Re: making your own DirEntry.

2023-12-22 Thread DL Neil via Python-list


On 12/23/23 01:00, Antoon Pardon via Python-list wrote:

I am writing a program that goes through file hierarchies and I am mostly
using scandir for that which produces DirEntry instances.

At times it would be usefull if I could make my own DirEntry for a specific
path, however when I try, I get the following diagnostic:


Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: cannot create 'posix.DirEntry' instances

Does anyone have an idea for why this limitation and how to go around it.

At this moment I don't consider pathlib very usefull, it lacks the
follow_symlinks parameter in the is_dir, is_file, ... methods.

Can't recall ever trying this.

The manual ( 
suggests that a DirEntry is one of those Python data-constructs which it 
creates, but we may only use: "cannot create".

Secondly, that a DirEntry object consists of a lot more than the 
directory-name, eg its path.

Thirdly, that os.scandir() deals (only) with concrete directories - 
unlike pathlib's ability to work with both the real thing and abstract 

Why create a DirEntry? Why not go directly to os.mkdir() or whatever?

Regards =dn

Re: How/where to store calibration values - written by program A, read by program B

2023-12-05 Thread DL Neil via Python-list

Apologies: neglected suggested web.refs:

Regards =dn

Re: How/where to store calibration values - written by program A, read by program B

2023-12-05 Thread DL Neil via Python-list

On 12/6/23 03:37, Chris Green via Python-list wrote:

Is there a neat, pythonic way to store values which are 'sometimes'

My particular case at the moment is calibration values for ADC inputs
which are set by running a calibration program and used by lots of
programs which display the values or do calculations with them.

 From the program readability point of view it would be good to have a
Python module with the values in it but using a Python program to
write/update a Python module sounds a bit odd somehow.

I could simply write the values to a file (or a database) and I
suspect that this may be the best answer but it does make retrieving
the values different from getting all other (nearly) constant values.

Are there any Python modules aimed specifically at this sort of

Another programming-term for these might be "environment variables". 
However, be aware that such also has a specific meaning at the Operating 
System level.

1 Sysops Environment Variables exist completely outside the code. Python 
interrogates the Sysops to fetch/set them. Can be problematic because 
only apply on single machine and are not part of change-control, VS, etc.

2 A .con file (in my tradition, likely still .uni type in MSFT) or 
similar, which contains the key:value pairs recommended elsewhere. There 
are formal .con and .uni (etc) formats. Most of the teams I've 
worked-with recently seem to settle on .JSON files which are 
very-conveniently structured as (read into/written from) a Python 
dictionary, and a single function-call interaction.

Word of warning/voice of [bitter] experience: ALWAYS *trumpet* any 
changes in these values AND output them (as you would any "assumptions" 
for a calculation) at the top of output reports. The trouble is that 
humans assume continuity but such an arrangement is NOT idempotent - 
which leads to complaints: "I ran it on Monday and got these results, 
but when I ran it again on Tuesday, the results changed"...

Yes there are Python libraries. Choose your method/format first, and 
then search - either Duckboards or straight from Pepi.

I have systems which use an DBMS for environment variables, but (a) only 
when there's a significant number, and (b) when the application is 
already connecting to the DBMS for processing [and maybe (c) because I 
know my way around such tools so they're 'easy']. Not recommended!

Regards =dn

Re: Newline (NuBe Question)

2023-11-26 Thread 'DL Neil' via Python-list


On 11/27/2023 4:15 PM, wrote:


Back on a hopefully more serious note, I want to make a bit of an analogy
with what happens when you save data in a format like a .CSV file.

Often you have a choice of including a header line giving names to the
resulting columns, or not.

If you read in the data to some structure, often to some variation I would
loosely call a data.frame or perhaps something like a matrix, then without
headers you have to specify what you want positionally or create your own
names for columns to use. If names are already there, your program can
manipulate things by using the names and if they are well chosen, with no
studs among them, the resulting code can be quite readable. More
importantly, if the data being read changes and includes additional columns
or in a different order, your original program may run fine as long as the
names of the columns you care about remain the same.

Positional programs can be positioned to fail in quite subtle ways if the
positions no longer apply.

Must admit to avoiding .csv files, if possible, and working directly 
with the .xls? original (cf expecting the user to export the .csv - and 
NOT change the worksheet thereafter).

However, have recently been using the .csv format (as described) as a 
placeholder or introduction to formatting data for an RDBMS.

In a tabular structure, the expectation is that every field (column/row 
intersection) will contain a value. In the RDBMS-world, if the value is 
not-known then it will be recorded as NULL (equivalent of Python's None).

Accordingly, two points:
1 the special case of missing/unavailable data can be handled with ease,
2 most 'connector' interfaces will give the choice of retrieving data 
into a tuple or a dictionary (where the keys are the column-names). The 
latter easing data-identification issues (as described) both in terms of 
improving over relational-positioning and name-continuity (or column 

The point about data 'appearing' without headings should be considered 
carefully. The phrase "create your own names for columns" only vaguely 
accesses the problem. If someone else has created/provided the data, 
then we need to know the exact design (schema = rules). What is the 
characteristic of each component? Not only column-names, but also what 
is the metric (eg the infamous confusion between feet and meters)...

As I see it, many situations where some aspects are variable are not ideal
for naming. A dictionary is an example that is useful when you have no idea
how many items with unknown keys may be present. You can iterate over the
names that are there, or use techniques that detect and deal with keys from
your list that are not present. Not using names/keys here might involve a
longer list with lots of empty slots to designate missing items, This
clearly is not great when the data present is sparse or when the number of
items is not known in advance or cannot be maintained in the right order.

Agreed, and this is the draw-back incurred by folk who wish to take 
advantage of the schema-less (possibility) NoSQL DBs. The DB enjoys 
flexibility, but the downstream-coder has to contort and flex to cope.

In this case, JSON files are an easy place-holder/intro for NoSQL DBs - 
in fact, Python dicts and MongoDB go hand-in-glove.

The next issue raised is sparseness. In a table, the assumption is that 
all fields, or at least most of them, will be filled with values. 
However, a sparse matrix would make such very 'expensive' in terms of 
storage-space (efficacy).

Accordingly, there are other ways of doing things. All of these involve 
labeling each data-item (thus, the data expressed as a table needs to be 
at least 50% empty to justify the structural change).

In this case, one might consider a tree-type of structure - and if we 
have to continue the pattern, we might look at a Network Database 
methodology (as distinct from a DB on a network!)

There are many other situations with assorted tradeoffs and to insist on
using lists/tuples exclusively would be silly but at the same time, if you
are using a list to hold the real and imaginary parts of a complex number,
or the X/Y[/Z] coordinates of a point where the order is almost universally
accepted, then maybe it is not worth using a data structure more complex or
derived as the use may be obvious.

No argument (in case anyone thought I might...)

See @Peter's earlier advice.

Much of the consideration (apart from mutable/immutable) is likely to be 
ease of coding. Getting down 'into the weeds' is probably pointless 
unless questions are being asked about (execution-time) performance...

Isn't the word "obvious" where this discussion started? Whereas "studs" 
might be an "obvious" abbreviation for "students" to some, it is not to 
others (quite aside from the abbreviation being unnecessary in this 

Curiously, whereas I DO happen to think a point as ( x, y, ) or 

Re: Newline (NuBe Question)

2023-11-26 Thread DL Neil via Python-list

On 11/27/2023 10:04 AM, Peter J. Holzer via Python-list wrote:

On 2023-11-25 08:32:24 -0600, Michael F. Stemper via Python-list wrote:

On 24/11/2023 21.45, wrote:

Of course, for serious work, some might suggest avoiding constructs like a
list of lists and switch to using modules and data structures [...]

Those who would recommend that approach do not appear to include Mr.
Rossum, who said:
   Avoid overengineering data structures.


The key point here is *over*engineering. Don't make things more
complicated than they need to be. But also don't make them simpler than

   Tuples are better than objects (try namedtuple too though).

If Guido thought that tuples would always be better than objects, then
Python wouldn't have objects. Why would he add such a complicated
feature to the language if he thought it was useless?

The (unspoken?) context here is "if tuples are sufficient, then ..."

At recent PUG-meetings I've listened to a colleague asking questions and 
conducting research on Python data-structures*, eg lists-of-lists cf 
lists-of-tuples, etc, etc. The "etc, etc" goes on for some time! 
Respecting the effort, even as it becomes boringly-detailed, am 
encouraging him to publish his findings.

* sadly, he is resistant to OOP and included only a cursory look at 
custom-objects, and early in the process. His 'new thinking' has been to 
look at in-core databases and the speed-ups SQL (or other) might offer...

However, his motivation came from a particular application, and to 
create a naming-system so that he could distinguish a list-of-lists 
structure from some other tabular abstraction. The latter enables the 
code to change data-format to speed the next process, without the coder 
losing-track of the data-type/format.

The trouble is, whereas the research reveals which is faster 
(in-isolation, and (only) on his 'platform'), my suspicion is that he 
loses all gains by reformatting the data between 'the most efficient' 
structure for each step. A problem of only looking at the 'micro', 
whilst ignoring wider/macro concerns.

Accordingly, as to the word "engineering" (above), a reminder that we 
work in two domains: code and data. The short 'toy examples' in training 
courses discourage us from a design-stage for the former - until we 
enter 'the real world' and meet a problem/solution too large to fit in a 
single human-brain. Sadly, too many of us are pre-disposed to be 
math/algorithmically-oriented, and thus data-design is rarely-considered 
(in the macro!). Yet, here we are...

Regards =dn

Re: Newline (NuBe Question)

2023-11-26 Thread DL Neil via Python-list

On 11/27/2023 1:08 AM, Roel Schroeven via Python-list wrote:
I prefer namedtuples or dataclasses over tuples. They allow you to refer 
to their fields by name instead of index: student.gpa is much clearer 
than student[2], and makes it less likely to accidentally refer to the 
wrong field.


Regards =dn

Re: Newline (NuBe Question)

2023-11-26 Thread DL Neil via Python-list

On 11/27/2023 12:48 AM, Chris Angelico via Python-list wrote:

On Sun, 26 Nov 2023 at 21:08, Michael F. Stemper via Python-list

On 24/11/2023 21.45, wrote:


I think the point is not about a sorted list or sorting in general It is
about reasons why maintaining a data structure such as a list in a program
can be useful beyond printing things once. There are many possible examples
such as having a list of lists containing a record where the third item is a
GPA for the student and writing a little list comprehension that selects a
smaller list containing only students who are Magna Cum Laude or Summa Cum

studs = [
["Peter", 82, 3.53],
["Paul", 77, 2.83],
["Mary", 103, 3.82]

I've seen Mary, and she didn't look like a "stud" to me.

That's what happens when you abbreviate "student" though :) Don't
worry, there's far FAR worse around the place, and juvenile brains
will always find things to snigger at, usually in mathematical
libraries with "cumulative" functions.

The OP used an abbreviation: "studs". Why? Too lazy to type the full 
word? Abbreviation has full-meaning in the (narrow) domain? Was wanting 
something funny, or to snigger over?

Was the respondent sniggering? Perhaps he, like the OP, was also saving 
typing-time by making a joke, hoping that the OP would see the 
implicit-error in expecting others to understand that "studs" meant 

Actually, Peter, Paul, and Mary were a band 
(, so "studs" is even less expressive 
when the data also tells a story...

Working with "trainees", I avoid the word "student" even though some 
might see them as synonyms. In my mind, the abbreviation did not readily 
expand to the full word (mea culpa).

Accordingly, would not pass Code Review!
For the want of a few characters...

Regards =dn

Re: Printing dict value for possibly undefined key

2023-11-25 Thread DL Neil via Python-list

On 11/25/2023 3:31 AM, Loris Bennett via Python-list wrote:


I want to print some records from a database table where one of the
fields contains a JSON string which is read into a dict.  I am doing
something like

   print(f"{id} {d['foo']} {d['bar']}")

However, the dict does not always have the same keys, so d['foo'] or
d['bar'] may be undefined.  I can obviously do something like

   if not 'foo' in d:
   if not 'bar' in d:
   print(f"{id} {d['foo']} {d['bar']}")

Is there any more compact way of achieving the same thing?

What does "the dict does not always have the same keys" mean?

a) there are two (or...) keys, but some records don't include both;

b) there may be keys other than 'foo' and 'bar' which not-known in-advance;

c) something else.

As mentioned, dict.get() solves one of these.

Otherwise, there are dict methods which collect/reveal all the keys, all 
the values, or both - dict.keys(), .values(), .items(), resp.

Regards =dn

[Python-announce] PyConZA 2023 - Second Call for Submissions

2023-07-04 Thread Neil Muller
This is a second call for submissions to PyConZA 2023.

PyConZA 2023 will take place on the 5th & 6th of October, 2023. This
year, PyConZA will be a hybrid conference (with in-person and online
access) hosted at the Premier Splendid Inn in Umhlanga, Durban.

We are looking for the following presentations:
  - Keynotes (45 minute long talks on a subject of general interest)
  - Talks (30 minute long talks on more specific topics)
  - Remote Talks (30 minute long talks that will be delivered remotely
- note that the number of remote talk slots is more limited due to
technical constraints).

If you would like to give a presentation, please register at and submit your proposal, following the
instructions at . We
have a number of tracks available, including: Data Science, Teaching
and Learning with Python, Web, Scientific Computing, Testing and Other
(which includes all talks that don't fall under the mentioned tracks).
We hope to notify accepted presenters by no later than the 31st of
August 2023.

Speakers will be expected to be available after the presentation for a
short Q session. Shared sessions are also possible. The
presentations will be in English.

PyConZA offers a mentorship program for inexperienced speakers. If you
would like assistance preparing your submission, email with a rough draft of your talk proposal and we'll
find a suitable experienced speaker to act as a mentor.

If you want to present something that doesn't fit into the standard
talk categories at PyConZA, please contact the organising committee at so we can discuss whether that will be feasible

Neil Muller
On behalf of the PyConZA organising committee
Python-announce-list mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Python-announce] PyConZA 2023 - Call for Submissions

2023-05-03 Thread Neil Muller
PyConZA 2023 will take place on the 5th & 6th of October, 2023. This
year, PyConZA will be a hybrid conference (with in-person and online
access) hosted at the Premier Splendid Inn in Umhlanga, Durban.

We are looking for the following presentations:
  - Keynotes (45 minute long talks on a subject of general interest)
  - Talks (30 minute long talks on more specific topics)
  - Remote Talks (30 minute long talks that will be delivered remotely
- note that the number of remote talk slots is more limited due to
technical constraints).

If you would like to give a presentation, please register at and submit your proposal, following the
instructions at . We
have a number of tracks available, including: Data Science, Teaching
and Learning with Python, Web, Scientific Computing, Testing and Other
(which includes all talks that don't fall under the mentioned tracks).
We hope to notify accepted presenters by no later than the 31st of
August 2023.

Speakers will be expected to be available after the presentation for a
short Q session. Shared sessions are also possible. The
presentations will be in English.

PyConZA offers a mentorship program for inexperienced speakers. If you
would like assistance preparing your submission, email with a rough draft of your talk proposal and we'll
find a suitable experienced speaker to act as a mentor.

If you want to present something that doesn't fit into the standard
talk categories at PyConZA, please contact the organising committee at so we can discuss whether that will be feasible.

Neil Muller
On behalf of the PyConZA organising committee
Python-announce-list mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Python-announce] PyConZA 2022 - Second Call for Submissions

2022-08-22 Thread Neil Muller
This is a second call for submissions to PyConZA 2022.

PyConZA 2022 will take place on the 13th & 14th of October, 2022. This
year, PyConZA will be a hybrid conference (with in-person and online
access) hosted at the Premier Splendid Inn in Umhlanga, Durban.

To accommodate speakers who are unable to travel to Durban, we will be
accepting a small number of talks to be given remotely.

We are looking for the following presentations:
  - Keynotes (45 minute long talks on a subject of general interest)
  - Talks (30 minute long talks on more specific topics)
  - Remote Talks: (30 minute talks to be delivered remotely - note
that the number of remote submissions we can accommodate is limited).

We are accepting submissions for tutorials, which will run on the 12th
of October. Tutorials can either be half-day (4 hours) or full-day (8

If you would like to give a presentation, please register at and submit your proposal, following the
instructions at . We have a
number of tracks available, including: Data Science, Teaching and
Learning with Python, Web, Scientific Computing, Testing and Other
(which includes all talks that don't fall under the mentioned tracks).
We hope to notify accepted presenters by no later than the 14th of
September 2022.

Speakers will be expected to be available after the presentation for a
short Q session. Shared sessions are also possible. The
presentations will be in English.

PyConZA offers a mentorship program for inexperienced speakers. If you
would like assistance preparing your submission, email with a rough draft of your talk proposal and we'll
find a suitable experienced speaker to act as a mentor.

If you want to present something that doesn't fit into the standard
talk categories at PyConZA, please contact the organising committee at so we can discuss whether that will be feasible.

Neil Muller
On behalf of the PyConZA organising committee
Python-announce-list mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Python-announce] PyConZA 2022 - Call for Submissions

2022-06-28 Thread Neil Muller
PyConZA 2022 will take place on the 13th & 14th of October, 2022. This
year, PyConZA will be a hybrid conference (with in-person and online
access) hosted at the Premier Splendid Inn in Umhlanga, Durban.

We are looking for the following presentations:
  - Keynotes (45 minute long talks on a subject of general interest)
  - Talks (30 minute long talks on more specific topics)

We are accepting submissions for tutorials, which will run on the 12th
of October. Tutorials can either be half-day (4 hours) or full-day (8

Currently, we are only accepting talks to be delivered in person at the venue.

If you would like to give a presentation, please register at and submit your proposal, following the
instructions at . We have a
number of tracks available, including: Data Science, Teaching and
Learning with Python, Web, Scientific Computing, Testing and Other
(which includes all talks that don't fall under the mentioned tracks).
We hope to notify accepted presenters by no later than the 31st of
August 2022.

Speakers will be expected to be available after the presentation for a
short Q session. Shared sessions are also possible. The
presentations will be in English.

PyConZA offers a mentorship program for inexperienced speakers. If you
would like assistance preparing your submission, email with a rough draft of your talk proposal and we'll
find a suitable experienced speaker to act as a mentor.

If you want to present something that doesn't fit into the standard
talk categories at PyConZA, please contact the organising committee at so we can discuss whether that will be feasible.

Neil Muller
On behalf of the PyConZA organising committee
Python-announce-list mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

Re: C is it always faster than nump?

2022-02-26 Thread Neil
Dan Stromberg  wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 8:12 AM BELAHCENE Abdelkader <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> a lot of people think that C (or C++) is faster than python, yes I agree,
>> but I think that's not the case with numpy, I believe numpy is faster than
>> C, at least in some cases.
> This is all "last time I heard".
> numpy is written, in significant part, in Fortran.
> Fortran, especially for matrix math with variable dimensions, can be faster
> than C.
> Fortran, (still last I heard) did not support pointers, which gives Fortran
> compilers the chance to exploit a very nice class of optimizations you
> can't use nearly as well in languages with pointers.
> I used to code C to be built with the "noalias" optimization, to get much
> of the speed of Fortran in C.  But it required using an error prone subset
> of C without good error detection.

Pointers were introduced in Fortran 90.


[issue46757] dataclasses should define an empty __post_init__

2022-02-22 Thread Neil Girdhar

Neil Girdhar  added the comment:


Good thinking.  Would it make sense to add to the documentation as well that 
the __post_init__ methods aren't collected, and you should call super's 
__post_init__ if there is one using something like

if hasattr(super(), "__post_init__"):

Noting this will make it easier to point to the docs if someone wonders when 
they see code like this.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46828] can return integers (contradicts doc)

2022-02-22 Thread Neil Webber

New submission from Neil Webber :

The math module documentation says:

   Except when explicitly noted otherwise, all return values are floats.

But this code returns an integer:

   from math import prod; prod((1,2,3))

Doc should "explicitly note otherwise" here, I imagine. The issue being wanting 
to know that the result on all-integer input will be an exact (integer) value 
not a floating value.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 413741
nosy: docs@python, neilwebber
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: can return integers (contradicts doc)
type: behavior

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46757] dataclasses should define an empty __post_init__

2022-02-21 Thread Neil Girdhar

Neil Girdhar  added the comment:

@Raymond yeah I've been thinking about this some more, and there's no way to 
have a "top level" method with the dataclass decorator.

I think I will make a case to have a class version of dataclasses that works 
with inheritance.  Class versions of dataclasses are used in some places like 
They just call dataclass on the class in __init_subclass__.

If we had something like this in the standard library, then you could put your 
empty __post_init__ in that class.  You could also make __init__ call super so 
that mixins would be initialized (right now the collider pattern you showed 
also breaks if B is not a dataclass, and has a non-trivial __init__).


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46757] dataclasses should define an empty __post_init__

2022-02-20 Thread Neil Girdhar

Neil Girdhar  added the comment:

> How would an arbitrary derived class know how to call this? It can't. There 
> has to be knowledge of the base class's requirements already. Surely knowing 
> "__post_init__ must be called with some_arg" isn't too different from "I know 
> __post_init__ doesn't exist".

This is exactly the same problem you have with all other "augmenting methods" 
that have arbitrary parameters (e.g., __init__).  When calling super on a 
non-final class you could simply forward keyword arguments.

class X:
def __post_init__(self, **kwargs):

class Y(X):
def __post_init__(self, **kwargs):

> I'm still unconvinced, but I'll hold off on making a decision to see if 
> there's more support. Maybe taking it to python-ideas would be worthwhile.

Sounds good, done:


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46757] dataclasses should define an empty __post_init__

2022-02-19 Thread Neil Girdhar

Neil Girdhar  added the comment:

> I'm not crazy about adding a method to every dataclass just for the 0.1% of 
> the times it's needed.

I'm not sure I totally understand the cost here.  You can have a single shared 
global function that you set on each dataclass.  So the only cost would be an 
entry in each dataclass type's dict.  Even if a user creates a thousand 
dataclasses, that should only be tens of killobytes in pointers.

> I think using hasattr or catching the exception is a better way to go.

If you choose this, then I think this should be documented under the 
__post_init__ saying that any time you define __post_init__, you should either 
be a final class, or else call super.  If you call super, you musteither use 
hasattr(super().__post_init__) or catch the exception.

I have to admit, I find this quite ugly from a user perspective.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46757] dataclasses should define an empty __post_init__

2022-02-19 Thread Neil Girdhar

Neil Girdhar  added the comment:

On Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 2:51 AM Vedran Čačić  wrote:

> Vedran Čačić  added the comment:
> That "except AttributeError" approach is a powerful bug magnet, since it
> can very easily mask real attribute errors stemming from misspelled
> attribute names in the __post_init__ call itself. What you should _really_
> do is
> def __post_init__(self):
> with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
> post_init = super().__post_init__
> post_init()
> But of course, nobody will ever write that.
> Great point!

Raymond in his "super considered super" video (
> says the right thing to do is to
> make your own root which knows exactly what classes it manages, and drops
> the supercalls from them (after possibly verifying that all kwargs have
> actually been used and so on).
> But in case of dataclasses, usually any class can serve as such a root,
> and the main reason people use dataclasses is to avoid boilerplate code. So
> I think it would be a nice compromise.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here.  Anyone can inherit from
a class C with the special root and some other class D, and then your
introduced root won't catch D's super calls.

> --
> nosy: +veky
> ___
> Python tracker 
> <>
> ___


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46757] dataclasses should define an empty __post_init__

2022-02-15 Thread Neil Girdhar

New submission from Neil Girdhar :

When defining a dataclass, it's possible to define a post-init (__post_init__) 
method to, for example, verify contracts.

Sometimes, when you inherit from another dataclass, that dataclass has its own 
post-init method.  If you want that method to also do its checks, you need to 
explicitly call it with super.  However, if that method doesn't exist calling 
it with super will crash.

Since you don't know whether your superclasses implement post-init or not, 
you're forced to check if the superclass has one or not, and call it if it does.

Essentially, post-init implements an "augmenting pattern" like __init__, 
___enter__, __exit__, __array_finalize__, etc.  All such methods define an 
empty method at the top level so that child classes can safely call super.

Please consider adding such an empty method to dataclasses so that children who 
implement __post_init__ can safely call super.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 413283
nosy: NeilGirdhar
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: dataclasses should define an empty __post_init__

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46730] Please consider mentioning property without setter when an attribute can't be set

2022-02-12 Thread Neil Girdhar

Neil Girdhar  added the comment:

Thank you, this would have saved me a lot of time!

On Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 8:37 PM Alexander  wrote:

> Alexander  added the comment:
> Indeed, the error message does not help to identify the problem. Moreover,
> it collides with similar errors in namedtuple and DynamicClassAttribute
> which may lead to even more confusion.
> I made a draft patch that could help with it (
> but I have a concern related to backwards compatibility (that's why no PR).
> I don't really understand if according to PEP 387 a change in an exception
> message should be considered compatibility breaking?
> --
> nosy: +Alex-Blade
> ___
> Python tracker 
> <>
> ___


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[issue46730] Please consider mentioning property without setter when an attribute can't be set

2022-02-12 Thread Neil Girdhar

New submission from Neil Girdhar :

class C:
def f(self) -> int:
return 2

class D(C):

D().f = 2


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neil/src/cmm/", line 10, in 
D().f = 2
AttributeError: can't set attribute 'f'

This can be a pain to debug when the property is buried in a base class.  Would 
it make sense to mention the reason why the attribute can't be set, namely that 
it's on a property without a setter?

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 413122
nosy: NeilGirdhar
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Please consider mentioning property without setter when an attribute 
can't be set
versions: Python 3.11

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46657] Add mimalloc memory allocator

2022-02-07 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

My preference would be for --with-mimalloc=yes in an upcoming release. For 
platforms without the required stdatomic.h stuff, they can manually specify 
--with-mimalloc=no.  That will make them aware that a future release of Python 
might no longer build (if mimalloc is no longer optional).

A soft-landing for merging nogil is not a good enough reason to merge mimalloc, 
IMHO.  nogil may never be merged.  There should be some concrete and immediate 
advantage to switch to mimalloc.  The idea of using the "heap walking" to 
improve is cyclic GC is not concrete enough.  It's just an idea at this point.

I think the (small) performance win could be enough of a reason to merge.  This 
seems to be the most recent benchmark:

There is also the long-term maintenance issue.  So far, mimalloc upstream has 
been responsive.  The mimalloc code is not so huge or complicated that we 
couldn't maintain it (if for some reason it gets abandoned upstream).  However, 
I think we would prefer to maintain obmalloc rather than mimalloc, all else 
being equal.  Abandonment by the upstream seems fairly unlikely.  So, I'm not 
too concerned about maintenance.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46657] Add mimalloc memory allocator

2022-02-06 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

Thanks, I'm indeed interested.  Most credit goes to Christian for advancing 

For the missing stdatomic.h, would it be appropriate to have an autoconfig 
check for it?  Can just disable mimalloc if it doesn't exist.


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[issue13475] Add '--mainpath'/'--nomainpath' command line options to override sys.path[0] initialisation

2021-11-26 Thread Neil Isaac

Change by Neil Isaac :

nosy: +nisaac

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45561] Run and from $(srcdir)

2021-11-23 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Getting Directory of Command Line Entry Point For Packages

2021-11-12 Thread David L Neil via Python-list
On 13/11/2021 10.51, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer wrote:
> Greetings list,
> Let's say i created a package named miaw
> miaw also has a cli command called miaw
> miaw prints files and folders in the directory it is called in
> except that when miaw is used, it prints the files and folders in
> site-packages
> This is an analogy for  a package i have.
> Well forgetting about the lines above, how do i get the path from
> which miaw the command is called from?


file_path = __file__
print( file_path )

and process file_path as-required.
Regards =dn

[issue38006] Crash in remove() weak reference callback of weakref.WeakValueDictionary at Python exit

2021-11-08 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

Closing since I believe the bug is fixed and there is an appropriate unit test.

assignee:  -> nascheme
resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: The task is to invent names for things

2021-10-26 Thread David L Neil via Python-list
On 27/10/2021 12.29, Stefan Ram wrote:
> dn  writes:
>> On 27/10/2021 11.16, Stefan Ram wrote:
>>> The Mental Game of Python - Raymond Hettinger (PyBay 2019)
>>> |  "The computer gives us words that do ### things.
> ...
>> Alternately, if your question was to identify the mumbled word, it is
>> (seemed to me to be) "does".
>   Thanks!
>   Yes, my question was about the word at the place of the
>   "###". It does not even seem mumbled to me, but pronounced
>   with certainty and intention. That's why it makes me wonder.
>   As if there was a term "does things".

That is a colloquialism:
- my computer does things
- my program[me] does stuff

The "stuff" is something of a euphemism. In our profession, I would
suggest it is used to avoid detail, eg as a 'signal' to a non-IT person
that a more detailed answer would likely bore, or 'go over your head'.
In PM-circles we identify the beginning and end of a project - the rest
of the project plan 'stuff', is known as 'the miracle that happens in
the middle'. Want more detail? Do we have more detail? What do I know?

If a dog owner said: "my dog does things" it would again be a euphemism,
but in this case employed to avoid saying something distasteful, ie that
the puppy is not (yet) house-trained.

That said, I suspect if you tried to use it in an English
(language/literature) essay, the teacher/prof would take exception to
such informality, and demand a 'better' noun!

Believe it or not, my second trainee-discussion of the day included a
question similarly-worded: 'why does the computer/interpreter/run-time
do these things?'.

Rather than 'literature', I taught this guy one of my favorite
excursions into the world of poetry (the specific type of poetic stuff
is "doggerel"):

I really hate this dumb* machine,
I wish that they would sell it.
It never does quite what I want,
but only what I tell it!

* you might regard this word as a euphemism for another

Upon which note, and your observation that I am no English-major, it's
probably time we went to do things...
Regards =dn

[issue45561] Run and from $(srcdir)

2021-10-21 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +27415

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45561] Run and from $(srcdir)

2021-10-21 Thread Neil Schemenauer

New submission from Neil Schemenauer :

Some makefile rules don't work if you build in a separate folder.

messages: 404671
nosy: nascheme
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Run and from $(srcdir)
type: behavior

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45521] obmalloc radix tree typo in code

2021-10-21 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45521] obmalloc radix tree typo in code

2021-10-21 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

New changeset 1cdac61065e72db60d26e03ef9286d2743d7000e by Miss Islington (bot) 
in branch '3.10':
bpo-45521: Fix a bug in the obmalloc radix tree code. (GH-29051) (GH-29122)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45521] obmalloc radix tree typo in code

2021-10-21 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

New changeset 311910b31a4bd94dc79298388b7cb65ca5546438 by Neil Schemenauer in 
branch 'main':
bpo-45521: Fix a bug in the obmalloc radix tree code. (GH-29051)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45521] obmalloc radix tree typo in code

2021-10-19 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

I have not yet been able to reproduce methane's crash.  My guess it it's not 

An explanation of what I think the impact of this bug is:

The radix tree is used to determine if memory is from obmalloc or from the 
system malloc (i.e return value from address_in_range()).  WIth ADDRESS_BITS 
set to 48, we ignore the top 16 bits of addresses.  The next 10 bits are 
supposed to be the index into the top level node array for the radix tree.  Due 
to the bug, we mask those and only use the bottom 8 of those 10.  So, if you 
have virtual addresses that span more than that 8 bit range, we will index into 
the wrong node.  That means address_in_range() could give the wrong answer.  
Which means you might try to free memory with the wrong malloc.

I think this is likely to be triggered only if you allocate a massive amount of 
memory, like 70 TB.  However, triggering it would depend on how the kernel maps 
virtual memory to the Python process.  I.e. there might be a wierd OS that 
gives pages at 0x7f00 and then right after pages at 0x3f00.


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[issue45526] Set ADDRESS_BITS to 64 for obmalloc radix tree

2021-10-19 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +27329

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45526] Set ADDRESS_BITS to 64 for obmalloc radix tree

2021-10-19 Thread Neil Schemenauer

New submission from Neil Schemenauer :

Given this feedback:

it is perhaps not so safe to assume that only the lower 48 bits of virtual 
addresses are significant.  I had the idea that Go made similar assumptions but 
now I'm not sure it does.  There is also a comment in this article about 
5-level page tables in Linux:

I.e. that Linux does not allocate virtual address space above 47-bit by default.

Setting ADDRESS_BITS to 64 is safer and the performance impact seems small. The 
virtual memory size of a small Python process goes up a little.  Resident set 
size doesn't significantly change.  I think the pyperformance changes are just 
noise.  The pyperformance attached file shows the 3.10 branch with ADDRESS_BITS 
set to 48 and to 64.

assignee: methane
files: pyperf-compare-addr-64.txt
messages: 404317
nosy: methane, nascheme
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Set ADDRESS_BITS to 64 for obmalloc radix tree
Added file:

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45521] obmalloc radix tree typo in code

2021-10-18 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +27322

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45521] obmalloc radix tree typo in code

2021-10-18 Thread Neil Schemenauer

New submission from Neil Schemenauer :

There is a typo in the radix tree obmalloc code, spotted by Inada Naoki. 


This should be fixed both in the main branch and in 3.10.x.

assignee: methane
components: Interpreter Core
messages: 404268
nosy: methane, nascheme
priority: high
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: obmalloc radix tree typo in code
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44036] asyncio SSL server can be DOSed, event loop gets blocked: busy loops and uses 100% CPU

2021-10-10 Thread Neil Booth

Change by Neil Booth :

nosy: +kyuupichan

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: XML Considered Harmful

2021-09-24 Thread David L Neil via Python-list
On 25/09/2021 11.00, Chris Angelico wrote:

> Invented because there weren't enough markup languages, so we needed another?

Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better

Regards =dn

Re: Help me split a string into elements

2021-09-04 Thread Neil
DFS  wrote:
> Typical cases:
>  lines = [('one\ntwo\nthree\n')]
>  print(str(lines[0]).splitlines())
>  ['one', 'two', 'three']
>  lines = [('one two three\n')]
>  print(str(lines[0]).split())
>  ['one', 'two', 'three']
> That's the result I'm wanting, but I get data in a slightly different 
> format:
> lines = [('one\ntwo\nthree\n',)]
> Note the comma after the string data, but inside the paren. 
> splitlines() doesn't work on it:
> print(str(lines[0]).splitlines())
> ["('one\\ntwo\\nthree\\n',)"]
> I've banged my head enough - can someone spot an easy fix?
> Thanks


(You have a list containing a tuple containing the string you want to
split up.)

[issue45020] Freeze all modules imported during startup.

2021-08-27 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

> The one thing I guess I never mentioned is that building and working with the
> prototype was frightful; it had both Python code and C code, and it was
> fragile and hard to get working.

I took Larry's PR and did a fair amount of cleanup on it to make the build less
painful and fragile.  My branch is fairly easy to re-build.  The major 
downsides remaining
are that you couldn't update .py files and have them used (static ones
take priority) and the generated C code is quite large.

I didn't make any attempt to work on the serializer, other than to make it work
with an alpha version of Python 3.10.

It was good enough to pass nearly(?) all tests and I did some profiling.  It 
helped reduce startup time quite a bit.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44881] Consider integration of PyObject_GC_UnTrack() with the trashcan C API

2021-08-16 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

Another small correction, _PyType_IS_GC() checks only the type flag 
(Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC).  _PyObject_IS_GC() checks both the type flag and calls 
tp_is_gc(), if it exists.  tp_is_gc() is wart, IMHO, and it would be nice if we 
can kill it off so only the type flag is needed.  That's a topic for a 
different issue though.


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[issue44897] Integrate trashcan mechanism into _Py_Dealloc

2021-08-16 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

nosy: +pablogsal, tim.peters, vstinner

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44897] Integrate trashcan mechanism into _Py_Dealloc

2021-08-16 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

Based on some testing, I think an extra type slot is not worth the extra 
complication.  I made some small improvements to _Py_Dealloc and now the 
performance seems a bit better.  Basically, I expanded _PyObject_IS_GC() to put 
the most common branches first.  See pypref-trashcan2.txt for benchmark.  
Overall I think might be a bit slower (less than 1%?)  but we have gained 
trashcan protection for the dealloc of all GC objects.  

If we are okay with the performance, here are other questions to answer:

A) is it safe to untrack GC objects before calling tp_dealloc?

B) is it safe to have PyObject_CallFinalizerFromDealloc() track objects that 
are resurrected?

We might have to look at 3rd party extensions to decide on those.  I.e. maybe 
in theory it is not safe but in practice there is no extension code that would 
actually break.

Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44897] Integrate trashcan mechanism into _Py_Dealloc

2021-08-15 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

Added file:

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44897] Integrate trashcan mechanism into _Py_Dealloc

2021-08-15 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

As I suspected, the performance impact is significant (although pretty small).  
Based on Linux perf, it looks like the extra test+branch in _Py_Dealloc adds 
about 1% overhead.  pyperformance shows something similar, see attached reports 
(pypref-trashcan.txt and perf-annotate-trash.txt).

An idea I've been trying is to add another type slot, e.g. tp_call_dealloc.  It 
could be set by PyType_Ready().  It would be called by the Py_DECREF macro on 
refcnt going to zero.  If the object is non-GC and Py_TRACE_REFS is off, can 
make tp_call_dealloc actually be the tp_dealloc pointer.  If the type has the 
GC flag, point tp_call_dealloc to a _Py_Dealloc version that checks tp_is_gc 
and does the trashcan stuff.

Unfortunately, all types don't have PyType_Ready() called on them.  So, we 
cannot rely on tp_call_dealloc being set correctly.

Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44881] Consider integration of PyObject_GC_UnTrack() with the trashcan C API

2021-08-13 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

> I think in any case we should benchmark this because this will affect *all*
> GC types if I understand correctly and the TS mechanism had shown slowdowns
> before

We definitely need to benchmark. I would guess that adding trashcan protection
to all GC types would not be a performance issue.  We already had the macros
for some performance critical ones (frame, tuple, list, dict).

The performance hit will likely come as a result of adding a branch that
uses _PyType_IS_GC() to the DECREF code path.  It means any time an object hits
zero refcount, we call _PyType_IS_GC() on it.  Previously, we would just call

Because of PEP 442, _PyType_IS_GC() checks not only a type flag but might also
call tp_is_gc.  So, benchmarks will need to be done.   We might get a small win
because the trashcan logic can be better optimized now that it's in a single
complied unit.

Small correction for my explaination above: if tp_dealloc gets called mutiple
times because of the trashcan, it is the code before the BEGIN macro that gets
called mutiple times.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44881] Consider integration of PyObject_GC_UnTrack() with the trashcan C API

2021-08-13 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

> The problem of PyObject_GC_UnTrack() is just the most visible effect of the
> trashcan mecanism: tp_dealloc can be called twice, and this is *not* expected
> by the tp_dealloc API.

The fact that Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN and Py_TRASHCAN_END can cause tp_dealloc to be
called more than once is not a huge issue, IMHO.  The statements executed more
than once are the ones before or after the trashcan macros.  If you use them
properly, the multiple calls doesn't cause issues.  The big trap is
to use _PyObject_GC_UNTRACK before Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN.  It is not safe to call
that macro multiple times.  Anywhere you see Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN and
_PyObject_GC_UNTRACK before it, that's a bug.

The point of this PR is to make the macros harder to use incorrectly.  If there
is no need to call untrack, Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN and Py_TRASHCAN_END can normally
be the first and last lines of the tp_dealloc function (declarations can be
inside).  Then, the fact that tp_dealloc is actually called more than once by 
trashcan doesn't cause an issue.

tp_dealloc can get called more than once for another reason.  If the object is
resurrected by tp_finalize or tp_del, then tp_dealloc can be called again.
It's pretty mind bending to try to understand all of implications of that. Most
of the ugliness is inside PyObject_CallFinalizerFromDealloc().  The type with
the finalizer has to be careful not to put the object in an invalid state
before it gets resurrected.

> Putting trashcan mecanism outside tp_dealloc can allow to make sure that
> tp_dealloc is called exactly once. _Py_Dealloc() sounds like a good
> candidate, but I didn't check if it's the only way to call tp_dealloc. Are
> there other places where tp_dealloc is called *directly*?

tp_dealloc is called from a few more places, as you found.  As for providing
C-stack exhaustion protection via the trashcan, I think we are only interested
in places were tp_dealloc is called as a result of a DECREF.  And I think that
only goes through _Py_Dealloc().

I suppose it would be possible to blow up the C stack via a call chain like:

subtype_dealloc -> basedealloc -> subtype_dealloc -> basedealloc -> ...

I think you would have to make a long chain of subclasses.  Seems unlikely in
real code so I'm not worried about trying to fix that.

> Using military grade regex, I found the following functions calling 
> tp_dealloc:
> grep 'dealloc[) ]*([a-zA-Z]\+)' */*.c
> * _Py_Dealloc() obviously
> * _PyTrash_thread_destroy_chain()
> * subtype_dealloc()
> * Modules/_testcapimodule.c: check_pyobject_freed_is_freed() <= unit test, it 
> can be ignored
> So if we move the trashcan usage inside functions, 3 functions must be 
> modified:
> * _Py_Dealloc()
> * _PyTrash_thread_destroy_chain()
> * subtype_dealloc()

Take a look at bpo-44897.  It implements the _Py_Dealloc approach. You can see
what needs to be modified.  I removed the Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN/Py_TRASHCAN_END
macros as well, just because they are not needed anymore.  _PyObject_GC_UNTRACK
calls inside tp_dealloc methods need to be removed because _Py_Dealloc already
does the untrack.  For external extensions, they must be using
PyObject_GC_UnTrack() and so that's safe (object is already untracked and so it
does nothing).

I think the big change is calling tp_dealloc methods with the object already
untracked.  If an extension did something like:

mytype_dealloc(PyObject *self)

That would break after PR 27738, at least as it's currently written.

The other issue I'm not quite sure about is that
PyObject_CallFinalizerFromDealloc insists that GC objects are tracked when that
function is called.  I think it is okay to just call _PyObject_GC_TRACK on the
ones that are not tracked, to ensure that.  Maybe Tim Peters will jump in and
correct the errors of my thinking.

nosy: +tim.peters

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44881] Consider integration of PyObject_GC_UnTrack() with the trashcan C API

2021-08-12 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

I wrote a proof-of-concept as bpo-44897.  PR 27718 (this issue) might a 
slightly better performance but I like the other one better because it doesn't 
expose so much implementation detail to extension types.  Either of them 
require careful review before merging.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44897] Integrate trashcan mechanism into _Py_Dealloc

2021-08-12 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +26218

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44897] Integrate trashcan mechanism into _Py_Dealloc

2021-08-12 Thread Neil Schemenauer

New submission from Neil Schemenauer :

This is a WIP/proof-of-concept of doing away with Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN and 
Py_TRASHCAN_END and instead integrating the functionality into _Py_Dealloc.  
There are a few advantages:

- all container objects have the risk of overflowing the C stack if a long 
reference chain of them is created and then deallocated.  So, to be safe, the 
tp_dealloc methods for those objects should be protected from overflowing the 

- the Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN and Py_TRASHCAN_END macros are hard to understand and a 
bit hard to use correctly.  Making the mechanism internal avoids confusion.  
The code can be slightly simplified as well.

This proof-of-concept seems to pass tests but it will need some careful review. 
 The exact rules related to calling GC Track/Untrack are subtle and this 
changes things a bit.  I.e. tp_dealloc is called with GC objects already 
untracked.  For 3rd party extensions, they are calling PyObject_GC_UnTrack() 
and so I believe they should still work.  

The fact that PyObject_CallFinalizerFromDealloc() wants GC objects to 
definitely be tracked is a bit of a mystery to me (there is an assert to check 
that).  I changed the code to track objects if they are not already tracked but 
I'm not sure that's correct.

There could be a performance hit, due to the _PyType_IS_GC() test that was 
added to the _Py_Dealloc() function.  For non-GC objects, that's going to be a 
new branch and I'm worried it might hurt a bit.  OTOH, maybe it's just in the 
noise.  Profiling will need to be done.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 399433
nosy: nascheme
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Integrate trashcan mechanism into _Py_Dealloc
type: enhancement

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44881] Consider integration of PyObject_GC_UnTrack() with the trashcan C API

2021-08-11 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

I was thinking about this more today and I think the better fix is to actually 
build the trashcan mechanism into _Py_Dealloc().  Requiring that types opt-in 
to the trashcan mechanism by using the trashcan macros is not ideal.  

First, the trashcan macros are a bit tricky to use correctly.  Second, every 
"container" type is potentially a part of a long ref chain and could blow up 
the stack on deallocation (i.e. triggered from DECREF).  So, for 
correctness/robustness, every type that supports cyclic GC should get 
trashcan-style deallocation.

We would have to find a way to do this without incurring a (significant) 
performance hit.  Also, it would have to be done without breaking C extensions. 
 Ideally they would get trashcan-style deallocation without any source code 
changes.  I'm not sure if that can be done but I'm hopeful it's possible.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44881] Consider integration of GC_UNTRACK with TRASHCAN

2021-08-10 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

Since C99 is now allowed, perhaps we should suggest that declarations go after 

mytype_dealloc(mytype *p)
Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(p, mytype_dealloc)
... declarations go here ...
... The body of the deallocator goes here, including all calls ...
... to Py_DECREF on contained objects. ...
Py_TRASHCAN_END// there should be no code after this

The only dealloc method that doesn't fit this pattern is subtype_dealloc() and 
that's because the object might not be a GC object.

Given the pattern, it occurs to me that that _Py_Dealloc() could do the 
trashcan begin/end work.  However, the authors of the dealloc methods would 
have to realize the special rules of the trashcan (e.g. no returns from the 
dealloc method body).  Also, there would be some overhead added to 
_Py_Dealloc() to check if the trashcan is supported.  E.g. checking a type flag.

Another idea would be to add a new slot for the method, e.g. tp_dealloc_trash.  
Then, _Py_Dealloc() could check if it exists and if so do the trashcan 
begin/end dance around it.  That would still add some overhead to _Py_Dealloc() 
so I think the current macros are the best approach.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44881] Consider integration of GC_UNTRACK with TRASHCAN

2021-08-10 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

For examples of bugs caused by forgetting the untrack calls, see bpo-31095.


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[issue44881] Consider integration of GC_UNTRACK with TRASHCAN

2021-08-10 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

Extensions that call PyObject_GC_UnTrack before calling Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN will 
still work, they will just take a very minor performance hit.  I don't think it 
is worth the trouble to introduce new macros for that reason.  Extensions that 
really care about performance can wrap the call in a Python version ifdef.

There is an issue if someone writes and tests their extension with the new API, 
i.e. without having the explicit PyObject_GC_UnTrack() call in their dealloc 
method.  If they compile with an older Python, they likely get a crash.  If 
they compile with asserts enable, they would get an assert fail in 
_PyTrash_thread_deposit_object, i.e.:

_PyObject_ASSERT(op, !_PyObject_GC_IS_TRACKED(op));

I guess that's an argument for new macros.

stage: patch review -> needs patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44881] Consider integration of GC_UNTRACK with TRASHCAN

2021-08-10 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +26201
stage: needs patch -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33930] Segfault with deep recursion into object().__dir__

2021-08-10 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

I'm thinking that the explicit call to PyObject_GC_UnTrack should be made 
unnecessary by integrating it into the trashcan code.  That way, we avoid 
someone else running into this kind of bug in the future.  See bpo-44881.

nosy: +nascheme

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44881] Consider integration of GC_UNTRACK with TRASHCAN

2021-08-10 Thread Neil Schemenauer

New submission from Neil Schemenauer :

The fix for bpo-33930 includes a somewhat mysterious comment:

// The Py_TRASHCAN mechanism requires that we be able to
// call PyObject_GC_UnTrack twice on an object.

I wonder if we can just integrate the untrack into the body of the trashcan 
code.  Then, the explicit call to untrack in the dealloc function body can be 
removed.  That removes the risk of incorrectly using the macro version.

I suspect the reason this was not done originally is because the original 
trashcan mechanism did not use the GC header pointers to store objects.  Now, 
any object that uses the trashcan *must* be a GC object.

messages: 399356
nosy: nascheme
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Consider integration of GC_UNTRACK with TRASHCAN
type: enhancement

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Ask for help on using re

2021-08-05 Thread Neil
Jach Feng  wrote:
> I want to distinguish between numbers with/without a dot attached:
 text = 'ch 1. is\nch 23. is\nch 4 is\nch 56 is\n'
 re.compile(r'ch \d{1,}[.]').findall(text)
> ['ch 1.', 'ch 23.']
 re.compile(r'ch \d{1,}[^.]').findall(text)
> ['ch 23', 'ch 4 ', 'ch 56 ']
> I can guess why the 'ch 23' appears in the second list. But how to get rid of 
> it?
> --Jach


>>> re.findall(r'ch\s+\d+(?![.\d])',text)

do what you want?  This matches "ch", then any nonzero number of
whitespaces, then any nonzero number of digits, provided this is not
followed by a dot or another digit.

PyConZA 2021 - Second call for submissions

2021-07-12 Thread Neil Muller
This is a second call for talk proposals for PyConZA 2021. While we've
already received several great talk proposals, we still have a number
of open talk slots and are thus keen to see further talk submissions.

PyCon ZA 2021 will take place on the 7th & 8th of October, 2021. This
year, due to the ongoing pandemic, PyCon ZA will again be an online
event. We will be streaming the talks and using discord for discussion
around the talks and other conference activities.

We are looking for the following presentations:
  - Keynotes (45 minute long talks on a subject of general interest)
  - Talks (30 minute long talks on more specific topics)

If you would like to give a presentation, please register at and submit your proposal, following the
instructions at . We have a
number of tracks available, including: Data Science, Teaching and
Learning with Python, Web, Scientific Computing, Testing and Other
(which includes all talks that don't fall under the mentioned tracks).
We hope to notify accepted presenters by no later than the 31st of
August 2021.

Speakers will be expected to be available after the presentation for a
short Q session. Shared sessions are also possible. The
presentations will be in English.

PyCon ZA offers a mentorship program for inexperienced speakers. If
you would like assistance preparing your submission, email with a rough description of what you would like to
talk about and we'll find a suitable experienced speaker to act as a

If you want to present something that doesn't fit into the two talk
categories at PyCon ZA, please contact the organising committee at so we can discuss whether that will be feasible.

Neil Muller
On behalf of the PyConZA organising committee
Python-announce-list mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[issue43384] Include regen-stdlib-module-names in regen-all

2021-07-05 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

resolution:  -> rejected
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44523] weakref.proxy documentation might be outdated

2021-06-29 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

It seems to me the old behaviour (don't forward hash) was done for good 
reasons.  If the referent might go away, it is not valid to use it as a dict 
key since the hash and eq result changes.  If it can't go away, what reason is 
there to use a weakref and not a direct reference?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23316] Incorrect evaluation order of function arguments with *args

2021-06-16 Thread Neil Girdhar

Neil Girdhar  added the comment:



Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44331] Generate static PyCodeObjects for faster startup

2021-06-06 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +25161

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44331] Generate static PyCodeObjects for faster startup

2021-06-06 Thread Neil Schemenauer

New submission from Neil Schemenauer :

Note: This is a proof of concept and not ready for merging as is.

This is based on 'frozen_modules' from Jeethu Rao , via 
Larry Hastings.  Larry's git branch was:


- Compile Python as normal
- Run "make regen-freeze-startup" to re-generate Python/frozenmodules_code.c
- Compile Python a second time

Changes from Larry's branch:

- Move static C code generation tool to Tools/freeze2
- Move _serializer to Modules
- Rebase on Python 3.10.0b1
- determine startup modules by running sys.executable
- use importlib.util.find_spec() to get code objects
- fix ref-counting when setting __path__
- put static frozen modules in frozen_code_objects dict
- reduce set of "bad" modules as it seems only _collections_abc needs
- fix the is_frozen_package() and is_frozen() functions to find
  static frozen code

It's not passing all unit tests yet but I'm somewhat hopeful there are no deep 
problems.  Porting the changes from 3.6 to 3.8 and then to 3.10 was not too 
horrible.  There was a few changes to PyGC_Head, to the PyCodeObject structure 
and to the runtime initialization process.  That gives me some hope that it 
wouldn't be too burdensome to maintain this in the long-term.  Mostly it would 
be updating _serialize.c to keep up with PyCodeObject changes.

Based on benchmarking with 3.8, this gives a decent speedup for startup of a 
trival program, e.g. python -c "True".  I measure it as taking 76% of the time. 
 The savings are mostly in marshal.c but there is also some 
importlib/filesystem overhead that's removed.

messages: 395243
nosy: nascheme
priority: low
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Generate static PyCodeObjects for faster startup
type: performance

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42972] [C API] Heap types (PyType_FromSpec) must fully implement the GC protocol

2021-05-25 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

nosy: +nascheme

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

PyCon ZA 2021 - Call for Submissions

2021-04-08 Thread Neil Muller
PyCon ZA 2021 will take place on the 7th & 8th of October, 2021. This
year, due to the ongoing pandemic, PyCon ZA will again be an online

We are looking for the following presentations:
  - Keynotes (45 minute long talks on a subject of general interest)
  - Talks (30 minute long talks on more specific topics)

If you would like to give a presentation, please register at and submit your proposal, following the
instructions at . We have a
number of tracks available, including: Data Science, Teaching and
Learning with Python, Web, Scientific Computing, Testing and Other
(which includes all talks that don't fall under the mentioned tracks).
We hope to notify accepted presenters by no later than the 31st of
August 2021.

Speakers will be expected to be available after the presentation for a
short Q session. Shared sessions are also possible. The
presentations will be in English.

PyCon ZA offers a mentorship program for inexperienced speakers. If
you would like assistance preparing your submission, email with a rough draft of your talk proposal and we'll
find a suitable experienced speaker to act as a mentor.

If you want to present something that doesn't fit into the two talk
categories at PyCon ZA, please contact the organising committee at so we can discuss whether that will be feasible.

Neil Muller
On behalf of the PyCon ZA organising committee
Python-announce-list mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

Re: Horrible abuse of __init_subclass__, or elegant hack?

2021-04-01 Thread David L Neil via Python-list
Officially April-Fools Day is over (here), but...

On 01/04/2021 19.25, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 3:36 PM dn via Python-list
>  wrote:
>> On 01/04/2021 13.54, Chris Angelico wrote:
>>> Real and imaginary are the same thing, just rotated a quarter turn
>> In which dimension(s)?
> Cartesian.

Isn't this water you get out of the ground and then deliver using an
horse-pulled vehicle?

 Without looking into the details/context: surely there's a more
 straightforward approach?
>>> Perhaps, but there are potentially a LOT of recipes, and I needed to
>>> be able to cleanly edit those, even if the code at the top was a mess.
>>> (The goal here is to map out production patterns in the game
>>> "Satisfactory", for the curious. It's easy to add other things, like
>>> computer manufacturing or bauxite processing, simply by adding more
>>> recipes.)
>>> My original plan was basically pairwise tuple summing (deriving a set
>>> of "oil in, water in, rubber out, fuel out" for each set of recipes,
>>> where some might be zero), but it turned out that that wasn't flexible
>>> enough, and it really needed more options than that.
>> Which was where my mind was going*. Why not a dict of inputs, processes,
>> and outputs**? Each dict having variable length, from None, and
>> key:values assigned at declaration/init. In the case of process, the
>> contained objects could be Python-functions. With "compact
>> representation" (3.6+) the functions could also be relied upon to
>> represent a 'production line' or pipeline of functions.
> Perhaps, but the key here is the input method. It wouldn't look nearly as 
> clean.

Not sure about that. For example, is it immediately-obvious which of
"Crude", "Residue", and "Plastic" are inputs; and which outputs?

>>> I already have certificates from Rutledge's Asylum and MaayaInsane's
>>> (unnamed) asylum, so that seems pretty likely.
>> Noted you on the list of lauded alumni at the latter.
> Hmm, where do you see that list? I'm curious.

Appeared to be some sort of 'leader board' for the game. Recognised your
handle there. Think it was Perhaps I
was looking at the same time as you logged-in? Daren't disappear down
that rabbit-hole again...

>> When you left the former, did they allow you to keep the t-shirt, or did
>> you have to buy your own memorabilia?
>> (
> I beg your pardon? What is this "left"? I'm still there! Actually I
> pay my membership on a monthly basis, and in return, my walls are
> lavishly decorated in Alice art.

Whereas us lateral-thinkers don't like the feeling of being fenced-in.

>> The latter's treatment list sounds remarkably like .mil training. I know
>> of plenty with that t-shirt - but can't think of a one sporting a mug...
>> Should you have one, kindly bring it (with appropriate contents) come
>> ANZAC Day at the end of this month...
> This is what I'd bring. They're the standard mugs that I offer to
> guests. Well, I would if ever I had guests, but hermitism is a
> thing...

Is that the same as (anti-) club-ism
(cue Groucho:

After suffering the RSA's ?quaint tradition of rum-in-milk (that BEFORE
Dawn Parade, and thereafter marching on a less-than flat surface) I have
learned to guard against the pre-dawn cold by heading for the Hot
Chocolate counter - can't say the mugs look like that though.

>> Magic, you ask? Well, maybe more "sinister". We did manage to find a
>> loose floor-board, but a sad life-lesson was learned, when certain ones
>> (un-named*) took it upon themselves to eat all of the contraband
>> secreted there.
> Uh oh. How old was the contraband?

Was between 'tuck days' (when we were allowed to acquire such goodies -
once?twice per week). The theory being that we would all contribute, in
anticipation of some later "midnight feast") - such gyre and gimble-ing
being more Jabberwock than Alice!
Regards =dn

[issue43593] pymalloc is not aware of Memory Tagging Extension (MTE) and crashes

2021-03-31 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

> If MTE is actually being used, system software assigns "random" values to 4 
> of the higher-order bits.

Oh, interesting.

Two ideas about handling that: we could change our assertion check to be 
different on ARM platforms that we know have a certain size physical address 
space.  Probably just turn off that high-bits check.

Second idea, we could change the radix tree to not assume high address bits are 
unused.  That's trickier to do without performance or memory usage 
degradations.  I have a work-in-progress patch that adds a cache on top of the 
radix tree lookup.  It looks like that cache can be made to have a pretty high 
hit rate.  Based on a small amount of testing, the radix tree lookup for 
address_in_range() only happens about 1% of the time.  If that approach works, 
we could add another layer to the tree and handle the full 64-bit address space.

Based on my wip testing, my benchmark was showing about equal performance with 
the cache to without.  So, no benefit to offset the increase in code 
complexity.  Handling the MTE high bits tricks might enough to justify the 
cache addition.

versions: +Python 3.9 -Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37368] test_asyncio: test_create_server_ssl_match_failed() failed on s390x SLES 3.x and logged an unraisable exception

2021-03-30 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

It seems to not be specific to S390, same kind of failure on the PPC64LE RHEL8 
LTO + PGE 3.x tester:

Exception ignored in: 
Traceback (most recent call last):  
 line 321, in __del__
 line 316, in close
 line 590, in _start_shutdown
 line 731, in _abort
 line 680, in abort
 line 731, in _force_close
self._loop.call_soon(self._call_connection_lost, exc)   
 line 745, in call_soon
 line 510, in _check_closed
raise RuntimeError('Event loop is closed')  
RuntimeError: Event loop is closed


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37368] test_asyncio: test_create_server_ssl_match_failed() failed on s390x SLES 3.x and logged an unraisable exception

2021-03-29 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

Seems this failure might be back.  At least, the traceback looks quite similar 
to me.

The buildbot failed with this:

heads/master:85b6b70589, Mar 29 2021, 22:53:15

0:05:26 load avg: 3.95 [426/427] test_tokenize passed (56.0 sec) -- running: 
test_asyncio (44.8 sec)
0:05:35 load avg: 3.34 [427/427/1] test_asyncio failed (env changed) (54.1 sec)
Warning -- Unraisable exception
Exception ignored in: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 321, in __del__
 line 316, in close
 line 590, in _start_shutdown
 line 731, in _abort
 line 680, in abort
 line 731, in _force_close
self._loop.call_soon(self._call_connection_lost, exc)
 line 745, in call_soon
 line 510, in _check_closed
raise RuntimeError('Event loop is closed')
RuntimeError: Event loop is closed

nosy: +nascheme
resolution: out of date -> 
stage: resolved -> 
status: closed -> open
versions: +Python 3.10 -Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43593] pymalloc is not aware of Memory Tagging Extension (MTE) and crashes

2021-03-29 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

I've merged PR 14474 so you can just test with an up-to-date "main" branch and 
see if that fixes the problem.  I would expect it should fix the problem since 
with the radix tree arena tracking, no memory unsanitary behaviour remains.

nosy: +nascheme

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37448] obmalloc: radix tree for tracking arena address ranges

2021-03-29 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37448] obmalloc: radix tree for tracking arena address ranges

2021-03-29 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

New changeset 85b6b70589c187639aeebc560d67e9cc04abb4d8 by Neil Schemenauer in 
branch 'master':
bpo-37448: Use radix tree for pymalloc address_in_range(). (GH-14474)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43445] Add frozen modules to sys.stdlib_module_names

2021-03-09 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

Not sure the proper place to discuss this but I wonder if putting this stdlib 
module names list in the executable is the best idea.  The list of available 
stdlib modules could change after compiling Python.  I understand you don't 
want to dynamically crawl the library path the build the list.  That's too 
slow.  However, is there a really strong reason to embed it in the Python 

Did you consider generating a .py module, containing the list.  E.g. 
"" inside the lib folder.  Then, you can have or some 
similar startup logic import that module and assign it to 

nosy: +nascheme

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42246] Implement PEP 626 -- Precise line numbers for debugging

2021-03-06 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

New changeset 87ec26b812e9c4095c017dc60f246eda37b83ab2 by Neil Schemenauer in 
branch 'master':
bpo-43372: Use _freeze_importlib for regen-frozen. (GH-24759)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43372] ctypes: test_frozentable fails when make regen-frozen

2021-03-06 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43372] ctypes: test_frozentable fails when make regen-frozen

2021-03-06 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

New changeset 87ec26b812e9c4095c017dc60f246eda37b83ab2 by Neil Schemenauer in 
branch 'master':
bpo-43372: Use _freeze_importlib for regen-frozen. (GH-24759)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43372] ctypes: test_frozentable fails when make regen-frozen

2021-03-04 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

assignee:  -> nascheme

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42246] Implement PEP 626 -- Precise line numbers for debugging

2021-03-04 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

pull_requests: +23532

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43372] ctypes: test_frozentable fails when make regen-frozen

2021-03-04 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

pull_requests: +23531

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43382] github CI blocked by the Ubuntu CI with an SSL error

2021-03-03 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

It seems it is enough to make a new commit.  The CI seems to re-base and re-run 
the PR.  At least, it worked on two of my PRs.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43384] Include regen-stdlib-module-names in regen-all

2021-03-02 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23494

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43384] Include regen-stdlib-module-names in regen-all

2021-03-02 Thread Neil Schemenauer

New submission from Neil Schemenauer :

While I was fixing the regen-frozen issue, I noticed it seems unnecessary to 
have regen-stdlib-module-names separate from regen-all.  Maybe Victor knows why 
it needs to be separate.  If it doesn't need to be separate, the CI scripts can 
be slightly simplified.

components: Build
messages: 388003
nosy: nascheme
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Include regen-stdlib-module-names in regen-all
type: enhancement

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43382] github CI blocked by the Ubuntu CI with an SSL error

2021-03-02 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

I think it may be related to bpo-41561.  There is a bug in the Ubuntu tracker 
as well:

I agree with the temporary fix to use "ubuntu-18.04" for CI testing.

nosy: +nascheme

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42246] Implement PEP 626 -- Precise line numbers for debugging

2021-03-02 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

pull_requests: +23492

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43372] ctypes: test_frozentable fails when make regen-frozen

2021-03-02 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

pull_requests: +23491

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43381] add small test for frozen module line number table

2021-03-02 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23490

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43381] add small test for frozen module line number table

2021-03-02 Thread Neil Schemenauer

New submission from Neil Schemenauer :

In bug #43372, we didn't notice that the code for the __hello__ module was not 
re-generated.  Things seems to be okay but the line number table was corrupted. 
 It seems a good idea to add a small test to ensure that doesn't happen again.

I marked the test as CPython implementation specific.

components: Tests
messages: 387989
nosy: nascheme
priority: low
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: add small test for frozen module line number table
type: enhancement

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43372] ctypes: test_frozentable fails when make regen-frozen

2021-03-02 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23484
stage:  -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42246] Implement PEP 626 -- Precise line numbers for debugging

2021-03-02 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

nosy: +nascheme
nosy_count: 7.0 -> 8.0
pull_requests: +23485

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43372] ctypes: test_frozentable fails when make regen-frozen

2021-03-02 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

I believe the line table format got changed but the frozen code didn't get 
re-generated.  If you try to call co_lines() on the __hello__ code, Python 

>>> import __hello__
Hello world!
>>> co = __hello__.__spec__.loader.get_code('__hello__')
>>> co.co_linetable
>>> list(co.co_lines())
python: ../Objects/codeobject.c:1185: PyLineTable_NextAddressRange: Assertion 
`!at_end(range)' failed.

My PR re-generates the code and fixes the test.  Perhaps I should also add a 
test to exercise co_lines() on the frozen code object.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42212] Check if generated files are up-to-date in Github Actions

2021-03-02 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

nosy: +nascheme
nosy_count: 3.0 -> 4.0
pull_requests: +23486

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37448] obmalloc: radix tree for tracking arena address ranges

2021-02-24 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

Added file:

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37448] obmalloc: radix tree for tracking arena address ranges

2021-02-24 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

Added file:

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43288] test_importlib failure due to missing skip() method

2021-02-21 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

New changeset 44fe32061d60f4bd9c4fa48c24e3e4ba26033dba by Neil Schemenauer in 
branch '3.9':
[3.9] bpo-43288: Fix bug in test_importlib test. (GH-24616)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43288] test_importlib failure due to missing skip() method

2021-02-21 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Change by Neil Schemenauer :

pull_requests: +23397

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43288] test_importlib failure due to missing skip() method

2021-02-21 Thread Neil Schemenauer

Neil Schemenauer  added the comment:

New changeset 84f7afe65c29330f3ff8e318e054b96554a2dede by Neil Schemenauer in 
branch 'master':
Fix failed merge of bpo-43288. (GH-24614)


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >