Re: Clever hack or code abomination?

2011-12-01 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio
Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

> On 1 December 2011 03:15, Roy Smith  wrote:
>> I need to try a bunch of names in sequence until I find one that works
>> (definition of "works" is unimportant).  The algorithm is:
>> 1) Given a base name, "foo", first see if just plain "foo" works.
>> 2) If not, try "foo-1", "foo-2", and so on
>> 3) If you reach "foo-20", give up.
>> What would you say if you saw this:
>> for suffix in [''] + [str(i) for i in xrange(-1, -20, -1)]:
> It's a little obfuscated ;) I would go for the simple:
> for i in xrange(21):
> suffix = "-%s" % i if i else ""

obfuscated for obfuscated, you can merge the two ideas:

for suffix in ('-%s' % i if i else '' for i in xrange(21)):

By ZeD



2011-09-09 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio

I'm not used to big ide/rad for python... but I think this work is 

Are there alternatives (pydev? others?) capable of this sort of thinks (I 
mean "guessing the type" and method autocomplete)

By ZeD


Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-11 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio
Yingjie Lan wrote:

> :The trouble of dealing with long lines can be avoided by a smart
> :editor. It's called line wrap.
> Yeah, usually they just wrap it pretty arbitrarily,
> and you don't have any control, isn't it?

umm... besides "notepad" pretty much any other serious "programmer editor" 
program try to do its best to deal with line wrap: the minimal I found is 
the wrapped line is "indented" at the same level of the flow, but I found 
editors where you can specify what to do (generally something like "indent 
the wrapped part 2 levels" or something like that)

By ZeD


Re: how to separate a list into two lists?

2011-08-06 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio
David Robinow wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Kabie  wrote:
>> No.
>> L1, L2 = zip(*L)
> Not quite. That makes L1 & L2 tuples.
> L1, L2 = zip(*L)
> L1 = list(L1)
> L2 = list(L2)
> ???

L1, L2 = map(list, zip(*L))

By ZeD


Re: What is this syntax ?

2011-06-19 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

>> and you can achieve php interpolation via locals()
>>>>> a = 'b'
>>>>> print("%(a)s" % locals())
>> b
> You can do that, but when reading code I consider any direct use of
> locals() (and globals() for that matter) to be a code smell:

well you're right, me neither like very much to touch locals() and (worse) 
globals(), but

1) this is the "php interpolation" Roy Smith asked for: 
   print "$scheme://$host:$port/$route#$fragment"
   where are defined scheme, host, port, route and fragment?
   or you think also this is "code smell"?

2) I'm in no way modifying the dict, just accessing in read only.

3) I'm restricting to locals() :D

btw I never used dict to format strings, so I learned how old this feature 
is :D

By ZeD


Re: What is this syntax ?

2011-06-19 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio
Roy Smith wrote:

> There's something nice about building up strings in-line, as
> opposed to having to look somewhere to see what's being interpolated.
> To give a more complex example, consider:
> print "$scheme://$host:$port/$route#$fragment"
> That certainly seems easier to me to read than:
> print "%s://%s:%s/%s#%s" % (scheme,
> port,
> host,
> route,
> fragment)
> because I don't have to line up the nth format specifier with the nth
> data item.

well, in python3 you can use dict to format strings

>>> print("%(a)s" % {'a':'b'})

and you can achieve php interpolation via locals()

>>> a = 'b'
>>> print("%(a)s" % locals())

By ZeD


Re: announcing: dmangame: an ai game. maybe.

2011-06-06 Thread okay zed
could be the ACM queue challenge and google's ai challenge, they've
had games in the past with somewhat similar mechanics

On Jun 5, 11:10 pm, James Mills  wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 3:50 PM, okay zed  wrote:
> > the link:
> > dmangame is a game about writing AI for a simple strategy game.
> > an example 
> > game:
> This is really cool. I haven't looked at the source code yet...
> There was another game very similar to this - much more basic though
> and when I saw it back then I wanted to do something similar!
> Nice job!
> cheers
> James
> --
> -- James Mills
> --
> -- "Problems are solved by method"


announcing: dmangame: an ai game. maybe.

2011-06-05 Thread okay zed
the link:

dmangame is a game about writing AI for a simple strategy game.

an example game:

there are some example / more advanced AI in the dmanai repository
( you can fork the repository and
put your AI on the ladder - it'll get ranked and compete in regularly
scheduled matches on

i'm looking for feedback, ideas and criticisms on the mechanics &
gameplay; keeping in mind that the overall design goal is to keep the
game simple.

Re: Lambda question

2011-06-04 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio wrote:

> I was surfing around looking for a way to split a list into equal
> sections.

non-recursive, same-unreadeable (worse?) one liner alternative:

def chunks(s, j):
return [''.join(filter(None,c))for c in map(None,*(s[i::j]for i in 

By ZeD


Re: True lists in python?

2010-12-19 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> I can't see any way to go from this linked list:
> node1 -> node2 -> node3 -> node4 -> node5 -> node6 -> node7
> to this:
> node1 -> node6 -> node5 -> node4 -> node3 -> node2 -> node7
> in constant time. You have to touch each of the nodes being reversed.

very crude example:

class Node(object):
def __init__(self, value, list):
self.value = value = self.previous = None
self.list = list

def nextNode(self):
if not self.list.reversed:
return self.previous

class LinkedList(object):
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
self.reversed = False
def insertAsHead(self, value):
n = Node(value, self) = self.head
if self.head is not None:
self.head.previous = n
self.head = n

def main():
ll = LinkedList()

n = ll.head
while n is not None:
   n_previous = n
   print n.value
   n = n.nextNode()

print 'reversed'

ll.reversed = True

n = n_previous
while n is not None:
   print n.value
   n = n.nextNode()

if __name__ == '__main__':

By ZeD


Re: True lists in python?

2010-12-18 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio
Dmitry Groshev wrote:

> Is there any way to use a true lists (with O(c) insertion/deletion and
> O(n) search) in python? For example, to make things like reversing
> part of the list with a constant time.

if you're interested just in "reverse" a collection maybe you can take a 
look at the deque[0] module.

If you want "true lists" (um... "linked list"?) there are is this recipe[1] 
you might look.


By ZeD


Re: How on Factorial

2010-11-01 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

> You know what, I think I actually prefer the trick to Python’s
> backwards-if syntax...

fact = lambda x: x*fact(x-1) if x>1 else 1

naa, it's not too bad...

By ZeD


Request For Comments: Learn Python The Hard Way

2010-09-28 Thread Zed Shaw
Hi Everyone,

I rarely post to the list, but I'm getting near the end of the book I
wrote to help people learn Python and I would like some feedback on it
if you please:

* Web:
* PDF:

The book so far has been successful in teaching Python to people who
couldn't learn it previously, but I have to still test it with real
learners more extensively.  It is also in rough draft form, so any
grammar errors, spelling, or just plain wrong code/concepts/terms are

I'd appreciate if Python experts and newbies could read through the
book or choice sections and submit tickets to me if you find errors:

Which will require an anonymous login to cut down on spam in the tickets.

I'd also appreciate discussion here on the list about the approach I
took with the book and what you think.

Thanks for your time.


P.S. The book is totally free so long as you don't charge for it and
you don't change it or break it up.  Thanks.

Re: bug in python documentation?

2010-09-11 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio
Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

> You're looking at the 2.7 documentation. Are you using 2.7?

whoops, no: 2.6.5 :\

(but the "new in python X.Y.Z" disclaimer does not apply to the example 

By ZeD


bug in python documentation?

2010-09-11 Thread Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio


Here is a short script to test three functions from the random module:

import random
import unittest

class TestSequenceFunctions(unittest.TestCase):

def setUp(self):
self.seq = range(10)

def test_shuffle(self):
# make sure the shuffled sequence does not lose any elements
self.assertEqual(self.seq, range(10))

# should raise an exception for an immutable sequence
self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.shuffle, (1,2,3))

def test_choice(self):
element = random.choice(self.seq)
self.assertTrue(element in self.seq)

def test_sample(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
random.sample(self.seq, 20)
for element in random.sample(self.seq, 5):
self.assertTrue(element in self.seq)

if __name__ == '__main__':


but test_sample() it's a strange method: what's that "with 

infact, running the script I have

$ python
ERROR: test_sample (__main__.TestSequenceFunctions)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 23, in test_sample
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
TypeError: failUnlessRaises() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)

Ran 3 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (errors=1)

By ZeD


Beyond the moratorium

2010-08-11 Thread Vito &#x27;ZeD' De Tullio
Hi all.

I know, maybe I'm just lazily speculating, but I'm curious about what's 
next, in python, when GvR will stop the moratorium and will let changes in 
the language.

I don't know what to expect... some syntax sugar about concurrent 
programming? static types? an erlang-style "bang" (!) process message 

By ZeD


Re: Python "why" questions

2010-08-06 Thread Vito &#x27;ZeD' De Tullio
Default User wrote:

>>From "the emperor's new clothes" department:
> 1)  Why do Python lists start with element [0], instead of element [1]?
> "Common sense" would seem to suggest that lists should start with [1].

> 2)  In Python 3, why is print a function only, so that: print "Hello,
> World"
> is not okay, but it must be print("Hello, World") instead?  (Yeah, I know:
> picky, picky . . . )

"There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it."

> 3)  In Python 3, why does 2.0 / 3.0 display as 0., but 8 *
> 3.57 displays as 28.56 (rounded off to 2 decimal places)?  And yet, in
> Python 2.6, 8 * 3.57 displays as 28.559?

and replies

By ZeD


Re: easy question on parsing python: "is not None"

2010-08-06 Thread Vito &#x27;ZeD' De Tullio
Richard D. Moores wrote:

> So there would be a different implementation
for each operating
> system? One for Windows, one for linux? Or one for
Vista and one for
> XP?  I'm just trying to clarify what is meant by

there are dozillions of "implementation" of python: one
for each release of CPython (2.0, 2.1.2, 2.6.1, 3.x.y...), multiplied for
each OS multiplied for IronPython, Jython, Pypy... etc...

(obviously the
"implementation details" between, say, CPython 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 are really
minor vs Pypy X.Y.Z and IronPython A.B.C)

By ZeD


Re: python command line manual

2010-05-24 Thread Vito &#x27;ZeD' De Tullio
Peng Yu wrote:

> I mainly check online python manual. But I feel that it would be nice
> if there is command line manual available (just like perl command line
> manual). Could you please let me know if such command line manual
> available?


By ZeD


Re: condition and True or False

2010-05-02 Thread Vito &#x27;ZeD' De Tullio
Peter Otten wrote:

> def f():
> big_beast = list(range(10**100))
> return big_beast and True or False
> x = f()
> it would prevent that a big_beast reference becomes visible outside the
> function and allow for immediate release of its memory.

what's wrong in bool(big_beast)?

By ZeD


Re: subtraction is giving me a syntax error

2010-03-16 Thread Vito &#x27;ZeD' De Tullio
Grant Edwards wrote:

>> As for not being able to see the difference between a hyphen and an
>> EN- dash, or minus sign, or whatever it is, yes but they are very
>> similar looking glyphs in virtually ever modern font. It would take a
>> good eye to see the difference between (say) ??? ??? and -.
> My point is that if it's an ASCII file,

source files aren't (necessary) ASCII files

By ZeD


Re: detect interactivity

2009-12-30 Thread Vito &#x27;ZeD' De Tullio
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

>> if I run 'python <<< "import sys; print(sys.ps1)"', I get an error.
> Of course you do, because you're not running interactively

Excuse me, why do you say that?

By ZeD


]ANN[ Vellum 0.16: Lots Of Documentation and Watching

2008-04-29 Thread Zed A. Shaw
Hi Everyone,

Just putting out an announcement that I've released a new version of
Vellum numbered 0.16.  This version should be ready for people to use
as not much of the internal structure has changed in a great many
commits and it contains all the latest bug fixes.

It also has the beginning of an extensive PDF document describing how
to use it.  This is still an in-progress work, so it has grammar
mistakes and spelling errors, but it does show off some nice
documentation wizardy I'm experimenting with in LaTeX.

Finally there's a new "watch" feature which is very handy described
further down.  It simply watches a file and reruns your targets when
the file changes.


Honestly, the easiest way is just:

  sudo easy_install zapps vellum

If you want to build the book yourself and have all of TeX Live
installed then you'd also need:

  sudo easy_install pygments idiopidae

You can also hit the page to grab source
tarballs and other goodies.


You can grab the most recent draft of the book at:

Any corrections or comments on how it is written are more than
welcome.  Suggestions for improving the TeX are also helpful since I'm
not a TeX expert yet.

The software I'm using to build that book is fully available to anyone
looking to document their projects.  You can grab Idiopidae, Pygments,
and TeX from the interwebs.  You can then grab the whole source and all
the LaTeX goodness from my Bazaar repository:

  bzr pull

Look in the doc/ directory for all the fun.  You'll notice that
the .tex files have *no* code in them, and that it's all imported by
Idiopidae.  Look at the doc/book.vel file to see how it's all merged
and massaged together, and you can reuse this book.vel file to start
your own books.


I added a feature to Vellum that is one of those "duh" features.  You
can tell Vellum to watch a file, and if it changes Vellum will rerun
some targets.  When I work on the manual.tex file, I do this:

  vellum -w doc/manual.tex book.draft book.view

It just keeps looping, and if you hit CTRL-C you can force a build with
ENTER or quit with CTRL-C.  Then I use the evince PDF viewer under
linux, which has similar Vim key bindings and reloads the PDF when it

The net effect of this is, whenever I change my manual.tex file, Vellum
runs my build for the manual and evince redisplays it for me to see.

You could use this simple feature to also continually run unit tests
whenever a file changes that you are working on.


How do people feel about Vellum's GPLv3 status?  It actually doesn't
impact anyone unless you embed Vellum into a project/product or you
create commands (which you should give back anyway).  Even then if you
never release your build to your users then you don't need to release
the commands.

However, I'm curious to get other people's thoughts.

Thanks a bunch folks.

Zed A. Shaw
- Hate:
- Good:
- Evil:

[ANN] Vellum 0.13: Simple Python Build Tool (usable now)

2008-04-16 Thread Zed A. Shaw
Hello Everyone,

Insomnia has blessed me with the ability to make another release of
Vellum for all to play with and try using.  Features in this release:

* The ability to make your own commands for your build specs in plain
old Python as a Python module.
* The docstring comments on your vellum commands become dynamic
documentation for vellum via: vellum -C.
* Lots of documentation, comments, cleaned up code, and a more complete
test suite.
* Importing other build specs as recipes and importing python modules
are all unified and cleaned up.
* Still only 620 lines of Python code which is damn amazing.


I wrote a bunch of documentation tonight, and will be doing a more
complete manual soon:

This page is cleaned up and lays out how to use vellum, write a
build.vel file, and write your own commands.


First, you should grab Zapps and install that:

Then you can grab Vellum with easy_install:

 $ sudo easy_install vellum

Or, get it from


You can subscribe to Vellum's RSS feed at:


Let me know if you run into anything, and if you like it or hate it.
Otherwise, enjoy the gear.

Zed A. Shaw
- Hate:
- Good:
- Evil:

[ANN] Vellum 0.8: No More YAML, Some Python

2008-04-05 Thread Zed A. Shaw
Hello Everyone,

This is a very fast announcement to say that I've managed to remove
YAML from Vellum, but also to remove Python while still giving you
Python. :-)

Check out the latest Vellum:

And you'll notice that the build descriptions are all Python, that you
load other build descriptions with import statements, and yet it's
still not actually running these build scripts.

What the latest Vellum does is use a minimalist parser (vellum/parser.g)
that is able to parse just that much syntax and build the data
structure. This makes the build files safe from having injected code,
but still gives you a full Python build description.

This release is still in development, but if you want to install it,
first install Zapps:

And then you can install Vellum.

Comments are welcome, especially about the actual safety of the code in
vellum/parser.g and vellum/ (generated by Zapps).

Have fun.

Zed A. Shaw
- Hate:
- Good:
- Evil:

[ANN] Vellum 0.7: Simple Python Can Build Many Things

2008-04-01 Thread Zed A. Shaw
Hi All,

This is another announce for my fun little make,Rake,Scons alternative
named Vellum.  The goal of Vellum is to create a complete build system
in the least amount of clean Python as possible, while keeping the build
mechanism safe from code injection (if you need that).


I went a little nuts today and did three releases adding
tons of features but very little code.  It currently can be used to
build most anything, but there's little documentation.  I'm using to
build about 6 projects of mine and it's great stuff.

The big changes from today is that, if you hate YAML, then you don't
have to use it at all.  Period.  It's all python syntax all the time
with none of the >>>,<--,-->,<<< characters.  This seems to make people

You can download 0.7 from here:

Which will also be the main project distribution page for everyone.
You can get the source from there via bzr or you can go to:


This release features complete Python integration that's on equal
footing with the YAML support.  You don't even need to install YAML to
use Vellum with just Python only builds.

It also adds a bit of Pythonic syntactic sugar for the build files so
that people don't freak about the "weird" syntax used in the YAML
files.  Now you can write this for a target:

  from vellum.python import *
  targets = {"sample": [sh("echo i did something")]}

Or any combination of sh(), log(), py(), given(), and target() to
describe a target.


One problem with using Python to describe a build is that it is an
executable, which means that bad things can be put in the build.
That's fine if it's your build, since you should be careful.  But, if
you get the build from someone else you'd want to analyze the build and
load it without causing anything to happen.

The YAML syntax lets you do this, but the Python does not.  Therefore,
for the security minded there's a new option -Y that only allows YAML
loading so you can restrict your builds to only trust YAML.

I'll be adding more features for the build safety that will hopefully
let people use Vellum to safely (or reasonably safely) build other
people's stuff without getting hurt (or at least get yelled at a lot).


So far Vellum is pushing around 300 lines of Python.  That is just

Anyone interested in helping feel free to branch the bzr and register
it with Launchpad.  Email me when you got stuff I might be interested
in and I'll pull from you, or send me patches.

Suggested features that don't involve major changes are more than


* A few recipes to make building common stuff easy, like generating and so on.
* A way to load modules from trusted locations.
* Documentation, built with Vellum and Idiopidae. Fun.

And that should be it.

Zed A. Shaw
- Hate:
- Good:
- Evil:

[ANN] Vellum 0.4 (it builds things, mostly books)

2008-03-31 Thread Zed A. Shaw
Hi All,

I'd like to just announce that I've cranked out a fun little Python
project named Vellum.  It is an attempt at a Python make alternative
written in about 200 lines of Python:

It currently actually works, and can take a YAML or Python file as the
description of the build, including namespaces, recipes from other
files, and two samples for running nose and distutiles (respectively).
I'm using it to automate most of my Python project builds and my
website right now and it's doing great.

The defining difference between it and other make-alikes is that each
target is just a multi-line string, with different 3-char prefixes to
determine how that line should be run:

- >>> means it's Python, so run the python with exec.
- <-- means eval a test and stop processing that target if False.
- <<< means output some text.
- --> means jump to another target, with an optional {} has of
different options.
- Nothing means it's a shell command, run it with os.system().

As the target is processed, each line is passed in as a string %
options so you can do replacement on settings you've made.  So, you can
do this:

<<< My name is %(name)s

And if options: name: "fred", then it says it's name is fred.

I'm pretty sure it's turing complete. :-)

All information about the project, getting at the bzr, several sample
files, and even the whole source to the core of the project are on the
above page.

Since I'm a total Python newbie, I'd love any advice about my code I
can get.

Thanks much.

Zed A. Shaw
- Hate:
- Good:
- Evil:

Re: Cheat sheet

2007-12-29 Thread ZeD
Michele Simionato wrote:

> Python 2.4.4 (#2, Oct  4 2007, 22:02:31)
 file is open
> True
> Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Oct  5 2007, 13:36:32)
 file is open
> False
> Nowadays file is no more an alias for open.

curious... maybe it's me, but I can't find a "What's New in Python" where
this is said... also, in 2.6 docs (and also in 2.5) remains this footer:

file() is new in Python 2.2. The older built-in open() is an alias for

Under construction

Re: Loops and things

2007-12-15 Thread ZeD
Jair Trejo wrote:

> I was wondering how and if it's possible to write a
> loop in python
> which updates two or more variables at a time. For
> instance, something
> like this in C:
> for (i = 0, j = 10; i < 10 && j < 20; i++, j++) {
> printf("i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);
> }

>>> for i,j in zip(range(0, 10), range(10, 20)):
... print("i = %d, j = %d" % (i, j))
i = 0, j = 10
i = 1, j = 11
i = 2, j = 12
i = 3, j = 13
i = 4, j = 14
i = 5, j = 15
i = 6, j = 16
i = 7, j = 17
i = 8, j = 18
i = 9, j = 19

Under construction

Re: eof

2007-11-26 Thread ZeD
Grant Edwards wrote:

> The user-defined xor is operates on "logical" boolean values.
> The one in the operator module is a bitwise operator.

def xor(a, b):
return bool(a) ^ bool(b)

seems more explicit to me.
maybe, to make "more" explicit (too much, onestly...)

from operator import xor as bitwise_xor

def logical_xor(a, b):
return bitwise_xor(bool(a), bool(b))

Under construction

Re: sorting a list numbers stored as strings

2007-09-25 Thread ZeD
thebjorn wrote:

>> >>> int("020")
>> 20
>> >>> 020
>> 16
> You can get the latter behavior using eval:

why using eval when int has the "base" optional parameter?

>>> int("020")
>>> int("020", 8)
>>> int("09", 8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 8: '09'

Under construction

Re: generate list of partially accumulated values

2007-09-16 Thread ZeD
cesco wrote:

> The list is composed of objects:
> l = [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4]
> and I need to call a method (say method1) on each object as follow:
> l1 = [obj1.method1(obj2), obj2.method1(obj3), obj3.method1(obj4),
> obj4]

to me it sounds a bit different from the original request, but...

> Is there a clean way of doing this?

l = [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4]
l1 = [a.method1(b) for a,b in zip(l, l[1:)] + l[-1:]

Under construction

Re: List Comprehension Question: One to Many Mapping?

2007-08-24 Thread ZeD
Boris Borcic wrote:

>>> For example, if I have x=[ [1,2], [3,4] ]
>>> What I want is a new list of list that has four sub-lists:
>>> [[1,2], [f(1), f(2)], [3,4], [f(3), f(4)]]
>> [[a, map(f,a)] for a in x]
> [map(g,a) for a in x for g in [None,f]]
> will do it.
> ...a bit too cleverly, but there's worse :
> list((yield a) or map(f,a) for a in x)

worse (in *many* ways) solutions:

l = [[a, map(f,a)] for a in x]

1) s = sum(l, [])

2) from operator import add
   r = reduce(add, l, [])

3) a = []
   for e in l: a.extend(e)

Under construction

Re: alternative to eclipse [ python ide AND cvs ]

2007-05-17 Thread ZeD
yomgui wrote:

> I use eclipse for python and cvs, what is "the" good alternative ?

"the" good alternative, I dont know.

But a good solution is eric3 (

Under construction

Re: PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

2007-05-14 Thread ZeD
Neil Hodgson wrote:

> Ada 2005 allows Unicode identifiers and even includes the constant
> '?' in Ada.Numerics.

this. is. cool.

(oh, and +1 for the pep)

Under construction

Re: track cpu usage of linux application

2007-05-14 Thread Zed A. Shaw
On Mon, 14 May 2007 20:56:20 +
Fabian Braennstroem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to track the cpu usage of a couple of
> programs using python. Maybe it works somehow with
> piping 'top' to python read the cpu load for a greped
> application and clocking the the first and last
> appearence. Is that a good approach or does anyone have
> a more elegant way to do that?

Look at the /proc filesystem instead.  For example, you can do this:

cat /proc/49595/status

To get information about that process.  Using this you can find out
anything you need with just basic file operations.

Use: man proc to find our more.

Zed A. Shaw
- Hate:
- Good:
- Evil:

Re: Standardizing XML

2007-04-15 Thread ZeD
ZeeGeek wrote:

> in the code returned by Live Space, they use  instead of  so
> that Blogger will complain that this tag is not valid because it
> doesn't have a closing tag.  Another example is that the contents of a
> lot of the tag attributes like "color" and "size" are not surrounded
> by quotes.

Are you sure it's xml? It sounds to me like "old" HTML

Under construction

Re: How to find all the same words in a text?

2007-02-10 Thread ZeD
Johny wrote:

>> >Let suppose I want to find a number 324 in the  text
>> >'45  324 45324'
>> >there is only one occurrence  of 324 word but string.find()   finds 2
>> >occurrences  ( in 45324 too)
>> >>> '45  324 45324'.split().count('324')
>> 1
>> >>>
>> ciao
> Marco,
> Thank you for your help.
> It works perfectly but I forgot to say that I also need to find the
> possition of each word's occurrence.Is it possible that

>>> [i for i, e in enumerate('45  324 45324'.split()) if e=='324']

Under construction

Re: Splitting lines from a database query

2006-12-26 Thread ZeD
Peter Machell wrote:

> I have an application where I need to take a query from an existing
> database and send it to a web api.


> There are always 5 values, but some are blank and some are 'None'.
> I'd like to split the lines so I get something resembling XML, like this:
> Frank
> Spencer
> Dr I Feelgood
> 2006-12-27 16:00:00

quick and dirty solution:

bar = (
 ("Jane Mary","SIMPSON","0411231234","Dr I Feelgood","2006-12-27 15:00:00"),
 ("John","DOE","None","Dr I Feelgood","2006-12-27 15:30:00"),
 ("Frank","SPENCER","","Dr I Feelgood","2006-12-27 16:00:00")

spam ="FNAME", "SNAME", "PHONE", "DR","TIME"

for x in bar:
while i<5:
if x[i] != 'None':
print "<%s>%s" % (spam[i], x[i], spam[i])
print "<%s>" % (spam[i], spam[i])

Under construction

Re: problem about list indexing

2006-11-26 Thread ZeD
hollowspook wrote:

> how about indexing 1-7, 10
> [range(1:8),10] will generate [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 10], instead of
> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]

>>> range(1,8)+[10]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]

Under construction

Re: tab compleation input

2006-11-13 Thread ZeD
Eli Criffield wrote:

> Here is what i want to do. I have a question in my program, and i want
> to do tab completion for the valid answers.

I think you may "play" width curses library: readline() read... while you
input a "newline", but you need to catch single keys (the "TAB" key,

Under construction

Re: Sorting by item_in_another_list

2006-10-24 Thread ZeD
Paul Rubin wrote:

>> A = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
>> B = [2,3,7,8]
>> desired_result = [2,3,7,8,0,1,4,5,6,9,10]
> How about:
>   desired_result = B + sorted(x for x in A if x not in B)

this. is. cool.

Under construction

Re: Input from the same file as the script

2006-08-21 Thread ZeD
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

>> Can the input to the python script be given from the same file as the
>> script itself. e.g., when we execute a python script with the command
>> 'python > 
> Redirecting? Ugh...
> Off-hand, I'd say NO
> There is no way to tell the python interpreter where the program
> ends and the "run data" begins.

maybe, as an UGLY hack he coud use some the comments

Under construction

Re: #!/usr/bin/python or #!/usr/bin/env python?

2006-08-09 Thread ZeD
Erik Max Francis wrote:

> The file _is_ a /bin/sh executable.  You're just having that /bin/sh
> executable run something else -- how could `file` figure that out
> without a ridiculously complicated set of rules that rise to the level
> of a sh interpreter -- thereby, defeating the purpose?


$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python

print "Hello, world"
$ file a python script text executable

following what you said, is a /usr/bin/env script, not a python one.

Under construction

Re: #!/usr/bin/python or #!/usr/bin/env python?

2006-08-09 Thread ZeD
Stephan Kuhagen wrote:

>> #!/bin/sh
>> """exec" python "$0" "$@"""
> Wow, cool... I like that!

yeah, but...

$ cat
"""exec" python "$0" "$@"""

print "Hello, world"
$ file Bourne shell script text executable

Under construction

Re: Accessors in Python (getters and setters)

2006-07-10 Thread ZeD
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

>> I decided to change the name of an attribute. Problem is I've used the
>> attribute in several places spanning thousands of lines of code. If I
>> had encapsulated the attribute via an accessor, I wouldn't need to do
>> an unreliable and tedious search and replace
> find and grep are usually mostly reliable for this kind of tasks.

you mean sed :)

sed 's/oldName/newName/g' oldFile > newFile

Under construction

Re: Initializing a list of lists

2006-03-19 Thread ZeD
Ciao, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Che stavi dicendo?

> Is there a simple way to create a list of independent lists?

x=[[0] for e in range(N)]

Up da 1 giorno, 3 ore, 43 minuti e 10 secondi


Re: how to write a C-style for loop?

2006-02-15 Thread ZeD
Ciao, John Salerno! Che stavi dicendo?

> for (int i = 0; i < 50; i += 5)
> How would that go in Python, in the simplest and most efficient way?

while i<50:

about range()/xrange(): what if you want to traslate this c-loop?
for (int i=1; i<50; i*=2)

Evangelion e' la storia yaoi di un angelo che vuole portarsi a letto un
ragazzo che si intreccia con la storia di un maturo professionista con il
complesso delle lolite... fatte in casa.
-- Lennier, 2006


Re: line wrapping problem

2006-02-09 Thread ZeD
Ciao, Juho Schultz! Che stavi dicendo?

> should work. IMO file.write() is self-explanatory but "print >> file" is
> a bit obscure.

is obscure only if you have never used a shell :)

Evangelion e' la storia yaoi di un angelo che vuole portarsi a letto un
ragazzo che si intreccia con la storia di un maturo professionista con il
complesso delle lolite... fatte in casa.
-- Lennier, 2006


Re: zip unzip?

2005-12-28 Thread ZeD
Ciao, KraftDiner! Che stavi dicendo?

> I have two lists...
> a=[1,2,3]
> b=[4,5,6]
> n=0
> for i in a:
>print i, b[n]
> how can i have two iterators on my for loop?

for i,j in zip(a,b):
print i,j

 Quante sono le persone
che sanno leggere il codice esadecimale,
se ci sono de11e persone
che sanno leggere il codice esadecimale?


Re: python coding contest

2005-12-27 Thread ZeD
Ciao, Shane Hathaway! Che stavi dicendo?

> I'm down to 133 characters (counted according to 'wc -c') on a single
> line.  It contains about 11 whitespace characters (depending on what you
> consider whitespace.)

$ wc -c
$ sed 's/ //g'|wc -c
(yeah, too much spaces, I think)

> It's way too tricky for my taste, but it's fun to 
> play anyway.  Has anyone done better so far?  Here's a hint on my
> strategy: the code contains three large integers. :-)

why using 3 longint is better than one?! Trying to "split" my BIG int in 3
just make my code longer...

ok, ok... I will wait the end of the contest... :)

Firma in costruzione
