
i use some programs where support python api. 
but to can use that api from programs need to define some paths(pythonpath 
program and more) and call some batch files(if i not do that i cant access api 
support).create an .bat file where if i run i can use api. 

set ROOT=C:\path\path 
call “%ROOT%“\path1\path1.bat 
call “%ROOT%“\path2\path2\path2\path2\path2.bat 
set GDPATH=%ROOT%\path3\path3 
path %PATH%;”%ROOT%\path4\path4\path4\” 
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%ROOT%\path4\path4\path4; 
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%ROOT%\path5\path5\path5\path5
set SPATH=%ROOT%\path6 
start “name ide” /B “path from idle.exe” 

but i can use api only from this file i dont want that 

i want to create a script where to run or call batch file with the |subprocess 
| and run on background(activate). 
and i need define path with the |sys|,sys.path.extend,sys.path.append i am not 
sure who is right.
i need a mybatch.bat to convert to python script to take easy api

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