released: RPyC 2.50A

2006-04-25 Thread tomerfiliba
Remote Python Call (RPyC) version 2.50-final is about to be released in
the week or so.
meanwhile, a release candidate (2.50A) has been released to public
review -- please report bugs. i'm still working on real unit-tests for
the library, but i'm sure users can help uncover more bugs.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

Construct 1.25 released

2006-04-19 Thread tomerfiliba
Construct, the parsing made fun library
this release focused on minor bugfixes and other small improvements



Support the Python Software Foundation:

introducing Construct

2006-03-29 Thread tomerfiliba
Construct -- parsing made fun

info, demos, and download at:


Construct is a library for declaratively defining parsers and builders
for arbitrary data structures. Constructs are symmetrical: they can do
both parsing and building. Using the vast number of provided
primitives, you can easily define your data structures, including
advanced concepts like meta-constructs, as shown below. And it's
declarative -- so you don't need to write any code for the common
cases. You can also easily subclass Construct and write user-defined

Unlike most parsers, Construct works at the bit-level, which means you
can easily parse unaligned fields, or work with bit fields of arbitrary
lengths. The library supports Fields, Structs, Unions, and Repeaters;
Adapters and Validators;  Switches, Pointers and other Meta-constructs.

To show its power, I provided a fully functional ELF32 file parser,
WITHOUT ONE LINE OF PROCEDURAL CODE. It's all declerative. I used it to
parse python23.o (2.1MB), in 2.88 sec on my machine.

The library comes with a demos folder, an inventory of useful
ready-made protocols, and is fully documented with doc-strings, for
easy viewing with pydoc and the like.


from Construct import *

# simple structures
ethernet_header = Struct(ethernet_header,
Bytes(destination, 6),
Bytes(source, 6),
print ethernet_header.parse(123456ABCDEF\x08\x00)

# meta constructs -- uses meta data
tlv = Struct(tlv,
MetaBytes(value, _.length),
print ethernet_header.parse(\x01\x05ABCDE)



Support the Python Software Foundation:

RPyC 2.40

2006-03-10 Thread tomerfiliba
hello pythoneers,

last week i released RPyC 2.40 -- -- but didnt have
time to announce it. also, i updated the site and added sections. i'm
not going to repeat the code snippet from the previous release (2.32),
you can see full demos on the site.

so, of course this release adds many internal changes and (a very few)
bugfixes, but the reason i announce it is the new feature added: direct
execution of code on the remote side. previously, you had to distribute
modules (files) over to the server's side, in order to have remote
code, but with the new `execute` method, you can do it with ease.

from Rpyc import SocketConnection
c = SocketConnection(somehost)

c.execute(something = 9)
c.execute(print something)
def f(name):
print hello %s, something is %r % (name, something)

and of course you can use the objects you named, via the `namespace`:

c.namespace.something = 28

that's just a code snippet. see the site and demos ( for much
more info.
note: this mechanism allows you to embed remote code into your local
code, so you dont have to maintain two different files. it should be
used when you write ONE module that has two aspects to it (remote code
and local code).
but dont go and embed different modules into each other -- use it
properly. if your scenario calls for two modules, use two modules.
don't use shortcuts.

and as always, enjoy.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

why use special config formats?

2006-03-10 Thread tomerfiliba

i've been seeing lots of config-file-readers for python. be it
ConfigObj ( or the
like. seems like a trend to me.
i came to this conclusion a long time ago: YOU DON'T NEED CONFIG FILES
FOR PYTHON. why re-invent stuff and parse text by yourself, why the
interpreter can do it for you? and anyway, i find this a very ugly

there are two use cases for configuration: static vs. dynamic

for the most common case, static configuration, you just have a
human-edited config file holding key-and-value pairs. so just add to
your package a file called, and import it.

for example, if that's our package structure:

then would do:
import config
listener_sock.bind((, config.port))

and would look like:
# the port to bind to
port = 80
host = localhost
timeout  = 300
enable_keep_alives = False
options = [1, 2, 3]

isn't python suitable enough to hold your configuration?

the second case, dynamic configuration, is when you need to alter your
configuration at runtime or programatically, so the configuration
doesnt need to be human-readable. for that case -- use pickle. and
Bunch (as shown on the aspn python cookbook)

class Bunch(object):
def __init__(self, **kw):

create the initial config file:
config = Bunch(port = 80, host = localhost, timeout = 300, ...)
pickle.dump(open(config.pkl, wb), config)

of course you can nest Bunch'es inside one another, i.e.,
config = Bunch(
# global config
port = 80,
host = localhost,

# this is per-user configuration
users = {
malcom_x : Bunch(
http_path = /home/joe/httpdocs,
cgi_path = /home/joe/cgi-bin,
options = [i love lucy, bush is gay]

and now you use it:
# global configuration
config = pickle.load(open(config.pkl))
listener_sock.bind((, config.port))
# and per-user configuration
from getpass import getuser
print config.users[getuser()].http_path

that way, if you need to programatically change your configuration,
just change and pickle.dump() it. 

hope it helps,


Re: why use special config formats?

2006-03-10 Thread tomerfiliba
and just as i was writing, this was added to lang.python.announce:



Re: why use special config formats?

2006-03-10 Thread tomerfiliba
i dont know about your experience with config files, but there
thousands of formats. on the python side -- just in this conversation,
we mentioned ConfigObj, ConfigParser and the Config module i linked to.
when everybody writes his own config, you get loads of unique formats.

anyway, for all the cry-babies here that can't edit pickle files. okay
-- just load() them, change what you want, and dump() them. don't cry.

and if you insist, i'm sure there's a python serializer to
XML/SOAP/whatever other readble format. persistency is far better for
configuration than config files. they are limited, have weird syntaxes,
hard to extend, and are never generic enough. with my approach --
anything you can do in python, or anything you can pickle -- is

and for security issues -- usually config files are edited by admins,
so that's not a problem. and per-user config files (at $HOME), can
easily be achieved with execfile(). the point is NOT TO WRITE A PARSER
for every config file.

you can easily crash your web server (or make it non functional) if you
pass an invalid port or host, or make it act weird by changing the
timeouts or paths... so yeah, if the admin writes a config script that
does os.system(rm -rf /), well, too bad. but then the admin can do
stupid things at the shell level as well.

again -- the points are:
* python is readable and easy to write config files with
* usually admins change the configuration, and they have too much power
* if you worry about security/too much power, pickle your config
* if you need to edit your pickled config on a regular basis, serialize
it with some other textual serializer (xml, etc).

but inventing proprietary formats with unique syntaxes, and having to
write and debug parsers for them -- that's stupid. a configuration is
just a persistent state of your program. it shouldnt be any more
complex than that.



Re: Difference: __iadd__ and __add__

2006-02-17 Thread tomerfiliba
__add__ is called for the + operator
__iadd__ is called for the += operator
if __iadd__ doesnt exist, fallbacks to __add__

you know what they say for such things: rtfm.
