Re: PyQt4 4.4.4 : a bug with highlightBlock ?

2009-11-20 Thread Snouffy
 You need to change the indexOf() calls to indexIn() calls on the QRegExp

   index = expression.indexIn(text, index + length)

Thank you so much ! After looking a bit more I found out that when
using indexOf the command :
length = expression.matchedLength()
was the one causing a problem. Thus I also had to change the line :
index = text.indexOf(expression)
to :
index = expression.indexIn(text)

Now it works like a charm ! I'll test it at work where we have PyQt

Thanks again !

PyQt4 4.4.4 : a bug with highlightBlock ?

2009-11-18 Thread Snouffy
Hello everybody,

I've been trying to do some syntax highlighting using PyQt4. I ported
the example given in the documentation of Qt4 to Python. It works fine
on my computer at work (which has PyQt4 version 4.3.3) but doesn't on
my home computer (which has version 4.4.4) : it gets stuck in an
infinite loop.
Here is the code :

class MyHighlighter(QtGui.QSyntaxHighlighter):
def __init__(self, edit):

def highlightBlock(self, text):
myClassFormat = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
pattern = \\b[A-Z_]+\\b

expression = QtCore.QRegExp(pattern)
index = text.indexOf(expression);
while (index = 0):
length = expression.matchedLength()
self.setFormat(index, length, myClassFormat)
index = text.indexOf(expression, index + length)

What am I missing ? Is this a known bug of version 4.4.4 ?

Thank you,
