I clicked "Install" for "RStudio 1.1.456" in Anaconda Navigator 1.9.2 under Windows 7 Home Premium SP1.  It said "Installing application RStudio" for over 30 minutes.  It looked stuck.

      Then I read a GitHub post that said, "On the environments tab create a new R/Python3.5 environment", then install RStudio into that new environment.[1]

      So I killed the RStudio install and looked at the "Environments tab".  I'm new to Anaconda Navigator, and I didn't know what I was looking at so decided to ask here.


      Spencer Graves

p.s.  I do not currently have RStudio installed on that machine.  On a macOS 10.13.6 machine, I have have RStudio 1.2.792 on a macOS 10.13.6.  Anaconda Navigator 1.9.2 on my Mac fails to recognize the existing and more recent installation of RStudio 1.2.792 there. Should I, e.g., try to "Import" that existing RStudio installation?

[1] https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/4204

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