Re: Python 2.7 released

2010-07-07 Thread imageguy

 I, too, have multiple versions installed -- newer ones for running code
 I haven't upgraded; older ones for compatibility testing where needed.
 I just install to the default c:\pythonxy directories (although I like
 the idea of a common root) and I put NTFS hardlinks into my general
 c:\tools directory which is on the path. The out-of-context hardlinks
 work because of the registry settings which pick up the correct context
 for each version.

Sorry to be daft here, but what do you mean by a hardlink ?
A windows Shortcut ?

I have just installed 2.7 and want to start upgrading some code, but
alas still want to maintain some 2.5 code too.


Re: Moving from PHP to Python. Is it Possible

2009-12-11 Thread imageguy
 So My question is.
 For example I had this kind of python file and we want to use this as plugin

   div class='foo'
   for n in range(3):
       # This indent will persist
   pThis paragraph will be
   repeated 3 times./p
   # This line will cause the block to end
   This line will only be shown

 on execution time, I want to import this template file, execute as python
 script and store output in a GLOBAL dictionary for later usage.

 Is it possible ?

Have you checked out one of the templating systems modules ?
I have used Cheetah quite successfully, but there a numerous other
I think you will find that a template system (like Cheetah) will give
you the best results with the most maintainable structure.


Inheritance and Design Question

2009-05-27 Thread imageguy
I have an object the I would like to use as a base class.  Some of the
methods I would like to override completely, but others I would simply
like to call the base class method and use the return value in the
child method.  The purpose here is to eliminate the duplication of
valuable code in the parent, when I really just need the child to
operate of a results of the parent.

Consider the following two classes;

class Parent(object):
def process(self, value):
retval = Parent.result('%s') % value
return retval

class Child(Parent):
def __init__(self):

def process(self, value):
retval = Child.result('%s') % super(Child, self).process
return retval


foo = Child()
print foo.process('the value')
 Child.result('Parent.result('the value')')

IS there another pattern or idiom that would accomplish this?
This seems a bit 'smelly' to me.  Also seems almost the inverse of
decorators, but I am not sure decorators would be appropriate in this

Any help suggestions would be appreciated.


Re: Killing threads

2009-04-05 Thread imageguy
On Apr 4, 10:43 pm, wrote:
      I'm new to python and even newer to threading and it seems as
 though I'm missing something fundamental about threads.  Basically I
 have a program that looks like this:

 class ThreadOne(threading.Thread):
      while 1:
           do stuff

 class ThreadTwo(threading.Thread):
      while 1:
           do other stuff

 first = ThreadOne()
 second = ThreadTwo()

 while 1:
     do stuff

 The issue that I'm having is...I don't know how to kill this app in
 window.  I hit ctrl-c but that only seems to kill one of the threads.
 The rest of the app just lingers.  There's got to be a more graceful
 way but so far I haven't googled anything up.

 I'm using queues to talk between these threads so I could certainly
 put some kind of message on the queue that causes the threads to
 commit suicide but I'm thinking there's a more built in way to do what
 I want.  I'm just not sure what it is.

 I'd appreciate it if somebody could point me in the right direction.

I am not an expert either, however, I think the standard practice is
to use and threading.Event to communicate with the threads.

So the structure goes something like this;
In the main thread set a threading.Event called 'keepgoing'.
Pass this object into the thread at instantiation or as a parameter in
the .start method
Over-ride the .run method to handle the process
Change the while loop's condition to check the .keepgoing.isSet()
In the primary thread, when you want the threads to stop, simply .clear
() the keepgoing event
The while loop terminates and at the end of the .run method, the
thread will terminate.

In the primary program, you should then .join() the worker threads.
- doing this will block the program until all of the thread have

So your example would become;

class ThreadOne(threading.Thread):

   def __init__(self, keepgoing):
  self.keepgoing = keepgoing

   def run(self)
 while self.keepgoing.isSet():
  do stuff thread one

class ThreadTwo(threading.Thread):

   def __init__(self, keepgoing):
  self.keepgoing = keepgoing

   def run(self)
 while self.keepgoing.isSet():
  do stuff in thread two
#now start the main process

keepgoing = threading.Event()

first = ThreadOne(keepgoing)
second = ThreadTwo(keepgoing)

# you could also pass in the variable with a thread.start() method,
which will then call the

while 1:
   do stuff
   if stop_condition:#keyboard interrupt ?

for worker in threading.enumerate():
if worker.isAlive():

FULL DISCLAIMER:  I am NOT a threading expert and have limited
experience, so if this doesn't work, you are on your own !


Re: Killing threads

2009-04-05 Thread imageguy

 For more info, see the slides from my thread 
 Aahz (           *

Aahz, thanks for this reference and link to your presentation.  At the
risk of highjacking the OP's question, I am bit confused as to how
using an Event would cause a deadlock.  You presentation outlines
Events, but doesn't elaborate on the specifics or usage.

In threading.Event python 2.5 docs say;
This is one of the simplest mechanisms for communication between
threads: one thread signals an event and other threads wait for it. 

Again, I have limited experience, however, in my reading of the
threading manual and review examples, Events were specifically design
to be a thread safe way to communicate a 'state' to running threads ?
In the OP's example 'do stuff' was open to wide interpretation,
however, if within the thread's main 'while' loop the tread checks to
see if the 'keepgoing' Event.isSet(), in what scenario would this
create deadlock ?

Thanks for your patience.  I thought I had grasped the basics of using
threads/threading, so hope I can learn more.



Re: split problem if the delimiter is inside the text limiter

2009-03-18 Thread imageguy

 You have to know the original encoding (I mean, the one used for the csv
 file), else there's nothing you can do. Then it's just a matter of
 decoding (to unicode) then encoding (to utf8), ie (if your source is in

 utf_string = latin1_string.decode(latin1).encode(utf8)

The OP mentioned using 'pgdb' which I assumed to mean he is using
PostgeSQL and the PygreSQL DB.
If that is the case, then PostgreSQL has an optional parameter call
'client_encoding'.  If this is set in within postgres db or as part of
the db transaction, then the db will accept the incoming data 'as is'
and  do the decoding internally saving this step and giving a bit of a
performance boost as well as the client (python) application doesn't
need to be concerned about it.

As you so correctly point out Bruno, you do need to know the original
encoding.  My comments above just simplify the db update process.

This part of the manual might be helpful

If 'pgdb' != PostgreSQL then please accept my apologies for this
intrusion in this thread.



Re: Restructure dictionary (Python 2.5)

2009-03-02 Thread imageguy
 ...  this is a crappy solution that's underusing Python. Please
 enlighten me of a better way!

 - Fencer

One thing that springs to mind is using the dict method .setdefault

for dkey, vallist in old_dict.iteritems():
for val in vallist:
new_dict.setdefault(val, set()).add(dkey)


Re: access to MS Access password-protected database?

2009-02-11 Thread imageguy
On Feb 11, 10:43 am, Ken McDonald
 Can anyone direct me towards a code snippet showing how to use Python  
 to insert data into a password-protected MS Access database? My google  
 searches have been uninformative for dbs that are password-protected.


You post is a little vague on specifics
- do you actually have access to the db ?
- can you open it with access ?
- can you currently read records using python ?

I am assuming you don't have access to the db through python, once you
do the rest is straight forward.

I use DSN-less connections.  This link below is quite helpful

If you aren't using the adodbapi (part of the pywin32 package), you
need to do something like this, assuming you access db is MS-Access
2000 and above.

import win32com
cnx = win32com.client.Dispatch('ADODB.connection')

parms = {}
parms['driver'] = '{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}'
parms['dbase'] = path_to_mdb
parms['sys_mdw'] = path_to_workgroup_security
parms['uid'] = userid_defined_in_mdw
parhs['pwd'] = pwd_for_uid_in_mdw

cnxtr = 'Driver=%(driver)s; DBQ=%(dbase)s; SYSTEMDB=%(sys_mdw)s; UID=%
(uid)s; PWD=%(pwd)s; ' % parms
cnx.ConnectionString = cnxstr

once you have an ADO Connection, execute SQL directly on the
connection like this

cnx.Execute('INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2) VALUES ('val1,

Or alternatively you should create RecordSets and manipulate these.

IF you need help understanding ADO I would recommend;

The examples are translateable to Python.
You create recordsets via;
rs = win32com.client.Dispatch('ADO.RecordSet')

If you don't have/weren't given the passwords to the DB, but you do
have access to the workgroup file ('*.MDW') file that stores the uid/
pwds and permission, then there are several third party tools that
will recover these for you. Google is your friend.

If you don't have access to the original .mdw ... well, I can't help
you and I don't think anyone can.

Good luck.

Re: kinterbasdb + firebird 1.5 with python 2.6 ?

2009-02-03 Thread imageguy
On Feb 3, 2:32 pm, Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 Does anyone know how to get firebird 1.5 driver (kinterbasdb) for
 FireBird 1.5?

 My problem:

     * python 2.6 already installed on a server
     * there is a firebird 1.5 database on the same server
     * I need to access it from python 2.6

 Any thoughts?

Have you asked on the Firebird list ?
The original maintainer of kinterbasedb passed away and maintenance
was taken over by the Firebird project.  See this link.

Sorry, but that is the best I can do.



Re: DrPython and py2exe

2009-01-23 Thread imageguy

But the irritating thing is that DOS window stays open until
 particular instance of DrPython isn't closed.

This is a relatively simple fix I think.
You can change the extension of the to drpython.pyw and
the python windows
executable (pythonw.exe) will launch the program instead of the
executable (python.exe).

 Traceback (most recent call last):
    File, line 46, in module
    File wxversion.pyc, line 152, in select
 wxversion.VersionError: Requested version of wxPython not found

check out the wiki on 'multi version installs'.

drPython is probably selecting a specific version of wxpython and
py2exe doesn't like it or
can't find it. Once you solve that, py2exe will work fine with


Re: Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?

2009-01-13 Thread imageguy
On Jan 13, 1:01 am, Miles wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 12:02 AM, imageguy wrote:
  Using py2.5.4 and entering the following lines in IDLE, I don't really
  understand why I get the result shown in line 8.

  Note the difference between lines 7 and 10 is that 'else' clause
  result enclosed in brackets, however, in line 2, both the 'c,d'
  variables are assign correctly without the brackets being required.

  1)  n = None
  2)  c,d = n if n is not None else 0,0
  3)  print c,d, type(c), type(d)
  4) 0 0 type 'int' type 'int'

 The ternary expression has higher precedence than the comma, so the
 actual effect of line 2 (and 8) is:

  c, d = (n if n is not None else 0), 0

 Or written more explicitly:

  c = n if n is not None else 0
  d = 0

 So the only correct way to write the expression, for the result you
 want, is to use your line 10:

  10)   c,d = n if n is not None else (0,0)

 But if you're struggling with the precedence issues, I'd recommend
 ditching ternary expressions altogether and using full conditional


Hadn't thought through the operator precedence and the affect of the
This was the first time I tried to use with tuples, so will be more
careful next time
or stick to control blocks.



Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?

2009-01-12 Thread imageguy
Using py2.5.4 and entering the following lines in IDLE, I don't really
understand why I get the result shown in line 8.

Note the difference between lines 7 and 10 is that 'else' clause
result enclosed in brackets, however, in line 2, both the 'c,d'
variables are assign correctly without the brackets being required.

Any chance someone could enlighten me on the rules for tuple unpacking
as this seems inconsistent.

1)  n = None
2)  c,d = n if n is not None else 0,0
3)  print c,d, type(c), type(d)
4) 0 0 type 'int' type 'int'
5)  n = 22,11
6)  print n, type(n)
(22, 11) type 'tuple'
7)  c,d = n if n is not None else 0,0
8)  print c,d
9) (22, 11) 0
10)   c,d = n if n is not None else (0,0)
11)  print c,d
12) 22 11


Re: Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?

2009-01-12 Thread imageguy

 understand why I get the result shown in line 8.

7)  c,d = n if n is not None else 0,0
8)  print c,d
9) (22, 11) 0

OOPS sorry that should be line 9.


Re: Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string

2009-01-03 Thread imageguy
On Jan 2, 7:33 pm, John Machin wrote:

 For some very strange definition of works. You say you have 'bgr'
 and want to convert it to 'rbg'. The following code converts 'bgr' to
 'rgb', which is somewhat more plausible, but not what you said you

Well that's embarrassing ... you are correct.  I need to convert from
'bgr' to 'rgb'

Thanks to all others for suggestions

FWIW, I realized the the C.types string buffer is/was mutable so
settled on this;

for start in xrange(0, ctypes.sizeof(buffer), 3):
if buffer[start] != buffer[start+2]:
 #only need to swap the bits if they are different.  ie if
both are white or black, no change is required.
 blue, red = buffer[start], buffer[start+2]
 buffer[start], buffer[start+2] = red, blue

This was about 30-40% faster that converting to list, processing and
then converting back again.

Will try the array module too
... but I think I need to find a new graphic package rather that makes
working with the bits easier.



Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string

2009-01-02 Thread imageguy
I am looking for the most efficient method of replacing a repeating
sequence in a byte string returned from a imaging .dll, connected via

I receive the byte string with the following sequence 'bgrbgrbgrbgr'
and I would like to convert this to 'rbgrbgrbgrbg'
FWIW, the string is created using ctypes.create_string_buffer function

The following code works but feels a bit clunk and is rather slow too.

blist = list(buffer)
for start in xrange(0,len(blist), 3):
blue = blist[start]
red = blist[start+2]
blist[start] = red
blist[start+2] = blue
   except IndexError:

new_buffer = ''.join(blist)

new_buffer is then passed to a wx program to create and image.

Any thoughts comments would be appreciated.


PS:  I started this post earlier, but I think I hit the send button
too soon.  My apologies to the group for sloppy typing.


Re: something else instead of PIL?

2008-12-18 Thread imageguy
On Dec 17, 3:48 pm, Reimar Bauer wrote:

 what has happened to PIL? No updates since two years.

 Or does one know an alternative lib for resizing images?


I have found the FreeImage library with the Python bindings quite
workable. I work with multi-page TIF images and this seemed to be the
best option.

 The FreeImage library seems to be actively maintained too (Last
release in July 08 with updates to many of the image processing plug-
ins).  The python bindings took me a bit to understand as they try to
emulate PIL, however they are implemented using ctypes, so you can
change/manage yourself if needed.  I found working directly with the
functions exported from the .dll the best option and gave the best

Freeimage site:
Python bindings:

Hope that helps.  Good luck.  Working with images/graphics can make my
brain hurt sometimes.



Re: dBase III files and Visual Foxpro 6 files

2008-12-09 Thread imageguy
On Dec 8, 2:53 am, Ethan Furman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Greetings All!

 I nearly have support complete for dBase III dbf/dbt files -- just
 wrapping up support for dates.  The null value has been a hindrance for
 awhile but I nearly have that solved as well.

 For any who know of a cool dbf module already in existence for dBase III
 and Visual Foxpro -- where were you six months ago when I was searching?
   ;)  Seriously, though, this has been a great learning experience for me.

 As I said -- dbf/dbt files are 99% ready.  idx files -- no support:  for
 my purposes I just don't need them.  I've found no problem in loading
 tables up to 300,000 records with 50 fields per record, and re-ordering
 them on the fly in memory.

 However, after putting much effort into this code, and wanting it to be
 useful to others in the community, are there others who work with dbf
 files that would need idx/cdx support?  Or tables so large they won't
 fit comfortably into memory?


I occasionally need access to dbf files.  In the past I have used the
recipe found in the
python cookbook on the activestate website.  I do not need access to
the idx/cdx as I have found that
loading the records from the table into memory worked well for me too.

If/When you release would enjoy having a peak.


Re: Executing a hidden/background program

2008-11-03 Thread imageguy
On Nov 2, 6:32 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 2, 3:59 am, Mike Driscoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You probably want to create a Windows service with Python. There are
  various ways to accomplish this.

 Was considering a Windows service too, however would like to avoid
 that as non-Admin users may not be able to do that. While I'm not
 familiar with threading, I'm considering starting a seperate thread
 and use a function such as os.pexec that hangs until the external
 daemon .exe exists.

Check out the wx.lib.delayedresults option in the demo.

Since wx.App needs to run as the main thread, you might be able to run
your as the 'delayedresult'.  As for the main frame of your app,
simply Hide()/Show() when it needs to be visible.  When the wx.App
closes, the thread running the service will automatically shut down.

Other than that ... I think it is a bit more complicated and will
probably require asyncore and/or asynchat.

Re: String to hexadecimal conversion

2008-09-12 Thread imageguy
On Sep 8, 5:05 am, Praveena P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi folks,

 I am new to Python... so am not too sure about how the type conversion

 I have to read a file that contains hexadecimal data and use the data
 further to do some arithmetic calculations.
 A sample of the input is : 20E032F8400022005E
 The problem I am facing is this:
 I am using to read a byte at a time, but the data that is
 read is a string rather than a number. So it kind of hampers any
 arithmetic operations I perform on this data...

 Could you please suggest some method I could use for this?

 Thanks guys!

check out the struct module in the standard python library.
It's title says it all Interpreting strings as packed binary data.
I used this extensively to reverse engineer a couple proprietary file

You can read large chucks of the file - perhaps a record ? - and then
based on the format provided, convert it to a tuple.

Good luck.


Examples using msilib to build windows installers

2008-04-03 Thread imageguy
I have been using InnoSetup to distribute my wxpython app and ir works
great, howver, I would like to offer a *.msi installer to customers as
an option and this isn't available using Innosetup.

It would appear to me that the msilib library included with standard
python 2.5 would allow be to do this. I found the source code that
builds the python distrubition installer packages, but I was wondering
if there were other examples that I can learn from.


distutils setup - changing the location in site-packages

2008-02-21 Thread imageguy
I am hoping if someone can set me straight.

I have created a  setup script for a module, however, when running the
install on my own machine,  I would like to place the module in a
specific site-packages directory/package.

So if I start with a module in


I want to end up with;


I have the setup script working, however, when I run the install, it
places the module in the root of site-packages.

The following is the deatils from the script
setup (
  name = mymodule,
  version = 0.1,
  description = My modules special description,
  author = me,
  author_email = [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  py_modules = [exceptionhandler]

This is for development purposes.  I would like to have a development
copy of some tools, but when ready and tested publish them to the
site-packages where they can be included in production code.

Any guidance/suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: Removal of element from list while traversing causes the next element to be skipped

2008-01-29 Thread imageguy
On Jan 29, 12:34 pm, William McBrine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Look at this -- from Python 2.5.1:

  a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  for x in a:

 ...     if x == 3:
 ...         a.remove(x)
 ...     print x

 [1, 2, 4, 5]

 Sure, the resulting list is correct. But 4 is never printed during the

 What I was really trying to do was this:

 apps = [name for name in os.listdir(ROOT) if
         os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ROOT, name))]

 apptitles = {}

 for name in apps:
         app = __import__(name)
         apptitles[name] = getattr(app, 'TITLE', name.title())

 which worked fine, until I actually had a directory with no module in it.
 Then that directory was correctly removed from the list, but the _next_
 one was skipped, so its title was never assigned, which caused problems
 later in the program.

 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 -- pass it on

You should not change/modify the original sequence iterating over.
In the list comprehension, try changing os.listdir(ROOT) to
os.listdir(ROOT)[:] so you are get a copy of the original list.


application version checking against database

2007-09-07 Thread imageguy
We are trying to implement a system that checks the version of the
application against a version number stored in the database.  We don't
want the app and the db don't become out of sync.

We have tried setting a __version__ variable in the top most module,
however, it seems that this is not accessible for the modules that are
subsequently imported.  There are a several locations in the app where
we want to do the version check, but we would like to have one place
to set the version number, namely the top level module.

We have thought of creating a Version class and passing it around, but
aren't really keen on that idea.

Any suggestions/ideas would be helpful.

NOTE: the app is developed in wxPython.



Re: py2exe - change name of exe created

2007-09-07 Thread imageguy
Sorry for the double post, sent it to quickly.

I have a setup script like this;

setup(windows = [{,
other_resources: [(24,1,manifest)]}
name = My Program ver 0.1,
data_files = [(,rootdata)],
zipfile = None,
options = {py2exe: {
   compressed : 1,
bundle_files: 3

Note that every thing works fine with this and creates an exe program

I would like to setup program to create an output called;

IS that at all possible ?



py2exe - change name of exe created

2007-09-07 Thread imageguy
I have a setup script like this;

setup(windows = [{,
other_resources: [(24,1,manifest)]}
name = Nabbitt ver 0.1,
data_files = [(,rootdata)],
zipfile = None,
options = {py2exe: {
compressed : 1,
[w9xpopen.exe],  #should also exclude
bundle_files: 3 # 
1=Single .exe, 2=.exe with


Re: py2exe - change name of exe created

2007-09-07 Thread imageguy
On Sep 7, 11:22 am, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 imageguy schrieb:

  Sorry for the double post, sent it to quickly.

  I have a setup script like this;

  setup(windows = [{,
  other_resources: [(24,1,manifest)]}
  name = My Program ver 0.1,
  data_files = [(,rootdata)],
  zipfile = None,
  options = {py2exe: {
 compressed : 1,
  bundle_files: 3

  Note that every thing works fine with this and creates an exe program

  I would like to setup program to create an output called;

  IS that at all possible ?

 Yes.  Use a 'dest_base' key in the dictionary, like so:

  setup(windows = [{,

  dest_base: MyBestProgram, 
 other_resources: [(24,1,manifest)]}


 'dest_base' is the basename of the destination program that py2exe creates.

 Thomas- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

I really appreciate the response.
Where would I find that in the docs ?  Thought I had searched



py2exe - change name of exe created

2007-09-07 Thread imageguy
I have a setup script like this;

setup(windows = [{,
other_resources: [(24,1,manifest)]}
name = Nabbitt ver 0.1,
data_files = [(,rootdata)],
zipfile = None,
options = {py2exe: {
compressed : 1,
[w9xpopen.exe],  #should also exclude
bundle_files: 3 # 
1=Single .exe, 2=.exe with


Re: Open HTML file in IE

2007-07-19 Thread imageguy
On Jul 18, 3:20 am, gravey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Apologies if this is a basic question, but I want to open a HTML
 file from my local drive (is generated by another Python script)
 in Internet Explorer. I've had a look at the webbrowser module and
 this doesn't seem to be what I need. Any help much appreciated.

check out the os module.
os.startfile(your_htmlfile.html) should do it.


Re: msbin to ieee

2007-05-10 Thread imageguy
On May 6, 6:44 pm, revuesbio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone have the python version of the conversion from msbin to
 Thank u

Not sure if this helps, but I think this thread has the answer;

Check out the response from Bengt Richter.  His function did the right


Re: Rendering text question (context is MSWin UI Automation)

2007-01-23 Thread imageguy
 I am trying to use UI Automation to drive an MS Windows app (with pywinauto).

 I need to scrape the app's window contents and use some form of OCR to get at
 the texts (pywinauto can't get at them).

 As an alternative to integrating an OCR engine, and since I know the fonts and
 sizes used to write on the app's windows, I reasoned that I could base a 
 text recognition module on the capability to drive MSWindows text rendering - 
 to generate pixmaps of texts I expect to find in the driven app's windows, 
 to the pixel.

 The advantage of that approach would be exactitude and self-containment.

 I've verified manually inside an Idle window, that indeed I could produce
 pixmaps of expected app texts, exact to the pixel (with Tkinter+screen capture
 at least).

 I could use help to turn this into a programmable capability, ie : A simple -
 with Tkinter or otherwise - way to wrap access to the MS Windows UI text
 rendering engine, as a function that would return a picture of rendered text,
 given a string, a font, a size and colors ?

 And ideally, without interfering with screen contents ?

 Thanks in advance for any guidance,

 Boris Borcic

I was looking for ( and still am searching for) similiar functionality.
 Specifically I would like to be able to capture a small area of the
screen (a number or a code) and convert this to text that can be used
in my application.

When I asked my question, I was directed to the Microsoft Accessibility
tool kit.
Serach on this list for the post titled;
Reading text labels from a Win32 window

I work with wxPython and Win32 applications exclusively.

So if I can be of any help or assistance, please let me know.

