Re: [python] how to ensure item in list or dict bind with an uuid meaning integer type ID?

2010-06-30 Thread Tim Roberts
kee chen wrote:

I have 2 lists stored in 2 text files may have duplicated records, the raw
data looks like this:
lfruit  lcountry
==  =
orange  japan
orange  china
apple   american
cherry  india
lemon   china
lemon   japan
strawberry  korea
banana  thailand
basically, what I want is:
 1. all of the duplicated records need to be removed and
 2. the unique items need bind with an unique integer ID, something like a
PK in database, no sort needed.
but before you give answer here, pls also read below.

You need a database.  What you're talking about here is exactly the kind of
thing that an SQL database can provide.  Sqlite is simple and lightweight,
and can do your unique checks and your join without even breaking a sweat.
If you don't like that, there are pure Python SQL engines available that
are even simpler.

Why reinvent the whell?  What you want already exists.
Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

[python] how to ensure item in list or dict bind with an uuid meaning integer type ID?

2010-06-28 Thread kee chen
Dear all,

I have 2 lists stored in 2 text files may have duplicated records, the raw
data looks like this:
lfruit  lcountry
==  =
orange  japan
orange  china
apple   american
cherry  india
lemon   china
lemon   japan
strawberry  korea
banana  thailand
basically, what I want is:
 1. all of the duplicated records need to be removed and
 2. the unique items need bind with an unique integer ID, something like a
PK in database, no sort needed.
but before you give answer here, pls also read below.

lfruit  lcountry
==  =
1orange   1  japan
2pear 2  china
3apple3  american
4cherry   4  india
5lemon5  taiwan
6strawberry   6  korea
7banana   7  thailand
  8  australia

Q1,the items in above lists may need to be added and deleted later, then how
to make the list easy to extend and how to make sure the items have a
sequenced, unique fixed, INTERGET type ID bind with those items?

Here is why I want an INTEGER ID not hash or uuid: the uuid4 is not
working on my case because I want make that ID may transfer information in
low cost in a MCU protocol style later, I means the INTEGER ID used here
also as the binary stream position id in my protocol, take lfruit data here
for example, a bin stream 000 can with the meaning of lfruit items
exists or not.

Also, a combination of 2 lists may needed later to generate new list or
called matrix, also as above, an unique ID is also needed here:
  lcombination =  [lfruit] * [lcountry]
1japan  orange#(1,1)
2japan  pear  #(1,2)
3japan  apple #(1,3)
4japan  cherry#(1,4)
5japan  lemon ...
6japan  strawberry...
7japan  banana...
8china  orange#(2,1)
9china  pear  #(2,2)
Q2, because the lcombination come from the extendable items in lists, then
how to make sure the unique ID here also is always fixed and unique?

BTW: my original plan is to use dict or list as the runtime data container
and use sqlite as the storage also the assigee of the unique ID , however,
base on answer from
it may not just rely on sqlite ensure the unique ID assignee mechanism may
works, then I asks help here, any answer or comment will be highly
