Re: recursion depth problem

2007-04-22 Thread tac-tics
Yes, you should use a for loop in this situation.

Certain functional languages, such as Scheme and various LISP dialects
allow for what is called tail recursion which effectively eliminates
this problem by internally converting recursion to iteration. Python
isn't really cut out for heavy recursive work, and the Pythonic way
of doing things is through the lovely for loop.


Re: How can i compare a string which is non null and empty

2007-04-01 Thread tac-tics
str != 

returns true if str is NOT the empty string.

str is not None

returns true if str is null (or None as it's called in python).

To check to make sure a string is nonnull and nonempty, do:

str is not None and str != 


Re: problem at installing phyton on windows

2007-03-25 Thread tac-tics
On Mar 25, 1:06 pm, gslm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm too new on phyton.I have installed phyton.But when I write phyton
 command, unfortunately, i can't run.I suppose that it is bacause of
 setting path.But i can't solve.
 Can you help?

You need to set what is called your PATH environment variable. See:
and add C:\python\ (or wherever your python package is installed) to
your PATH.

 Another thing is, when i double click the .py file, there are the
 project form and the command line.How can i provide to view only the

I don't quite understand what you're asking here.


Re: is it possible to remove the ':' symbol in the end of lines starting with 'if', 'while' etc?

2007-02-22 Thread tac-tics
Tip: don't try learning perl.

I agree the colon is largely redundant, but it's not unreasonable.


arrow keys don't work

2007-01-22 Thread tac-tics
I've noticed that in Python 2.5, the interactive prompt does not
support intelligent use of arrow keys like 2.4 did (up/down for
previous/next statement, left/right for moving the cursor). What
exactly is the reason for this and is there an easier fix than
downgradinig to 2.4? Thanks.


Re: arrow keys don't work

2007-01-22 Thread tac-tics

Robert Kern wrote:
 tac-tics wrote:
  I've noticed that in Python 2.5, the interactive prompt does not
  support intelligent use of arrow keys like 2.4 did (up/down for
  previous/next statement, left/right for moving the cursor). What
  exactly is the reason for this and is there an easier fix than
  downgradinig to 2.4? Thanks.

 Your installation of 2.4 probably had the readline module installed while your
 installation of 2.5 doesn't. What platform are you on?

Actually, I should have posted this a while ago. I've noticed it on
Ubuntu Linux, Mac OSX, and earlier today on Sun Solaris.

What do I need to do to install / configure readline?


Re: arrow keys don't work

2007-01-22 Thread tac-tics
 Have you changed your terminal (either the program itself or its config)
 so that it is no longer sending the correct codes?

I doubt this is the case. Everything works for the bash shell and
common lisp. It's just python acting up.

 When you hit the arrow key, what happens? Do you just get nothing at all,
 or do you get control characters appearing? e.g. ^Z or similar.

udlr yields ^[[A^[[B^[[C^[[D in the interactive python interpreter, but
like I said, works like it should outside the Python interpreter.


Re: arrow keys don't work

2007-01-22 Thread tac-tics
It looks like I got readline working. Thanks for the help!


Re: Question about compiling.

2007-01-10 Thread tac-tics
 That's not the whole truth. :)

The whole truth is that from a developer's POV, .pyc files are


Re: Slowdown in Jython

2006-12-29 Thread tac-tics
 Jython is a Java application

That was the intellectual leap I needed to solve the problem. I forgot
that I have total access to Java memory management. It turns out at the
point of slowdown, Java was continually running full GC, causing the
awful loss of performance. I figured out that I was not releasing a
very large chunk of memory right before the script, so I effectively
had a duplicate of every record in memory.

I'm still not sure why my memory usage is increasing during the script,
but with the removal of the duplicates in memory, it runs just fine
now. Problem solved for now.


Slowdown in Jython

2006-12-28 Thread tac-tics
I have an application written in jython which has to process a number
of records. It runs fine until it gets to about 666 records (and maybe
that's a sign), and then, it's performance and responsiveness goes down
the toilet. It looks like it's running out of memory and is being
forced to use extended memory, but I do not know enough about the
language to figure out where this is happening. It will eventually
finish the task, but the window stops responding, and it ends up taking
several hours (as opposed to several minutes as it should). I really
just wish I had a tool for polling the amount of memory Jython was
using at any given moment.

Does anyone have any strategy or advice for me?


Superclass for Errors?

2006-12-27 Thread tac-tics
I have a program which has a GUI front-end which that runs a separate
thread to handle all the important stuff. However, if there is a
problem with the important stuff, I want the GUI to raise a MessageBox
alert to indicate this.

For exceptions, I can simply use a catch-all except statement like:

except Exception, error:
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, Error: %s % error)

Only, I want it to catch Errors as well. Right now, I'm using:

except (Exception, TypeError, NameError, RuntimeError, AttributeError),
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, Error: %s % error)

I was wondering if there is a superclass for TypeError, NameError,
RuntimeError, AttributeError, etc.

Normally, I could simply use a regular


but then I don't have access to the error message.

So what's the best solution to this problem?


Re: Newbie: what is a usefull IDE for Python on Windows ?

2006-12-26 Thread tac-tics
On Dec 26, 8:53 am, Larry Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Osiris wrote:
  what is a usefull IDE for Python on Windows ?

I am a happy user of jEDIT.


Re: skip last line in loops

2006-12-14 Thread tac-tics
afile = open(filename)
lines = afile.readlines()[:-1] # assigns all except the last element to
a list lines
for line in lines:
print line


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-13 Thread tac-tics
  I use 'French units' instead of the term 'metric system' because the
  latter means 'measurement system,' and of course could validly be
  applied to _any_ system.Now we know how one contractor ended up using 
  English units when the
 other was using French units and an entire Mars mission was lost: they
 were both using the metric system.

LISP is better than Python, because it does not have a American
Empirical Measurements library, preventing horrible spaceborne


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread tac-tics
 In musical terms, Python is like a Beatles song, very popular
 and easy to sway and dance to.  Lisp is like a Bach fugue.

Very nice analogy.


Re: len() and PEP 3000

2006-12-09 Thread tac-tics
 __len__ is not very special and the
 property len eliminates the redundant parentheses.

One might say the current syntax eliminates the redundant dot.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread tac-tics
I think the lesson here is that LISP is the language you use when you
want mathematical elegance and perfection and Python is the language
you use if you want to actually program stuff.


pdb question

2006-11-26 Thread tac-tics
In the Python debugger (pdb), how do you designate breakpoints at the
start of methods?
I've tried:
break methodName
break class.methodName
break object.methodName

but none of these seem to work. What is the trick?


Re: pdb question

2006-11-26 Thread tac-tics
Strange. It seems to be working just fine now. Maybe I wasn't waiting
for all the symbols to be defined before setting my breakpoint.

On Nov 26, 2:41 pm, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 tac-tics wrote:
  In the Python debugger (pdb), how do you designate breakpoints at the
  start of methods?
  I've tried:
  break methodName
  break class.methodName
  break object.methodName

  but none of these seem to work. What is the trick?define seem to work.

 the className.methodName and object.methodName forms seem to work
 just fine to me (assuming that the class or object has been defined, of

 if nothing else works, you can use the line or file:line syntax.


Re: Static Variables in Python?

2006-07-31 Thread tac-tics

Michael Yanowitz wrote:
 Is it possible to have a static variable in Python -
 a local variable in a function that retains its value.

  For example, suppose I have:

 def set_bit (bit_index, bit_value):
static bits = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
bits [bit_index] = bit_value

print \tBit Array:
int i
while (i  len(bits):
   print bits[i],
print '\n'

I realize this can be implemented by making bits global, but can
 this be done by making it private only internal to set_bit()?  I don't
 want bits to be reinitialized each time. It must retain the set values
 for the next time it is called.

If you declare bits in set_bit() as global bits = ..., it will create
it as a global variable without you having to declare it outside of the
function. Just be careful about name conflicts.


Re: Static Variables in Python?

2006-07-31 Thread tac-tics
 But of course:

   def fun():
   global x = 10

 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

global x
x = 10

Close enough ^^;


Re: PIL - transparent ImageDraw.text()

2006-07-19 Thread tac-tics
aljosa wrote:
 is it possible to create transparent text (~50% transparency) on image?
 i'm using the following code to draw text on image:

 font = ImageFont.truetype(str(self.font_family)+.ttf, self.font_size)
 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
 draw.text((10, 10), self.text, font=font,fill=(255,255,255))

 url with example would be nice 8-)

 Aljosa Mohorovic

Create a new image filled with transparency (either palletted or
alpha). Draw your text to that image instead. Then, paste the
transparent image onto your main image. I don't know of any examples
online, as I learned this through the sweat and pain of trial and error


Re: Python linker

2006-07-18 Thread tac-tics

 I love python - I use it as a utility language to complement my C#
 programming every day. However, the reason I do not use it as my
 primary language is - surprise, surprise - not its lack of static type
 checking, but the size of standalone executes  (which embed the python

 Would it be possible to link only the used functions into your
 resulting executable? After all, a typical application might only use
 20% of everything that is in the Python .dlls.

 The same applies to wxPython - it would be great if you could only link
 in what you need. Would it be possible to write such linkers at all
 (maybe based on GCC)?

For your distribution, just move your DLLs to the appropriate system
folder. That's what DLLs do. You throw them in system32, forget they
were there in the first place, and the Linker Troll does the rest for


Re: question about what lamda does

2006-07-18 Thread tac-tics
 Hey there,
 i have been learning python for the past few months, but i can seem to
 get what exactly a lamda is for. What would i use a lamda for that i
 could not or would not use a def for ? Is there a notable difference ?
 I only ask because i see it in code samples on the internet and in

Lambda is just as powerful as a function, but totally useless =-P

Lambda used to be handy before the introduction of list comprehensions.
Now, though, there primary use is obfuscating your code.


Re: range() is not the best way to check range?

2006-07-18 Thread tac-tics
Simon Forman wrote:
 To me, and perhaps others, T =
 set(xrange(0, 1, 23)) and n in T  are somewhat easier to read
 and write than not n % 23 and 0 = n  1, YMMV.

Eh? How is the first easier to read than the second?? You have a nested
function call in the first!

Regardless, testing if a member is part of a ranged set is always going
to be slower. It's the nature of what you're doing. Building a set and
then searching it takes much longer than a single modulus and
subtraction (which is all an integer comparison is).


Re: Embedding exe file

2006-07-17 Thread tac-tics

Bayazee wrote:
 but i dont want to save the exe file in temp file and run it . i want
 to run it directly from python . maybe such this :
 i want write a cd lock with python tp protect an binary file . and so i
 dont want save it in other temp file fom max security 

 Iranian python community --

If your users can run it, they can steal it. You can't keep your code
secure if you run it on their systems.


Re: Coding style

2006-07-17 Thread tac-tics
 Or even just:

 lst = []



I'd say the second one. Empty lists are not false. They are empty. Long
live dedicated boolean data types.


Re: Coding style

2006-07-17 Thread tac-tics

dwelch91 wrote:
 tac-tics wrote:
  I'd say the second one. Empty lists are not false. They are empty. Long
  live dedicated boolean data types.
 Uh, no, empty lists are False in a boolean context:


Perhaps I should have specified it like this:

 empty_list = []
 empty_list is not False

I'm well aware that both of these snippets does the same thing. I'm
just spouting my opinion that lists and integers are not tests, and in
an ideal world (Java??? X-) if statements support only boolean types.

DISCLAIMER: I do not promote the use of Java.


Re: range() is not the best way to check range?

2006-07-17 Thread tac-tics
Grant Edwards wrote:
 for pete's sake use the comparison operator like god intended.

 if 0 = i = 1:

I'm assuming you used Python's compound comparison as opposed to the
C-style of and'ing two comparisons together to emphasize the fact it is
god's chosen way of doing this ;-)


Re: {} for set notation

2006-07-14 Thread tac-tics
Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:
 I really like the set notation idea. Now that sets are first class
 citizens along with dicts, lists and tuples I think they should be
 used when it makes sense to use them

In actual usage, though, how often is it strictly required one uses a
set over a list? It is similar to how queue and stack are not in the
default namespace. Unless you really need to ensure no one is allowed
to make random access changes to your data, a list with push and pop is
really all you need. I beleive the same applies in regards to sets.


Full splitting of a file's pathname

2006-07-10 Thread tac-tics
I know about os.path.split(), but Is there any standard function for
fully splitting a file's pathname? A function that is the opposite of
the os.path.join() function? For example:

 ret = myster_function(./foo/bar/moo/lar/myfile.txt)
 print ret
['.', 'foo', 'bar', 'moo', 'lar', 'myfile.txt']

In the meanwhile, I'll do this by hand. I'm just curious if there is a
standard way to do this.


Re: function that modifies a string

2006-07-10 Thread tac-tics

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
  Of course, another right way would be to have mutable strings in Python.
  I understand why strings need to be immutable in order to work with dicts,
  but is there any reason why (hypothetical) mutable strings should be
  avoided in situations where they aren't needed as dictionary keys? Python
  has mutable lists and immutable tuples, mutable sets and immutable frozen
  sets, but no mutable string type.

 What's wrong about arrays of chars?

Arrays of chars are dangerous. If you insist, use Python lists of
Python chars (strings of length 1).

If you really want a mutable string type, there's nothing in python
that keeps you from writting one yourself. You just have to be more
careful than you would be in C++, because your MutableString type would
always be passed by reference to functions, and so you'd have to be
very careful to copy it unless you want weird, unfindable bugs to crop
up in your program.


PIL - Transparency Nightmares

2006-07-10 Thread tac-tics
I'm trying to make a simple script which attaches watermarks to every
image in one directory and saves the output image to another. However,
while I understand (in theory at least) what I need to be doing, I
can't figure out where to go from here.

First of all, I have a watermark image and a list of small images
around 120px squared. The watermark uses alpha transparency, so the
background is transparent and the anti-aliased text is partially
transparent. For each image, I crop the watermark to the same size as
the image. Now all I need to do is paste the watermark over the old
image with respect to its transparency.

I've tried Image.blend(), Image.composite(), and im.paste(), but none
of them seem to do exactly what I want. What am I missing here?


Re: PIL - Transparency Nightmares

2006-07-10 Thread tac-tics
I RTFM harder, and found that paste with an image mask (using the
watermark as the mask) does the trick.


Re: function that modifies a string

2006-07-10 Thread tac-tics
  What's wrong about arrays of chars?
  Arrays of chars are dangerous. If you insist, use Python lists of
  Python chars (strings of length 1).

 Why are they more dangerous than a self-written mutable string?

I didn't say that. I meant that arrays in the C++ sense are dangerous.

  If you really want a mutable string type, there's nothing in python
  that keeps you from writting one yourself. You just have to be more
  careful than you would be in C++, because your MutableString type would
  always be passed by reference to functions, and so you'd have to be
  very careful to copy it unless you want weird, unfindable bugs to crop
  up in your program.

 I don't buy that. You are right about the dangers - but I fail to see where
 C++ gives you any protection from these pitfalls. And what disqualifies an
 array of characters in python that exists and has  all the methods I can
 think of for a  mutable string.

C++ offers pass by value options. That makes it so you never need to
worry about messing up data that doesn't belong to you unless you
explicitly pass by reference. Python doesn't do this for you. Thus, a
mutable string class in Python requires a great deal more care since
you need to make copies of every string in every function in order to
prevent changes in one object's string from affecting another.


Re: free python hosting!

2006-07-10 Thread tac-tics
I provide the link below with the conditions that you don't put spaces
between your sentences and the periods which terminate them.


Re: array of array of float

2006-07-09 Thread tac-tics
Use nested list comprehensions:

matrix = [[0.0 for x in xrange(n)] for y in xrange(m)]

This is similar to float matrix[m][n] in C.

All cells are independent of each other in doing this.


Re: first book about python

2006-07-08 Thread tac-tics
Philippe Martin wrote:
 I don't know, if I were the genious that made up Python I would not believe
 in any bible (small b)

Take it to alt.religion please.

 I want to learn python.
 I plan to buy a book. I always find printed material more convenient than
 reading on-line tutorials.

I had the same problem as you. I heard lots of good things about
Python, but was unable to sit myself down in front of my computer long
enough to learn it. So I picked up a copy of Learning Python and read
the entire thing in a night.

I'm sorry I can't really do a comparison between different books, this
being the only one I bought, but it got me to the point where I could
start playing with code and reading the online documentation (which is

Coming from a relatively strong background in Java and C++, this book
was very easy to digest. The book is not a teaching programming book,
so unless you have experience in at least one real language programming
language, it might not be worth your time.

My only complaint about this book is the confusing way it presenting
Python's OOP model and the way they present for loops (they make it
sound like for loops are 100 times slower than in Java or C++... They
don't get the actual point across effectively, that  they are just


Attaching functions to objects as methods

2006-07-07 Thread tac-tics
Python is a crazy language when it comes to object versatility. I know
I can do:

 class test:
...def __init__(self):
... pass
 x = test()
 def fun():
... print fun = fun

However, experimenting shows that these attached functions are not
bound to the object. They do not accept the 'self' parameter. I want to
know how one goes about doing that. How do I bind a function to an
object to act as if it were a method? It looks like the classmethod()
built-in looks *similar* to what I want to do, but not quite.

Any help would be awesome =-)


Re: Attaching functions to objects as methods

2006-07-07 Thread tac-tics
 Functions are descriptors[1], and their __get__ method is used to bind
 them to a particular instance::

Thank you muchly.


Re: Attaching functions to objects as methods

2006-07-07 Thread tac-tics
Experimenting, I found that = lambda: fun(x)

works as well. Any comments on this way?


Re: defining multi dimensional array

2006-07-04 Thread tac-tics

bruce wrote:

 basic question..

 how do i define a multi dimensional array


I find that list comprehensions are useful for this.

[ [None for x in xrange(10)] for y in xrange(10)]

You could easily write a wrapper for it to clean the syntax a bit.


Re: print shell output in a file

2006-06-30 Thread tac-tics
It sounds like you want to use print 

If you have an open object with a write property, you can do
print  thefile, mystring
and Python will simply redirect the output to thefile instead of


Re: Chapter 9 Tutorial for Classes Not Working

2006-06-30 Thread tac-tics
 x = MyClass
 xf = x.f
 while True:
print xf()

Python has some VERY nasty gotchas concerning parenthesis (or lack
there of).

In the first line here, you assign x = MyClass. That means x becomes an
alias for the class MyClass. not an object like you intended. Look
back at the tutorial. You simply left of the parenthesis.

Another time this may cause you headaches is with functions:

def fun():
print Hello world!

if __name__ == __main__:

Run this script, and you will get no output at all. Forgetting the ()
on the end of fun on the last line makes the difference between
executing the function and returning a reference to it.


Re: list comprehension

2006-06-29 Thread tac-tics

a wrote:
 can someone tell me how to use them

You do a google on them:

They are the program equivalent of set builder notation in math:

{x | x in S} 

would be written 

[x for x in S]

in python.


Freezing Python with jythonc

2006-06-26 Thread tac-tics
I've got a nice jython application that I wish to freeze. After playing
around with flag settinsg on jythonc, I managed to get it to compile
without warnings or errors, but when I try to run my main class file, I
keep getting the error: Exception in main thread,
NoClassDefFoundError. When I just use java gui (gui.class is the
bytecode file), it flags an error on org.python.core.PyObject. If add
jython.jar to the classpath, it gives me the same error on my gui
instead of PyObject.

I figured that testing out jythonc on such a large project, I should
have expected it to fail. So I wrote a one-liner hello world

print Hello world

saved it to in a different directory, and tried again to
jythonc it. However, I keep getting the same errors.

What am I doing wrong?


Re: Freezing Python with jythonc

2006-06-26 Thread tac-tics
 What am I doing wrong?

Nevermind, I figured it out. -classpath overwrites the classpath
not augments. I needed to use -classpath .;jython.jar and it works


Re: Opening a file with system default application

2006-06-23 Thread tac-tics
BartlebyScrivener wrote:
 don't know Jython, but in Python, I think you want:

 import os


 Whatever file you reference should open in the application associated
 with it. At least that's the way it works on Win XP


I didn't think about that. It would probably break like mad under *nix
that fine. This will solve my issue.

Thanks =-)

Even still, does anyone know if there is a more platform indepedent way
to do this?
