Impacket sequence numbers

2005-03-30 Thread ias0nas

I have been using Impacket to produce some packets, but unfortunatelly
it does not provide functionality for changing the sequence number of a
packet and leaves it to 0.
Is it possible to cjange the sequense number in some way?

Thank you


MAC changing

2005-03-29 Thread ias0nas

Is it possible to change the MAC address of a packet after I have
builded it?
I used impacket to build a packet that does not provide the function to
change the MAC. Is it possible to set the bytes of the packet where the
MAC is stored?
I don't want to use system calls to bring the card down and up again
with a different MAC, I need to change it in the packet

Thank you


Exception Handling

2005-03-28 Thread ias0nas

Is it possible to bypass an exception and continue the code?
If the exception is being raised in a while statement is it possible to
bypoass it and continue with the next while?

Thank you


Interface selection

2005-03-25 Thread ias0nas

How can I select on wich interface a socket will connect to?
Say I have a pc with one network card and a 56K modem, how can I select
on wich interface will the socket connect?

Thank you


Re: Interface selection

2005-03-25 Thread ias0nas
Actually its not a server. I dont do any binding call, just a connect.


Windows, Python and low level networking

2005-03-23 Thread ias0nas
Is it possible to have low level netwoking with python under Windows?
Like raw sockets?
Is it possible to send a single packet using python under windows?

Thank you
