[issue46598] ElementTree: wrong XML prolog for the utf-8-sig encoding

2022-02-01 Thread Petr Prikryl

New submission from Petr Prikryl :

When ElementTree object is to be written to the file, and when BOM is needed, 
the 'utf-8-sig' can be used for the purpose. However, the XML prolog then looks 

... and that encoding in the prolog makes no sense. Therefore,
the utf-8-sig is changed to utf-8 for the purpose.

To fix the situation, the following two lines should be added to

`elif enc_lower == "utf-8-sig":
 declared_encoding = "utf-8"

just above the line 741 that says 
`write("\n" % (

I have already cloned the main branch, added the lines to 
`https://github.com/pepr/cpython.git`, and sent pull request.

I have tested the functionality locally with `Python 3.10.2 
(tags/v3.10.2:a58ebcc, Jan 17 2022, 14:12:15) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on 

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 412247
nosy: prikryl
priority: normal
pull_requests: 29231
severity: normal
status: open
title: ElementTree: wrong XML prolog for the utf-8-sig encoding
versions: Python 3.10

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[issue16322] time.tzname on Python 3.3.0 for Windows is decoded by wrong encoding

2015-09-21 Thread Petr Prikryl

Petr Prikryl added the comment:

@eryksun: I see. In my case, I can set the locale before importing the time 
module. However, the code (asciidoc3.py) will be used as a module, and I cannot 
know if the user imported the time module or not.

Instead of your suggestion 
result = result.encode('latin-1').decode('mbcs')

I was thinking to create a module say wordaround16322.py like this:

import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

import importlib
import time

I thought that reloading the time module would be the same as importing is 
later, after setting locale. If that worked, the module could be simply 
imported wherever it was needed. However, it does not work when imported after 
importing time. What is the reason? Does reload() work
only for modules coded as Python sources? Is there any other approach that 
would implement the workaroundXXX.py module?


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16322] time.tzname on Python 3.3.0 for Windows is decoded by wrong encoding

2015-09-19 Thread Petr Prikryl

Petr Prikryl added the comment:

I have worked around a bit differently -- the snippet from the code:

result = time.tzname[0]# simplified version of the original code.

# Because of the bug in Windows libraries, Python 3.3 tried to work around
# some issues. However, the shit hit the fan, and the bug bubbled here.
# The `time.tzname` elements are (unicode) strings; however, they were
# filled with bad content. See https://bugs.python.org/issue16322 for 
# Actually, wrong characters were passed instead of the good ones.
# This code should be skipped later by versions of Python that will fix
# the issue.
import platform
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
# The concrete example for Czech locale:
# - cp1250 (windows-1250) is used as native encoding
# - the time.tzname[0] should start with 'Střední Evropa'
# - the ascii('Střední Evropa') should return "'St\u0159edn\xed Evropa'"
# - because of the bug it returns "'St\xf8edn\xed Evropa'"
# The 'ř' character has unicode code point `\u0159` (that is hex)
# and the `\xF8` code in cp1250. The `\xF8` was wrongly used
# as a Unicode code point `\u00F8` -- this is for the Unicode
# character 'ø' that is observed in the string.
# To fix it, the `result` string must be reinterpreted with a different
# encoding. When working with Python 3 strings, it can probably
# done only through the string representation and `eval()`. Here
# the `eval()` is not very dangerous because the string was obtained
# from the OS library, and the values are limited to certain subset.
# The `ascii()` literal is prefixed by `binary` type prefix character,
# `eval`uated, and the binary result is decoded to the correct string.
local_encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]
b = eval('b' + ascii(result))
result = b.decode(local_encoding)


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16322] time.tzname on Python 3.3.0 for Windows is decoded by wrong encoding

2015-09-18 Thread Petr Prikryl

Petr Prikryl added the comment:

I have just observed behaviour for the Czech locale. I tried to avoid 
collisions with stdout encoding, writing the strings into a file using UTF-8 

import time
import sys
with open('tzname_bug.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write(sys.version + '\n')
f.write('Should be: Střední Evropa (běžný čas) | Střední Evropa (letní 
f.write('but it is: ' + time.tzname[0] + ' | ' + time.tzname[1] + '\n') 
f.write('types: ' + repr(type(time.tzname[0])) + ' | ' + 
repr(type(time.tzname[1])) + '\n')
f.write('Should be as ascii: ' + ascii('Střední Evropa (běžný čas) | 
Střední Evropa (letní čas)') + '\n')
f.write('but it is as ascii: ' + ascii(time.tzname[0]) + ' | ' + 
ascii(time.tzname[1]) + '\n')

It creates the tzname_bug.txt with the content (copy/pasted from 
UNICODE-capable editor (Notepad++, the indicator at the right bottom corner 
shows UTF-8.
3.5.0 (v3.5.0:374f501f4567, Sep 13 2015, 02:27:37) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
Should be: Střední Evropa (běžný čas) | Střední Evropa (letní čas)
but it is: Støední Evropa (bìžný èas) | Støední Evropa (letní èas)
types:  | 
Should be as ascii: 'St\u0159edn\xed Evropa (b\u011b\u017en\xfd \u010das) | 
St\u0159edn\xed Evropa (letn\xed \u010das)'
but it is as ascii: 'St\xf8edn\xed Evropa (b\xec\x9en\xfd \xe8as)' | 
'St\xf8edn\xed Evropa (letn\xed \xe8as)'

nosy: +prikryl
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file40507/tzname_bug.py

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1145257] shutil.copystat() may fail...

2013-01-27 Thread Petr Prikryl

Petr Prikryl added the comment:

Well, it is quite an old event. Anyway, I have fixed the simple example, and 
launched it on Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3. It does not fail now. But I did not 
tested it heavily.

From my point of view, it was probably fixed.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Sorry (was Re: Cteni unicode retezcu ze souboru UTF-8 s BOM?)

2007-03-15 Thread Petr Prikryl
Sorry for the mess,

The message should have been sent to the Czech
Python mailing list. My fault.


Petr Prikryl wrote...
 Ahoj všeci,
 Tak nějak prakticky poprvé se dostávám k tomu, 
 jak přečíst unicode řetězce ze souboru, který
 je uložen ve formátu UTF-8 se signaturou
 na začátku (BOM). Nějak se mi nedaří.

Re: problem with str()

2007-03-15 Thread Petr Prikryl

Alex Martelli wrote
 Steve Holden wrote:
   Get yourself a stuffed bear, and next time you have this kind of
   spend a few minutes explaining to the bear exactly how your
   can't possibly be wrong. Works like a charm.
   A rubber ducky works much better for that, btw -- more easily
   than a stuffed bear, for example.
  But stuffed bears are so much more knowledgeable about the minutiae
  software design.
 And yet, the key to Python's strength is duck typing -- if you can
 the duck to type, you've got it made.

... and then (gradually) rather unrealistic communication dream 
called Babylonian fish can be replaced by slighly more realistic 
programmers dream called Python language with natural language 
processing when programming (buzzword DuckPython).

Q: Cteni unicode retezcu ze souboru UTF-8 s BOM?

2007-03-14 Thread Petr Prikryl
Ahoj všeci,

Tak nějak prakticky poprvé se dostávám k tomu, 
jak přečíst unicode řetězce ze souboru, který
je uložen ve formátu UTF-8 se signaturou
na začátku (BOM). Nějak se mi nedaří.

Mám takovýto soubor.txt v UTF-8 s BOM
První řádek.
Druhý řádek.
Třetí řádek.
Příšerně žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.

... a pustím skript
import codecs
f = codecs.open('soubor.txt', 'r', 'utf-8')
for line in f:
print repr(line)
print line[1:]

Výsledek vypadá takto
C:\tmppython a.py
u'\ufeffPrvn\xed \u0159\xe1dek.\r\n'
První řádek.

u'Druh\xfd \u0159\xe1dek.\r\n'
ruhý řádek.

u'T\u0159et\xed \u0159\xe1dek.\r\n'
řetí řádek.

u'P\u0159\xed\u0161ern\u011b \u017elu\u0165ou\u010dk\xfd k\u016f\u0148 
\xfap\u011bl \u010f\xe1belsk\xe9 \xf3dy.\r\n'
říšerně žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.

Všimněte si, že na prvním řádku je \ufeff, což je Byte Order Mark, 
který se tam vůbec nemá objevit. Jeví se mi to jako chyba. 
Na všech řádcích záměrně nevypisuji printem první znak, 
protože u toho prvního řádku to krachne (což je pochopitelné).
Řešil někdo něco podobného? Musí se BOM ukousávat ve vlastní režii?


Python language extension mechanism for Python 3000... Worth for PEP?

2006-11-30 Thread Petr Prikryl

Do you think that the following could became PEP (pre PEP).
Please, read it, comment it, reformulate it,... 


  Introduction of the mechanism for language extensions via
  modules written using other languages. Extensions of
  Python could be done via special interpreter extensions.
  From Python sources, the special modules would look like
  other modules, with the Python API (the key feature from
  the Python interpreter's point of view). Inside the
  special modules, special language features could be
  implemented and would possibly be interpreted by a
  different interpreter (the key feature to please those who
  want to use some special extensions).

  The goal could be summarized as extension of the idea of
  writing modules in Python or in C languages. Other kind of
  modules could be introduced. Then Python would work not
  only as a glue for modules and utilities, but could also
  be the glue for different interpreters.

  Note: The idea emerged when looking at the video 
  and when thinking about it. The sequences from it will be 
  referenced like [video 2:10 - 2:30]. I do not want to be
  the one of the group of the everybody is the language
  designer [video 25:47]. The goal is rather to bypas the
  problem mentioned in [video 25:35 - 27:50].

  There are doubts whether some features should be added to
  Python 3000 or whether some features are to be removed.
  The goal is to get rid of the obsolete features but the
  contradictory goal is not to break the backward
  compatibility. [video 7:00 - 7:30 - 8:10 - 8:45]
  There are some group of users of Python with special
  interests or with some special tastes for programming
  For example, some users like functional programming
  (lambda, reduce, map,...). They have expressed so
  eloquently their wishes that the Python 3000 is not to
  remove lambda. On the other hand, only the (current)
  simple form of lambda expressions will remain. [video
  41:38 - 43:34] Possibly, the unpleased functional people
  would be pleased if they could write some modules with
  more powerful lambda that would be interpreted by some
  special extension of the Python language interpreter.
  The new, requested special features used only by minority
  of programmers (but not by the unimportant minority) could
  be implemented outside the core of the Python interpreter.

  To keep the (Python) language clean, it is a good idea to
  simplify the syntax as much as possible -- if it does not
  lead to the loss of the power. 
  Some languages are better for some tasks. There will
  always be people that want to extend the core of the
  language to support their wishes. The extension of the
  language via special kinds of modules would not upset the
  pure Pythonistas and will please the pure
  functional-languages followers, for example.
  There already is something similar available inside the
  Python interpreter: some modules are implemented in the C
  language. The key idea is that they offer the same kind of
  interface that the modules written in Python do.
  In some sense, Python interpreter is not interested in how
  the results from the function call are obtained (whether
  the content of the module must be processed by the Python
  interpreter or whether the binary code will do it). In
  some sense, the module written in C can be seen as using
  no-interpreter extension.
  The idea of the module implementation language could be 
  extended (generalized) from Python or C to Python or C
  or Python-extension. The Python extension would be
  implemented and maintained separately and would not spoil
  the development of the core.
  Technically, the goal is to separate the core of the
  Python language from extensions that will be known in
  future. In some sense, the mechanism is the adapter to the
  something else to give it Python interface. The C/C++
  would not be the only alternative to implement a module
  used from a Python script.
  If modules can be viewed as prefabricated building blocks
  for writing the Python programs, the interpreter
  extensions could be viewed as building blocks for
  the interpreter functionality.
  As modules, some interpreter extensions could be standard,
  some could even be considered built-in, some could be
  from third parties. 
  Some interpreter extensions could be used as a testbed for
  adding new features: 
  For example, pure UTF-16 sources could be preprocessed by
  some experimental interpreter extension to the form that
  could be consumed by the core interpreter. And one day,
  the UTF-8 or 8-bit with explicitly stated encoding can be
  transformed to the only modern UTF-16 representation that
  new sources should use. The designers of the core language
  may freely decide to change the internals if they provide
  the adapter via the extension.  

Re: a question about return

2006-07-04 Thread Petr Prikryl

yaru22 wrote in message
 In one of the examples in the book I'm reading, it says:

 def __init__(self):

 It has nothing after return. I expected it to have some number like 0
 or 1. What does it mean to have nothing after return?

Yes, it has some special value. The value is said to be None.
Better to say -- the doc says:

This type has a single value. There is a single object with this
value. This object is accessed through the built-in name None.
It is used to signify the absence of a value in many situations,
e.g., it is returned from functions that don't explicitly return
anything. Its truth value is false.

 Why do we even include return if we are not putting any value after?

If you do not use return in your function, it is the same as if
you used return without an argument at the end of the body.
It will return None.

If you use return, the function returns immediately to the caller.
It need not to be the last command. You may want to return



Re: [noob question] References and copying

2006-07-04 Thread Petr Prikryl
zefciu wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Where can I find a good explanation when does an interpreter copy the
 value, and when does it create the reference.  I thought I understand
 it, but I have just typed in following commands:

 [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
 [5, 6]

 And I don't understand it.  I thought, that b will be a reference to a,
 so changing b should change a as well.  What do I do wrong.

The assignment always copy the reference, never the value.
After b=a[1] the b refers to the list object [3,4].
After b=[5,6] the earlier binding is forgotten, the new list with
values [5,6] is created and the b is bound to the new list.

But if you did
b[0] = 5
b[1] = 6

then you would get the expected result. The reason is that
b[0] is bound to 3 inside the big list refered by a, and
it is rebound to 5.

The suggested b[:] = [5, 6] is a shortcut for that (in fact,
it is slighly more magical and powerful).

 And a second question - can I create a reference to element of a list of
 floating points and use this reference to change that element?

No. Because the trivial types and also the string type are immutable
(i.e. constant). The list would contain references to the constants.
You cannot change the value of any constant. You have to replace
the reference.

Another possibility is to create your own class that will represent
one floating point value but will be mutable. In other words, the object
of your class will be a container (refered from the list) and its
internal state--the floating number--will be changed using the
method of the container.



Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-11 Thread Petr Prikryl

Chris Uppal wrote:
 Petr Prikryl wrote:

  for element in aCollection:
  if element  0:
  return True
  return False

 [I'm not sure whether this is supposed to be an example of some specific
 language (Python ?) or just a generic illustration.  I'll take it as the
 latter, since it makes my point easier to express.  I'll also exaggerate,
 a little...]

Sorry, I do not know Smalltalk, but this was meant as the transcription
of your...
  | E.g. consider the Smalltalk code (assumed to be the body of a method):
  | aCollection
  | do: [:each |
  | each  0 ifTrue: [^ true]].
  | ^ false.

into Python

 But now, in order to hack around the absence of a sensible and useful
 feature -- /only/ in order to do so -- you have added two horrible new
 complications to your language.  You have introduced a special syntax to
 express conditionals, and (worse!) a special syntax to express looping.
 only does that add a huge burden of complexity to the syntax, and
semantics, of
 the language (and, to a lesser extent, its implementation), but it also
 out any semblance of uniformity.

I guess that it is not me who is confused here. The subject clearly
says that the thread is related to Python and to lambda supported
by Python. It was only crossposted to other groups and I did
not want to remove them -- other people may want to read
the thread in the other newsgroups.

So, I did not introduced any horible syntax, nor looping
construct that would look strange to people used to
classical procedural languages. The lambda syntax
in Python is the thing that could be viewed as a complication,
not the for loop or the if construction.

If you take any English speaking human (even the non-programmer),
I could bet that the Python transcription will be more understandable
than your Smalltalk example.

 E.g. in Java there's an unresolved, and irresolvable, tension between
whether a
 failing operation should return an error condition or throw an exception

It is more a design problem than the language problem. And it is also
the implementation problem (i.e. what is the price of exceptions
in comparison with the other code). In Python, the exceptions
are intesively used.

 E.g. can you add three-way comparisons (less-than, same-as, greater-than
 say, Python with corresponding three-way conditional control structures to
 supplement if etc ?  Are they on a semantic and syntactic par with the
 existing ones ?  In Smalltalk that is trivial (too trivial to be
 interesting, even), and I presume the same must be true of Lisp (though I
 suspect you might be forced to use macros).

Such built-in function already is in Python. But you could add it
by hand if it were not:

def cmp(x, y):
if x  y:
return -1
if x == y:
return 0
return 1

and the if supplement (the switch or case command) could be
replaced easily in Python using the hash-table (dictionary) structure.

 I should say that if your example /is/ in fact Python, then I believe that
 language allows fairly deep hooks into the execution mechanism, so that at
 least the for bit can be mediated by the collection itself -- which is
 than nothing, but nowhere near what I would call good.

It is a dual point of view. Should the collection be passive data, or not?
I believe that the pure object oriented view (there are no functions,
only the object methods) is not very practical and does not reflect
well the big part of the reality that is simulated by programs.
Python and C++, for example, allow mixing functions and objects.

You should try Python. The for construct iterates through
a sequence or through all values of the generator, thus making
the for loop much more generic than for example in C or other

Every language forms the way of thinking. Every language has its strong
and weak points. Every language has its followers and haters.
Not every language is practical enough to fly around the Earth
in the space ship.


(Sorry for my broken English.)


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-10 Thread Petr Prikryl
Alex Martelli wrote...
 Joe Marshall  wrote:
  If you language allows unnamed integers, unnamed strings, unnamed
  characters, unnamed arrays or aggregates, unnamed floats, unnamed
  expressions, unnamed statements, unnamed argument lists, etc.  why
  *require* a name for trivial functions?

Event the trivial function can have a name. Does it make
the trivial function more understandable if I do not give a name?
I understand what lambda means, but it is clearer for me to see
something like (with more meaningful name than shown here):

 def fn(x):
... return x + 5

and to use it like...


Still, I can anonymize it later, if I really need

 a = [fn]

or I can give it another name

z = fn

In my opinion, the cry for lambda in Python comes
from people used to functional languages, because
they are not used to the procedural style and it
does not fit them at the beginning.
Frankly, functional style seems more strange to me
(i.e. the counter example). Still, I do not say it is bad.
But it never came to my mind to say Please, rewrite
the LISP so that it looked more like Pascal. I do not like
the lambda.

Also, Python is compiled (to bytecode), imperative language,
and the form of definition of the chunks of code is more
natural to the compiler and to the customs
how the procedural program is written and how its parts
are referenced and put together to form bigger chunks
of code.

 I think it's reasonable to make a name a part of functions, classes and
 modules because they may often be involved in tracebacks (in case of
 uncaught errors): to me, it makes sense to let an error-diagnosing
 tracebacks display packages, modules, classes and functions/methods
 involved in the chain of calls leading to the point of error _by name_.

I agree with Alex here. I USUALLY do not need debugger, but sometimes
it is exremely handy to discover what happens (through debugger or few
print commands, its a matter of taste). And Python is very fine here:

['__call__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__',
'__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__name__',
'__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__',
'__str__', 'func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_defaults', 'func_dict',
'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name']

and even the anonymized function still knows its original name and type

type 'function'

If lambda functions in Python are tweaked internally into normal Python

 z = lambda x: x * 3
['__call__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__',
'__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__name__',
'__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__',
'__str__', 'func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_defaults', 'func_dict',
'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name']
type 'function'

... what makes them better, than the named function? If I do not loose
anything by simplification, I want to have it simpler.



Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-10 Thread Petr Prikryl

Chris Uppal wrote...
 Alex Martelli wrote:

  I think it's reasonable to make a name a part of functions, classes and
  modules because they may often be involved in tracebacks (in case of
  uncaught errors): to me, it makes sense to let an error-diagnosing
  tracebacks display packages, modules, classes and functions/methods
  involved in the chain of calls leading to the point of error _by name_.
 E.g. consider the Smalltalk code (assumed to be the body of a method):

 do: [:each |
 each  0 ifTrue: [^ true]].
 ^ false.

 which iterates over a collection checking to see if any element is  0. If
 then the method answers true (^ -- spelled return in Java), otherwise
 answers false.  In that code,
 [^ true]
 is syntactically and semantically an anonymous function, which is only
 if the antecedent is true (in point of fact the compiler inlines that
 away but I don't think that's relevant here).  The passage beginning
 [:each | ...
 and reaching to the matching ] is also an anonymous function with one
 (each) which is applied to each element of the collection in turn.  (In
 case it really is an anonymous function, even at the implementation
 What name would you give to either of them ?  I don't believe that /any/
 is possible, and certainly that no name is desirable.

for element in aCollection:
if element  0:
return True
return False

And adding def test(aCollection): does not make it more complex,
in my opinion. And possibly, the chunk of code may be written
in some other way, more Pythonically. Maybe the attempt to
rewrite programs from other languages into Python and
the effort to use the same tricks like in the original program,
causes the cry for preserving lambda in future Python.



Re: how to append to a list twice?

2006-04-24 Thread Petr Prikryl

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Alex Martelli wrote:

   But of course that only does it once, and I don't want to have to copy
   and paste the append line. Perhaps there's a better way than this.
  def makeseries(N):
series = [N]
append = series.append
for tailer in xrange(N-1, -1, -1):

 But Now You've Violated The DRY Principle!!!

Do you mean the three times -1 in the xrange arguments?  :-)




2006-04-20 Thread Petr Prikryl

rainbow.cougar wrote in message
 okay wrote:
  To Archbishop Christodoulos Paraskevaides of the Greek Orthodox Church
  in Athens and Greece Archbishop,
  I talked with a Greek Orthodox believer in Australia and he told me two

 I'm thinking a list comprehension...

Possibly some filter(map()) for the really orthodox believers...


Re: Confused by Python and nested scoping (2.4.3)

2006-04-20 Thread Petr Prikryl
I have added some spaces guessing how the original was formatted.
See the simplified example and the explanation below...

Sean Givan wrote...
 Hi.  I'm new to Python [...] something strange.
 This code:

 def outer():
 val = 10
 def inner():
 print val

 ..prints out the value '10', which is what I was expecting.

 But this code..
 def outer():
 val = 10
 def inner():
 print val
 val = 20
 print val

 ..I expected to print '10', then '20', but instead got an error:

print val
 UnboundLocalError: local variable 'val' referenced before assignment.

 I'm thinking this is some bug where the interpreter is getting ahead of
 itself, spotting the 'val = 20' line and warning me about something that
 doesn't need warning.  Or am I doing something wrong?

The simplified example of both cases can be
script a.py
val = 10

def myFunction():
print val


In this case the val is not defined inside myFunction();
therefore, it is searched in the upper level, above
the function body. Such variable is called free variable.

script b.py
val = 10

def myFunction():
print val
val = 20



In this case the val is assigned inside the myFunction()
and it is not marked to be global. In this case Python
decides that it will be the local variable (cannot be
free variable anymore). Python insists on fact that
in one block the variable can be or free or locally
bound, but not both. This is decided during the
compilation of the module and it does not depend
on whether val = 20 assignment precedes the print val
command or not. It is decided that it will be local
inside myFunction and then the print wants to use
the variable that was not assingned yet.


P.S. I have just noticed that Terry Jan Reedy answered
similarly. Never mind... Repeat, repeat, repeat until
you know ;)


Re: difference between class and static methods?

2006-04-19 Thread Petr Prikryl

John Salerno wrote...
 So a class method is specifically for using the class name itself as an
 object in the method? If that's the case, then it makes some sense now.
 I guess the reason I didn't get it before is that this is a feature of
 dynamic languages, right? And something that couldn't have been done in
 C# anyway?

Yes, almost. You can think about a class method as about something that
can be called even if no object of that class was created. It can be called
through the class name. But it can also be called through the instance
(the object). On the other hand, the normal method can be called only
through the object. It does not belong to the class -- see below.

The class method has access to the class variables, but not to the
instance variables (no instance may exists) -- not shown here.

Try the following script (I have stored it as a.py)
class C:
def __init__(self):
   print 'Instance of the class C was created.'

def myClassMethod(cls):
print 'myClassMethod called'

def myMethod(self):
print 'myMethod (i.e. the normal one) was called.'


obj = C()

C.myMethod()  # cannot be done, error.

And run it

C:\tmppython a.py
myClassMethod called
Instance of the class C was created.
myClassMethod called
myMethod (i.e. the normal one) was called.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File a.py, line 18, in ?
TypeError: unbound method myMethod() must be called with C instance as first
argument (got nothing instead)



Re: Why new Python 2.5 feature class C() return old-style class ?

2006-04-13 Thread Petr Prikryl
Aahz wrote...
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Aahz a écrit :
 Please repeat this 101 times each morning:
 thou shall not use old-style classes for they are deprecated.
  Classic classes are *NOT* deprecated.
 Perhaps not *officially* yet...

 Not even unofficially.  The point at which we have deprecation is when
 PEP8 gets changed to say that new-style classes are required for

My question: Could the old classes be treated in
a new Python treated as new classes with implicit
base object? (I know the Zen... ;-)

Example: I use usually a very simple classes. When I add
(object) to my class definitions, the code continues to
works fine -- plus I have new features to use.
Why this cannot be done automatically? What could
be broken in the old code if it was threated so?

Thanks for explanation,


python -U problem for 2.4.3c1 on Windows 2000 (was Does -U option really exist?)

2006-03-27 Thread Petr Prikryl
I did observe the problem when using the -U
option on Windows 2000. Seems like some infinite 
recursion in cp1250.py -- see below.

I did not try it with earlier versions of Python.

Can this be reproduced on your computer? 

Thanks for your time and experience,

P.S. Thanks, Martin, for the hint.

Martin v. Löwis wrote
 Petr Prikryl wrote:
  Martin v. Löwis wrote
   As for dropping the u prefix on string literals:
   Just try the -U option of the interpreter some time,
   which makes all string literals Unicode. If you manage
   to get the standard library working this way, you
   won't need a per-file decision anymore: just start
   your program with 'python -U'.
  I have failed to find the -U option in Python 2.4.2.
 $ python2.4 -U
 Python 2.4.2 (#2, Sep 30 2005, 21:19:01)
 [GCC 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu8)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 type 'unicode'

On Windows machine

C:\python -U
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
Python 2.4.3c1 (#68, Mar 23 2006, 10:19:27) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
type 'unicode'

See the 'import site' failure. I do use the sitecustomize.py
(C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\sitecustomize.py). It contains
import sys

I did remove the sitecustomize.pyc before the command.
When trying the python -U -v 2xxx.log, I get the 
following (shortened):

# installing zipimport hook
import zipimport # builtin
# installed zipimport hook
# C:\Python24\lib\site.pyc matches C:\Python24\lib\site.py
import site # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\site.pyc
# C:\Python24\lib\os.pyc matches C:\Python24\lib\os.py
import os # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\os.pyc
import nt # builtin
# C:\Python24\lib\ntpath.pyc matches C:\Python24\lib\ntpath.py
import ntpath # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\ntpath.pyc
# C:\Python24\lib\stat.pyc matches C:\Python24\lib\stat.py
import stat # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\stat.pyc
# C:\Python24\lib\UserDict.pyc matches C:\Python24\lib\UserDict.py
import UserDict # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\UserDict.pyc
# C:\Python24\lib\copy_reg.pyc matches C:\Python24\lib\copy_reg.py
import copy_reg # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\copy_reg.pyc
# C:\Python24\lib\types.pyc matches C:\Python24\lib\types.py
import types # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\types.pyc
# C:\Python24\lib\locale.pyc matches C:\Python24\lib\locale.py
import locale # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\locale.pyc
import _locale # builtin
# C:\Python24\lib\codecs.pyc matches C:\Python24\lib\codecs.py
import codecs # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\codecs.pyc
import _codecs # builtin
import encodings # directory C:\Python24\lib\encodings
# C:\Python24\lib\encodings\__init__.pyc matches 
import encodings # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\encodings\__init__.pyc
# C:\Python24\lib\encodings\aliases.pyc matches 
import encodings.aliases # precompiled from 
# C:\Python24\lib\encodings\cp1250.pyc matches 
import encodings.cp1250 # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\encodings\cp1250.pyc
import sitecustomize # from C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\sitecustomize.py
# wrote C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\sitecustomize.pyc
'import site' failed; traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\lib\site.py, line 397, in ?
  File C:\Python24\lib\site.py, line 394, in main
if hasattr(sys, setdefaultencoding):
  File C:\Python24\lib\encodings\cp1250.py, line 18, in encode
return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_map)
  File C:\Python24\lib\encodings\cp1250.py, line 18, in encode
return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_map)
  File C:\Python24\lib\encodings\cp1250.py, line 18, in encode
return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_map)
  File C:\Python24\lib\encodings\cp1250.py, line 18, in encode
return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_map)
  File C:\Python24\lib\encodings\cp1250.py, line 18, in encode
return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_map)
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
# C:\Python24\lib\warnings.pyc matches C:\Python24\lib\warnings.py
import warnings # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\warnings.pyc
# C:\Python24\lib\linecache.pyc matches C:\Python24\lib\linecache.py
import linecache # precompiled from C:\Python24\lib\linecache.pyc
Python 2.4.3c1 (#68, Mar 23 2006, 10:19:27) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
# clear __builtin__._
# clear sys.path
# clear sys.argv
# clear sys.ps1
# clear sys.ps2
# clear sys.exitfunc
# clear sys.exc_type
# clear sys.exc_value
# clear

Does -U option really exist?

2006-03-10 Thread Petr Prikryl
Martin v. Löwis once (20 Sep 2005) wrote in reply 
to my question... 

Simpler transition to PEP 3000 Unicode only strings?

 As for dropping the u prefix on string literals: 
 Just try the -U option of the interpreter some time,
 which makes all string literals Unicode. If you manage 
 to get the standard library working this way, you 
 won't need a per-file decision anymore: just start 
 your program with 'python -U'. 

I have failed to find the -U option in Python 2.4.2.
Is it something under development?


Any 3state Check Tree Ctrl for wxPython available?

2005-10-17 Thread Petr Prikryl

I am experimenting with wxPython on Windows box. 
What I need to implement is a check tree control
with 3 states for each checkbox: unchecked, checked,
gray checked. The status of the checkbox should reflect
the status of the children. When ALL children are checked,
then the status should be checked. When NO children
are checked, the status should be unchecked. When 
SOME children are selected, the status should be
checked with gray background.

I have found something else that could be valuable
after I start understand that:


Anyway, is there something similar with 3 states
available around?

Thanks for your time and experience,


Petr Prikryl (prikrylp at skil dot cz) 

Re: What encoding is used when initializing sys.argv?

2005-10-06 Thread Petr Prikryl
Thanks, Martin v. Löwis, Neil Hodgson, and Tim Roberts.
I really appreciate your valuable comments. It simply

Thanks again,

Neil Hodgson wrote...
 Petr Prikryl:
  I do not understand what encoding should be used
  to convert the sys.argv into unicode.
 Martin mentioned CP_ACP. In Python on Windows, this 
 can be accessed as the mbcs codec.
 import sys
 print repr(sys.argv[1])
 print repr(unicode(sys.argv[1], mbcs))
 C:\binpython glurp.py abcß*

Re: list item's position

2005-01-20 Thread Petr Prikryl
 On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 22:04:44 -0500, Bob Smith wrote:
  [...] how to find an element's numeric value (0,1,2,3...)
  in the list. Here's an example of what I'm doing:
  for bar in bars:
  if 'str_1' in bar and 'str_2' in bar:
 print bar
  This finds the right bar, but not its list position. The reason I
  to find its value is so I can remove every element in the list
before it
  so that the bar I found somewhere in the list becomes element 0...
  that make sense?

I have borrowed the bars list example from 
Bill Mills solutions and here are
the two solutions...

bars = ['str', 'foobaz', 'barbaz', 'foobar']

# Solution 1: The enumerate().

for idx, bar in enumerate(bars):
if 'bar' in bar and 'baz' in bar:

bars_sliced = bars[idx:]
print bars_sliced

# Solution 2: Low level approach, testing and removing combined. In

while bars: # some prefer len(bars)  0, which is less magical, IMHO
bar = bars.pop(0)   # get and remove the first
if 'bar' in bar and 'baz' in bar:
bars.insert(0, bar) # insert the tested back
break   # and finish

print bars

The result is ['barbaz', 'foobar'] in both cases.   

Petr Prikryl (prikrylp at skil dot cz) 

Re: [OT] Good C++ book for a Python programmer

2005-01-20 Thread Petr Prikryl
Try also the Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++.
It is also available on-line for free at

I like the book because it explains the things
very clearly. After reading it, one will stop 
to think and say that C++ is only C with 
strange OO things on the top.


Paul Rubin wrote in message
  I was wondering whether anyone could recommend a good C++ book, with
  good being defined from the perspective of a Python programmer. I
  realize that there isn't a book titled C++ for Python Programmers,
  but has anyone found one that they think goes particularly well with
  the Python way?
 I think it's not possible to really grok C++ without having worked on
 large multi-person C projects and understood what problems C++ tried
 to solve.  The only good book I know about C++ is by Stroustrup, The
 C++ Programming Language or something like that; it's not an easy
 book though.

Bug in Python 2.4 raw_input(u'xyz') Win/command line?

2005-01-10 Thread Petr Prikryl

Could you test the following example for your
non-English language with accented characters?

I have observed a problem when running 
Python 2.4, Windows version (python-2.4.msi)
and using raw_input() with unicode prompt
string in a console program (ran in the DOS window).

I do use the following sitecustomize file to set
the default encoding:

import sys

# -*- coding: cp1250 -*-
s = u'string with accented letters'
print s # OK
val = raw_input(s)# s displayed differently (wrong)

... when run in a DOS window. See the attached
test.png. The type test.py displays the string
definition also wrong, because the DOS window
uses different encoding than cp1250. The print
command prints the string correctly, converting
the internal unicode string to the encoding that
the is defined by the output environment. However,
the raw_input() probably does convert the unicode
string to the cp1250 and does not do the same
(more clever) thing that the print does.

Could you confirm the bug? Is it known?
Should this be posted into some bug-report list?


python test.py

I have observed t

Petr Prikryl (prikrylp at skil dot cz) 

Description: test.py
attachment: test.png-- 

Replacing lambda() examples... (Re: Lambda going out of fashion)

2004-12-23 Thread Petr Prikryl

I suggest to post here simplified examples that
use the lambda to be replaced by non-lambda 
Pythonic solutions. The ideal result would be 
the set of rules, how lambdas can be replaced
by in future when they become deprecated.

Less ideal but valuable may be short examples
and counter-examples of using or not using
the lambdas.

While following the thread Lambda going out of fashion
I have read cries for not throwing lambdas away and also
the opposite opinions. I believe that the theme requires
more examples to convince. I personally incline towards
the experience of Craig Ringer (see other notices below):

Craig Ringer wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 I also make signficant use of Lambda functions, but less than I used to.
 I've recently realised that they don't fit too well with Python's
 indentation-is-significant syntax, and that in many cases my code is
 much more readable through the use of a local def rather than a lambda.
 In other words, I increasingly find that I prefer:
 def myfunction(x):
 return x**4
 def mysecondfuntion(x):
 return (x * 4 + x**2) / x
 make_some_call(myfunction, mysecondfunction)
 make_some_call( lambda x: x**4, lambda x: (x * 4 + x**2) / x)
 finding the former more readable. The function names are after all just
 temporary local bindings of the function object to the name - no big
 deal. Both the temporary function and the lambda can be used as
 closures, have no impact outside the local function's scope, etc. I'd be
 interested to know if there's anything more to it than this (with the
 side note that just don't care if my temporary functions are anonymous
 or not).

I believe that GvR has a lot of experience and he proved
to be very pragmatic. If he thinks that lambdas bring more
problems than they solve, it may be some truth in it.

I also believe that lamda-trained programmers think 
a bit differently which does not automatically mean
that they think the best way in all cases.

Waiting for interesting discussion,

Petr Prikryl (prikrylp at skil dot cz) 

Odchoz zprva neobsahuje viry.
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Verze: 6.0.821 / Virov bze: 559 - datum vydn: 21.12. 2004

Suggestion for syntax error: ++i, --i

2004-12-13 Thread Petr Prikryl

Summary: In my opinion, the C-like prefix
increment and decrement operators (++i and --i)
should be marked as syntax error.

Current situation: try... (Python 2.4 (#60, ...))
 i = 1
  File stdin, line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Reason for how ++i and --i behaves in Python is 
that it is probably treated as (-(-i)) and (+(+i))

Rationale: My guess is that many Python users
do use other languages at the same time. 
The C-family languages do use the prefix increment
and decrement operators. When used in Python
no warning appears -- the code simply does not work
as expected. In the same time, there is probably no
reason to use the increment and decrement 
prefix operators. On the other hand, the newcommer
or the programmer that types ++i automatically 
because of brain synapses say he/she should...
is not warned until something does not work.

Con: The situation must be recognized by the parser
(i.e. someone have to implement it).

Pro: No runtime overhead except of the detection
of the situation. As Python is a good candidate
to be used as the language for teaching, the syntax
error would be the pedagogical plus.

Personal experience: Many things in Python work
intuitively. My C++ experience forced me to use
++i as described above. I use iteration more these
days and I know about the ++i problem invisibility 
in Python. But I had to learn by mistake. The ++i
behaviour is not intuitive for me.

Your opinion?

Petr Prikryl (prikrylp at skil dot cz) 

Re: Suggestion for syntax error: ++i, --i

2004-12-13 Thread Petr Prikryl
Hi Christian,

The suggestion is to mark PREFIX version ++i as
syntax error. It is not related to the postfix 
version of the ++ operator. For prefix in/decrement,
there is no extra variable behind. But again,
it is not related to the suggestion. The postfix
version is already marked as syntax error.
The suggestion is to do the same with the prefix
version of the operators that are not used in Python.


Christian Ergh wrote...
 Hmm, i never liked the i++ syntax, because there is a value asignment 
 behind it and it does not show - except the case you are already used
to it.
   i = 1
   i +=1
 I like this one better, because you see the assignment at once, it is 
 easy to read and inuitive usability is given - in my opinion.
 Petr Prikryl wrote:
  Summary: In my opinion, the C-like prefix
  increment and decrement operators (++i and --i)
  should be marked as syntax error.
  Current situation: try... (Python 2.4 (#60, ...))
 i = 1
File stdin, line 1
  SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  Reason for how ++i and --i behaves in Python is 
  that it is probably treated as (-(-i)) and (+(+i))
  Rationale: My guess is that many Python users
  do use other languages at the same time. 
  The C-family languages do use the prefix increment
  and decrement operators. When used in Python
  no warning appears -- the code simply does not work
  as expected. In the same time, there is probably no
  reason to use the increment and decrement 
  prefix operators. On the other hand, the newcommer
  or the programmer that types ++i automatically 
  because of brain synapses say he/she should...
  is not warned until something does not work.
  Con: The situation must be recognized by the parser
  (i.e. someone have to implement it).
  Pro: No runtime overhead except of the detection
  of the situation. As Python is a good candidate
  to be used as the language for teaching, the syntax
  error would be the pedagogical plus.
  Personal experience: Many things in Python work
  intuitively. My C++ experience forced me to use
  ++i as described above. I use iteration more these
  days and I know about the ++i problem invisibility 
  in Python. But I had to learn by mistake. The ++i
  behaviour is not intuitive for me.
  Your opinion?