Re: How can I format unicode strings?

2009-09-09 Thread Tim Northover
gentlestone writes:

  return u{}.format(

 this one doesn't work on unicode strings. I there a not old formatting
 style possibilty for unicode strings?

It looks like you're trying to mix python 3.1 and 2.6. In 2.6 you have
to put a number inside the {} to tell it which argument to use. In 3.1
all strings are unicode.

Apparently when 2.7 is released it will backport the empty {} feature
from 3.1. Until then

return u'{0}'.format(

is what you should probably use.


Re: Is reduce() foldl() or foldr()?

2009-06-07 Thread Tim Northover
Steven D'Aprano writes:

 Calling all functional programming fans... is Python's built-in reduce() 
 a left-fold or a right-fold?

I get:

 reduce(lambda a, b: a/b, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

which looks like a left fold to me.


Re: How to print lambda result ?

2009-01-20 Thread Tim Northover
alex23 writes:

 On Jan 20, 10:34 pm, Barak, Ron wrote:

 for num in range(1, 4):
 ... string_ = %d event%s % (num, (lambda num: num  1 and s or
 ... print string_

The notation here suggests Ron is sligtly confused about what he
created. It was equivalent to

string_ = %d event%s % (num, lambda x: x  1 and s or )

Notice that there's no actual mention of num there, it's a function that
takes one parameter. If that parameter happens to be num it does what
you want, but there's no way for the interpreter to know what was
