Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-04-04 Thread Sumeet Firodia
So I disabled the manage app execution for python 3.10, created the py.ini
file and executed   setx.exe PY_PYTHON 3.8,setx.exe PY_PYTHON3 3.8.
After that i uninstalled 3.8 and reinstalled and now the version is showing

Thanks everyone for the help.


On Sat, 1 Apr 2023 at 20:40, Eryk Sun  wrote:

> On 4/1/23, Barry Scott  wrote:
> >
> > I find user environment on windows to be less flexible to work with then
> > adding a py.ini. On my Windows 11 I added
> > %userprofile%\AppData\Local\py.ini.
> > To make python 3.8 the default that py.exe uses put this in py.ini:
> >
> > [defaults]
> > python=3.8-64
> > python3=3.8-64
> Using "py.ini" has the advantage that launcher always reads the file.
> The value of the environment variables, on the other hand, may be
> stale. If you keep a lot of shells running, it would be tedious to
> have to manually update the PY_PYTHON* variables in each shell. That
> said, it should be rare that one needs to change the persisted default
> versions. For temporary changes, the PY_PYTHON* environment variables
> are more flexible and take precedence over "py.ini".
> If one doesn't use "py.ini" to set the defaults, it's easy to modify
> the persisted user environment using "setx.exe"[^1]. For example:
> setx.exe PY_PYTHON 3.8
> setx.exe PY_PYTHON3 3.8
> setx.exe broadcasts a WM_SETTINGCHANGE "Environment" window message,
> which causes Explorer to update its environment. Thus any program run
> from Explorer will see the new values. A program launched in a new tab
> in Windows Terminal also gets a fresh environment. However, existing
> CLI shells (CMD, PowerShell, bash), and programs started by them, will
> still have the old environment values. The latter is where using
> "py.ini" to set the defaults has the advantage.
> ---
> [^1]: Note that "setx.exe" should never be used to set the persisted
> user or machine "Path" value to the current %PATH%. When loading the
> environment, the user "Path" gets appended to the machine "Path".
> Setting the entire expanded and concatenated value to one or the other
> leads to a bloated, redundant PATH value, and it also loses the
> flexible configuration based on REG_EXPAND_SZ values.
> --

Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-04-01 Thread Eryk Sun
On 4/1/23, Barry Scott  wrote:
> I find user environment on windows to be less flexible to work with then
> adding a py.ini. On my Windows 11 I added
> %userprofile%\AppData\Local\py.ini.
> To make python 3.8 the default that py.exe uses put this in py.ini:
> [defaults]
> python=3.8-64
> python3=3.8-64

Using "py.ini" has the advantage that launcher always reads the file.
The value of the environment variables, on the other hand, may be
stale. If you keep a lot of shells running, it would be tedious to
have to manually update the PY_PYTHON* variables in each shell. That
said, it should be rare that one needs to change the persisted default
versions. For temporary changes, the PY_PYTHON* environment variables
are more flexible and take precedence over "py.ini".

If one doesn't use "py.ini" to set the defaults, it's easy to modify
the persisted user environment using "setx.exe"[^1]. For example:

setx.exe PY_PYTHON 3.8
setx.exe PY_PYTHON3 3.8

setx.exe broadcasts a WM_SETTINGCHANGE "Environment" window message,
which causes Explorer to update its environment. Thus any program run
from Explorer will see the new values. A program launched in a new tab
in Windows Terminal also gets a fresh environment. However, existing
CLI shells (CMD, PowerShell, bash), and programs started by them, will
still have the old environment values. The latter is where using
"py.ini" to set the defaults has the advantage.


[^1]: Note that "setx.exe" should never be used to set the persisted
user or machine "Path" value to the current %PATH%. When loading the
environment, the user "Path" gets appended to the machine "Path".
Setting the entire expanded and concatenated value to one or the other
leads to a bloated, redundant PATH value, and it also loses the
flexible configuration based on REG_EXPAND_SZ values.

Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-04-01 Thread Barry Scott

> On 31 Mar 2023, at 22:02, Eryk Sun  wrote:
> The OP installed the standard Python 3.8 distribution, which does
> install the launcher by default. The launcher can run all installed
> versions, including store app installations. By default it runs the
> highest available version, which will probably be the 3.10 store app
> in the OP's case. To make 3.8 the default without having to remove
> 3.10, set the environment variables "PY_PYTHON=3.8" and
> "PY_PYTHON3=3.8" in the user environment.

I find user environment on windows to be less flexible to work with then
adding a py.ini. On my Windows 11 I added %userprofile%\AppData\Local\py.ini.
To make python 3.8 the default that py.exe uses put this in py.ini:



> -- 


Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-03-31 Thread Eryk Sun
On 3/31/23, Thomas Passin  wrote:
> The store app doesn't install py.exe, does it?

That's a significant downside of the store app. You can install Python
3.7-3.11 from the store, and run them explicitly as "python3.7.exe",
"pip3.7.exe", "python3.11.exe", "pip3.11.exe", etc. But without the
launcher there's no shebang support for scripts, so you can't easily
associate a script with a particular Python version or a particular
virtual environment. Shell shortcuts/links (.LNK files) can work
around the lack of shebang support (add .LNK to the PATHEXT
environment variable). But having to create a separate shell link is
inconvenient, and it's not cross-platform.

The OP installed the standard Python 3.8 distribution, which does
install the launcher by default. The launcher can run all installed
versions, including store app installations. By default it runs the
highest available version, which will probably be the 3.10 store app
in the OP's case. To make 3.8 the default without having to remove
3.10, set the environment variables "PY_PYTHON=3.8" and
"PY_PYTHON3=3.8" in the user environment.

Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-03-31 Thread Thomas Passin

On 3/31/2023 2:18 PM, Eryk Sun wrote:

On 3/31/23, Sumeet Firodia  wrote:

One more thing is that pip --version also refers to python 3.10

C:\Users\admin>pip --version
pip 23.0.1 from
(python 3.10)

You're running pip from the store app distribution of Python 3.10.
Your settings have the store app set as the default for the "python"
and "pip" commands. To change this, open the system settings for "App
execution aliases" and disable the "python.exe", "pythonw.exe", and
"pip.exe" aliases. You might have to also disable the alias for
"python3.exe" if it's causing problems (e.g. if you don't want a
shebang like "#!/usr/bin/env python3" to run the store app). It
shouldn't cause problems to leave the "python3.10.exe" and
"pip3.10.exe" aliases enabled.

Ha! The store app doesn't install py.exe, does it?  I forgot about that 
as a possibility, because I've always stayed away from store apps. If it 
were me, I'd uninstall the store app and get an installer from


Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-03-31 Thread Eryk Sun
On 3/31/23, Sumeet Firodia  wrote:
> One more thing is that pip --version also refers to python 3.10
> C:\Users\admin>pip --version
> pip 23.0.1 from
> C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Packages
> \PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0
> \LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\pip
> (python 3.10)

You're running pip from the store app distribution of Python 3.10.
Your settings have the store app set as the default for the "python"
and "pip" commands. To change this, open the system settings for "App
execution aliases" and disable the "python.exe", "pythonw.exe", and
"pip.exe" aliases. You might have to also disable the alias for
"python3.exe" if it's causing problems (e.g. if you don't want a
shebang like "#!/usr/bin/env python3" to run the store app). It
shouldn't cause problems to leave the "python3.10.exe" and
"pip3.10.exe" aliases enabled.

Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-03-31 Thread Thomas Passin

On 3/31/2023 8:27 AM, Sumeet Firodia wrote:

Hi Barry,

This is getting more complicated.
As per the command you shared, below is the output

C:\Users\admin>py -3.8 -m pip --version
pip 19.2.3 from
(python 3.8)

For pip --version below is the output

C:\Users\admin>pip --version
pip 23.0.1 from
(python 3.10)

Now if I want to upgrade the pip version it says requirement already met

C:\Users\admin>python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Requirement already satisfied: pip in

Please let me know how can I cleanup everything so that I dont see python
3.10.10 and can work with 3.8


On Fri, 31 Mar 2023 at 14:21, Barry Scott  wrote:

On 31 Mar 2023, at 09:33, Sumeet Firodia  wrote:

Thanks Barry.

One more thing is that pip --version also refers to python 3.10

C:\Users\admin>pip --version
pip 23.0.1 from

(python 3.10)

Use this command to ensure that pip matches the python you wish to use:

py -3.8 -m pip --version


The issue here is I am trying to use snowpark for which I need python

3.8 but because of this I am not able to proceed with next steps.


On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 22:45, Barry Scott 
> wrote:

On 30 Mar 2023, at 15:17, Sumeet Firodia>> wrote:

Hi Team,

I have installed Python 3.8 for Snowpark but when I check the version


command prompt it shows me Python 3.10.10.

C:\Users\admin>python --version
Python 3.10.10

Try this:

py -3.8

And this to list all version of python installed:

py -0

Also when I try to uninstall 3.10 it says no such version is


C:\Users\admin>pip uninstall python 3.10.10
WARNING: Skipping python as it is not installed.
WARNING: Skipping 3.10.10 as it is not installed.

PIP is for installing python modules not the python program.
The python program is installed by running the .exe that you get from , for example.

Use the standard Windows method to uninstall a program.
Search the web for "windows uninstall software" if you are not sure how

to do this.


Can you please help me here as my snowpark assignment is stuck

because of

this issue.

We have been telling you to type "py -3.8" instead of typing "python". 
We have been telling you to type "py -3.8 -m pip" instead of "python -m 
pip".  Now you complain that you did something else and got a wrong result.

If you want to upgrade pip for Python 3.8, then follow the pattern and 
type "py -3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip".  Everywhere you would have 
typed "python" type "py -3.8" instead.


Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-03-31 Thread Sumeet Firodia
Hi Barry,

This is getting more complicated.
As per the command you shared, below is the output

C:\Users\admin>py -3.8 -m pip --version
pip 19.2.3 from
(python 3.8)

For pip --version below is the output

C:\Users\admin>pip --version
pip 23.0.1 from
(python 3.10)

Now if I want to upgrade the pip version it says requirement already met

C:\Users\admin>python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Requirement already satisfied: pip in

Please let me know how can I cleanup everything so that I dont see python
3.10.10 and can work with 3.8


On Fri, 31 Mar 2023 at 14:21, Barry Scott  wrote:

> > On 31 Mar 2023, at 09:33, Sumeet Firodia  wrote:
> >
> > Thanks Barry.
> >
> > One more thing is that pip --version also refers to python 3.10
> >
> > C:\Users\admin>pip --version
> > pip 23.0.1 from
> C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\pip
> (python 3.10)
> Use this command to ensure that pip matches the python you wish to use:
> py -3.8 -m pip --version
> Barry
> >
> > The issue here is I am trying to use snowpark for which I need python
> 3.8 but because of this I am not able to proceed with next steps.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sumeet
> >
> > On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 22:45, Barry Scott  > wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> On 30 Mar 2023, at 15:17, Sumeet Firodia>> wrote:
> >>>
>  Hi Team,
>  I have installed Python 3.8 for Snowpark but when I check the version
> in
>  command prompt it shows me Python 3.10.10.
>  C:\Users\admin>python --version
>  Python 3.10.10
> >>
> >> Try this:
> >>
> >> py -3.8
> >>
> >> And this to list all version of python installed:
> >>
> >> py -0
> >>
> >>
>  Also when I try to uninstall 3.10 it says no such version is
> installed.
>  C:\Users\admin>pip uninstall python 3.10.10
>  WARNING: Skipping python as it is not installed.
>  WARNING: Skipping 3.10.10 as it is not installed.
> >>
> >> PIP is for installing python modules not the python program.
> >> The python program is installed by running the .exe that you get from
> , for example.
> >> Use the standard Windows method to uninstall a program.
> >> Search the web for "windows uninstall software" if you are not sure how
> to do this.
> >>
> >> Barry
> >>
>  Can you please help me here as my snowpark assignment is stuck
> because of
>  this issue.
>  Thanks
>  Sumeet
> >>> --
> >>>
> --

Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-03-31 Thread Barry Scott

> On 31 Mar 2023, at 09:33, Sumeet Firodia  wrote:
> Thanks Barry.
> One more thing is that pip --version also refers to python 3.10
> C:\Users\admin>pip --version
> pip 23.0.1 from 
> C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\pip
>  (python 3.10)

Use this command to ensure that pip matches the python you wish to use:

py -3.8 -m pip --version


> The issue here is I am trying to use snowpark for which I need python 3.8 but 
> because of this I am not able to proceed with next steps.
> Thanks
> Sumeet
> On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 22:45, Barry Scott  > wrote:
>>> On 30 Mar 2023, at 15:17, Sumeet Firodia >> > wrote:
 Hi Team,
 I have installed Python 3.8 for Snowpark but when I check the version in
 command prompt it shows me Python 3.10.10.
 C:\Users\admin>python --version
 Python 3.10.10
>> Try this:
>> py -3.8
>> And this to list all version of python installed:
>> py -0
 Also when I try to uninstall 3.10 it says no such version is installed.
 C:\Users\admin>pip uninstall python 3.10.10
 WARNING: Skipping python as it is not installed.
 WARNING: Skipping 3.10.10 as it is not installed.
>> PIP is for installing python modules not the python program.
>> The python program is installed by running the .exe that you get from 
>> , for example.
>> Use the standard Windows method to uninstall a program.
>> Search the web for "windows uninstall software" if you are not sure how to 
>> do this.
>> Barry
 Can you please help me here as my snowpark assignment is stuck because of
 this issue.
>>> -- 


Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-03-31 Thread Sumeet Firodia
Thanks Barry.

One more thing is that pip --version also refers to python 3.10

C:\Users\admin>pip --version
pip 23.0.1 from
(python 3.10)

The issue here is I am trying to use snowpark for which I need python 3.8
but because of this I am not able to proceed with next steps.


On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 22:45, Barry Scott  wrote:

> On 30 Mar 2023, at 15:17, Sumeet Firodia  wrote:
> Hi Team,
> I have installed Python 3.8 for Snowpark but when I check the version in
> command prompt it shows me Python 3.10.10.
> C:\Users\admin>python --version
> Python 3.10.10
> Try this:
> py -3.8
> And this to list all version of python installed:
> py -0
> Also when I try to uninstall 3.10 it says no such version is installed.
> C:\Users\admin>pip uninstall python 3.10.10
> WARNING: Skipping python as it is not installed.
> WARNING: Skipping 3.10.10 as it is not installed.
> PIP is for installing python modules not the python program.
> The python program is installed by running the .exe that you get from
>, for example.
> Use the standard Windows method to uninstall a program.
> Search the web for "windows uninstall software" if you are not sure how to
> do this.
> Barry
> Can you please help me here as my snowpark assignment is stuck because of
> this issue.
> Thanks
> Sumeet
> --

Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-03-30 Thread Thomas Passin

On 3/30/2023 10:17 AM, Sumeet Firodia wrote:

Hi Team,

I have installed Python 3.8 for Snowpark but when I check the version in
command prompt it shows me Python 3.10.10.

C:\Users\admin>python --version
Python 3.10.10

Also when I try to uninstall 3.10 it says no such version is installed.

C:\Users\admin>pip uninstall python 3.10.10
WARNING: Skipping python as it is not installed.
WARNING: Skipping 3.10.10 as it is not installed.

Can you please help me here as my snowpark assignment is stuck because of
this issue.

You cannot uninstall Python using pip.  It was not installed using it.

You probably should not uninstall Python 3.10.10. There are two 

1. The Snowpack programs will work with Python 3.10.  Just run them with 
"python". This is likely. I notice that its location is unusual, and I 
wonder how and why it got installed there.

2. For some reason, you have to use the Python 3.8 installation. Either 
find out where it is located on your system, and create a batch file to 
run it - you could name it "py38" and type "py38" instead of "python". 
Or you may be able to use the "py" launcher.  It will be there if Python 
was installed using the ordinary Python installer from  You 
would type "py -38" instead of "python".


Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-03-30 Thread Barry Scott

> On 30 Mar 2023, at 15:17, Sumeet Firodia  wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> I have installed Python 3.8 for Snowpark but when I check the version in
>> command prompt it shows me Python 3.10.10.
>> C:\Users\admin>python --version
>> Python 3.10.10

Try this:

py -3.8

And this to list all version of python installed:

py -0

>> Also when I try to uninstall 3.10 it says no such version is installed.
>> C:\Users\admin>pip uninstall python 3.10.10
>> WARNING: Skipping python as it is not installed.
>> WARNING: Skipping 3.10.10 as it is not installed.

PIP is for installing python modules not the python program.
The python program is installed by running the .exe that you get from , for example.
Use the standard Windows method to uninstall a program.
Search the web for "windows uninstall software" if you are not sure how to do 


>> Can you please help me here as my snowpark assignment is stuck because of
>> this issue.
>> Thanks
>> Sumeet
> -- 


Re: Python not showing correct version

2023-03-30 Thread Sumeet Firodia
> Hi Team,
> I have installed Python 3.8 for Snowpark but when I check the version in
> command prompt it shows me Python 3.10.10.
> C:\Users\admin>python --version
> Python 3.10.10
> Also when I try to uninstall 3.10 it says no such version is installed.
> C:\Users\admin>pip uninstall python 3.10.10
> WARNING: Skipping python as it is not installed.
> WARNING: Skipping 3.10.10 as it is not installed.
> Can you please help me here as my snowpark assignment is stuck because of
> this issue.
> Thanks
> Sumeet