Just curious if anyone out there uses Python programming in the
Widestudio (http://www.widestudio.org) GUI IDE toolkit. I have looked
into it when running into some portability limitations trying certain
GUI tookits for Ruby, but couldn't get immersed into Widestudio. Since
I use Python as well I was wondering if Pythonistas have given this a
shot. Off hand the widgets look a bit old and ugly, but from a
portability and language support standpoint it has still been on my

This GUI IDE toolkit comes with support for Ruby, Python, Perl, and
other languages and looks like an effective catch-all, as its bundled
applications can run on Windows, Linux, Windows Mobile, Embedded Linux,
*BSD, Mac OS, etc. But it's primarily geared for a Japanese audience
from the looks of it. There are some books out there for it, but there
are all on Amazon.Com.Jp and don't have English translations available.



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