Re: Exploiting Dual Core's with Py_NewInterpreter's separated GIL ?

2006-11-07 Thread grahamd

Shane Hathaway wrote:
> robert wrote:
> > I'd like to use multiple CPU cores for selected time consuming Python
> > computations (incl. numpy/scipy) in a frictionless manner.
> >
> > Interprocess communication is tedious and out of question, so I
> > thought about simply using a more Python interpreter instances
> > (Py_NewInterpreter) with extra GIL in the same process. I expect to
> > be able to directly push around Python Object-Trees between the 2 (or
> > more) interpreters by doing some careful locking.
> >
> > Any hope to come through? If possible, what are the main dangers? Is
> > there an example / guideline around for that task? - using ctypes or
> > so.
> >
> > Or is there even a ready made Python module which makes it easy to
> > setup and deal with extra Interpreter instances? If not, would it be
> > an idea to create such thing in the Python std libs to make Python
> > multi-processor-ready. I guess Python will always have a GIL -
> > otherwise it would loose lots of comfort in threaded programming
> I'd like to mention mod_python, which creates multiple interpreters
> inside Apache.  It does this transparently and works well.  There is no
> apparent lock contention between the interpreters, because no Python
> objects are shared.

In relation to mod_python, your statement isn't strictly true. One can
create scenarios in mod_python where a Python object created in the
context of one interpreter is then used in another interpreter at a
later point. Generally this isn't an issue because it is part of a
recursive sequence of processing and thus while the second interpreter
is doing stuff with the object the first is stalled waiting for the
second to return. It wouldn't be totally inconceivable though for a
user to create threads which may operate on the object at the same time
in the first interpreter as the object is being used in the second

The situation gets even more complicated when you start to use third
party modules which may be used from multiple interpreters and a
multithreaded Apache MPM is used and where the third party module
performs callbacks into interpreters with some common object.

Thus, mod_python may not be able to benefit from each Python
interpreter instance having its own GIL if that was your point in
referencing mod_python.



Re: is mod_python borked?

2006-11-02 Thread grahamd

walterbyrd wrote:
> I am considering python, instead of php, for web-application
> development. I often see mod_python.criticisized as being borked,
> broken, or just plain sucking.
> Any truth to any of that?

I replied to you over on the mod_python mailing list when you reposted
the question there, but I'll copy to here my response for the benefit
of others.

In answer to your question of whether mod_python is borked, the answer
is yes and no.

One sees various people complain about mod_python. In some cases their
claims are valid, but in other cases they are wrong and haven't
bothered to work out how it works. Even when their claims are valid,
they often don't understand the problem properly. To use mod_python
properly also means in a lot of cases understanding how Apache works,
which many are too lazy to do. For example, the difference between
SetHandler and AddHandler and what happens when MultiViews is enabled.

One of the biggest problems is that a lot of ISPs still use Apache 1.3
and so only mod_python 2.7.X is available on those platforms. This
version is quite old now and doesn't behave exactly the same as more
recent versions, yet people read the most recent documentation and
complain it doesn't work as they expect.

Even where people are using Apache 2.0 and thus can use newer versions
of mod_python, they sometimes use RedHat enterprise versions of Linux
which are stuck in a time warp with only 3.1.X versions of mod_python
available. Some of the other Linux distributions haven't been much
better until recently and with people refusing to compile from source
code and demanding RPMs, DEBs or other prepackaged releases are only
bringing it on themselves.

Version 3.2.X has been an improvement over older versions.
Significantly it fixed multithreading issues on Windows and with worker
MPM on UNIX. For publisher at least, it addressed some of the module
importer issues, but not all. It has also addressed some major memory

So in summary, if you use the most recent version you are obviously
going to have the least problems. Many still use older versions though
and can't or will not upgrade. Even the current version has known
issues and you can get a feel for what is known by going through issues

In particular the number of separate issues which will be addressed in
3.3 is getting up towards 100. These aren't all bug fixes, with many
being new features and improvements. The most important change will be
the replacement of the module importer. For a lengthy description of
the problems with the module importer see:

So, use an older version of mod_python and the answer to the question
of whether it is borked is mostly yes. Use the current version and
except for module importer issues, the answer is mostly no. With
version 3.3, the answer should hopefully be a strong no.




2006-10-28 Thread grahamd
dan84 wrote:
> I don't understand this error , in the (Apache) errorlog I read this
> message :
> [Sat Oct 28 14:04:03 2006] [error] make_obcallback: could not import
> mod_python.apache.\n
> [Sat Oct 28 14:04:03 2006] [error] make_obcallback: Python path being
> used "['', '.DLLs', '.lib',
> '.libplat-win', '.liblib-tk',
> 'C:ProgrammiApache GroupApache2bin']".
> [Sat Oct 28 14:04:03 2006] [error] python_handler: no interpreter
> callback found.
> [Sat Oct 28 14:04:03 2006] [error] [client] python_handler:
> Can't get/create interpreter.
> I have Apache/2.0.59 (Win32) mod_python/3.2.10 Python/2.4.3
> I have read all the manuals, but I don't understand where I am wrong.
> thanks so much


You may have to fiddle your Windows registry to add site-packages

BTW, there is a mailing list specifically for mod_python. You might be
better off asking questions directly there, as we have seen most
problems. You can also search the mailing list archives from the
mod_python site.

BTW, the quadruple backslashes is indeed because of the use of repr()
when doing the error dump.



Re: HTML Templates (Sitemesh/Tiles concept) in Python

2006-10-23 Thread grahamd
Suren wrote:
> > Python with ? CGI ? FastCGI ? mod_python ? Other ?
> We are using mod_python and SSI. We are inheriting some legacy code
> that we do not want to mess with at all.

If you are already using SSI for basic page composition using 'include
virtual', it may be of interest for you to know that upcoming
mod_python 3.3 supports use of Python code directly with SSI. For
details see:

To use this feature now, you would have to use latest mod_python code
base out of Subversion repository though. We are just tidying up last
few issues for 3.3, so code is more than usable at this point.

There is an example in the article about how the new feature can be
used for adding header, footers etc.



Re: silent processing with python+modpython+cheetah

2006-10-21 Thread grahamd

Sai Krishna M wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been working for some time developing web pages using python,
> modpython, cheetah.
> I find that this method has come inherent difficulties in it like if
> we want to generate a single page we have to write two separate files
> ( py & tmpl).
> Is there any other better way of doing things.?

It sounds like you are actually using mod_python.publisher and hand
crafting the code to render the template file in each instance. Using
mod_python.publisher is not the same as using basic mod_python handlers
directly. If you were using basic mod_python handlers directly, you
certainly could write your own dispatcher which encapsulates in one
place the code needed to render a Cheetah template file, thereby
avoiding the need to create .py file corresponding to every Cheetah
template file.

> Also if we want to have partial processing of the pages, i.e, the
> value one chooses for a particular field determines the value to be
> entered for another field in the same page, how can it be done?

That sounds like an internal issue of how you use Cheetah templates
itself. Cheetah templates have flow control abilities, blocks etc such
that one can control what parts of a page are actually used.

Since mod_python inherently means you start out working at a low level,
and that you don't perhaps fully appreciate the different levels of
functionality in mod_python and how to use them, you are possibly
better off using a high level framework such as Django or TurboGears
where someone else has done all the hard work of making it simple to



Re: CGI -> mod_python

2006-10-03 Thread grahamd

> Hi,
> it is a kind of nooby question. Is there a way to transfer a CGI python
> script to mod_python without rewriting the code?

Did you look in the mod_python documentation?

It certainly isn't the preferred way of using mod_python. You really
should consider porting it properly to either mod_python or as
someone else suggested, WSGI.



Re: What's the best way to communicate between processes?

2006-09-27 Thread grahamd
> I'm thinking about coding some sort of 'local notify server' in twisted
> (basically just listening to a socket and then passing the information
> to the IM bot), then connecting to it via a python socket in django and
> passing some serialized/pickled data.

Use the XML-RPC server gateway from Twisted on the server side. In
the Django web pages then use xmlrpclib module to initiate XML-RPC
requests to the server.



Re: os.path.normpath

2006-08-09 Thread grahamd

> I am using a windows box and passing a string like "../foo/../foo2" to
> normpath which then returns "..\\foo2". But if this string is going
> into a webpage link it should really be "../foo".
> Is there any way to tell os.path.normpath to act like we are an a unix
> style box?

Use posixpath.normpath() instead.


Re: Event notification system - where to start ?

2006-06-29 Thread grahamd

> We have been asked to develop and application for a client that is a
> 'notification" system.  We would like to use python, but are struggling
> to find the right starting point.  Any suggestions, tips or sample code
> would be appreciated.
> Application outline;
> Machine A is running a "listener" application that is connected to a
> another device via the serial post and waits for events.  We have not
> problem working with the serial port, or the waiting for the event to
> happen.
> When A received a specific event, it needs to send a message to machine
> B that and event has occurred and that type of event.
> Machine B will take the event notification, processes some additional
> information (ie. database lookups) and then notify a series of clients
> that have "registered" with machine B to receive events.
> I think this is sometimes called "published/subscriber" ???

This is exactly the sort of thing that OSE is purpose built for. See
recipe from Python Cookbook online at:

OSE can be obtained from:

The documentation for the Python wrappers for OSE can be found at:



Re: [newbie]apache authentication questions

2006-06-12 Thread grahamd
Steve Holden wrote:
> Since HTTP authentication is managed by the browser it's difficult to
> integrate it with web application authentication: basically you have to
> choose between the two. There's no way for the server to tell the
> browser to start presenting the required authentication credentials
> except by raising a 401 (not authorised) error response, which is what
> makes the browser bring up its little popup.

It is not impossible though and in cases where you don't have a choice
but to use a HTTP authentication scheme, use of AJAX may be the
answer to still allowing use of a form based login scheme. See:



Re: [mod_python] using nested blocks in psp

2006-06-12 Thread grahamd
cloc3 wrote:
> I'm a newbie in python, and I'm fighting against nested blocks in psp.
> Thats a little example with a funny behaviour:
> [code]
> <%
> for i in range(50, 350, 50):
>  if 'List' in form and int(form['List'])==i:
>   sel="selected"
>  else:
>   sel="pippo"
>  %> ><%=i%> 
>  <%
> %>
> [/code]
> In my intention, the for instruction have to run two operation:
>  first: the if instruction
>  second: to print the option tag on the html page.
> Instead, the real behaviour is depending on the result of the control
> in the if:
>  if the control is true, the option tag is not printed, and the for
> instruction goes to the successive step.
>  if the control is false, the option is correctly printed.
> I don't understand the reason of this behaviour.
> Which is the right way to control the nested block instructions in psp?

PSP as implemented by mod_python is fussy about how many spaces are
used in indents. Use either 8 space or tab indents. If you don't want
to do that, you will need to use comment hints to help PSP understand
what level of indenting you are using. See:

Comment hints may still be needed in certain cases to turn off scopes
even if 8 space or tab indents are needed so it is good to understand
what they are about.

Also ask further questions on mod_python user mailing list as you will
in general get better responses there.



Re: mod_python web-dav management system

2006-04-19 Thread grahamd

Kyler Laird wrote:
> Damjan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Now I've been thinking that it might be pretty easy to implement a
> >authorization layer with mod_python (but living handling of the web-dav
> >protocol to apache)... So, has anyone already done something similar?
> Yup.  I'm in the process.  I'm using mod_python to do LDAP
> authentication of WebDAV requests.

If original poster needs more in depth help on how to set up an
appropriate authhandler for mod_python for the purpose, might
suggest they get onto the mod_python mailing list and see help
there. Details of mailing list on mod_python web site.

> Now I just need to get a FUSE filesystem working and I should
> be able to cobble together a "simple" DAV server...
> It would be *so* much cleaner to have a total Python-based
> solution (that could run as root) so I periodically check on
> progress in this area.  I have high hopes for Twisted's DAV
> server but I'm told it's not ready for use yet.  In another
> thread I just learned about PanDAV
> but I haven't installed it yet.

What about if there existed a mod_dav_python for Apache. Would
that be of interest. The idea is that the module could bridge the
C API hooks and structures of mod_dav module to Python code.
This means the benefit from all the hard work that has been put
into the Apache mod_dav module and only need to implement
stuff that handles the individual operations if you want to implement
some sort of custom DAV server. If of interest you might look at
comments about it at:



Re: minidom + wxPython woes

2006-04-11 Thread grahamd
Paul Boddie wrote:
> Frank Millman wrote:
> > Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > >
> > > no, it's not a bug in the pyexpat module -- the problem is that
> > > wxPython uses it's own incompatible version of the expat library,
> > > and loads it in a way that causes problems for any library that's
> > > tries to use its own statically linked version.
> [...]
> > Firstly, it seems from various posts to the tracker item that the same
> > problem has been reported with pygtk, Qt, and VTK.
> There used to be issues with Expat, PyXML and mod_python which may be
> vaguely related to this, mostly because there was some usage of Expat
> within some Apache component which conflicted with PyXML's Expat
> configuration.

FYI, the incompatibility issues that arise with pyexpat in mod_python
are well documented at:



Re: Apache and Python and Ubuntu

2006-03-29 Thread grahamd

> I've create an Ubuntu Linux box, which comes pre-installed with Python
> (I've added the libapache2-mod-python throught the app manager).  I've
> created  .cgi and .py simple programs in the www root of apache.
> The problem is the programs just dump the contents to the browser in
> plain text.  Or, in the case of the .py files, I am prompted to
> download the .py file.  How can I get apache to recognize that it
> should execute the .cgi script?
> Is there any special thing I need to do to apache to get it to know
> that the python interpreter should be used for all .cgi files?

You do not need mod_python if you want to use Python in traditional
CGI scripts. Simply follow the Apache instructions for setting up
CGI scripts and ignore mod_python all together.

If you really did want to use mod_python, consider reading:

It provides more detailed instructions on getting a first test handler



Re: mod_python bytecompiling

2006-03-29 Thread grahamd

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> "mneagul" wrote:
> >I am writing a small program using mod_python publisher extension. I
> > have created several python files and imported them in a `main' file.
> >How can I stop mod_python to byte compile the files? I want to make
> > changes to the files and see result imediately!
> >
> >In the current setup only the changes to the `main' file are applied
> > imediately. I is nearly imposible to develop an application this way.
> >
> >I want to mention that I'm a newby to mod_python.
> the FAQ has the answer:
> "Q. My module imports other modules - how do I reload those?"
> (another approach, used by several frameworks, is to use a stand-alone
> test server for development, and mod_python for deployment)

Simply using apache.import_module() is not going to necessarily help
at the moment as it has various problems and shortcomings. One of
them is that it does not check multiple levels of dependencies between
modules. Thus simply replacing global imports in a module with a call
to apache.import_module() will not help.

For a full list of problems and issues with the mod_python module
importer see:

There is a new module importer being tested with mod_python 3.3
which will hopefully eliminate the major problems.

Highly recommend that original poster get onto the mod_python mailing
list to discuss what he can do in the interim.



Re: Caching in memory for Apache

2006-03-24 Thread grahamd

Simon  Johnson wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have decided to take the big plunge and drop the Microsoft platform
> and use Mod_Python and Apache in it's place.
> I've never used Linux before this project so it's a really big learning
> curve, but so far it's going well. I've managed to create some simple
> pages using the basic of Python.
> One of the questions I have is: How do you cache stuff in memory? Say
> I've got a bunch of stuff I need to create from a set of database rows.
> Obviously, I do not want to consult the database each time I have a
> request for my page. Is there anyway in Mod_python for me to store
> values inside memory so I can look it up on the next GET request?

It all depends a bit on what you want to cache and whether the data is
specific to one users interaction with a page, or whether the data is
able to be used across requests from multiple users. This will dictate
whether you can use a global data cached within modules used to
the page, whether you can use sessions, shared memory or whether you
have no choice but to always go back to the database.

As others have pointed out, don't get trapped in doing premature
optimisation. More often than not what you may think will be a bottle
neck will not and any problems if they even exist will be elsewhere.

In respect of mod_python, it is also vitally important to understand
process/interpreter module under which Python runs within the context
of Apache. A starting point for getting information about this is:

If you do decide that sessions may be useful to what you are doing, as
pointed out by others, there can be limitations as to what data can be
stored. For limitations in respect of sessions in mod_python have a

Finally, make sure you use the latest version of mod_python available.
Avoid using mod_python 2.7.X or 3.1.X as there are lots of known issues
and problems. Not all problems are solved in 3.2.X version, but good
progress has been made on getting rid of many issues. The main area
which can still cause problems, especially when trying to cache data in
the Apache process, is that of module loading and reloading. For a run
down on issues in that area see:

A lot of work has already been done on solving these issues for 3.3.X
version of mod_python.

BTW, the best place to ask questions about mod_python is the mod_python
mailing list. Thus, get yourself subscribed to it. Details of the
mailing list
are on the mod_python web site.



Re: combining mod_python handlers publisher and psp problem

2006-03-20 Thread grahamd
You could also have done:

   def index(req, name='John'):
  s = 'Hello, there!'
  if name:
 names = ['a', 'b', 'c']
 s = 'Hello, %s!' % name.capitalize()
 tmpl = psp.PSP(req, filename='index.psp')
 req.content_type = 'text/html' = { 'greet': s, 'names': names })

Try the mod_python mailing list if you want an explaination of why.



Re: mod_python + publisher + psp + session problems

2006-03-20 Thread grahamd

exhuma.twn wrote:
> Hi again,
> as soon as I try to make use of the "session" object inside a
> psp-template file, I get the following error:
> Mod_python error: "PythonHandler mod_python.publisher"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line
> 299, in HandlerDispatch
> result = object(req)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line
> 143, in handler
> result = str(result)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line 228,
> in __str__
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line 191,
> in run
> session = Session.Session(req)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line
> 389, in Session
> timeout=timeout, lock=lock)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line
> 294, in __init__
> timeout=timeout, lock=lock)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line
> 132, in __init__
> Cookie.add_cookie(self._req, self.make_cookie())
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line
> 160, in make_cookie
> c.path = dirpath[len(docroot):]
> TypeError: unsubscriptable object
> Any ideas?

Upgrade to mod_python 3.2.8 and your problem will go away.


I suggest that in future you use the mod_python mailing list for
as that is where most knowledgeable people on mod_python hang out.



Re: mod_python and open HTTP connection

2006-02-17 Thread grahamd

Charles wrote:
> Hello, I'm think about using mod_python for a project but I need to make
> sure: Does mod_python time out after a minute ? (I hope not).

Mod_python itself doesn't time out. If such a thing happened it
would be because of how Apache, some intermediate proxy or
the client is configured.

> If I leave
> an HTTP connection open so that the content keeps loading inside the
> browser window indefinately, and if I close the browser window, the
> mod_python process is terminated, right?

If the mod_python handler is periodically writing data back to the
browser, at the point the socket connection from the client closes,
the attempt to write data back to the client by the mod_python
handler will result in an IOError exception being raised. Presuming
that your handler code doesn't catch this and ignore it, it should
cause the handler to abort.

Note though that it doesn't cause any process to be terminated as
that is not how Apache/mod_python work. It will cause just that
current request to be terminated. That thread of control can then
be reused to handle a subsequent request.

BTW, for tricky questions on mod_python you are better of using
the mod_python mailing list. Details on the mod_python web site.



Re: apache mod_python problem

2006-02-15 Thread grahamd

Ido Yehieli wrote:
> Thank you for your response,
> but I think it's not it - that didn't make any difference.

Suggest you read:

It contains helpful hints for getting a basic handler working
in mod_python. If you can get that working, then try something

You are also better off asking mod_python questions on the
mod_python mailing list. See home page
for how to get on mailing list.



Re: Python as a Server vs Running Under Apache

2006-01-04 Thread grahamd
fuzzylollipop wrote:
> there are lots of things you can't do or can't do easily or can't do at
> efficiently in Apache using python as cgi or as anyone would more
> likely assume mod_python. anything that requires any shared state or
> shared resources in Apache is next to impossible. Doing similar things
> in an app server or network application framework like twisted is
> trivial.

What one really should be identifying here is that different tools are
better for different jobs.

Apache is a web server, and it isn't necessarily practical or sensible
to try and shoe horn it into service as a full blown application server
by and in itself. At the same time though, I would suggest that
something like Twisted is in itself not always the best solution
either, ie., to take an application server, and try and bolt on to it a
web server. Yes Twisted can perform as a web server, but when compared
to the functionality and configurability that Apache provides as a web
server, it is always going to be a lessor cousin in that role. If you
do not need the full power that Apache can provide and can live with
the lessor abilities inherent from running the web server as a
component within the application server, then great, but this isn't
necessarily going to suit everyone either.

Thus one is still faced with the question of whether you should embed
the application in the web server, or wrap a web server around the
application. Unfortunately from what I have seen, often the decision is
made based on the narrow focus of expertise of the developers involved.
A web developer will be dismissive of the application developer and
vice versus. Each will say that it is trivial if done in the system
which embodies their area of expertise, although usually that is said
without them really knowing how they will achieve the part they don't
know too much about. The strongest personalities thus will win as to
how the system is built.

The alternative is to accept that both Apache and application
frameworks such as Twisted are each good in their own space and use
both, bridging between the two as necessary. This could be done using
simple protocols like XML-RPC or more sophisticated messaging system
protocols where persistent connections can exist between the Apache
child processes and the backend application server thus avoiding the
creation of socket connections on every request. The use of messaging
systems also means that presence information can extend into the realm
of the web server and it can be easier to deal with failure or
unavailability of components of the backed system.

Keeping a split like this means you also have the added benefit that
you don't end up with application server code which is somehow
inherently dependent on or knowing that it is being used purely within
the context of a particular web server. You don't end up with
application server code being tied to the use of a specific means of
rendering web pages. With this sort of split it doesn't matter whether
you use CGI, mod_python, mod_perl or PHP for web page generation.
Provided that the interfaces between the two are well defined, you can
change the application server code structure as much as you like and
the web page generation code doesn't need to change. The opposite also
applies in as much as changes to the web page generation code shouldn't
affect the application server code.

Overall I would have to say that you are both right and wrong. Where
the state is served purely by the use of the database, there is nothing
wrong with Apache/mod_python in itself being used. Where the state also
embodies the need to have active agents which operate on that data,
possibly independent of web requests, then a back end application
server which embeds the core functionality of the application would be
better. In doing that though, it doesn't mean that Apache has to be
discarded as the web server, and a web server embeded in the
application server be adopted. Depending on the requirements, you will
get a more flexible, more easily maintained system if a combination of
the two technologies is used.

Anyway, that statisifies my daily need for a good rant. ;-)



Re: Python as a Server vs Running Under Apache

2005-12-30 Thread grahamd
> as great as mod_python is, there are lots of restrictions and
> limitations to what youc an do with it because of limitations of apache
> itself, and I am refereing to apache 2.x as well as 1.x, like others
> are saying if you don't need apache specific things it will just be one
> more thing to work around the design constraints it causes, twisted
> will be you best bet

I don't recollect that anyone had actually mentioned mod_python.
Certainly, mod_python isn't the only way of doing things via Apache
with Python.

Now, I am not trying to defend mod_python, as I probably better than
most understand many of the bugs/issues that the current version of
mod_python has, but what are the restrictions and limitations in it
that you see it has based on it being built on Apache.

Anyway, just curious to see what is behind your comment and how
deeply you truly understand the inner workings of mod_python, its
relationship to Apache and thus its problems.

Look forward to you answer.



Re: mod_python and threads

2005-12-19 Thread grahamd
Depends on what you mean exactly.

If one is on Win32 or using worker mode for Apache, the threads are
actually initially created down at the Apache level as part of a common
pool and are not bound to a specific Python interpreter. That is, two
distinct requests in time could make use of the same thread from the
common pool, but may end up calling into the context of two different
distinct Python interpreters if it happened that the URL namespace is
assigned against different interpreter instances.

The data for each Python interpreter is distinct, but if multiple
requests come in at the same time which map to the same Python
interpreter instance, then multiple threads can be operating within the
context of the same Python interpreter instance. If the two threads can
be accessing the same code/data, then you would obviously need to worry
about threading issues such as locking etc.

Anyway, you may have to be clearer about what you want to know. The
following may or may not also help.

BTW, there are bugs related to threading in mod_python 3.1.4 and
earlier. Better if you can use mod_python 3.2.5b, which gets rid of the
nastier threading issues.



Re: understanding mod_python

2005-12-19 Thread grahamd

PyPK wrote:
> Hi I'm trying to learn mod python and need some one to explain how to
> do http redirection(302) with an example code

Have you read the documentation?

Specifically, check out the function mod_python.util.redirect():

Mod_python questions are also perhaps better directed at the mod_python
users mailing list. Details of mailing list on the mod_python home



Re: ANNOUNCE: Mod_python 3.2.5 Beta

2005-11-23 Thread grahamd
Damjan wrote:
> > The Apache Software Foundation and The Apache HTTP Server Project are
> > pleased to announce the 3.2.5 Beta release mod_python.
> says "Since functions cannot be assigned attributes,..."
> But that's not true (at least in 2.3 and 2.4):
> >>> def f():
> ...   return 'a'
> ...
> >>> f.__auth__ = {1:'one'}

The documentation was originally written when mod_python supported 2.1
and 2.2. :-)

Anyway, whether it can now be done is irrelevant as the next part of
the documentation states:

  Note that this technique will also work if __auth__ or __access__ is
a constant, but will not work is they are a dictionary or a list.

Thus I suspect (but can't confirm right now), that your example will
not work anyway as __auth__ defined within the scope of the function as
a dictionary will not be seen as a constant as required.

Overall, I would not recommend relying on nesting __auth__ or
__access__ within the scope of a published function like this as the
code which supports this feature is somewhat fragile.

It is possible that now that mod_python requires at least mod_python
2.3 that new features in the language may be able to be utilised to
improve this feature of mod_python.

BTW, you are better off bringing up issue like this about mod_python on
the mod_python mailing list instead of the general Python group.



Re: Python/Apache Oddness On OSX

2005-10-24 Thread grahamd
John Abel wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running Python 2.3.5/2.4.2 on OSX 10.4.2, and am trying to run CGI
> scripts using the builtin Apache.  For ease, I've symlinked my custom
> modules into the /Library/Python/2.3/site-packages directory, and they
> import OK via command line python.  However, when I perform the import
> from a cgi script, python fails to find the module.  It is definately
> something to do with the symlink, as the CGI works OK if I copy the
> directory into site-packages.  Is there some oddness with Python/Apache
> and symlink imports?
> Any pointers would be most useful.

If running OS supplied Apache, it runs as the user "www". Because this
isn't you or root, check that the directory your symlink points at is
accessible to others as well as any directories above it back up to the
root directory. If it isn't accessible, the user Apache runs as will
be able to find and use the files. When you are copying the directory
you are possibly giving it read access for others in  the process and
that is why it works then.



Re: need help with mod_python in RH 9

2005-06-21 Thread grahamd
Oh, one minor thing. Your content type should be "text/plain" and
not "text/html" as you aren't returning HTML This isn't going to be
causing the problem you are seeing though.



Re: need help with mod_python in RH 9

2005-06-21 Thread grahamd

It addresses the more common problems and how to sort out what you
may not have done right.

Anyway, I don't seem to see any problems with what you have said
you have done, so work through the referenced document. Especially
look through the Apache logs as described to ensure that Apache
has been restarted and mod_python loaded correctly.



Re: Mod_python psp import module problem

2005-06-10 Thread grahamd
May be related to this bug:

Where you have:

  import mod_python.psp

change it to:

  psp = apache.import_module("mod_python.psp")

Access the PSP object then as:


and not:


It will happen where somewhere else within the same document tree
there is a PythonHandler specified as mod_python.psp as well as
the explicit import of mod_python.psp. Depending on which ones gets
triggered first, it will screw up.



Re: Embedding: many interpreters OR one interpreter with many thread states ?

2005-06-09 Thread grahamd

Greg Ewing wrote:
> > - creating many sub-interpreters (Py_NewInterpreter) with a thread
> > state each
> >
> > Or
> >
> > - creating one interpreter with many thread states (PyThreadState_New)
> My understanding is that using multiple interpeters isn't
> really supported properly, despite there being apparent
> support in the API. So I suggest using a single interpeter
> with multiple threads.

Huh. Mod_python uses multiple interpreters and within each
interpreter could be running multiple threads at one time
corresponding to different incoming HTTP requests.

It hasn't helped though that a bug was introduced in Python
2.3.5/4.0 which has been causing grief for some users creating
additional threads from within Python code itself. :-(


Re: PSP / mod_python ... how to get POST vars on .psp ?

2005-06-06 Thread grahamd
The documentation states:

  Additionally, the PSP code will be given global variables  req, psp,
session and form.

In other words, in your PSP page you can access the "form" variable and
it will
give you access to the FieldStorage object that PSP creates for you.
The members
of the FieldStorage class are documented on the mod_python web site.


Re: mod_python config problem

2005-06-03 Thread grahamd

David Stanek wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 03, 2005 at 01:16:17PM -0600, Manuel Pellecer wrote:
> > i want to use mod_python with Apache2 and i made a .htaccess in the
> > subdirectory where i have all my scripts:
> >
> > The .htacces goes like this:
> >
> > AddHandler mod_python .py
> > PythonHandler mptest
> > PythonDebug On
> Try adding the following line to your .htaccess file:
>   PythonPath  "sys.path + ['/your/path']"
> Where '/your/path' is the path in which resides.

Explicitly overriding PythonPath when using mod_python is not
recommended as it causes more problems than good usually. It
certainly should not be required to get this working when
everything is setup correctly.

Suggested that the original poster read:

That article is specifically written to help out people with their
first mptest example, listing what can go wrong and how to go
about working it out.

Suggest anything after that is better asked on mod_python mailing list.



Re: installing mod_python with python 2.4 on Windows xp

2005-05-15 Thread grahamd
Suggested that you ask this on the mod_python mailing list:

Detail exactly what the problems you are having are. The person
who packages the dev versions is on the mod_python list as are
other developers of mod_python. I don't know that they always
keep up to date on mail on the general Python mailing list.



Re: Mod_python

2005-05-03 Thread grahamd

Gensek wrote:
> Python is obviously binary, but I compiled Apache and modpython. I
> restarted apache before using the config. I'm inclined to believe
> I'm doing everything right, but the computer isn't.

Try following through the directions/hints in:

A lot of the time people cannot get it working because they use the
instructions for mod_python 3.1.X when they actually have 2.7.X
installed. The newer instructions will not work on the older version.

Anyway, even if you will not follow the steps shown in the article,
you can use the hints in it as to what to look for and where.

BTW, best place to talk about mod_python is the mod_python mailing



Re: mod_python and zope

2005-03-31 Thread grahamd

David Bear wrote:
> I will be running zope, and I would also like to run mod_python. The
> arised when zope wants a threaded version of python and mod_python
> no_threads.

Threads work fine with mod_python. What makes you think they don't?
versions of Apache/Python/mod_python are you attempting to use?

Although threads work okay with mod_python, there are a couple of
you might want to look at applying to mod_python if you intend using a
multithreaded MPM. Details of these can be found at:

BTW, for discussion of mod_python issues, the mod_python mailing list
be a better place.



Re: mod_python, user missing

2005-03-25 Thread grahamd
Okay, reason it doesn't work is that req.get_basic_auth_pw() only
applies when using Apache itself to perform the user authentication.
Ie., where in Apache configuration files you have something like:

  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "VIP"
  AuthUserFile /tmp/pwdb
  Require user noppa

It doesn't work when using mod_python.publisher style authentication
as that is done in mod_python and not by Apache. Thus, you would
need to assign to req.user in the __auth__ method as I described to
have it so it is accessible in the published method. You will not need
to call the req.get_basic_auth_pw() function.


Re: mod_python, user missing

2005-03-25 Thread grahamd
Good question, according to the documentation it should work, I'll
push this onto the mod_python mailing list for discussion and get a
bug report posted if necessary.

In the meantime, you could use the following work around:

def __auth__(req, user, passwd):
 req.user = user
 if user == 'noppa' and passwd == 'potti':
 return True
 return False

Ie., explicitly set "req.user" in the __auth__ method.


Re: mod_python & "please recompile it with -DEAPI" apache warning

2005-03-07 Thread grahamd
> 2) added to MakeFile after config:

You can do this, but it should be to "src/Makefile" and added
to "CFLAGS" and not "EXTRA_CFLAGS" as the latter doesn't exist.


Re: python/linux guru needed.. now!!!!

2005-03-05 Thread grahamd

bruce wrote:
> hi...
> i have a situation with a linux rh8 server. i can't seem to get
> python/mod_python/apache working as one...
> i can't seem to import mod_python from the python interpreter to
work, and
> i'm not sure as to why. i'm fairly convinced that it's a conflict
issue of
> some type, but i'm not sure as to how to resolve it...
> if you are a guru with python/mod_python/linux then i'd like to talk
> you...
> searching through google/mailing lists/etc... is getting me nowhere!!

You will do better if you present your problem in the mod_python
list. Go to to get the mailing list details,
yourself on the list and then post the following information as a

Which version of mod_python you are using.

Whether you are using the global configuration file or a .htaccess

The snippet of the Apache configuration you are using to configure
mod_python and enable its use in the directory you are working in.

Details of any error responses which are being displayed by your web

Details of messages, be they notices or error messages, which occur in
the Apache error log file corresponding to any request you are making
which is not working.

The full contents of the Python code file for the content handler you
trying to use.


Re: Moving to Python from PHP - 3 questions

2005-02-21 Thread grahamd
> If you do manage to get mod_python working, I suggest taking a look
> Vampire as well:
> I have had good experience with it. Once you start using mod_python
> you'll realize you can really go anywhere you want; and that's not
> necessarily a good thing. Vampire points you in a nice direction (I
> don't want to say 'the right' direction).

Vampire is still in a growing phase, so would be interested to hear any
comments you may have about how it can be improved. Up until now
I have mainly been focusing on making the basic features of mod_python
just that bit easier to use.

And yes I know that a lot more documentation would be a good start.
I am so snowed under with work in my real job at the moment that
progress is slow in that respect. :-(


Re: Moving to Python from PHP - 3 questions

2005-02-21 Thread grahamd

Michal Migurski wrote:
> 3) Structured request variables. PHP has a really handy feature where

> request variables with name like "foo[]", "foo[bar]", or
> "foo[bar][baz]" are automatically structured into nested associative
> arrays. I can see that the python cgi module will make a list of
> MiniFieldStorage objects when more than one variable with the same

Someone already piped in by suggesting Vampire for mod_python, so
would add that Vampire supports structured form variables by making
use of:

Thus, if you follow the form naming conventions this code supports,
then data can be turned into lists and dictionaries as appropriate. The
only thing is the naming convention is different to what you list
Read the comments in linked code to see what it does actually use.


Re: Who should security issues be reported to?

2005-01-28 Thread grahamd
> OP: Did you discover this supposed security hole from black-box
> of behavior or by being one of the 'lots of people being able to look
> source code', thereby giving evidence to the point?

The technique used which is the source of the problem was actually
first discovered in a separate package to the Python distribution, but
it was known that the same technique was used in a module within the
Python distribution. It is quite possible that other third party
packages might use it as well, although a few of the main stream
packages have been checked and they don't use exactly the same
technique so are okay. I could have just ignored the fact that the
Python distribution had the problem and worried about the other package

> a) The OP has provided no info about his/her claim.

Since the problem at least affects two packages and because of the
potential for mischief, I am hardly about to identify the packages
concerned, nor describe anything that is going to allow people to work
out what the issue is.

> b) The OP's original post is a classical troll: blast volunteer
> for not having anticipated and planned for a novel situation; argue
> things not said, at least now here, not recently; imply that
volunteers own
> him something.  Most people with the expertise to detect a security
> would know better.

And the reaction is what I have more and more been seeing in Open
Source circles. That, is either treat posters like ignoreant newbies
who know no better, or assume they are a trolls trying to discredit
Open Source. Quite sad really, one tries to do the right thing and gets
abused for it. It doesn't matter if a large project may be perceived as
being mostly immune to security problems, one could still occur and if
it isn't simple to raise such an issue I am sure than some people
wouldn't even bother.

> c) The noise generated because of b) has alerted any malware writers
> monitering c.l.p for hints about exploitable security holes that
> might be one in one of the few modules where such could reasonably

With approx 200+ modules in the Python distribution I can hardly see
how this helps. If I had done what you had wanted in (a) and gave
actual information about the problem I would have been narrowing down
the problem to less than a dozen modules. You can't have it both ways.

> OP: If my doubts are wrong and you really do have something to
> report to the 'authority', then do so, and quit making a noise about

And so it is was and knowledgeable people are looking at the issue. It
should not though have necessitated me making a noise in order to find
someone to deal with it in a timely manner. When a proprietary company
doesn't have an easy way of reporting problems or seems not to care too
much, Open Source people are on top of them like wolves. Why can't Open
Source people hold themselves to the same standard.

Not sure why I have even bothered to respond to you as it is probably
just the sort of attention you want. You even appear to have some
history of taking issue with people, even though in one of your own
posts you state:

> Responding to trollish postings. (Jan 26)
> My personal strategy is to read only as much of trollish
> threads as I find interesting or somehow instructive, almost never
> and then ignore the rest.  I also mostly ignore discussions about
> threads.
> Terry J. Reedy

Maybe you should simply have not responded. Lets see if you now ignore
the followup discussion. :-)


Re: Who should security issues be reported to?

2005-01-28 Thread grahamd

Aahz wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Who are the appropriate people to report security problems to in
> >respect of a module included with the Python distribution?  I don't
> >feel it appropriate to be reporting it on general mailing lists.
> There is no generally appropriate non-public mechanism for reporting
> security issues.  If you really think this needs to be handled
> privately, do some research to find out which core developer is most
> likely to be familiar with it.  Even before you do that, check
> SourceForge to find out whether anyone else has reported it as a bug.

I find this response a bit dissappointing frankly. Open Source people
such a big deal about having lots of people being able to look at
code and from that discover security problems, thus making it somehow
making it better than proprietary source code. From what I can see, if
Open Source project is quite large with lots of people involved, it
makes it
very hard to try and identify who you should report something to when
there is no clearly identifiable single point of contact for security
issues. Why should I have to go through hoops to try and track down who
is appropriate to send it to? All you need is a single advertised email
for security issues which is forwarded onto a small group of developers
who can then evaluate the issue and forward it on to the appropriate
Such developers could probably do such evaluation in minutes, yet I
to spend a lot longer trying to research who to send it to and then
wait days for some obscure person mentioned in the source code who has
not touched it in years to respond, if at all. Meanwhile you have a
severe security hole sitting there wating for someone to expliot, with
only saving grace being the low relative numbers of users who may be
it in the insecure manner and that it would be hard to identify the
actual web
sites which suffer the problem.

I'm sorry, but this isn't really good enough. If Open Source wants to
say that
they are better than these proprietary companies, they need to deal
with these
sorts of things more professionally and establish decent channels of
communications for dealing with it.

And yes I have tried mailing the only people mentioned in the module in
question and am still waiting for a response.


Who should security issues be reported to?

2005-01-27 Thread grahamd
Who are the appropriate people to report security problems to
in respect of a module included with the Python distribution?
I don't feel it appropriate to be reporting it on general mailing


Re: a ConfigParser wtf moment

2005-01-13 Thread grahamd
True, wasn't thinking. This will affect get() as well. My problem was a
slightly different problem.

In your case you would have got what you wanted if get()/items()
instead of being implemented as:

.value = d[option]
.except KeyError:
.raise NoOptionError(option, section)

Was implemented as:

.value = self._sections[section][option]
.except KeyError:
.raise NoOptionError(option, section)

That is, get the raw value from the original dictionary for the
section. That way you avoid picking up a value from the user
supplied vars. It does also avoid picking a key which has come
through from the default section, but that could easily be
accomodated if that was perceived to be expected behaviour
by having the except clause fall through to looking in the
default section. Similarly if seen that getting it from vars is
okay as well, fall back onto that as file step. All depends on
what the perceived overridding priority is.

At the moment vars overrides section which overrides default
and the document sort of does say that that is what one should
expect for vars at least:

.  Additional substitutions may be provided using the
.  `vars' argument, which must be a dictionary whose contents overrides
.  any pre-existing defaults.

Probably not what I would have expected either. I would have expected
vars to be available for substitution but not for option selection in
first place.
It is too late on a Friday, so I may be hallucinating now. :-)


Re: a ConfigParser wtf moment

2005-01-13 Thread grahamd
Sort of hard to explain, but if you put another:

list = configuration.items("core")
print list

at the end of the script, you will find that the original config hasn't
been changed.
It is a quirk of how the items() method is implemented using 'yield'
that means that
you see what you do.

In particular to use 'yield' it it necessary to create a temporary
dictionary which
contains the key/value pairs from that section of the config and then
overlay it
with the user supplied vars. Ie., the items() code has:

.d = self._defaults.copy()
.except KeyError:
.if section != DEFAULTSECT:
.raise NoSectionError(section)
.# Update with the entry specific variables
.if vars:

See the last line, that will replace the value of 'xyzzy' with that
passed in
as argument to items().

To avoid this, you need to write something like:

.  list = []
.  for key in configuration.options("core"):
. list.append((key,configuration.get("core",substitution))
.  print list

This cause me problems for a different reason, ie., that user vars keys
appear in what items() returns. I avoid using items() for this reason.


Re: Contributor's List

2005-01-06 Thread grahamd
Anand wrote:
> A list of contributors to Python Cookbook (Second Edition) is
> at the following links. Original list courtesy Alex Martelli.
> Since the book is not yet in print, the lists are still tentative
> because of potential last minute editing changes.
> List of first authors
> o
> List of all authors
> o

Is this mean't to only cover additional entries which were added in
the 2nd edition, or is it also mean't to encompass entries which were
carried over from the 1st edition as well.

If it is both, then the editing must have been quite cut throat as I
dropped from 3 entries in the 1st edition to 0 in the 2nd edition.

I can sort of understand if the intent was to get rid of entries which
referenced packages which weren't regarded as mainstream. I guess
it is only 14 years of work down the drain. ;-(


Re: Contributor's List

2005-01-06 Thread grahamd
Anand wrote:
> A list of contributors to Python Cookbook (Second Edition) is
> at the following links. Original list courtesy Alex Martelli.
> Since the book is not yet in print, the lists are still tentative
> because of potential last minute editing changes.
> List of first authors
> o
> List of all authors
> o

Is this mean't to only cover additional entries which were added in
the 2nd edition, or is it also mean't to encompass entries which were
carried over from the 1st edition as well.

If it is both, then the editing must have been quite cut throat as I
dropped from 3 entries in the 1st edition to 0 in the 2nd edition.

I can sort of understand if the intent was to get rid of entries which
referenced packages which weren't regarded as mainstream. I guess
it is only 14 years of work down the drain. ;-(


Re: modpython, apache and windows

2005-01-05 Thread grahamd
Bob Van Zant wrote:
> Fortunately most of the Python-for-the-web implementations do not
> closely to the PHP paradigm of web-based programming. There are some,
> like PSP, that more closely model what PHP does.
> It is not uncommon to have something like which does hardly
> anything except fire up a framework that takes care of parsing the
> of the URI and passing control over to the proper script. Using some
> relatively cryptic features of Apache you can hide the fact that
> everything goes through (mod_rewrite).

I have never really liked how all these different mod_python extensions
insist on using their own special file extensions, eg., .psp, .mps etc.
All it does is to expose what you are using to implement a site and
makes it hard for you to convert to a different implementation
mechanism as all your URLs then need to change.

As you point out, the only way around it is to use mod_rewrite rules.
Overall, from what I have seen all it does is make configuration files
harder to understand and spawn lots of newbie questions as to why
they can't get anything to work.

To me it is more sensible to use REST principles and not use file type
extensions at all, or use an extension which reflects the type of
content being delivered up and not the mechanism used to generate it.

FWIW, the Vampire package tries to address this problem in
mod_python by providing a simple mechanism as an extension to
mod_python which gives one greater control over the file extension
used in a URL and what handler that then maps to.

To set it up, one has a single directive in your httpd.conf or htaccess
file of the form:

PythonHandler vampire

You can then place in your directory any number of content handler .py
files. Eg. you might have,, etc. In the
first instance, no matter what the file type extension on the URL, if
basename in the URL request matches the basename of the content
handler file, then it is that file which is the target of the request.

Thus, if you used the following URLs, they would map as shown:

index.html -->
about.html -->
report.pdf -->
report.csv -->
feedback -->

Now normally the content handler would be called "handler()". Using
vampire though, you extend the name with the file type, thus:

index.html --> will call handler_html() in
about.html --> will call handler_html() in
report.pdf --> will call handler_pdf() in
report.csv --> will call handler_csv() in
feedback --> will call handler() in

Thus, you can use a more sensible file type in the URL without having
to resort to mod_rewrite rules. Further, where a specific resource can
be represented in multiple formats which are both generated on the
fly, you can have a handler for each in the same content handler .py
file, eg., as in .pdf and .csv case. You can also follow REST
and have no extension at all.

You aren't restricted to just having content handlers in a directory
though. You can still have other files such .html and .jpg files. If
Vampire determines that there is no content handler corresponding to
a request, it will decline to service it and pass it back to Apache
will then serve up the raw .html or .jpg file directly.

I should point out that Vampire is not a framework in the sense that
it doesn't dictate how your pages are rendered. That handler function
which is called is basically the same as a stock standard mod_python
handler method. Inside that function you still need to provide the code
which creates the response, although there is no reason why you can't
on a per resource case trigger off a different system such as PSP,
mpservlets or HTMLTemplate to generate the HTML.

More could be said, but best to check out:

Graham Dumpleton
