Re: Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-28 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 27, 6:55 pm, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 14:21:01 -0800, Travis Parks wrote:
  Personally, I find a lot of good things in Python. I thinking tabs are
  out-of-date. Even the MAKE community wishes that the need for tabs would
  go away and many implementations have done just that.

 Tabs have every theoretical advantage and only one practical
 disadvantage: the common toolsets used by Unix programmers are crap in
 their handling of tabs, and instead of fixing the toolsets, they blame
 the tabs.

 The use of spaces as indentation is a clear case of a technically worse
 solution winning over a better solution.

  I have been
  seriously debating about whether to force a specific number of spaces,
  such as the classic 4, but I am not sure yet. Some times, 2 or even 8
  spaces is appropriate (although I'm not sure when).

 Why on earth should your language dictate the width of an indentation? I
 can understand that you might care that indents are consistent within a
 single source code unit (a file?), but anything more than that is just

  I have always found the standard library for Python to be disjoint. That
  can be really beneficial where it keeps the learning curve down and the
  size of the standard modules down. At the same time, it means
  re-learning whenever you use a new module.

 I know what disjoint means, but I don't understand what you think it
 means for a software library to be disjoint. I don't understand the rest
 of the paragraph.

  My language combines generators and collection initializers, instead of
  creating a whole new syntax for comprehensions.

  [| for i in 0..10: for j in 0.10: yield return i * j |]

 Are we supposed to intuit what that means?

 Is | a token, or are the delimiters [| and |] ?

 Is there a difference between iterating over 0..10 and iterating over
 what looks like a float 0.10?

 What is yield return?

  Lambdas and functions are the same thing in my language, so no need for
  a special keyword.

 That does not follow. Lambdas and def functions are the same thing in
 Python, but Python requires a special keyword.

  I also distinguish between initialization and
  assignment via the let keyword.

 What does this mean? I can guess, but I might guess wrong.

  Also, non-locals do not need to be
  defined explicitly, since the scoping rules in Unit are far more anal.

 What does this mean? I can't even guess what you consider more anal
 scoping rules.

  In reality though, it takes a certain level of arrogance to assume that
  any language will turn out without bumps. It is like I was told in
  college long ago, Only the smallest programs are bug free. I think the
  same thing could be said for a language. The only language without flaws
  would be so small that it would be useless.

 I'm pretty sure that being so small that it is useless would count as a

 What does it mean to say that a language is small?

 A Turing Machine is a pretty small language, with only a few
 instructions: step forward, step backwards, erase a cell, write a cell,
 branch on the state of the cell. And yet anything that can be computed,
 anything at all, can be computed by a Turning Machine: a Turing Machine
 can do anything you can do in C, Lisp, Fortran, Python, Java... and very
 probably anything you can (mentally) do, full stop. So what does that
 mean about small languages?

 On the other hand, take Epigram, a functional programming language:

 It is *less* powerful than a Turing Machine, despite being far more
 complex. Similarly languages like regular expressions, finite automata
 and context-free grammers are more complex, bigger, possibly with
 dozens or hundreds of instructions, and yet less powerful. Likewise for
 spreadsheets without cycles.

 Forth is much smaller than Java, but I would say that Forth is much, much
 more powerful in some sense than Java. You could write a Java compiler in
 Forth more easily than you could write a Forth compiler in Java.


Yes. I was mostly rambling. More explanation would have meant more

Languages that use type inference heavily typically find unique ways
of indicating literals, including numbers and collections. In Unit,
[||] indicates fixed length arrays, [] is for dynamic arrays, {} is
for sets and unordered dictionaries (at least one value is needed). A
frozen set might be represented with a {||} in the future. I stole the
syntax from F#. Numbers have a trailing letter indicating their types:
signed byte (y), short (s), long (l), float (f), fixed (m), arbitrary
precision (i), rational (r) and imaginary (j). Unsigned versions have
a u before the letter (uy).

Also, .. is the range operator in Unit. 0..10 means 0 through 10 and
0.1 means a floating point number (I missed a dot). 0..10..2 means 0,
2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Saves me from needing a range function, like Python.
Quite a few

Re: Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-28 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 28, 2:32 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 4:55 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  My language combines generators and collection initializers, instead of
  creating a whole new syntax for comprehensions.

  [| for i in 0..10: for j in 0.10: yield return i * j |]

  Are we supposed to intuit what that means?

  Is | a token, or are the delimiters [| and |] ?

  Is there a difference between iterating over 0..10 and iterating over
  what looks like a float 0.10?

  What is yield return?

 I would assume that yield return is borrowed from C#, where it is
 basically equivalent to Python's yield statement.  The advantage of
 using two keywords like that is that you can compare the statements
 yield return foo and yield break, which is a bit clearer than
 comparing the equivalent yield foo and return.

 Having to type out yield return in every comprehension seems a bit
 painful to me, but I can understand the approach: what is shown above
 is a full generator, not a single generator expression like we use
 in Python, so the statement keywords can't be omitted.  It's trading
 off convenience for expressiveness (a bad trade-off IMO -- complex
 generators should be named, not anonymous).

  Lambdas and functions are the same thing in my language, so no need for
  a special keyword.

  That does not follow. Lambdas and def functions are the same thing in
  Python, but Python requires a special keyword.

 I think the implication is that Unit has only one syntax for creating
 functions, which is lambda-style.  In any case, why does Python
 require a special keyword?  def is only used in a statement context,
 and lambda is only used in an expression context.  Why not use the
 same keyword for both?  I think the answer is historical:  def came
 first, and when anonymous functions were added it didn't make sense to
 use the keyword def for them, because def implies a name being


Most languages I have worked with have a lambda syntax and a
function syntax. It has always been a historical artifact. Languages
start out avoiding functional features and then eventually adopt them.
It seems that eventually, convenient high-order functions become a
must-have (most standard algorithm packages). It is a conflict between
old C-style programming and the need for functional code. As soon as
functions can be assigned to variables, the code starts looking oddly
like JavaScript.

Re: Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-28 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 28, 3:40 pm, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 Travis Parks wrote:
  I thinking tabs are
  out-of-date. Even the MAKE community wishes that the need for tabs
  would go away

 The situation with make is a bit different, because it
 *requires* tabs in certain places -- spaces won't do.
 Python lets you choose which to use as long as you don't
 mix them up, and I like it that way.

  let Parse = public static method (value: String)
  throws(FormatException UnderflowException OverflowException)

 Checked exceptions? I fear you're repeating a huge mistake
 going down that route...


Exception handling is one of those subjects few understand and fewer
can implement properly in modern code. Languages that don't support
exceptions as part of their signature lead to capturing generic
Exception all throughout code. It is one of those features I wish .NET
had. At the same time, with my limited experience with Java, it has
been a massive annoyance. Perhaps something to provide or just shut
off via a command line parameter. What indications have there been
that this has been a flaw? I can see it alienating a large group of up-
and-coming developers.

Re: Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-28 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 28, 5:24 pm, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 12:32:59 -0700, Ian Kelly wrote:
  On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 4:55 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  Lambdas and functions are the same thing in my language, so no need
  for a special keyword.

  That does not follow. Lambdas and def functions are the same thing in
  Python, but Python requires a special keyword.

  I think the implication is that Unit has only one syntax for creating
  functions, which is lambda-style.  In any case, why does Python require
  a special keyword?  def is only used in a statement context, and lambda
  is only used in an expression context.  Why not use the same keyword for

 Because the syntax is completely different. One is a statement, and
 stands alone, the other is an expression. Even putting aside the fact
 that lambda's body is an expression, and a def's body is a block, def
 also requires a name. Using the same keyword for both would require
 special case reasoning: sometimes def is followed by a name, sometimes
 without a name. That's ugly.

 def name(args): block  # okay

 funcs = [def args: expr,  # okay so far
          def name(args): expr,  # not okay
          def: expr,  # okay

 def: expr  # also okay

 def: expr
     expr  # but not okay

 x = def x: expr  # okay
 x = def x(x): expr  # not okay

 Using the same keyword for named and unnamed functions is, in my opinion,
 one of those foolish consistencies we are warned about. When deciding on
 syntax, the difference between anonymous and named functions are more
 significant than their similarities.

A good example I have run into is recursion. When a local function
calls itself, the name of the function may not be part of scope (non-
local). Languages that support tail-end recursion optimization can't
optimize. In order to support this, a function in Unit will have
access to its own name and type. In other words, special scoping rules
are in place in Unit to allow treating a function as an expression.

  I think the answer is historical:  def came first, and when
  anonymous functions were added it didn't make sense to use the keyword
  def for them, because def implies a name being defined.

 That reasoning still applies even if they were added simultaneously.

 Lambda is pretty old: it certainly exists in Python 1.5 and almost
 certainly in 1.4. While it doesn't exist as a keyword in Python 0.9.1,
 there is a module called lambda with a function lambda that uses more
 or less the same syntax. Instead of lambda x: x+1, you would instead
 write lambda(x, x+1). So the idea of including anonymous functions
 was around in Python circles before the syntax was locked in.

I find that interesting. I also find it interesting that the common
functional methods (all, any, map, filter) are basically built into
Python core language. That is unusual for most imperative programming
languages early-on.

Re: Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-28 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 28, 8:49 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:54 AM, DevPlayer wrote:
  To me, I would think the interpreter finding the coder's intended
  indent wouldn't be that hard. And just make the need for consistant
  spaces or tabs irrevelent simply by reformatting the indent as
  expected. Pretty much all my text editors can.

 The trouble with having a language declaration that a tab is
 equivalent to X spaces is that there's no consensus as to what X
 should be. Historically X has always been 8, and quite a few programs
 still assume this. I personally like 4. Some keep things narrow with
 2. You can even go 1 - a strict substitution of \t with \x20. Once you
 declare it in your language, you immediately break everyone who uses
 anything different.


Yeah. We must remember the Unix users, espcially those who don't know
how to hack Vim or bash. I've decided not to require a specific number
of spaces. I am still teetering on whether to allow tabs.

Re: Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-28 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 28, 5:57 pm, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:29:06 -0800, Travis Parks wrote:
  Exception handling is one of those subjects few understand and fewer can
  implement properly in modern code. Languages that don't support
  exceptions as part of their signature lead to capturing generic
  Exception all throughout code. It is one of those features I wish .NET
  had. At the same time, with my limited experience with Java, it has been
  a massive annoyance. Perhaps something to provide or just shut off via a
  command line parameter. What indications have there been that this has
  been a flaw? I can see it alienating a large group of up- and-coming

 Note also that Bruce Eckel repeats a rumour that checked exceptions were
 *literally* an experiment snuck into the Java language while James
 Gosling was away on holiday.

 Even if that is not true, checked exceptions are a feature that *in
 practice* seems to lead to poor exception handling and cruft needed only
 to satisfy the compiler:

 and other annoyances. It's main appeal, it seems to me, is to give a
 false sense of security to Java developers who fail to realise that under
 certain circumstances Java will raise certain checked exceptions *even if
 they are not declared*. E.g. null pointer exceptions.

 See also:

 and note especially the comment from the coder who says that he simply
 declares his functions to throw Exception (the most generic checked
 exception), thus defeating the whole point of checked exceptions.


I think all of the examples you listed referred specifically to most
programmers finding ways around the annoyance. I have heard about
throwing generic Exception or inheriting all custom exception types
from RuntimeException. I did this quite often myself.

In general, unchecked exceptions shouldn't be caught. They occur
because of bad code and insufficient testing. Checked exceptions occur
because of downed databases, missing files, network problems - things
that may become available later without code changes.

One day, I went through about 10,000 lines of code and moved argument
checking code outside of try blocks because I realized I was handling
some of them by accident. Here is the program: if me == idiot: exit().

People don't think about this, but the exceptions thrown by a module
are part of that module's interface. Being able to make sure only what
you expect to come out is important. Unlike Java, Unit requires you to
opt in to using throws clauses. If you don't list one, one is
generated for you automatically. The benefit: you can see what a
function throws and protect yourself without all the babysitting.

A lack of exception handling is big problem in .NET. I have had
libraries from big names including Novell and Oracle throw
NullReferenceExceptions because _they_ didn't know what would happen
in cases where a DLL is missing or a dependency isn't installed. They
could have done better testing, but if the biggest names in
development can't manage to figure it, I say leave it up to the
compiler. Returning nulls or special value in cases of failures takes
us back to the days of C and Fortran.

Re: Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-27 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 26, 1:53 pm, Rick Johnson wrote:
 On Nov 20, 6:46 pm, Travis Parks wrote:


  I am currently working on designing a new programming language. It is
  a compiled language, but I still want to use Python as a reference.
  Python has a lot of similarities to my language, such as indentation
  for code blocks,

 I hope you meant to say *forced* indention for code blocks! Forced
 being the key word here. What about tabs over spaces, have you decided
 the worth of one over the other or are you going to repeat Guido's

 And please, i love Python, but the language is a bit asymmetrical. Do
 try to bring some symmetry to this new language. You can learn a lot
 from GvR's triumphs, however, you can learn even more from his follys.

Personally, I find a lot of good things in Python. I thinking tabs are
out-of-date. Even the MAKE community wishes that the need for tabs
would go away and many implementations have done just that. I have
been seriously debating about whether to force a specific number of
spaces, such as the classic 4, but I am not sure yet. Some times, 2 or
even 8 spaces is appropriate (although I'm not sure when).

I have always found the standard library for Python to be disjoint.
That can be really beneficial where it keeps the learning curve down
and the size of the standard modules down. At the same time, it means
re-learning whenever you use a new module.

My language combines generators and collection initializers, instead
of creating a whole new syntax for comprehensions.

[| for i in 0..10: for j in 0.10: yield return i * j |]

Lambdas and functions are the same thing in my language, so no need
for a special keyword. I also distinguish between initialization and
assignment via the let keyword. Also, non-locals do not need to be
defined explicitly, since the scoping rules in Unit are far more

In reality though, it takes a certain level of arrogance to assume
that any language will turn out without bumps. It is like I was told
in college long ago, Only the smallest programs are bug free. I
think the same thing could be said for a language. The only language
without flaws would be so small that it would be useless.

I love these types of discussions though, because it helps me to be
aware. When designing a language, it is extremely helpful to hear what
language features have led to problems. For instance, C#'s foreach
loops internally reuse a variable, which translates to something like

using (IEnumeratorT enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator())
T current;
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
current = enumerator.Current;
// inner loop code goes here

Since the same variable is reused, threads referencing the loop
variable work against whatever value is currently in the variable,
rather than the value when the thread was created. Most of the time,
this means every thread works against the same value, which isn't the
expected outcome. Moving the variable inside the loop _may_ help, but
it would probably be optimized back out of the loop by the compiler.
With the growth of threaded applications, these types of stack-based
optimizations may come to an end. That is why it is important for a
next-gen language to have a smarter stack - one that is context
sensitive. In Unit, the stack grows and shrinks like a dynamic array,
at each scope, rather than at the beginning and end of each function.
Sure, there's a slight cost in performance, but a boost in
consistency. If a programmer really wants the performance, they can
move the variable out of the loop themselves.

In fact, there are a lot of features in Unit that will come with
overhead, such as default arguments, non-locals, function-objects,
etc. However, the game plan is to avoid the overhead if it isn't used.
Some things, such as exception handling, will be hard to provide
without overhead. My belief is that, provided a tool, most developers
will use it and accept the slight runtime overhead.

I think everyone has an idea about what would make for the perfect
language. I am always willing to entertain ideas. I have pulled from
many sources: C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, F#, Lisp and more. The
hope is to provide as much expression with as much consistency as
possible. Just the other day I spent 2 hours trying to determine how
to create a null pointer (yeah, it took that long).

let pi = null as shared * Integer32 # null is always a pointer

Originally, I wanted 'as' to be a safe conversion. However, I decided
to make use of the 'try' keyword to mean a safe conversion.

let nd = try base as shared * Derived
let d = if nd.Succeeded: nd.Value else: null
# or, shorthand
let i = try Integer32.Parse(123) else 0

Of course, the last line could cost performance wise. For that reason,
Unit will allow for try versions of methods.

let Parse = public static method (value: String)
throws(FormatException UnderflowException OverflowException

Re: Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-25 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 22, 1:37 pm, Alan Meyer wrote:
 On 11/20/2011 7:46 PM, Travis Parks wrote:


  I am currently working on designing a new programming language. ...

 I have great respect for people who take on projects like this.

 Your chances of popularizing the language are small.  There must be
 thousands of projects like this for every one that gets adopted by other
 people.  However your chances of learning a great deal are large,
 including many things that you'll be able to apply to programs and
 projects that, at first glance, wouldn't appear to benefit from this
 kind of experience.  If you get it working you'll have an impressive
 item to add to your resume.

 I suspect that you'll also have a lot of fun.

 Good luck with it.


I've been learning a lot and having tons of fun just designing the
language. First, I get think about all of the language features that I
find useful. Then I get to learn a little bit how they work

For instance, functions are first-class citizens in Unit, supporting
closures. To make that happen meant wrapping such functions inside of
types and silently elavating local variables to reference counted

Or, I realized that in order to support default arguments, I would
have to silently wrap parameters in types that were either set or not
set. That way calls to the default command could simply be replaced by
an if statement. It was a really subtle implementation detail.

It is also fun thinking about what makes sense. For instance, Unit
will support calling methods with named arguments. Originally, I
thought about using the '=' operator:

Foo(name=bob age=64)

but, then I realized that the equals sign could be confused with
assignment. Those types of syntactic conflicts occur quite often and
lead to a lot of rethinking. Ultimately, somewhat good ideas get
replaced with much better ideas. I had been contemplating Unit for
months before the final look and feel of the language came into view.
It isn't what I started out imagining, but I think it turned out
better than I had originally planned.

Recently, I rethought how functions looked, since the headers were too

alias Predicate = functionT (value:  readonly T) throws()
let Any = public functionT
(values:  readonly IIterableT)
(?predicate: PredicateT)
throws() # ArgumentNullException inherits from UncheckedException
returns(Boolean): # this can be on one line
default predicate = (function value: true)
assert predicate != null The predicate cannot be null.
for value in values:
if predicate(value):
return true
return false

Most of the time, throws clauses, returns clauses and parameter type
constraints can be left off. Plus, now they can all appear on one
line. Assertions and default statements now appear in the body.
Assertions now optionally take a message and the exception type to

So, yeah, this has been an awesome project so far. I have dozens of
documents and I have been keeping up on a blog. I've even started
implementing a simple recursive descent parser just to make sure the
syntax doesn't conflict. Now it will be a matter of formally defining
a grammer and implementing the backend of the compiler... which I've
never done before. I have been thinking about compiling into a
language like C++ or C instead of assembler for my first time through.

Re: Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-21 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 21, 12:44 am, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 On Mon, 21 Nov 2011 13:33:21 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
  What's your language's special feature? I like to keep track of
  languages using a slug - a simple one-sentence (or less) statement of
  when it's right to use this language above others. For example, Python
  is optimized for 'rapid deployment'.

 Python will save the world


The language, psuedo name Unit, will be a low-level language capable
of replacing C in most contexts. However, it will have integrated
functional programming features (tail-end recursion optimization,
tuples, currying, closures, function objects, etc.) and dynamic
features (prototypical inheritance and late binding).

It is a hybrid between C#, C++, F#, Python and JavaScript. The hope is
that you won't pay for features you don't use, so it will run well on
embedded devices as well as on desktops - that's to be seen. I'm no
master compiler builder, here.

The functional code is pretty basic:

let multiply = function x y: return x * y # automatic generic
arguments (integer here)
let double = multiply _ 2 # short-hand currying - inlined if possible
let doubled = [|0..10|].Apply(double) # double zero through 10

The dynamic code is pretty simple too:

dynamic Prototype = function value: self.Value = value # simulated
Prototype.Double = function: self.Value * 2 # self refers to instance
new Prototype(5).Double() # 10
new Prototype(6).Double() # 12
dynamic x = 5 # five wrapped with a bag
x.Double = function: self * 2
x.Double() # 10
dynamic y = 6
y.Double = x.Double # member sharing
y.Double() #12

The language also sports OOP features like are found in Java or C#:
single inheritance; multiple interface inheritance; sealed, virtual
and abstract types and members; explicit inheritance; extension
methods and namespaces.

The coolest feature will be its generics-oriented function signatures.
By default everything is generic. You apply constraints to parameters,
rather than specific types. For instance:

let Average = function values:
where values is ICountableInteger32 IIterableInteger32
assert values.Count  0 The values list cannot be empty.
throws ArgumentException
returns Float64
let sum = 0
for value in values:
sum += value
return sum / values.Count # floating point division

As you can see, the function headers can be larger than the bodies
themselves. They support type constraints, assertions (argument
checking), exceptions enumeration, default parameters and return type
information. All of them can be left out if the type of arguments can
be inferred.

This will not be an overnight project. :-)

Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-20 Thread Travis Parks

I am currently working on designing a new programming language. It is
a compiled language, but I still want to use Python as a reference.
Python has a lot of similarities to my language, such as indentation
for code blocks, lambdas, non-locals and my language will partially
support dynamic programming.

Can anyone list a good introduction to the files found in the source
code? I have been poking around the source code for a little bit and
there is a lot there. So, I was hoping someone could point me to the
good parts. I am also wondering whether some of the code was
generated because I see state transition tables, which I doubt someone
built by hand.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. It will be cool to see how the
interpreter works internally. I am still wonder whether designing the
language (going on 4 months now) will be harder than implementing it.

Travis Parks

Re: xmlrpclib date times and a trailing Z

2011-11-13 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 11, 7:20 pm, Travis Parks wrote:
 I am trying to connect to Marchex's a call tracking software using
 xmlrpclib. I was able to get some code working, but I ran into a
 problem dealing with transfering datetimes.

 When I construct a xmlrpclib.ServerProxy, I am setting the
 use_datetime flag to indicate that I want to automatically convert
 back and forth between date times in the datetime library.

 I have a working version that doesn't use this flag, and I have to
 convert from the xmlrpclib.DateTime type to the datetime.datetime type
 manually, via string parsing.

 The thing is, Marchex's API returns date's with a trailing Z, after
 the time component. I did some research and this is supposed to be an
 indicator that UTC was used. However, it doesn't seem like the
 xmlrpclib likes it very much.

 It looks like it is using this code internally: time.strptime(data, %Y

 This code doesn't look like it handles time zones at all. I guess, is
 there a way to tell xmlrpclib to include time zones when parsing date

 Travis Parks

I did some chatting on IRC and it seems that the date/time format is
not very well defined in XML RPC specs. So, basically, Marchex is
using a format that the XML RPC library doesn't support. Strangely,
Marchex supports incoming dates with the format MMddThhmmss. It
just spits dates back out with -MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ. The ISO8601
standard seems to be used a lot, so it is surprising the library
doesn't try multiple formats, at least.

I find it strange that the library, in light of the fact that date
formats aren't standardized, doesn't provide the ability to configure
this. I also find it strange that the library doesn't incorporate
Basic Authentication using urllib2, but instead rolls its own method
of putting username:password@ before the netloc.

I wish Python's libraries acted more like an integrated framework than
just unrelated libraries. I suppose I am spoiled from years of working
with all-in-one frameworks managed by a single group. That is not the
way C/C++ works or how Linux works. The power generated by using a
conglomeration of unrelated libraries is indisputable, even if it can
be a productivity killer and just plain confusing.

Re: Python ORMs Supporting POPOs and Substituting Layers in Django

2011-11-12 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 8, 12:09 am, Lie Ryan wrote:
 On 11/08/2011 01:21 PM, Travis Parks wrote:

  On Nov 7, 12:44 pm, John  wrote:
  Inj98tnf$  John  writes:  
  Travis  writes:
  Which web frameworks have people here used and which have they found
  to be: scalable, RAD compatible, performant, stable and/or providing
  good community support? I am really trying to get as much feedback as
  I've used Django and it seems to be a very nice framework.  However I've
  only done one project so I haven't delved too deeply.

  You are probably looking for more detail than It's a nice framework :-)

  The database model in Django is powerful; it allows you to do queries in
  native Python code without delving into backend SQL stuff.

  I don't know how scalable/performant the database model is, as the one
  project I worked on didn't deal with a ton of data.  (But I'd be surprised
  if it had poor performance.)

  The URL dispatcher provides a very nice and logical way to associate a
  given URL with a given method call.

  Community support is excellent.

  John Gordon                   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs              B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
                                   -- Edward Gorey, The Gashlycrumb Tinies

  I started the battle today. The new guy was trying to sell me on
  CodeIgnitor. I haven't looked at it, but it is PHP, so I really want
  to avoid it. The good thing is that all of his friends have been
  telling him to get into Python. I have been trying to convince him
  that PHP isn't cut out for background services and is mostly a front-
  end language. Python is much more geared towards hardcore data
  processing. Why write the system in two languages?

  I have been spending a lot of time looking at the Pyramid project: the
  next generation of the Pylons project. It looks powerful, but it seems
  to be a lot more complex than Django.

 CodeIgniter is a very fine framework, however it builds on top of a
 shitty excuse of a language called PHP.

 I've found that Django has a much better debugging tools; when a Django
 page produces an exception, it would always produce a useful error page.
 I haven't been able to do the same in CodeIgniter (nor in any PHP
 framework I've used, I'm starting to think it's a language limitation);
 often when you have errors, PHP would just silently return empty or
 partial pages even with all the debugging flags on.

 IMO, Python has a much nicer choice of built-in data structure for data
 processing. Python has a much more mature object-orientation, e.g. I
 prefer writing l.append(x) rather than array_push(l, x). I think these
 qualities are what makes you think Python is much, much more suitable
 for data processing than PHP; and I wholesomely agree.

 Database abstraction-wise, Django's ORM wins hands down against
 CodeIgniter's ActiveRecord. CodeIgniter's ActiveRecord is basically just
 a thin wrapper that abstracts the perks of various database engine.
 Django's ORM is a full blown ORM, it handles foreign key relationships
 in OO way. The only disadvantage of Django's ORM is that since it's
 written in Python, if you need to write a program working on the same
 database that doesn't use Django nor Python, then you'll have a problem
 since you'll have to duplicate the foreign key relationships.

 With all the bashing of PHP, PHP do have a few advantages. PHP and
 CodeIgniter is much easier to set up and running than Django; and the
 ability to create a .php file and have it running without having to
 write the routing file is sometimes a bliss. And PHP are often used as
 their own templating language; in contrast with Django which uses a
 separate templating language. Having a full blown language as your
 templating language can be a double-edged sword, but it is useful
 nevertheless for experimental work.

 IMO, while it is easier to get up and running in PHP, in the long run
 Python is much better in almost any other aspects.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

The good thing is that I got the new guy to convert his thinking
towards Python. He did a little research of his own and realized what
he was missing.

He and I have been writing some tools in Python, accessing social
networking sites, and have been pleasantly surprised by Python's rich
support for web protocols. Even yesterday, I wrote some code using
xmlrpclib and it blew the equivalent C# code out of the water. urllib2
and urlparse make it really easy to work against RESTful services. It
seems like most of Google's APIs have a Python variant.

We are thinking we will go along with Pyramid, rather than Django. It
was a really hard decision to make. Django has a lot of community
support and is integrated with PyDev in eclipse. Nonetheless, we are

xmlrpclib date times and a trailing Z

2011-11-11 Thread Travis Parks
I am trying to connect to Marchex's a call tracking software using
xmlrpclib. I was able to get some code working, but I ran into a
problem dealing with transfering datetimes.

When I construct a xmlrpclib.ServerProxy, I am setting the
use_datetime flag to indicate that I want to automatically convert
back and forth between date times in the datetime library.

I have a working version that doesn't use this flag, and I have to
convert from the xmlrpclib.DateTime type to the datetime.datetime type
manually, via string parsing.

The thing is, Marchex's API returns date's with a trailing Z, after
the time component. I did some research and this is supposed to be an
indicator that UTC was used. However, it doesn't seem like the
xmlrpclib likes it very much.

It looks like it is using this code internally: time.strptime(data, %Y

This code doesn't look like it handles time zones at all. I guess, is
there a way to tell xmlrpclib to include time zones when parsing date

Travis Parks

Re: Python ORMs Supporting POPOs and Substituting Layers in Django

2011-11-07 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 7, 12:44 pm, John Gordon wrote:
 In j98tnf$ John Gordon writes:

  Travis Parks writes:
   Which web frameworks have people here used and which have they found
   to be: scalable, RAD compatible, performant, stable and/or providing
   good community support? I am really trying to get as much feedback as
  I've used Django and it seems to be a very nice framework.  However I've
  only done one project so I haven't delved too deeply.

 You are probably looking for more detail than It's a nice framework :-)

 The database model in Django is powerful; it allows you to do queries in
 native Python code without delving into backend SQL stuff.

 I don't know how scalable/performant the database model is, as the one
 project I worked on didn't deal with a ton of data.  (But I'd be surprised
 if it had poor performance.)

 The URL dispatcher provides a very nice and logical way to associate a
 given URL with a given method call.

 Community support is excellent.

 John Gordon                   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs              B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
                                 -- Edward Gorey, The Gashlycrumb Tinies

I started the battle today. The new guy was trying to sell me on
CodeIgnitor. I haven't looked at it, but it is PHP, so I really want
to avoid it. The good thing is that all of his friends have been
telling him to get into Python. I have been trying to convince him
that PHP isn't cut out for background services and is mostly a front-
end language. Python is much more geared towards hardcore data
processing. Why write the system in two languages?

I have been spending a lot of time looking at the Pyramid project: the
next generation of the Pylons project. It looks powerful, but it seems
to be a lot more complex than Django.

Python ORMs Supporting POPOs and Substituting Layers in Django

2011-11-05 Thread Travis Parks

A new guy showed up at work a few weeks ago and has started talking
about replacing a 6 month old project, written in ASP.NET MVC, with an
open source solution that can handle massive scaling. I think his
primary concern is the potential need for massive web farms in the
future. In order to prevent high licensing costs, I think he wants to
move everything to open source technologies, such as the LAMP stack. I
also don't think he truly understands what ASP.NET MVC is and thinks
it is the older WebForms.

I have been researching open source MVC frameworks and came across
Django. It looks like an awesome tool, but I am willing to look at
others. I have experience in Python (and enough in PHP to want to
avoid it and absolutely none in Ruby) so I think it would be a good
language to develop in.

I was wondering if there were any ORMs for Python that used POPOs
(plain old Python objects). There is a lot of business logic in my
system, and so I want to keep my data objects simple and stupid. I
want the ORM to be responsible for detecting changes to objects after
I send them back to the data layer (rather than during business layer
execution). Additionally, being a stateless environment, tracking
objects' states isn't very useful anyway.

Honestly, I doubt this guy is going to get his wish. The people paying
for the application aren't going to be willing to throw 6 months of
work down the drain. Never the less, I want to have plenty of research
under my belt before being asked what my thoughts are. He was talking
about using the Zend Framework with PHP, but I want to avoid that if
possible. Django seems like one of the best MVC solutions in the
Python arena. I would be willing to replace Django's ORM solution with
something else, especially if it supported POPOs. I could even map all
of the non-POPOs to POPOs if I needed to, I guess.

Finally, I wanted to ask whether anyone has tried having Django call
out to Python 3 routines. I am okay using Python 2.7 in Django, if I
can have the controllers call business logic implemented in Python 3,
accepting POPOs from the data layer. Django would really just be a
coordinator: grab data from Django ORM, convert results into POPOs,
load up Python 3 module with business logic, passing POPOs, returning
POPOs and then converting those to view models. I'm sweating just
thinking about it. My guess is that there would be a severe penalty
for crossing process boundaries... but any insights would be

Travis Parks

Re: Python ORMs Supporting POPOs and Substituting Layers in Django

2011-11-05 Thread Travis Parks
On Nov 5, 4:11 pm, Travis Parks wrote:

 A new guy showed up at work a few weeks ago and has started talking
 about replacing a 6 month old project, written in ASP.NET MVC, with an
 open source solution that can handle massive scaling. I think his
 primary concern is the potential need for massive web farms in the
 future. In order to prevent high licensing costs, I think he wants to
 move everything to open source technologies, such as the LAMP stack. I
 also don't think he truly understands what ASP.NET MVC is and thinks
 it is the older WebForms.

 I have been researching open source MVC frameworks and came across
 Django. It looks like an awesome tool, but I am willing to look at
 others. I have experience in Python (and enough in PHP to want to
 avoid it and absolutely none in Ruby) so I think it would be a good
 language to develop in.

 I was wondering if there were any ORMs for Python that used POPOs
 (plain old Python objects). There is a lot of business logic in my
 system, and so I want to keep my data objects simple and stupid. I
 want the ORM to be responsible for detecting changes to objects after
 I send them back to the data layer (rather than during business layer
 execution). Additionally, being a stateless environment, tracking
 objects' states isn't very useful anyway.

 Honestly, I doubt this guy is going to get his wish. The people paying
 for the application aren't going to be willing to throw 6 months of
 work down the drain. Never the less, I want to have plenty of research
 under my belt before being asked what my thoughts are. He was talking
 about using the Zend Framework with PHP, but I want to avoid that if
 possible. Django seems like one of the best MVC solutions in the
 Python arena. I would be willing to replace Django's ORM solution with
 something else, especially if it supported POPOs. I could even map all
 of the non-POPOs to POPOs if I needed to, I guess.

 Finally, I wanted to ask whether anyone has tried having Django call
 out to Python 3 routines. I am okay using Python 2.7 in Django, if I
 can have the controllers call business logic implemented in Python 3,
 accepting POPOs from the data layer. Django would really just be a
 coordinator: grab data from Django ORM, convert results into POPOs,
 load up Python 3 module with business logic, passing POPOs, returning
 POPOs and then converting those to view models. I'm sweating just
 thinking about it. My guess is that there would be a severe penalty
 for crossing process boundaries... but any insights would be

 Travis Parks

Which web frameworks have people here used and which have they found
to be: scalable, RAD compatible, performant, stable and/or providing
good community support? I am really trying to get as much feedback as
I can, to help form an unbiased opinion in case I need to make a
recommendation... or fight an all out battle.

Re: Algorithms Library - Asking for Pointers

2011-09-03 Thread Travis Parks
On Sep 3, 12:35 am, Chris Torek wrote:
 In article
 Travis Parks wrote:

 [Someone] commented that the itertools algorithms will perform
 faster than the hand-written ones. Are these algorithms optimized

 They are written in C, so avoid a lot of CPython interpreter
 overhead.  Mileage in Jython, etc., may vary...
 In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Wind River Systems
 Intel require I note that my opinions are not those of WRS or Intel
 Salt Lake City, UT, USA (40°39.22'N, 111°50.29'W)  +1 801 277 2603
 email: gmail (figure it out)

I thought I would point out that many of the itertools functions
change between 2.x and 3.x versions. Since 2.7 is supposed to be the
last 2.x language, I suppose I will wait until 3.2 becomes the norm
before I incorporate some of these changes. In the mean time, I will
starting working on algorithms that work against Sequences.

I think a really important lesson is that Python really doesn't need
an algorithms library, like many others do. A lot of the common
algorithms are supported by the syntax itself. All my library did was
allow for easier function composition.

Algorithms Library - Asking for Pointers

2011-09-02 Thread Travis Parks

I am working on an algorithms library. It provides LINQ like
functionality to Python iterators. Eventually, I plan on having
feaures that work against sequences and mappings.

I have the code up at

This is my first project in Python, so I'd like some feedback. I want
to know if I am following conventions (overall style and quality of

Travis Parks

Re: Handling 2.7 and 3.0 Versions of Dict

2011-09-02 Thread Travis Parks
On Sep 2, 12:36 pm, Gabriel Genellina
 En Wed, 31 Aug 2011 22:28:09 -0300, Travis Parks  
 escribi :

  On Aug 31, 7:37 pm, Gregory Ewing wrote:
  Ian Kelly wrote:
   if sys.version_info  (3,):
       getDictValues = dict.itervalues
       getDictValues = dict.values

   (which is basically what the OP was doing in the first place).

  My problem was that I didn't understand the scoping rules. It is still
  strange to me that the getValues variable is still in scope outside
  the if/else branches.

 Those if/else are at global scope. An 'if' statement does not introduce a  
 new scope; so getDictValues, despite being indented, is defined at  
 global scope, and may be used anywhere in the module.

 Gabriel Genellina

Does that mean the rules would be different inside a function?

Re: Algorithms Library - Asking for Pointers

2011-09-02 Thread Travis Parks
On Sep 2, 4:09 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Travis Parks wrote:

  I am working on an algorithms library. It provides LINQ like
  functionality to Python iterators. Eventually, I plan on having
  feaures that work against sequences and mappings.

  I have the code up at

  This is my first project in Python, so I'd like some feedback. I want
  to know if I am following conventions (overall style and quality of

 Sure, here are my comments.

 In the forever and __forever functions, your use of the term
 generator is confusing.  __forever is a generator function,
 because it has a yield statement.  Its argument, called generator,
 appears to be a callable, not a generator or even necessarily a
 generator function.  Also, note that __forever(lambda: value) is
 functionally equivalent to the more efficient itertools.repeat(value).

 The staticmethod __next(iterator) accesses the class it is defined in,
 which suggests that it might be better written as a classmethod
 __next(cls, iterator).

 Each of the LINQ-style methods is divided into two parts: the public
 method that contains the docstring and some argument checks, and a
 private staticmethod that contains the implementation.  I'm not
 certain what the purpose of that is.  If it's to facilitate overriding
 the implementation in subclasses, then you need to change the names of
 the private methods to start with only one _ character so that they
 won't be mangled by the compiler.

 The comments before each method that only contain the name of the
 immediately following method are redundant.

 aggregate: the default aggregator is unintuitive to me.  I would make
 it a required field and add a separate method called sum that calls
 aggregate with the operator.add aggregator.
 Also, the implementation doesn't look correct.  Instead of passing in
 each item to the aggregator, you're passing in the number of items
 seen so far?  The LINQ Aggregate method is basically reduce, so rather
 than reinvent the wheel I would suggest this:

 # MISSING is a unique object solely defined to represent missing arguments.
 # Unlike None we can safely assume it will never be passed as actual data.
 MISSING = object()

 def aggregate(self, aggregator, seed=MISSING):
     if seed is self.MISSING:
         return reduce(aggregator, self._iterable)
         return reduce(aggregator, self._iterable, seed)

 Note for compatibility that in Python 3 the reduce function has been
 demoted from a builtin to a member of the functools module.

 any: the name of this method could cause some confusion with the any
 builtin that does something a bit different.

 compare: the loop would more DRY as a for loop:

 def __compare(first, second, comparison):
     for firstval, secondval in itertools.izip_longest(first, second,
         if firstval is self.MISSING:
             return -1
         elif secondval is self.MISSING:
             return 1
             result = comparison(firstval, secondval)
             if result != 0:
                 return result
     return 0

 concatenate: again, no need to reinvent the wheel.  This should be
 more efficient:

 def concatenate(self, other):
     return extend(itertools.chain(self.__iterable, other))

 equals: could be just return, comparison) == 0

 __last: the loop could be a for loop:

         # assume we're looking at the last item and try moving to the next
         item = result.Value
         for item in iterator: pass
         return item

 lastOrDefault: there's a lot of repeated logic here.  This could just be:

 def lastOrDefault(self, default=None):
         return self.last()
     except ValueError:
         return default

 map / forEach: .NET has to separate these into separate methods due to
 static typing.  It seems a bit silly to have both of them in Python.
 Also, map would be more efficient as return itertools.imap(mapper,

 max / min: it would be more efficient to use the builtin:
 def max(self, key):
     return max(self.__iterable, key=key)
 If somebody really needs to pass a comparison function instead of a
 key function, they can use functools.cmp_to_key.

 randomSamples: a more canonical way to pass the RNG would be to pass
 an instance of random.Random rather than an arbitrary function. Then
 to get a random integer you can just call generator.randrange(total).
 Note that for the default you can just use the random module itself,
 which provides default implementations of all the Random methods.
 Also, for loops:

     def __randomSamples(iterable, sampleCount, generator):
         samples = []
         iterator = iter(iterable)
         # fill up the samples with the items from the beginning of the 
         for i, value in zip(xrange(sampleCount), iterator):

Re: Algorithms Library - Asking for Pointers

2011-09-02 Thread Travis Parks
On Sep 2, 6:49 pm, Travis Parks wrote:
 On Sep 2, 4:09 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:

  On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Travis Parks 

   I am working on an algorithms library. It provides LINQ like
   functionality to Python iterators. Eventually, I plan on having
   feaures that work against sequences and mappings.

   I have the code up at

   This is my first project in Python, so I'd like some feedback. I want
   to know if I am following conventions (overall style and quality of

  Sure, here are my comments.

  In the forever and __forever functions, your use of the term
  generator is confusing.  __forever is a generator function,
  because it has a yield statement.  Its argument, called generator,
  appears to be a callable, not a generator or even necessarily a
  generator function.  Also, note that __forever(lambda: value) is
  functionally equivalent to the more efficient itertools.repeat(value).

  The staticmethod __next(iterator) accesses the class it is defined in,
  which suggests that it might be better written as a classmethod
  __next(cls, iterator).

  Each of the LINQ-style methods is divided into two parts: the public
  method that contains the docstring and some argument checks, and a
  private staticmethod that contains the implementation.  I'm not
  certain what the purpose of that is.  If it's to facilitate overriding
  the implementation in subclasses, then you need to change the names of
  the private methods to start with only one _ character so that they
  won't be mangled by the compiler.

  The comments before each method that only contain the name of the
  immediately following method are redundant.

  aggregate: the default aggregator is unintuitive to me.  I would make
  it a required field and add a separate method called sum that calls
  aggregate with the operator.add aggregator.
  Also, the implementation doesn't look correct.  Instead of passing in
  each item to the aggregator, you're passing in the number of items
  seen so far?  The LINQ Aggregate method is basically reduce, so rather
  than reinvent the wheel I would suggest this:

  # MISSING is a unique object solely defined to represent missing arguments.
  # Unlike None we can safely assume it will never be passed as actual data.
  MISSING = object()

  def aggregate(self, aggregator, seed=MISSING):
      if seed is self.MISSING:
          return reduce(aggregator, self._iterable)
          return reduce(aggregator, self._iterable, seed)

  Note for compatibility that in Python 3 the reduce function has been
  demoted from a builtin to a member of the functools module.

  any: the name of this method could cause some confusion with the any
  builtin that does something a bit different.

  compare: the loop would more DRY as a for loop:

  def __compare(first, second, comparison):
      for firstval, secondval in itertools.izip_longest(first, second,
          if firstval is self.MISSING:
              return -1
          elif secondval is self.MISSING:
              return 1
              result = comparison(firstval, secondval)
              if result != 0:
                  return result
      return 0

  concatenate: again, no need to reinvent the wheel.  This should be
  more efficient:

  def concatenate(self, other):
      return extend(itertools.chain(self.__iterable, other))

  equals: could be just return, comparison) == 0

  __last: the loop could be a for loop:

          # assume we're looking at the last item and try moving to the next
          item = result.Value
          for item in iterator: pass
          return item

  lastOrDefault: there's a lot of repeated logic here.  This could just be:

  def lastOrDefault(self, default=None):
          return self.last()
      except ValueError:
          return default

  map / forEach: .NET has to separate these into separate methods due to
  static typing.  It seems a bit silly to have both of them in Python.
  Also, map would be more efficient as return itertools.imap(mapper,

  max / min: it would be more efficient to use the builtin:
  def max(self, key):
      return max(self.__iterable, key=key)
  If somebody really needs to pass a comparison function instead of a
  key function, they can use functools.cmp_to_key.

  randomSamples: a more canonical way to pass the RNG would be to pass
  an instance of random.Random rather than an arbitrary function. Then
  to get a random integer you can just call generator.randrange(total).
  Note that for the default you can just use the random module itself,
  which provides default implementations of all the Random methods.
  Also, for loops:

      def __randomSamples(iterable, sampleCount, generator):
          samples = []
          iterator = iter(iterable

Closures and Partial Function Application

2011-08-31 Thread Travis Parks
I was a little disappointed the other day when I realized that
closures were read-only. I like to use closures quite a bit.

Can someone explain why this limitation exists? Secondly, since I can
cheat by wrapping the thing being closure-ified, how can I write a
simple wrapper that has all the same members as the thing (decorator),
that then applies them to the underlying thing?

I also like partial function application. What is the easiest way of
achieving this in Python? Would it look something like this:

def foo(x, y):
return x + y

xFoo = lambda y: foo(10, y)

Re: Closures and Partial Function Application

2011-08-31 Thread Travis Parks
On Aug 31, 1:18 pm, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 9:45 AM, Travis Parks wrote:
  I was a little disappointed the other day when I realized that
  closures were read-only. I like to use closures quite a bit.

 Assuming I'm intuiting your question correctly, then you're incorrect;
 they are read/write. You just need a `nonlocal` declaration for the
 variables in question. See
 for details.


Cool. So I just need to put nonlocal in front of the variable name.

Re: Closures and Partial Function Application

2011-08-31 Thread Travis Parks
On Aug 31, 1:51 pm, Travis Parks wrote:
 On Aug 31, 1:18 pm, Chris Rebert wrote:

  On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 9:45 AM, Travis Parks 
   I was a little disappointed the other day when I realized that
   closures were read-only. I like to use closures quite a bit.

  Assuming I'm intuiting your question correctly, then you're incorrect;
  they are read/write. You just need a `nonlocal` declaration for the
  variables in question. See
  for details.


 Cool. So I just need to put nonlocal in front of the variable name.

Am I doing something wrong, here? nonlocal isn't registering. Which
version did this get incorporated?

Re: Closures and Partial Function Application

2011-08-31 Thread Travis Parks
On Aug 31, 2:18 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Travis Parks wrote:
  Am I doing something wrong, here? nonlocal isn't registering. Which
  version did this get incorporated?


Ah, okay. It would be really useful for unit testing. Unfortunately, I
want to make the code I am writing compatible with 2.x and 3.x. I will
just deal with it until 3.x takes over. Glad to know Guido sees the

Re: Closures and Partial Function Application

2011-08-31 Thread Travis Parks
On Aug 31, 2:03 pm, wrote:
 On 31 août, 18:45, Travis Parks wrote:

  I was a little disappointed the other day when I realized that
  closures were read-only. I like to use closures quite a bit.

 They are not _strictly_ read only, but Python being first and foremost
 an OO language, it's usually way simpler to use OO instead of closures
 when you start needing such features.

I like to leave OO to large-scale architectures and leave functional
paradigms for implementation details.

Writing an entire class for wrapping an int seems excessive.
Especially if that code is limited to a small scope. I agree, though,
that there is a time and a place for everything.

Re: Handling 2.7 and 3.0 Versions of Dict

2011-08-31 Thread Travis Parks
On Aug 31, 7:37 pm, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 Ian Kelly wrote:
  if sys.version_info  (3,):
      getDictValues = dict.itervalues
      getDictValues = dict.values

  (which is basically what the OP was doing in the first place).

 And which he seemed to think didn't work for some
 reason, but it seems fine as far as I can tell:

 Python 2.7 (r27:82500, Oct 15 2010, 21:14:33)
 [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)] on darwin
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
   gv = dict.itervalues
   d = {1:'a', 2:'b'}
 dictionary-valueiterator object at 0x2aa210

 % python3.1
 Python 3.1.2 (r312:79147, Mar  2 2011, 17:43:12)
 [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)] on darwin
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
   gv = dict.values
   d = {1:'a', 2:'b'}
 dict_values(['a', 'b'])


My problem was that I didn't understand the scoping rules. It is still
strange to me that the getValues variable is still in scope outside
the if/else branches.

Handling 2.7 and 3.0 Versions of Dict

2011-08-30 Thread Travis Parks
I am writing a simple algorithms library that I want to work for both
Python 2.7 and 3.x. I am writing some functions like distinct, which
work with dictionaries under the hood. The problem I ran into is that
I am calling itervalues or values depending on which version of the
language I am working in. Here is the code I wrote to overcome it:

import sys
def getDictValuesFoo():
if sys.version_info  (3,):
return dict.itervalues
return dict.values

getValues = getDictValuesFoo()

def distinct(iterable, keySelector = (lambda x: x)):
lookup = {}
for item in iterable:
key = keySelector(item)
if key not in lookup:
lookup[key] = item
return getValues(lookup)

I was surprised to learn that getValues CANNOT be called as if it were
a member of dict. I figured it was more efficient to determine what
getValues was once rather than every time it was needed.

First, how can I make the method getValues private _and_ so it only
gets evaluated once? Secondly, will the body of the distinct method be
evaluated immediately? How can I delay building the dict until the
first value is requested?

I noticed that hashing is a lot different in Python than it is in .NET
languages. .NET supports custom equality comparers that can override
a type's Equals and GetHashCode functions. This is nice when you can't
change the class you are hashing. That is why I am using a key
selector in my code, here. Is there a better way of overriding the
default hashing of a type without actually modifying its definition? I
figured a requesting a key was the easiest way.

Re: Checking Signature of Function Parameter

2011-08-29 Thread Travis Parks
On Aug 29, 2:30 am, Nobody wrote:
 On Sun, 28 Aug 2011 14:20:11 -0700, Travis Parks wrote:
  More importantly, I want to make sure that
  predicate is callable, accepting a thing, returning a bool.

 The callable part is do-able, the rest isn't.

 The predicate may accept an arbitrary set of arguments via the *args
 and/or **kwargs syntax, and pass these on to some other function.
 Exactly *which* function may be the result of an arbitrarily complex
 expression. Or it may not even call another function, but just use the
 arbitrary set of arguments in an arbitrarily complex manner.

 IOW, determining in advance what will or won't work is actually impossible.

Thanks for everyone's input. I decided that I will put some basic
checks up front, like is it None, is it Iterable and is it
callable. Other than that, I am letting things slide. Asking for
forgiveness is always easier anyway.

Just so everyone knows, I am defining these methods inside a class
called IterableExtender:

class IterableExtender(collections.Iterable):...

I wanted to allow for calls like this:

extend(range(0, 1000)).map(lambda x: x * x).where(lambda x: x % 2 ==
0).first(lambda x: x % 7 == 0)

It allows me to compose method calls similarly to LINQ in C#. I think
this looks better than:

first(where(map(range(0, 1000), lambda x: x * x, lambda x: x % 2 == 0,
lambda x : x % 7 == 0)))

Internally to the class, there are private static methods taking raw
inputs and performing no checks. The public instance methods are
responsible for checking input arguments and wrapping results.

Eventually, I will start working on algorithms that work on
MutableSequences, but for now I am just doing Iterables. This is
turning out to be a great learning experience.

Re: Checking Signature of Function Parameter

2011-08-29 Thread Travis Parks
On Aug 29, 1:42 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 10:45 AM, Travis Parks wrote:
  I wanted to allow for calls like this:

  extend(range(0, 1000)).map(lambda x: x * x).where(lambda x: x % 2 ==
  0).first(lambda x: x % 7 == 0)

  It allows me to compose method calls similarly to LINQ in C#. I think
  this looks better than:

  first(where(map(range(0, 1000), lambda x: x * x, lambda x: x % 2 == 0,
  lambda x : x % 7 == 0)))

 FWIW, I would be inclined to write that in Python like this:

 def first(iterable):
         return next(iter(iterable))
     except StopIteration:
         raise ValueError(iterable was empty)

 squares = (x * x for x in range(0, 1000))
 first(x for x in squares if x % 14 == 0)

Python's comprehensions make the need for many of the methods I am
writing unnecessary. Which probably explains why no ones really
bothered to write one before.

The only problem I have above is either the composition causes complex
method calls first(where(map(range(..., it requires complex
comprehensions or it requires breaking the code into steps. Even my
approach has problems, such as the overhead of carrying an invisible
wrapper around.

 It does a bit too much to comfortably be a one-liner no matter which
 way you write it, so I split it into two.


Yeah. I have already seen a lot of better ways of writing my code
based solely on your example. I didn't know about iter as a built-in
function. I have been calling __iter__ directly. I also need to think
more about whether methods like where and map are going to be
beneficial. The good thing is that someone will be able to use my
wrapper in any context where an Iterable can be used. It will allow
someone to switch between styles on the fly. I'm still not convinced
that this library is going to be very pythony.

I wrote a post a few days ago about how I know the syntax and
libraries fairly well, but I don't have the philosophy. I haven't
seen a lot of tricks and I am never sure what is the norm in Python.
I am sure if an experienced Python programmer looked at my code,
they'd immediately know I was missing a few things.

Checking Signature of Function Parameter

2011-08-28 Thread Travis Parks
I am trying to write an algorithms library in Python. Most of the
functions will accept functions as parameters. For instance, there is
a function called any:

def any(source, predicate):
for item in source:
if predicate(item):
return true;
return false;

There are some things I want to make sure of. 1) I want to make sure
that source is iterable. 2) More importantly, I want to make sure that
predicate is callable, accepting a thing, returning a bool.

This is what I have so far:

if source is None: raise ValueError()
if not isinstanceof(source, collections.iterable): raise TypeError()
if not callable(predicate): raise TypeError()

The idea here is to check for issues up front. In some of the
algorithms, I will be using iterators, so bad arguments might not
result in a runtime error until long after the calls are made. For
instance, I might implement a filter method like this:

def where(source, predicate):
for item in source:
if predicate(item):
yield item

Here, an error will be delayed until the first item is pulled from the
source. Of course, I realize that functions don't really have return
types. Good thing is that virtually everything evaluates to a boolean.
I am more concerned with the number of parameters.

Finally, can I use decorators to automatically perform these checks,
instead of hogging the top of all my methods?


Re: Checking Signature of Function Parameter

2011-08-28 Thread Travis Parks
On Aug 28, 5:31 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 7:20 AM, Travis Parks wrote:

  if source is None: raise ValueError()
  if not isinstanceof(source, collections.iterable): raise TypeError()
  if not callable(predicate): raise TypeError()

 Easier: Just ignore the possibilities of failure and carry on with
 your code. If the source isn't iterable, you'll get an error raised by
 the for loop. If the predicate's not callable, you'll get an error
 raised when you try to call it. The only consideration you might need
 to deal with is that the predicate's not callable, and only if you're
 worried that consuming something from your source would be a problem
 (which it won't be with the normal iterables - strings, lists, etc,
 etc). Otherwise, just let the exceptions be raised!


I guess my concern is mostly with the delayed exceptions. It is hard
to find the source of an error when it doesn't happen immediately. I
am writing this library so all of the calls can be chained together
(composed). If this nesting gets really deep, finding the source is
hard to do, even with a good debugger.

Maybe I should give up on it, like you said. I am still familiarizing
myself with the paradigm. I want to make sure I am developing code
that is consistent with the industry standards.

Mastering Python... Best Resources?

2011-08-26 Thread Travis Parks
I know the Python syntax pretty well. I know a lot of the libraries
and tools. When I see professional Python programmer's code, I am
often blown away with the code. I realized that even though I know the
language, I know nothing about using it effectively.

I would like to start using Python more in my professional career.
Where can I find resources that will take my skills to the next level?
I would prefer to watch a streaming video series, if possible.

I've read quite a few books about Python. They cover a lot of topics,
but none of them covered common conventions or hacks. I mean, I got
good at C++ reading books by Scott Meyers, who concentrated on common
idioms, things to avoid, the proper way to do things, etc.

Right now, I am at that point where I know how to do write just about
anything in the language. However, I still have that hesitation I get
when I'm just not sure what's the right way.

Re: Mastering Python... Best Resources?

2011-08-26 Thread Travis Parks
On Aug 26, 8:44 am, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:33 PM, Travis Parks wrote:
  I know the Python syntax pretty well. I know a lot of the libraries
  and tools. When I see professional Python programmer's code, I am
  often blown away with the code. I realized that even though I know the
  language, I know nothing about using it effectively.

 I would say that there are three aspects to using Python effectively:

 1) Understanding the syntax, which you've mastered.
 2) Understanding the philosophy
 3) Knowing algorithms.

 The second is more or less what you're asking for, but the
 language-independent third may be more useful to you. This is correct
 Python syntax (#1), and decently Pythonic style (#2), but a hopelessly
 flawed algorithm (#3):

 def fib(x):
     return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2) if x2 else 1


 def fib(x):
     if x3: return 1
     return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)

 Both versions are clean and easy to read, but neither would be what
 I'd call brilliant code.

 You can get books on algorithms from all sorts of places, and with a
 very few exceptions, everything you learn with apply to Python and
 also to every other language you use.


Well, I think I am going more for #2. I know about things like data
structures and algorithms... in your case memoization.

Here is a good example of what I am talking about. Someone took the
time to write quicksort in a single line of code:

def qsortr(list):
return [] if list==[]  else qsortr([x for x in list[1:] if x 
list[0]]) + [list[0]] + qsortr([x for x in list[1:] if x = list[0]])

I would never even think to use list comprehensions and splicing like
that. I would write this code the same way I'd write it in C++/C#. I'm
aware that writing code like the above example is probably bad
practice (and that the implementation here has some major
inefficiencies), but it is the mentality that goes into it.

I haven't gotten to the point where I can truly use the language
features to my full advantage. I haven't seen enough tricks to be
effective. I feel like there is so much of the language I am not
utilizing because I'm still thinking in terms of a less powerful
language. I was hoping to find a series that would familiarize me with
how real Python programmers get things done.

Re: Mastering Python... Best Resources?

2011-08-26 Thread Travis Parks
On Aug 26, 9:28 am, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:58 PM, Travis Parks wrote:
  I haven't gotten to the point where I can truly use the language
  features to my full advantage. I haven't seen enough tricks to be
  effective. I feel like there is so much of the language I am not
  utilizing because I'm still thinking in terms of a less powerful
  language. I was hoping to find a series that would familiarize me with
  how real Python programmers get things done.

 Ah! Then I recommend poking around with the standard library. No
 guarantees that it's ALL good code, but it probably will be. In any
 case, it sounds like you're well able to evaluate code in your own
 head and recognize the good from the ugly.

 In the source distribution (I'm looking at the latest straight from
 hg, but presumably it's the same everywhere), there's a whole lot of
 .py files in ./Lib - there's sure to be some good examples in there


I've been thinking about going through the docs on the main website.
Cool thing is it has links to the actual lib files. I was checking out yesterday.

I was searching all over youtube for good videos of some type. Google
has an intro course, but it didn't really do much for me. Microsoft
has these series called 'Going Deep' that occasionally runs something
super in-depth. The videos on C++ and the STL are really excellent. I
was hoping someone had taken the time to create a similar series for

I can't help but remember my one professor in college, who really made
pointers, bitwise arithmetic and low level OS operations make sense.
He explained to us a lot about how the STL worked and showed us tons
of C++/STL hacks. I probably learned more in the 2 years I had classes
with him than I have in all the time I've programmed. To get that type
of insight into another language, like Python, would be the ultimate
gift for someone like me. Personally, I am tired of working in
languages that don't strongly support functional paradigms.

Re: Mastering Python... Best Resources?

2011-08-26 Thread Travis Parks
On Aug 26, 11:12 am, Roy Smith wrote:
 In article,
  Travis Parks wrote:

  I know the Python syntax pretty well. I know a lot of the libraries
  and tools. When I see professional Python programmer's code, I am
  often blown away with the code. I realized that even though I know the
  language, I know nothing about using it effectively.

 In a sense, I'm in the same boat as you.  I've been using Python since
 before the 2.0 series, and I tend to think of the language in much the
 same way as I did back then.  Which is to say I don't use the language,
 as it currently exists, as effectively as I might.

 Here's some things I suggest you look at:

 Iterators.  This is such a powerful concept.  When I started with the
 language, iterators largely meant the difference between range() and
 xrange().  Now we've got a whole ecosystem which has grown up around
 them (x +  comprehension for x in {'list', 'dictionary', 'set'}), not
 to mention generators and generator expressions.  And the itertools

 Decorators.  Another powerful concept.  We use these in our web servers
 for all sorts of cool things.  Adding cacheing.  Imposing prerequisites
 on route calls.  I still don't think of using these immediately, but I
 do see the notational convenience they provide for many things.

 Context Managers.  One of the (very few) things that I always found
 lacking in Python compared to C++ was deterministic object destruction.  
 Context managers give you this.  I'm still exploring all the neat things
 you can do with them.

 The full range of containers.  I started with lists, tuples, and
 dictionaries.  Now we've got sets, frozensets, named tuples, deques,
 Counters, defaultdicts (I love those), heaps, and I'm sure a few others
 I've missed.  List and dicts are such well designed containers, you can
 do almost anything with just those two, but all the other new ones often
 make things quicker, simpler, and more obvious.

 The profiler.  Most people obsess about performance early on and don't
 realize that most of their guesses about what's fast and what's slow are
 probably wrong.  Learn to use the profiler and understand what it's
 telling you.

 Unittest.  Testing is, in general, a neglected practice in most software
 development shops, and that's a shame.  Python has some really good
 capabilities to support testing which you should get familiar with.  
 Unittest is just one of them.  There's also doctest, nose, and a bunch
 of other contributed modules.  Look at them all, learn at least one of
 them well, and use it for everything you write.

  I've read quite a few books about Python. They cover a lot of topics,
  but none of them covered common conventions or hacks. I mean, I got
  good at C++ reading books by Scott Meyers, who concentrated on common
  idioms, things to avoid, the proper way to do things, etc.

 Ugh.  The problem with Meyers's books is that they are needed in the
 first place.  C++ is such a horribly complicated language, you really
 can't use it without making a serious study of it.  There's too many
 gotchas that you MUST know to avoid disaster with even the most basic

 Python isn't that way.  You can learn a small, basic subset of the
 language and get a lot done.  You may not be doing things the most
 effective way, but you're also not going to be looking at memory
 corruption because you didn't understand the details of object lifetimes
 or how type promotion, function overloading, and implicit temporary
 object construction all interact.

Thanks for the input.

I had been writing my Compass project ( in
Pythonese. I was planning on implementing a lot of the features of MS'
LINQ in Python iterators, too. I am surprised that there aren't a ton
of Python libraries for general purpose algorithms. yield is one of
my favorite keywords. :-)

I will take a look at decorators especially. I see them being used for
properties and other coolness. I started playing with unittest the
other day.

unittest.main(exit=False) -- took me a while to find

I will look at the containers, too. I have been trying to push tuple
syntax support in C# for years now. Named tuples are so useful.

I agree that C++ is too complicated. Bjarne should have cared less
about backward compatibility with C and fixed some of the issues with
it. He should have also made some of the defaults more intuitive -
like ctor initializers being reorganized to the same order as the
backing fields... that'll getcha. Function argument order evaluation.
Oh no! It might run .1 seconds slower on a Sparc machine! I think
anal programmers like me gravitate towards C++ because we like to show
how smart we are by naming off some arbitrary fact. Sure, it doesn't
make development any better, but it gives us something to waste memory
with. I find myself getting super excited when I get to use