Re: conda/anaconda and pip3 (pip)

2018-12-08 Thread Monte Milanuk

Did you find any solution(s)?


Re: Simple graphic library for beginners

2018-01-12 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 2018-01-11 12:37, Oivvio Polite wrote:

On ons, jan 10, 2018 at 01:40:28 +0100, Jan Erik Moström wrote:

I'm looking for a really easy to use graphic library. The target users are
teachers who have never programmed before and is taking a first (and
possible last) programming course.

I do a two day workshop for design and illustration students once a year
and use Processing ( for it. It's a programming
tool primarly for visual artists. The original version uses a subset of
Java but there is also a python mode ( I've
found it quite appropriate for an educational setting.

I was going to suggest p5.js... the tutorials on YouTube under 'The 
Coding Train' are pretty helpful.


Re: how to setup for localhost:8000

2016-04-17 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 2016-04-16 15:35, wrote:

When you type http://localhost:8000, do you see something in the
console after the line  "Serving HTTP on port 8000 ..." ?

If the server actually serves requests on port 8000 you should see
a log message such as - - [15/Apr/2016 20:57:32] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Hi Pierre,

When I type http://localhost:8000, I did not see anything in the
console after the line "Serving HTTP on port 8000 ... I
believe the way I ran was not correct as shown below:

python -m http.server

Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

Also if I use internet Explorer, it shows HTTP 404 errors. Do you
think the way I am doing of the localhost:8000 setting was not

Do you have any anti-virus programs running?  Its possible they may be 
interfering with letting your python installation open a server on the 
local host at all, or with letting your browser access it, if it is running.

What I get in the console looks like this:

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\Monte Milanuk> python -m http.server
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

...and then once I open a browser window to 'localhost:8000', I get the 
following in the console: - - [17/Apr/2016 09:21:49] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Which is the python http.server telling you that it responded to a 
request from, completion code (200), etc.  If you're not 
seeing that, and you're instead getting 404 codes in the browswer 
window, something on your machine is blocking it from seeing the server.

You might try '' instead of 'localhost:8000' in the 
browser window, or you might try specifying different interface or port 
numbers for the server when you start it.  It *should* 'just work' as 
is, with the basic 'python -m http.server' command, but obviously it 
isn't, for whatever reason.


Re: Network/multi-user program

2014-07-22 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-22, Lele Gaifax wrote:
 On the other hand, it has good and extensive examples, so the learning
 curve is not so steep (I'm clearly biased here, but I introduced several
 young developers to that environment and that's what they said too).

Any experience with angular js?  Browsing the web showed a few mentions
of it vs. ext js.  Mostly I'm still at the curious stage on this...
either one is completely foreign to anything I've done before.

 Anyway, don't be scared: start on the Python side, laying down the
 foundations of the application, the database model, the main business
 logic, unit and functional tests, and so on. Any kind of frontend, be it
 a traditional desktop application or a web based one will build on that.

Well... thats part of where my lack of experience with js or complex
projects using anything other than just python is going to show:
initially I thought javascript was just for buttons/effects in the
client browser as thats all the trivial examples I looked at years ago
did.  The bits n pieces I'm seeing of these 'modern' javascript MVC
frameworks like sencha, angular, etc. is making me think that a lot of
the 'work' is moving from the server to the client via the javascript...
which just blurs the heck out of things and confuses me as to what
should be in the browser and what should be on the 'server'?  And where
the testing goes?  If more of the 'heavy lifting' is being done on the
client, is there a need for a full-service python framework like django
or would something lightweight like flask be more appropriate?  Again, I
know almost nothing about pyramid and where it falls into the mix.  I
can read the propaganda on their respective web sites, but that is
necessarily skewed. :/



Re: Removing xml element and strip extra space

2014-07-22 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-22, varun bhatnagar wrote:
 I want to strip the space between *nodePeriod* and */nodeInfo*
 Can anyone suggest a way out to do that?

Look at str.rstrip() - by default it removes trailing whitespace
including carriage returns.


Re: Removing xml element and strip extra space

2014-07-22 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-22, varun bhatnagar wrote:
 I just want to scrape out nodeBase base=0 /
 But the way I have written my xsl file it is removing it but it is also
 leaving a blank space there. I want my output to look like this:

This is the part where a certain amount of example code showing what
you're doing would probably help people diagnose where the problem is...


Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-22 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-22, ismeal shanshi wrote:
 Herion,,Actavis promethazine codeine 16oz and 32oz available Ketamine 
 Oxycontine Hydrocodone xanax and medicated marijuana US- free shipping and 
 other related products for sell at competitive prices.We do world wide 
 shipping to any clear 

 address.Delivery is 100% safe due to our discreetness and experience.Try our 
 quality and experience then have a story to tell 

 another day.

 Email Address:stuffstorehouse2014 (AT)
 CONTACT NUMBER: (407)-4852249 * Pleas text me only

Aaaannnd here we have a good example of why it would be really nice to
be able to filter/score based on the message *body*, not just the
headers. 8(

All right, breaks over.  Back on your heads! ;)

Reach me @ memilanuk at gmail dot com


Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-22 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-22, Grant Edwards invalid@invalid.invalid wrote:
 On 2014-07-22, Monte Milanuk wrote:
 On 2014-07-22, ismeal shanshi wrote:
 [drugs for sale]

 Aaaannnd here we have a good example of why it would be really nice
 to be able to filter/score based on the message *body*, not just the
 headers. 8(

 slrn filtered that out just fine based on headers alone, thank you.

 So, I didn't see it at all until you quoted the whole thing.

 Here's the relevent slrn scoring rule:

 Score:: =-
Message-ID: .*

True... but what if I don't want to be quite that elitist and black-ball
every one posting via google groups?  Some mailing lists I read via
gmane *originate* on google groups (web2py list, for one).  Other people
posting from google groups are not malicious/trolls/jerks/spammers - and
honestly until I started using slrn again, I didn't understand what all
the fuss was about - gui news readers like Thunderbird handle the
messages from there just fine.  

Maybe slrn needs an upgrade to gracefully handle html formatted messages 
- good bad or otherwise, they're pretty much here to stay, kind of like 
google groups.  There are programs like lynx, elinks, etc. that can 
handle simple html via a cli program... so its not entirely beyond the 
realm of possibility.

All right, breaks over.  Back on your heads! ;)

Reach me @ memilanuk at gmail dot com


Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-21 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-21, Paul Rudin wrote:
 Sturla Molden writes: wrote:

 That doesn't address the problem at all! :-)  You still need a news

 The problem was that Thunderbird does not support killfiles when used as a
 newsreader. Leafnode adds filtering capabilities which Thunderbird
 (supposedly) does not have.

 There are plenty of non-Thunderbird news clients...

But relatively few GUI clients on Linux... which was what I was looking


Re: PyWart(2.7.8) IDLE is more buggy than Joe's apartment!

2014-07-21 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-21, Shiyao Ma wrote:
 But really interested in the invalid@invalid.invalid mailing address.
 And,,, obviously, I cannot send to invalid@invalid.invalid, so

 How does you(he) make this?

Some usenet clients, such as slrn which it looks like Grant is using
according to the message header, support using different addresses for
'From:' and 'Reply-To:', and the comments in the default .slrnrc config
file recommend using some form of 'invalid' in your 'From:' address to
cut down on spam.  Looks like Grant took that quite literally ;)

Not sure if it really matters... probably can't hurt...



Network/multi-user program

2014-07-21 Thread Monte Milanuk
So... this is a fairly general / hypothetical question, and I'm more
looking for direction than specifics - though it may be useful as well.

I need to create a particular application for administering a sporting
event.  95% (and this may be understating the case) of the 'users' would 
likely be single-machine, single user scenarios.  For those exceptions 
(which are important enough that I'm concerned over them) there would be
one person 'administering' the event and a small number of others
(probably 5, no more than 10) doing basic data entry - competitor
registration and later entering scores.  Before (setting up event), in
between (squadding competitors based on classification, equipment,
available positions on relays, etc.) and taking care of final reports
for awards, etc. would be done only from the main program.  The
end-users are likely not tech-saavy, and most likely running Windows or
maybe a Mac.  Being able to do the data entry from a tablet would be
nice but by no means necessary.  Installation needs to be as
stone-simple as possible - running from a pre-configured USB stick or a
browser would be ideal.  Use would be over small wired or wi-fi LAN
enviroment - no exposure to Internet.

Given that the vast majority of the 'work' is going to be done on one
computer by one user, but wanting to retain the flexibility/ability to
later have addtional 'clients' connect for data entry purposes... I'm
trying to decide what would be a better option:  create a stand-alone
GUI desktop app and figure out how to create a separate 'client'
program that can connect and perform basic CRUD operations, or start out
with some sort of web framework and have everything literally run from
the 'server' via a browser-based interface.  The scope of the project in
terms of users appears to be small enough that using something like
sqlite would be feasible (the data entry clients would not be working on
the same records), and the small development web servers that most
projects like web2py, flask, django come with should (maybe?) be able to
carry the (minimal) load as well. 

Having to throw html/css/js plus browser compatibility issues on top of 
everything else starts making the project look a whole lot bigger than 
I'm comfortable with... but on the other hand I have no idea how to go
about connecting a client app to a running GUI program either.  The
whole project is fairly ambitious for my current skill level (basically
small addressbook/task-list type apps) but I figured I'd have to
stretch/grow a bit either way I go.

So I guess I'm asking for advice or simplified examples of how to
go about connecting a client desktop app to a parent/master desktop app,
so I can get some idea of how big of a task I'm looking at here, and
whether that would be more or less difficult than trying to do the
equivalent job using a web framework.




Re: Network/multi-user program

2014-07-21 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-21, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 2:07 AM, Monte Milanuk wrote:
 So I guess I'm asking for advice or simplified examples of how to
 go about connecting a client desktop app to a parent/master desktop app,
 so I can get some idea of how big of a task I'm looking at here, and
 whether that would be more or less difficult than trying to do the
 equivalent job using a web framework.

 Easier way: Don't have a master desktop app, but instead have a
 master database. Since you're posting this to python-list, I'll assume
 you currently intend writing this in Python; you can make a really
 simple transition from single-user-single-desktop to a networked
 system, although of course you'll want to think in terms of multiple
 users from the start.

So... if everybody is using the same application to access the same
database, how would you prevent say, a data entry user from accidentally
breaking something above their pay-grade?  Set up some sort of
role-based privilege system to limit them to write access for some
portions and read-only for others?




Re: Network/multi-user program

2014-07-21 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-21, Lele Gaifax wrote:
 I manage small events with a single notebook and a low cost printer,
 without network connection, while major events with a network connection
 may be managed online. 

 You can try it out at, using guest/guest as

Wow.  I have no idea how the game/events run, but that is a very nice
looking program!  

How hard was it to migrate from a desktop app to what you have now?
Would you recommend this route for someone starting out?



Re: Network/multi-user program

2014-07-21 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-21, Lele Gaifax wrote:
 Monte Milanuk writes:
 How hard was it to migrate from a desktop app to what you have now?

 Well, basically I rewrote everything, there's nothing in common. The
 original application was written in Delphi, using Paradox tables, no
 i18n, no multiuser, no PDF printouts... On the other hand, with Python
 is far easier to get something working, and databasing with SQLAlchemy
 is a pleasure. On the frontend, ExtJS is impressive, even if it has its
 own drawbacks.

Any hints/opinions on what those drawbacks might be?  I know literally
almost nothing about JS.  I worked thru a short generic tutorial a couple
years ago, but nothing like these libraries I see people talking about
now like jquery, angular, ext, and so on.  Hence my hesitation at adding
another learning curve on top of python and the various libraries needed
for this first 'real' project.



Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-20 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-20, Chris Angelico wrote:
  Ctrl-X in Angband,

Ah-HAH!  I've been trying to remember what the name was of an old CLI
game that I used to play via a dialup ssh connection (using PuTTY) to a account (they ran on NetBSD).  Screen was my friend due to
dropped connections, and I eventually moved from pine/pico to
mutt/slrn/vim/bitchx (though to be honest I never warmed up to mutt all that
much) until I got a Mac (OS X) and then later started dual-booting my
PCs with Linux.  Angband was the name of the game I played back then... sweet!


Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-19 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-19, Martin S wrote:
 Is there a point to still use Usenet? Last time I checked noise overwhelm
 ed signal by a factor of something close to 542.


Fair enough question.  Seems like a lot of usenet groups have become
spam-fests, and using it to d/l various binaries of questionable origin
seems to be the major 'driving force' for a lot of people any more - for
pure usenet.  As others point out, you can filter the spam fairly easily
with a good client program.  You don't get (as much of) that kind of
spam in forums, depending on the authentication process and the
vigilance of the forum staff/moderators.  I used to subscribe to a bunch
of different Linux and programming-related mailing lists... some of
which could run to several hundred messages per month *each*.  Yeah,
decent filters and storage can mute a lot of that, but not as
effeciently as reading the groups via which provides a
mail2news gateway for a lot of mailing lists like this one.  I don't
have to receive or store all those messages anymore (most of which I
skim the subject and then mark as read).

That said, the irony that there seems to be a distinct *lack* of GUI 
usenet reader programs for Linux just kills me. Seems like its either Pan, 
or knode if you're into KDE.  Otherwise... you get to go dredge up old
CLI programs like this one (slrn).  Works pretty well (better than I
remember, actually) but still... having to exit the program and restart
it to open a different server is *very* old-school :/


Re: OT: usenet reader software

2014-07-19 Thread Monte Milanuk
On 2014-07-19, wrote:
 memilanuk wrote:
 Guess where I'm going with this is... is there anything out there worth 
 trying - on Linux - that I'm missing?
 If slrn was a maybe then there's also tin for text mode news readers,
 it's what I have always used.  I don't know what it does with HTML as
 none of the groups I frequent ever have any HTML in them.

 It does add one 'GUIness' to its text mode, it's mouse aware so you
 can click on messages in a list to open them.

slrn does have that option as well... just needs turned on (its off by
default) in the config file.  I seem to recall it not working so hot...
but I tried it on a link in a post last night and it worked like a

For whatever reason I never really tried tin (or trn).  I might have to
give them a whirl... though I must say that using slrn seems kind of
like riding a bicycle... my fingers apparently remember more than my
brain does ;)


Re: PyQT app accessible over network?

2013-02-22 Thread Monte Milanuk
Yes, I am looking at a database-centric application.  I know that the 
'larger' databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc. would not have any 
problem handling that small amount of traffic.

My concern is that using postgres or mysql for this would be akin to 
using a sledgehammer to swat a fly, when sqlite could most likely handle 
the load well enough (I think) since the handful of people doing data 
entry would rarely (if ever) be trying to write to the same record. 
That would be the whole point of having multiple people doing data entry 
in this situation - each one handling a different competitors entry form 
or submitted scores.

My other reason for wanting one 'central' app is that there are various 
functions (setting up the tournament, closing registration, editing 
scores, finalizing results) that I really *don't* want the 
satellite/client apps to be able to do.  My personal view is that sort 
of thing needs to be handled from one point, by one person (the match 
director or chief stats officer, depending on the size of the event).

That is why I was looking at things in terms of having one central app 
that handles the database, whether locally via sqlite or postgres or 
whatever, but have the clients access go through that main application 
in order to ensure that all they have is a limited set of CRUD abilities 
for competitor registration and entering scores.

Thanks for the links... some of those I was already aware of (Camelot, 
Dabo) but some of the others are new (QtAlchemy, etc).  Should make for 
interesting reading!




Re: PyQT app accessible over network?

2013-02-22 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 02/22/2013 08:57 AM, Alec Taylor wrote:

Monte: I noticed you mentioned web2py; that would be my recommendation.

You also mention different features being available to different
users; perfect use-case for web2py's built-in RBAC.

Scalability: Go with Postgres, MySQL; or considering how much data
you're talking about, even SQLite would be a close enough fit!

Another advantage of sticking to the web that hasn't been mentioned so
far is agnostic interoperability.

E.g.: you can CRUD on your TV (e.g.: if it runs Android); or on your
phone (e.g.: if you use twitter-bootstrap; which web2py comes with out
of the box; but is usable in any framework)

Web2py does seem pretty attractive in that it seems to come with a lot 
of functionality rolled in already.  It seems to be pretty easy to 
deploy... since this would be more of a case where the volunteer match 
directors are not necessarily computer gurus, and something that can 
literally run from a USB stick on nearly any computer has its benefits. 
 I've seen some examples (I think) of twitter-bootstrap in some other 
demos of flask, and it looked reasonably attractive without being too 
over the top.  web2py's DAL seems fairly straight-forward too.  Looks 
like I may have to get more fluent in CSS  javascript, though...


PyQT app accessible over network?

2013-02-21 Thread Monte Milanuk

Hello all,

New guy here, with a kind of general question.  Hopefully its not too 

I've been working at learning python off and on now for a while, with a 
couple programs in mind as a goal - kind of specialized stuff that I 
can't seem to find a good match for already available, competitor 
records, score-keeping  results for an amateur sports tournament.  Many 
places use some cobbled-together Excel spreadsheet, which has its 
limitations.  Others use an antiquated DOS-style application written in 
PowerBasic that has issues of its own.

Probably 98-99% of the time the match administration would be done by a 
single individual on a single PC, which seems like it would be nearly 
ideal for a desktop application implemented in PyQt4 or similar.  The 
problem is (as usual) those edge cases where there are enough 
volunteers/resources to have more than one person doing data entry 
(maybe 2-3 in practice, but lets say 10-12 for arguments sake to pad 
things a bit).

What I was wondering is what would be a good way of handling this with a 
PyQt app?  Build the desktop app first, and add some sort of 
functionality to enable a lightweight web server and framework for the 
additional data entry 'clients'?  Or would it be better to create 
dedicated PyQt client apps to connect to the PC/laptop running the 
'main' application?  Should I go a different direction entirely, with a 
complete self-hosted webapp built on a framework like web2py?

As you can probably tell, I have only a vaguely fuzzy idea of 'how' at 
this point... but I would like to be able to proceed with some 
confidence that as I get further down the road I'm not going to run into 
a dead-end and have to start over down a different path.




Re: Good Python IDE

2013-01-06 Thread Monte Milanuk
Lots of good options out there... currently I'm liking spyder or eclipse 
a lot.


Re: New to python, do I need an IDE or is vim still good enough?

2012-12-29 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 12/27/2012 12:01 PM, mogul wrote:

I'm new to python, got 10-20 years perl and C experience, all gained
on unix alike machines hacking happily in vi, and later on in vim.

Do I really need a real IDE, as the windows guys around me say I do,
or will vim, git, make and other standalone tools make it the next 20
years too for me?

If you've been using vi/vim happily, then I'd assume you're fully 
comfortable setting it up to do what ever you need.  In that case... I'd 
say stick with what you know.

Me, I have less 'invested' in any particular editor or environment, and 
I certainly don't 'need' a lot of the fancy extras that a lot of IDEs 
have... but setting up pydev/eclipse or spyder takes care of pretty much 
all that I need/want easily, and I can setup a fresh environment the way 
I want inside five minutes with a mouse, fairly intuitively, without 
having to go digging through config scripts and the web and books and 
such to figure out what does what.  I'd rather spend that time working 
on projects, not 'programming' my text editor.  It's neat and all if it 
works for you, but just doesn't turn my crank, personally.

I know a lot is made of the speed with which things can be done with vim 
and similar pure text editors... which is all well and good, but 
somewhere in the not-so-distant past I saw a comment which hit home for 
me.  Maybe its because I'm still just a hobbyist when it comes to 
coding, but I spend far more time 'thinking' about what I'm doing than 
typing things in... so shaving a few seconds here and there are less 
important to me.




Re: New to python, do I need an IDE or is vim still good enough?

2012-12-29 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 12/29/2012 11:52 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

Chris Angelico wrote:

Bracket matching
Language-sensitive auto-indentation
and automatically indents

Yeah, what he said, plus syntax coloring.  And keyword highlighting.
And autocompletion of variable names.

I'll probably get dog-piled by the vim/emacs folks again here... but 
isn't that something most decent text editors do?

On 12/29/2012 11:52 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

And parsing of error messages.

I'll pause a moment to let that sink in.  Grok the fullness of just how
awesome a feature it is.

In emacs, for example. I'll do C-C M (which I have bound to M-X
Compile).  This runs a command and captures the output in a buffer.  If
the output happens to contain something like:

Traceback (most recent call last):
py, line 197, in runTest
   File /home/roy/songza/api2/, line 16, in test_get_api
 data = requests.get(url('api/v2/')).json
   File /home/roy/songza/api2/, line 13, in url
 assert route.startswith('/')

emacs will parse that, highlight the filenames and line numbers and if I
type M-`, it'll take me to the line of the next error (including opening
the file if it's not already open).

I assume other smart editors have similar capabilities.  Different tools
have different combinations of these, or slightly different
implementations.  Find one you like and learn all of it's capabilities.
It makes a huge difference in how productive you are.

While I probably don't use the vast majority of the 'fancy' features of 
most IDEs - most of what I do barely requires any real 'project 
manangement'... there are a couple things that I've gotten *very* used 
to with an IDE.

One is having it run pylint and pep8 checks against code, display the 
output in a friendly format with links straight to the offending items 
and even displaying colored carats in the gutter region and 
high-lighting them.

The other is having it parse my imports, and use them for the 
'auto-complete' aka 'code intelligence' features - and not just the 
standard library stuff, but also GUI toolkits like PyQt4.

I'm pretty sure those things can be done, or something fairly close at 
least, in editors like vim or emacs... but the few times I looked into 
it for vim, it was enough to send me running back to Eclipse/PyDev, even 
if it is kind of an 800lb gorilla otherwise.

It's still on my 'one of these days' list of things to do, though ;)


'Experimental Design' aka DoE

2012-11-16 Thread Monte Milanuk

I'm interested in refining some tests I do for a hobby of mine beyond the
traditional 'one factor at a time' (OFAT) method.  I have been looking at
'design of experiment' (DoE) methods and they look promising.  The problem
is that most of the software packages that aid in the setup and analysis of
this sort of thing are rather expensive (the cheapest is an Excel plugin
that runs ~$250, and they go up from there rapidly).

I've found some limited DoE support in R and SciLab, but I'd like to stick
with Python if possible.  So far though, I haven't been able to find hardly
any mention of the topic, even searching through lists for numpy, scipy,
pydata, statsmodel, etc.

Given the hype that I've always seen about Python being used in science 
engineering fields, it seems like there should be *something* already out

If anyone has any handy links or references I'd greatly appreciate it.



Re: Looking for video/slides from PyCon 2011...

2012-05-16 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 05/13/2012 09:42 PM, Kushal Kumaran wrote:

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 5:42 AM, Monte  wrote:

...specifically the two lectures on creating GUI applications with Python +

Various searches on the 'Net don't seem to be turning up much... kinda
curious as to why?

Anyone here know?

Is it one of the videos at

Unless its buried in one of the lightning talk vids, I'm not seein' it.

Thanks tho,



Looking for video/slides from PyCon 2011...

2012-05-10 Thread Monte Milanuk
...specifically the two lectures on creating GUI applications with 
Python + QT

Various searches on the 'Net don't seem to be turning up much... kinda 
curious as to why?

Anyone here know?




Re: Python education survey

2011-12-25 Thread Monte Milanuk
Not a teacher here, but I'm curious why Komodo Edit never seems to get 
any love in the IDE debates... a free version for personal/non-profit 
use, pro versions for those that need the extra features, seems to work 
fairly well but then again I'm probably not the best judge...




Re: Ways of accessing this mailing list?

2010-12-11 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 12/11/10 3:32 PM, Martin Schoeoen wrote:

On 2010-11-04, Mark  wrote:

John  writes:

Hope this isn't too O/T - I was just wondering how people read/send to
this mailing list, eg. normal email client, gmane, some other software
or online service?

Thunderbird + gmane works for me.


Re: Which non SQL Database ?

2010-12-04 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 12/4/10 3:43 PM, Jorge Biquez wrote:

I do not see a good reason for not using Sqlite3 BUT if for some reason
would not be an option what plain schema of files would you use?

Would shelve work?

Re: newb

2010-07-27 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 7/27/10 4:07 AM, whitey wrote:

hi all. am totally new to python and was wondering if there are any
newsgroups that are there specifically for beginners. i have bought a
book for $2 called learn to program using python by alan gauld.
starting to read it but it was written in 2001. presuming that the
commands and info would still be valid? any websites or books that are a
must for beginners? any input would be much appreciated...cheers

Alan Gauld posts fairly regularly over on the python-tutor mailing list, 
as well as here.  He has newer material on his website @, and if you google 'python tutorial' you'll 
probably find more material than you can shake a stick at - from web 
pages to books (both online and dead-tree) to You-Tube videos.

One book that helps me out quite a bit is John Zelle's Python 
Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science.  Just be aware there 
is a first edition (covers python 2.x) and a newer second edition 
(python 3.x) - both available from Amazon.


Re: Printing forms and labels in Python

2010-06-13 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 6/13/10 8:00 AM, Joel Goldstick wrote:

Why not go the other direction. Use python to do your processing, and
send the results to excel. There are python modules that read and write
excel files.

Well... partly because Excel is not exactly cross-platform.  Granted, 
the mass majority of people using a program like I have in mind will be 
doing so on Windows, but I was hoping to *not* tie things to any one 
platform if I could avoid it.  Probably an overly ambitious goal at this 

The other part... maybe its my relative newbie experience level showing 
here, but having to call/open Excel to print something from a python app 
feels a little like admitting that python can't do it in a reasonable 
manner.  If I wanted to have to open Excel to print out the results, I 
think I'd just as soon spend the effort and make the whole thing an 
Excel/VBA app and skip python entirely.

Perhaps (probably) I'm not understanding some of how the lower level 
systems stuff works here...  I thought the print drivers were there to 
take care of the low-level device-specific communication, and provide a 
somewhat simplified common interface for regular programs like M$ Word, 
Open Office, Adobe Reader, etc. to use.  Those programs don't access the 
hardware directly, do they?  Don't they hand off the print job to the 
OS-specific print drivers, and let them handle the spooling, etc.?  From 
my (admittedly limited) understanding of things on Windows, Mac  Linux, 
that seems to be somewhat common between platforms. Isn't there some 
sort of module in Python to do the same?  I could understand it needing 
to be somewhat *platform* specific, perhaps... but I have old copies of 
M$ Office 2003 printing out just duckily on printers that only came out 
on the market less than a year ago.  I updated the printer drivers and 
changed the default printer, but nothing printer-related in Word or 
Excel changed (that I know of)... but it still manages to hand off to 
the operating system print drivers just fine... which is kind of what I 
figured Python would do.

Is that (to some degree) what ReportLab does?




Re: Printing forms and labels in Python

2010-06-13 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 6/13/10 10:23 AM, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

However, the overall problem here is that printer APIs are very
different between os and they aren't abstracted in python to some common
module. They need access to GUI libraries which python doesn't expose
out of the box.

I know the usual response to what I'm about to say is Knock yourself 
out, let us know when you have something workable but I have to say it 
anyways... wow, that seems like such a gaping hole that I can't hardly 
believe its not filled.  Printing final results is a *huge* part of what 
I'm wanting to do.

Seems like it'd be a huge opportunity for someone wanting to 
improve/contribute to python, or like one of the 'summer of code' 
projects, etc.

So as sad as it may sound - going through some native program such as
excel or acrobat to perform the printing might be your best bet.

Opening Adobe Reader as a sort of 'print preview' might be a workable 
solution... since the results will likely need to be a) archived and b) 
emailed out to the group.


Re: Printing forms and labels in Python

2010-06-13 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 6/13/10 11:12 AM, Anssi Saari wrote:

I actually looked into label printers recently. It seems that at least
the cheaper models from Brother and Dymo accept a bitmap in specific
dimensions and they print it pixel exactly. Very simple, in other
words. But different printers need different formats, which is why
there are printer drivers. I'd assume the DOS program you mention
supports a very specific Dymo printer?

Honestly, I don't know.  The interface of that program usually has me 
grinding my teeth within minutes.  It was written years ago, and is in 
fact now being updated... to a 'new' version of BASIC (still with a 
'DOS' interface) only because the existing version will not run on 
anything newer than Win XP due to memory issues (assuming I understood 
the problem correctly).  I was looking today and see that Dymo makes a 
SDK available that is supposed to be cross-platform (more specifically, 
download the SDK for the platform you want to use), but given the age of 
this setup... I'm guessing it was probably hard-coded to a particular 

The labels are sliding backwards into the 'nice to have' category. 
Being able to print out the final results sheets (one or two pages at 
the end of the day) is the primary goal at this point.

Anyways, for operating systems using CUPS for printing (that would be
Mac OS X, Linux, *BSD at least), there seems to be pycups which wraps

From a quick study of, it looks like
in Windows you can just use the win32 APIs for printing, which is
hard. An easier alternative seems to be using PIL to generate a DIB
with your data in it and printing that.

Actually... for the results sheet, the shellExecute method he described 
just might work.


Re: Printing forms and labels in Python

2010-06-13 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 6/13/10 11:30 AM, Joel Goldstick wrote:

Use django or another web framework, and make your application a web
app.  With this approach you can display output to a web page, and
create a print stylesheet that can be finely tuned to print.

This ups your work to get involved with a web framework, but it lets you
provide your application to users without the need to install.  It also
makes it totally platform agnostic

Actually, this was kind of the way I originally started out (albeit 
looking at PHP  MySQL), for exactly those reasons, except one - the 
installation.  Everything else - the gui would be in a familiar browser 
frame of reference, and a lot of the get-this/send-that would be a bit 
simpler, plus it would be an extension of what I know (and am still 
learning) with html/css.

The installation is the big snafu.  This isn't something I can install 
on a remote server and just have the users (tournament coordinators and 
their data entry helpers) connect to over the internet.  99% of the 
time, it will be one person on one computer at a location that is lucky 
if they have a 110VAC power outlet nearby.  Any kind of external network 
access short of a cell modem is pretty much out of the question. 
LAN/Wifi access between machines for some parallel data entry would be 
nice, but still asking a lot.  Expecting the end user (volunteers) to 
install/configure Apache server, MySQL server, Python, and Django starts 
to sound to be a little far-fetched.  I'd had some hope for cherrypy or 
web2py since they appear to provide a local http server without needing 
all the ancilliary stuff... somehow I didn't get the impression Django 
worked that way?


Printing forms and labels in Python

2010-06-12 Thread Monte Milanuk


I'm still a relative newbie to python, so I apologize if this is covered 
in detail somewhere and I missed it.

I have a program or two that I want to work on once I get more 
proficient with python and sqlite and tkinter/wxpython.  One of the big 
'features' of those programs I want to make is going to be printing out 
match results (scores) from a competition along with competitor names 
and other pertinent information.  Currently most people are doing this 
in Excel, though there is one (old) DOS program written in BASIC that 
not only prints the match results and the reports for the sanctioning 
body, but also prints labels via a Dymo Label maker.

I realized today that one thing I have never seen covered in any Python 
tutorial is how to format and print things to a physical printer.  I did 
a little bit of searching and didn't come up with much... either I'm 
really not using the right search terms, or physical printing is a black 




Re: Python Forum

2010-06-06 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 6/5/10 10:11 PM, Aahz wrote:

Monte  wrote:

Decent NNTP access is harder to find.  Not impossible, but no longer
a 'free' part of most standard ISP access any more.

This seems like a good time to promote my ISP:

Used to have an account with them... but of less value to someone on 
local fiber with an essentially static IP and their own Linux server.


Re: Python Forum

2010-06-06 Thread Monte Milanuk

On 6/6/10 9:46 AM, Aahz wrote:

but I prefer to rely on someone else's sysadmin and I
really don't want to allow remote connections into my home network.

To each their own... while Panix is fairly relaxed as a shell host, I 
prefer to not have someone else telling me what I can and can't install 
or use, especially when I'm paying.  To be honest I can't SSH out from 
work anymore, so the remote connections / static IP is somewhat of a 
moot point.  What I was trying to say was I don't get the point of 
paying for an account on a provider clear across the country simply for 
the sake of getting Usenet access... especially when more and more large 
institutions are shutting theirs down (i.e. the death knoll for usenet 
as others have pointed out).  Perhaps it would count for 'geek' points, 
but I'm not too worried about that ;)



Re: Python Forum

2010-06-03 Thread Monte Milanuk
Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at writes:

  However, whether we like it or not:
  Fewer and fewer newcomers are willing, knowledgable, aware of nntp
 So?  NNTP is the living dead.  Time to let it go.

True.  Decent NNTP access is harder to find.  Not impossible, but no longer 
a 'free' part of most standard ISP access any more.  Gmane provides a mail-to-
nntp gateway which is great for those who like to read it via nntp.

 Most people use this list via e-mail,  which everyone has access to and
 knows how to use.
 The best solution I've seen is what is used by the Mono project;  which
 provides both a web forum and a mail list interface.
 It works very well; and everyone [except the 3 or 4 NNTP hold outs] are

Now that looks pretty slick - both sides get to have what they want, and 
the 'pool' of knowledgeable persons stays condensed rather than dispersed.

Very cool.

