[issue22804] Can't run Idle in Windows 8 or windows 64

2014-11-06 Thread nx u

New submission from nx u:


I have just downloaded and installed python34. When I run the short cut  IDLE 
python gui nothing happens  ( I think a command window appears briefly - not 
sure as this happens so quickly).  My machine runs windows 8 and 64 bit version 
of . I did the same on a windows 7 64 bit machine and double clicking the 
Python IDLE gui 32 bit doesn't work.

Not quite sure what's going on. Our machines are located in a school with GPOs 
controlling access and security. I am from the ICT support team. There isn't 
much reported on this issue on the internet either except a couple of entries 
in stackoverflow. But the solutions offered are far off the mark. Please help. 
The documentation on the Python web site is not clear or not detailed enough to 
diagnose the fault.

components: IDLE
messages: 230732
nosy: nx.u
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Can't run Idle in Windows 8 or windows 64
versions: Python 3.4

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run runs away

2005-11-29 Thread Nx

I think my question is how to make
the script wait until it returns from a call to run()

Here is a code snippet:

# next lines calls python2.4 32 bit version 
# from a script running in python2.3 64 bit version
run(python2.4, dbviewmaster.py) 
# I want the following only to run after
# running of python2.4 has finished 
f = open(self.DBMETA,'r')
for self.getline in f.readlines():

Thanks for any hints how to do that.


Re: run runs away

2005-11-29 Thread Nx
Thanks for your reply !

I now realize , that the run() used in this
code stems from a def , which actually wraps
os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, ...) in
a way that eliminates waiting

I like this newsgroup as there are always
people who are less stumped than oneself.


Re: Installation question

2005-09-08 Thread Nx
Thanks anyway
I wished there was a sure step by step approach 
to get it to work but I can't think of any
good solution and I do not want to reinstall
a well optimized system if something goes astray.



Installation question

2005-09-06 Thread Nx
I would like to know how to install
Qt3 for following setup

Already Installed :
Suse 9.2 64 version
Python 2.3 (for 64)  lives in /usr/bin/python2.3
Qt3 (for Python 2.3)
Python 2.4 (for 32)  lives in /usr/local/bin/python2.4

Want to install
Qt3 (for Python 2.4)

without messing up my existing installation.



variable hell

2005-08-25 Thread Nx


 I am unpacking a list into variables, for some reason they need to be
 unpacked into variable names like a0,a1,a2upto aN whatever is 
 in the list.

 How to create the variables dynamically ?

 I am looking for something like 
 pseudo code line follows :

 a%s = str(value)

 here below is a snippet from the mylist unpack code

 #next lines cut the end of line character from each line in the list
   mylist = [line[:-1] for line in mylist]
   for index,value in enumerate(mylist):
  if index == 0 :
a0 = str(value)
print a0 : ,a0
  elif index == 1 :
a1 = str(value)
print a1 : ,a1




Re: variable hell

2005-08-25 Thread Nx
Thanks for the many replies

 here is an example for what it will be used for , in this case
 fixed at 31 fieldvalues:

   cur = con1.cursor()
   try :
print 'Inserted 1 record'
   except IOError, (errno, strerror):
 print I/O error(%s): %s % (errno, strerror)
   except ValueError:
 print Could not convert data to an integer.
print Unexpected error:, sys.exc_info()[0]

I am sure there is an easier way, but I have not found it yet.


Re: variable hell

2005-08-25 Thread Nx

 Why unpack inputvalues if your next step is to pack'em back again ? Or
 what did I miss ?
The original values in this case are being read from a text file
with one value including a linefeed per line and the original idea was,
that having them read into a list was the best way to massage them into the
form required to be used as input values for the insert statement. 



Re: variable hell

2005-08-25 Thread Nx
Thanks for all the responses and animated discussion,
which is still the best way to learn something new.

Most of the time it is not that you want to do something
in a certain way , it rather is one cannot think of a
better , faster more efficient way .


Need better way to unpack a list

2005-08-17 Thread Nx
Is there a better solution to following problem :

I want to unpack a list into variables
the list is created at runtime and I do not know
how many items there will be , but I know not more than 25.
The list unpacks into variables which are prev. defined as
line1,line2line25 which are actually the names of lineedit fields in
a Qt gui application and which need to be populated.
I currently use following to achieve that :

while c  len(mylinelist):
 c = c + 1
 if c==1:
 if c==2 :
 if c==25:

I rather have someting like
pseudo code follows:


How to do that ?


Re: Need better way to unpack a list

2005-08-17 Thread Nx
 for index, value in enumerate(mylinelist):
 getattr(self, line%d % (index + 1)).setText(value)

Thanks ! This was the line which did it 
The correct code snippet now reads :

# set the lineedits of the QT gui
for index,value in enumerate(self.mylinelist):
   getattr(self, lineEdit%d % (index + 1)).setText(self.tr(value))


Python 32 and Python 64 bit

2005-08-09 Thread Nx
Suse Linux 9.2 64
Python 2.3 64 bit
Python 2.4 32 bit

My question is :

I have a python prog which is installed for python 2.3
but I need some variables filled with data, which I only can
get with running a python prog via python 2.4
(data is comming from a firebird database server via kinterbase
  all needs to be 32 bit).

How do I call python 2.4 from within python 2.3 and
load my variables with the data from the python 2.4 run ?
