when to use == and when to use is

2014-03-10 Thread George Trojan
I know this question has been answered: 
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6570371/when-to-use-and-when-to-use-is , 
but I still have doubts. Consider the following code:

class A:
def __init__(self, a):
self._a = a
#def __eq__(self, other):
#return self._a != other._a

obj_0 = A(0)
obj_1 = A(1)
obj_2 = A(2)

obj = obj_1

if obj == obj_0:
elif obj == obj_1:
elif obj == obj_2:

if obj is obj_0:
elif obj is obj_1:
elif obj is obj_2:

Both if statements work, of course. Which is more efficient? My use-case 
scenario are matplotlib objects, the __eq__ operator might involve a bit 
of work. The if statement is a selector in a callback. I know that obj 
is one of obj_0, ..., or none of them. I do not care if obj_1 is equal 
to obj_2.


Re: when to use == and when to use is

2014-03-10 Thread Ned Batchelder

On 3/10/14 2:09 PM, George Trojan wrote:

I know this question has been answered:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6570371/when-to-use-and-when-to-use-is ,
but I still have doubts. Consider the following code:

class A:
 def __init__(self, a):
 self._a = a
 #def __eq__(self, other):
 #return self._a != other._a

obj_0 = A(0)
obj_1 = A(1)
obj_2 = A(2)

obj = obj_1

if obj == obj_0:
elif obj == obj_1:
elif obj == obj_2:

if obj is obj_0:
elif obj is obj_1:
elif obj is obj_2:

Both if statements work, of course. Which is more efficient? My use-case
scenario are matplotlib objects, the __eq__ operator might involve a bit
of work. The if statement is a selector in a callback. I know that obj
is one of obj_0, ..., or none of them. I do not care if obj_1 is equal
to obj_2.

The last sentence seems telling to me: if you don't care if objects are 
equal, then don't use ==.

Of course, a long change of if's to figure out which object you have 
seems odd to me...



Ned Batchelder, http://nedbatchelder.com


Re: when to use == and when to use is

2014-03-10 Thread Ben Finney
George Trojan george.tro...@noaa.gov writes:

 Both if statements work, of course. Which is more efficient?

I don't know. The answer is likely to be dependent on many details of
the code and the data.

But I do know that the different operators communicate different

And that should be a primary reason for choosing which operator to use:
communicate your intent to the reader of the code.

 My use-case scenario are matplotlib objects, the __eq__ operator might
 involve a bit of work.

Then IMO you should choose the operator which matches your intent, and
stop worrying about “efficient” until you have measured exactly which
part of the code is slow.

It sounds like you are interested in value equality. So you should use
‘==’ for this purpose.

 \“A free press is one where it's okay to state the conclusion |
  `\  you're led to by the evidence.” —Bill Moyers |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney


Re: when to use == and when to use is

2014-03-10 Thread Skip Montanaro
I agree with Ben.

In this particular case, it seems you really should be using ==
unless obj_0, obj_1, and obj_2 are sentinels.


when to use __new__, when to use __init__

2013-10-14 Thread Peter Cacioppi
I've dome some reading on the difference between __new__ and __init__, and 
never really groked it. I just followed the advice that you should almost 
always use __init__.

I recently came across a task that required using __new__ and not __init__. I 
was a bit intimidated at first, but it was quick and easy. This simple 
programming exercise really cleared a lot of things up for me. 

Not to be immodest, but I think something like this ought to be the canonical 
example for explaining when/how to override __new__.

The task? I want to make a class that behaves exactly like a tuple, except 
changing the constructor argument signature and adding some extra methods. An 
example should clarify what I needed.

 x = ParetoTuple(1, 2, 0)
 2 in x
 -1 in x
 x.dominates(ParetoTuple(1, 3, 0))
 x.equivalent(ParetoTuple(1, 2 + 1e-5, 0))


Since I want the constructor to take an (almost) arbitrary number of arguments, 
each of which will be elements of the resulting ParetoTuple, I need to override 
__new__. I don't need to overwrite __init__, because the tuple.__new__ will 
populate it's data when the arguments are properly formatted. 

Also, since the world of Pareto comparisons makes sense only with 2 or more 
goals, I want my specialized constructor to take at least 2 arguments in a 
natural way.

Here is the code

class ParetoTuple(tuple) :
def __new__ (cls, obj1, obj2, *rest):
return super(ParetoTuple, cls).__new__(cls,  (obj1, obj2) + rest)
 # nothing special about the dominates, equivalents methods...
 # no __init__ needed

I understand some people argue in favor of using a factory pattern for this 
sort of situation, but I disagree. I think the cognitive overhead of factories 
requires a more complicated task than re-signaturing the constructor method.

At any rate, hope it helps others like it helped me.

Re: when to use __new__, when to use __init__

2013-10-14 Thread Ethan Furman

On 10/14/2013 03:07 PM, Peter Cacioppi wrote:

I've dome some reading on the difference between __new__ and __init__, and 
never really groked it. I just followed the advice that you should almost 
always use __init__.

Object creation in Python is a two step process:

  - create the object  (aka __new__, and make sure you return the new object! ;)

  - configure the object  (aka __init__)

If the object is immutable, everything has to be done in __new__.

If the object is mutable, then you should split your code along the creation/configuration guidelines of __new__ and 
__init__, even though you could do it all in __new__.  Why?  To make subclassing easier.

As an example, consider the new Enum[1] data type: my personal preference is to not specify the numbers, and to have 
docstrings on the Enum members.  In order to achieve this I have to override __new__ as that is when the class 
structures are created, but I set the docstring in __init__:

class AutoEnum(Enum):

Automatically numbers enum members starting from 1.
Includes support for a custom docstring per member.

__last_number__ = 0
def __new__(cls, *args):
Ignores arguments (will be handled in __init__.
value = cls.__last_number__ + 1
cls.__last_number__ = value
obj = object.__new__(cls)
obj._value_ = value
return obj
def __init__(self, *args):
Can handle 0 or 1 argument; more requires a custom __init__.
0  = auto-number w/o docstring
1  = auto-number w/ docstring
2+ = needs custom __init__ (don't call this __init__)

if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (str, unicode)):
self.__doc__ = args[0]
elif args:
raise TypeError('%s not dealt with -- need custom __init__' % 

Now, if I need some other Enum class with auto-numbering, but different 
arguments I can easily subclass AutoEnum:

class Rounds(AutoEnum):
def __init__(self, x_length, y_length):
self.x_length = x_length
self.y_length = y_length
SMALL_CICRLE = 100, 100
LARGE_ELLIPSE = 5000, 3000

[1] enum34 is available on PyPI if you aren't able to move to Python3.4.
