mboyd02...@gmail.com Wrote in message:
> I have a numpy array consisting of 1s and zeros for representing binary 
> numbers:
> e.g.
>      >>> binary
>      array([ 1.,  0.,  1.,  0.])
> I wish the array to be in the form 1010, so it can be manipulated.
> I do not want to use built in binary converters as I am trying to build my 
> own.

One thousand and ten is an int, not an array. 

So is 10, but it seems a more likely value you might be trying for.

As for using the builtin binary converters, you'd better be a lot
 more specific,  as you cannot even print an int in decimal form
 without utilizing them. The number is in binary already.

Please copy the exact problem and constraints,  as well as what
 you've written so far and what's wrong with it.



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