pysqlite throwing exception?

2009-09-05 Thread william tanksley
I'm trying to modify an app I wrote a few months ago, but now it dies
on startup (it worked before). The app loads the SQLite Media Monkey
database, and crashes on its first query (when I try to get the number
of podcasts). At the end of this post is a reduced version of the
problem (which produces the same error).

Oh, this is Python 2.5 on Windows.

The following is the traceback for the reduced version:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\projects\podcasts\podstrand-mm\, line 16, in
cursor.execute(select count(*) as count from songs)
OperationalError: malformed database schema - near VIRTUAL: syntax

It's the same error I get while running this code in context.

The major change is that I upgraded version of MediaMonkey, and I'd
think that might cause problems-- although all of my non-Python SQLite
support apps have no problem (including running the same query).

Unfortunately, if pysqlite's been upgraded, I can't find it -- has been down the past 2 days.


import os
import sqlite3

# Find the mediamonkey database.
conn = sqlite3.connect(
 'Local Settings',
 'Application Data',
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row # provide named columns in results
# Ask mediamonkey for its data.
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Get the total number of songs.
cursor.execute(select count(*) as count from songs)
track_estimate = cursor.fetchall()[0]['count']


Re: pysqlite throwing exception?

2009-09-05 Thread william tanksley
william tanksley wrote:
 Oh, this is Python 2.5 on Windows.

New result: this works on Python 2.6. Obviously the SQLite format
changed between the two runs.

I'll call this problem solved; my app appears to run now.


Re: pysqlite throwing exception?

2009-09-05 Thread william tanksley
MRAB wrote:
 I wonder whether it's complaining about the as count part because
 count is the name of a function, although you do say that the same
 query works elsewhere.

Hey, good catch. Thanks; I'll change that. (It wasn't the problem, but
no doubt someday it could be.)


Re: Guido's new method definition idea

2008-12-08 Thread william tanksley
On Dec 5, 6:21 pm, Daniel Fetchinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'd like this new way of defining methods, what do you guys think?
 Anyone ready for writing a PEP?

I think it's an awesome proposal. It's about time! With this change,
defining methods uses the same special syntax hack that calling them
does. This is a good thing because it makes it easy to refer to
methods consistently.

I see a lot of people are against it; I admit that it's not the status
quo, but that's not a sufficient argument against a change (it defeats
all possible changes). A more interesting argument against it is that
it's special implicit syntax; but I would argue that it merely
reflects the existing special syntax of method calls.

Unfortunately, writing a PEP is sadly outside my skillset.



Re: RegExp: wontmatch-function

2008-10-13 Thread william tanksley
On Oct 13, 9:40 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking for a function which, given a regexp re and  and a string
 str, returns whether re won't match any string starting with str. (so
 it would always return False if str is  or if str itself matches re
 -- but that are only the easy cases).

Wow, that's a pretty problem.

 Any ideas or prior art on how to get this function?

An idea, which I haven't explored well enough:

Parse the regexp, and recursively descend the parse tree; for each
node on the recursive descent, generate the regexp that follows the
descent to end at that node and ask if it matches the string. If it
matches, return 'False'. If the recursion ends without ever matching,
return 'True'.

There are a few questions on how to do that. I don't know how to parse
the regexp (but I know how to start and am confident that it'd be
easy); I don't know how to generate the regexp given a descent path
(but I think I could do it). I'm also not sure this is correct, but
it's not a homework assignment for me, so I'm not worried.



Re: Bidirectional Generators

2008-08-04 Thread william tanksley
Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What's one of them then?

I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean.

Meanwhile, more pertinently: I did get my generator working, and then
I replaced it with a class that did the same thing in less than a
quarter of the number of lines. So... I'm not going to worry about
that anymore. My use case obviously wasn't the right one for them.

I'm still curious, though, whether anyone's written any code that
actually uses yield _and_ send() to do anything that isn't in the
original PEP.

 - Paddy.


Re: Bidirectional Generators

2008-08-04 Thread william tanksley
 william tanksley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm still curious, though, whether anyone's written any code that
  actually uses yield _and_ send() to do anything that isn't in the
  original PEP.

 I have.  An iterator that could backtrack itself without the user
 having to remember previous states.  It would just send back something
 like reader.send('prev_token') or reader.send(-1).

Ah, nice! I now remember briefly thinking that such a thing should be
possible. Interestingly, I just recently wrote a backtracking search,
so I could have used such a thing -- it's a pity that I didn't
remember about send() while I was doing that.

I may have to alter my design to see what happens.


Re: Python parsing iTunes XML/COM

2008-08-01 Thread william tanksley
John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 william tanksley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Cool. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thank you for helping again!
  Postscript: your request to print the actual data did the trick.
 I'd back inspecting actual data against armchair philosophy any
 time :-)

Heh. It's a recurring problem with me, to tell the truth.

  You're right that single quotes are expected -- and I'd expect a
  preceding u, since they're supposed to be Unicode. I dunno what's
  going on.

 Why do you suppose that the contents are Unicode? It's a URL-encoded
 string i.e. *deliberately* ASCII, in fact sub-ASCII (see all the %20
 stuff?). What's going on is that ElementTree presents text as ASCII if
 it can be so represented, otherwise as Unicode. This is actually a
 *convenience*. Get used to it. Enjoy it.

This isn't what caused the problem, but how is it convenient to get
Unicode sometimes and ASCII other times? Given that the input file was
Unicode, and in fact some of the values required Unicode, I'd expect
to have gotten Unicode out for everything.

I don't see how it matters; as far as I know, the methods available
for Unicode and ASCII strings are the same, and only the type() is
different. So I'm not saying it's a problem; I'm just not seeing how
it's a _convenience_.

  So all of the mysteries are solved (except for my Python's
  doublequotes, but who cares), and ElementTree is entirely vindicated.

 Shucks. I can sense that you'd been looking forward to conducting an
 auto-da-fe followed by tossing the author on a bonfire ... but you
 can't burn a bot anyway :-)

Well, I really _was_ expecting the Spanish Inquisition. Darn.


Re: Python parsing iTunes XML/COM

2008-07-31 Thread william tanksley
Stefan Behnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 william tanksley wrote:
  Okay, my answer is that ElementTree (in Python 2.5) is simply
  deranged when it comes to Unicode. It assumes everything's ASCII.

 It does not assume that. It *requires* byte strings to be ASCII.

You can't encode Unicode into an ASCII string. (Well, except using
UTF-7.) Bad requirement.

 If it
 didn't enforce that, how could it possibly know what encoding they were using,
 i.e. what they were supposed to mean at all? Read the Python Zen, in the face
 of ambiguity, ElementTree refuses the temptation to guess. Python 2.x does
 exactly the same thing when it comes to implicit conversion between encoded
 strings and Unicode strings.

An XML file that begins with the string ?xml encoding=utf-8? is
NOT ascii. You don't have to guess what encoding it's in. It's UTF-8.
If you error out when you hit an 8-bit character, you're not going to
be able to process that file. I'm completely lost on why you're
claiming otherwise.

Furthermore, when ElementTree returns (from one of its .text elements)
a string-of-bytes instead of a decoded Unicode string, it doesn't
merely resist the temptation to guess; instead, it forces ME to
guess. I've now had to hardcode utf-8 into my program, when IT just
bypassed and ignored an explicit instruction to use UTF-8. I hope and
assume that iTunes will never switch from UTF-8 to UTF-32 -- if it
does, my code breaks, and I'll probably have to switch away from
ElementTree (I guess that since it requires ASCII it won't even
pretend to handle more than 8 bits per character).

 If you want to pass plain ASCII strings, you can either pass a byte string or
 a Unicode string (that's a plain convenience feature). If you want to pass
 anything that's not ASCII, you *must* pass a Unicode string.

I don't care about strings. I've never passed ElementTree a string.
I'm using a file, a file that's correctly encoded as UTF-8, and it
returns some text elements that are raw bytes (undecoded). I have to
manually decode them.


  (Note that the lxml version also doesn't handle Unicode correctly; it
  errors when XML declares its encoding.)

 It definitely does handle Unicode correctly.

Actually, this is my bad -- I misread the webpage. lxml appears to
handle unicode strings with a declared encoding correctly: it errors
out. That's quite reasonable when confronted with a contradiction.
According to that page, however, the standard ElementTree library
doesn't work that way -- it simply assumes that byte strings are

I'm going to back down on this one, though. I realize that this is a
single paragraph on a third-party website, and it's not really trying
to document the official ElementTree (it's trying to document its own
version, lxml). So it might not be correct, or it might be overly
ambiguous. It might also be talking ONLY about strings, to the
exclusion of file input. I don't know, and I don't have the energy to
debug it, especially since I can't fix anything about it even if
something was wrong :-).

So I revert to my former position: I don't know why those two lines
have to be in that order for my code to work correctly; I don't even
know why the encode line has to be there at all. When I was using
the old Python XML library, I didn't have to worry about encoding or
decoding; everything just worked. I really prefer ElementTree, and I'm
glad I upgraded, but it really looks like encoding is a problem.

 Let me guess, you tried passing
 XML as a Unicode string into the parser, and your XML declared itself as
 having a byte encoding (?xml encoding=...?). How can that *not* be an 

I thought you just said resist the temptation to guess? I didn't
pass a string. I passed a file. It didn't error out; instead, it
produced bytestring-encoded output (not Unicode).



Re: Python parsing iTunes XML/COM

2008-07-31 Thread william tanksley
John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 william tanksley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Buffett Time - Annual Shareholders\xc2\xa0L.mp3
  1. This isn't Unicode; it's missing the u (I printed using repr).
  2. It's got the UTF-8 bytes there in the middle.
  In addition to the above results,

 *WHAT* results? I don't see any repr() output, just your
 interpretation of what you think you saw!

That *is* the repr. I said it's the repr, and it IS. It's not an
interpretation; it's a screenscrape. Really, truly. If I paste it in
again it'll look the same.

What do you want? Can I post something that will convince you it's a

Oh well. You guys have been immensely helpful; my mental model of how
Python works was vastly backwards, so it's a relief to get it
corrected. Thanks to that, I was able to hack my code into working. I
wish I could get entirely correct behavior, but at this point the
miscommunication is too strong. I'll settle for the hack I've got now,
and hope iTunes doesn't ever change its XML encoding (hey, I think
I've got cause to be optimistic).


Re: Python parsing iTunes XML/COM

2008-07-31 Thread william tanksley
John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 william tanksley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Let's try again:

Cool. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thank you for helping again!

Postscript: your request to print the actual data did the trick. I'm
including the rest of my reply just to provide context, but the answer
was the the Unicode was actually embedded in the URL, encoded as
distinct bytes. Thus, it *had* to be url-decoded and then UTF-8
decoded, in that order, in order to recover the original filename.

So the problem was indeed purely in my head -- I should have looked at
the original data (unfortunately, I was fooled by looking at the song
title, which is the same thing but with the raw UTF-8 bytes instead of
the URL escape codes).

  track_id = url2pathname(urlparse(track_id).path)
  print repr(track_id)
  parse_result = urlparse(track_id).path
  print repr(parse_result)
  track_id_replacement = url2pathname(parse_result)
  print repr(track_id_replacement)
  The important value here is track_id_replacement; it contains the
  data that's throwing me. It appears that some UTF-8 characters are
  being read as multiple bytes by ElementTree rather than being decoded
  into Unicode.
  Here's one example. The others are similar -- they have the same
  things that look like problems to me.
  Buffett Time - Annual Shareholders\xc2\xa0L.mp3

 ROTFL! I thought the Buffett thing was a Windows filename! What I was
 expecting was THREE lots of repr() output, and I'm quite unused to
 seeing repr() output with quotes around it instead of apostrophes; how
 did you achieve that?

I don't know -- but I got it again when I printed out the original
version. My *guess* would be that this is what repr prints when asked
to print a byte string (but I don't know how to confirm that).
Alternately, the fact that I'm running these inside SPE might be
changing some defaults. I'm not sure.

You're right that single quotes are expected -- and I'd expect a
preceding u, since they're supposed to be Unicode. I dunno what's
going on.

 So you're saying that track_id_replacement contains utf8 characters.
 It is obtained by track_id_replacement = url2pathname(parse_result).
 You don't show us what is in parse_result. url2pathname() is nothing
 to do with ElementTree. urlparse() is nothing to do with ElementTree.
 You have provided no evidence that ElementTree is doing what you
 accuse it of.

Okay. Here's the evidence... Or something. Looking at this I begin to
see why things work the way they do. It's utterly bizzare, quite

 Please try again. Backtrack in your code to where you are pulling the
 url out of an element. Do print repr(some_element.some_attribute).
 Show us.

Okay, the repr of the string that comes out of the .text attribute is:


Looking at the XML, and THIS TIME actually looking at the correct
attribute (I was looking at the title before) I see... surprise!
That's the correct data.

So all of the mysteries are solved (except for my Python's
doublequotes, but who cares), and ElementTree is entirely vindicated.


Re: Python parsing iTunes XML/COM

2008-07-30 Thread william tanksley
Thank you for the response. Here's some more info, including a little
that you didn't ask me for but which might be useful.

John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 william tanksley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  To ask another way: how do I convert from a file:// URL to a local
  path in a standard way, so that filepaths from two different sources
  will work the same way in a dictionary?
  The problems occur when the filenames have non-ascii characters in
  them -- I suspect that the URLs are having some encoding placed on
  them that Python's decoder doesn't know about.

 # track_id = url2pathname(urlparse(track_id).path)
 print repr(track_id)
 parse_result = urlparse(track_id).path
 print repr(parse_result)
 track_id_replacement = url2pathname(parse_result)
 print repr(track_id_replacement)

The important value here is track_id_replacement; it contains the
data that's throwing me. It appears that some UTF-8 characters are
being read as multiple bytes by ElementTree rather than being decoded
into Unicode. Could this be a bug in ElementTree's Unicode support? If
so, can I work around it?

Here's one example. The others are similar -- they have the same
things that look like problems to me.

Buffett Time - Annual Shareholders\xc2\xa0L.mp3

Note some problems here:

1. This isn't Unicode; it's missing the u (I printed using repr).
2. It's got the UTF-8 bytes there in the middle.

I tried doing track_id.encode(utf-8), but it doesn't seem to make
any difference at all.

Of course, my ultimate goal is to compare the track_id to the track_id
I get from iTunes' COM interface, including hashing to the same value
for dict lookups.

 and copy/paste the results into your next posting.

In addition to the above results, while trying to get more diagnostic
printouts I got the following warning from Python:

C:\projects\podcasts\podstrand\ UnicodeWarning: Unicode
equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode -
interpreting them as being unequal
  return track.databaseID == trackLocation

The code that triggered this is as follows:

if trackLocation in self.podcasts:
track = self.podcasts[trackLocation]
if trackRelease:
track.release_date = trackRelease
elif track.is_podcast:
print No release date:, repr(
# For the sake of diagnostics, try to find the track.
def track_has_location(track):
return track.databaseID == trackLocation
fillers = filter(track_has_location, self.fillers)
if len(fillers):
disabled = filter(track_has_location, self.deferred)
if len(disabled):
print Location not known:, repr(trackLocation)


Re: Python parsing iTunes XML/COM

2008-07-30 Thread william tanksley
Jerry Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 william tanksley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here's one example. The others are similar -- they have the same
  things that look like problems to me.
  Buffett Time - Annual Shareholders\xc2\xa0L.mp3

  I tried doing track_id.encode(utf-8), but it doesn't seem to make
  any difference at all.

 I don't have anything to say about your iTunes problems, but encode()
 is the wrong method to turn a byte string into a unicode string.
 Instead, use decode(), like this:

Awesome... Thank you! I had my mental model of Python turned around
backwards. That's an odd feeling. Okay, so you decode to go from raw
byes into a given encoding, and you encode to go from a given encoding
to raw bytes. Not what I thought it was, but that's cool, makes sense.

At first I thought this fixed my problem, but I had to tweak the
obvious fix to make it work, and I don't understand why.

Fix #1:

track_id = track_id.decode('utf-8')
track_id = url2pathname(urlparse(track_id).path)

That doesn't work -- it produces no error, but the raw bytes appear in
the unicode string.

Fix #2:

track_id = url2pathname(urlparse(track_id).path)
track_id = track_id.decode('utf-8')

This one appears to work. (Although I can't confirm it for sure,
because although all my debug prints are now correct, the overall
application fails in the same way it did before, back before I put in
debug printfs. I'm going to spend some time assuming that the problem
is elsewhere in my code, since at least I definitely fixed one serious

I've got a few questions for Python-XML-Unicode experts...

1. Why does the order of those statements matter?
2. Shouldn't it be more correct to decode BEFORE transforming the
string? Why does that kill the decoding?
3. Why is ElementTree dumping raw bytes on me instead of decoding to
UTF-8? The XML file has its encoding set to:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?, so it seems like it should
know what codec to use.



Re: Python parsing iTunes XML/COM

2008-07-30 Thread william tanksley
Jerry Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 2:27 PM, william tanksley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Awesome... Thank you! I had my mental model of Python turned around
  backwards. That's an odd feeling. Okay, so you decode to go from raw
  byes into a given encoding, and you encode to go from a given encoding
  to raw bytes. Not what I thought it was, but that's cool, makes sense.

 That's not quite right.  Decoding takes a byte string that is already
 in a particular encoding and transforms it to unicode.  Unicode isn't
 a encoding of it's own.  Decoding takes a unicode string (which
 doesn't have any encoding associated with it), and gives you back a
 sequence of bytes in a particular encoding.

Okay, this is useful. Thank you for straightening out my mental model.
It makes sense to define strings as just naturally Unicode... and
anything else is in some ways not really a string, although it's
something that might have many of the same methods. I guess this
mental model is being implemented more thoroughly in Py3K... Anyhow,
it makes sense.

I'm still puzzled why I'm getting some non-Unicode out of an
ElementTree's text, though.



Re: Python parsing iTunes XML/COM

2008-07-30 Thread william tanksley
william tanksley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm still puzzled why I'm getting some non-Unicode out of an
 ElementTree's text, though.

Now I know.

Okay, my answer is that cElementTree (in Python 2.5) is simply
deranged when it comes to Unicode. It assumes everything's ASCII.


(Note that the lxml version also doesn't handle Unicode correctly; it
errors when XML declares its encoding.)

This is unpleasant, but at least now I know WHY it was driving me



Re: Python parsing iTunes XML/COM

2008-07-29 Thread william tanksley
To ask another way: how do I convert from a file:// URL to a local
path in a standard way, so that filepaths from two different sources
will work the same way in a dictionary?

Right now I'm using the following source:

track_id = url2pathname(urlparse(track_id).path)

url2pathname is from urllib; urlparse is from the urlparse module.

The problems occur when the filenames have non-ascii characters in
them -- I suspect that the URLs are having some encoding placed on
them that Python's decoder doesn't know about.

Thank you all in advance, and thank you for Python.


Re: iterating by twos

2008-07-29 Thread william tanksley
 Is there a special pythonic idiom for iterating over a list (or
 tuple) two elements at a time?

I don't know of one, and I shouldn't be answering, but the following
should work:

def gulp_two(items):
  for i,j in zip(items[0::2], items[1::2]):
yield (i,j)

Let's see...
[(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7), (8, 9)]

Okay, it works.


Python parsing iTunes XML/COM

2008-07-28 Thread william tanksley
I'm trying to convert the URLs contained in iTunes' XML file into a
form comparable with the filenames returned by iTunes' COM interface.

I'm writing a podcast sorter in Python; I'm using iTunes under Windows
right now. iTunes' COM provides most of my data input and all of my
mp3/aac editing capabilities; the one thing I can't access through COM
is the Release Date, which is my primary sorting field. So I read
everything in through COM, then read all the release dates from the
iTunes XML file, then try to join the two together... But so far I
have zero success.

Is there _any_ way to match up tracks between iTunes COM and iTunes
XML? I've spent far too much effort on this. I'm not stuck on using
filenames, if that's a bad idea... But I haven't found anything else
that works, and filenames seem like an obvious solution.


Bidirectional Generators

2008-07-22 Thread william tanksley
Okay, I'm almost finished with my first bidirectional generator. By
almost finished I mean both that it's almost working, and that I'm
almost about to replace it with a class that works a bit more like
what I currently understand.

Surely some other people have worked with this feature... Are there
any pages that discuss how it's been useful?

No, I don't want to see an implementation of coroutines. I get that
one already. :-)


Re: How to get an XML DOM while offline?

2008-03-31 Thread william tanksley
Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The most pragmatic solution would be to rip the doctype out using simple
 string methods and/or regexes.

Thank you, Diez and Paul; I took Diez's solution, and it works well
enough for me.



How to get an XML DOM while offline?

2008-03-19 Thread william tanksley
I want to parse my iTunes Library xml. All was well, until I unplugged
and left for the train (where I get most of my personal projects
done). All of a sudden, I discovered that apparently the presence of a
DOCTYPE in the iTunes XML makes xml.dom.minidom insist on accessing
the Internet... So suddenly I was unable to do any work.

I don't want to modify the iTunes XML; iTunes rewrites it too often.
How can I prevent xml.dom.minidom from dying when it can't access the

Is there a simpler way to read the iTunes XML? (It's merely a plist,
so the format is much simpler than general XML.)
