Re: Amber Brown: Batteries Included, But They're Leaking

2019-05-19 Thread Terry Reedy

On 5/19/2019 5:34 PM, Christian Heimes wrote:

By the way, I'm working on removing some dead battieres since last year,
see proto PEP and LWN

I believe that there are other modules, other than distutils, that 
others have proposed for deletion after 2.7 expires.

While deleting in 3.9 would be nice, I agree on waiting for 3.10.  Track 
issues to fix/enhance could be deleted before that.  For 3.8, I think 
deprecation in the docs and possibly PendingDeprecationWarning could be 
added anytime up to the .rc.

colorsys, color conversion functions between RGB, YIQ, HLS, and HSV 
coordinate systems, seems like it should still be useful.  Looking for 
substututes on pypi, I found

pyrgb: color conversion functions - RGB, HSV, HSL, CMYK
This needs YIQ to be a superset of colorsys.  Py version unspecified.

colorutils: among other things, conversions between RGB tuples, 
6-character HEX strings, 3-character HEX strings, WEB, YIQ, and HSV. 
WEB is a 'well-known' color name, when available, such as 'SeaGreen'. 
(Tk names would be helpful for tkinter programming.  HEX is used in Tk.) 
This needs HSL to be a superset.  2.7, last release 5/25/2015

Conclusion: colorsys could be pretty well replaced by an improved 
version of either package.

In the Linux World comments, k8to says "For a silly data point, I still 
have code that I still run that process amiga data files that I use in 
an archival project. I'm a little sad about some of the modules I use 
being removed from python.  I'm sure I can work around the problem 
though, as I only run the code locally."

My thought: who better to maintain an atari date file library than 
someone who still processes such libraries?  So publicize the PEP and 
encourage experts in old protocols to maintain the corresponding code.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Amber Brown: Batteries Included, But They're Leaking

2019-05-19 Thread Terry Reedy

On 5/19/2019 4:48 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 5:41 AM John Ladasky  wrote:

On Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 2:21:59 PM UTC-7, Paul Rubin wrote:

This was a controversial talk at the Python language summit, giving
various criticisms of Python's standard library,

I will try to find some time to read through Amber Brown's remarks.

I'll make a few comments too.

I read them and the read what I concluded is yet another useless, 
contradictory, rant based partly on ignorance and mis-information.

You corrected some of the latter.

Brown said her point was to move asyncio to PyPI, along with most new
feature development. “We should embrace PyPI,” she exhorted.

This is the only "action item" I've found in the entire rant.

The disinformation is the implication that core developers have not 
embraced pypi.  But anyone reading this list and python-ideas would know 
that it is mostly users pushing for new modules and some particular 
features in the stdlib and core developers saying "Whoo, we are already 
overloaded.  Start something on pypi first and *maybe* we will consider 
it later."

I think her main point is that she, a twisted developer, is mad and 
thinks it unfair that competitor asyncio was privileged by being allowed 
to be developed in the stdlib.  Hence, "Ever since asyncio was announced 
she has had to explain why Twisted is still worthwhile". And hence her 
wish that it, in particular, be relegated to being one competitor among 
others on pypi.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Amber Brown: Batteries Included, But They're Leaking

2019-05-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 7:38 AM Christian Heimes  wrote:
> On 19/05/2019 22.48, Chris Angelico wrote:
> >> the sslmodule requires a monkeypatch to connect to non-ASCII domain names,
> It's not correct. There were some bugs in IDNA support in the SSL
> module. Nathaniel and I worked on the topic and fixed it in 3.7, see
> Python stdlib in general does not support some non-ASCII domain names
> (German, Greek, and some Asian languages), because there is no IDNA 2008
> encoding in the stdlib. The problem is not in the SSL module, but starts
> as low as host name encoding for DNS lookups. The solution here is to
> *add* more features to the stdlib, see

Thanks. And I agree; if there are limitations like this in the stdlib,
the stdlib needs to be fixed. That's not a leaking battery.


Re: Amber Brown: Batteries Included, But They're Leaking

2019-05-19 Thread Christian Heimes
On 19/05/2019 22.48, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> the sslmodule requires a monkeypatch to connect to non-ASCII domain names,

It's not correct. There were some bugs in IDNA support in the SSL
module. Nathaniel and I worked on the topic and fixed it in 3.7, see

Python stdlib in general does not support some non-ASCII domain names
(German, Greek, and some Asian languages), because there is no IDNA 2008
encoding in the stdlib. The problem is not in the SSL module, but starts
as low as host name encoding for DNS lookups. The solution here is to
*add* more features to the stdlib, see

By the way, I'm working on removing some dead battieres since last year,
see proto PEP and LWN



Re: Amber Brown: Batteries Included, But They're Leaking

2019-05-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 5:41 AM John Ladasky  wrote:
> On Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 2:21:59 PM UTC-7, Paul Rubin wrote:
> >
> >
> > This was a controversial talk at the Python language summit, giving
> > various criticisms of Python's standard library,
> I will try to find some time to read through Amber Brown's remarks.

I'll make a few comments too.

> Applications Need More Than The Standard Library
> For example, asyncio requires external libraries to connect to a database or 
> to speak HTTP.

Nothing in Python's standard library connects to a database (with the
minor exception of sqlite3, which isn't so much "connecting to a
database" as "reading a database file"). This is not a dependency of
asyncio any more than psycopg2 (from PyPI) is a dependency of the
socket module.

HTTP might be a valid point, as many applications could restrict
themselves to the stdlib if working synchronously or with threads, but
to do so with asyncio would require manually crafting HTTP requests
and parsing HTTP responses. Would have to confirm that, though; is it
possible to use asyncio's socket services with other modules in the

> Brown asserted that there were many such dependencies from the standard
> library to PyPI:

No, that is not a dependency. A dependency is where something cannot
run without something else. Nothing in the stdlib depends on anything
from PyPI. Claiming that an application needs a library from PyPI is
not the same as showing a dependency.

> typing works best with mypy,

The point of the typing module is to be the baseline that makes
annotations legal and executable, without giving them actual meaning.
Good use of mypy (or any other type checker - it's intentionally
generic) can be by publishing something that depends only on the
stdlib, but on your development computer, you install mypy. This is
the entire point of the typing module - to be part of the stdlib and
allow the code to run unmodified (but unchecked).

> the sslmodule requires a monkeypatch to connect to non-ASCII domain names,

Is that true? If confirmed, that should just be raised as an issue and
dealt with.

> datetime needs pytz,

You can easily use datetime without timezone support, either just
using naive datetimes, or using UTC. The stdlib includes support for
fixed UTC offsets too, but not daylight saving time. Considering that
the tzdata files get updated about ten times a year, baking that into
the stdlib would be a bad idea.

> and six is non-optional for writing code for Python 2 and 3.

Absolutely false. I have written 2/3 spanning code without six. It's a
convenience, and most assuredly not "non-optional". Also, writing
Py3-only code is a completely reasonable choice, especially as 2020

> Other standard library modules are simply inferior to alternatives on PyPI.

Honestly, not surprised. If the stdlib modules were superior to the
PyPI ones, the latter wouldn't exist. There are plenty of reasons for
superior options to be installable, and that's not a problem. The
stdlib is there for people who want to be strict about deployment,
which makes it easier for people to use a script.

> The http.client documentation advises readers to use Requests,

And that's a prime example; the requests module changes too frequently
to be baked into the stdlib usefully.

> and the datetime module is confusing compared to its competitors such as 
> arrow, dateutil, and moment.

I've never even heard of arrow. Not sure what the issue is with
datetime; more details needed.

> Standard Library Modules Crowd Out Innovation
> Brown’s most controversial opinion, in her own estimation, is that adding 
> modules to
> the standard library stifles innovation, by discouraging programmers from 
> using
> or contributing to competing PyPI packages.

This opinion is in direct conflict with the prior complaint that there
are stdlib modules inferior to third-party ones.

> Van Rossum argued instead that if the Twisted team wants the ecosystem to
> evolve, they should stop supporting older Python versions and force users to
> upgrade. Brown acknowledged this point, but said half of Twisted users are
> still on Python 2 and it is difficult to abandon them. The debate at this 
> point
> became personal for Van Rossum, and he left angrily.

And this is what happens when you look at statistics to make your
decisions. So long as you say "half of Twisted users are on Python 2,
we have to support it", those users will say "Twisted still supports
Python 2, we don't have to move". Maybe it's not about abandoning
people but about drawing them onto a more recent Python.

> Brown said her point was to move asyncio to PyPI, along with most new
> feature development. “We should embrace PyPI,” she exhorted.

This is the only "action item" I've found in the entire rant. Quite
aside from the backward incompatibility in the specific example of
removing asyncio from the 

Re: Amber Brown: Batteries Included, But They're Leaking

2019-05-19 Thread John Ladasky
On Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 2:21:59 PM UTC-7, Paul Rubin wrote:
> This was a controversial talk at the Python language summit, giving
> various criticisms of Python's standard library,

I will try to find some time to read through Amber Brown's remarks.  For now, I 
just want to remind everyone that we had this exact discussion here, about two 
years ago.  First post in the thread, if you want to see the source:!original/comp.lang.python/B2ODmhMS-x4/KMpF4yuHBAAJ

Here are a few excerpts from the thread:

On Saturday, September 16, 2017 at 11:01:03 PM UTC-7, Terry Reedy wrote: 
> The particular crippler for CLBG [Computer Language Benchmark Game]
> problems is the non-use of numpy in numerical calculations, such as the
> n-body problem.  Numerical python extensions are over two decades old 
> and give Python code access to optimized, compiled BLAS, LinPack, 
> FFTPack, and so on.  The current one, numpy, is the third of the series.
> It is both a historical accident and a continuing administrative
> convenience that numpy is not part of the Python stdlib. 

On Monday, September 18, 2017 at 10:21:55 PM UTC+1, John Ladasky wrote: 
> OK, I found this statement intriguing.  Honestly, I can't function without
> Numpy, but I have always assumed that many Python programmers do so. 
> Meanwhile: most of the time, I have no use for urllib, but that module is
> in the standard library. 
> I noticed the adoption of the @ operation for matrix multiplication.  I 
> have yet to use it myself. 
> So is there a fraction of the Python community that thinks that Numpy 
> should in fact become part of the Python stdlib?  What is the 
> "administrative convenience" to which you refer? 

On 2017-09-18 23:08, wrote: 
> My very opinionated personnal opinion is that many third party libraries 
> are much better off outside of the stdlib, numpy particulary so as it's
> one of the most used, if not the most used, such libraries. 
> My rationale is simple, the authors of the libraries are not tied into 
> the (c)Python release cycle, the PEP process or anything else, they can
> just get on with it. 
> Consider my approach many blue moons ago when I was asking when the "new"
> regex module was going to be incorporated into Python, and getting a bit
> miffed in my normal XXXL size hat autistic way when it didn't happen.  I
> am now convinved that back then I was very firmly wrong, and that staying
> out of the stdlib has been the best thing that could have happened to
> regex.

On Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 12:11:58 AM UTC-7, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Sep 2017 01:13:23 +0100, MRAB wrote:
> > I even have it on a Raspberry Pi. "pip install regex" is all it took. No
> > need for it to be in the stdlib. :-)
> That's fine for those of us who can run pip and install software from the 
> web without being immediately fired, and for those who have installation 
> rights on the computers they use. And those with easy, cheap and fast 
> access to the internet.
> Not everyone is so lucky.

I'm not offering an opinion, just some historical context FYI.