Re: segmentation fault in scipy?

2006-05-11 Thread conor . robinson
 If I run it from the shell (unix) I get: Segmentation fault and see a
 core dump in my processes.  If I run it in the python shell I get as
 File D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\, line
 149, in

That's a Window's path... Does Windows even make full use of

Im developing on a unix machine.  However, you do have a sharp eye...
So you win the blue ribbon and a free roundtable pizza! I'm actually
running experiments on an HP workstation while I work (emailed myself
the error), that's one of the beauties of python.  Yes, Dennis there is
a max of 4gb of addressable mem on that machine and 2 cpus.  This is
what a unix path looks like.  Can you tell me what OS and shell Im
running (both are obvious from the prompt) for the bonus prize?

[gremlins:~/desktop/CR_2] conorrob% python
fold: 0
Done Loading
Input Ready
Network Training
Initial SSE: 
Segmentation fault
[gremlins:~/desktop/CR_2] conorrob%


Re: segmentation fault in scipy?

2006-05-11 Thread conor . robinson
I'm afraid you're using terminology (and abbreviations!) that I can't follow.
Let me try to restate what's going on and you can correct me as I screw up. You
have a neural net that has 80 output units. You have 25000 observations that 
are using to train the neural net. Each observation vector (and consequently,
each error vector) has 80 elements.

First, sorry for not quoting and using abbreviations.  Second, your
obsevation is correct, except that I have *one* output unit, not 80.  I
have ~80 input units + bias (for each of the 25000 observations), x +
bias number of hidden units and one output unit leaving me with an
output array/matrix of shape =(25000,), as well as my desired output
having the same shape.

RPROP = Resilliant BackPropogation, uses chages in the error gradiant
ignores the magnitude of the gradiant, which can be harmful.  See A
Direct Adaptive Method for Faster Backpropogation Learning: The RPROP
Algorithm -Martin Riedmiller and Heinrich Braun, just google it and
read Section D, it's well written.

tanh = hyperbolic tangent function [-1, 1] y vals, often times better
for its steeper derivative and wider range.

sigmoid function = popular for its [0,1] range and can calculate
posterior probabilities when using a the cross entropy error function
which I have commented out since it takes more time to process and I'm
not using my error function in this specific case at this point in
time, thus SSE is not really needed, however I'd like use it as a
check.  Also, popular for its easily calculatable derivative.

The answer I gave also used the wrong name for the result. It seems that you
want the sum of the squared errors across all of the observations. In this 
you can use axis=None to specify that every element should be summed:

  SSE = sum(multiply(error, error), axis=None)

trace(dot(error, transpose(error))) wastes a *huge* amount of time and memory
since you are calculating (if your machine was capable of it) a gigantic 
then throwing away all of the off-diagonal elements. The method I give above
wastes a little memory; there is one temporary matrix the size of error.

This is great advise and much appreciated.  It was the answer to my
problem, thank you.  However, isn't this faster...
scipy.sum(scipy.array(scipy.matrix(error)*scipy.matrix(error)), axis =
as we you explained in my other posting?

Thanks again.


Re: Nested loops confusion

2006-05-11 Thread conor . robinson
I'm still not sure what was stopping the inner
loop from working earlier - but removing the redundancy in j=0 and so
on seems to have solved it.

Call me crazy, but be careful when programming python in different text
editors and in general, ie cutting and pasting, tabing and spacing.
Loops can look fine and not work (try moving around test print
statements for iterators), in this case try re-tabing your indents so
that everything is uniform in the editor you are using.


segmentation fault in scipy?

2006-05-10 Thread conor . robinson
I'm running operations large arrays of floats, approx 25,000 x 80.
Python (scipy) does not seem to come close to using 4GB of wired mem,
but segments at around a gig. Everything works fine on smaller batches
of data around 10,000 x 80 and uses a max of ~600mb of mem.  Any Ideas?
 Is this just too much data for scipy?

Thanks Conor

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File C:\Temp\CR_2\, line 68, in ?
   net.rProp(1.2, .5, .01, 50.0, input, output, 1)
 File /Users/conorrob/Desktop/CR_2/, line 230, in rProp
   print scipy.trace(error*scipy.transpose(error))
 File D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\, line
149, in
   return, other)


Re: segmentation fault in scipy?

2006-05-10 Thread conor . robinson
If I run it from the shell (unix) I get: Segmentation fault and see a
core dump in my processes.  If I run it in the python shell I get as
File D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\, line
149, in
   return, other)

I your experience as one of the dev of scipy, is this too much data?

thank you


Re: segmentation fault in scipy?

2006-05-10 Thread conor . robinson
Good point.  Finding the SSE using an absolute error matrix of (25000 x
1) is insane.  I pulled out the error function (for now) and I'm back
in business.  Thanks for all the great advise.


Best form when using matrices and arrays in scipy...

2006-05-10 Thread conor . robinson

Using large arrays of data I found it is MUCH faster to cast arrays to
matricies and then multiply the two matricies togther
(scipy.matrix(ARRAY1)*scipy.matrix(ARRAY2)) in order to do a matrix
multipy of two arrays vs. scipy.matrixmultipy(ARRAY1, ARRAY2).

Are there any logical/efficiency errors with this train of thought and
is there a valid reason for the speed increase?



Re: segmentation fault in scipy?

2006-05-10 Thread conor . robinson
Im using rprop (not dependent on error function in this case ie.
standard rprop vs. irprop or arprop) for an MLP tanh, sigmod nnet as
part of a hybrid model. I guess I was using a little Matlab thought
when I wrote the SSE funtion.  My batches are about 25,000 x 80 so my
absolute error (diff between net outputs and desired outputs) when
using *one* output unit is shape(~25000,), am I wrong to assume
trace(error*transpose(error)) is the sum of the squared errors which
should be an shape(1,)?  I'm just now starting to dig a little deeper
into scipy, and I need to get the full doc. 

Thanks for all your input.


Re: very strange problem in 2.4

2006-04-10 Thread conor . robinson
Ok, so I found out that even though mylist[] and all objects in it were
fine ie id(mylist[i]) != id(mylist[all others]) what was happening is
that during a reproduction function a shallow copies were being made
making all offspring (genetic algorithm) have different
id(mylist[0..n]), however the actual attributes were referenced for
offspring on the same parent(s).  Fixed it with a deepcopy and used
properties insead of java like get sets.

thanks for all the help,


Re: very strange problem in 2.4

2006-04-10 Thread conor . robinson
Ok, so I found out that even though mylist[] and all objects in it were
fine ie id(mylist[i]) != id(mylist[all others]) what was happening is
that during a reproduction function a shallow copies were being made
making all offspring (genetic algorithm) have different
id(mylist[0..n]), however the actual attributes were referenced for
offspring on the same parent(s).  Fixed it with a deepcopy and used
properties insead of java like get sets.

thanks for all the help,


Re: very strange problem in 2.4

2006-04-10 Thread conor . robinson
Ok, so I found out that even though mylist[] and all objects in it were
fine ie id(mylist[i]) != id(mylist[all others]) what was happening is
that during a reproduction function a shallow copies were being made
making all offspring (genetic algorithm) have different
id(mylist[0..n]), however the actual attributes were referenced for
offspring on the same parent(s).  Fixed it with a deepcopy and used
properties insead of java like get sets.

thanks for all the help,


Re: very strange problem in 2.4

2006-04-10 Thread conor . robinson
Ok, so I found out that even though mylist[] and all objects in it were
fine ie id(mylist[i]) != id(mylist[all others]) what was happening is
that during a reproduction function a shallow copies were being made
making all offspring (genetic algorithm) have different
id(mylist[0..n]), however the actual attributes were referenced for
offspring on the same parent(s).  Fixed it with a deepcopy and used
properties insead of java like get sets.

thanks for all the help,


Re: very strange problem in 2.4

2006-04-10 Thread conor . robinson
Ok, so I found out that even though mylist[] and all objects in it were
fine ie id(mylist[i]) != id(mylist[all others]) what was happening is
that during a reproduction function a shallow copies were being made
making all offspring (genetic algorithm) have different
id(mylist[0..n]), however the actual attributes were referenced for
offspring on the same parent(s).  Fixed it with a deepcopy and used
properties insead of java like get sets.

thanks for all the help,


very strange problem in 2.4

2006-04-07 Thread conor . robinson
The Problem (very basic, but strange):

I have a list holding a population of objects, each object has 5 vars
and appropriate funtions to get or modify the vars.  When objects in
the list have identical vars (like all = 5 for var a and all = 10 for
var b across all vars and objects) and i change


to a new value, in this case var a in object i to 5, now all vars of
type a in all objects in my list are changed to 5 instead of just var
a in object mylist[i], which is my goal.

if i print self.mylist[i].return_var_a() right after I change var a
in object i, I get the correct change, however when i print out the
whole list, the last change to var a in the last object modified
takes over for all objects in the list.

note: all the vars not being modified must be the same across all
objects in the list, the var being modified need not be the same as the
one before it in the list (but will be once just one of the identical
object are changed).  The value changed in the last object var modified
takes over for all object vars making them exactly identical.

If, for example, half the list has objects with random vars init.
and the other half is identical, as above, and I perform the same
operation, as above, to one of the identical var objects

self.mylist[i].change_var_a(5) (to an object that has identicals in the

all the identicals are changed in the same way as above, however the
objects that have different var values are unchanged.

What is python doing? Am I missing something? Any ideas at all would be
