Re: Can't write to a directory made w/ os.makedirs

2012-01-03 Thread David Goldsmith
On Jan 1, 7:43 pm, MRAB wrote:
 On 02/01/2012 03:14, David Goldsmith wrote:

  On Jan 1, 7:05 am, Tim  wrote:
   On 01/01/2012 12:05, David Goldsmith wrote:
       ie can the Python process creating the directories,


       and a subprocess called from it create a simple file?


       Depending on where you are in the filesystem, it may indeed
       be necessary to be running as administrator. But don't try
       to crack every security nut with an elevated sledgehammer.

       If you mean running as admin., those were my sentiments exactly.  So,
       there isn't something specific I should be doing to assure that my
       subproceses can write to directories?

   In the general case, no. By default, a subprocess will have
   the same security context as its parent. The exception is
   where the parent (the Python processing invoking
   in this example) is already impersonating a different user;
   in that case, the subprocess will inherit its grandparent's

   But unless you're doing something very deliberate here then
   I doubt if that's biting you.

   Can I ask: are you absolutely certain that the processes
   you're calling are doing what you think they are and failing
   where you think they're failing?


  I'm a mathematician: the only thing I'm absolutely certain of is

  Here's my script, in case that helps:

  import os
  import sys
  import stat
  import os.path as op
  import subprocess as sub
  from os import remove
  from os import listdir as ls
  from os import makedirs as mkdir

  def doFlac2Mp3(arg, d, fl):
       if '.flac' in [f[-5:] for f in fl]:
           newD = d.replace('FLACS', 'MP3s')
           for f in fl:
               if f[-5:]=='.flac':
                   root = f.replace('.flac', '')
                   cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools\
  \flac.exe -d ' +
                          '--output-prefix=' + newD + '\\', f]
                   res =, env={'PATH': os.defpath})
                   if not res:
                       cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools
  \\lame.exe -h',
                               newD + root + '.wav',  newD + root +
                       res =, env={'PATH': os.defpath})
                       if not res:
                           rf = newD + root + '.wav'

  op.walk(top, doFlac2Mp3, None)

 I think that if the command line should be something like:

 C:\Program Files (x86)\aTunes\win_tools\flac.exe -d
 --output-prefix=FOO\ BAR

 then the cmd should be something like:

 cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools\\flac.exe', '-d',
 '--output-prefix=' + newD + '\\', f]

Thanks again all!  MRAB: your advice was sufficient to get me over the
hump, so to speak, thanks for chiming in!

Re: Can't write to a directory made w/ os.makedirs

2012-01-02 Thread Tim Golden

On 02/01/2012 03:14, David Goldsmith wrote:

Here's my script, in case that helps:

It certainly does. A few things occur to me.

First, you
shouldn't need to double-quote the path; the
should do that for you as long as you're using the list
version of the param -- which you are.

Second, you almost certainly don't want to be using the
env param, at least not in the way you are. Depending on
the way in which your app runs, either pass the appropriate
directory as the cwd= param, or copy and override the
current environ dict, ie either do this: (
  ['c:/program files/somewhere/app.exe', 'blah1', 'blah2'],

or this:

env = dict (os.environ)
env['PATH'] = c:/somewhere/else
# or env['PATH'] += ;c:/somewhere/else (
  ['c:/program files/somewhere/app.exe', 'blah1', 'blah2'],

See if any of that helps


Re: Can't write to a directory made w/ os.makedirs

2012-01-02 Thread Dave Angel

On 01/01/2012 10:14 PM, David Goldsmith wrote:

On Jan 1, 7:05 am, Tim  wrote:

On 01/01/2012 12:05, David Goldsmith wrote:
ie can the Python process creating the directories,
and a subprocess called from it create a simple file?
Depending on where you are in the filesystem, it may indeed
be necessary to be running as administrator. But don't try
to crack every security nut with an elevated sledgehammer.
If you mean running as admin., those were my sentiments exactly.  So,
there isn't something specific I should be doing to assure that my
subproceses can write to directories?

In the general case, no. By default, a subprocess will have
the same security context as its parent. The exception is
where the parent (the Python processing invoking
in this example) is already impersonating a different user;
in that case, the subprocess will inherit its grandparent's

But unless you're doing something very deliberate here then
I doubt if that's biting you.

Can I ask: are you absolutely certain that the processes
you're calling are doing what you think they are and failing
where you think they're failing?


I'm a mathematician: the only thing I'm absolutely certain of is

Here's my script, in case that helps:

import os
import sys
import stat
import os.path as op
import subprocess as sub
from os import remove
from os import listdir as ls
from os import makedirs as mkdir

def doFlac2Mp3(arg, d, fl):
 if '.flac' in [f[-5:] for f in fl]:
 newD = d.replace('FLACS', 'MP3s')
 for f in fl:
 if f[-5:]=='.flac':
 root = f.replace('.flac', '')
 cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools\
\flac.exe -d ' +
'--output-prefix=' + newD + '\\', f]
 res =, env={'PATH': os.defpath})
 if not res:
 cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools
\\lame.exe -h',
 newD + root + '.wav',  newD + root +
 res =, env={'PATH': os.defpath})
 if not res:
 rf = newD + root + '.wav'

op.walk(top, doFlac2Mp3, None)
The line cmd= is bogus.  You're trying to run a program with a -h after 
the filename.  The reason you're passing a list to is to 
separate the parameters from the program name, not to mention with 
quotes in its name.  So the -h has to be  a separate list item.  
(Although Windows will probably handle it correctly if you combine the 
-h with the FOLLOWING argument, it's still bad practice]

cmd = [ c:\\program files  \\lame.exe, -h, newD + root + .




Re: Can't write to a directory made w/ os.makedirs

2012-01-02 Thread David Goldsmith
On Jan 2, 6:09 am, Dave Angel wrote:
 On 01/01/2012 10:14 PM, David Goldsmith wrote:

  On Jan 1, 7:05 am, Tim  wrote:
  On 01/01/2012 12:05, David Goldsmith wrote:
      ie can the Python process creating the directories,


      and a subprocess called from it create a simple file?


      Depending on where you are in the filesystem, it may indeed
      be necessary to be running as administrator. But don't try
      to crack every security nut with an elevated sledgehammer.

      If you mean running as admin., those were my sentiments exactly.  So,
      there isn't something specific I should be doing to assure that my
      subproceses can write to directories?

  In the general case, no. By default, a subprocess will have
  the same security context as its parent. The exception is
  where the parent (the Python processing invoking
  in this example) is already impersonating a different user;
  in that case, the subprocess will inherit its grandparent's

  But unless you're doing something very deliberate here then
  I doubt if that's biting you.

  Can I ask: are you absolutely certain that the processes
  you're calling are doing what you think they are and failing
  where you think they're failing?

  I'm a mathematician: the only thing I'm absolutely certain of is

  Here's my script, in case that helps:

  import os
  import sys
  import stat
  import os.path as op
  import subprocess as sub
  from os import remove
  from os import listdir as ls
  from os import makedirs as mkdir

  def doFlac2Mp3(arg, d, fl):
       if '.flac' in [f[-5:] for f in fl]:
           newD = d.replace('FLACS', 'MP3s')
           for f in fl:
               if f[-5:]=='.flac':
                   root = f.replace('.flac', '')
                   cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools\
  \flac.exe -d ' +
                          '--output-prefix=' + newD + '\\', f]
                   res =, env={'PATH': os.defpath})
                   if not res:
                       cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools
  \\lame.exe -h',
                               newD + root + '.wav',  newD + root +
                       res =, env={'PATH': os.defpath})
                       if not res:
                           rf = newD + root + '.wav'

  op.walk(top, doFlac2Mp3, None)

 The line cmd= is bogus.  You're trying to run a program with a -h after
 the filename.  The reason you're passing a list to is to
 separate the parameters from the program name, not to mention with
 quotes in its name.  So the -h has to be  a separate list item.
 (Although Windows will probably handle it correctly if you combine the
 -h with the FOLLOWING argument, it's still bad practice]

 cmd = [ c:\\program files  \\lame.exe, -h, newD + root + .



Thanks, this is the kind of feedback I was hoping for--the
documentation for is notably sparing to put it
politely.  However, having not yet tried it, I'm skeptical, as what
doc there is says:, *, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None,

Run the command described by args. Wait for command to complete,
then return the returncode attribute.

The arguments shown above are merely the most common ones,
described below in Frequently Used Arguments (hence the slightly odd
notation in the abbreviated signature). The full function signature is
the same as that of the Popen constructor - this functions passes all
supplied arguments directly through to that interface.
class subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=0, executable=None, stdin=None,
stdout=None, stderr=None, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False,
shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False,
startupinfo=None, creationflags=0)

Arguments are:

args should be a string, or a sequence of program arguments...On
Windows: the Popen class uses CreateProcess() to execute the child
child program, which operates on strings. If args is a sequence, it
will be converted to a string in a manner described in Converting an
argument sequence to a string on Windows.  Thus I didn't really see
the point of separating out the -h string--which tells lame to use
high quality encoding--into another sequence element, but as per your
advice, I'll try it (along with Tim's and MRAB's suggestions; I'll
report back what works).

Re: Can't write to a directory made w/ os.makedirs

2012-01-01 Thread David Goldsmith
On Jan 1, 1:37 am, Tim Golden wrote:
 On 31/12/2011 22:13, OlyDLG wrote:
   Hi!  I'm working on a script utilizing os.makedirs to make directories
   to which I'm then trying to write files created by exe's spawned w/; I'm developing in Stani's Python Editor, debugging
   using Winpdb.  I've gotten to the point where
   subprocess.Popen._execute_child is raising a WindowsError(5,'Access is
   denied') exception.  I've tried: setting the mode in the makedirs
   call; using os.chmod(dir, stat.S_IWRITE); and even setting a
   breakpoint before the and unsetting the read-only
   attribute of the pertinent directory tree using the Windows directory
   Properties dialog--which doesn't take, if that's a clue--all to no

 Whatever you're trying to do, resetting the read-only bit
 on the Windows directory is not the answer. It has, bizarrely,
 nothing to do with the read/write-ness of a directory; rather,
 it reflects the system-ness of a folder.

 There's no general answer I can see to give, without
 knowing what the security is on your folders or what
 other thing might impede your processes from writing
 files in them. Is it definite that the ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
 is in fact the result of attempting to write a file into
 one of the newly-created directories?

 Can you do something like this (adapt for your own environment):

 import os, sys
 import subprocess

 os.makedirs (c:/temp/a/b/c)

 with open (c:/temp/a/b/c/test1.txt, w):
    pass ([
    open ('c:/temp/a/b/c/test2.txt', 'w').close ()


 ie can the Python process creating the directories,


 and a subprocess called from it create a simple file?


 Depending on where you are in the filesystem, it may indeed
 be necessary to be running as administrator. But don't try
 to crack every security nut with an elevated sledgehammer.

If you mean running as admin., those were my sentiments exactly.  So,
there isn't something specific I should be doing to assure that my
subproceses can write to directories?



Re: Can't write to a directory made w/ os.makedirs

2012-01-01 Thread Tim Golden

On 01/01/2012 12:05, David Goldsmith wrote:
 ie can the Python process creating the directories,


 and a subprocess called from it create a simple file?


 Depending on where you are in the filesystem, it may indeed
 be necessary to be running as administrator. But don't try
 to crack every security nut with an elevated sledgehammer.

 If you mean running as admin., those were my sentiments exactly.  So,
 there isn't something specific I should be doing to assure that my
 subproceses can write to directories?

In the general case, no. By default, a subprocess will have
the same security context as its parent. The exception is
where the parent (the Python processing invoking
in this example) is already impersonating a different user;
in that case, the subprocess will inherit its grandparent's

But unless you're doing something very deliberate here then
I doubt if that's biting you.

Can I ask: are you absolutely certain that the processes
you're calling are doing what you think they are and failing
where you think they're failing?


Re: Can't write to a directory made w/ os.makedirs

2012-01-01 Thread David Goldsmith
On Jan 1, 7:05 am, Tim Golden wrote:
 On 01/01/2012 12:05, David Goldsmith wrote:
   ie can the Python process creating the directories,
   and a subprocess called from it create a simple file?
   Depending on where you are in the filesystem, it may indeed
   be necessary to be running as administrator. But don't try
   to crack every security nut with an elevated sledgehammer.
   If you mean running as admin., those were my sentiments exactly.  So,
   there isn't something specific I should be doing to assure that my
   subproceses can write to directories?

 In the general case, no. By default, a subprocess will have
 the same security context as its parent. The exception is
 where the parent (the Python processing invoking
 in this example) is already impersonating a different user;
 in that case, the subprocess will inherit its grandparent's

 But unless you're doing something very deliberate here then
 I doubt if that's biting you.

 Can I ask: are you absolutely certain that the processes
 you're calling are doing what you think they are and failing
 where you think they're failing?


I'm a mathematician: the only thing I'm absolutely certain of is

Here's my script, in case that helps:

import os
import sys
import stat
import os.path as op
import subprocess as sub
from os import remove
from os import listdir as ls
from os import makedirs as mkdir

def doFlac2Mp3(arg, d, fl):
if '.flac' in [f[-5:] for f in fl]:
newD = d.replace('FLACS', 'MP3s')
for f in fl:
if f[-5:]=='.flac':
root = f.replace('.flac', '')
cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools\
\flac.exe -d ' +
   '--output-prefix=' + newD + '\\', f]
res =, env={'PATH': os.defpath})
if not res:
cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools
\\lame.exe -h',
newD + root + '.wav',  newD + root +
res =, env={'PATH': os.defpath})
if not res:
rf = newD + root + '.wav'

op.walk(top, doFlac2Mp3, None)

Re: Can't write to a directory made w/ os.makedirs

2012-01-01 Thread MRAB

On 02/01/2012 03:14, David Goldsmith wrote:

On Jan 1, 7:05 am, Tim  wrote:

 On 01/01/2012 12:05, David Goldsmith wrote:
 ie can the Python process creating the directories,
 and a subprocess called from it create a simple file?
 Depending on where you are in the filesystem, it may indeed
 be necessary to be running as administrator. But don't try
 to crack every security nut with an elevated sledgehammer.
 If you mean running as admin., those were my sentiments exactly.  So,
 there isn't something specific I should be doing to assure that my
 subproceses can write to directories?

 In the general case, no. By default, a subprocess will have
 the same security context as its parent. The exception is
 where the parent (the Python processing invoking
 in this example) is already impersonating a different user;
 in that case, the subprocess will inherit its grandparent's

 But unless you're doing something very deliberate here then
 I doubt if that's biting you.

 Can I ask: are you absolutely certain that the processes
 you're calling are doing what you think they are and failing
 where you think they're failing?


I'm a mathematician: the only thing I'm absolutely certain of is

Here's my script, in case that helps:

import os
import sys
import stat
import os.path as op
import subprocess as sub
from os import remove
from os import listdir as ls
from os import makedirs as mkdir

def doFlac2Mp3(arg, d, fl):
 if '.flac' in [f[-5:] for f in fl]:
 newD = d.replace('FLACS', 'MP3s')
 for f in fl:
 if f[-5:]=='.flac':
 root = f.replace('.flac', '')
 cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools\
\flac.exe -d ' +
'--output-prefix=' + newD + '\\', f]
 res =, env={'PATH': os.defpath})
 if not res:
 cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools
\\lame.exe -h',
 newD + root + '.wav',  newD + root +
 res =, env={'PATH': os.defpath})
 if not res:
 rf = newD + root + '.wav'

op.walk(top, doFlac2Mp3, None)

I think that if the command line should be something like:

C:\Program Files (x86)\aTunes\win_tools\flac.exe -d 
--output-prefix=FOO\ BAR

then the cmd should be something like:

cmd = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\aTunes\\win_tools\\flac.exe', '-d', 
'--output-prefix=' + newD + '\\', f]
