Re: Create a list of dates for same day of week in a year

2017-06-28 Thread waldemar . osuch

> Thoughts or examples?
dateutil.rrule is what you may use e.g.

In [38]: from dateutil import rrule 

In [39]: from datetime import date  

In [40]: end = date(2017, 12, 31)   

In [41]: rr = rrule.rrule(rrule.WEEKLY, byweekday=[0, 2], until=end)

In [42]: days = list(rr)

In [43]: len(days)  
Out[43]: 53 

In [44]: days[:5], days[-5:]
([datetime.datetime(2017, 6, 28, 23, 58, 11),   
  datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 3, 23, 58, 11),
  datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 5, 23, 58, 11),
  datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 10, 23, 58, 11),   
  datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 12, 23, 58, 11)],  
 [datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 13, 23, 58, 11),  
  datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 18, 23, 58, 11),  
  datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 20, 23, 58, 11),  
  datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 25, 23, 58, 11),  
  datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 27, 23, 58, 11)]) 

In [45]:


Re: [wanted] python-ldap for Python 2.3 / Win32

2011-10-25 Thread Waldemar Osuch
I did try to build it using my current setup but it failed with some linking 
Oh well.

Google gods were nicer to me.  Here is a couple alternative links.
Maybe they will work for you.


Re: Deploying on Windows servers : advice sought a module

2011-03-08 Thread Waldemar Osuch
At my work place I still use py2exe but I do not rely on its automatic 
discovery and packaging.

The lists all the dependencies explicitly in packages and includes 
parameters.  These end up in

Then the source file paths with the actual business logic are gathered with 
os.walk and passed in as data_files parameter.

Finally the actual service executable is generated from the very minimal script.
This executable is registered only once and as long as you do not move it to a 
different directory Windows will find it and start it up for you.

The service script that gets used by py2exe is truly minimal.  It just changes 
working directory to where the executable sits, adds current directory to the 
sys.path and loads the main script.

The main script would be copied by into the current working directory.

When there is a new release I update the files with business logic and restart 
the service.
When I want to update the dependent libraries I regenerate, copy it 
over and again restart the service.

The trick is to let the files from the current directory to be imported first.
To achieve it you should avoid putting your business logic files into your
py2exe will do it if you let it to.

Depending on situation I go to into dirty tricks like selectively commenting 
out import statements before running py2exe or even post-processing 
and deleting the business logic files from the archive.

With a little bit of care you can make it work but I admit my approach is not 
very clean.

Oh another trick I have learned.
If your service does not start because let's say an import has failed look into 
Event Viewer/Application.  There should be an entry with a nice traceback 
listing what went wrong.


Re: Making Line Graphs

2011-02-18 Thread Waldemar Osuch
Standard answer in such a case is matplotlib

Re: Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script

2010-10-20 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Oct 20, 11:38 am, gb345 wrote:
 I have a handy Python script, which takes a few command-line
 arguments, and accepts a few options.  I developed it on Unix, with
 very much of a Unix-mindset.  Some Windows-using colleagues have
 asked me to make the script easy to use under Windows 7.  I.e.:
 no command-line.

 Therefore, I want to adapt my script, with the minimum amount of
 work, so that it can have a double-clickable icon that brings up
 a small GUI to accept command-line options (including a couple of
 file-selectors for input and output files).

 I am Windows-illiterate, so I really would like to keep this as
 barebones as possible.  Where should I look to learn more about
 how to do this?



 (P.S. in case it matters, it's OK to assume that Python will be
 installed on the Windows system; IOW, the script need not bring
 with it a Python interpreter and libraries.)

Teach them Windows key - Run - cmd
or very useful Open Command Window Here right click option.

Failing that you may try EasyDialogs

The build in module is Mac only.  The Windows version is available


Re: py2exe and msvcp90.dll

2010-04-15 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Apr 14, 10:19 pm, Alex Hall wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am still fighting with py2exe; I keep getting error: msvcp90.dll:
 no such file or directory right after it says it is searching for
 required dlls. I have followed the py2exe tutorial, though, and I am
 not sure why it is not finding the dlls, which are in both
 c:\windows\system32 and in mainFolder/dlls, where mainFolder is the
 main folder of my project, containing Here is my setup file:

 from distutils.core import setup
 import py2exe
 from glob import glob
 data_files=[(Microsoft.VC90.CRT, glob(r'c:\arm\dlls\*.*'))]
 setup(data_files=data_files, console=['main.pyw'])

 Of course, the location to glob is hard-coded. Also, I do not intend
 this to have any console. Can I just omit the console argument? I
 leave it in for now since the tutorial seems to indicate that such a
 file is necessary, but I do not want to have one eventually. Thanks in
 advance, as always! Oh, the entire source is 
 as it usually is (and this time, I tested the link!).

 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

Did you see ?

Re: Use python and Jython together? (newbie)

2010-03-13 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Mar 13, 8:10 am, Christian Heimes wrote:
 Karjer Jdfjdf wrote:
  I'm pretty new at programming and want some advice on mixing Jython and 

  I want to use Jython to access some Java libraries, but I want to keep 
  developing in normal Python. Some modules I use a lot are not available in 

  The bulk of my programming is in Python but I want to use Java 2D libraries 
  for graphical presentation of data generated in normal Python. Is it 
  possible that I generate data in Python and then pass it through to a 
  Jython program to visualise the data.

 You can't mix Jython and Python in one program. But you can use other
 means to create bindings for Java code. JCC
 ( is a very powerful code
 generator for CPython.

I have not tried it myself but it seems to be possible.


Re: SOAP 1.2 Python client ?

2010-03-03 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Mar 3, 9:32 am, BlueBird wrote:

 I am looking for a SOAP 1.2 python client. To my surprise, it seems
 that this does not exist. Does anybody know about this ?

 The following clients seem to be both unmaintained and still
 supporting only SOAP 1.1 :

suds unmaintained? I beg to differ.

 - zsi
 - SOAPy




Re: Which version of MSVC?90.DLL's to distribute with Python 2.6 based Py2exe executables?

2009-12-31 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Dec 30, 10:05 am, kakarukeys wrote:
 I tried on a fresh XP on VM. I moved all dlls in C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS
 which are in the file handles shown by Process Explorer including the
 3 CRT dlls to the my dist folder and the two subfolders suggested 
 by It didn't work out. My app couldn't
 start. Windows XP gave a cryptic error asking me to reinstall the app.

 After installing vcredist_x86.exe, my app starts fine. There isn't a
 choice here. You HAVE TO bundle vcredist_x86.exe with your installer
 and convince your customers that it is necessary to increase the file
 size by 2MB.

 If anyone figure out how to do as, or
 on a Python compiled with a free GNU compiler, avoiding all these BS.
 I will pay him/her $10.

I have a method that does not involve installing the runtime and still
works on a virgin machine.

The target machines are locked desktops and installing anything
on them equals to a 2 month long approval process.
The Preventer of IT strikes again :)

But anyway,  the method involves editing python26.dll in order to
dependency references and then dropping msvcr90.dll in the same
directory as the py2exe produced executable. Here is dir /b:

python26.dll  -- tweaked

The method works with a program using wxPython.

I have used Resource Hacker
for actual editing.
You have to find dependency section of the manifest and remove
everything between dependentAssembly tags

  assemblyIdentity type=win32 name=Microsoft.VC90.CRT
version=9.0.21022.8 processorArchitecture=x86


Is the method elegant?  Nope.
Does it work?  It does for me.
Use it at your own risk etc. The regular disclaimers apply.

The approach was gleaned from a thread at PIL mailing list.


Re: Python WSDL Support

2009-06-16 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Jun 16, 12:24 pm, Chris wrote:
 Is there any modern support for WSDL? The only projects I could find
 are ZSI and SOAPpy, and both have been dead for several years. is actively maintained

Re: twisted and py2exe

2008-10-16 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Oct 16, 11:47 am, Linnorm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've written an app using twisted to create an ssh forwarding tunnel
 for our erp app.  When I run it with the interpreter it works
 perfectly, but when I package it up with py2exe it looks like the
 tunnel never gets created.  I don't get any exceptions during the
 build, but I do get the following:

 The following modules appear to be missing
 ['Crypto.PublicKey._fastmath', 'Crypto.Util.winrandom', 'FCNTL',
 'IronPythonConsole', 'OpenSSL', 'System',
 'System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard', 'clr', 'email.Generator',
 'email.Iterators', 'email.Utils', 'gmpy', 'modes.editingmodes',
 'pkg_resources', 'resource', 'startup']

These can be probably ignored.

 I've tried including all of these at the command line, but all that
 seems to do is increase the exe size.

 Also, this file (_zope_interface_coptimizations.pyd) appears on the

Yup, you need this one.  There should be more *.pyd files.  Usually
they end up in the same directory as the executable.
I always specify zipfile = lib/ parameter in my
This way all the dll end up neatly copied into lib/ sub folder.

 list of libraries that may need to be distributed with the app.  I
 verified that that it is in the file and I've also tried
 copying it to the app directory and C:\Windows\system32.

 Am I missing something?  I've searched Google but can't find anything

Look for message from your Twisted service in Event Viewer-
If some of your imports fail that is where trace would end up.


Re: Is there a SOAP module that can do this...?

2008-09-11 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Sep 11, 3:50 am, thebjorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sep 10, 9:44 pm, Waldemar Osuch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Sep 10, 1:23 pm, thebjorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  wrote: I've been trying to use SOAPpy and ZSI (with and without the use of
   wsdl2py) to communicate with a SOAP server (looks like it's a WebLogic
   server(?) in front of some enterprise java bean) and not having much
   luck.  I got them to send me an example of what the bytes on the wire
   are supposed to look like (attached below), and I got it to work by
   going lo-tech:

  If you are willing to go low tech you can 

  But before you do that try:
  It is actively maintained and holds a lot of promise.
  In my testing it knew how to connect to Sharepoint as well
  as WebLogic exposed services.


 Thanks for the info Waldemar. I'm looking into suds now, but there's
 something I'm having trouble wrapping my head around (xml isn't my
 usual territory, so this is perhaps obvious to someone...) This is
 what suds tells me:

  print client

 suds ( version=0.2.9 )

 service ( InboundLegacyDataService )
                 ns0 = http://no/brreg/BReMS/WebService/services;
         methods (2):
                 submitMessage(xs:string cpaid, xs:string securityKey,
 xs:string message, )
         types (4):

 The method I'm interested in is submitMessage and in particular the
 ``xs:string message`` parameter.  I've been provided with three xsd
 files that I'm almost 100% sure defines the format of the xml in the
 message (it defines the JegerproveInn sub-structure), but it looks
 like that has to be wrapped in a SOAP:Envelope, including the ?xml..
 declaration before being stuffed into the xs:string message parameter,
 before that in turn is wrapped in an env:Envelope... Am I on the right

After you figure out how the message should look like, pass it with
rest of the parameters to the submitMessage.
suds should take care of the rest. Like wrap everything
into Envelope, send the request and parse response.

If you have to build XML from python let me point you to very useful

 Another question:  I'm assuming the xsd files can be used for more
 than documentation :-)  I've found the w3schools Introduction to XML
 Schema which I'm starting to read right now, however I haven't been
 able to google up any Python-xsd thingy that looked promising
 (since I'm not sure what I'm looking for, this might not be a big
 surprise ;-)  Is there such a thingy?

python-xsd thingy you mention could be lxml library that is an
implementation of ElementTree + number of very useful extensions.
Most of the time XSD is used to validate XML documents.


Re: Is there a SOAP module that can do this...?

2008-09-10 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Sep 10, 1:23 pm, thebjorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I've been trying to use SOAPpy and ZSI (with and without the use of
 wsdl2py) to communicate with a SOAP server (looks like it's a WebLogic
 server(?) in front of some enterprise java bean) and not having much
 luck.  I got them to send me an example of what the bytes on the wire
 are supposed to look like (attached below), and I got it to work by
 going lo-tech:

If you are willing to go low tech you can try

But before you do that try:
It is actively maintained and holds a lot of promise.
In my testing it knew how to connect to Sharepoint as well
as WebLogic exposed services.


Re: Sending e-mail

2008-08-28 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Aug 28, 12:52 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I work at a training center and I would like to use Python to generate
 a number of certificates and then e-mail them. The certificates are a
 problem for another day - right now I just want to figure out how to
 send an e-mail.

 I confess I don't know much about the protocol(s) for e-mail. In PHP
 using CodeIgniter, the same task was amazingly easy. I think this is a
 bit harder because I'm not executing code on a remote machine that has
 its own SMTP server. According to (
 Python-Email-Libraries-SMTP-and-Email-Parsing/), I need to use the
 SMTP object found in the smtplib module to initiate a connection to a
 server before I can send. I want to use Gmail, but on the following
 input it stalls and then raises smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected:

 server = SMTP(

 I also pinged and tried it with the dotted quad IP as a
 string. Am I on the right track? Is this a problem with gmail, or have
 I gotten an assumption wrong?

 Here's a thought: Could I use SMTPServer (
 node620.html) to obviate the need to have anything to do with Gmail?
 What would be the limitations on that? Could I successfully do this
 and wrap the whole thing up in a black box? What modules would I need?


Gmail SMTP server needs authentication.
I little googling found this example.
I did not test it if it works but it could be starting point.

Re: regex search loops instead of findall

2008-08-05 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Aug 5, 12:06 pm, brad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys... I'm trying to make my Python regex code behave like my C++
 regex code. In order to search large strings for *all* occurrences of
 the thing I'm searching for, I loop like this in C++:

 void number_search(const std::string portion, const boost::regex Numbers)

      boost::smatch matches;
      std::string::const_iterator Start = portion.begin();
      std::string::const_iterator End = portion.end();

      while (boost::regex_search(Start, End, matches, Numbers))
        std::cout  matches.str()  std::endl;
        Start = matches[0].second;

 I cannot figure out how to do the same in Python. I've read several Py
 regex docs, but none of them go into examples of this, although search
 seems that it should be able to loop on position according to the docs.
 I've resorted to using find_all in python, but that has limitations
 (especially when searching for groups) and seems to be a lot less
 efficient than search. Any suggestions or example code I can look at?

 I've read 


re.finditer may help.

Re: SAX XML Parse Python error message

2008-07-13 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Jul 13, 3:00 pm, goldtech [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would be grateful for support with the code I cited. It's not long
 and fairly standard. I'm sure my error(s) would be glaring to more
 experienced coders. I appreciated the heads-up about other options
 but I would be grateful for help getting this code to run. Thanks

Initialize self.coodinates in the __init__
or indent the print  self.description, str(self.coordinates)
one more level.
You have to remember that endElement is being called on the end
of every element.  In your case it is called by /description but
the parser did not see coordinates yet.

In def characters you should be collecting the ch in a buffer.
It may be called multiple times for the same element.
Something like self.description += ch would do for starters.

Also you do not need to convert self.coordinates to string before
printing, it is already a string and even if it was not print
would convert it for you.

That's it for now :-) Others may spot more issues with
your code or my response.
On the positive side I really liked how you asked
the question.  There was a short runnable example and traceback.


Re: ISO dict = xml converter

2008-06-20 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Jun 20, 6:37 am, kj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi.  Does anyone know of a module that will take a suitable Python
 dictionary and return the corresponding XML structure?

 In Perl I use XML::Simple's handy XMLout function:

   use XML::Simple 'XMLout';
   my %h = ( 'Foo' = +{
                         'Bar' = +{
                                     'Baz' = [ { 'meenie' = 3 },
                                                { 'meenie' = 7 } ],
                                     'eenie' = 4,
                         'minie' = 1,
                         'moe' = 2,
                       } );

   print XMLout( \%h, KeepRoot = 1, KeyAttr = undef );
 Foo minie=1 moe=2
   Bar eenie=4
     Baz meenie=3 /
     Baz meenie=7 /

 Is there a Python module that can do a similar conversion from
 a Python dict to an XML string?

 (FWIW, I'm familiar with xml.marshal.generic.dumps, but it does
 not produce an output anywhere similar to the one illustrated

What about

import lxml.etree as ET
from lxml.builder import E

h = E.Foo(
dict(minie='1', moe='2'),

print ET.tostring(h, pretty_print=True)

Foo moe=2 minie=1
  Bar eenie=4
Baz meenie=3/
Baz meenie=7/



Re: SOAP/ZSI post/get for Java Web App

2008-05-14 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On May 13, 1:02 pm, Jennifer Duerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need help concerning SOAP, Python and XML. I am very new to this, so
 dumbing it down for me will not offend me!

 I'm using Python and want to send a user-inputted string to an
 existing Java web app that
 will output results to XML. I need to capture elements of the XML and
 the info into a table. (say I send a single/simple address string to
 webservice/geocode, which then returns numerous possible matches with
 values and score values, and I want to capture that into a table)

 How do I go about doing this? I'm told I need to use SOAP. I
 discovered that
 the best module to use is ZSI (please correct me if I'm wrong). I have
 installed the necessary module. Examples I have seen are plenty and
 all so different, its not clear to me how to go about.  I have been
 spinning my wheels for too long on this!

 Can someone provide some example code similar to what I need to do? Or
 guidance would be appreciated.


It looks like you have three tasks here:
 - get data
 - parse it
 - store it

SOAP could be the means to accomplish only the first one.

If the service you use exposes the functionality using XML-RPC or some
REST-ful methods I would try them first.  If it does not, then
you are stuck with SOAP. Using SOAP in Python is currently
not as straightforward as it could be.

You have chosen to use ZSI and that is fine choice.
In documentation look for wsdl2py.
Given a URL to a WSDL file it will generate stub class definition
with methods corresponding to the SOAP service methods.
In your code you would instantiate the class, call the method you want
and grab the payload.  Your first task is done.

From what I understand the payload will be XML that will need to be
parsed.  For that you could use the excellent ElementTree

If I were you I would investigate suds (
It promises to be easier to use than ZSI.  The README has the usage


Re: Problem parsing SOAP envelope with ElementTree

2008-05-07 Thread Waldemar Osuch

Zvi wrote:

Hi All,

   Can someone tell me why id the following not working?

snip not working code

What am I doing wrong?

Here is working code.

from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

data = soap:Envelope 

Get2Response xmlns=;
Get2Result![CDATA[?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?
Entity Name='Accounts' Current='00300571B42F1DEC8E9B6CDF19A59950'
Instance Id='00300571B42F1DEC8E9B6CDF19A59950'
Field Name='Status' Value='2'/
Field Name='Id' Value='MC4670'/
Field Name='Name' Value='ACDC Industries Inc'/
Field Name='City' Value='Milwaukee'/
Field Name='MainContact' Value=''/
Field Name='CreatedOn' Value='20070723051316.000 '/

env = ET.fromstring(data)
result = env.find('*//{}Get2Result')
response = ET.fromstring(result.text)
for elm in response.getiterator():
print elm

In the future please paste complete examples. It helps me to help you.
They were two things that I found to be wrong:
- searching using wrong path. You missed *// in front of the tag
- parsing only once. There are two xml sources here.
  The first parse got you the representation of the Envelope.
  You have to parse the Get2Result payload to get at the
  interesting part


Re: Python and SOAP status

2008-05-03 Thread Waldemar Osuch

Jeff wrote:

Twisted has SOAP support.

yes but it is based on no longer actively maintained SOAPpy.

Re: Python and SOAP status

2008-05-03 Thread Waldemar Osuch

Heikki Toivonen wrote:

I have started researching the Python SOAP (and web services in general)
options out there. Python 2.5 should be supported.

I used Python for some web services stuff (demo quality) a few years
back without major problems. However, it seems many of the libraries I
remember from that time have become dormant or have been explicitly
discontinued. A colleague also commented that he run into lots of
problems trying to use Python for SOAP a year ago.

What is your experience with Python SOAP, WSDL etc. libraries? What are
the good, maintained options out there right now? How is standards
compliance, how robust are the libraries, how do they interoperate with
other libraries written in other languages (I am especially interested
in interoperability with Java and PHP web services stacks).

It seems like the top 3 candidates on my list are ZSI
(, soaplib
( and suds
( If you have any experience in
using these, I'd very much like to hear from you.

There was quite a depressing post about ZSI's status at

I had good experience using soaplib as the server and Java client.

For the client side I found elementsoap (
to be useful on a couple occasions.


Re: How to convert latex-based docs written with Python 2.5 to 2.6 framework

2008-03-27 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Mar 26, 1:37 pm, Michael Ströder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I had a look on how Doc/ is organized with Python 2.6. There are files with
 suffix .rst. Hmm...

 I'm maintaing existing docs for python-ldap which I might have to convert to
 the new concept in the long run. What's the recommended procedure for doing
 so? Any pointer?

 Ciao, Michael.

I found the original python docs converter here:

Unfortunately it is very specific to the Python docs :)
I did try to run it on python-ldap .tex files and I was partially
It has produced a skeleton of the docs in the new format.
After couple of hours of manual conversion I got far enough to
see some results.

Whatever I did is definitely not in finished state but it could be a
Send me an off-line email if you are interested in what I have got so



Re: Why does python behave so? (removing list items)

2008-03-26 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Mar 26, 4:04 pm, Michał Bentkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why does python create a reference here, not just copy the variable?

  del j[0]
 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

 Shouldn't k remain the same?

Re: ZSI and attachments

2008-03-14 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Mar 11, 8:59 am, Laszlo Nagy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi All,

 I wonder if the newest ZSI has support for attachments? Last time I
 checked (about a year ago) this feature was missing. I desperately need
 it. Alternatively, is there any other SOAP lib for python that can
 handle attachments?

Does this help?

Re: Another dumb scope question for a closure.

2008-01-09 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Jan 9, 11:47 am, Steven W. Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So sorry because I know I'm doing something wrong.

 574  cat
 #! /usr/local/bin/python2.4

 def inc(jj):
  def dummy():
  jj = jj + 1
  return jj
  return dummy

 h = inc(33)
 print 'h() = ', h()
 h() =
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File ./, line 10, in ?
  print 'h() = ', h()
File ./, line 5, in dummy
  jj = jj + 1
 UnboundLocalError: local variable 'jj' referenced before assignment

 I could have sworn I was allowed to do this. How do I fix it?

I have seen this approach on ActiveState Cookbook but can not find a
reference to it right now.

 def inc(jj):
... def dummy():
... dummy.jj += 1
... return dummy.jj
... dummy.jj = jj
... return dummy
 h = inc(33)
 i = inc(12)


Re: Another dumb scope question for a closure.

2008-01-09 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Jan 9, 3:52 pm, Waldemar Osuch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 9, 11:47 am, Steven W. Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So sorry because I know I'm doing something wrong.

  574  cat
  #! /usr/local/bin/python2.4

  def inc(jj):
   def dummy():
   jj = jj + 1
   return jj
   return dummy

  h = inc(33)
  print 'h() = ', h()
  h() =
  Traceback (most recent call last):
 File ./, line 10, in ?
   print 'h() = ', h()
 File ./, line 5, in dummy
   jj = jj + 1
  UnboundLocalError: local variable 'jj' referenced before assignment

  I could have sworn I was allowed to do this. How do I fix it?

 I have seen this approach on ActiveState Cookbook but can not find a
 reference to it right now.

  def inc(jj):

 ... def dummy():
 ... dummy.jj += 1
 ... return dummy.jj
 ... dummy.jj = jj
 ... return dummy
 ... h = inc(33)
  i = inc(12)



Here it is:

Re: pdf library.

2007-12-29 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Dec 29, 11:54 am, Shriphani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am looking for a pdf library that will give me a list of pages where
 new chapters start. Can someone point me to such a module ?
 Shriphani P.

pyPdf may help you with that:

Re: .NET and Python Integration Problem and PDF Library (Need Help and Suggestions)

2007-12-18 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Dec 18, 6:42 am, Ravi Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In continuation of last mail [since pressing tab+space sent the mail :( ]
 Things on high priorities right now are:
 - How to integrate Python calling from .NET

If I had to do something like this I would host a Python web
server listening on some port and let .NET application talk to me
using HTTP requests preferably or SOAP if I really had to.
It could be a Paster or Cherrypy or Twisted based server.
Google for instruction on how to package it using py2exe
into a windows service.
The service could be hosted on the same server as .NET or a separate

 - Any suggestions for optimizations that would prevent overburden to
 application due to IronPython interpretation calling, if any, or does
 such things happen.
 - Pointers to good resources
 - Any step in such kind of situation, so to make it Enterprise Grade
 application components

I do not have Enterprise Grade Seal of Approval but similar setup is
running successfully at my workplace for the last 2 years.

 - your opinion with available PDF Libraries, that are best among. Also
 which library to use for Windows server platform (there is limitation
 on installing long chain libraries that include other deep
 dependencies too). A pure python PDF library would be good, but which

 -Which XML Library is pure python based.


Re: How to generate pdf file from an html page??

2007-12-16 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Dec 16, 3:51 am, abhishek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone, I am trying to generate a PDF printable format file from
 an html page. Is there a way to do this using   python. If yes then
 which library and functions are required and if no then reasons why it
 cant be done.

 Thank you All

You may want to investigate.
It worked for me in some simple conversions

Re: Elementtree tag

2007-12-13 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Dec 13, 7:52 pm, Sean DiZazzo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a another question...

 using elementtree, is there a proper way to get at the data
 '123456789' in this tag?

 'id 123456789 /'

 I tried making it an element, but the only attribute that returns
 anything is the tag attribute.  Does that section of a tag have any
 proper name that I'm missing?  Or is it just bad XML style?

It is not even legal xml.
This may work.

 from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
 elm = ET.fromstring('atag id=123456789 /')
Element atag at 1ba2f80
{'id': '123456789'}


Re: Advice for editing xml file using ElementTree and wxPython

2007-12-08 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Dec 8, 8:35 pm, Rick Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm a computational chemist who frequently dabbles in Python. A
 collaborator sent me a huge XML file that at one point was evidently
 modified by a now defunct java application. A sample of this file
 looks something like:

 group type=struct
 param type=string
 nameFile Name/name
 descName of the input file/desc
 param type=int
 nameNumber of Atoms/name
 descNumber of atoms in the molecule/desc


 Seems like this is something that's probably pretty common, modifying
 a data structure using a gui, so I'm hoping that someone has thought
 about this and has some good advice about best practices here.

The trick is to keep a reference to the actual ElementTree objects
as you build your TreeCtrl.  Ability to store arbitrary Python object
in the TreeCtrl Item makes it easy.  In an event handler modify the
original element and you are done.  Do not forget to save when

If the XML file is very large you may have performance issues since
the whole parsed tree is kept in memory.  Luckily the ElementTree
representation is lean.

A sample below shows the approach.  It is very basic but I hope it
conveys the idea.  Please note that edits to the actual tags are

import wx
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET

class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, fpath):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None)
self.fpath = fpath
self.xml = ET.parse(fpath)
self.tree = wx.TreeCtrl(self,
root = self.fillmeup()

self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT, self.OnEdit)

def fillmeup(self):
xml = self.xml.getroot()
tree = self.tree
root = tree.AddRoot(xml.tag)
def add(parent, elem):
for e in elem:
item = tree.AppendItem(parent, e.tag, data=None)
text = e.text.strip()
if text:
val = tree.AppendItem(item, text)
tree.SetPyData(val, e)
add(item, e)
add(root, xml)
return root

def OnEdit(self, evt):
elm = self.tree.GetPyData(evt.Item)
if elm is not None:
elm.text = evt.Label

def OnClose(self, evt):

if __name__=='__main__':
app = wx.App(False)
frame = MainFrame('sample.xml')


Re: Codec lookup fails for bad codec name, blowing up BeautifulSoup

2007-11-09 Thread Waldemar Osuch

 This is a known bug. It's in the old tracker on SourceForge:
 [ python-Bugs-960874 ] codecs.lookup can raise exceptions other
 than LookupError
 but not in the new tracker.

The new tracker has it too.

 The resolution back in 2004 was Won't Fix, without a change
 to the documentation.  Grrr.


Re: Codec lookup fails for bad codec name, blowing up BeautifulSoup

2007-11-09 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Nov 9, 4:15 pm, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Waldemar Osuch wrote:
  This is a known bug. It's in the old tracker on SourceForge:
  [ python-Bugs-960874 ] codecs.lookup can raise exceptions other
  than LookupError
  but not in the new tracker.

  The new tracker has it too.

 How did you find that?  I put codecs.lookup into the tracker's
 search box, and it returned five hits, but not that one.

 John Nagle

I have seen this explained on this list once: + source forge bug id
points to the converted ticket.
And yes the search could be better.


Re: Using python as primary language

2007-11-09 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Nov 8, 12:52 am, Michel Albert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In our company we are looking for one language to be used as default
 language. So far Python looks like a good choice (slacking behind
 Java). A few requirements that the language should be able cope with

 * Database access to Sybase.
   This seems to be available for python, but the windows-binaries for
 the library
   are not available. Self-Compiling them proved to be non-trivial (As
   on windows).

Consider using ODBC. mxODBC as well as pyodbc and ceODBC could
good alternatives.

 * Easy GUI creation.
   Solved using PyQt.
 * Cross Platform (Linux + Windows).
   Again, PyQt, solves this
 * Easy deployment.
   Solved using py2exe + innosetup
 * Charting (Histograms, Line charts, bar charts, pie charts, ...)
   I am currently looking into PyQwt, which looks promising.
 * Report generation with GUI support
   reportlab + rml?

 So far, nearly all point seems to be manageable. But I was not yet
 able to find a solution for the report generation. What we would like
 to have is a sort of GUI interface to prepare the reports without
 having to code the positioning. I found reportlab, and it looks like
 it can do all that is needed in terms of output. But you still have to
 code the report. And this is a no go. In context, I found RML and saw
 links to graphical RML editors. But I have not yet found a concrete
 example code, or documentation. What am I missing? Is RML a reportlab
 creation or is it a recognised open standard? If not, is there an open
 standard, that is easily to process with python?

I still have to try it but pisa looks very promising:
PDF generation using HTML+CSS for layout.
I hope your boss considers HTML acceptable coding.

 Any pointers? I would prefer coding Python to coding Java or
 worse. VB ;) which is another contender in our roundup.

You mean VB before .Net?  You know that Microsoft ended support for
Thanks to that brilliant decision Python is an official language at
my place of work.


[issue1090] doctools/sphinx/web/ does not start on windows

2007-09-02 Thread Waldemar Osuch

New submission from Waldemar Osuch:

Loading pickles on windows without specifying 'rb' does not work in
A simple patch attached

components: Documentation tools (Sphinx)
files: sphinx_web_application.patch
messages: 55595
nosy: osuchw
severity: normal
status: open
title: doctools/sphinx/web/ does not start on windows
type: crash


Description: Binary data
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

Re: python-ldap for Python 2.5 on Windows?

2007-06-11 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Jun 11, 6:42 am, Benedict Verheyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thorsten Kampe schreef:

  I'm on Vista (boohoo :(), what's your platform?

  XP SP2

 Hmmm it thought so.
 So in my case it would be interesting to know how to build it so i can
 make a build that works on Vista too.

I have also build it on XP SP2.

I have wrapped the files from build and all required .dll
using Inno Setup.
Maybe Vista does not like the executable produced by Inno.

If you still want to try then unzip the following:
into your site-packages and see how far you can get.

The detailed instructions on how to build would be quite long and I'm
sure I have forgotten some of the steps already but if you know about
./configure make make install dance and know how to use Google you
should be OK.

1. First install MinGW, Msys and msysDTK.
2. Then you need to compile openldap.  See:
   for reference.  You will need regex but you can skip Berkley DB
before you start.
3. I have compiled openssl too but I have seen ready made libraries
for download.
   I do not have link handy at the moment.
4. The last step would be to run build for python-ldap.
Remove sasl2 from setup.cfg
   since cyrus-sasl does not seem to be available for MinGW.

See how far you can get with the above instructions.  If you get stuck
send me a private email and I will try to help you.
If you could keep track of the steps and came up with better
instructions than my pitiful attempt above that would be great.



Re: python-ldap for Python 2.5 on Windows?

2007-06-08 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Jun 8, 6:36 am, Benedict Verheyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 i found python-ldap for version Python 2.4.
 Is there i place i can find a version for 2.5?

 If not, how can i build it myself for Windows?

I have managed to build it for myself using MinGW:

See if it will work for you



Re: excel library without COM

2007-06-03 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Jun 3, 6:59 pm, james_027 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is there any library to help me write excel files without using win

One option is:


Re: pyExcelerator bug?

2007-05-20 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On May 16, 4:42 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My program creates three lists: the first has dates expressed as
 strings, the second has floats that are strictly positive, and the
 third has floats that are strictly negative. I have no trouble writing
 the data in these lists to a .csv file using the csv module using the
 following code.

 outfile = file(fn + '.csv','wb')
 writer  = csv.writer(outfile)
 for i in range(len(dateList)):
  writer.writerow([dateList[i], posVals[i], negVals[i]])

 However, when I try to write to an Excel file usingpyExcelerator(see
 code below), the third list is not always written correctly - my
 program sometimes writes positive numbers into the third column of the
 spreadsheet. Is this a known bug? if so, is there a workaround? 
 IspyExceleratorbeing developed any longer? My attempts to reach the
 developer have gone nowhere.

 w  =pyExcelerator.Workbook()
 ws = w.add_sheet(fn + p)
 for i,d in enumerate(dateList):
 ws.write(i+1, 0, dateList[i])
 ws.write(i+1, 1, posVals[i])
 ws.write(i+1, 2, negVals[i])'.xls')


 Thomas Philps

Try using this patch on and see if it fixes your problem:

--- (revision 4522)
+++ (revision 4523)

@@ -101,6 +101,14 @@

 def get_biff_data(self):
+return BIFFRecords.NumberRecord(self.__parent.get_index(),
self.__idx, self.__xf_idx, self.__number).get()
+# Skipping all the logic below.
+# From what I understand it tries to save space.
+# Unfortunately it gets it wrong and produces false results.
+# For example:
+#  814289000 gets written out as -259452824


Re: Setting Up SOAPpy for Python v2.5 on Windows?

2007-03-14 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Mar 14, 10:22 am, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the suggestions!

 I think that I will move forward with elementsoap instead of soappy...

Maybe worth checking out the new kid on the block too:


Re: When will 2.5.1 be released?

2007-03-06 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Mar 6, 12:12 pm, A. Lloyd Flanagan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Mar 4, 2:49 pm, Nile [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And while we're waiting for 2.5.1, can somebody post a clear (as
 opposed to the one that comes with Tix ;)) explanation of how to
 manually install Tix into python 2.5?  It should be possible...

Copying relevant files from 2.4 installation into corresponding
location in 2.5 worked for me.
From what I remember I had to copy:
- Python root/tcl/tix8.1/*
- Python root/tcl/tix8184.lib
- Python root/DLLs/tix8184.dll


Re: PyExcelerator: how to set colours?

2006-12-23 Thread Waldemar Osuch

Gerry wrote:
 I'd like some cell to be a Blue ABCDE.

 Here's come code thatv tries various values for pattern_for_colour and
 font.colour_index, to no avail.

 Can anyone suggest the right way to set colours?




 from pyExcelerator import *

 w   = Workbook()
 ws  = w.add_sheet('alpha')

 style   = XFStyle()
 fore_colour = style.pattern.pattern_fore_colour
 back_colour = style.pattern.pattern_back_colour

 ws.write (1, 1, fore_colour)
 ws.write (1, 2, fore_colour)

 ws.write (2, 1, back_colour)
 ws.write (2, 2, back_colour)

 text= ABCDE

 row = 5

 for offset in range(-32,512):

 row += 1

 style.font.colour_index = fore_colour + offset

 ws.write(row,3, fore_colour + offset, style)


 style.pattern.pattern_fore_colour = fore_colour + offset



 shows no colour variation for any of these values of offset.

Is this what you were after?
from pyExcelerator import *

w = Workbook()
ws = w.add_sheet('boo')

style = XFStyle()
fore_colour = style.pattern.pattern_fore_colour
back_colour = style.pattern.pattern_back_colour

ws.write (1, 1, fore_colour)
ws.write (1, 2, fore_colour)

ws.write (2, 1, back_colour)
ws.write (2, 2, back_colour)

text = ABCDE

row = 5

for offset in range(-32,512):
row += 1

fnt = Font()
fnt.colour_index = fore_colour + offset
style.font = fnt
ws.write(row, 3, offset, style)
ws.write(row, 5, text, style)

p = Pattern()
p.pattern_fore_colour = fore_colour + offset
p.pattern = style.pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
style.pattern = p
ws.write(row, 6, text, style)'test.xls')



Re: The status of Python and SOAP?

2006-10-24 Thread Waldemar Osuch

Thomas W wrote:
 I'm going to give a presentation of python to my co-workers at a very
 pro-microsoft workplace. Almost everything we need is currently
 supported by the standard distro + the win32all package, but we also
 need support for SOAP. I've tried SOAPpy ( didn't get it to compile,
 needed a library from a dead site ) and a few others, but I cannot help
 the feeling that SOAP isn't very high on the list of priorities in the
 python community. I hope I'm wrong.

 In short: What library is currently the best alternative to implement
 stable, efficient SOAP-webservices, both client and servers? What
 library is being actively maintained?

 Any hint or help would be great.

You may have tried it already but judging from mailing list and SVN
the most actively maintained is ZSI from



Re: Oracle database export

2006-10-05 Thread Waldemar Osuch

On Oct 5, 9:05 am, Tor Erik Soenvisen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to export an Oracle database to a DDL-formated file. On the Web, I
 found a Python script that did exactly this for a MS Access database, but
 not one for Oracle databases.

 Does anyone know of such a tool or Python script.

 regards tores

Would that help?



Re: pyXLWriter - grid lines and if formula

2006-07-09 Thread Waldemar Osuch
Luis P. Mendes wrote:
 Gregory Piñero escreveu:
  On 7/7/06, Luis P. Mendes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know that pyExelerator is the supported project now, but I can't use
  it because I'd need it to generate files from a web platform. Since I
  can not save a file to a file-like object, I have to use pyXLWriter.

 So, perhaps you could show me how to generate an excel file as a http
 response in django?

If it is a simple one sheet Workbook you can produce HTML document with
a table and set the headers to indicate it is Excel.

Content-Type: application/
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=report.xls

Lookup documentation on how to generate formula:



Re: Python equivalent of Perl-ISAPI?

2006-03-19 Thread Waldemar Osuch
What Roger says and also:


Re: ANNOUNCE: xlrd 0.5.2 -- extract data from Excel spreadsheets

2006-03-18 Thread Waldemar Osuch
- xlrd seems to be focused on extracting data.
- pyexcelerator can also generate Excel files.


Re: How To Request Delivery Receipts On Emails

2006-03-08 Thread Waldemar Osuch
Gregory Piñero wrote:

 Does anyone know how to program a Python script to send out emails
 with a request delivery receipt?  Is it something I can build into the
 email message via the mime stuff?

You have to add 'Disposition-Notification-To' header

 from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
 msg = MIMEText('Very important email I need confirmation on')
 msg['From'] = me
 msg['To'] = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 msg['Subject'] = 'You better follow up'
 msg['Disposition-Notification-To'] = me
print msg.as_string()
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: You better follow up
Disposition-Notification-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Very important email I need confirmation on


Re: how to write file with cp1250 encodings?

2006-02-26 Thread Waldemar Osuch
Grzegorz Smith wrote:
 Hi all. I have got situation: i load data from database(MSSQL) wchich are
 encoded cp1250 and I fill template with that data (Cheetah Template), after
 all i want to save template to file on disk. I'm using

One way to do it:

 from Cheetah.Template import Template
 print open('city.tmpl').read()
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
  meta content=text/html; charset=cp1250 http-equiv=content-type
Welcome to $city

 t = Template(file='city.tmpl')
 city = u'Lódz' = city.encode('cp1250')
 open('city.html', 'w').write(str(t))

The idea here is to encode your unicode before passing it to the

