Re: Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-06 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 2:28 AM Dennis Lee Bieber  wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Aug 2019 20:12:27 +0200, Karsten Hilbert
>  declaimed the following:
> >Transactions involving several commands may require passing
> >around of connections and/or cursors, however.
> >
> Probably both -- as I recall, DB-API spec is that .commit() is done on
> the connection, not the cursor. Though I'd prefer to put transaction
> control at a single higher level
> create connection
> create initial cursor
> create transaction (though DB-API makes this tricky -- typically this
> occurs on the first DML request that modifies data, but not for mere
> do stuff with cursor, maybe passing connection if "stuff" 
> needs
> secondary cursors
> COMMIT or ROLLBACK based on return from "do stuff"

That would only be useful if the underlying database is capable of
multiple independent transactions on a single connection, and would
just get in the way otherwise. Some databases support a form of
"nested transactions" where you set a savepoint and then have the
option to either release the savepoint ("commit") or rollback to the
savepoint; but releasing a savepoint doesn't actually commit anything,
and the overall transaction still controls everything. My usual idiom
with databasing code is to create a single connection (or maybe a pool
if I need concurrency) and then use "with conn, conn.cursor() as cur:"
to create a cursor and set up a transaction, all at once. At the end
of that block, the cursor is disposed of, and the transaction
committed/rolled back.


Re: Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-06 Thread Jonathan Moules

* To be reliably INSERTed Byte data should be first converted to 
sqlite3.Binary(my_data) explicitly

Interesting. Is that Python 2 specific, or also in Python 3. Because 
the latter would surprise me (not saying it isn't the case).
Only tried on Python 3. I'm inserting raw byte versions of web-pages. I 
forget the exact details but I have a comment in my code to the above 
effect so I must have ended up bashing my head against it at some point. 
A zip/lzma compressed byte output doesn't need this wrapper though.

On a UNIX system the command "lsof -p pid-of-running-python-process" 
should show the path of the sqlite library that is linked to the 
Python executable, which should let you learn this.

Thanks, I'll have to add that to the collection. I know when I was 
googling around for it on *nix I came across a bunch of different 
answers none of which seemed to work. Windows is a simple matter of 
replacing the right DLL (though again not really documented). I still 
have no idea how to do it on *nix but that's another thread.


Re: Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-05 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 06Aug2019 00:01, Jonathan Moules  wrote:
Some gotcha tips from using SQLite with Python that I've encountered.  

* To be reliably INSERTed Byte data should be first converted to 
sqlite3.Binary(my_data) explicitly

Interesting. Is that Python 2 specific, or also in Python 3. Because the 
latter would surprise me (not saying it isn't the case).

* It's typically opaque as to where the install of SQLite is that the 
library is using and it's very hard and not-documented as to how to 
update the SQLite version that Python is using.

On a UNIX system the command "lsof -p pid-of-running-python-process" 
should show the path of the sqlite library that is linked to the Python 
executable, which should let you learn this.

If you want an even thinner wrapper around SQLite there's APSW ( ) - I've never used it 
myself but it's useful to know about. There's a page with differences 

And for a thicker wrapper, I've been extremely happy using SQLAlchemy 
for database access. It has an expression syntax where real Python 
expressions (containing "column" objects) evaluate to safe SQL, letting 
you write safe queries in nice Pythonic form, and it also has an ORM for 
more sophisticated use. It provided context manager for transactions and 
sessions for various work. Finally, it knows about a lot of backends, so 
you could switch backends later (eg from SQLite to PostgreSQL) if that 
becomes a thing.

Cameron Simpson 

Re: Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-05 Thread Jonathan Moules
Some gotcha tips from using SQLite with Python that I've encountered. 
You may already know some/all of these:

* SQLite doesn't have a "Truncate" function - simply delete the file if 
possible for larger datasets.
* Explicitly committing is good because the default python sqlite3 
library does it randomly and implicitly. I found that doing it only when 
the database is dettaching or closing speeds things up a lot.
* SQLite 3 only considers up to 64bits an INTEGER. So if you want to 
insert a 128bit string you have to use Python string substitution (i.e. 
"Hello %s") rather than the SQLite variable substitution "insert into 
tab values (?)"
* To be reliably INSERTed Byte data should be first converted to 
sqlite3.Binary(my_data) explicitly
* By default Foreign Keys are not enforced. Enable them at connection 
time if you care about referential integrity!
* It's typically opaque as to where the install of SQLite is that the 
library is using and it's very hard and not-documented as to how to 
update the SQLite version that Python is using.

If you want an even thinner wrapper around SQLite there's APSW ( ) - I've never used it 
myself but it's useful to know about. There's a page with differences -

On 2019-08-05 22:43, David Raymond wrote:

"What's the advantage of this over letting the connection object do
that for you? As the context manager exits, it will automatically
either commit or roll back. If you want to guarantee closing _as
well_, then you can do that, but you can at least use what already

After review I guess I should have phrased it more as a "here's what I've found for 
reference" rather than a "here's what _you_ should do"

Part of it is large use of the Command Line Interface for SQLite, and similar 
command line tools for other db's, which all work in autocommit mode by 
default, so that's how my brain is now wired to think about executing things.

The context manager transaction feature I can see using, and might actually 
start switching to it as it's explicit enough. Though oddly, __enter__ doesn't 
seem to actually begin a transaction, not even a deferred one. It's only 
__exit__ that either commits or rolls back.
(Eh, it'd "probably" be simple enough to subclass Connection so that __enter__ 
and __exit__ work properly no matter the isolation_level. Famous last words)

The implicit stuff I hated because it never seemed straightforward enough. Especially since there used to be 
implicit commits as well as implicit begins ("Changed in version 3.6: sqlite3 used to implicitly commit 
an open transaction before DDL statements. This is no longer the case.") Maybe because I was new to both 
Python and SQLite at the time, but there was a lot of "stop doing hidden stuff I didn't tell you 
do" getting muttered, along with others like "why do I need to commit when I never did a 
begin?" The documentation on it is all of 1 sentence, so there was a lot of trial an error going on.
"The Python sqlite3 module by default issues a BEGIN statement implicitly before a 
Data Modification Language (DML) statement (i.e. INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/REPLACE)."

"(Also, I'd definitely use conn.commit() rather than
cur.execute("commit"), in case there's extra functionality in the
commit method.)"

True. I know for example that if you try to rollback when not in a transaction that 
cur.execute("rollback;") will raise an exception whereas conn.rollback() will 
quietly suppress it for you. So there might be similarly useful stuff in .commit()
sqlite3 is (almost) all C though, so there'd be noticeably more digging and 
decyphering required to check. (For me anyway)


Re: Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-05 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 7:45 AM David Raymond  wrote:
> The context manager transaction feature I can see using, and might actually 
> start switching to it as it's explicit enough. Though oddly, __enter__ 
> doesn't seem to actually begin a transaction, not even a deferred one. It's 
> only __exit__ that either commits or rolls back.
> (Eh, it'd "probably" be simple enough to subclass Connection so that 
> __enter__ and __exit__ work properly no matter the isolation_level. Famous 
> last words)

Easier just to leave the isolation level and let it automatically
begin. (This is another reason to use the commit and rollback methods,
as they may flag the connection as "hey, remember to begin before the
next query".)

> The implicit stuff I hated because it never seemed straightforward enough. 
> Especially since there used to be implicit commits as well as implicit begins 
> ("Changed in version 3.6: sqlite3 used to implicitly commit an open 
> transaction before DDL statements. This is no longer the case.") Maybe 
> because I was new to both Python and SQLite at the time, but there was a lot 
> of "stop doing hidden stuff I didn't tell you do" getting muttered, along 
> with others like "why do I need to commit when I never did a begin?" The 
> documentation on it is all of 1 sentence, so there was a lot of trial an 
> error going on.

I grew up on DB2 5.0 (after working in PC File and dbase), and you
never did a BEGIN TRANSACTION unless you wanted to set specific
parameters, but always had to COMMIT/ROLLBACK. The database itself
would automatically open a transaction as soon as you do any query,
and leave it open till you're done. So to me, that was never a


RE: Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-05 Thread David Raymond
"What's the advantage of this over letting the connection object do
that for you? As the context manager exits, it will automatically
either commit or roll back. If you want to guarantee closing _as
well_, then you can do that, but you can at least use what already

After review I guess I should have phrased it more as a "here's what I've found 
for reference" rather than a "here's what _you_ should do"

Part of it is large use of the Command Line Interface for SQLite, and similar 
command line tools for other db's, which all work in autocommit mode by 
default, so that's how my brain is now wired to think about executing things.

The context manager transaction feature I can see using, and might actually 
start switching to it as it's explicit enough. Though oddly, __enter__ doesn't 
seem to actually begin a transaction, not even a deferred one. It's only 
__exit__ that either commits or rolls back.
(Eh, it'd "probably" be simple enough to subclass Connection so that __enter__ 
and __exit__ work properly no matter the isolation_level. Famous last words)

The implicit stuff I hated because it never seemed straightforward enough. 
Especially since there used to be implicit commits as well as implicit begins 
("Changed in version 3.6: sqlite3 used to implicitly commit an open transaction 
before DDL statements. This is no longer the case.") Maybe because I was new to 
both Python and SQLite at the time, but there was a lot of "stop doing hidden 
stuff I didn't tell you do" getting muttered, along with others like "why do I 
need to commit when I never did a begin?" The documentation on it is all of 1 
sentence, so there was a lot of trial an error going on.
"The Python sqlite3 module by default issues a BEGIN statement implicitly 
before a Data Modification Language (DML) statement (i.e. 

"(Also, I'd definitely use conn.commit() rather than
cur.execute("commit"), in case there's extra functionality in the
commit method.)"

True. I know for example that if you try to rollback when not in a transaction 
that cur.execute("rollback;") will raise an exception whereas conn.rollback() 
will quietly suppress it for you. So there might be similarly useful stuff in 
sqlite3 is (almost) all C though, so there'd be noticeably more digging and 
decyphering required to check. (For me anyway)


Re: Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-05 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 5:05 AM David Raymond  wrote:
> I believe the default Connection context manager is set up for the context to 
> be a single transaction, with a commit on success or a rollback on a failure. 
> As far as I know it does NOT close the connection on exiting the context 
> manager. That only happens automatically when it's getting garbage 
> collected/going out of scope/correct terminology that I can't seem to 
> remember.
> For transactions and general use I vastly prefer using "isolation_level = 
> None" when creating my connections, and then explicitly issuing all begin, 
> commit, and rollback commands with cur.execute("begin;"), conn.commit(), 
> conn.rollback() etc.
> contextlib.closing() can be used to wrap cursors for use with with
> (and also connections if they are created with isolation_level = None)
> with contextlib.closing(sqlite3.connect(fi, isolation_level = None)) as conn:
> conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
> with contextlib.closing(conn.cursor()) as cur:
> cur.execute("begin;")
> stuff
> conn.commit()
> Normally though my stuff tends to look like the below (for better or for 
> worse):
> conn = sqlite3.connect(fi, isolation_level = None)
> try:
> conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
> with contextlib.closing(conn.cursor()) as cur:
> cur.execute("standalone query not needing an explicit transaction;")
> stuff
> cur.execute("begin;")
> multiple queries that needed the explicit transaction
> stuff
> cur.execute("commit;")
> except something bad:
> blah
> finally:
> conn.rollback()
> conn.close()

What's the advantage of this over letting the connection object do
that for you? As the context manager exits, it will automatically
either commit or roll back. If you want to guarantee closing _as
well_, then you can do that, but you can at least use what already

(Also, I'd definitely use conn.commit() rather than
cur.execute("commit"), in case there's extra functionality in the
commit method.)


RE: Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-05 Thread David Raymond
Not a full expert, but some notes:

I believe the default Connection context manager is set up for the context to 
be a single transaction, with a commit on success or a rollback on a failure. 
As far as I know it does NOT close the connection on exiting the context 
manager. That only happens automatically when it's getting garbage 
collected/going out of scope/correct terminology that I can't seem to remember.

For transactions and general use I vastly prefer using "isolation_level = None" 
when creating my connections, and then explicitly issuing all begin, commit, 
and rollback commands with cur.execute("begin;"), conn.commit(), 
conn.rollback() etc.

contextlib.closing() can be used to wrap cursors for use with with
(and also connections if they are created with isolation_level = None)

with contextlib.closing(sqlite3.connect(fi, isolation_level = None)) as conn:
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with contextlib.closing(conn.cursor()) as cur:

Normally though my stuff tends to look like the below (for better or for worse):

conn = sqlite3.connect(fi, isolation_level = None)
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
with contextlib.closing(conn.cursor()) as cur:
cur.execute("standalone query not needing an explicit transaction;")
multiple queries that needed the explicit transaction
except something bad:

-Original Message-
From: Python-list  On 
Behalf Of Dave via Python-list
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2019 1:49 PM
Subject: Python/SQLite best practices

I'm looking for some tips from experienced hands on on this subject. 
Some of the areas of interest are (feel free to add more):

* Passing connections and cursors - good, bad indifferent?  I try to 
avoid passing file handles unless necessary, so I view connections and 
cursors the same.  Though that said, I'm not aware of any specific 
problems in doing so.

For designs with multiple tables:
* Better to pass an sql string to functions that create/add 
data/update/delete data and pass them to create, insert, update, delete 
functions; or have those functions for each table?  Taking table 
creation for example, if there are five tables, and the sql string is 
passed, there would need to be six functions to do it, though the 
complexity of each function may be reduced a little.  [table1create with 
sql and establishing a cursor, to table5create and then a function that 
executes the sql].

Best way to establish the connection and cursor, as well as close them? 
I have seen many ways to do this, and know that the with block can be 
used to create a connection and close it automatically, but the same is 
not true of the cursor.  Also, using only a with block does not handle 
any errors as well as a try/with.  For example:

 |   try:
 |  # Use with block to create connection – it will close self.
 |   with sqlite3.connect(path) as conn:
 |   cur = conn.cursor()
 |   cur.execute(sql_ProjectsTable)
 |   cur.close()
 |   except Error as e:
 |   print(e)

What else?


Re: Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-05 Thread Karsten Hilbert
On Mon, Aug 05, 2019 at 08:12:27PM +0200, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

> Transactions involving several commands may require passing
> around of connections and/or cursors, however.

Among chains of python code, that is.

GPG  40BE 5B0E C98E 1713 AFA6  5BC0 3BEA AC80 7D4F C89B

Re: Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-05 Thread Karsten Hilbert
On Mon, Aug 05, 2019 at 01:49:24PM -0400, Dave via Python-list wrote:

> * Passing connections and cursors - good, bad indifferent?  I try to avoid
> passing file handles unless necessary, so I view connections and cursors the
> same.

Connections may be more long-lived, per thread perhaps.

Cursors would generally be throw-away.

Transactions involving several commands may require passing
around of connections and/or cursors, however.

> Best way to establish the connection and cursor, as well as close them? I
> have seen many ways to do this, and know that the with block can be used to
> create a connection and close it automatically, but the same is not true of
> the cursor.  Also, using only a with block does not handle any errors as
> well as a try/with.  For example:
> |   try:
> | # Use with block to create connection – it will close self.
> |   with sqlite3.connect(path) as conn:
> |   cur = conn.cursor()
> |   cur.execute(sql_ProjectsTable)
> |   cur.close()
> |   except Error as e:
> |   print(e)

Use of


may come in handy for clean closure.

GPG  40BE 5B0E C98E 1713 AFA6  5BC0 3BEA AC80 7D4F C89B

Python/SQLite best practices

2019-08-05 Thread Dave via Python-list
I'm looking for some tips from experienced hands on on this subject. 
Some of the areas of interest are (feel free to add more):

* Passing connections and cursors - good, bad indifferent?  I try to 
avoid passing file handles unless necessary, so I view connections and 
cursors the same.  Though that said, I'm not aware of any specific 
problems in doing so.

For designs with multiple tables:
* Better to pass an sql string to functions that create/add 
data/update/delete data and pass them to create, insert, update, delete 
functions; or have those functions for each table?  Taking table 
creation for example, if there are five tables, and the sql string is 
passed, there would need to be six functions to do it, though the 
complexity of each function may be reduced a little.  [table1create with 
sql and establishing a cursor, to table5create and then a function that 
executes the sql].

Best way to establish the connection and cursor, as well as close them? 
I have seen many ways to do this, and know that the with block can be 
used to create a connection and close it automatically, but the same is 
not true of the cursor.  Also, using only a with block does not handle 
any errors as well as a try/with.  For example:

|   try:
|   # Use with block to create connection – it will close self.
|   with sqlite3.connect(path) as conn:
|   cur = conn.cursor()
|   cur.execute(sql_ProjectsTable)
|   cur.close()
|   except Error as e:
|   print(e)

What else?
