirchgessner

New submission from Martin Kirchgessner :

While using `telnetlib` I sometimes received unusually "large" messages (around 
1Mb) from another process on the same machine, and was surprised `read_until` 
took more than a second. After instrumenting I discovered such messages were 
received at roughly 500kbyte/s.

I think this low throughput comes from two implementation details:

 - `Telnet.fill_rawq` is calling `self.sock.recv(50)`, whereas 4096 is now 
 - the `Telnet.process_rawq` method is transferring from raw queue to cooked 
queue by appending byte per byte.

For the latter, transferring by slices looks much faster (I'm measuring at 
least 5x). I'm preparing a PR.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 413195
nosy: martin_kirch
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Improve Telnetlib's throughput
type: resource usage
versions: Python 3.10

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: How do you log in your projects?

2022-02-10 Thread Martin Di Paola

? Logs are not intended to be read by end users. Logs are primarily
used to understand what the code is doing in a production environment.
They could also be used to gather metrics data.

Why should you log to give a message instead of simply using a print?

You are assuming that logs and prints are different but they aren't. It 
is the same technology: some string formatted in a particular way sent 
to some place (console or file generally).

But using the logging machinery instead a plain print() you win a few 
features like thread safety and log levels (think in an user that wants 
to increase the verbose level of the output)

When communicating with an user, the logs that are intended to him/her 
can be sent to the console (like a print) in addition to a file.

For user's perspective, they look just like a print.

Why? Traceback is vital to understand what and where the problem is. I
think you're confusing logs with messages. The stack trace can be
logged (I would say must), but the end user generally sees a vague
message with some hints, unless the program is used internally only.

Yes, that's exactly why the traceback is hidden by default because the 
user don't care about it. If the error is due something that the user 
did wrong, then the message should say that and, if possible, add 
a suggestion of how to do it.

For example "The file 'foo.md' was not found." is quite descriptive. If 
you add to that message a traceback, that will just clutter the console.

Tracebacks and other errors and warnings must be logged in a file.  
I totally agree with that. Specially true when we are talking with 
server-like software.

Tracebacks can be printed to the user if a more verbose output is 
enabled. In that case you could even pretty print the traceback with 
syntax highlighting.

I guess that this should be discussed case by case. May be you are 
thinking more in a case where you have a service running and logging and 
I am more thinking in a program that a human executes by hand.

What info and how is presented to the user changes quite a bit.

-- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Re: How do you log in your projects?

2022-02-09 Thread Martin Di Paola

- On a line per line basis? on a function/method basis?

In general I prefer logging line by line instead per function.

It is easy to add a bunch of decorators to the functions and get the 
logs of all the program but I most of the time I end up with very 
confusing logs.

There are exceptions, yes, but I prefer the line by line where the log 
should explain what is doing the code.

- Which kind of variable contents do you write into your logfiles?
- How do you decide, which kind of log message goes into which level?
- How do you prevent logging cluttering your actual code?

These three comes to the same answer: I think on whom is going to read 
the logs.

If the logs are meant to be read by my users I log high level messages,
specially before parts that can take a while (like the classic 

If I log variables, those must be the ones set by the users so he/she 
can understand how he/she is controlling the behaviour of the program.

For exceptions I print the message but not the traceback. Across the 
code tag some important functions to put an extra message that will 
enhance the final message printed to the user.


For example:

for example in examples:
with enhance_exceptions(example, ...):

So if an exception is raised by foo(), enhance_exceptions() will attach 
to it useful information for the user from the example variable.

In the main, then I do the pretty print

If the user of the logs is me or any other developer I write more debugging 

My approach is to not log anything and when I have to debug something 
I use a debugger + some prints. When the issue is fixed I review which 
prints would be super useful and I turn them into logs and the rest is 

On Tue, Feb 08, 2022 at 09:40:07PM +0100, Marco Sulla wrote:

These are a lot of questions. I hope we're not off topic.
I don't know if mine are best practices. I can tell what I try to do.

On Tue, 8 Feb 2022 at 15:15, Lars Liedtke  wrote:

- On a line per line basis? on a function/method basis?

I usually log the start and end of functions. I could also log inside
a branch or in other parts of the function/method.

- Do you use decorators to mark beginnings and ends of methods/functions
in log files?

No, since I put the function parameters in the first log. But I think
that such a decorator it's not bad.

- Which kind of variable contents do you write into your logfiles? Of
course you shouldn't leak secrets...

Well, all the data that is useful to understand what the code is
doing. It's better to repeat the essential data to identify a specific
call in all the logs of the function, so if it is called
simultaneously by more clients you can distinguish them

- How do you decide, which kind of log message goes into which level?

It depends on the importance, the verbosity and the occurrences of the logs.

- How do you prevent logging cluttering your actual code?

I have the opposite problem, I should log more. So I can't answer your question.


Re: Waht do you think about my repeated_timer class

2022-02-04 Thread Martin Di Paola

In _run I first set the new timer and then I execute the function. So
that will go mostly OK.

Yes, that's correct however you are not taking into consideration the 
imprecision of the timers.

Timer will call the next _run() after self._interval *plus* some unknown 
arbitrary time (and extra delay).

Let's assume that when you setup an 1 sec Timer but the Timer calls 
_run() after 1.01 secs due this unknown extra delay.

The first time fn() should be called after 1 sec since the begin but it 
is called after 1.01 secs so the extra delay was of 0.01 sec.

The second time fn() should be called after 2 secs since the begin but 
it is called after 2.02 secs. The second fn() was delayed not by 0.01 
but by 0.02 secs.

The third fn() will be delayed by 0.03 secs and so on.

This arbitrary delay is very small however it will sum up on each 
iteration and depending of your application can be a serious problem.

I wrote a post about this and how to create "constant rate loops" which 
fixes this problem:


In the post I also describe two solutions (with their trade-offs) for 
when the target function fn() takes longer than the self._interval time.

See if it helps.


On Thu, Feb 03, 2022 at 11:41:42PM +0100, Cecil Westerhof via 
Python-list wrote:

Barry  writes:

On 3 Feb 2022, at 04:45, Cecil Westerhof via Python-list 

Have to be careful that timing keeps correct when target takes a 'lot'
of time.
Something to ponder about, but can wait.

You have noticed that your class does call the function at the repeat interval 
rather at the repeat interval plus processing time.

   def _next(self):
   self._timer = Timer(self._interval, self._run)

   def _run(self):

In _run I first set the new timer and then I execute the function. So
that will go mostly OK.

The way to fix this is to subtract the last processing elapsed time for the 
next interval.
Sort of a software phase locked loop.

Just before you call the run function record the time.time() as start_time.
Then you can calculate next_interval = max( .001, interval - time.time() - 
I use 1ms as the min interval.

But I am working on a complete rewrite to create a more efficient
class. (This means I have to change also the code that uses it.) There
I have to do something like you suggest. (I am already working on it.)

Personally I am also of the opinion that the function should finish in
less as 10% from the interval. (That was one of my rewrites.)

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof


[issue46537] zipfile crash on windows, detected during pip install pyodbc-4.0.32-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl

2022-01-26 Thread Martin Forster

Martin Forster  added the comment:

The wheel file was corrupt, due to git taking care of "CRLF/LF" conversion.
Sorry for the fuss

resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46537] zipfile crash on windows, detected during pip install pyodbc-4.0.32-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl

2022-01-26 Thread Martin Forster

Martin Forster  added the comment:

i opened a issue at pyodbc as well, 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46537] zipfile crash on windows, detected during pip install pyodbc-4.0.32-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl

2022-01-26 Thread Martin Forster

Martin Forster  added the comment:

it tried one built on my own, 
and the one from https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyodbc


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46537] zipfile crash on windows, detected during pip install pyodbc-4.0.32-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl

2022-01-26 Thread Martin Forster

New submission from Martin Forster :

pyth10n 3.10.1, windows x64  install of yodbc-4.0.32-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl 

 pos: 74196
 pos: 74226
 pos: -3
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError.
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 390, in run
installed = install_given_reqs(
line 73, in install_given_reqs
line 758, in install
 line 794, in install_wheel
 line 637, in _install_wheel
 line 404, in save
with self._zip_file.open(zipinfo) as f:
  File "C:\Python310\lib\zipfile.py", line 1520, in open
fheader = zef_file.read(sizeFileHeader)
  File "C:\Python310\lib\zipfile.py", line 743, in read
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

Please note i added the line 742 with the content: print(str(self) + ' pos: ' + 
str(self._pos) )

to help to find the root cause.
it Looks like that file.tell, returns a negative number, which kill file.seek.

components: Windows
messages: 411750
nosy: Martin-Forster, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: zipfile crash on windows, detected during pip install  
type: crash
versions: Python 3.10

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46517] Review exception handling in urllib

2022-01-25 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter  added the comment:

The linked code is for urllib.parse.urlencode, looking something like

if len(query) and not isinstance(query[0], tuple):
raise TypeError
except TypeError:
ty, va, tb = sys.exc_info()
raise TypeError("not a valid non-string sequence "
"or mapping object").with_traceback(tb)

I guess it raises twice so that the error message is not duplicated in the 
code. The author probably also wants the TypeError initially raised from the 
"len(query)" and "query[0]" operations to get the same "not a valid . . ." 

Regarding the OSError, originally it was catching socket.error and raising 
IOError. I guess someone only wanted the caller to have catch IOError and not 
need to import the socket module. Later these exception types became aliases of 
each other.

Anyway, the URLopener class is documented as deprecated, so is it really worth 
changing anything in that?

nosy: +martin.panter

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46375] io.BytesIO does not have peek()

2022-01-22 Thread Marcel Martin

Marcel Martin  added the comment:

I opened a PR, but I now wonder whether the missing peek() is by design.

First, I noticed that instead of using BytesIO directly, I can wrap the 
instance in an io.BufferedReader, which does have peek(). (It’s just a bit 

The second thing is that BytesIO is currently documented to inherit from 
BufferedIOBase, but if peek() is implemented, one could argue that BytesIO now 
should inherit from BufferedReader because it then has all the methods. And 
that seems to great a change from my perspective.

I’ll defer to someone more knowledgeable and do not mind at all if this issue 
is closed without action.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46375] io.BytesIO does not have peek()

2022-01-22 Thread Marcel Martin

Change by Marcel Martin :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +28996
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/30808

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: sharing data across Examples docstrings

2022-01-14 Thread Martin Di Paola


I understand that you want to share data across examples (docstrings) 
because you are running doctest to validate them (and test).

The doctest implementation evaluates each docstring separately without 
sharing the context so the short answer is "no".

This is a limitation of doctest but it is not the only testing engine 
that you can use.

You could use "byexample" ( https://byexamples.github.io ) which it 
shares the context by default.

byexample has more features and fixes other caveats of doctests, but 
don't take me too serious, I have a natural bias because I'm its author.

If you want to go with byexample, you may want to try its "doctest 
compatibility mode" first so you don't have to rewrite any test.

( https://byexamples.github.io/byexample/recipes/python-doctest )

Let me know if it is useful for you.


On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 04:09:57PM -0600, Sebastian Luque wrote:


I am searching for a mechanism for sharing data across Examples sections
in docstrings within a class.  For instance:

class Foo:

   def foo(self):
   """Method foo title

   The example generating data below may be much more laborious.

   >>> x = list("abc")  # may be very long and tedious to generate


   def bar(self):
   """Method bar title

   >>> # do something else with x from foo Example




[issue46375] io.BytesIO does not have peek()

2022-01-14 Thread Marcel Martin

New submission from Marcel Martin :

It would be great to be able to use peek() on BytesIO objects.

I have a function that gets passed a file-like object and uses peek() on it. 
This works for nearly all types of files relevant in my library, except BytesIO 
instances (which I use during testing), for which I need to add a small 
workaround using tell() and seek().

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 410552
nosy: marcelm
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: io.BytesIO does not have peek()
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.11

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46352] Steps To Do Arlo Setup

2022-01-11 Thread Jacob Martin

Change by Jacob Martin :

components: Installation
files: Arlo camera setup.jpg
nosy: jacobmartin717
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Steps To Do Arlo Setup
type: security
versions: Python 3.8
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50558/Arlo camera setup.jpg

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46319] datetime.utcnow() should return a timezone aware datetime

2022-01-09 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter  added the comment:

Perhaps this is a duplicate of Issue 12756?

nosy: +martin.panter
superseder:  -> datetime.datetime.utcnow should return a UTC timestamp

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Call julia from Python: which package?

2021-12-18 Thread Martin Di Paola
I played with Julia a few months ago. I was doing some data-science 
stuff with Pandas and the performance was terrible so I decided to give 
Julia a try.

My plan was to do the slow part in Julia and call it from Python.  
I tried juliacall (if I don't remember wrong) but I couldn't set up it.

It wasn't as smooth as it was advertised (but hey! you may have a better 
luck than me).

The other thing that I couldn't figure out is *how the data is shared 
between Python and Julia*. Basically numpy/pandas structures cannot be 
used by Julia own libraries as they are, they need to be copied at least 
and this can be a real performance hit.

I desisted the idea but you may still consider this as an real option.  
Just validate how much data you need to share (in my cases where quite 
large datasets, hence the issue).

Having said that, is Julia a real option? May be.

In my case the processing that I needed was quite basic and Julia did 
a really good job.

But I felt that the library is too fragmented. In Python you can relay 
on Pandas/numpy for processing and matplotlib/seaborn for plotting and 
you will 99% covered.

In Julia I need DataFrames.jl, Parquet.jl, CategoricalArrays.jl, 
StatsBase.jl, Statistics.jl and Peaks.jl

And I'm not including any plotting stuff.

This fragmentation is not just "inconvenient" because you need to 
install more packages but it is more difficult to code.

The API is not consistent so you need to be careful and double check 
that what you are calling is really doing what you think.

About the performance, Julia is not magic. It depends on how well it was 
coded each package.

In my case I had a good experience except with Parquet.jl which it 
didn't understand how to handle categories in the dataset and ended up 
loading a lot of duplicated strings and blew up the memory a few times.

I suggest you to write down what you need to speed up and see if it is 
implemented in Julia (do a proof of concept). Only then consider to do 
the switch.

Good luck and share your results!

On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 07:12:22AM -0800, Dan Stromberg wrote:

On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 7:02 AM Albert-Jan Roskam 


I have a Python program that uses Tkinter for its GUI. It's rather slow so
I hope to replace many or all of the non-GUI parts by Julia code. Has
anybody experience with this? Any packages you can recommend? I found three

* https://pyjulia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#
* https://pypi.org/project/juliacall/
* https://github.com/JuliaPy/PyCall.jl

Thanks in advance!

I have zero Julia experience.

I thought I would share this though:

Even if you go the Julia route, it's probably still best to profile your
Python code to identify the slow ("hot") spots, and rewrite only them.


[issue40059] Provide a toml module in the standard library

2021-12-13 Thread Martin Reboredo

Martin Reboredo  added the comment:

> Not officially, no. But I'm personally not going to bring it forward right 
> now. If someone else wants to formulate a complete proposal for the SC on 
> this then they are definitely welcome to! You will need to address where the 
> code is coming from, why that code should be used, what's the API, etc.
> The only reason the SC is mentioned here is there will be a discussion about 
> how to maintain the stdlib, but it simply hasn't happened yet. You don't have 
> to wait for it and asking for a TOML module might actually force the issue.

I've been working on a document detailing the API implementation (as a PEP 
draft) see https://gitlab.com/YakoYakoYokuYoku/pep-toml. Although I've yet to 
write the code I'll to move forward with it.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46062] In IDLE, 'File > Save As' seems not to allow creation of a new folder

2021-12-13 Thread Martin Whitehead

New submission from Martin Whitehead :

The problem: In both the IDLE shell and the editor,  'File > Save As' seems not 
to allow creation of a new folder.  

My system: 
IDLE v3.8.10 (64 bit)
Python 3.8.10 Tk version 8.6.10
Linus Mint  20.2 Uma (64 bit), which is based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

assignee: terry.reedy
components: IDLE
messages: 408437
nosy: suffolkpunch, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: In IDLE,  'File > Save As' seems not to allow creation of a new folder
versions: Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40059] Provide a toml module in the standard library

2021-12-11 Thread Martin Reboredo

Martin Reboredo  added the comment:

A new python-ideas mail thread was created for this, you can check it out at 

nosy: +YakoYakoYokuYoku

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: threading and multiprocessing deadlock

2021-12-06 Thread Martin Di Paola

Hi!, in short your code should work.

I think that the join-joined problem is just an interpretation problem.

In pseudo code the background_thread function does:

def background_thread()
  # bla
  # bla

When running this function in parallel using threads, you will probably
get a few "join?" first before receiving any "joined?". That is because
the functions are running in parallel.

The order "join?" then "joined" is preserved within a thread but not
preserved globally.

Now, I see another issue in the output (and perhaps you was asking about 
this one):


So you have 4 "join?" that correspond to the 4 background_thread 
function calls in threads but only 2 "myfnc" and 2 "joined".

Could be possible that the output is truncated by accident?

I ran the same program and I got a reasonable output (4 "join?", "myfnc" 
and "joined"):


Another issue that I see is that you are not joining the threads that 
you spawned (background_thread functions).

I hope that this can guide you to fix or at least narrow the issue.


On Mon, Dec 06, 2021 at 12:50:11AM +0100, Johannes Bauer wrote:

Hi there,

I'm a bit confused. In my scenario I a mixing threading with
multiprocessing. Threading by itself would be nice, but for GIL reasons
I need both, unfortunately. I've encountered a weird situation in which
multiprocessing Process()es which are started in a new thread don't
actually start and so they deadlock on join.

I've created a minimal example that demonstrates the issue. I'm running
on x86_64 Linux using Python 3.9.5 (default, May 11 2021, 08:20:37)
([GCC 10.3.0] on linux).

Here's the code:

import time
import multiprocessing
import threading

def myfnc():

def run(result_queue, callback):
result = callback()

def start(fnc):
def background_thread():
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
proc = multiprocessing.Process(target = run, args = (queue, 
result = queue.get()
threading.Thread(target = background_thread).start()

while True:

What you'll see is that "join?" and "joined." nondeterministically does
*not* appear in pairs. For example:


What's worse is that when this happens and I Ctrl-C out of Python, the
started Thread is still running in the background:

$ ps ax | grep minimal
370167 pts/0S  0:00 python3 minimal.py
370175 pts/2S+ 0:00 grep minimal

Can someone figure out what is going on there?



[Python-announce] [RELEASE] pyspread 2.0.1

2021-11-27 Thread Martin Manns

pyspread 2.0.1

This is a bugfix release for pyspread 2.0.

Bug fixes:
 * Font tests removed because of frequent issues with Debian's font 
aliasing system

 * Outdated information regarding SVG export removed from documentation

About pyspread

Pyspread is a non-traditional spreadsheet that is based on and written
in the programming language Python.

The goal of pyspread is to be the most pythonic spreadsheet application.

Pyspread is free software. It is released under the GPL v3.

Project website:   https://pyspread.gitlab.io/
Download page: https://pypi.org/project/pyspread/
Signature for tarball:

Source code:   https://gitlab.com/pyspread/pyspread


 * Python (≥ 3.6)
 * numpy (>=1.1)
 * PyQt5 (≥ 5.10, requires PyQt5.Svg)
 * setuptools (>=40.0)
 * markdown2 (>= 2.3)

 * matplotlib (>=1.1.1)
 * pyenchant (>=1.1)
 * pip (>=18)
 * python-dateutil (>= 2.7.0)

For building the apidocs with Sphinx see apidocs/requirements.txt



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[issue43656] TracebackException or StackSummary.extract with capture_locals=True fail to catch exceptions raised by repr() on value of frame local variable in FrameSummary.__init__.

2021-11-25 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

Thanks for your definitive answer, this is what I was waiting for.

I understand and I totally agree that subclassing is the way to go to make 
traceback more flexible.

Would you mind linking the other issues concerning the general improvement of 


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[issue43656] TracebackException or StackSummary.extract with capture_locals=True fail to catch exceptions raised by repr() on value of frame local variable in FrameSummary.__init__.

2021-11-25 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

Irit, would you be able to take a look at the patch?


I found another application scenario for the patch: In Numpy and Pandas, the 
assert_* functions in testing have a __tracebackhide__ local that advises 
pytest to hide the frame. With the patch in place, we could at least not 
display any locals if __tracebackhide__ is present.


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[Python-announce] [RELEASE] pyspread 2.0

2021-11-22 Thread Martin Manns

pyspread 2.0

This is the first stable release of pyspread that runs under Python 3 

Apart from version changes and release file updates, it is feature
identical with version 1.99.8.

About pyspread

Pyspread is a non-traditional spreadsheet that is based on and written
in the programming language Python.

The goal of pyspread is to be the most pythonic spreadsheet application.

Pyspread is free software. It is released under the GPL v3.

Project website:   https://pyspread.gitlab.io/
Download page: https://pypi.org/project/pyspread/
Signature for tarball:

Source code:   https://gitlab.com/pyspread/pyspread


 * Python (≥ 3.6)
 * numpy (>=1.1)
 * PyQt5 (≥ 5.10, requires PyQt5.Svg)
 * setuptools (>=40.0)
 * markdown2 (>= 2.3)

 * matplotlib (>=1.1.1)
 * pyenchant (>=1.1)
 * pip (>=18)
 * python-dateutil (>= 2.7.0)

For building the apidocs with Sphinx see apidocs/requirements.txt



Python-announce-list mailing list -- python-announce-list@python.org
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Member address: arch...@mail-archive.com

Re: Alternatives to Jupyter Notebook

2021-11-16 Thread Martin Schöön
Den 2021-11-15 skrev Loris Bennett :
> Martin Schöön  writes:
>> Den 2021-10-20 skrev Shaozhong SHI :
>>> My Jupyter notebook becomes unresponsive in browsers.
>> Odd, I never had any problems like that. I use Firefox on Linux.
>>> Are there alternatives to read, edit and run Jupyter Notebook?
>> I know some people use emacs orgmode. I have never tried it
>> myself and do not know how well it works.
> I don't know Jupyter well enough to know whether Org mode is a real
> alternative.  However, with Org mode you can combine text and code in
> multiple languages, run the code within Emacs and then export the
> results in various formats such as PDF and HTML.
I realise I was not making myself clear. Orgmode is great. Full stop.

What I don't have experience of is combining orgmode with Jupyter.


Re: Alternatives to Jupyter Notebook

2021-11-14 Thread Martin Schöön
Den 2021-10-20 skrev Shaozhong SHI :
> My Jupyter notebook becomes unresponsive in browsers.
Odd, I never had any problems like that. I use Firefox on Linux.

> Are there alternatives to read, edit and run Jupyter Notebook?
I know some people use emacs orgmode. I have never tried it
myself and do not know how well it works.


[issue43656] TracebackException or StackSummary.extract with capture_locals=True fail to catch exceptions raised by repr() on value of frame local variable in FrameSummary.__init__.

2021-11-10 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

Thanks Joe!

> 1. The changes are sufficient to let the user make things work the way it is 
> requested that they work and anyone who does not start using the new 
> format_locals parameter will get the old behavior.

That was my goal :)

> 2. A side comment: I just noticed that the docstring for 
> FrameSummary.__init__ does not document the filename, lineno, and name 
> parameters.  Perhaps this could be fixed at the same time?

I agree and already updated the pull request.

> 3. The new parameter format_locals is slightly confusingly named, because it 
> does not format a single string from all the locals but instead gives a 
> dictionary of strings with one string for each local.

I think format_locals is OK here (local*s*: plural), but I'm open to better 

> 4. I personally think it would be better to include something like the 
> example value for format_locals as an extra attribute of the traceback module 
> so everybody doesn't have to write the same function.  That said, the 
> documented example is sufficient.

I sort of agree, but I also don't know what such a general-purpose function 
would entail. Suggestions?

> 5. It is not clear to me why this stringify-ing of the locals can't be done 
> in StackSummary._extract_from_extended_frame_gen.  It passes the dictionary 
> of locals and also the function to transform it to FrameSummary.  It would 
> make more sense to transform it first.  I suppose there might be some user 
> somewhere who is directly calling FrameSummary so the interface needs to stay.

I agree! In principle, FrameSummary has been little more than a container 
without (much) logic of its own.
Memory efficiency requires that that FrameSummary does not hold references to 
the original locals, thats why repr() was used.
I think as well that it would have been better to keep FrameSummary as a mere 
container and do the conversion of the locals elsewhere.
But at this point, this shouldn't be changed anymore.

> 6. I fantasize that the new format_locals parameter would have access to the 
> frame object.  In order for this to happen, the frame object would have to be 
> passed to FrameSummary instead of the 3 values (locals, name, filename) that 
> are extracted from it.  I think the current interface of FrameSummary was 
> designed to interoperate with very old versions of Python.  Oh well.

Do you have a use case for that? I have no clue what you would do with the 
frame object at this point.

> 7. If anyone wanted to ever refactor FrameSummary (e.g., to enable my fantasy 
> in point #6 just above), it becomes harder after this.  This change has the 
> effect of exposing details of the interface of FrameSummary to users of 
> StackSummary.extract and TracebackException.  The four parameters that the 
> new parameter format_locals takes are most of the parameters of FrameSummary.

Previously, I totally misread your request to "not just the local variable 
values, but also the name of the local variable and maybe also the stack frame 
it is in". This is why I included filename, lineno and name as parameters to 
format_locals which now seems totally useless to me and I'll remove them (if 
nobody objects).


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[issue43656] TracebackException or StackSummary.extract with capture_locals=True fail to catch exceptions raised by repr() on value of frame local variable in FrameSummary.__init__.

2021-11-09 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

I improved the example in traceback.rst to illustrate how format_locals works.


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[issue43656] TracebackException or StackSummary.extract with capture_locals=True fail to catch exceptions raised by repr() on value of frame local variable in FrameSummary.__init__.

2021-11-09 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

Just to avoid misunderstandings: My pull request is not at all about silencing 
exceptions. It is about customizing the output of the traceback module. (Just 
like the introduction of capture_locals previously: #22936)

(-X capture_locals, on the other hand, is a hypothetical idea that might help 
with debugging, but we don't have to discuss this now.)

My main argument for the proposed change is that traceback is useless in 
certain situations, because capture_locals is not "robust" (it *might* raise 
exceptions; I could handle these in the calling code but that would again hide 
the stack trace that I was about to investigate) and might dump sensitive data 
like passwords into logfiles (msg237320, msg237323).

Nothing is taken away or hidden, but flexibility is added.

(The only other option to resolve these issues would be to re-implement much of 
the current functionality of traceback in a third-party module, which would 
lead to maintainability problems and fragmentation.)

nosy: +rbcollins

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[issue43656] TracebackException or StackSummary.extract with capture_locals=True fail to catch exceptions raised by repr() on value of frame local variable in FrameSummary.__init__.

2021-11-08 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

I see two scenarious discussed here:

Scenario 1 (Offline / Batch-Mode):
A system runs user-supplied jobs that may fail. In the case of an error, the 
system shouldn't crash but rather store a maximally helpful message and carry 
on with the next job. Most likely, the relevant information is the situation 
that lead to the error in the first place, not that repr() has also gone wrong 
as a result.

This could be a a system to automatically test the homework code of your 
students. Or, like in my case, a framework that runs experiments. You would 
very likely want a system that does not crash if a __repr__ is wrongly 
implemented but prints a readable traceback and carries on with the next job.

Here, format_locals could be used to fall back to a different representation of 
an object if repr() fails.

This is the use case that my pull request tries to address primarily.

Scenario 2 (Online / Write, Test, Repeat):
A user frequently rewrites and executes their code until the desired outcome 
Errors inevitably happen. In this case, a maximally helpful stack trace is 
needed. Again, the relevant information is the situation that lead to the error 
in the first place, not that repr() has also gone wrong as a result.

Yes, it would be hard for unexperienced users to come up with 
StackSummary.extract(format_locals=...) by themselves.
But, the correct way would be to use a debugger anyway, not some hand-written 
code to print exceptions on the fly.

However, if your students receive a template file where they fill in missing 
function bodies etc, there might already be a substantial amount of code which 
they don't understand at first, nor do they need to care. Therefore, a piece of 
code that formats exceptions nicely would hurt here.

I think the most useful change for Scenario 2 (if, for some reason, a proper 
debugger is not an option) could be to add a command line option (e.g. -X 
capture_locals) so that a complete stack trace is printed if an exception 
bubbles up to interpreter level. (Here, it wouldn't hurt to handle exceptions 
in repr() because the interpreter already stopped exection anyway.)
This option would be very easy to teach to inexperienced users.

My pull request would provide preparation for this more extensive change.


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[issue39228] traceback.FrameSummary does not handle exceptions from `repr()`

2021-11-07 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

I submitted a pull request for the related issue43656:


It introduces a format_locals parameter that enables the customized formatting 
of a FrameSummary.

This way, a user of traceback could provide a function that handles exceptions 
within __repr__ if necessary.


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[issue41544] multiprocessing.dummy.Process lacks daemon parameter

2021-11-07 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

Could someone have a look at my pull request? I have trouble with the tests.


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[issue41544] multiprocessing.dummy.Process lacks daemon parameter

2021-11-07 Thread Martin

Change by Martin :

nosy: +davin, pitrou
type:  -> behavior

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[issue43656] TracebackException or StackSummary.extract with capture_locals=True fail to catch exceptions raised by repr() on value of frame local variable in FrameSummary.__init__.

2021-11-07 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

Could the participants of this issue please have a look at my pull request:


What do you like, what don't you like? Does it work for your use case?


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[issue45665] Problems caused by isinstance(list[int], type) returning True

2021-11-01 Thread Martin Rueckl

Martin Rueckl  added the comment:

Sorry for the noise: 
- Literal['a', 'b'],
- TypeVar('T')
Behave like Optional/Union


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[issue45665] Problems caused by isinstance(list[int], type) returning True

2021-11-01 Thread Martin Rueckl

Martin Rueckl  added the comment:

One thing that probably should be considered in this context:

isinstance(arg, type) == issubclass(type(arg), type)

Holds True for arg in (Optional[X], Union[X, Y]). Both sides evaluate to False. 

While I still think both sides evaluating to True would be more intuitive, this 
supports the proposed change.

Small test snippet:

from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple, Optional, Union

import pytest

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', [
list, List[int], list[int],
dict, Dict[str, int], dict[str, int],
set, Set[int], set[int],
tuple, Tuple[str, int], tuple[str, int],
Union[int, str]
def test_invariant(arg):
same = isinstance(arg, type) == issubclass(type(arg), type)
result = "Check" if same else "Failed"
print(f"\n{result}: Testing: {arg=} with {type(arg)=}: {isinstance(arg, 
type)=} <> {issubclass(type(arg), type)=}")
assert same


Any other commonly used annotations that could be added to the checklist?

nosy: +martinitus

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Re: walrus with a twist :+

2021-10-29 Thread Bob Martin
On 28 Oct 2021 at 18:52:26, "Avi Gross"  wrote:
> Ages ago, IBM used a different encoding than ASCII called EBCDIC (Extended
> Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code ) which let them use all 8 bits and
> thus add additional symbols. =B1  =A6  =AC

IBM started using EBCDIC with System 360 and it is still used on mainframes.


[issue23597] Allow easy display of local variables in log messages?

2021-10-29 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

In this pull request[1] I introduced a `format_locals` which can be provided to 
customize the serialization of the local variables of each frame. This could be 
used to filter out variables with certain names, for example. In this context, 
you could use a certain naming convention for variables with sensitive 
information and filter them out:

def _format_locals(filename, lineno, name, locals):
return {k: repr(v) for k,v in locals.items() if not 

traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e, capture_locals=True, 

(This should be exactly what Robert was suggesting.)

[1] https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/29299

keywords: +patch
message_count: 3.0 -> 4.0
nosy: +moi90
nosy_count: 4.0 -> 5.0
pull_requests: +27572
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/29299

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[issue43656] TracebackException or StackSummary.extract with capture_locals=True fail to catch exceptions raised by repr() on value of frame local variable in FrameSummary.__init__.

2021-10-28 Thread Martin

Change by Martin :

pull_requests: +27563
stage: resolved -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/29299

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[issue43656] TracebackException or StackSummary.extract with capture_locals=True fail to catch exceptions raised by repr() on value of frame local variable in FrameSummary.__init__.

2021-10-28 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

Once again a very good summary, thanks Joe!

> it would be quite useful if this function parameter was given not just the 
> local variable values, but also the name of the local variable and maybe also 
> the stack frame it is in

So this would be something like `format_locals(filename, lineno, name, locals) 
-> dict[str,str]` that could be used inside FrameSummary.__init__. I like that!

I wouldn't bother with detecting un-repr-able objects in Python itself, but if 
the above `format_locals` was implemented, you could easily prepare such a 
formatter for your students that hides `self` et al. and/or catch exceptions 
during `repr` to your liking.

What is needed to get an OK for such a change?


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Re: The task is to invent names for things

2021-10-28 Thread Martin Di Paola

IMHO, I prefer really weird names.

For example if I'm not sure how to name a class that I'm coding, I name it
like XXXYYY (literally). Really ugly.

This is a way to avoid the so called "naming paralysis".

Once I finish coding the class I look back and it should be easy to see "what
it does" and from there, the correct name.

If the "what it does" results in multiple things I refactor it, splitting it
into two or more pieces and name each separately.

Some people prefer using more generic names like "Manager", "Helper",
"Service" but those names are problematic.

Yes, they fit in any place but that's the problem. If I'm coding a class and I
name it as "FooHelper", I may not realize later that the class is doing too
many things (unrelated things), because "it is a helper".

The thing gets wrong with the time; I bet that most of us saw a "Helper" class
with thousands of lines (~5000 lines was my record) that just grows over time.

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 12:41:56PM +0200, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

Am Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 11:36:33PM + schrieb Stefan Ram:

xyzzy = lambda x: 2 * x

  . Sometimes, this can even lead to "naming paralysis", where
  one thinks excessively long about a good name. To avoid this
  naming paralysis, one can start out with a mediocre name. In
  the course of time, often a better name will come to one's mind.

In that situation, is it preferable to choose a nonsensical
name over a mediocre one ?

GPG  40BE 5B0E C98E 1713 AFA6  5BC0 3BEA AC80 7D4F C89B


[issue45438] inspect not capturing type annotations created by __class_getitem__

2021-10-26 Thread Martin Rueckl

Martin Rueckl  added the comment:

Just my two cents as a new contributor but long time user:

- isinstance(list[int], type) returning False seems incredibly un-intuitive to 
me. I always see generics (e.g. list without type parameter) as higher kinded 
types, where passing a type argument via [] turns the hkt into a concrete type.

- Backporting to 3.9 and 3.10 should be no issue

- I am not deep enough in pythons type system to judge whether my PR is 
consistent/good. I really just tried out what works and "feels consistent".


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[issue43656] TracebackException or StackSummary.extract with capture_locals=True fail to catch exceptions raised by repr() on value of frame local variable in FrameSummary.__init__.

2021-10-26 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

Irit, I'm unsure about the wording. Something like ":meth:`__repr__` should 
always succeed, even if errors prevent a full description of the object."? "... 
even if the object is only partly initialized."?

Andrei, I think you can not simply omit the first argument. For virtually all 
methods, `self` is an important value for debugging. It could be omitted for 
__init__, but that would break consistency. Also, __init__ could call other 
methods that help initialize the object and therefore also deal with partly 
initialized objects.

I really think one important part of the solution to this problem is making 
people aware, that under some rare conditions, repr might receive a partly 
initialized object.

I'm also still convinced that the other part of the solution is a way to 
customize the behavior of StackSummary.extract and friends.
Context: I have written a tool (https://github.com/moi90/experitur) to run 
batches of (machine learning) experiments (so it is not interactive). In case 
of an error, the traceback is dumped into a file, together with the respective 
local variables (using 
`traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(...).format()`). I want this to 
succeed *in any case*, even if I was too ignorant to implement correct 
`__repr__`s in my experiment code (which is mostly on-time-use, so why should I 

In the end, this whole problem only affects users of `capture_locals=True`, so 
we could just change the semantics of this parameter a bit:
False: do nothing, True: use repr (as before), : use this 
callable to convert the value to a string.
This way, we could avoid adding an additional parameter to many of the methods 
in traceback AND give users an easy way to customize exception formatting for 
easy debugging.


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[issue45438] inspect not capturing type annotations created by __class_getitem__

2021-10-25 Thread Martin Rueckl

Martin Rueckl  added the comment:

I just created a PR and signed the contributor agreement. Waiting for it to 
update :-) Comments welcome!


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[issue45438] inspect not capturing type annotations created by __class_getitem__

2021-10-25 Thread Martin Rueckl

Change by Martin Rueckl :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +27476
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/29212

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[issue45438] inspect not capturing type annotations created by __class_getitem__

2021-10-25 Thread Martin Rueckl

Martin Rueckl  added the comment:

Can confirm for 3.9.7 as well.

nosy: +martinitus

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[issue43656] TracebackException or StackSummary.extract with capture_locals=True fail to catch exceptions raised by repr() on value of frame local variable in FrameSummary.__init__.

2021-10-25 Thread Martin

Martin  added the comment:

> Can we determine if they came from an initialized object or from object in 
> the middle of initialization?

That would be very nice because inside __init__ is the only place where we have 
to deal with partly initialized objects. But I think Python does not provide a 
way to detect this state.

Although I would very much like having FrameSummary robust to any kind error, I 
acknowledge that this might not be possible.

It might be frustrating for beginners, but I think the only way to "fix" this, 
is by having people implement their `repr`s correctly.

The documentation currently says[1]:

> This is typically used for debugging, so it is important that the 
> representation is information-rich and unambiguous.

It should be added that __repr__ might be used to display partly initialized 
objects during debugging and therefore should deal with these gracefully.

[1] https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.__repr__


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[issue45585] Gzipping subprocess output produces invalid .gz file

2021-10-23 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter  added the comment:

The subprocess module only uses the file object to get a file handle by calling 
the "fileno" method. See Issue 19992 about documenting this. For Python to 
compress the output of the child process, you would need a pipe.

Gzip file objects provide the "fileno" method, but it just returns the 
underlying file descriptor. Data written to that file descriptor would normally 
already be compressed by Python and goes straight to the OS. There is also 
Issue 24358 opened about whether "fileno" should be implemented.

nosy: +martin.panter

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