Can't catch CTRL-C when SimpleXMLRPCServer running ?

2013-02-20 Thread shearichard
Hi - I have a script which instantiates a SimpleXMLRPCServer server and which I 
use to simulate a 'real server' when developing client scripts which will 
eventually get used with the 'real server'.

I would like to stop the script running in response to a CTRL-C.

The script is run on windows.

The script looks like this ...

from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
from SimulateCRRWebServices import SimulateCRRWebServices
import signal
import sys
#Set up signal handler
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
print 'Closing down now'

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
#Set up XMLRPC Server
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(('localhost', 42001), logRequests=True)
#Off we go ...
print 'Use Control-C to exit'

... the trouble the script is unable to see my CTRL-C's !

As a reference I've written another script which *does* catch CTRL-C's ...

import signal
import sys
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
print 'You pressed Ctrl+C!'
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
print 'Press Ctrl+C'
while True:

... so is there a way around this ?

Be grateful for any advice.


Object Models - decoupling data access - good examples ?

2012-08-04 Thread shearichard
I'm interested in best practice approaches to : decoupling data access code 
from application code; and translations between database structures and domain 

For some time I've done database access by in a particular way and while I 
think it's OK it's not very pythonic so I'd be interested in hearing of other 
approaches - even better if there are open source examples whose code might be 

I should say I'm talking relational database here and, for various reasons, 
ORMs are not involved.

So this is what I do (in a one class project call 'bar') in order to allow 
objects of type foo to be fetched/inserted/updated


And this is what they actually do :

The class as the outside world knows it 

Manages database connection

Exposes methods used by bar/ such as 'save'/'update' etc and implements 
necessary validation etc

A collection of getters/setters which does any translation between types 
necessary on the way to/from the rdbms

Implements the actual SQL necessary for the relevant interactions with the 

As I say this works OK for me but I'd be interested to hear of what others do.




Re: [newbie] Looking for a good introduction to object oriented programming with Python

2012-08-04 Thread shearichard
One reason you may be having difficulty is that unlike some languages 
(C++/Java) object-orientation is not a be all and end all in Python, in fact 
you could work with Python for a long time without really 'doing it' at all 
(well other than calling methods/properties on existing API's). Having said 
that here's what I would suggest ...

Could do worse than this :

and this

read together.

Judging by your question this is a probably a little advanced for now but you 
could bookmark it for the future:

Here's the corresponding PDF to go with the video:


Re: Object Models - decoupling data access - good examples ?

2012-08-04 Thread shearichard
 Just out of curiosity, why do you eschew ORMs?
Good question !

I'm not anti-ORM (in fact in many circs I'm quite pro-ORM) but for some time 
I've been working with a client who doesn't want ORMs used (they do have quite 
good reasons for this although probably not as good as they think). 

I was interested to know, given that was the case, how you might - in Python, 
go about structuring an app which didn't use an ORM but which did use a RDBMS 
fairly intensively.

I take your point about having rolled my own ORM - lol - but I can assure you 
what's in that 'bardb' is a pretty thin layer over the SQL and nothing like 
the, pretty amazing, functionality of, for instance, SQLAlchemy.


Re: constant sharing works differently in REPL than in script ?

2012-06-19 Thread shearichard
Thanks for all the replies. I hadn't thought about the opportunities that exist 
for optimization when the whole script is there (or when compound operations 
are taking place) by contrast with plain old REPL ops.

I liked your code Chris demoing the different ranges in different versions. I 
tried to write something like that myself but you did it an awful lot better !


constant sharing works differently in REPL than in script ?

2012-06-18 Thread shearichard
Listening to 'Radio Free Python' episode 8 
( - around about the 30 minute mark) I 
heard that Python pre creates some integer constants to avoid a proliferation 
of objects with the same value.

I was interested in this and so I decided to try it out.

First I did this at the prompt :

 c = 1
 print id(1)
 print id(c)
 c is 1

So that matched what I'd heard and then I did this to test the limits of it :

 c = 259
 print id(259)
 print id(c)
 c is 259

And that was reasonable too as the podcast mentioned it was only done for a 
small set of integers around zero.

However when I wrote this script :

c = 259
print id(259)
print id(c)
if c is 259:
print %s - yes % (c)
print %s - no  % (c)

I got this output :

259 - yes

So what's going on here. The script seems to be sharing objects in a way the 
REPL isn't ?

Can anyone explain please ?

BTW this is all on : Python 2.6.1 (r261:67517, Dec  4 2008, 16:51:00) [MSC 
v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 .


Serialize my class as JSON causes __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'indent' ?

2010-12-18 Thread shearichard
Hi - I've got a straightforward class I want to serialize as JSON
(actually I want to a serialize a list of them but I believe that's

I've subclassed JSONEncoder and defined my own version of the
'default' method ( based upon what I read at
) but when I then try to serialize the class I get the (fairly weird)
error message : TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword
argument 'indent'.

I suspect I'm doing something pretty fundamentally wrong but I don't
know what - can anyone tell me what's wrong (or alternatively tell me
how to log this as a bug ;-)

Here's my test case :

import json
class SuperPeople(object):
class People(SuperPeople, json.JSONEncoder):
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.__name = name
self.__age = age
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, People):
return [obj.__name, obj.__age]
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

def main():
lstPeople = []
lstPeople.append(People(Mary, 50))
lstPeople.append(People(Joe, 40))
lstPeople.append(People(Sue, 30))

print json.dumps(lstPeople, cls=People)

if __name__ == __main__:

... and this is what the stacktrace looks like  

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 24, in module
  File, line 20, in main
json.dumps(lstPeople, cls=People)
  File C:\bin\installed\Python2.6\lib\json\, line 237, in
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'indent'

... I'm running Python 2.6 on Win32.

All suggestions welcomed .



Re: Serialize my class as JSON causes __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'indent' ?

2010-12-18 Thread shearichard
On Dec 18, 11:30 pm, Peter Otten wrote:
 shearichard wrote:
  Hi - I've got a straightforward class I want to serialize as JSON
  (actually I want to a serialize a list of them but I believe that's

  I've subclassed JSONEncoder and defined my own version of the
  'default' method ( based upon what I read at but when I then try to
  serialize the class I get the (fairly weird) error message : TypeError:
  __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'indent'.

  I suspect I'm doing something pretty fundamentally wrong but I don't
  know what - can anyone tell me what's wrong (or alternatively tell me
  how to log this as a bug ;-)

  Here's my test case :

  import json
  class SuperPeople(object):
  class People(SuperPeople, json.JSONEncoder):
      def __init__(self, name, age):
          self.__name = name
          self.__age = age
      def default(self, obj):
          if isinstance(obj, People):
              return [obj.__name, obj.__age]
              return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

  def main():
      lstPeople = []
      lstPeople.append(People(Mary, 50))
      lstPeople.append(People(Joe, 40))
      lstPeople.append(People(Sue, 30))

      print json.dumps(lstPeople, cls=People)

  if __name__ == __main__:

  ... and this is what the stacktrace looks like  

  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File, line 24, in module
    File, line 20, in main
      json.dumps(lstPeople, cls=People)
    File C:\bin\installed\Python2.6\lib\json\, line 237, in
  TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'indent'

  ... I'm running Python 2.6 on Win32.

  All suggestions welcomed .

 You pass the encoder *class* to json.dumps(), so the function has to
 instantiate it. It does that with the arguments that an encoder class must
 accept. There's no way for it to expect that an encoder requires a name and
 an age.

 The solution is to separate the encoder and the class that shall be encoded.
 Here's one way:

 import json

 class People(object):
     def __init__(self, name, age):
         self.__name = name
         self.__age = age
     def get_json_state(self):
         return [self.__name, self.__age]

 class PeopleEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
     def default(self, obj):
         if isinstance(obj, People):
             return obj.get_json_state()
             return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

 def main():
     lstPeople = []
     lstPeople.append(People(Mary, 50))
     lstPeople.append(People(Joe, 40))
     lstPeople.append(People(Sue, 30))

     print json.dumps(lstPeople, cls=PeopleEncoder)

 if __name__ == __main__:

Brilliant - thank you very much.

Now that you've explained it I can see why the documentation is
written the way it is ! Before I saw your example I thought the
documentation was a bit strange but I can see now what it was trying
to tell me !

Your help is much appreciated.



Re: Newbie question about importing modules.

2010-12-17 Thread shearichard
On Dec 17, 4:42 pm, cronoklee wrote:
 I'm starting my first python project but I'm having trouble getting
 off the ground.
 I've read all I can find about relative and absolute import paths but
 it's just not making sense to me... There seems to be around ten
 different ways to import a script.

 I need my project to be portable so I can copy the whole folder to run
 on any PC that has python installed. Is it always possible to simply
 include modules in the project directory and reference them without
 installing into the main python directory? I've managed this with
 small classes through trial and error but when I try it with anything
 larger (like PIL module for example) I get errors. Do I need to
 actually install anything or is it enough just to include the relevant

 All the modules I've found come with tonnes of files and
 subdirectories. Do I need all these files or should I just choose the
 scripts/folders I need?


You may find this useful as an overview of importing ...

... also this ...

I may be stating the obvious but here's an example of using the Image
object offered by PIL ...

from PIL import Image

... as documented here ...

Regarding bundling PIL with an app I'd second what Tim Roberts has to
say regarding py2Exe




pudb on windows (dependent upon unix only termios ?)

2010-12-16 Thread shearichard
Hi - I was just trying to install the Python debugger pudb (http:// and easy install fell over saying it
couldn't find a module termios.

It turns out termios is only for Unix (

Does anyone know of way around this ? Is there an equivalent to
termios which would run on windows and which could be hacked into
pudb ?

Alternatively suggestions for a pudb workalike ? (I like the console/
keyboard centric aspect of pudb).




Re: PEP8 compliance and exception messages ?

2010-12-07 Thread shearichard
On Dec 6, 6:21 pm, Ben Finney wrote:
 shearichard writes:
  Hi - PEP8 says lines should not exceed 79 characters in length

  So if you've got some code that looks like this :

  raise fooMod.fooException(Some message which is quite long)

 PEP 8 also says those names are poorly chosen. Better:

     raise foomod.FooException(Some message which is quite long)

  raise fooMod.fooException(\
          Some message \
          which is quite long)

 Take advantage of the parsing of string literals and parenthesis:

     raise foomod.FooException(
         Some message
          which is quite long)

 and for the sake of my eyes, avoid camelCase.

OK you got me ! Thanks for pointing this out, I will take a look at
the relevant section

Re: PEP8 compliance and exception messages ?

2010-12-07 Thread shearichard
On Dec 7, 9:17 am, Andreas Waldenburger use...@geekmail.invalid
 On Mon, 6 Dec 2010 00:22:49 -0500 Andreas Waldenburger 
 use...@geekmail.invalid wrote:

  On Sun, 5 Dec 2010 19:52:54 -0800 Chris Rebert

   On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 7:40 PM, shearichard
Hi - PEP8 says lines should not exceed 79 characters in length

So if you've got some code that looks like this :

raise fooMod.fooException(Some message which is quite long)

... and assuming a certain amount of indenting you're going to
break that guideline.


   Alternatively, you could disregard PEP 8 on this point on the
   grounds that the 79/80 characters per line limit is outdated.

  Maybe, but it's not outmoded.

 As a more useful (I hope) reply, my opinion in this case is to just make the 
 line a little longer. Even if you can't read it all at once, it is pretty 
 obvious what comes next: The rest of the error message. There is no 
 additional functionality hidden there, and you don't need to see it all at 
 once to grasp the meaning of the code.


 To reach me via email, replace INVALID with the country code of my home
 country.  But if you spam me, I'll be one sour Kraut.

Thanks to everyone for their helpful replies.

Thanks for the pointers towards implicit (or explicit) string
concatenation - just what was needed.

I appreciate everyone has different opinions by I'm happy to try to
stick with 79 character lines for the meantime - largely for the 'may
have a wide screen but like to have lots of files open in slim
windows' reason.




Re: find memory leaks in running program

2010-12-07 Thread shearichard
On Dec 8, 5:51 am, Marco Hornung wrote:

 1. What are the best tools to analyze pythons memory stack, while it is 
 2. Is there a possibility to analyze the memory stack of a program with 
 external programs? (without to change the source code - I am only interested 
 in the object size)
 3. Can I sort of break into the memory to see what objects consume how much 

 my scenario
 I have to debug a multithreaded server, which is written in the 
 twisted-framework. One of the processes has some sort of memory leak - After 
 one of our jobs is finished the main process has still over 59% of the entire 
 memory allocated. I will probably have to recreate our scenario and equip our 
 server with some memory sensors - but  it takes 12h to reproduce the scenario 
 and I will have to change the source code(at least I do not know of other 
 Therefore I am looking for quicker possibilities to look into what causes our 
 memory leak.


I haven't used this myself but sometime ago I bookmarked yappi which
may go some way towards helping you ...

... also sometime ago I was at presentation (Pycon NZ 2009) where the
twisted.manhole functionality was used to hook a remote console up to
a running twisted task and examine the interior of the target task.
Can't remember the details but someone else here may be able to help.
This touches upon the idea ...

... and in turn references Heapy which I'd forgotten about but may
also be useful in your circs ...




PEP8 compliance and exception messages ?

2010-12-05 Thread shearichard
Hi - PEP8 says lines should not exceed 79 characters in length
( ).

So if you've got some code that looks like this :

raise fooMod.fooException(Some message which is quite long)

... and assuming a certain amount of indenting you're going to break
that guideline.

However there's a way around that ! You can do this ...

raise fooMod.fooException(\
Some message \
which is quite long)

... but the trouble is when that Exception is raised the message is
displayed as :

Some message which is quite long

I'm aware that a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of something or
the other so maybe I should just let the PEP8 verifier complain but
otherwise does anyone have any ideas for how to get around this ?




Pypi (Cheeseshop) Score - derivation of ?

2010-11-24 Thread shearichard
Hi - Anyone know how the score offered by Pypi is derived ?

For instance in ...

... 'bud.nospam 1.0.1' has a score of 9 but 'pydspam 1.1.9' has a
score of 7.

Where are those numbers from and what do they mean ?




Re: Pypi (Cheeseshop) Score - derivation of ?

2010-11-24 Thread shearichard
On Nov 25, 3:54 pm, Ben Finney wrote:
 shearichard writes:
  Hi - Anyone know how the score offered by Pypi is derived ?

 Specifically, the score offered in response to a search query.

  For instance in ...

  ... 'bud.nospam 1.0.1' has a score of 9 but 'pydspam 1.1.9' has a
  score of 7.

  Where are those numbers from and what do they mean ?

 They are the relevance of the result to that particular search query. I
 don't know the scale of the score or how it's derived, but that's the
 intended meaning AFAIK.

 I think a better term than “score” could be chosen; perhaps you could
 submit a bug report against PyPI.

OK that makes sense. I thought it was some comment on how 'good' the
package in question was !

I will do as you say and submit a bug report to get the literal
altered to something a little more self-explanatory.


PIL - despeckle image ?

2006-11-16 Thread shearichard
Hi - I have some images which I would like to remove specks from using
the PIL. I would like to be able to say that if a pixel is in a blob of
less than n contiguous pixels then all pixels in that blob should be

The images are 8 bit images with only 0 and 255 values.

I can think of quite crude ways of doing this but I'm sure there are
some smart ways of doing it - would anyone be able to point me in the
right direction ?

Lastly in case it matters the reason I'm doing this is that the images
are scanned images of sheets of papers on which sample signatures have
been placed. Typically the signatures are much smaller than the sheets
of paper so I would like to 'autocrop' the images to remove the white
space around the signature. At some point in the process the images
having picked up small islands of pixels (dust on scanner or paper ?)
which are nowhere near the signature but which are causing my autocrop
efforts to go awry.




MySQLdb - parameterised SQL - how to see resulting SQL ?

2006-05-17 Thread shearichard
Hi - I've got SQL that looks like this ...

cursor =
sqlQuery = SELECT * FROM T1 WHERE C1 = %s and C2 = %s
sql = cursor.execute(sqlQuery,(strURLAlias,strSessionID))
rows = cursor.fetchall()

... i would be interested in seeing what the actual SQL used by the
.execute looks like after the replacements have been done. Is there a
way of doing this ?




MySQLdb begin() -

2006-04-25 Thread shearichard
Hi - Feeling a bit weird about this but I cannot find the 'begin'
method on a connection object of MySQLdb. Can anyone explain why ?

I'm using version 1.2.0 which is pretty recent and I've read that
'begin' should be a method of connection but it's not there ! Feeling
pretty puzzled !

Below are the details of what I see ...

 import MySQLdb
 c= MySQLdb.Connect(host='localhost', user='a',passwd='b', db='c',compress=1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'Connection' object has no attribute 'begin'

Be interested in any comments.




Re: MySQLdb begin() -

2006-04-25 Thread shearichard
What do i expect the begin method to do ?

Explicitly start a transaction (and therefore suppress autocommits) in
an environment where autocommit is on.

No i haven't read the pep, thanks for that.


Re: MySQLdb begin() -

2006-04-25 Thread shearichard
Thanks for your advice. In fact subsquent to posting I started using

conn.autocommit = False

... as a synonm for ...


... and as you say that does the job. (Sorry i should have said it's
not practicable to turn off autocommit always [or rather it may be but
I'm not about to shake the boat to that extent just now ;-]

As to what I was reading yes it's here ...

... or more succinctly ...

... page down to ...

connection.begin() - start a transaction

... that article refers to version 0.92 of MySQLdb so clearly it was
either wrong then or for some weird reason the method has been dropped.

thanks again.



Convert (sorted) list of dics to nested list ?

2006-03-21 Thread shearichard
Hi - I want to take something like ...

lstIn = []
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 10, 'LEA_AUTOID': 1000})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2000})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2001})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2003})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3000})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3001})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3002})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3003})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 2, 'PRG_AUTOID': 110, 'LEA_AUTOID': 4000})

... and produce something like ...

sampleOut =

Well I've now been around the block a few times with this one and I'm
still frowning !! In the process my code has become uglier and uglier -
I'm sure there must be quite an elegant way of dealing with it - could
anyone give me a push in the right direction ?

Just to provide some motivation here - I should just say that this is
cut down test case - the real problem involves creating a Javascript
structure which in turn defines a three level menu.

The resulting JS will be something like this, I think you can see how
the nested loops get into it.:

var MENU_ITEMS = [
{ pos:'relative', leveloff:[b,a], itemoff:[d,c], size:[e,f], ... },
{ ...Item 1... },
{ ...Item 2... ,
{ ...level format... },
{ ...Item 1... },
{ ...Item 2... },
{ ...Item 3... ,
{ ...level format... },
{ ...Item 1... },
{ ...Item 2... },
{ ...Item 3... },
{ ...Item 4... }
{ ...Item 4... },
{ ...Item 3... }

Interested to hear of any smart/elegant ideas.




Re: How to Mount/Unmount Drives on Windows?

2006-02-25 Thread shearichard
This looks like it might help you ...

...  although the blurb does say DevCon is not redistributable. It is
provided for use as a debugging and development tool.

There is an article about it at ...




MySQLDB - parameterised SQL - TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

2006-02-19 Thread shearichard
Hi - I have written some python to insert a row into a table using
MySQLDB. I have never before written SQL/Python using embedded
parameters in the SQL and I'm having some difficulties. Could someone
point me in the right direction please ?

The python looks like this :

import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors
conn = MySQLdb.Connect(host='localhost', user='abc,passwd='def',

cursor = conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
VALUES (?,?,?,?) 
print sqlQuery
sql = cursor.execute(sqlQuery,(test,NULL,Tester1017,5))

... and the table looks like this ...

CREATE TABLE `eva_company` (
  `COM_AUTOID` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `COM_COMPANY_NAME` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
  `COM_TRADING_NAME` varchar(128) default NULL,
  `COM_ADDRESS` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `COM_POSTAL_ADDRESS` varchar(256) default NULL,
  `COM_CONTACT_NAME` varchar(56) default NULL,
  `COM_CONTACT_POSITION` varchar(56) default NULL,
  `COM_CONTACT_TELEPHONE` varchar(16) default NULL,
  `COM_CONTACT_FAX` varchar(16) default NULL,
  `COM_CONTACT_EMAIL` varchar(256) default NULL,
  `COM_STRUCT_OWNER_CODE` int(9) unsigned default NULL,
  `COM_INDUSTRY_CODE` varchar(16) default NULL,
  `COM_INDUSTRY_DESC` varchar(56) default NULL,
  `COM_NUMBER_OF_SITES` int(9) default NULL,
  `COM_NATURE_OF_RELATIONSHIP` varchar(128) default NULL,
REFERENCES `eva_code_comp_struct_ownership` (`COS_AUTOID`)

... but when I try to execute the python I get an error ...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 8, in ?
sql = cursor.execute(sqlQuery,(test,NULL,Tester1017,5))
line 132, in execute
self.errorhandler(self, TypeError, m)
line 33, in defaulterrorhandler
raise errorclass, errorvalue
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

... as I say if anyone could provide me with some tips I'd appreciate


richard shea.


Re: MySQLDB - parameterised SQL - TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

2006-02-19 Thread shearichard
Hi Dennis - Thanks for your help with this 

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On 19 Feb 2006 16:26:15 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the
 following in comp.lang.python:

  Hi - I have written some python to insert a row into a table using
  MySQLDB. I have never before written SQL/Python using embedded
  parameters in the SQL and I'm having some difficulties. Could someone
  point me in the right direction please ?
  VALUES (?,?,?,?) 

   One: I believe MySQLdb uses %s placeholders, not ?

  import MySQLdb

 From the DB-API PEP


 String constant stating the type of parameter marker
 formatting expected by the interface. Possible values are

 'qmark' Question mark style,
 e.g. '...WHERE name=?'
 'numeric'   Numeric, positional style,
 e.g. '...WHERE name=:1'
 'named' Named style,
 e.g. '...WHERE name=:name'
 'format'ANSI C printf format codes,
 e.g. '...WHERE name=%s'
 'pyformat'  Python extended format codes,
 e.g. '...WHERE name=%(name)s'

Great stuff. I had seen some example code which used question marks and
rather too slavishly used it as a model. As you say MySQLDb does indeed
use 'format' and so %s are the way to go ...

  print sqlQuery
  sql = cursor.execute(sqlQuery,(test,NULL,Tester1017,5))

   Two: I think it is smart enough to translate a Python None to a
 MySQL NULL -- which is different from a four-character string containing
 NULL (or even a zero-character string ).

... just to confirm that yes using a Python None works fine if you wish
to put a Null into a column ...

  CREATE TABLE `eva_company` (
`COM_AUTOID` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

   As an auto-increment field, the recommendation would be to not even
 mention the field in the INSERT SQL -- that also takes care of the
 problem of specifying NULL to a non-null field!

... yes it didn't start off that way but I was busy trying everthing I
could think of to try to make it happier.

thanks for your help it's all working now.



 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Wulfraed  Dennis Lee Bieber  KD6MOG 
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