Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-13 Thread Stefan Behnel

sturlamolden, 04.07.2010 05:30:

I was just looking at Debian's benchmarks. It seems LuaJIT is now (on
median) beating Intel Fortran!

C (gcc) is running the benchmarks faster by less than a factor of two.
Consider that Lua is a dynamically typed scripting language very
similar to Python.

LuaJIT also runs the benchmarks faster than Java 6 server, OCaml, and

I know it's just a benchmark but this has to count as insanely
impressive. Beating Intel Fortran with a dynamic scripting language,
how is that even possible? And what about all those arguments that
dynamic languages have to be slow?

If this keeps up we'll need a Python to Lua bytecode compiler very
soon. And LuaJIT 2 is rumoured to be much faster than the current...

In case anyone's interested, I uploaded a wrapper for LuaJIT2 to PyPI:

It's written in Cython and heavily borrows from the existing Lua wrapper 
LunaticPython, with a couple of enhancements and a couple of yet missing 



Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-13 Thread Luis M . González
On Jul 4, 6:09 pm, Stephen Hansen me+list/ wrote:
 On 7/4/10 9:21 AM, sturlamolden wrote:

  On 4 Jul, 14:29, David Cournapeau wrote:

  Actually, I think the main reason why Lua is much faster than other
  dynamic languages is its size. The language is small. You don't list,
  dict, tuples, etc...

  They have managed to combine list and dict into one type (table) that
  does the job of both.

 You say managed as if it were some technical accomplishment, or that
 the result is able to actually do the job of both: neither of these
 assertions are true.

 Have you actually *used* Lua? I quite like the language in certain
 contexts where its appropriate, but if you've actually used it in real
 code and found tables to be at all a substitute for *either*
 dictionaries *or* lists, then I think somehow you've managed to actually
 miss using either data structure in Python to any real extent, somehow.

 Lua's tables are at very weak dictionary-like and list-like objects,
 which indeed have been folded into one. To the detriment of both, at
 least as far as they are an actual useful data structure.

 You can't even get the equivalent of len(dict) in it: you have to
 actually brute-force iterate the table and count manually. Even for a
 purely array-like table with onlyn umbered indexes, #table can be
 unreliable: its quite possible through normal list-like operations that
 you perform on it, it can end up with holes where #table will fail.
 Since it is *not* an list internally at *all*, but simply an associative
 array with numbered indexes.

 I could go on, and on, and on: but the fundamental *weakness* of Lua'
 data types as data-structures is irrefutable, from its tables to strings
 to numbers: they are incredibly weak on capabilities. You end up writing
 all kinds of library functions to just do the normal things that
 should be really easy to do.

 Now, of course, there's really good reason why Lua is so simple in these
 ways. Its entirely suitable for Lua as an embedded scripting language to
 keep things very light, so it can be simple and fast. Good for Lua to
 fill this niche superbly. But you can't start saying its simple
 alternatives are at all comparable to Python's extremely rich and
 capable data types.

  And yes there are tuples.

 No, there isn't. There's ways to create a tuple-like-thing which kind of
 behaves like a braindead tuple, and functions have a positively bizarre
 capability of returning more then one value (and accepting variable
 values), so there's these points in the language where you have this
 sort of Immutable Sequence, but its opaque until you unwrap it -- and
 then it ceases to be.

 That's not the same thing as having an immutable sequence that you can
 store data in at your discretion, with a rich series of capabilities
 that you can leverage.

  There are no classes, but there are closures and other building blocks
  that can be used to create any object-oriented type system

 Not really.

 Above, I spoke of tables as data structures, things just storing data.
 But you're right, they are capable of more then that-- but you're
 over-selling just how far that capability goes, by a long shot (and
 underselling just how much work it takes to get it there).

 Yes, tables have a limited series of 'hooks' that you can tie into to
 alter their behavior, and through this you can simulate certain higher
 order type systems as defined in other languages. In fact, lots of
 people have done this: there's multiple classy libraries out there to
 bring some kind of Class-or-Object-Oriented-Programming to Lua.

 They work to varying degrees: but the hooks that Lua provides to tables
 is still significantly lacking to really replace Python's
 comprehensively dynamic object model, without a LOT of wasted cycles.

 For example, while you can use __newindex to 'catch' someone setting a
 new 'key' on a table, and and __index to replace or forward the actual
 lookup, you can't actually capture someone trying to set a value to a
 key which already exists. So, you end up having to do a full proxy
 approach, where your table never actually stores anything directly
 (except a reference to another hidden table), and so when someone goes
 to set something you have to set it on the proxied object instead.
 Because you can't let there ever be any real keys on the proxying /
 external table.

 So you're able to work around its lack a bit, to simulate something
 /like/ what it means to have __setattr__.

 But then you run into problems. There's no way now to iterate over the
 table now, because pairs() will only return your internal hidden keys
 that you're using to point to the proxied table (Although you can get
 around this with some more complexity by hiding said key into a
 closure-- but even then, you still can't iterate over the proxied
 table's keys instead).

 So what do you do? Well you go replace the global pairs function,
 that's what you do! So it learns 

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-12 Thread Дамјан Георгиевски

On the positive side, Lua supports tail call optimization and coroutines 
are built in by default.

дамјан ((( )))

Education is one of the prices of freedom that some are unwilling to 


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-09 Thread Felix
On Jul 9, 1:16 am, sturlamolden wrote:
 On 9 Jul, 05:39, Felix wrote:
  For an outsider it does not look like a solution to the GIL mess or a
  true breakthrough for performance are around the corner (even though
  there seem to be many different attempts at working around these
  problems or helping with parts). Am I wrong?

 Yes you are.

 We don't do CPU intensive work in pure Python. We use Python to
 control C and Fortran libraries. That gives us the opportunity to
 multi-thread in C, release the GIL and multi-thread in Python, or

Yes, this setup works very well and is (as I said) probably the reason
python is so widely used in scientific computing these days.
However I find that I can almost never do everything with vector
operations, but have to iterate over data structures at some point.
And here the combination of CPython slowness and the GIL means either
bad performance or having to write this in C (with which cython helps
fortunately). If it were possible to write simple, parallel,
reasonably fast loops in (some subset of) python directly that would
certainly be a great advantage. Given the performance of other JITs it
sounds like it should be possible, but maybe python is too complex to
make this realistic.


PS: No need to convince me that MATLAB is not the solution.

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-09 Thread Felix
On Jul 9, 12:44 am, Stefan Behnel wrote:
 Felix, 09.07.2010 05:39:
  Well, at least its parallel processing abilities are quite good
 If you have really large computations, they usually run on more than one
 computer (not just more than one processor). So you can't really get around
 using something like MPI, in which case an additional threading layer is
 basically worthless, regardless of the language you use. For computations,
 threading keeps being highly overrated.

That is certainly true for large computations. But many smaller tasks
are run on single machines and it does make a difference if they take
1 minute per run or 10. The average number of cores per computer has
been increasing for quite a while now. It seems unfortunate to be
restricted to using only one of them at a time (for regular loops, not
mathematical vector operations). Python has made so many complicated
things easy, but I have not seen an easy way to parallelize a simple
loop on a multicore CPU without having to set up infrastructure and/or
incurring large overhead from many interpreters and marshalling data.
Just the fact that there is such a large number of attempts out there
to fix this suggests that something important is missing.

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-09 Thread sturlamolden
On 9 Jul, 15:25, Felix wrote:

 PS: No need to convince me that MATLAB is not the solution.

What I mean is that Matlab and Mathematica are inherently single
threaded interpreters. Yet they are still used for serious parallel
computing. While Python has multiple threads but a GIL, only allowing
one thread in the interpreter is even more restrictive.


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-09 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/9/2010 1:25 AM, sturlamolden wrote:

With OpenCL, Python is better than C for heavy computing. The Python
or C/C++ program has to supply OpenCL code (structured text) to the
OpenCL driver, which does the real work on GPU or CPU. Python is much
better than C or C++ at processing text. There will soon be OpenCL
drivers for most processors on the market.

For those as ignorant as me, OpenCL = Open Computing Language (for 
parallel computing). Apple proposed, Khronos Group maintains spec (along 
with OpenGL), AMD, NVidea, Intel support.  Send C-like text to device, 
as with OpenGL; device compiles and runs; mainly for number crunching 
with all resources a machine has. OpenCL and OpenGL can work together. 
There is already a Python binding:

But OpenCL drivers will not be pre-installed on Windows, as Microsoft
has a competing COM-based technology (DirectX Compute, with an
atrocious API and syntax).

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-09 Thread geremy condra
On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 7/9/2010 1:25 AM, sturlamolden wrote:

 With OpenCL, Python is better than C for heavy computing. The Python
 or C/C++ program has to supply OpenCL code (structured text) to the
 OpenCL driver, which does the real work on GPU or CPU. Python is much
 better than C or C++ at processing text. There will soon be OpenCL
 drivers for most processors on the market.

 For those as ignorant as me, OpenCL = Open Computing Language (for parallel
 computing). Apple proposed, Khronos Group maintains spec (along with
 OpenGL), AMD, NVidea, Intel support.  Send C-like text to device, as with
 OpenGL; device compiles and runs; mainly for number crunching with all
 resources a machine has. OpenCL and OpenGL can work together. There is
 already a Python binding:

Its worth pointing out that right now you're generally better off with CUDA
than OpenCL, and that pycuda bindings are usable, if not what I would
call easy-to-use.

Geremy Condra

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-08 Thread Luis M . González
On Jul 4, 5:58 pm, John Nagle wrote:

     TheUnladenSwallowpeople should in theory be able to reach
 that level of performance.  (Both groups are employed at Google.
 So their effectiveness will be compared.)

                                 John Nagle

No. Collin Winter said that they will never be as fast as Chrome's V8
or similar JS engines,
since they were created from scratch to be super fast above all else.
On the other hand, US is a project to enhance an existing interpreter,
carrying a lot of the burden of early design decisions.

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-08 Thread sturlamolden
On 4 Jul, 21:59, Stefan Behnel wrote:

  I have already said I don't care about unladen swallow.

 What I meant, was: which of these benchmarks would have to be better to
 make you care? Because your decision not to care seems to be based on
 exactly these benchmarks.

Those are the only one I've seen.


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-08 Thread Felix
On Jul 4, 11:25 am, David Cournapeau wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 12:00 AM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
  I wish it was orders of magnitude faster for web development.  I'm just
  saying that places where we need compiled language speed that Python
  already has that in C.

 Well, I wish I did not have to use C, then :) For example, as a
 contributor to numpy, it bothers me at a fundamental level that so
 much of numpy is in C.

This is something that I have been thinking about recently. Python has
won quite a following in the scientific computing area, probably
especially because of great libraries such as numpy, scipy, pytables
etc. But it also seems python itself is falling further and further
behind in terms of performance and parallel processing abilities. Of
course all that can be fixed by writing C modules (e.g. with the help
of cython), but that weakens the case for using python in the first
For an outsider it does not look like a solution to the GIL mess or a
true breakthrough for performance are around the corner (even though
there seem to be many different attempts at working around these
problems or helping with parts). Am I wrong? If not, what is the
perspective? Do we need to move on to the next language and loose all
the great libraries that have been built around python?


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-08 Thread Stefan Behnel

Felix, 09.07.2010 05:39:

On Jul 4, 11:25 am, David Cournapeau wrote:

Well, I wish I did not have to use C, then :) For example, as a
contributor to numpy, it bothers me at a fundamental level that so
much of numpy is in C.

This is something that I have been thinking about recently. Python has
won quite a following in the scientific computing area, probably
especially because of great libraries such as numpy, scipy, pytables
etc. But it also seems python itself is falling further and further
behind in terms of performance and parallel processing abilities.

Well, at least its parallel processing abilities are quite good actually. 
If you have really large computations, they usually run on more than one 
computer (not just more than one processor). So you can't really get around 
using something like MPI, in which case an additional threading layer is 
basically worthless, regardless of the language you use. For computations, 
threading keeps being highly overrated.

WRT a single machine, you should note that GPGPUs are a lot faster these 
days than even multi-core CPUs. And Python has pretty good support for 
GPUs, too.

Of course all that can be fixed by writing C modules (e.g. with the help
of cython), but that weakens the case for using python in the first

Not at all. Look at Sage, for example. It's attractive because it provides 
tons of functionality, all nicely glued together through a simple language 
that even non-programmers can use efficiently and effectively. And its use 
of Cython makes all of this easily extensible without crossing the gap of a 
language border.



Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-08 Thread sturlamolden
On 9 Jul, 05:39, Felix wrote:

 This is something that I have been thinking about recently. Python has
 won quite a following in the scientific computing area, probably
 especially because of great libraries such as numpy, scipy, pytables

Python is much more friendly to memory than Matlab, and a much nicer
language to work in. It can also be used to program more than just
linear algebra. If you have to read data from a socket, Matlab is not
so fun anymore.

 But it also seems python itself is falling further and further
 behind in terms of performance and parallel processing abilities.

First, fine-grained parallelism really belongs in libraries like MKL,
GotoBLAS and FFTW. Python can manage the high-level routines just like
Matlab. You can call a NumPy routine like, and the BLAS library
(e.g. Intel MKL) will do the multi-threading for you. We almost always
use Python to orchestrate C and Fortran. We can use OpenMP in C or
Fortran, or we can just release the GIL and use Python threads.

Second, the GIL it does not matter for MPI, as it works with
processes. Nor does it matter for os.fork or multiprocessing. On
clusters, which are as common in high-performance computing as SMP
systems, one has to use processes (usually MPI) rather than threads,
as there is no shared memory between processors. On SMP systems, MPI
can use shared-memory and be just as efficient as threads (OpenMP).
(MPI is usually faster due to cache problems with threads.)

Consider that Matlab does not even have threads (or did not last time
I checked). Yet it takes advantage of multi-core CPUs for numerical
computing. It's not the high-level interface that matters, it's the
low-level libraries. And Python is just that: a high-level glue

 For an outsider it does not look like a solution to the GIL mess or a
 true breakthrough for performance are around the corner (even though
 there seem to be many different attempts at working around these
 problems or helping with parts). Am I wrong?

Yes you are.

We don't do CPU intensive work in pure Python. We use Python to
control C and Fortran libraries. That gives us the opportunity to
multi-thread in C, release the GIL and multi-thread in Python, or


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-08 Thread sturlamolden
On 9 Jul, 06:44, Stefan Behnel wrote:

 WRT a single machine, you should note that GPGPUs are a lot faster these
 days than even multi-core CPUs. And Python has pretty good support for
 GPUs, too.

With OpenCL, Python is better than C for heavy computing. The Python
or C/C++ program has to supply OpenCL code (structured text) to the
OpenCL driver, which does the real work on GPU or CPU. Python is much
better than C or C++ at processing text. There will soon be OpenCL
drivers for most processors on the market.

But OpenCL drivers will not be pre-installed on Windows, as Microsoft
has a competing COM-based technology (DirectX Compute, with an
atrocious API and syntax).


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread Rami Chowdhury
On Saturday 03 July 2010 20:30:30 sturlamolden wrote:
 I was just looking at Debian's benchmarks. It seems LuaJIT is now (on
 median) beating Intel Fortran! 

That's amazing! Congrats to the Lua team!

 If this keeps up we'll need a Python to Lua bytecode compiler very
 soon. And LuaJIT 2 is rumoured to be much faster than the current...
 Looking at median runtimes, here is what I got:
 The only comfort for CPython is that Ruby and Perl did even worse.

Out of curiosity, does anyone know how the Unladen Swallow version of Python 
does by comparison?

Rami Chowdhury
Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow. -- Linus' Law
+1-408-597-7068 / +44-7875-841-046 / +88-01819-245544

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread Stefan Behnel

sturlamolden, 04.07.2010 05:30:

I was just looking at Debian's benchmarks. It seems LuaJIT is now (on
median) beating Intel Fortran!

C (gcc) is running the benchmarks faster by less than a factor of two.
Consider that Lua is a dynamically typed scripting language very
similar to Python.

Sort of. One of the major differences is the number type, which is (by 
default) a floating point type - there is no other type for numbers. The 
main reason why Python is slow for arithmetic computations is its integer 
type (int in Py3, int/long in Py2), which has arbitrary size and is an 
immutable object. So it needs to be reallocated on each computation. If it 
was easily mappable to a CPU integer, Python implementations could just do 
that and be fast. But its arbitrary size makes this impossible (or requires 
a noticeable overhead, at least). The floating point type is less of a 
problem, e.g. Cython safely maps that to a C double already. But the 
integer type is.

So it's not actually surprising that Lua beats CPython (and the other 
dynamic languages) in computational benchmarks.

It's also not surprising to me that a JIT compiler beats a static compiler. 
A static compiler can only see static behaviour of the code, potentially 
with an artificially constructed idea about the target data. A JIT compiler 
can see the real data that flows through the code and can optimise for that.



Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread Teemu Likonen
* 2010-07-04 10:03 (+0200), Stefan Behnel wrote:

 The main reason why Python is slow for arithmetic computations is its
 integer type (int in Py3, int/long in Py2), which has arbitrary size
 and is an immutable object. So it needs to be reallocated on each
 computation. If it was easily mappable to a CPU integer, Python
 implementations could just do that and be fast. But its arbitrary size
 makes this impossible (or requires a noticeable overhead, at least).
 The floating point type is less of a problem, e.g. Cython safely maps
 that to a C double already. But the integer type is.

You may be right. I'll just add that Common Lisp's integers are of
arbitrary size too but programmer can declare them as fixnums. Such
declarations kind of promise that the numbers really are between
most-negative-fixnum and most-positive-fixnum. Compiler can then
optimize the code to efficient machine instructions.

I guess Python might have use for some sort of

(defun foo (variable)
  (declare (type fixnum variable))

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread David Cournapeau
On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Stefan Behnel wrote:
 sturlamolden, 04.07.2010 05:30:

 I was just looking at Debian's benchmarks. It seems LuaJIT is now (on
 median) beating Intel Fortran!

 C (gcc) is running the benchmarks faster by less than a factor of two.
 Consider that Lua is a dynamically typed scripting language very
 similar to Python.

 Sort of. One of the major differences is the number type, which is (by
 default) a floating point type - there is no other type for numbers. The
 main reason why Python is slow for arithmetic computations is its integer
 type (int in Py3, int/long in Py2), which has arbitrary size and is an
 immutable object. So it needs to be reallocated on each computation. If it
 was easily mappable to a CPU integer, Python implementations could just do
 that and be fast. But its arbitrary size makes this impossible (or requires
 a noticeable overhead, at least). The floating point type is less of a
 problem, e.g. Cython safely maps that to a C double already. But the integer
 type is.

Actually, I think the main reason why Lua is much faster than other
dynamic languages is its size. The language is small. You don't list,
dict, tuples, etc... Making 50 % of python fast is easy (in the
sense that it has been done). I would not be surprised if it is
exponentially harder the closer you get to 100 %. Having a small
language means that the interpreter is small - small enough to be kept
in L1, which seems to matter a lot

If you are interested in facts and technical details (rather than mere
speculations), this thread is interesting It has participation of
LuaJIT author, Pypy author and Brendan Eich :)

 It's also not surprising to me that a JIT compiler beats a static compiler.
 A static compiler can only see static behaviour of the code, potentially
 with an artificially constructed idea about the target data. A JIT compiler
 can see the real data that flows through the code and can optimise for that.

Although I agree that in theory, it is rather obvious that a JIT
compiler can do many things that static analysis cannot, this is the
first time it has happened in practice AFAIK. Even hotspot was not
faster than fortran and C, and it has received tons of work by people
who knew what they were doing. The only example of a dynamic language
being as fast/faster than C that I am aware of so far is Staline, the
aggressive compiler for scheme (used in signal processing in


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On 04 Jul 2010 04:15:57 GMT
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Need is a bit strong. There are plenty of applications where if your 
 code takes 0.1 millisecond to run instead of 0.001, you won't even 
 notice. Or applications that are limited by the speed of I/O rather than 
 the CPU.

Which is 99% of the real-world applications if you factor out the code
already written in C or other compiled languages.  That's the point of
Python after all.  You speed up programming rather than programs but
allow for refactoring into C when necessary.  And it's not call CPython
for nothing.  off-the-shelf benchmarks are fun but mostly useless for
choosing a language, priogram, OS or machine unless you know that it
checks the actual things that you need in the proportion that you need.

 But I'm nitpicking... this is a nice result, the Lua people should be 
 proud, and I certainly wouldn't say no to a faster Python :)

Ditto, ditto, ditto and ditto.

 It's not like this is a race, and speed is not the only thing which a 
 language is judged by. Otherwise you'd be programming in C, not Python, 

Or assembler.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain |  Democracy is three wolves|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread David Cournapeau
On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:23 PM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
 On 04 Jul 2010 04:15:57 GMT
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Need is a bit strong. There are plenty of applications where if your
 code takes 0.1 millisecond to run instead of 0.001, you won't even
 notice. Or applications that are limited by the speed of I/O rather than
 the CPU.

 Which is 99% of the real-world applications if you factor out the code
 already written in C or other compiled languages.

This may be true, but there are areas where the percentage is much
lower. Not everybody uses python for web development. You can be a
python fan, be reasonably competent in the language, and have good
reasons to wish for python to be one order of magnitude faster.

I find LUA quite interesting: instead of providing a language simple
to develop in, it focuses heavily on implementation simplicity. Maybe
that's the reason why it could be done at all by a single person.


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread bart.c

sturlamolden wrote in message

I was just looking at Debian's benchmarks. It seems LuaJIT is now (on
median) beating Intel Fortran!

C (gcc) is running the benchmarks faster by less than a factor of two.
Consider that Lua is a dynamically typed scripting language very
similar to Python.

LuaJIT also runs the benchmarks faster than Java 6 server, OCaml, and

I know it's just a benchmark but this has to count as insanely
impressive. Beating Intel Fortran with a dynamic scripting language,
how is that even possible? And what about all those arguments that
dynamic languages have to be slow?

If this keeps up we'll need a Python to Lua bytecode compiler very
soon. And LuaJIT 2 is rumoured to be much faster than the current...

Looking at median runtimes, here is what I got:

  gcc   1.10


  Java 6 -server2.13
  Intel Fortran 2.18
  OCaml 3.41
  SBCL  3.66

  JavaScript V8 7.57

  PyPy 31.5
  CPython  64.6
  Perl 67.2
  Ruby 1.9 71.1

The only comfort for CPython is that Ruby and Perl did even worse.

I didn't see the same figures; LuaJIT seem to be 4-5 times as slow as one of 
the C's, on average. Some benchmarks were slower than that.

But I've done my own brief tests and I was quite impressed with LuaJIT which 
seemed to outperform C on some tests.

I'm developing my own language and LuaJIT is a new standard to beat for this 
type of language. However, Lua is quite a lightweight language with 
minimalist data types, it doesn't suit everybody.

I suspect also the Lua JIT compiler optimises some of the dynamicism out of 
the language (where it can see, for example, that something is always going 
to be a number, and Lua only has one numeric type with a fixed range), so 
that must be a big help.



Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 23:46:10 +0900
David Cournapeau wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:23 PM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
  Which is 99% of the real-world applications if you factor out the code
  already written in C or other compiled languages.
 This may be true, but there are areas where the percentage is much
 lower. Not everybody uses python for web development. You can be a
 python fan, be reasonably competent in the language, and have good
 reasons to wish for python to be one order of magnitude faster.

I wish it was orders of magnitude faster for web development.  I'm just
saying that places where we need compiled language speed that Python
already has that in C.

But, as I said in the previous message, in the end it is up to you to
write your own benchmark based on the operations you need and the usage
patterns you predict that it will need as well.  If your application
needs to calculate Pi to 100 places but only needs to do it once there
is no need to include that in your benchmark a million times.  A
language that is optimized for calculating Pi shouln't carry a lot of
weight for you.

 I find LUA quite interesting: instead of providing a language simple
 to develop in, it focuses heavily on implementation simplicity. Maybe
 that's the reason why it could be done at all by a single person.

Is that really true about LUA?  I haven't looked that closely at it but
that paragraph probably turned off most people on this list to LUA.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain |  Democracy is three wolves|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On Sat, 3 Jul 2010 20:30:30 -0700 (PDT)
sturlamolden wrote:
CPython  64.6

By the way, I assume that that's Python 2.x.  I wonder how Python 3.1
would fare.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain |  Democracy is three wolves|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread David Cournapeau
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 12:00 AM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
 On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 23:46:10 +0900
 David Cournapeau wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:23 PM, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
  Which is 99% of the real-world applications if you factor out the code
  already written in C or other compiled languages.

 This may be true, but there are areas where the percentage is much
 lower. Not everybody uses python for web development. You can be a
 python fan, be reasonably competent in the language, and have good
 reasons to wish for python to be one order of magnitude faster.

 I wish it was orders of magnitude faster for web development.  I'm just
 saying that places where we need compiled language speed that Python
 already has that in C.

Well, I wish I did not have to use C, then :) For example, as a
contributor to numpy, it bothers me at a fundamental level that so
much of numpy is in C.

Also, there are some cases where using C  for speed is very difficult,
because the marshalling cost almost entirely alleviate the speed
advantages - that means you have to write in C more than you
anticipated. Granted, those may be quite specific to scientific
applications, and cython already helps quite a fair bit in those

 But, as I said in the previous message, in the end it is up to you to
 write your own benchmark based on the operations you need and the usage
 patterns you predict that it will need as well.  If your application
 needs to calculate Pi to 100 places but only needs to do it once there
 is no need to include that in your benchmark a million times.

I would question the sanity of anyone choosing a language because it
can compute Pi to 100 places very quickly :) I am sure google search
would beat most languages if you count implementation + running time

 I find LUA quite interesting: instead of providing a language simple
 to develop in, it focuses heavily on implementation simplicity. Maybe
 that's the reason why it could be done at all by a single person.

 Is that really true about LUA?  I haven't looked that closely at it but
 that paragraph probably turned off most people on this list to LUA.

I hope I did not turn anyone off - but it is definitely not the same
set of tradeoff as python. LUA runtime is way below 1 Mb, for example,
which is one reason why it is so popular for video games. The
following presentation gives a good overview (by LUA creator):

To go back to the original topic: a good example is numeric types. In
python, you have many different numerical types with different
semantics. In LUA, it is much simpler. This makes implementation
simpler, and some aggressive optimizations very effective. The fact
that a LUA interpreter can fit in L1 is  quite impressive.


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread sturlamolden
On 4 Jul, 16:47, bart.c wrote:

 I suspect also the Lua JIT compiler optimises some of the dynamicism out of
 the language (where it can see, for example, that something is always going
 to be a number, and Lua only has one numeric type with a fixed range), so
 that must be a big help.

Python could do the same, replace int and float with a long double.
It is 80 bit and has a 64 bit mantissa. So it can in theory do the job
of all floating point types and integers up to 64 bit (signed and
unsigned). A long double can 'duck type' all the floating point and
integer types we use. There is really no need for more than one number
type. For an interpreted language, it's just a speed killer. Other
number types belong in e.g. the ctypes, array, struct and NumPy
modules. Speed wise a long double (80 bit) is the native floating
point type on x86 FPUs. There is no penalty memory-wise either,
wrapping an int as PyObject takes more space. For a dynamic language
it can be quite clever to just have one 'native' number type,
observing that the mantissa of a floating point number is an unsigned
integer. That takes a lot of the dynamicity out of the equation. Maybe
you like to have integers and floating point types in the 'language'.
But that does not mean it should be two types in the
'implementation' (i.e. internally in the VM). The implementation could
duck type both with a suffciently long floating point type, and the
user would not notice in the syntax.

MATLAB does the same as Lua. Native number types are always double,
you have to explicitly create the other. Previously they did not even
exist. Scientists have been doing numerical maths with MATLAB for
decades. MATLAB never prevented me from working with integers
mathematically, even if I only worked with double. If I did not know,
I would not have noticed.

a = 1;  % a is a double
a = 1 + 1;  % a is a double and exactly 2
a = int32(1);



Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread sturlamolden
On 4 Jul, 10:03, Stefan Behnel wrote:

 Sort of. One of the major differences is the number type, which is (by
 default) a floating point type - there is no other type for numbers. The
 main reason why Python is slow for arithmetic computations is its integer
 type (int in Py3, int/long in Py2), which has arbitrary size and is an
 immutable object. So it needs to be reallocated on each computation.

That is why Lua got it right. A floating point type has a mantissa and
can duck type an integer. MATLAB does the same.


If it
 was easily mappable to a CPU integer, Python implementations could just do
 that and be fast. But its arbitrary size makes this impossible (or requires
 a noticeable overhead, at least). The floating point type is less of a
 problem, e.g. Cython safely maps that to a C double already. But the
 integer type is.

 So it's not actually surprising that Lua beats CPython (and the other
 dynamic languages) in computational benchmarks.

 It's also not surprising to me that a JIT compiler beats a static compiler.
 A static compiler can only see static behaviour of the code, potentially
 with an artificially constructed idea about the target data. A JIT compiler
 can see the real data that flows through the code and can optimise for that.



Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread sturlamolden
On 4 Jul, 14:29, David Cournapeau wrote:

 Actually, I think the main reason why Lua is much faster than other
 dynamic languages is its size. The language is small. You don't list,
 dict, tuples, etc...

They have managed to combine list and dict into one type (table) that
does the job of both. And yes there are tuples.

There are no classes, but there are closures and other building blocks
that can be used to create any object-oriented type system (just like
CLOS is defined by Lisp, not a part of the basic Lisp syntax). So I
imagine it would be possible to define an equivalent to the Python
type system in Lua, and compile Python to Lua. Lua can be compiled to
Lua byte code. Factoring Lua, out that means we should be able to
compile Python to Lua byte code.


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread David Cournapeau
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 1:12 AM, sturlamolden wrote:
 On 4 Jul, 10:03, Stefan Behnel wrote:

 Sort of. One of the major differences is the number type, which is (by
 default) a floating point type - there is no other type for numbers. The
 main reason why Python is slow for arithmetic computations is its integer
 type (int in Py3, int/long in Py2), which has arbitrary size and is an
 immutable object. So it needs to be reallocated on each computation.

 That is why Lua got it right. A floating point type has a mantissa and
 can duck type an integer. MATLAB does the same.

I sincerly doubt it - where do take the information that matlab use
float to represent int ? It would not be able to represent the full
range of 64 bits integer for example.


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread sturlamolden
On 4 Jul, 09:12, Rami Chowdhury wrote:

 Out of curiosity, does anyone know how the Unladen Swallow version of Python
 does by comparison?

Judging from their PyCon slides, it's roughly 1.5 times faster than

That might be important to Google, but not to me.


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread sturlamolden
On 4 Jul, 18:34, David Cournapeau wrote:

 I sincerly doubt it - where do take the information that matlab use
 float to represent int ?

I've used Matlab since 1994, so I know it rather well...

Only the recent versions can do arithmetics with number types
different from double (or complex double).

 It would not be able to represent the full
 range of 64 bits integer for example.

There is a 53 bit mantissa plus a sign bit. Nobody complained on 32
bit systems. That is, when the signed 54 bit integer contained in a
double was overflowed, there was a loss of precision but the numerical
range would still be that of a double.

You get an unsigned integer in MATLAB like this

  x = uint64(0)

but until recently, MATLAB could not do any arithmetics with it. It
was there for interaction with Java and C MEX files.

A long double has a mantissa of 64 bit however, so it can represent
signed 65 bit integers without loss of precision.

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread Stefan Behnel

sturlamolden, 04.07.2010 18:37:

On 4 Jul, 09:12, Rami Chowdhury wrote:

Out of curiosity, does anyone know how the Unladen Swallow version of Python
does by comparison?

Judging from their PyCon slides, it's roughly 1.5 times faster than

A number like 1.5 times faster is meaningless without a specific 
application and/or code section in mind. I'm pretty sure there are cases 
where they are much faster than that, and there are cases where the net 
gain is zero (or -0.x or whatever).



Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread sturlamolden
On 4 Jul, 19:02, Stefan Behnel wrote:

 A number like 1.5 times faster is meaningless without a specific
 application and/or code section in mind. I'm pretty sure there are cases
 where they are much faster than that, and there are cases where the net
 gain is zero (or -0.x or whatever).

Here is what they say:

Benchmark   CPython   Unladen   Change
2to325.13 s   24.87 s   1.01x faster
django   1.08 s0.68 s   1.59x faster
html5lib14.29 s   13.20 s   1.08x faster
nbody0.51 s0.28 s   1.84x faster
rietveld 0.75 s0.55 s   1.37x faster
slowpickle   0.75 s0.55 s   1.37x faster
slowspitfire 0.83 s0.61 s   1.36x faster
slowunpickle 0.33 s0.26 s   1.26x faster
spambayes0.31 s0.34 s   1.10x slower


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread Stefan Behnel

sturlamolden, 04.07.2010 19:10:

On 4 Jul, 19:02, Stefan Behnel wrote:

A number like 1.5 times faster is meaningless without a specific
application and/or code section in mind. I'm pretty sure there are cases
where they are much faster than that, and there are cases where the net
gain is zero (or -0.x or whatever).

Here is what they say:

Benchmark   CPython   Unladen   Change
2to325.13 s   24.87 s   1.01x faster
django   1.08 s0.68 s   1.59x faster
html5lib14.29 s   13.20 s   1.08x faster
nbody0.51 s0.28 s   1.84x faster
rietveld 0.75 s0.55 s   1.37x faster
slowpickle   0.75 s0.55 s   1.37x faster
slowspitfire 0.83 s0.61 s   1.36x faster
slowunpickle 0.33 s0.26 s   1.26x faster
spambayes0.31 s0.34 s   1.10x slower

Ok, so, which of those do you care about?



Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread Paul Rubin
D'Arcy J.M. Cain writes:
 I find LUA quite interesting: instead of providing a language simple
 to develop in, it focuses heavily on implementation simplicity. Maybe
 that's the reason why it could be done at all by a single person.

 Is that really true about LUA?  I haven't looked that closely at it but
 that paragraph probably turned off most people on this list to LUA.

I would say Lua focuses on implementation compactness; it's intended as
an embedded scripting interpreter.  It's easy to sandbox and uses just
50k or so of memory.  It's running in a lot of mobile phones, cameras,
etc.  The language itself is nowhere near as featureful as Python and I
wouldn't want to use it for large scale development, but it appears
pretty good for what it was intended for.

Interestingly, it doesn't have lists or arrays.  Its only container
structure is comparable to a Python dictionary.  Arrays are just the
special case of dictionaries indexed by numbers.  There is a little bit
of syntax sugar to help with that, but it's just the dict structure

I wouldn't say it was all done by one person though, and in particular
I think LuaJIT was done by a different group than the main Lua developers.

Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread sturlamolden
On 4 Jul, 19:51, Stefan Behnel wrote:

 Ok, so, which of those do you care about?

I have already said I don't care about unladen swallow.


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread Luis M . González
On Jul 4, 12:30 am, sturlamolden wrote:
 I was just looking at Debian's benchmarks. It seems LuaJIT is now (on
 median) beating Intel Fortran!

 C (gcc) is running the benchmarks faster by less than a factor of two.
 Consider that Lua is a dynamically typed scripting language very
 similar to Python.

 LuaJIT also runs the benchmarks faster than Java 6 server, OCaml, and

 I know it's just a benchmark but this has to count as insanely
 impressive. Beating Intel Fortran with a dynamic scripting language,
 how is that even possible? And what about all those arguments that
 dynamic languages have to be slow?

 If this keeps up we'll need a Python to Lua bytecode compiler very
 soon. And LuaJIT 2 is rumoured to be much faster than the current...

 Looking at median runtimes, here is what I got:

    gcc               1.10

    LuaJIT            1.96

    Java 6 -server    2.13
    Intel Fortran     2.18
    OCaml             3.41
    SBCL              3.66

    JavaScript V8     7.57

    PyPy             31.5
    CPython          64.6
    Perl             67.2
    Ruby 1.9         71.1

 The only comfort for CPython is that Ruby and Perl did even worse.

You should read this thread:
There, you'll see this subject discussed and explained at length.
Pay special attention to Mike Pall's comments (he is the creator of
Luajit) and his opinion about python and pypy.
You will read also about other projects, specially new javascript
engines such as Mozila's Tracemonkey (the authors participate in this
thread) and the pypy folks.
It is a very good read for anyone interested in the subject. Very
Good luck!


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread Stefan Behnel

sturlamolden, 04.07.2010 21:44:

On 4 Jul, 19:51, Stefan Behnel wrote:

Ok, so, which of those do you care about?

I have already said I don't care about unladen swallow.

What I meant, was: which of these benchmarks would have to be better to 
make you care? Because your decision not to care seems to be based on 
exactly these benchmarks.



Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread Luis M . González
On Jul 4, 4:51 pm, Luis M. González wrote:
 On Jul 4, 12:30 am, sturlamolden wrote:

  I was just looking at Debian's benchmarks. It seems LuaJIT is now (on
  median) beating Intel Fortran!

  C (gcc) is running the benchmarks faster by less than a factor of two.
  Consider that Lua is a dynamically typed scripting language very
  similar to Python.

  LuaJIT also runs the benchmarks faster than Java 6 server, OCaml, and

  I know it's just a benchmark but this has to count as insanely
  impressive. Beating Intel Fortran with a dynamic scripting language,
  how is that even possible? And what about all those arguments that
  dynamic languages have to be slow?

  If this keeps up we'll need a Python to Lua bytecode compiler very
  soon. And LuaJIT 2 is rumoured to be much faster than the current...

  Looking at median runtimes, here is what I got:

     gcc               1.10

     LuaJIT            1.96

     Java 6 -server    2.13
     Intel Fortran     2.18
     OCaml             3.41
     SBCL              3.66

     JavaScript V8     7.57

     PyPy             31.5
     CPython          64.6
     Perl             67.2
     Ruby 1.9         71.1

  The only comfort for CPython is that Ruby and Perl did even worse.

 You should read this thread:
 There, you'll see this subject discussed and explained at length.
 Pay special attention to Mike Pall's comments (he is the creator of
 Luajit) and his opinion about python and pypy.
 You will read also about other projects, specially new javascript
 engines such as Mozila's Tracemonkey (the authors participate in this
 thread) and the pypy folks.
 It is a very good read for anyone interested in the subject. Very
 Good luck!


To be more specific, check these comments on the above the above
suggested thread:


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread John Nagle

On 7/4/2010 12:51 PM, Luis M. González wrote:

Looking at median runtimes, here is what I got:

gcc   1.10


Java 6 -server2.13
Intel Fortran 2.18
OCaml 3.41
SBCL  3.66

JavaScript V8 7.57

PyPy 31.5
CPython  64.6
Perl 67.2
Ruby 1.9 71.1

The only comfort for CPython is that Ruby and Perl did even worse.

   It's embarrassing that Javascript is now 9x faster than Python.
Javascript has almost all the dynamic problems that make CPython
slow, but they've been overcome in the Javascript JIT compiler.

   Here's how the Javascript V8 system does it:

They get rid of unnecessary dictionary lookups for attributes by
automatically creating hidden classes which, in Python terms, use
slots.  If an attribute is added to an object, another hidden class
is created with that attribute.  Each such class is hard-compiled
to machine code while the program is running.  So attribute access
never requires a dictionary lookup.  Adding a new, not-previously-used
attribute is a relatively expensive operation, but with most programs,
after a while all the new attributes have been added and the program
settles down to efficient operation.

   That's in Google's Chrome browser right now.

   The Unladen Swallow people should in theory be able to reach
that level of performance.  (Both groups are employed at Google.
So their effectiveness will be compared.)

John Nagle


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-04 Thread Stephen Hansen
On 7/4/10 9:21 AM, sturlamolden wrote:
 On 4 Jul, 14:29, David Cournapeau wrote:
 Actually, I think the main reason why Lua is much faster than other
 dynamic languages is its size. The language is small. You don't list,
 dict, tuples, etc...
 They have managed to combine list and dict into one type (table) that
 does the job of both. 

You say managed as if it were some technical accomplishment, or that
the result is able to actually do the job of both: neither of these
assertions are true.

Have you actually *used* Lua? I quite like the language in certain
contexts where its appropriate, but if you've actually used it in real
code and found tables to be at all a substitute for *either*
dictionaries *or* lists, then I think somehow you've managed to actually
miss using either data structure in Python to any real extent, somehow.

Lua's tables are at very weak dictionary-like and list-like objects,
which indeed have been folded into one. To the detriment of both, at
least as far as they are an actual useful data structure.

You can't even get the equivalent of len(dict) in it: you have to
actually brute-force iterate the table and count manually. Even for a
purely array-like table with onlyn umbered indexes, #table can be
unreliable: its quite possible through normal list-like operations that
you perform on it, it can end up with holes where #table will fail.
Since it is *not* an list internally at *all*, but simply an associative
array with numbered indexes.

I could go on, and on, and on: but the fundamental *weakness* of Lua'
data types as data-structures is irrefutable, from its tables to strings
to numbers: they are incredibly weak on capabilities. You end up writing
all kinds of library functions to just do the normal things that
should be really easy to do.

Now, of course, there's really good reason why Lua is so simple in these
ways. Its entirely suitable for Lua as an embedded scripting language to
keep things very light, so it can be simple and fast. Good for Lua to
fill this niche superbly. But you can't start saying its simple
alternatives are at all comparable to Python's extremely rich and
capable data types.

 And yes there are tuples.

No, there isn't. There's ways to create a tuple-like-thing which kind of
behaves like a braindead tuple, and functions have a positively bizarre
capability of returning more then one value (and accepting variable
values), so there's these points in the language where you have this
sort of Immutable Sequence, but its opaque until you unwrap it -- and
then it ceases to be.

That's not the same thing as having an immutable sequence that you can
store data in at your discretion, with a rich series of capabilities
that you can leverage.

 There are no classes, but there are closures and other building blocks
 that can be used to create any object-oriented type system 

Not really.

Above, I spoke of tables as data structures, things just storing data.
But you're right, they are capable of more then that-- but you're
over-selling just how far that capability goes, by a long shot (and
underselling just how much work it takes to get it there).

Yes, tables have a limited series of 'hooks' that you can tie into to
alter their behavior, and through this you can simulate certain higher
order type systems as defined in other languages. In fact, lots of
people have done this: there's multiple classy libraries out there to
bring some kind of Class-or-Object-Oriented-Programming to Lua.

They work to varying degrees: but the hooks that Lua provides to tables
is still significantly lacking to really replace Python's
comprehensively dynamic object model, without a LOT of wasted cycles.

For example, while you can use __newindex to 'catch' someone setting a
new 'key' on a table, and and __index to replace or forward the actual
lookup, you can't actually capture someone trying to set a value to a
key which already exists. So, you end up having to do a full proxy
approach, where your table never actually stores anything directly
(except a reference to another hidden table), and so when someone goes
to set something you have to set it on the proxied object instead.
Because you can't let there ever be any real keys on the proxying /
external table.

So you're able to work around its lack a bit, to simulate something
/like/ what it means to have __setattr__.

But then you run into problems. There's no way now to iterate over the
table now, because pairs() will only return your internal hidden keys
that you're using to point to the proxied table (Although you can get
around this with some more complexity by hiding said key into a
closure-- but even then, you still can't iterate over the proxied
table's keys instead).

So what do you do? Well you go replace the global pairs function,
that's what you do! So it learns your particular style of Classness, and
interacts well. Hope you never use any third-party code which has even a
vaguely different kind of 

Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-03 Thread sturlamolden

I was just looking at Debian's benchmarks. It seems LuaJIT is now (on
median) beating Intel Fortran!

C (gcc) is running the benchmarks faster by less than a factor of two.
Consider that Lua is a dynamically typed scripting language very
similar to Python.

LuaJIT also runs the benchmarks faster than Java 6 server, OCaml, and

I know it's just a benchmark but this has to count as insanely
impressive. Beating Intel Fortran with a dynamic scripting language,
how is that even possible? And what about all those arguments that
dynamic languages have to be slow?

If this keeps up we'll need a Python to Lua bytecode compiler very
soon. And LuaJIT 2 is rumoured to be much faster than the current...

Looking at median runtimes, here is what I got:

   gcc   1.10


   Java 6 -server2.13
   Intel Fortran 2.18
   OCaml 3.41
   SBCL  3.66

   JavaScript V8 7.57

   PyPy 31.5
   CPython  64.6
   Perl 67.2
   Ruby 1.9 71.1

The only comfort for CPython is that Ruby and Perl did even worse.


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 03 Jul 2010 20:30:30 -0700, sturlamolden wrote:

 I know it's just a benchmark but this has to count as insanely
 impressive. Beating Intel Fortran with a dynamic scripting language, how
 is that even possible? 

By being clever, using Just In Time compilation as much as possible, and 
almost certainly using masses of memory at runtime. (The usual trade-off 
between space and time.)

See the PyPy project, which aims to do the same thing for Python as Lua 
have done. Their ultimate aim is to beat the C compiler and be faster 
than C. So far they've got a bit to go, but they're currently about twice 
as fast as CPython.

 And what about all those arguments that dynamic
 languages have to be slow?

They're bullshit, of course. It depends on the nature of the dynamicism. 
Some things are inherently slow, but not everything.

Fast, tight, dynamic: pick any two.

 If this keeps up we'll need a Python to Lua bytecode compiler very soon.

Need is a bit strong. There are plenty of applications where if your 
code takes 0.1 millisecond to run instead of 0.001, you won't even 
notice. Or applications that are limited by the speed of I/O rather than 
the CPU.

But I'm nitpicking... this is a nice result, the Lua people should be 
proud, and I certainly wouldn't say no to a faster Python :)

 The only comfort for CPython is that Ruby and Perl did even worse.

It's not like this is a race, and speed is not the only thing which a 
language is judged by. Otherwise you'd be programming in C, not Python, 


Re: Lua is faster than Fortran???

2010-07-03 Thread sturlamolden
On 4 Jul, 06:15, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:

 Need is a bit strong. There are plenty of applications where if your
 code takes 0.1 millisecond to run instead of 0.001, you won't even
 notice. Or applications that are limited by the speed of I/O rather than
 the CPU.

 But I'm nitpicking... this is a nice result, the Lua people should be
 proud, and I certainly wouldn't say no to a faster Python :)

Need might be too strong, sorry. I'm not a native speaker of
English :)

Don't read this as a complaint about Python being too slow. I don't
care about milliseconds either. But I do care about libraries like
Python's standard library, wxPython, NumPy, and matplotlib. And when I
need C, C++ or Fortran I know where to fint it. Nobody in the
scientific community would be sad if Python was so fast that no C or
Fortran would have to be written. And I am sure Google and many other
users of Python would not mind either. And this is kind of a proof
that it can be. Considering that Lua is to Python what C is to C++
(more or less), it means that it is possible to make Python run very
fast as well.

Yes the LuaJIT team should be proud. Making a scripting language run
faster than Fortran on CPU-bound work is a superhuman result.
