Packing byte fields and an array object into struct

2013-11-13 Thread krishna2prasad

I am trying to build a structure to be passed down to an I2C device driver. The 
driver expects a struct that has a data array of size 512 bytes among other 
things. This is my code -

rd_wr   = 0x0   # Read operation
i2c_addr= addr
mux = mux_sel
multi_len   = count
cmd = 0x0 
i2c_inst_type = CHEL_I2C_AUTO_RD_TYPE_5
status  = 0x0 
data= array.array('B', (0 for x in range(0,512)))

os_inst_bytes = (struct.pack('B', rd_wr)  +
 struct.pack('B', i2c_addr)   +
 struct.pack('B', mux)+
 struct.pack('B', multi_len)  +   
 struct.pack('B', cmd)+
 struct.pack('B', i2c_inst_type)  +
 struct.pack('B', flag)   +
 struct.pack('I', status) +   
 struct.pack('512B', data))

#Convert to byte array
os_inst = bytearray(os_inst_bytes)

ret = fcntl.ioctl(self._dev_fd,
  os_inst, 1)

I get an error like this -

591  struct.pack('B', flag)   +
592  struct.pack('I', status) +

-- 593 struct.pack('512B', data))

error: pack requires exactly 512 arguments

In [1]:

Even though data is a 512 element array, it is not treat as such in this 
struct.pack. The data field is used to return data from the driver. I should be 
able to unpack the struct os_inst and read the data buffer after the IOCTL 
call. How can I achieve this ?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Packing byte fields and an array object into struct

2013-11-13 Thread krishna2prasad

Correction in the last input line...

In [16]: result = struct.unpack('5p', os_inst[11:16])
error Traceback (most recent call last)
ipython-input-16-42b59e00d5af in module()
 1 result = struct.unpack('5p', os_inst[11:16])

error: unpack requires a bytes object of length 5

In [17]: 

Re: Packing byte fields and an array object into struct

2013-11-13 Thread krishna2prasad
Thanks for your reply Ned!

I tried this your suggestion and this is what it complains...

os_inst_bytes = struct.pack('7BI512s', 0, 0x51, 0x10, 5, 0, 0xD, 0x80, 0, '')

Traceback (most recent call last)
ipython-input-6-d36f45a8d3e6 in module()
 1 os_inst_bytes = struct.pack('7BI512s', 0, 0x51, 0x10, 5, 0, 0xD, 0x80, 
0, )

error: argument for 's' must be a bytes object

In [7]: 

And about the bytearray() call, I want to pass a mutable object to the IOCTL to 
be able to get the data back from the driver. Without bytearray(), the ioctl 
with mutable flag set to 1 would complain.

I tried to use the p format specifier with pack after converting the array 
object to byte stream. Packing seems fine. However, I cant seem to unpack.

In [1]: import array

In [2]: import struct

In [3]: data= array.array('B', (1 for x in range(5)))

In [4]: data_bytes  = data.tobytes()

In [5]: os_inst_bytes = struct.pack('7BIp', 0, 0x51, 0x10, 5, 0, 0xD, 0x80, 0, 

In [6]: 

In [6]: os_inst = bytearray(os_inst_bytes)

In [7]: result = struct.unpack('7B', os_inst[0:7])

In [8]: print(result)
(0, 81, 16, 5, 0, 13, 128)

In [9]: result = struct.unpack('I', os_inst[7:11])

In [10]: print(result)

In [11]: result = struct.unpack('5s', os_inst[11:16])
error Traceback (most recent call last)
ipython-input-11-da14a6693435 in module()
 1 result = struct.unpack('5s', os_inst[11:16])

error: unpack requires a bytes object of length 5

In [12]: 


Illegal seek error with seek() and os.lseek()

2013-05-14 Thread krishna2prasad
I am trying to use and os.lseek() methods to operate on a device file 
in Linux. My code goes something like this -

 # first, open the file as a plain binary
 self.file = open(/dev/relpcfpga, r+b, buffering=0)
 except IOError:
 raise IOError ('Failed to open.')

 # Figure out file size, 2)
  self.file_size = self.file.tell()

The method seek() complains OSError: [Errno 29] Illegal seek
The device relpcfpga is a char device.

The same code works with a normal text file.
I have tried to use and os.lseek() methods, but see the same error.
Is there a different method to operate on device files?
