Re: Ensure a variable is divisible by 4

2006-12-05 Thread geskerrett
Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
   I am sure this is a basic math issue, but is there a better way to
   ensure an int variable is divisible by 4 than by doing the following;
   x = 111
   x = (x /4) * 4

 You should use // for future compatibility which is guaranteed to be
 an integer division whereas / isn't (see from __future__ import


   (x // 4) * 4

 For the particular case of 4 being 2**2, you might consider

   x  ~0x3

 which is a common idiom.

Thanks for the tip about integer division and I will experiment with
your other suggestion.


Re: Using win32gui.SendMessage and SysListView32 control

2006-12-04 Thread geskerrett
Thanks for your help.
I will check them out.


Ensure a variable is divisible by 4

2006-12-04 Thread geskerrett
I am sure this is a basic math issue, but is there a better way to
ensure an int variable is divisible by 4 than by doing the following;

x = 111
x = (x /4) * 4

Just seems a bit clunky to me.


Using win32gui.SendMessage and SysListView32 control

2006-12-03 Thread geskerrett
Hope someone can steer me in the right direction.

I am trying to use python to collect the values from a Win32
application's control.
I can successfull query an retreive the values ListBox, Edit and
Buttons, however, the application uses a control called a
'SysListView32' Control.  MSDN says that this descends from CListView
control and the msdn website reference for this control is;
(scroll to the message constants)

This page seems to imply that the control can be queried with messages,
however, my problem seems to be that pywin32.win32con does not define a
constant for the LVM series of messages.

Any other suggestions ??

I am looking for something similar to code below which does a fine job
of collecting all of the text values from a ListBox control;

count = win32gui.SendMessage(hndl,win32con.LB_GETCOUNT)
vals = []
for i in range(count):
strlen = win32gui.SendMessage(hndl,win32con.LB_GETTEXTLEN)
text = ' '*(strlen+1) #Buffer for returned text -50
lentext =
txt = text[0:lentext]
print Hndl: %8s  Class: %-10s  TxtLen:%3s TxtVal: %s%

Thanks in advance.


Reading text labels from a Win32 window

2006-11-28 Thread geskerrett
Does anyone know of a way to read text labels from a Win32 application.
I am familiar with using pywin32 and the SendMessage function to
capture text from Buttons,text boxex, comboboxes, etc, however, the
text I am would like to capture doesn't appear to be in a control.


Re: struggling with memory release using ctypes wrapper

2006-11-08 Thread geskerrett
Oops, found the problem in my code.
Sorry for wasting peoples time if you're viewing.


struggling with memory release using ctypes wrapper

2006-11-07 Thread geskerrett
I was wondering if a ctypes expert could point me in the right

I am using the wrapper for the freeimage library to create multipage
TIFF files from a group of png images.  The images load and save fine,
the problem seems to be that the memory used during the bitmap creation
isn't being released properly until the python program ends and python

The multipage tiff's are created in a loop (ie, creating 3 tiffs from a
group of 14 png files).  As the loop progresses, the files are built,
but the amount of memory that is used and reported by Windows XP
taskmanager is not released until python program exits at which time
the amount of memory reported is exactly the same as the start of the

I am using WinXP SP2, Python 2.4.4, ctypes 1.0.1 and the latest
freeimage libarary and wrapper.

My questions is this,
I have scoured the freeimage site and am confident that I am making the
correct calls to the library and in the correct sequence to release the
resources allocated by the freeimage dll.  After each call to unload
the resources, I have checked the return values, and every thing
*seems* ok in this regard.

I have even used the gc module in DEBUG mode and nothing is reported as

My questions:
Is there some other method to evaluate a running python program to see
what memory is consumed and objects which have this memory allocated??


FreeImagePy creating thumbnails from TIFF

2006-10-23 Thread geskerrett
I a trying to create a series of thumbnail images from a multpage TIFF
file.  The sample code is below.  When it executes, we get the
following error;
FreeImagePy.constants.FreeImagePy_ColorWrong: 'Wrong color 1 in
function: FreeImage_MakeThumbnail. I can use: (8, 24, 32)'

Any suggestions?

fname = 01-PJ2306.tif
img = FIPY.Image()

#NOTE: the follow method results
#getFormat: ((18, 0), ('TIFF', 'MINISWHITE'), (200, 200))
#getColorUsed: 2
#getNumPages: 8

for pg in range(img.getNumPages()):
print 'page;',pg
bmp = FIPY.Image(),300),fileType=FIF_TIFF)
bmp.thumbnail(300,convert=True), FIF_PNG)
del bmp

Using the above img we were able to successfully create the seperate
pages as PNG files in a working directory, however, our goal is to use
to display a series of thumbnails in a wxpython application.  The app
will stored references back to the orginal document with the
correspondng page number.   Essentially we want to avoid having to
cleanup a working directory of the PNG pages.
... but if someone has suggestions on this, we are interested too !

Thanks in avance.


Re: ADO with Python

2006-10-17 Thread geskerrett

Ralf wrote:
 Is their anybody with xperience in using the both and can provide me with
 some xamples.

 Thx a lot
I found the tutorial on this site helpful.


Event notification system - where to start ?

2006-06-29 Thread geskerrett
We have been asked to develop and application for a client that is a
'notification system.  We would like to use python, but are struggling
to find the right starting point.  Any suggestions, tips or sample code
would be appreciated.

Application outline;

Machine A is running a listener application that is connected to a
another device via the serial post and waits for events.  We have not
problem working with the serial port, or the waiting for the event to

When A received a specific event, it needs to send a message to machine
B that and event has occurred and that type of event.

Machine B will take the event notification, processes some additional
information (ie. database lookups) and then notify a series of clients
that have registered with machine B to receive events.

I think this is sometimes called published/subscriber ???

We have looked at xmlrpc, but at there would be no outside clients, it
seems to have a little more overhead than we need.

We also looked at the asyncore and asynchat, but are having difficulty
gettng starting with these.  If someone has a working example of a
chat server using these modules they could share it would be very

So ... any suggestions ?


Re: groupby is brilliant!

2006-06-13 Thread geskerrett
I would just like to thank-you for this timely post.
I am working on a reporting project that needed groupby functionality
and I was going to sit down this morning to rework some very ugly
code into some not quite so ugly code.

Your post got me pointed to in the right direction and the end
results will be much more flexible and ALOT more maintainable.



Re: Inserting Records into SQL Server - is there a faster interface than ADO

2005-11-14 Thread geskerrett
The utility is designed to run in the background and maintain/update a
parallel copy of a production system database.   We are using the
stored procedure to do a If Exist, update, else Insert processing for
each record.

The originating database is a series of keyed ISAM files.  So we need
to read each record, perform some simple data conversions and then
update the SQL database.  We are using Python to read the originating
database and perform the record conversion and then posting the results
back to SQL Server.

We designed our utility to run a night so that the SQL server is up to
date the next day and ready for reporting.

Thanks for your tips on BCP.  I will investigate further as it looks
like it might be useful for the initial loading of the data and perhaps
some changes to the our utility program to minimize the amount of data
that needs to be read/processed.



Inserting Records into SQL Server - is there a faster interface than ADO

2005-11-11 Thread geskerrett
I have a program that reads records from a binary file and loads them
into an MS-SQL Server database.  It is using a stored proc, passing the

I am using pywin32 to create a connection object.  Once the connection
is open I simple pass the SQL formatted commands using

My test examples;

20,000 records using the ADO connection: 0:04:45:45

If I setup the program to not send the record to the database - so all
other variables and processes are constant, it simply just skips the
cnx.Execute(sqlstring) step, then it takes only 0:00:25:78 to process
thru the same number of trx.

Obviously the times in my test are that , but I have a client that woud
like to use this and has several million transactions to content with.

So my questions is 
Is there a faster method I can use to connect to the SQL server ?
Or does anyone have any optimization tips the can offer ?


Re: Converting from Microsoft Binary Format floats to Python Float

2005-08-28 Thread geskerrett
Well, thank-you again.
It's a bit embarassing, but you are correct ...  It was a typo on in
the sample data.
A bit frustrated with myself as I checked, and double checked, but I
guess became a bit blinded to the problem.

Sorry to waste your time, and appreciate your assistance and patience.



Converting from Microsoft Binary Format floats to Python Float

2005-08-26 Thread geskerrett
In the '80's, Microsoft had a proprietary binary structure to handle
floating point numbers,  In a previous thread, Bengt Richter posted
some example code in how to convert these to python floats;

I copied this code and modified it slightly, however, you will notice
that for one of the examples, the conversion isn't exact.

Can anyone advise me on how to modify this code to correct for this
situation ?
I think the problem may be related to the different lengths of the
mantissa.   For double precision (8bytes) MBF format had 55 where as
Python floats (IEEE) has only 52 ??

Sample Code Below --
# Conversion of Microsoft Binary Format numbers to Python Floats

import binascii as bn
import struct as st

data = [(1234567890,'00AF052C139F­'),
(99.99, '703D0AD7FF237494'),
( 8.88, '400ad7a3709c2d91'),
( 2.22, '400ad7a3709c2d8f'),
( 3.33, 'b047e17a54350290'),
(  1500.34, '7814ae47e18a3b8b'),
( 42345.00, '00692590'),

def msd2float(bytes):
#take out values that don't make sense possibly the NaN and
Infinity ??
if sum(bytes) in [0,72,127]:
return 0.0
b = bytes[:]
sign = bytes[-2]0x80
b[-2] |= 0x80#hidden most sig bit in place of sign
exp = bytes[-1] - 0x80 - 56  #exponent offset
acc = 0L
for i,byte in enumerate(b[:-1]):
acc |=(long(byte)(i*8))
return (float(acc)*2.0**exp)*((1.,-1.­)[sign!=0])

for line in data:
inval = line[0]
binval = bn.unhexlify(line[1])
le_bytes = list(st.unpack('',binv­al))
outval = msd2float(le_bytes)
print  In:,inval, \nOut:,outval,\n

Sample Output 
C:/Python24/pythonw.exe -u  C:/pytest/dms/Test MBF.pyw
 In: 1234567890
Out: 1234567895.5

 In: 4069954144
Out: 4069954144.0

 In: 99.99
Out: 99.99

 In: 8.88
Out: 8.88

 In: 2.22
Out: 2.22

 In: 3.33
Out: 3.33

 In: 1500.34
Out: 1500.34 

 In: 42345.0 
Out: 42345.0 
End Sample Output 


Re: Anyone recognize this numeric storage format - similar to float, but not quite

2005-08-25 Thread geskerrett
I am not sure if you are still watching this thread, but I seem to have
a bit of a problem with the code sample you so graciously provided.
It seems to work in all instances, except the original example I
provided (namely, 1234567890). On my system, the number 1234567890,
gets converted to 1234567895.5.

I made a few changes to your original program, but it is largely the
same with different test samples samples.  Any thoughts ??

Sample Code Below --
# Conversion of Microsoft Binary Format numbers to Python Floats

import binascii as bn
import struct as st

data = [(1234567890,'00AF052C139F'),
(99.99, '703D0AD7FF237494'),
( 8.88, '400ad7a3709c2d91'),
( 2.22, '400ad7a3709c2d8f'),
( 3.33, 'b047e17a54350290'),
(  1500.34, '7814ae47e18a3b8b'),
( 42345.00, '00692590'),

def msd2float(bytes):
if sum(bytes) in [0,72,127]:   #take out values that don't make
sense possible the NaN and Infinity ??
return 0.0
b = bytes[:]
sign = bytes[-2]0x80
b[-2] |= 0x80 #hidden most sig bit in place of sign
exp = bytes[-1] - 0x80 - 56  #exponent offset
acc = 0L
for i,byte in enumerate(b[:-1]):
acc |=(long(byte)(i*8))
return (float(acc)*2.0**exp)*((1.,-1.)[sign!=0])

for line in data:
val = line[0]
binval = bn.unhexlify(line[1])
le_bytes = list(st.unpack('',binval))
test = msd2float(le_bytes)
print  In:,val, \nOut:,test,\n

Sample Output 
C:/Python24/pythonw.exe -u  C:/pytest/dms/Test MBF.pyw
 In: 1234567890
Out: 1234567895.5

 In: 4069954144
Out: 4069954144.0

 In: 99.99
Out: 99.99

 In: 8.88
Out: 8.88

 In: 2.22
Out: 2.22

 In: 3.33
Out: 3.33

 In: 1500.34 
Out: 1500.34 

 In: 42345.0 
Out: 42345.0


Re: Anyone recognize this numeric storage format - similar to float, but not quite

2005-08-24 Thread geskerrett
Thanks Bengt for directing me to your previous post.
I think I agree with you on the reversing bit and the constant MSB.
In reworking my examples I was always changing the 0 to 1.


Anyone recognize this numeric storage format - similar to float, but not quite

2005-08-23 Thread geskerrett
We are working on a project to decipher a record structure of an old
accounting system that originates from the late80's mid-90's.
We have come across a number format that appears to be a float but
doesn't match any of the more standard implementations.
so we are hoping this is a recognizable number storage format with an
identifiable name AND pre-built conversion method
similiar to the struct modules available in python.

Here is what we have determined so far.

Example Number: 1234567890

This get stored on disk as 8 bytes, resulting in the following HEX
00 00 00 A4 05 2c 13 9f

If we changed the order so that it is little Endian we get;
9F 13 2c 05 A4 00 00 00

If the HEX is converted to binary it looks like;
1001 00010011 00101100 0101 10100100  0

If the example number 1234567890 is converted to binary it looks like;

10010011 00101100 0101 1010010

To extract the example number, you need to do the following;
1) take the decimal value of the first byte and subtract 128
2) This tells you how many of the following bits to are significant and
must be read
3) Once the remaining bits are read, reverse the first bit of that
group (ie if it is a 0 make it a 1)
4) convert the result to decimal
... and presto, the example number !

Using a fixed width font it is easy to see the match at the bit level;

1001 0001001100101100010110100100

If you are interested, the following are three other examples;

Orig Hex: 00 00 00 60 92 96 72 A0
Actual Value: 4069954144

Orig Hex: 00 00 80 22 A3 26 3C A1
Actual Value: 6313297477

So ... does anyone recognize this ??
Is there a built-in conversion method in Python  ??

Thanks in advance.


Re: Does any one recognize this binary data storage format

2005-08-10 Thread geskerrett
Thanks so much for this.  It is exactly what I was looking for.

If I am simply reading the bytes from disk, would I still need to
convert the these values HEX characters first with Hexlify, or is there
a more direct route ?
ie. convert them to the double float directly from the byte values ?


Re: Does any one recognize this binary data storage format

2005-08-10 Thread geskerrett
Thanks again.  
Sort of thru me off, but is working perfectly now.


Recommendations for CVS systems

2005-08-09 Thread geskerrett
I was wondering if anyone could make recomendations/comments about CVS
systems, their experiences and what perhaps the strengths of each.

Currently we have 2 developers but expect to grow to perhaps 5.

Most of the developement is Python, but some C, Javascript, HTML, etc.

The IDE what have been using/experimenting with are drPython and
eclipse with PyDev.



Does any one recognize this binary data storage format

2005-08-09 Thread geskerrett
I am hoping someone can help me solve a bit of a puzzle.

We are working on a data file reader and extraction tool for an old
MS-DOS accounting system dating back to the mid 80's.

In the data files, the text information is stored in clearly readable
ASCII text, so I am comfortable that this file isn't EBCIDIC, however,
the some of the numbers are stored in a format that we can't seem to
recognize or unpack using the standard python tools (struct, binascii)
... or or atleast our understanding of how these tools work !

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Here are a few examples of telephone numbers;

Exmaple 1:

Phone 1: 5616864700
Hex On Disk: C0DBA8ECF441

Phone 2: 5616885403
Hex on Disk: B0E9ADECF4F1

Another example:
Phone 1: 8003346488
Hex On Disk: 800396d0fd41

Phone2: 9544261331
Hex On Disk: F8f50ec70142

Phone3: 9544278601
Hex On Disk: 481211c70142



Re: Does any one recognize this binary data storage format

2005-08-09 Thread geskerrett
the extension on the files is *.mas  but I a pretty sure it is not
relevant. I beleive it used by the application.

I can posted records as it will take up to much space.
But all three phone numbers are stored in 8 bytes with null bytes (ie.
00) stored in the leading positions (ie. the left hand side)

I do have some more examples;

I have inserted the leading null bytes and seperated with spaces for

Ex #1)   333-
Hex On disk: 00 00 00 80 6a 6e 49 41

Ex #2) 666-
Hex On disk: 00 00 00 80 6a 6e 59 41

Ex#3) 777-
Hex On Disk: 00 00 00 40 7C AB 5D 41

Ex#4) 123-4567
Hex On Disk: 00 00 00 00 87 D6 32 41

Ex#5) 000-0001
Hex On disk: 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F

Ex#6) 999-
Hex On disk: 00 00 00 E0 CF 12 63 41
