Re: language design question

2006-07-11 Thread vdrab

isinstance(1, object)

 What's 1 . len() ?

That's easy!
since 1 is actually syntactic sugar for set([set([])]), clearly 1.len()
== 1.

(actually, make that frozenset([frozenset([])])...)


Re: Tuple assignment and generators?

2006-05-05 Thread vdrab
Wow, so, to see if I understand correctly:

 r = 0
 s = 0
 t = 11
 u = 11
 r == s
 t == u
 r is s
 t is u
 ... ?

what the...? 
does anybody else get mighty uncomfortable about this? 


Re: Tuple assignment and generators?

2006-05-05 Thread vdrab
 No.  Why should you ever care about whether two integers representing
 values are the same object?  Your tests should be with `==`, not `is`.

Given this though, what other such beauties are lurking in the
interpreter, under the name of 'implementation accidents'? One of the
things that drew me to python is the claimed consistency and
orthogonality of both language and implementation, not sacrificing
clarity for performance, minimizing ad-hoc design hacks and weird
gotcha's, etc...
In fact, I think my code contains things like if len(arg) is 0: and
so on, and I feel I should be able to do so given the way python treats
(claims to treat?) constant objects, even if I don't care whether the
values actually represent the same object.


Re: Tuple assignment and generators?

2006-05-05 Thread vdrab
 beasts. It can get even worse: I can define an object (in C++ as well as in
 python) that is not even equal to itself. Not that I felt the need for that
 so far

hehe... now you've picked my curiosity... how?

def __eq__(self, other): return False
does not count !


Re: Tuple assignment and generators?

2006-05-05 Thread vdrab
 so anything you don't understand, and cannot be bothered to look up in
 the documentation, just has to be an inconsistent ad-hoc weird-gotcha
 design ?

Does the documentation mention that x is y returns True when they are
both 0 but not when they are 11 ? If so, I stand corrected. *plonk*
away ...


Re: Tuple assignment and generators?

2006-05-05 Thread vdrab

language reference, objects:

Even the importance of object identity is affected in some sense:
immutable types, operations that compute new values may actually
return a reference to any existing object with the same type and
while for mutable objects this is not allowed. E.g., after a = 1;
b = 1,
a and b may or may not refer to the same object with the value one,
depending on the implementation, but after c = []; d = [], c and
d are
guaranteed to refer to two different, unique, newly created empty

(note the use of may or may not and depending on the


That, I knew. What I did not know, nor get from this explanation, is
that this behaviour may differ
not only within the same implementation, but with instances of the same
class or type (in this case, 'int'). Is this really a case of me being
too dumb or too lazy, or could it just be that this behaviour is not
all that consistent ?


Re: Tuple assignment and generators?

2006-05-05 Thread vdrab
 E.g., after a = 1;
 b = 1,
 a and b may or may not refer to the same object with the value one,
 depending on the implementation,

But when in a specific implementation this property _does_ hold for
ints having value 1, I expect the
same behaviour for ints with other values than 1.
I guess I'm kind of weird that way.


Re: Tuple assignment and generators?

2006-05-05 Thread vdrab
 Are you telling us that you *had* read that doc,
 and tripped because it says depending on the implementation,
 when it should say at the choice of the implementation ?

let's see, where to start ... ?
let's say there's a certain property P, for the sake of this lng
discussion, something
more or less like a class or type's property of having immutable
values, such that any instance with value X has a single, unique
representation in memory and any two instantiations of objects with
that value X are in fact references to the same object.

Then, for example, python strings have property P whereas python lists
do not:

 x = test
 y = test
 x is y
 x = []
 y = []
 x is y

Now, as it turns out, whether or not python integers have property P
For small values, they do. For large values they don't. Yes, I
understand about the interpreter optimization. I didn't know this, and
I find it neither evident nor consistent. I don't think the above post
explains this, regardless of how you read implementation.

In fact, the whole string of replies after my initial question reminded
me of something I read not too long ago, but didn't quite understand at
the time.
source :

Pedantry: it's just how things work in the Python world. The status
quo is always correct by definition. If you don't like something, you
are incorrect. If you want to suggest a change, put in a PEP,
Python's equivalent of Java's equally glacial JSR process. The
Python FAQ goes to great lengths to rationalize a bunch of broken
language features. They're obviously broken if they're frequently
asked questions, but rather than 'fessing up and saying we're
planning on fixing this, they rationalize that the rest of the world
just isn't thinking about the problem correctly. Every once in a
while some broken feature is actually fixed (e.g. lexical scoping), and
they say they changed it because people were confused. Note that
Python is never to blame.

taking this rant with the proverbial grain of salt, I did think it was

Anyway, thanks for all the attempts to show me.
I will get it in the end. 


Re: Tuple assignment and generators?

2006-05-05 Thread vdrab
oh wow... it gets better...

 x = test!
 y = test!
 x is y
 x = test
 y = test
 x is y

... I had no clue.
I guess the take-away lesson is to steer clear from any reliance on
object identity checks, if at all possible.  Are there any other such
optimizations one should like to know about?


Re: Tuple assignment and generators?

2006-05-05 Thread vdrab
 You've been told that quite a few times before that is is not intended for
 what you used it.

I got that. I was cleaning up some code that used is incorrectly
immediately after.

 Some people actually listen to what others tell. Others seem to be driven by
 the deep desire to make even the tiniest bit of getting-a-grasp a public

Not really. I always found python to be true to that -- admittedly
elusive -- principle of least surprise up to now (special cases aren't
special enough to break the rules, maybe? I don't know. but then you
figured that, right?), and was thrown off quite a bit by the behaviour
described in one of the earlier posts, that is all. I wanted to ask
people's explanations about it and learnt a few things on the way
(thanks Dave). What did you get from all of this?


Re: how to construct a binary-tree using python?

2006-05-05 Thread vdrab
Depending on what concrete use you have for binary trees, you may want
to consider tuples. What's cool about them is that you get pattern
matching on your tree for free.

 x = ((2,4),(5,6))
 y, _ = x
(2, 4)
 (_,y), _ = x

Or you could code your own binary tree class subclassing tuple.
... just a thought.


Re: definitive source on advanced python?

2006-04-09 Thread vdrab
wow, this looks nice. 
thanks a lot.


Re: definitive source on advanced python?

2006-04-03 Thread vdrab
Thank you.

The original question was not meant to sound particularly arrogant, and
as you point out
a book covering ONLY things like metaprogramming would probably be
pretty useless in its own way. I have been using python on and off for
about a year or so but still find myself staring at some of the funky
recipes at the aspn cookbook site, not knowing which way is up.
A good reference seems to be hard to come by, hence the question.
Thanks for the link, I will have a look at some of the material.



definitive source on advanced python?

2006-04-03 Thread vdrab
Hi all,

Is there some sort of coherent source (dead tree format, maybe?) on
some of the more advanced features
of python (decorators, metaclasses, etc)? I'm sort of looking for a
python book that actually gets to the good stuff at some point, without
first spending 6 chapters on how to append ints to a list. I can't seem
to find any.

I get the impression people just get by with scraps and code snippets
posted on blogs left and right. (hope I'm wrong and my google skills
just suck ...)

Thanks in advance,



Re: any() and all() on empty list?

2006-03-29 Thread vdrab
 I'm completely on board with the semantics for any().  But all() bothers
 me.  If all() receives an empty list, it will return True, and I don't
 like that.  To me, all() should be a more restrictive function than any(),
 and it bothers me to see a case where any() returns False but all()
 returns True.

Who should we call to report this fallacy? GvR? Goedel? Tarski? no,
wait... Frege ! or wait... actually, I think that must be Aristotle.
Sorry Aristotle, the ol' syllogisms have to go.

; -)
All silliness aside, the meaning of all() in python corresponds just
fine with all in both language and logic.


Re: Uses of The 4th Dimension (New Discovery by The Human Race!)

2006-02-07 Thread vdrab


Re: High Order Messages in Python

2005-10-23 Thread vdrab
On a (somewhat) related note,
I've always wondered whether it is possible to emulate ruby blocks
using a python generator '+ alpha'. In my limited understanding of the
ruby block, the generator can inject values into a block, I suppose,
but what is the block itself? can it be a function? a class instance?
what would it look like? I am sure someone must have played around with
any pointers?


Re: Python vs Ruby

2005-10-21 Thread vdrab
You can tell everything is well in the world of dynamic languages when
someone posts a question with nuclear flame war potential like python
vs. ruby and after a while people go off singing hymns about the
beauty of Scheme...

I love this place.


Re: pywordnet install problems

2005-10-04 Thread vdrab
Thanks, I already figured it out a few days ago.

In the file, just override the path (WNHOME and/or WNSEARCH)
to the wordnet 2.0directory that has the lexnames files etc... (on my
ubuntu box: '/usr/share/wordnet')
That seems to fix it, although python gives a few warnings at startup.
checking the web it seems this is a known issue.
Thanks for the help though... I didn't bother posting the solution as I
thought noone was interested anymore. 



Re: pywordnet install problems

2005-10-01 Thread vdrab
hello Steve,

I had WordNet 2.0 installed but just now I tried it with 1.7.1 as well
and the result was the same. It's a shame, glossing over the pywordnet
page really made me want to give it a try.
Are there any workarounds you can recommend ?
I had a quick look at the file, and it looks readable enough
to try and fiddle around with it, but if possible I'd like to avoid
having to mess with the source file.
Is there any other person / list I can ask for help on this?

thanks a lot.


pywordnet install problems

2005-09-29 Thread vdrab
hello pythoneers,

I recently tried to install wordnet 2.0 and pywordnet on both an ubuntu
linux running python 2.4 and a winXP running activePython 2.4.1, and I
get the exact same error on both when I try to from wordnet import *

running install
error: invalid Python installation: unable to open
/usr/lib/python2.4/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)

Adding the directories and files in question (touch Makefile) makes the
install go through but (obviously) breaks the import of

 import wordnet
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File, line 1348, in ?
N = Dictionary(NOUN, 'noun')
  File, line 799, in __init__
self.indexFile = _IndexFile(pos, filenameroot)
  File, line 945, in __init__
  File, line 958, in rewind
if (line[0] != ' '):
IndexError: string index out of range

Is this pywordnet package abandoned, are there weird versioning issues,
or am I just extremely unlucky for the install to fail on two machines?

any help greatly appreciated,
