
2015-05-22 Thread Poul Riis
How can I control the size of the window in the example below?

Poul Riis

import numpy as np
from guiqwt import pyplot as plt_

x = np.arange(0,20,0.1)
y = np.cos(x)

[ANN] guiqwt v2.2.1

2012-11-08 Thread Pierre.RAYBAUT
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that `guiqwt` v2.2.1 has been released 

Based on PyQwt (plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces) and on 
the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, guiqwt is a Python library providing 
efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related 
tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application 

The Mercurial repository is now publicly available here:

Complete change log is available here:

Documentation with examples, API reference, etc. is available here:

This version of `guiqwt` includes a demo software, Sift (for Signal and Image 
Filtering Tool), based on `guidata` and `guiqwt`:
Windows users may even download the portable version of Sift 0.2.6 to test it 
without having to install anything:

When compared to the excellent module `matplotlib`, the main advantages of 
`guiqwt` are:
  * Performance: see
  * Interactivity: see for example
  * Powerful signal processing tools: see for example
  * Powerful image processing tools:
* Real-time contrast adjustment:
* Cross sections (line/column, averaged and oblique cross sections!):
* Arbitrary affine transforms on images:
* Interactive filters:
* Geometrical shapes/Measurement tools:
* Perfect integration of `guidata` features for image data editing:

But `guiqwt` is more than a plotting library; it also provides:
  * Framework for signal/image processing application development: see
  * And many other features like making executable Windows programs easily 
(py2exe helpers): see

guiqwt has been successfully tested on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms.

Python package index page:

Documentation, screenshots:

Downloads (source + Python(x,y) plugin):

Dr. Pierre Raybaut
CEA - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] guiqwt v2.2.0

2012-09-01 Thread Pierre.RAYBAUT
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that `guiqwt` v2.2.0 has been released 

Based on PyQwt (plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces) and on 
the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, guiqwt is a Python library providing 
efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related 
tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application 

The Mercurial repository is now publicly available here:

Complete change log is available here:

Documentation with examples, API reference, etc. is available here:

This version of `guiqwt` includes a demo software, Sift (for Signal and Image 
Filtering Tool), based on `guidata` and `guiqwt`:
Windows users may even download the portable version of Sift 0.2.6 to test it 
without having to install anything:

When compared to the excellent module `matplotlib`, the main advantages of 
`guiqwt` are:
  * Performance: see
  * Interactivity: see for example
  * Powerful signal processing tools: see for example
  * Powerful image processing tools:
* Real-time contrast adjustment:
* Cross sections (line/column, averaged and oblique cross sections!):
* Arbitrary affine transforms on images:
* Interactive filters:
* Geometrical shapes/Measurement tools:
* Perfect integration of `guidata` features for image data editing:

But `guiqwt` is more than a plotting library; it also provides:
  * Framework for signal/image processing application development: see
  * And many other features like making executable Windows programs easily 
(py2exe helpers): see

guiqwt has been successfully tested on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms.

Python package index page:

Documentation, screenshots:

Downloads (source + Python(x,y) plugin):

Dr. Pierre Raybaut
CEA - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] guiqwt v2.1.4

2011-07-05 Thread Pierre.RAYBAUT
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that `guiqwt` v2.1.4 has been released.

Based on PyQwt (plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces) and on 
the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, guiqwt is a Python library providing 
efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related 
tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application 

Complete change log is now available here:

Documentation with examples, API reference, etc. is available here:

This version of `guiqwt` includes a demo software, Sift (for Signal and Image 
Filtering Tool), based on `guidata` and `guiqwt`:
Windows users may even download the portable version of Sift 0.2.3 to test it 
without having to install anything:

When compared to the excellent module `matplotlib`, the main advantages of 
`guiqwt` are:
  * Performance: see
  * Interactivity: see for example
  * Powerful signal processing tools: see for example
  * Powerful image processing tools:
* Real-time contrast adjustment:
* Cross sections (line/column, averaged and oblique cross sections!):
* Arbitrary affine transforms on images:
* Interactive filters:
* Geometrical shapes/Measurement tools:
* Perfect integration of `guidata` features for image data editing:

But `guiqwt` is more than a plotting library; it also provides:

  * Framework for signal/image processing application development: see

  * And many other features like making executable Windows programs easily 
(py2exe helpers): see

guiqwt has been successfully tested on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms.

Python package index page:

Documentation, screenshots:

Downloads (source + Python(x,y) plugin):



Dr. Pierre Raybaut
CEA - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] guiqwt v2.1.3

2011-05-06 Thread Pierre.RAYBAUT
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that `guiqwt` v2.1.3 has been released.

Based on PyQwt (plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces) and on 
the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, guiqwt is a Python library providing 
efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related 
tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application 

Complete change log is now available here:

Documentation with examples, API reference, etc. is available here:

This version of `guiqwt` includes a demo software, Sift (for Signal and Image 
Filtering Tool), based on `guidata` and `guiqwt`:
Windows users may even download the portable version of Sift 0.2.3 to test it 
without having to install anything:

When compared to the excellent module `matplotlib`, the main advantages of 
`guiqwt` are:
  * Performance: see
  * Interactivity: see for example
  * Powerful signal processing tools: see for example
  * Powerful image processing tools:
* Real-time contrast adjustment:
* Cross sections (line/column, averaged and oblique cross sections!):
* Arbitrary affine transforms on images:
* Interactive filters:
* Geometrical shapes/Measurement tools:
* Perfect integration of `guidata` features for image data editing:

But `guiqwt` is more than a plotting library; it also provides:

  * Framework for signal/image processing application development: see

  * And many other features like making executable Windows programs easily 
(py2exe helpers): see

guiqwt has been successfully tested on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms.

Python package index page:

Documentation, screenshots:

Downloads (source + Python(x,y) plugin):



Dr. Pierre Raybaut
CEA - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] guiqwt v2.1.2

2011-04-26 Thread Pierre.RAYBAUT
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that `guiqwt` v2.1.2 has been released.
This release mainly fixes a critical bug when running the GUI-based test 
launcher (except from the test launcher itself, this bug had absolutely no 
impact on the library -- it was however considered critical as many regular 
users were not able to run the test launcher).

Main changes since `guiqwt` v2.1.0:
  * added support for NaNs in image plot items (default behaviour: NaN pixels 
are transparents)
  * added oblique averaged cross section feature
  * bugfixes

This version of `guiqwt` includes a demo software, Sift (for Signal and Image 
Filtering Tool), based on `guidata` and `guiqwt`:
Windows users may even download the portable version of Sift 0.23 to test it 
without having to install anything:

The `guiqwt` documentation with examples, API reference, etc. is available here:

Based on PyQwt (plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces) and on 
the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, guiqwt is a Python library providing 
efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related 
tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application 

When compared to the excellent module `matplotlib`, the main advantage of 
`guiqwt` is performance: see

But `guiqwt` is more than a plotting library; it also provides:

  * Helper functions for data processing: see the example

  * Framework for signal/image processing application development: see

  * And many other features like making executable Windows programs easily 
(py2exe helpers): see

guiqwt plotting features are the following:

guiqwt.pyplot: equivalent to matplotlib's pyplot module (pylab)

supported plot items:

* curves, error bar curves and 1-D histograms
* images (RGB images are not supported), images with non-linear x/y 
scales, images with specified pixel size (e.g. loaded from DICOM files), 2-D 
histograms, pseudo-color images (pcolor)
* labels, curve plot legends
* shapes: polygon, polylines, rectangle, circle, ellipse and segment
* annotated shapes (shapes with labels showing position and 
dimensions): rectangle with center position and size, circle with center 
position and diameter, ellipse with center position and diameters (these items 
are very useful to measure things directly on displayed images)

curves, images and shapes:

* multiple object selection for moving objects or editing their 
properties through automatically generated dialog boxes (guidata)
* item list panel: move objects from foreground to background, 
show/hide objects, remove objects, ...
* customizable aspect ratio
* a lot of ready-to-use tools: plot canvas export to image file, image 
snapshot, image rectangular filter, etc.


* interval selection tools with labels showing results of computing on 
selected area
* curve fitting tool with automatic fit, manual fit with sliders, ...


* contrast adjustment panel: select the LUT by moving a range selection 
object on the image levels histogram, eliminate outliers, ...
* X-axis and Y-axis cross-sections: support for multiple images, 
average cross-section tool on a rectangular area, ...
* apply any affine transform to displayed images in real-time 
(rotation, magnification, translation, horizontal/vertical flip, ...)

application development helpers:

* ready-to-use curve and image plot widgets and dialog boxes
* load/save graphical objects (curves, images, shapes)
* a lot of test scripts which demonstrate guiqwt features

guiqwt has been successfully tested on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms.

Python package index page:

Documentation, screenshots:

Downloads (source + Python(x,y) plugin):



Dr. Pierre Raybaut
CEA - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] guiqwt v2.1.1

2011-04-20 Thread Pierre.RAYBAUT
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that `guiqwt` v2.1.1 has been released.

Main changes since `guiqwt` v2.1.0:
  * added support for NaNs in image plot items (default behaviour: NaN pixels 
are transparents)
  * added oblique averaged cross section feature
  * bugfixes

This version of `guiqwt` includes a demo software, Sift (for Signal and Image 
Filtering Tool), based on `guidata` and `guiqwt`:
Windows users may even download the portable version of Sift 0.23 to test it 
without having to install anything:

The `guiqwt` documentation with examples, API reference, etc. is available here:

Based on PyQwt (plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces) and on 
the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, guiqwt is a Python library providing 
efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related 
tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application 

When compared to the excellent module `matplotlib`, the main advantage of 
`guiqwt` is performance: see

But `guiqwt` is more than a plotting library; it also provides:

  * Helper functions for data processing: see the example

  * Framework for signal/image processing application development: see

  * And many other features like making executable Windows programs easily 
(py2exe helpers): see

guiqwt plotting features are the following:

guiqwt.pyplot: equivalent to matplotlib's pyplot module (pylab)

supported plot items:

* curves, error bar curves and 1-D histograms
* images (RGB images are not supported), images with non-linear x/y 
scales, images with specified pixel size (e.g. loaded from DICOM files), 2-D 
histograms, pseudo-color images (pcolor)
* labels, curve plot legends
* shapes: polygon, polylines, rectangle, circle, ellipse and segment
* annotated shapes (shapes with labels showing position and 
dimensions): rectangle with center position and size, circle with center 
position and diameter, ellipse with center position and diameters (these items 
are very useful to measure things directly on displayed images)

curves, images and shapes:

* multiple object selection for moving objects or editing their 
properties through automatically generated dialog boxes (guidata)
* item list panel: move objects from foreground to background, 
show/hide objects, remove objects, ...
* customizable aspect ratio
* a lot of ready-to-use tools: plot canvas export to image file, image 
snapshot, image rectangular filter, etc.


* interval selection tools with labels showing results of computing on 
selected area
* curve fitting tool with automatic fit, manual fit with sliders, ...


* contrast adjustment panel: select the LUT by moving a range selection 
object on the image levels histogram, eliminate outliers, ...
* X-axis and Y-axis cross-sections: support for multiple images, 
average cross-section tool on a rectangular area, ...
* apply any affine transform to displayed images in real-time 
(rotation, magnification, translation, horizontal/vertical flip, ...)

application development helpers:

* ready-to-use curve and image plot widgets and dialog boxes
* load/save graphical objects (curves, images, shapes)
* a lot of test scripts which demonstrate guiqwt features

guiqwt has been successfully tested on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms.

Python package index page:

Documentation, screenshots:

Downloads (source + Python(x,y) plugin):



Dr. Pierre Raybaut
CEA - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] guiqwt v2.1.0

2011-04-06 Thread Pierre.RAYBAUT
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that `guiqwt` v2.1.0 has been released.
Note that the project has recently been moved to GoogleCode:

This version of `guiqwt` includes a demo software, Sift (for Signal and Image 
Filtering Tool), based on `guidata` and `guiqwt`:
Windows users may even download the portable version of Sift 0.22 to test it 
without having to install anything:

The `guiqwt` documentation with examples, API reference, etc. is available here:

Based on PyQwt (plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces) and on 
the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, guiqwt is a Python library providing 
efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related 
tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application 

When compared to the excellent module `matplotlib`, the main advantage of 
`guiqwt` is performance: see

But `guiqwt` is more than a plotting library; it also provides:

  * Helper functions for data processing: see the example

  * Framework for signal/image processing application development: see

  * And many other features like making executable Windows programs easily 
(py2exe helpers): see

guiqwt plotting features are the following:

guiqwt.pyplot: equivalent to matplotlib's pyplot module (pylab)

supported plot items:

* curves, error bar curves and 1-D histograms
* images (RGB images are not supported), images with non-linear x/y 
scales, images with specified pixel size (e.g. loaded from DICOM files), 2-D 
histograms, pseudo-color images (pcolor)
* labels, curve plot legends
* shapes: polygon, polylines, rectangle, circle, ellipse and segment
* annotated shapes (shapes with labels showing position and 
dimensions): rectangle with center position and size, circle with center 
position and diameter, ellipse with center position and diameters (these items 
are very useful to measure things directly on displayed images)

curves, images and shapes:

* multiple object selection for moving objects or editing their 
properties through automatically generated dialog boxes (guidata)
* item list panel: move objects from foreground to background, 
show/hide objects, remove objects, ...
* customizable aspect ratio
* a lot of ready-to-use tools: plot canvas export to image file, image 
snapshot, image rectangular filter, etc.


* interval selection tools with labels showing results of computing on 
selected area
* curve fitting tool with automatic fit, manual fit with sliders, ...


* contrast adjustment panel: select the LUT by moving a range selection 
object on the image levels histogram, eliminate outliers, ...
* X-axis and Y-axis cross-sections: support for multiple images, 
average cross-section tool on a rectangular area, ...
* apply any affine transform to displayed images in real-time 
(rotation, magnification, translation, horizontal/vertical flip, ...)

application development helpers:

* ready-to-use curve and image plot widgets and dialog boxes
* load/save graphical objects (curves, images, shapes)
* a lot of test scripts which demonstrate guiqwt features

guiqwt has been successfully tested on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms.

Python package index page:

Documentation, screenshots:

Downloads (source + Python(x,y) plugin):



Dr. Pierre Raybaut
CEA - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] guiqwt v2.0.8

2010-12-15 Thread Pierre.RAYBAUT
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that `guiqwt` v2.0.8 has been released.
Note that the project has recently been moved to GoogleCode:

This version of `guiqwt` includes a brand new documentation with examples, API 
reference, etc.:

Based on PyQwt (plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces) and on 
the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, guiqwt is a Python library providing 
efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related 
tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application 

When compared to the excellent module `matplotlib`, the main advantage of 
`guiqwt` is performance: see

But `guiqwt` is more than a plotting library; it also provides:

  * Helper functions for data processing: see the example

  * Framework for signal/image processing application development: see

  * And many other features like making executable Windows programs easily 
(py2exe helpers): see

guiqwt plotting features are the following:

guiqwt.pyplot: equivalent to matplotlib's pyplot module (pylab)

supported plot items:

* curves, error bar curves and 1-D histograms
* images (RGB images are not supported), images with non-linear x/y 
scales, images with specified pixel size (e.g. loaded from DICOM files), 2-D 
histograms, pseudo-color images (pcolor)
* labels, curve plot legends
* shapes: polygon, polylines, rectangle, circle, ellipse and segment
* annotated shapes (shapes with labels showing position and 
dimensions): rectangle with center position and size, circle with center 
position and diameter, ellipse with center position and diameters (these items 
are very useful to measure things directly on displayed images)

curves, images and shapes:

* multiple object selection for moving objects or editing their 
properties through automatically generated dialog boxes (guidata)
* item list panel: move objects from foreground to background, 
show/hide objects, remove objects, ...
* customizable aspect ratio
* a lot of ready-to-use tools: plot canvas export to image file, image 
snapshot, image rectangular filter, etc.


* interval selection tools with labels showing results of computing on 
selected area
* curve fitting tool with automatic fit, manual fit with sliders, ...


* contrast adjustment panel: select the LUT by moving a range selection 
object on the image levels histogram, eliminate outliers, ...
* X-axis and Y-axis cross-sections: support for multiple images, 
average cross-section tool on a rectangular area, ...
* apply any affine transform to displayed images in real-time 
(rotation, magnification, translation, horizontal/vertical flip, ...)

application development helpers:

* ready-to-use curve and image plot widgets and dialog boxes
* load/save graphical objects (curves, images, shapes)
* a lot of test scripts which demonstrate guiqwt features

guiqwt has been successfully tested on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms.

Python package index page:

Documentation, screenshots:

Downloads (source + Python(x,y) plugin):



Dr. Pierre Raybaut
CEA - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] guiqwt v2.0.7

2010-11-29 Thread Pierre.RAYBAUT
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that `guiqwt` v2.0.7 has been released.
More than a bug fix release, this version of `guiqwt` includes a brand new 
documentation with examples, API reference, etc.:

Based on PyQwt (plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces) and on 
the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, guiqwt is a Python library providing 
efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related 
tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application 

When compared to the excellent module `matplotlib`, the main advantage of 
`guiqwt` is performance: see

But `guiqwt` is more than a plotting library; it also provides:

  * Helper functions for data processing: see the example

  * Framework for signal/image processing application development: see

  * And many other features like making executable Windows programs easily 
(py2exe helpers): see

guiqwt plotting features are the following:

guiqwt.pyplot: equivalent to matplotlib's pyplot module (pylab)

supported plot items:

* curves, error bar curves and 1-D histograms
* images (RGB images are not supported), images with non-linear x/y 
scales, images with specified pixel size (e.g. loaded from DICOM files), 2-D 
histograms, pseudo-color images (pcolor)
* labels, curve plot legends
* shapes: polygon, polylines, rectangle, circle, ellipse and segment
* annotated shapes (shapes with labels showing position and 
dimensions): rectangle with center position and size, circle with center 
position and diameter, ellipse with center position and diameters (these items 
are very useful to measure things directly on displayed images)

curves, images and shapes:

* multiple object selection for moving objects or editing their 
properties through automatically generated dialog boxes (guidata)
* item list panel: move objects from foreground to background, 
show/hide objects, remove objects, ...
* customizable aspect ratio
* a lot of ready-to-use tools: plot canvas export to image file, image 
snapshot, image rectangular filter, etc.


* interval selection tools with labels showing results of computing on 
selected area
* curve fitting tool with automatic fit, manual fit with sliders, ...


* contrast adjustment panel: select the LUT by moving a range selection 
object on the image levels histogram, eliminate outliers, ...
* X-axis and Y-axis cross-sections: support for multiple images, 
average cross-section tool on a rectangular area, ...
* apply any affine transform to displayed images in real-time 
(rotation, magnification, translation, horizontal/vertical flip, ...)

application development helpers:

* ready-to-use curve and image plot widgets and dialog boxes
* load/save graphical objects (curves, images, shapes)
* a lot of test scripts which demonstrate guiqwt features

guiqwt has been successfully tested on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms.

Python package index page:

Documentation, screenshots:

Downloads (source + Python(x,y) plugin):



Dr. Pierre Raybaut
CEA - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] guiqwt v2.0.4

2010-11-03 Thread Pierre.RAYBAUT
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that `guiqwt` v2.0.4 has been released.
This is mostly a bug fix release.

Based on PyQwt (plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces) and on 
the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, guiqwt is a Python library providing 
efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related 
tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application 

As you certainly know, the most popular Python module for data plotting is 
currently matplotlib, an open-source library providing a lot of plot types and 
an API (the pylab interface) which is very close to MATLAB's plotting interface.

guiqwt plotting features are quite limited in terms of plot types compared to 
matplotlib. However the currently implemented plot types are much more 
efficient. For example, the guiqwt image showing function (imshow) do not make 
any copy of the displayed data, hence allowing to show images much larger than 
with its matplotlib's counterpart. In other terms, when showing a 30-MB image 
(16-bits unsigned integers for example) with guiqwt, no additional memory is 
wasted to display the image (except for the offscreen image of course which 
depends on the window size) whereas matplotlib takes more than 600-MB of 
additional memory (the original array is duplicated four times using 64-bits 
float data types).

guiqwt also provides the following features:

guiqwt.pyplot: equivalent to matplotlib's pyplot module (pylab)

supported plot items:

* curves, error bar curves and 1-D histograms
* images (RGB images are not supported), images with non-linear x/y 
scales, images with specified pixel size (e.g. loaded from DICOM files), 2-D 
histograms, pseudo-color images (pcolor)
* labels, curve plot legends
* shapes: polygon, polylines, rectangle, circle, ellipse and segment
* annotated shapes (shapes with labels showing position and 
dimensions): rectangle with center position and size, circle with center 
position and diameter, ellipse with center position and diameters (these items 
are very useful to measure things directly on displayed images)

curves, images and shapes:

* multiple object selection for moving objects or editing their 
properties through automatically generated dialog boxes (guidata)
* item list panel: move objects from foreground to background, 
show/hide objects, remove objects, ...
* customizable aspect ratio
* a lot of ready-to-use tools: plot canvas export to image file, image 
snapshot, image rectangular filter, etc.


* interval selection tools with labels showing results of computing on 
selected area
* curve fitting tool with automatic fit, manual fit with sliders, ...


* contrast adjustment panel: select the LUT by moving a range selection 
object on the image levels histogram, eliminate outliers, ...
* X-axis and Y-axis cross-sections: support for multiple images, 
average cross-section tool on a rectangular area, ...
* apply any affine transform to displayed images in real-time 
(rotation, magnification, translation, horizontal/vertical flip, ...)

application development helpers:

* ready-to-use curve and image plot widgets and dialog boxes
* load/save graphical objects (curves, images, shapes)
* a lot of test scripts which demonstrate guiqwt features

guiqwt has been successfully tested on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms.

Python package index page:

Documentation, screenshots:

Downloads (source + Python(x,y) plugin):



Dr. Pierre Raybaut
CEA - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives

Support the Python Software Foundation: