Chaos Toolkit 1.0.0

2019-02-25 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Hi all,

I'm really pleased to announce 1.0.0 of the Chaos Toolkit, a Python toolkit
for Chaos Engineering.

Sources and binary packages can be found as usual on pypi:

The Chaos Toolkit aims at enabling your Chaos Engineering effort by
respecting the Open Chaos and Principles of Chaos definitions.

It's under Apache v2 license and runs on Python 3.5+

If you are curious and interested, please join its communuty at

- Sylvain

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ws4py 0.1.2: WebSocket for Python

2011-08-24 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Hi all,

I recently pushed a new version of ws4py, a WebSocket client/server library
for Python 2.x.

== Overview ==

ws4py implements version 8 of draft-10 of the WebSocket specification.

It supports CherryPy 3.2.1 and gevent as WebSocket servers. Tornado already
ships supports for a WebSocket server.
Client support comes for Tornado and a a threaded implementation only
relying on Python stdlib.

It heavily relies on generators using both .next() and .send(bytes) to
decouple data provider from the actual WebSocket protocol implementation
which makes it quite easy to port to other providers if need be (Kamaelia,
circuits come to mind).

The servers work fine against a Chrome 15. It hasn't been tested against
other browsers. ws4py does run on Android devices via the SL4A package.

== Get it ==

ws4py is a pure Python package and can be installed from PyPI:

Its repository is hosted on github:

== Functional Test results ==

Some test results, using the Autobahn test suite:

Those tests show that for large messages, ws4py might not be yet tuned
enough. This will be addressed in a near future release.

== Examples ==

A daft in-browser chat example:

An Android based demo that displays the device sensors in real-time in a
HTML5 canvas:

== Acknowledgments ==

Jeff Lindsay for the gevent server implementation.
pywebsocket and Tornado for their implementations that were a fantastic
starting point.

Have fun,
- Sylvain

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: amplee 0.6.1 - AtomPub Python implementation

2008-10-21 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Hi all,

I'm glad to announce the release of amplee in version 0.6.1

== Overview of this release ==

This release is a minor release that fixes a few annoying defects and
improves overall performances of the internal of amplee:

* removes many of the usage of the copy.copy function (thanks to Mohanaraj
Gopala Krishnan for his previous help)
* drops the cmemcache module in favor the python-memcached one
* adds a prune(member) method to the indexer API
* extends with a few helpful functions the atompub API
* adds more unit tests
* drops the graph subpackage from the egg distribution (and I will remove
it altogether for license issue in the next release).

If you're using 0.6.0 I would advise to upgrade. The API is fully
compatible and you'll experience a more stable product.

I really wish to thank Mohan for his feedback, patience and will to send

== Download ==

 * easy_install -U amplee
 * Tarballs
 * svn co

== Documentation ==

Home page:
Tutorial (sort of):

Sylvain Hellegouarch

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: headstock 0.1.0 - Python implementation of XMPP

2008-05-13 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch


I am pleased to announce headstock 0.1.0, a Python
implementation of the XMPP protocol based on Kamaelia [1].

headstock is currently not production ready and lack documentation but 
offers a good sample case that shows how to use it. Documentation will 
come in a near future.

== Features ==

* support for RFC 3920 and 3921 (except privacy list)

Supports almost complete (at least usable) for a few extensions:
* XEP-0004
* XEP-0077
* XEP-0060 (PubSub)

== Download ==

* easy_install -U headstock
* Tarballs
* svn co

== More info ==

== TODO ==

* Documentation
* Code cleanup
* More extensions

Have fun,
-- Sylvain Hellegouarch



   Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: amplee 0.6.0 - AtomPub Python implementation

2008-02-18 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Hi all,

I'm glad to announce the release of amplee in version 0.6.0

== Overview of this release ==

This release is an important move from previous releases as it doesn't
include support for any HTTP layer out of the box anymore. The reason is
that it made the previous API needlessly complex and stopped people to
actually use amplee for what it aims at being: one simple representation
of the AtomPub protocol server side. Basically I wish amplee was used as a
library rather than as a host for AtomPub applications.

The 0.6.x branch will focus therefore on polishing the AtomPub model API
as well as the related sub-packages such as the index and graph extension.
Moreover I would like to improve the performance of amplee although they
have already improved since 0.5.x. The graph sub-package is a first stab
at using graph theory via the igraph [1] package to perform foxy
manipulations of Atom feeds.

One major change since 0.5.x is the move from bridge [2] to Amara [3] to
parse, query and generate XML documents within amplee. I think that change
was for the best considering the capabilities of Amara.

Another change is that I've dropped the INI file format for configuration
and loading an amplee structure. Instead you can now directly use the XML
service document itself and complete using a bit of extra code. That
allows for some funny capabilities such as mirroring existing AtomPub
service document (see the example directory for instance [4]).

I would like to thank Eric Larson [5] and Mohanaraj Gopala Krishnan for
their feedback and patience. They have provided the project with a
tremendous help.

== Download ==

 * easy_install -U amplee
 * Tarballs
 * svn co

== Documentation ==

Home page:
Tutorial (sort of):

== TODO ==

 * Add more tests
 * Improve documentation
 * Improve performance
 * Improve the graph and index sub-packages

Have fun,
-- Sylvain Hellegouarch



Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: amplee 0.5.1

2007-07-20 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch

I am really pleased to announce version 0.5.1 of amplee, a Python
implementation of the Atom Publishing protocol as per draft-17 [1].

This version is a major release for amplee and will (unfortunately) break
existing applications using it due to some changes in its API, although
those modifications are minor and the design stays pretty much the same
allowing for an easier upgrade.

== What's new? ==

* Changed the member resource API to make it more robust and useful,
handling many common tasks for the application developer.

* Added support for a distinction of collection and public feed providing
a very simple mechanism to create and handle both types of feeds.

* Extended the collection API and fixed numerous bugs within.

* Added a tarfile storage that permits to store data in a tarball in a
transparent fashion (handy for multipart/form-data storage for instance).

* Added a memcache storage that can as a proxy  storage  to cache
resources in memcached server using either cmemcache or python-memcache.

* Made the storage API more robust and resilient to unicode vs byte string.

* Improved and enhanced the indexer module which can now also use
memcached to store indexes.

* Added a working (finally) example of amplee demonstrating its main
features [2].

* Made the unit tests more useful

* Added support for Etag in the HTTP handlers

* Added a contrib directory containing a schematron schema for Atom
related documents as well as a module that can browse or test
your AtomPub service and reports a set of details about it (simple but

* Support for entry points has been extended and allows to support any
number of collections via the loader module.

* Gazillions of bugs have been fixed and hopefully carefully tested to
perish as they deserved.

* Fixed memcached indexer defect.

* Documentation added.

== Download ==

* easy_install -U amplee
* Tarballs
* svn co

== Documentation ==

== TODO ==

* Support for collection paging
* Improve documentation

Have fun,
-- Sylvain Hellegouarch



Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: bridge 0.2.4

2007-02-05 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce the release of bridge 0.2.4, a general purpose
XML library for Python and IronPython.

== Overview ==

bridge is very simple and light. It basically let you load an XML
document via a set of different parsers (xml.dom, expat, Amara, lxml,
System.Xml and ElementTree) and creates a tree of Elements and
Attributes before releasing the parser resources.

This means that once the document is loaded it is independent from the
underlying parser.

bridge then provides a straightforward interface to navigate through the
tree and manipulate it.

bridge does not try to replace underlying XML engines but offer a common
API so that your applications are less dependent of those engines.
bridge offers a couple of other goodies however to play with the tree of
elements (see the documentation).

== What's new? ==

This release is an important milestone for bridge:

 * added expat parser (seems to be the fatest parser bridge has)
 * many namespace issues fixed with the default parser
 * added incremental parsing with dispatching based on rules during the
parsing of bridge Elements
 * added path lookup support (not XPath)
 * slightly increased the API of a few helps functions

== TODO ==

Potentially the IronPython implementation is not as up-to-date as the
other parsers.

All parsers will generate the same bridge structure. The only minor
difference at the present time is coming from the lxml parser which does
not preserve processing instructions and comments before the root
element. bridge cannot therefore access them.

Add more unit tests.

== Download ==

 * easy_install -U bridge
 * Tarballs
 * svn co

== Documentation ==


Have fun,
-- Sylvain Hellegouarch

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: amplee 0.4.0

2007-01-17 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Hi all,

I finally released a new version of amplee. I've moved from 0.3.x to
0.4.x as there are a couple of modification to the API that were worse
the bump. I think this version is much more stable and bug free. Mind
you it's a long way before I can claim is entirely unit tested. But it
gets there.

The main modifications since 0.3.6 are:

 * Added a loader feature. I realized that setting up the store was a
recurrent task and I wondered how to help in this task. I came up with
the loader feature. Basically you describe your APP store within a
config file (pure INI) and calls the loader method. This will construct
entirely your store and returns it to you. This is quite handy and makes
the creation of a store much easier.

 * Handler API introduced. Amplee does the best it can to provide you
with an API an tools to handle the dirty work of APP and let you enhance
it by a callback system. In previous version those callbacks were
attached to the collection which forced to some not very friendly hacks.
Now it's a matter of creating a class that implements a set of methods
which will then be called by amplee at the right moment. This class is
what I call a handler and associated with a media-type that the
collection accepts.

 * The loading and reloading of members is more flexible. In the past
you could solely reload all members of a store or none. Now you have
more granularity upon what should be loaded into a collection's cache.

 * Many notable bugs have been fixed in the handling of Atom within the
members and they should be much more reliable now.

 * You can now find a small blog example that shows you how to use amplee.

If you think of upgrading you should note that because of the
modification on the callback API you may have some work to do. But this
should not be too difficult.

== Download ==

 * easy_install -U amplee
 * Tarballs
 * svn co

== Documentation ==

== Examples ==

You can get some source code examples at

== TODO ==

 * Add more tests
 * Improve documentation
 * Test with IronPython
 * Enhance WSGI support

Have fun,
-- Sylvain Hellegouarch


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: bridge 0.2.0

2006-12-09 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce the release of bridge 0.2.0, a general purpose
XML library for Python and IronPython (and ultimately Jython).

bridge is very simple and light. It basically let you load an XML
document via a set of different parsers (xml.dom, Amara, lxml,
System.Xml and ElementTree) and creates a tree of Elements and
Attributes before releasing the parser resources.

This means that once the document is loaded it is independent from the
underlying parser.

bridge then provides a straightforward interface to navigate through the
tree and manipulate it.

bridge does not try to replace underlying XML engines but offer a common
API so that your applications are less dependent of those engines.
bridge offers a couple of other goodies however to play with the tree of
elements (see the documentation).

== What's new? ==

This release is an important milestone for bridge:

 * it now supports ElementTree
 * it fixes major issues with namespace handling and should now work
 * it adds a set of unit tests
 * it adds support for Comment and ProcessingInstruction

== TODO ==

Potentially the IronPython implementation is not as up-to-date as the
other parsers. This will be quickly fixed.

All parsers will generate the same bridge structure. The only minor
difference at the present time is coming from the lxml parser which does
not preserve processing instructions and comments before the root
element. bridge cannot therefore access them. Mind you ElementTree does
not preserve either but I was able to workaround this behavior.

Add more unit tests.

== Download ==

 * easy_install -U bridge
 * Tarballs
 * svn co

== Documentation ==

Wiki: (not yet updated for 0.2.0)

To see the implementation of the parsers you'll need to look at the
private API.

Have fun,
-- Sylvain Hellegouarch

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: amplee 0.3.3

2006-11-16 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Hi all,

I'm happy to introduce the release of Amplee 0.3.3, a Python
implementation of the Atom Publishing Protocol.

This release is a bug fixes but with a few new features as well:

* Improved support of the Amazon S3 service as a storage
* Support for the Hachoir library which should offer more format
supported as members
* Fixed the AtomMember class
* Improved the potential of the different callbacks on creation, update
and deletion of resources.
* Added lots of docstrings (still not enough though)
* Fixed quite a few bunch of bugs (thanks to David Turner)
* Fix the WSGI handler to use the new routing_args spec.
* Largely improved the demo as well

This release is getting closer to what the final API will look like and
I think it's a pretty stable version.

== Download ==

 * easy_install -U amplee
 * Tarballs
 * svn co

== Documentation ==

== TODO ==

 * Add tests
 * Remove genser dependency
 * Improve documentation

Have fun,
-- Sylvain Hellegouarch

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: bridge 0.1.0 a general Python and IronPython XML library

2006-11-04 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Hi all,

I'm happy to introduce the first release of bridge. A general purpose
XML library for Python and IronPython (and ultimately Jython).

bridge is very simple and light. It basically let you load an XML
document via a set of different parsers (xml.dom, Amara, lxml,
System.Xml) and creates a tree of Elements and Attributes before
releasing the parser resources.

This means that once the document is loaded it is independent from the
underlying parser.

bridge then provides a straightforward interface to navigate through the
tree and manipulate it.

bridge does not try to replace underlying XML engines but offer a common
API so that your applications are less dependent of those engines.
bridge offers a couple of other goodies however to play with the tree of
elements (see the documentation).

== Download ==

 * easy_install -U bridge
 * Tarballs
 * svn co

== Documentation ==

Hope this will help a few people in working with XML without worrying on
which engine they choose to use.

Have fun,
-- Sylvain Hellegouarch

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: [IronPython] [ANN] IronPython Community Edition 1.0r2

2006-09-29 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Brilliant Seo. Thanks a lot :)

BTW, if it can be useful and you're happy with the code, don't hesitate to
include my port of the Gzip module. Its a BSD license :)

- Sylvain

 This is the second release of IronPython Community Edition (IPCE),
 1.0 revision 2, based on IronPython 1.0.

 Get it here:

 Binary is built with Mono

 BIG WARNING: it won't work with Mono versions below 1.1.17. Please
 don't mail me or IronPython mailing list before checking your Mono

 IPCE has a new home on SourceForge:

 And here's the license and the summary of applied patches:

 Changes in this revision:

 * Includes the Python standard library from CPython 2.4.3.
 (Not everything is included -- that would be pointless. Those I tested and
 work reasonably are included.)

 * Includes following CPython-compatible wrappers for .NET library:
 md5, pyexpat, select, sha, socket, ssl, unicodedata.

 * Includes DB-API wrapper for ADO.NET.

 * Includes BeautifulSoup and ElementTree for you to test. (Both work
 great with IronPython!)

 * Does not include Doc, Src, Tutorial from the original IronPython
 You know where to get them... Reduces size by about half.

 * Extracts to IPCE-1.0r2. (The first revision extracted to IronPython-1.0
 and it could overwrite existing installation. Thanks to Anthony Baxter
 for pointing this out.)

 Seo Sanghyeon
 users mailing list


ANN: CherryPy book

2006-05-06 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Hello all,

I am pleased to announce that I will be writing a book on CherryPy which
will published by Packt Publishing [1]. Packt is a fairly recent
publishing company based in the United Kingdom which has focused since the
beginning in providing the developer community with books specific to
their day to day tasks.

I have been dealing with the guys at Packt for a bit more than a month and
I can tell you that they are really excited by a book on CherryPy as I am.
In fact if you are looking for a friendly and ready to support publisher,
go and contact them [2].

The approach taken for the book is to go through the design of an
application and see how CherryPy can be a great choice for rapid web
application development. Throughout the book I will explain concepts
behind CherryPy itself as well as third-party products such as ORMs and
template engines. At the end of the book as an application developer you
will understand how CherryPy can benefit you for web development while
having a good overview of the CherryPy's design. Even though it will be a
standalone book, I also believe that the book might be a good extension to
the TurboGears book [3].

I cannot deny I am really thrilled by the project and I hope being able to
finish it in a not far future for you guys. Stay tuned.

- Sylvain


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: atomixlib 0.3.0

2005-11-06 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch

atomixlib 0.3.0

Available at :

What's new?

* It breaks the compatibility with previous version. Mainly you do not need to
pass the current atom element being constructed to the Atomix methods. Instead
the Atomix class keeps an handle to that element internally.
* It adds a lot more documentation via docstrings and an epydoc version of the
* It fixes some issues with XHTML content
* It is more flexible for creating the atom document (feed or entry based).
* It improves performances of atomixlib since 0.2.0

Get atomixlib

What's atomixlib?

A Python module to facilitate Atom 1.0 documents generation.




I would like to thank Uche Ogbuji for discussing atomixlib so much and giving me
some very neat ideas.

- Sylvain Hellegouarch

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.


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Announcing : pyglfw

2005-05-20 Thread Sylvain Hellegouarch
Hello folks,

I am please to announce the first release of pyglfw, a python binding for GLFW
written as an extension module.

GLFW is simple framework acting like a glue between OpenGL and the system.

The aim of pyglfw is simply for me to get my hands on writing an extension for
Python, so this is quite an alpha code I release. Although it works fine, it
might need some fixing in some areas.

Please have a look at it and feel free to let me know what you think about it.

Here is the hope page of pyglfw :

- Sylvain

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.


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