Re: 'str' object has no attribute 'intersection' and unhashable set

2016-10-06 Thread dieter
meInvent bbird  writes:
> ...
> is there any algorithm tutorials or books or external library that
> can have a better result for finding repeated lines as group in grouping 
> application

I do not yet understand your problem (and still am not ready to
look at your code).

When I need grouping for elements based on some feature ("F(elem)") I usually

groups = {}
for elem in elements:
  feature = F(elem)
  fg = groups.get(feature)
  if fg is None: groups[feature] = fg = []

After this look, the dict "groups" maps features to the list
of elements with the corresponding feature.

For this to work, the features must be hashable.
If they are not naturally, I derive a consistent (same feature
leads to same representation) hashable representation for them
and use that for the grouping.


Re: 'str' object has no attribute 'intersection' and unhashable set

2016-10-05 Thread meInvent bbird
after change to frozenset , 

it seems can classify into 7 repeated group

but, in real data

this consecutive lines can be also a group
but i can not find this,
actually i do not understand how the function works
is there any algorithm tutorials or books or external library that
can have a better result for finding repeated lines as group in grouping 

1,[(1, 0, 1)]
1,[(1, 0, 1)]
1,[(1, 0, 1)]
1,[(1, 0, 1)]

real data
1,[(1, 0, 1)]
1,[(-1, 1, -2), (2, -1/2, 1)]
0,[(1, 0, 0)]
1,[(1, 0, 1)]
0,[{a: 0}, {b: -1/c, a: 0}, {c: 1, b: -1, a: 0}, {c: -1, b: 1, a: 0}]
0,[(1/2 + sqrt(5)/2, -sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2, -1/2 + sqrt(5)/2), (-sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2, 
1/2 + sqrt(5)/2, -sqrt(5)/2 - 1/2)]
0,[(1, 0, 0)]
1,[(1, 0, 1)]
1,[(1, 0, 1)]
1,[(1, 0, 1)]
1,[(1, 0, 1)]
0,[(1/2 + sqrt(5)/2, -sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2, -1/2 + sqrt(5)/2), (-sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2, 
1/2 + sqrt(5)/2, -sqrt(5)/2 - 1/2)]
0,[(1, 0, 0)]
1,[(-1, 1, -2), (2, -1/2, 1)]
0,[(1, 0, 0)]
1,[(1, 0, 1)]
1,[(1, 0, 1)]
1,[(-1, 1, -2), (2, -1/2, 1)]
0,[(-1, -1, 1), (1, 1, -1)]
0,[(1/2 + sqrt(5)/2, -sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2, -1/2 + sqrt(5)/2), (-sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2, 
1/2 + sqrt(5)/2, -sqrt(5)/2 - 1/2)]
0,[(-1, -1, 1), (1, 1, -1)]
0,[(1/2 + sqrt(5)/2, -sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2, -1/2 + sqrt(5)/2), (-sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2, 
1/2 + sqrt(5)/2, -sqrt(5)/2 - 1/2)]
0,[(-1, -1, 1), (1, 1, -1)]
1,[(-1, 1, -2), (2, -1/2, 1)]
0,[(-1, -1, 1), (1, 1, -1)]
1,[(-1, 1, -2), (2, -1/2, 1)]
0,[(1, 0, 0)]
1,[(-1, 1, -2), (2, -1/2, 1)]
0,[(-1, -1, 1), (1, 1, -1)]
0,[(1/2 + sqrt(5)/2, -sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2, -1/2 + sqrt(5)/2), (-sqrt(5)/2 + 1/2, 
1/2 + sqrt(5)/2, -sqrt(5)/2 - 1/2)]
0,[(1, 0, 0)]
1,[(1, 0, 1)]

def consolidate(sets):
setlist = [s for s in sets if s]
for i, s1 in enumerate(setlist):
if s1:
for s2 in setlist[i+1:]:
intersection = s1.intersection(s2)
if intersection:
s1 = s2
return [s for s in setlist if s]

def wrapper(seqs):
consolidated = consolidate(map(set, seqs))
groupmap = {x: i for i,seq in enumerate(consolidated) for x in seq}
output = {}
for seq in seqs:
target = output.setdefault(groupmap[seq[0]], [])
return list(output.values())

with open("testing1.txt", "r") as myfile:
content = myfile.readlines()
gr = [['']]
for ii in range(0,500):
gr = [[frozenset(content[ii].split())]] + gr
print "error" + str(content[ii])
groups = wrapper(gr)
for i, group in enumerate(wrapper(gr)):
print('g{}:'.format(i), group)

On Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 3:40:25 PM UTC+8, dieter wrote:
> meInvent bbird  writes:
> ... not looking at the details ...
> "'str' object has not attribute 'intersection'": apparently,
> something is really a string (an 'str') while you expect it to be a set.
> "unhashable set": maybe, you try to put a set into another set (or a dict;
> or somewhere else where hashability is necessary). A "set" itself is
> unhashable (like many mutable standard data types); you may consider to use
> "frozenset" in those cases (of course, a "frozenset" is immutable, i.e.
> cannot be changed after creation).


Re: 'str' object has no attribute 'intersection' and unhashable set

2016-10-05 Thread dieter
meInvent bbird  writes:
... not looking at the details ...

"'str' object has not attribute 'intersection'": apparently,
something is really a string (an 'str') while you expect it to be a set.

"unhashable set": maybe, you try to put a set into another set (or a dict;
or somewhere else where hashability is necessary). A "set" itself is
unhashable (like many mutable standard data types); you may consider to use
"frozenset" in those cases (of course, a "frozenset" is immutable, i.e.
cannot be changed after creation).


Re: 'str' object has no attribute 'intersection' and unhashable set (Reposting On Python-List Prohibited)

2016-10-05 Thread Ho Yeung Lee
i do not understand, 

how to solve this frozonset ?

Lawrence D’Oliveiro於 2016年10月5日星期三 UTC+8下午2時24分13秒寫道:
> On Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 2:35:25 PM UTC+13, meInvent bbird wrote:
> > it return unhashable type 'set'
> This is what “frozenset” is for--it’s the immutable counterpart of “set”.
> Data-typing supersymmetry, anybody?


'str' object has no attribute 'intersection' and unhashable set

2016-10-04 Thread meInvent bbird
def consolidate(sets):
setlist = [s for s in sets if s]
for i, s1 in enumerate(setlist):
if s1:
for s2 in setlist[i+1:]:
intersection = s1.intersection(s2)
if intersection:
s1 = s2
return [s for s in setlist if s]

def wrapper(seqs):
consolidated = consolidate(map(set, seqs))
groupmap = {x: i for i,seq in enumerate(consolidated) for x in seq}
output = {}
for seq in seqs:
target = output.setdefault(groupmap[seq[0]], [])
return list(output.values())

with open("testing1.txt", "r") as myfile:
content = myfile.readlines()
gr = [['']]
for ii in range(0,500):
gr = [[content[ii]]] + gr
print "error" + str(content[ii])
#groups = wrapper(content)
for i, group in enumerate(wrapper(gr)):
print('g{}:'.format(i), group)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 10, in 
  File "", line 2, in wrapper
  File "", line 7, in consolidate
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'intersection'

>>> content[1]
'1,[(-1, 1, -2), (2, -1/2, 1)]\n'
>>> content[2]
'0,[(1, 0, 0)]\n'
>>> content[3]
'1,[(1, 0, 1)]\n'
>>> content[4]
>>> content[5]

then i try to edit to
gr = [[set(content[ii])]] + gr

it return unhashable type 'set'

just would like to search all repeatable pattern for a group of lines