Re: Newbie question - calculating prime numbers

2010-08-10 Thread Dave Angel

Matty Sarro wrote:

Hey Everyone,
I'm currently trying to work through MIT's opencourseware and am using
python. The second assignment they offer is to determine the 1000th prime
number. Below is the code I am using:

#Assignment 1a
#Determine the 1000th prime number
#Already know that 2 is prime
while (primeCount=1000):
for i in range (2,candidate):
if ((candidate%i)==0):
print(candidate,  is not a prime)
print(candidate,  is a prime!)

Now I'm not looking for a solution, but I'm hoping that someone can at least
tell me where the error in my logic is.
The outer loop keeps count and will keep iterating until the 1000th prime
number has been found.
The inner loop just attempts to divide the candidate number by each possible
factor until it's reached, and then increases the candidate number value by
two since even numbers above 2 aren't prime.
The if statement inside the inner loop simply checks if there is a remainder
when attempting to divide the candidate by the possible factor. If there
isn't, its a factor and we can print not a prime. If there is always a
remainder, nothing is a factor and so the candidate is a prime.

I figured it seemed simple enough, but I keep getting a massive output and
almost nothing listed is a correct prime number.

Please be gentle, its my first post and I haven't programmed in ages :)

Once you discover a particular value is not a prime, you need to get out 
of that for loop.  Add  a break after the appropriate print.

Also, the print that says it IS a prime is misplaced.  You only know 
that if you've gone all the way through the loop without ever hitting 
the break.  That's a candidate for the 'else' clause of the for loop.

There are other changes you could make for efficiency, but get it 
working correctly first.



Re: Newbie question - calculating prime numbers

2010-08-10 Thread Matty Sarro
Hey Dave,
Thank you for the heads up. I actually bashed my head against the desk a few
times and eventually I realized what I was doing wrong. Here's my final code
(slightly optimized) that's verified and working. Out of curiousity, what
other optimizations could I throw at it (without diving too deep too fast).

#Assignment 1a
#Determine the 1000th prime number
#Already know that 2 is prime
while (primeCount=1000):
while (isPrime==true) and (i=halfCand):
if ((candidate%i)==0):
if isPrime==true:
print(candidate, is a prime.)
#print(candidate,  is not a prime.)
print(The 1000th prime number is ,(candidate-2))

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 8:51 AM, Dave Angel wrote:

 Matty Sarro wrote:

 Hey Everyone,
 I'm currently trying to work through MIT's opencourseware and am using
 python. The second assignment they offer is to determine the 1000th prime
 number. Below is the code I am using:

 #Assignment 1a
 #Determine the 1000th prime number
 #Already know that 2 is prime
 while (primeCount=1000):
for i in range (2,candidate):
if ((candidate%i)==0):
print(candidate,  is not a prime)
print(candidate,  is a prime!)

 Now I'm not looking for a solution, but I'm hoping that someone can at
 tell me where the error in my logic is.
 The outer loop keeps count and will keep iterating until the 1000th prime
 number has been found.
 The inner loop just attempts to divide the candidate number by each
 factor until it's reached, and then increases the candidate number value
 two since even numbers above 2 aren't prime.
 The if statement inside the inner loop simply checks if there is a
 when attempting to divide the candidate by the possible factor. If there
 isn't, its a factor and we can print not a prime. If there is always a
 remainder, nothing is a factor and so the candidate is a prime.

 I figured it seemed simple enough, but I keep getting a massive output and
 almost nothing listed is a correct prime number.

 Please be gentle, its my first post and I haven't programmed in ages :)

 Once you discover a particular value is not a prime, you need to get out of
 that for loop.  Add  a break after the appropriate print.

 Also, the print that says it IS a prime is misplaced.  You only know that
 if you've gone all the way through the loop without ever hitting the break.
  That's a candidate for the 'else' clause of the for loop.

 There are other changes you could make for efficiency, but get it working
 correctly first.



Re: Newbie question - calculating prime numbers

2010-08-10 Thread Ian

On 10/08/2010 12:57, Matty Sarro wrote:

Hey Everyone,
I'm currently trying to work through MIT's opencourseware and am using 
python. The second assignment they offer is to determine the 1000th 
prime number. Below is the code I am using:

#Assignment 1a
#Determine the 1000th prime number
#Already know that 2 is prime
while (primeCount=1000):
for i in range (2,candidate):
if ((candidate%i)==0):
print(candidate,  is not a prime)
print(candidate,  is a prime!)

Now I'm not looking for a solution, but I'm hoping that someone can at 
least tell me where the error in my logic is.

Hi Matty,

Dave Angel has already given you some helpful stuff. I would only like 
to add that you need three states inside your loop

a) Candidate is known to be prime
b) Candidate is known to be not prime
c) Candidate may or may not be prime and the code has to keep working on 

You are detecting the is not prime case correctly. The other two 
situations are confused.

A candidate is only prime if it is not divisible by *any* number other 
than 1 or itself.

Two hints for efficiency:

If candidate has a factor, one of those factors MUST be = square root 
of candidate - so you don't need to loop through so many.

If x is prime, all multiples of x are not prime. See sieve of Eratosthenes.




Re: Newbie question - calculating prime numbers

2010-08-10 Thread Peter Otten
Matty Sarro wrote:

 Hey Dave,
 Thank you for the heads up. I actually bashed my head against the desk a
 few times and eventually I realized what I was doing wrong. Here's my
 final code (slightly optimized) that's verified and working. Out of
 curiousity, what other optimizations could I throw at it (without diving
 too deep too fast).
 #Assignment 1a
 #Determine the 1000th prime number
 #Already know that 2 is prime
 while (primeCount=1000):
 while (isPrime==true) and (i=halfCand):
 if ((candidate%i)==0):
 if isPrime==true:
 print(candidate, is a prime.)
 #print(candidate,  is not a prime.)
 print(The 1000th prime number is ,(candidate-2))


One obvious thing would be to replace the true and false strings with 
actual boolean values:

isPrime = True
while isPrime and i = halfCand:


For a different perspective on the problem have a look at



Re: Newbie question - calculating prime numbers

2010-08-10 Thread Dave Angel

Matty Sarro wrote:

Hey Dave,
Thank you for the heads up. I actually bashed my head against the desk a few
times and eventually I realized what I was doing wrong. Here's my final code
(slightly optimized) that's verified and working. Out of curiousity, what
other optimizations could I throw at it (without diving too deep too fast).

#Assignment 1a
#Determine the 1000th prime number
#Already know that 2 is prime
while (primeCount=1000):
while (isPrime==true) and (i=halfCand):
if ((candidate%i)==0):
if isPrime==true:
print(candidate, is a prime.)
#print(candidate,  is not a prime.)
print(The 1000th prime number is ,(candidate-2))

You top-posted, which messed up the message sequence.  You should post 
your message AFTER whatever you're quoting.

Your code starts by printing that 1 is prime, which it's not.  And it 
doesn't print 2.  Those two errors happen to cancel, so the 1000th prime 
is still right.  But the initial value for candidate= should be 3, not 
1.  I didn't try to figure where the other error is, but somewhere your 
count is off by one.

You've changed your code from using the built-in control flow to doing 
it by hand.  That's almost never a good idea, and in this case it'll 
slow you down.  Learn about the break statement to break out of a for 
loop or while loop.  It saves doing multiple tests in the loop construct.

Use True and False, not strings.

Your halfCand could have been rootCand;  you only need to check up to 
the square root of the candidate (see math.sqrt()).  In fact, you only 
need to check those primes you've already built, up to the square root.  
For example, to tell if 23 is prime, you only need to divide by 2, 3 and 
5.  This would require that you build a list of results, appending to it 
whenever you find a new prime.  It would mean that primeCount is not 
needed, as it's simply len(primeList).

I don't know which of these ideas has already been covered in your 
class.  But if you used all of these ideas, your code would be smaller 
and much faster.

Currently, it spends more time in the print statements than in 
calculating, so I temporarily commented out the print of the first 999 

I coded up a quick version, and without the prints of individual primes, 
it sped up 1.3 secs to 0.03 secs.
If I have both versions do the first 10,000 primes, the original takes 
176 secs, while mine takes 0.5

