Re: new to python question

2011-09-28 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 5:06 PM, The Geek wrote:
 I'm clearly not understanding something about scope in python...  Any help
 is appreciated
 In the following script I'm attempting to create 2 Foo objects, for each Foo
 object I create 2 Bars and add them to Foo's bar array
 Something hokey is occurring with the foo.bars.append(bar) line such that
 Foo.bars is treated as a static (I know python doesn't have statics)
 I have a workaround using encapsulation for the bars array but I prefer
 would also like to understand the issue.
 foos = []
 class Foo:
 id = 0
 bars = []
 class Bar:
 id = 0
 for j in range(0, 2):
 foo = Foo()
 for i in range(0, 2):
 bar = Bar() = i
 for myFoo in foos:
 print(foo id: ,
 for myBar in myFoo.bars:
 print (\tbar id: ,

It's a pretty common gotcha for people coming from other languages.
Everything declared in the class scope becomes an attribute of the
 class Foo(object) :
...a = 3
...def b() : pass
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribut
e__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_e
x__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '_
_weakref__', 'a', 'b']

Mutating those objects mutates the attribute of the class, which is
visible to all instances of the class.

In order to get an instance of a class, you have to add the field to
the instance of the class instead of to the class itself.

class Bar(object) :
def ___init__(self) :
self.a = 3

Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Bernd Nawothnig wrote:

  You're thinking you're passing the arguments as reference

 That is the way Fortran handles them:

which is one of the things you really love when you link against
underdocumented Fortran programs from C.  (is that parameter
a scalar or an array? crash! oh, an array. how many values does
it expect? crash! oh, a few more, I suppose).



Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-15 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sun, 15 May 2005 08:00:47 +0200, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

M.E.Farmer wrote:

 I said exactly what I meant, the parentheses around the values creates
 a tuple that you have no reference to!

repeating it doesn't make you right; no extra tuple is created, and the
parens are part of the syntax:

If the target is a target list enclosed in parentheses or in square
brackets: The object must be a sequence with the same number
of items as there are targets in the target list, and its items are
assigned, from left to right, to the corresponding targets.

(originally, you had to use [] to unpack lists, and () or no parens only
worked for tuples.  the ability to use an arbitrary sequence was added
in 1.5)

Note that (x) without a comma doesn't unpack like [x] however:

  (x)= 123,
  [x]= 123,
  (x,)= 123,
  x,= 123,

Also, BTW,


I.e., that last result is not [(123,)]

There's actually a bunch of context-sensitive things about commas that
you just have to get used to, in lists, tuples, function call arg lists,
subscripts (__getitem__ args), unpacking assignment targets, etc.

on the other hand, the function you're calling in this example *does*
create a tuple that you have no reference to after the assignment.
Yeah, but it would create that tuple whether there was an assignment
of the returned result or not. Collecting unconnected facts in one
breath remind me too much of political speeches ;-)
that doesn't matter, of course, since the tuple is removed by the
garbage collector immediately after it has been unpacked.
I'm too tired to figure a humorous segue ;-)

Bengt Richter

Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-15 Thread M.E.Farmer

No. You claimed
This will only create a tuple in memory
That is not what I said please do not edit my words and call it a

But we just learned that this is not the case.
Yes it seems I was proven wrong and have learned much from the
discussion ;)
That is why I am here to learn from others and help if I can (
sometimes I am just plain wrong and I get the help )

Reduced to this argument I have no objection.
Glad to hear it.

Lisp is far from being ugly ;-)
Your words not mine.I never said it was ugly.
Lisp is beautiful but Python isn't Lisp, and the () *are* getting



Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-15 Thread M.E.Farmer
Fredrik and Bengt:
Thank you for the time.
I will study the docs and play with the shell till this is firm.


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-15 Thread M.E.Farmer
It looks like the docs could use some examples of the various
assignments it refers to.
I think something like Bengt posted would be a nice addition if it
included assignments with slices and dicts too.
Just a thought.


A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread David
Hi I'm trying to teach myself python and so far to good, but I'm having
a bit of trouble getting a function to work the way I think it should
work.  Right now I'm taking a simple program I wrote in Fortran and
trying to do it in Python.  I got it to work, but now I'm trying to
modularize it.  My fortran program uses a subroutine and I was trying
to do the same thing in Python.  But I'm still new so I'm having
trouble understanding what I'm doing wrong.  Here is my code:

#! /usr/bin/python
#This program takes two vectors and multiplies them
#against a 10X10 array.  It also then gives the dot product,
#sum, and max value of the array.

import Numeric
def abc(array1,array2,dotprod,sum,maxvalue):
Takes two arrays and performs predetermined calculations,
   Then returns the solutions back as the same array, along
   with the dot product, sum, and max value of the array.
#TODO: Get this damn thing working!!
print Array 1 in:,array1 #Debug
data = Numeric.zeros((10,10))
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
data[i,j] = (i+1)+(j+1)

e = Numeric.matrixmultiply(data, array1)
g = Numeric.matrixmultiply(Numeric.transpose(data),array2)
array1 = e
array2 = g
dotprod =,array2)
sum = Numeric.sum(array1)
maxvalue = array2[Numeric.argmax(array2)]
print Array 1 out:,array1 #Debug

return array1,array2,dotprod,sum,maxvalue #-- Not working as I
thought it would.

x = Numeric.arange(1,11)
y = Numeric.arange(1,11)*2
dotp,sumx,maxv = 0,0,0  #Is this the only way to declare a variable?

print 'Array X:',x
print 'Array Y:',y
print 'Calling function abc'
print 'Array X:',x
print 'Array Y:',y
print 'Dot Product of X and Y:',dotp
print 'Sum of array X:',sumx
print 'Max value of array Y:',maxv

If you run it the data gets passed to the function just fine and it
finds the right numbers.  Its just getting it to pass them back thats
not working.  I put some print statements inside the function just to
see how the data gets passed.  So any ideas that would help me? If you
want to see the fortran code just email me.



Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread Bernd Nawothnig
On 2005-05-14, David wrote:


(x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv) = abc(x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv)


Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. [T. Jefferson]

Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread Philippe C. Martin

You're thinking you're passing the arguments as reference (look at mutable
vs non-mutable)

Your function returns the values in a tupple (x,y,...); you need to fetch
the values from that tupple



David wrote:

 Hi I'm trying to teach myself python and so far to good, but I'm having
 a bit of trouble getting a function to work the way I think it should
 work.  Right now I'm taking a simple program I wrote in Fortran and
 trying to do it in Python.  I got it to work, but now I'm trying to
 modularize it.  My fortran program uses a subroutine and I was trying
 to do the same thing in Python.  But I'm still new so I'm having
 trouble understanding what I'm doing wrong.  Here is my code:
 #! /usr/bin/python
 #This program takes two vectors and multiplies them
 #against a 10X10 array.  It also then gives the dot product,
 #sum, and max value of the array.
 import Numeric
 def abc(array1,array2,dotprod,sum,maxvalue):
 Takes two arrays and performs predetermined calculations,
Then returns the solutions back as the same array, along
with the dot product, sum, and max value of the array.
 #TODO: Get this damn thing working!!
 print Array 1 in:,array1 #Debug
 data = Numeric.zeros((10,10))
 for i in range(10):
 for j in range(10):
 data[i,j] = (i+1)+(j+1)
 e = Numeric.matrixmultiply(data, array1)
 g = Numeric.matrixmultiply(Numeric.transpose(data),array2)
 array1 = e
 array2 = g
 dotprod =,array2)
 sum = Numeric.sum(array1)
 maxvalue = array2[Numeric.argmax(array2)]
 print Array 1 out:,array1 #Debug
 return array1,array2,dotprod,sum,maxvalue #-- Not working as I
 thought it would.
 x = Numeric.arange(1,11)
 y = Numeric.arange(1,11)*2
 dotp,sumx,maxv = 0,0,0  #Is this the only way to declare a variable?
 print 'Array X:',x
 print 'Array Y:',y
 print 'Calling function abc'
 print 'Array X:',x
 print 'Array Y:',y
 print 'Dot Product of X and Y:',dotp
 print 'Sum of array X:',sumx
 print 'Max value of array Y:',maxv
 If you run it the data gets passed to the function just fine and it
 finds the right numbers.  Its just getting it to pass them back thats
 not working.  I put some print statements inside the function just to
 see how the data gets passed.  So any ideas that would help me? If you
 want to see the fortran code just email me.


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread Bernd Nawothnig
On 2005-05-14, Philippe C. Martin wrote:

 You're thinking you're passing the arguments as reference

That is the way Fortran handles them:


 Right now I'm taking a simple program I wrote in Fortran


Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. [T. Jefferson]

Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread M.E.Farmer
David wrote:
 Hi I'm trying to teach myself python and so far to good, but I'm
 a bit of trouble getting a function to work the way I think it should
 work.  Right now I'm taking a simple program I wrote in Fortran and
 trying to do it in Python.  I got it to work, but now I'm trying to
 modularize it.  My fortran program uses a subroutine and I was trying
 to do the same thing in Python.  But I'm still new so I'm having
 trouble understanding what I'm doing wrong.  Here is my code:

 #! /usr/bin/python
 #This program takes two vectors and multiplies them
 #against a 10X10 array.  It also then gives the dot product,
 #sum, and max value of the array.

 import Numeric
 def abc(array1,array2,dotprod,sum,maxvalue):
 Takes two arrays and performs predetermined calculations,
Then returns the solutions back as the same array, along
with the dot product, sum, and max value of the array.
 #TODO: Get this damn thing working!!
 print Array 1 in:,array1 #Debug
 data = Numeric.zeros((10,10))
 for i in range(10):
 for j in range(10):
 data[i,j] = (i+1)+(j+1)

 e = Numeric.matrixmultiply(data, array1)
 g = Numeric.matrixmultiply(Numeric.transpose(data),array2)
 array1 = e
 array2 = g
 dotprod =,array2)
 sum = Numeric.sum(array1)
 maxvalue = array2[Numeric.argmax(array2)]
 print Array 1 out:,array1 #Debug

 return array1,array2,dotprod,sum,maxvalue #-- Not working as I
 thought it would.

 x = Numeric.arange(1,11)
 y = Numeric.arange(1,11)*2
 dotp,sumx,maxv = 0,0,0  #Is this the only way to declare a variable?

 print 'Array X:',x
 print 'Array Y:',y
 print 'Calling function abc'
 print 'Array X:',x
 print 'Array Y:',y
 print 'Dot Product of X and Y:',dotp
 print 'Sum of array X:',sumx
 print 'Max value of array Y:',maxv

 If you run it the data gets passed to the function just fine and it
 finds the right numbers.  Its just getting it to pass them back thats
 not working.  I put some print statements inside the function just to
 see how the data gets passed.  So any ideas that would help me? If
 want to see the fortran code just email me.


Hello David,
   welcome to Python!
Python always returns 'something' from a function or method if nothing
is specified or there is no return you get an implicit None.
You have created a function that accepts a few arguments and processes
them then returns there value.
The problem is that you **have not** used the return values ;)

def funk(first,second,third):
return first,second,third

This can be like this:
print funk(theses three args can be anything,2,three)

If you need to use the return values you need to assign them to a
name so you have a handle on them.
Variables are don't exist in Python there are only objects and names(
hence namespaces ), but not everyone is so strict and you still see
mention of 'variables' when they mean 'names'.
 ##dotp,sumx,maxv = 0,0,0  # not needed here
 print 'Array X:',x
 print 'Array Y:',y
 ## Notice we assign the return values to names so we can access it
 arr1,arr2,dotp,sumx,maxv = abc(x,y,0,0,0)
 print 'Calling function abc'
 print 'Array X:',arr1
 print 'Array Y:',arr2
 print 'Dot Product of X and Y:',dotp
 print 'Sum of array X:',sumx
 print 'Max value of array Y:',maxv

Or you could pack all return values into a tuple and access it thru
 ##dotp,sumx,maxv = 0,0,0  # not needed here
 print 'Array X:',x
 print 'Array Y:',y
 abcinfo = abc(x,y,0,0,0)
 print 'Calling function abc'
 print 'Array X:',abcinfo[0]
 print 'Array Y:',abcinfo[1]
 print 'Dot Product of X and Y:',abcinfo[2]
 print 'Sum of array X:',abcinfo[3]
 print 'Max value of array Y:',abcinfo[4]

Or you could use a dictionary, or etc...
The possibilities are endless.
Be sure to study up on namespaces, it will ease your Python woes.
Namespaces are the most fundamental part of Python that new users don't
understand. Namespace mastery will take you far.
Just remember there are only two scopes local and global ;)


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread M.E.Farmer
(x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv) = abc(x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv)
This will only create a tuple in memory that has no name to reference
it by!
How would you access the returned value?
If you want a tuple you need to assign all the return vales to a single
mytup = abc(x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv)


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread Steven Bethard
M.E.Farmer wrote:
 (x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv) = abc(x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv)
 This will only create a tuple in memory that has no name to reference
 it by!

Huh?  This binds the names x, y, dotp, sumx and maxv to the 
values returned by abc:

py def abc(*args):
... return args
py (x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv) = abc(2,3,5,7,11)
py x
py y
py dotp
py sumx
py maxv

Of course, the parentheses around x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv are unnecessary.


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread David
Thank you very much.  Tulpes are really neat now that I've looked at
them.  So after just fixing it, I changed it up and I would like to
show it off now.

#! /usr/bin/python
#This program takes two vectors and multiplies them
#against a 10X10 array.  It also then gives the dot product,
#sum, and max value of the array.

import Numeric
def abc(package):
Takes two arrays and performs predetermined calculations,
   Then returns the solutions back as the same array, along
   with the dot product, sum, and max value of the array.

   Data slots:
   0 - First Array
   1 - Second Array
   2 - Dot product
   3 - Sum
   4 - Max Value
f = Numeric.zeros((10,10))
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
f[i,j] = (i+1)+(j+1)

e = Numeric.matrixmultiply(f, package[0])
g = Numeric.matrixmultiply(Numeric.transpose(f),package[1])
package[0] = e
package[1] = g
package[2] =[0],package[1])
package[3] = Numeric.sum(package[0])
package[4] = package[1][Numeric.argmax(package[1])]
return package

data = [Numeric.arange(1,11),Numeric.arange(1,11)*2,0,0,0]
#data = [Array X, Array Y, Dot product, Sum, Max Value]

print 'Array X:',data[0]
print 'Array Y:',data[1]

data = abc(data)

print 'Calling function abc'
print 'Array X:',data[0]
print 'Array Y:',data[1]
print 'Dot Product of X and Y:',data[2]
print 'Sum of array X:',data[3]
print 'Max value of array Y:',data[4]

I think its just wonderful now, but if you got any other suggestions,
Please do tell.  Thanks everyone.



Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread David
Hmm don't know what happened.  I guess the formatting got all chewed up.


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread Bernd Nawothnig

 On 2005-05-14, M.E.Farmer wrote:

 (x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv) = abc(x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv)
 This will only create a tuple in memory that has no name to reference
 it by!

Maybe. But it does not seem to hurt. And I am not sure the tupel _is_
really created in that situation.

 How would you access the returned value?
 If you want a tuple you need to assign all the return vales to a single

We do not want the tuple.

Python 2.3.5 (#1, Apr 28 2005, 12:14:04)
[GCC 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux,
ssp-, pie-
on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 def foo():
 ... return 1,2,3
 print a,b,c
1 2 3


Of course, you can omit the ():

 print a,b,c
1 2 3

That makes no difference.


Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. [T. Jefferson]

Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread Philippe C. Martin
Yes, I gathered.

We all get our habits from somewhere :-)



Bernd Nawothnig wrote:

 On 2005-05-14, Philippe C. Martin wrote:
 You're thinking you're passing the arguments as reference
 That is the way Fortran handles them:
 Right now I'm taking a simple program I wrote in Fortran


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread M.E.Farmer
I said exactly what I meant, the parentheses around the values creates
a tuple that you have no reference to! It also has a side effect of
binding the names inside the tuple to a value and placing them in the
local namespace( implicit tuple unpacking ). It might be the same as
no parens but it isn't very clear. If you want a tuple make it
explicit, if you want individual names make it explicit.
 def f(q,w,e,r):
... return q,w,e,r
 # diff names
 a,b,c,d= f(1,2,3,4)# explicit tuple unpacking
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f',
 del a,b,c,d
 # where is the tuple
 (a,b,c,d)= f(1,2,3,4)# implicit tuple unpacking !?
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f',
 del a,b,c,d
 # Where is the tuple (a,s,d,f)? There isn't one.
 # assign to a single name ( don't do tuple unpacking )
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'f', 'shell', 'tup']
Now there is.
Steve since you are closer to expert than novice you understand the
I feel this can be confusing to newbies, maybe you disagree.


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread M.E.Farmer
I said exactly what I meant, the parantheses around the values creates
a tuple that you have no reference to! It also has a side effect of
binding the names inside the tuple to a value and placing them in the
local namespace. It might be the same but it isn't very clear. If you
want a tuple make it explicit, if you want individual names make it
 def f(q,w,e,r):
... return q,w,e,r
 # diff names
 a,b,c,d= f(1,2,3,4)# explicit tuple unpacking
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f',
 del a,b,c,d
 # where is the tuple
 (a,b,c,d)= f(1,2,3,4)# implicit tuple unpacking !?
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f',
 del a,b,c,d
 # Where is the tuple (a,b,c,d)? There isn't one.
 # assign to a single name ( don't do tuple unpacking )
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'f', 'shell', 'tup']
Now there is.
Steve since you are closer to expert than novice you understand the
I feel this can be confusing to newbies, maybe you disagree.


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread Steven Bethard
M.E.Farmer wrote:
 I said exactly what I meant, the parentheses around the values creates
 a tuple that you have no reference to! It also has a side effect of
 binding the names inside the tuple to a value and placing them in the
 local namespace( implicit tuple unpacking ). It might be the same as
 no parens but it isn't very clear. If you want a tuple make it
 explicit, if you want individual names make it explicit.

It actually is the same, and I don't think implicit or explicit is the 
difference you should be citing here.  The parentheses are fully 
optional -- they don't change the semantics at all:

py t = (4, 5)
py a = t
py a is t
py a = (b, c) = t
py a is t
py a = b, c = t
py a is t

In all cases, a still gets assigned the tuple (4, 5).  Whether or not 
you put the parentheses around b, c is fully a matter of style.

I don't know the implementation enough to know whether or not a tuple is 
actually created when b and c are bound to their values, but I'd be 
willing to bet that whatever happens to (b, c) is exactly the same as 
what happens to b, c.


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread Steven Bethard
Steven Bethard wrote:
 I don't know the implementation enough to know whether or not a tuple is 
 actually created when b and c are bound to their values, but I'd be 
 willing to bet that whatever happens to (b, c) is exactly the same as 
 what happens to b, c.

Some corroborating evidence:

py def f(t):
... (b, c) = t
py def g(t):
... b, c = t
py import dis
py dis.dis(f)
   2   0 LOAD_FAST0 (t)
   6 STORE_FAST   2 (b)
   9 STORE_FAST   1 (c)
  12 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
py dis.dis(g)
   2   0 LOAD_FAST0 (t)
   6 STORE_FAST   2 (b)
   9 STORE_FAST   1 (c)
  12 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

They're both an UNPACK_SEQUENCE byte-code.


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread Bengt Richter
On 14 May 2005 10:44:30 -0700, M.E.Farmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Be sure to study up on namespaces, it will ease your Python woes.
Namespaces are the most fundamental part of Python that new users don't
understand. Namespace mastery will take you far.
Just remember there are only two scopes local and global ;)
And don't jump to conclusions when you read a line like the last above ;-)
I.e., there can be many different local and global scopes, not just one of each,
and since Python is a very dynamic language, existence of things can vary with
execution time and logic, so those scopes don't all have to exist at the same 
or at all, nor persist until the program runs to its end. Also, ISTM local is 
being stretched a little above to include nested scopes, which are a bit 
from either plain local or global in how you can access them.

I would second the advice to explore namespaces, and particularly attribute 
name spaces
such as are defined by classes. Attribute access and descriptors conspire to 
enable much
of the magic you can cook up with Python, as well as stuff that happens 

In short, a whole unopened deluxe set of programming Legos is at your elbow, 
besides the
pieces you have encountered so far. Have fun ;-)

Bengt Richter

Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread Bengt Richter
On 14 May 2005 13:25:55 -0700, M.E.Farmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I said exactly what I meant, the parentheses around the values creates
a tuple that you have no reference to! It also has a side effect of
I don't understand what you are saying, or meaning ;-)
BTW, the function call has nothing to do with what happens on the left hand side
of the assignment. It is only the result of the function call that counts, so we
could as well use a literal or other expression. This is a matter of unpacking
a sequence according to the left hand target. E.g.,

 listiterator object at 0x02F8F68C
  a,b,c = iter([1,2,3])
  d,e,f = [1,2,3]
  g,h,i = 'GHI'
 [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 'G', 'H', 'I']

Ok, now looking at the code for the assignment to a,b,c vs to (a,b,c):

  import dis
  dis.dis(compile('(a,b,c) = iter([1,2,3])','','exec'))
   1   0 LOAD_NAME0 (iter)
   3 LOAD_CONST   0 (1)
   6 LOAD_CONST   1 (2)
   9 LOAD_CONST   2 (3)
  12 BUILD_LIST   3
  21 STORE_NAME   1 (a)
  24 STORE_NAME   2 (b)
  27 STORE_NAME   3 (c)
  30 LOAD_CONST   3 (None)
  dis.dis(compile('a,b,c = iter([1,2,3])','','exec'))
   1   0 LOAD_NAME0 (iter)
   3 LOAD_CONST   0 (1)
   6 LOAD_CONST   1 (2)
   9 LOAD_CONST   2 (3)
  12 BUILD_LIST   3
  21 STORE_NAME   1 (a)
  24 STORE_NAME   2 (b)
  27 STORE_NAME   3 (c)
  30 LOAD_CONST   3 (None)
I don't see anything in the code about creating a tuple that you have no 
reference to.
To see the unpacking of GHI so as to get rid of the function call red herring:

  dis.dis(compile('a,b,c = GHI','','exec'))
   1   0 LOAD_CONST   0 ('GHI')
   6 STORE_NAME   0 (a)
   9 STORE_NAME   1 (b)
  12 STORE_NAME   2 (c)
  15 LOAD_CONST   1 (None)
  dis.dis(compile('(a,b,c) = GHI','','exec'))
   1   0 LOAD_CONST   0 ('GHI')
   6 STORE_NAME   0 (a)
   9 STORE_NAME   1 (b)
  12 STORE_NAME   2 (c)
  15 LOAD_CONST   1 (None)

ISTM the assignment part starts with UNPACK_SEQUENCE and all the code looks the 
BTW, UIAM it is the commas that define tuples, so the outermost parens are 
really expression
parens more than tuple syntax. But note that you can have nested tuple 
structure as target,
and that does change the unpacking code (and what it expects to have available 
to unpack):

  (x,(y,z)) = 'XYZ'
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 ValueError: too many values to unpack
  (x,(y,z)) = 'X','YZ'
  (x,(y,z)) = [1, [2,3]]
  dis.dis(compile('(x,(y,z)) = 0','','exec'))
   1   0 LOAD_CONST   0 (0)
   6 STORE_NAME   0 (x)
  12 STORE_NAME   1 (y)
  15 STORE_NAME   2 (z)
  18 LOAD_CONST   1 (None)

Obviously we can't unpack the zero, but the code doesn't know
that until it tries it, so we can look at what the left hand side code is
independent of the right hand side.

binding the names inside the tuple to a value and placing them in the
local namespace( implicit tuple unpacking ). It might be the same as
no parens but it isn't very clear. If you want a tuple make it
explicit, if you want individual names make it explicit.
OTOH, you might want a mix:

  a, tup, (b,c), d = ['A', ('a', 'tuple'), 'BC', 'Sandra']
 ('a', 'tuple')

Or with gratuitous _outer_ parens:

  (a, tup, (b,c), d) = ['A', ('a', 'tuple'), 'BC', 'Sandra']
 ('a', 'tuple')

  dis.dis(compile(a, tup, (b,c), d = ['A', ('a', 'tuple'), 'BC', 
   1   0 LOAD_CONST   0 ('A')
   3 LOAD_CONST   6 (('a', 'tuple'))
   6 LOAD_CONST   3 ('BC')
   9 LOAD_CONST   4 ('Sandra')

Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread M.E.Farmer
It actually is the same, and I don't think implicit or explicit is the
difference you should be citing here.
Why not it is relevant and true that Python is doing an implicit
unpacking of the values in that unnamed tuple.
Quoting myself It might be the same as
no parens but it isn't very clear. If you want a tuple make it
explicit, if you want individual names make it explicit.
So as you say, maybe it is is fully a matter of style and apparently I
don't like that style!

They're both an UNPACK_SEQUENCE byte-code.
I have dissed it myself ;)
My argument, if you can call it that, is that it is not clear that
Python is going to do a tuple unpacking here or not !
You had to dis it to find out and you are not a newbie.
# extra fluff from pyshell
 import dis
 dis.dis(compile('(x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv) =
  0 SET_LINENO   0

  3 SET_LINENO   1
  6 LOAD_NAME0 (abc)
  9 LOAD_NAME1 (x)
 12 LOAD_NAME2 (y)
 15 LOAD_NAME3 (dotp)
 18 LOAD_NAME4 (sumx)
 21 LOAD_NAME5 (maxv)
 30 STORE_NAME   1 (x)
 33 STORE_NAME   2 (y)
 36 STORE_NAME   3 (dotp)
 39 STORE_NAME   4 (sumx)
 42 STORE_NAME   5 (maxv)
 45 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
 dis.dis(compile('x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv =
  0 SET_LINENO   0

  3 SET_LINENO   1
  6 LOAD_NAME0 (abc)
  9 LOAD_NAME1 (x)
 12 LOAD_NAME2 (y)
 15 LOAD_NAME3 (dotp)
 18 LOAD_NAME4 (sumx)
 21 LOAD_NAME5 (maxv)
 30 STORE_NAME   1 (x)
 33 STORE_NAME   2 (y)
 36 STORE_NAME   3 (dotp)
 39 STORE_NAME   4 (sumx)
 42 STORE_NAME   5 (maxv)
 45 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
 dis.dis(compile('tup = abc(x,y,dotp,sumx,maxv)','','exec'))
  0 SET_LINENO   0

  3 SET_LINENO   1
  6 LOAD_NAME0 (abc)
  9 LOAD_NAME1 (x)
 12 LOAD_NAME2 (y)
 15 LOAD_NAME3 (dotp)
 18 LOAD_NAME4 (sumx)
 21 LOAD_NAME5 (maxv)
 27 STORE_NAME   6 (tup)
 30 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

You may notice that the act of assigning the return values to a unnamed
tuple and a name have different semantics and that was the real point.
The problem is why should this be the same:



Seems weird, non-intuitive that a tuple unpacking and tuple creation
have the same bytecode.
So why is this done? What is the reason, I am sure there are a few ;)

p.s. I am leaving out for a while and will read/followup later if
needed. Thank you all for your time. 


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread M.E.Farmer
I explained what i meant in previous post there was nothing more than
just a discussion I have no real problem here just more of a sore point
in style for me. I feel that parens are quite overloaded and it can be
confusing to newbies.
But if the parens are just fluff then get rid of them, it is clearer *
at least to me * ;)
There are enough things wrapped in parens nowadays it is starting to
look like lisp.
 BTW, UIAM it is the commas that define tuples, so the outermost
parens are really expression
parens more than tuple syntax.
Hadn't really thought of that way but it makes sense
 w = 1,2,3
tuple() - an empty tuple
 tuple(sequence) - tuple initialized from sequence's items

 If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.
Thanks for your time Bengt!


Re: A new to Python question

2005-05-14 Thread Terry Reedy

M.E.Farmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 But if the parens are just fluff then get rid of them, it is clearer *
 at least to me * ;)

While I find unnecessary parens on the right of '=' tolerable, I agree as 
to the style preference.

Terry J. Reedy
