Re: [2.4.2/Linux] Getting Python to fork?

2008-02-04 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-02-04, Christian Heimes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jon Ribbens wrote:
 Why? I don't think you do.
 Neither does BSD daemon.c or glibc daemon.c

 The problem is well documented at

OK I understand what is being said here, although it seems a bit
unlikely (daemon process opens a tty), but what is puzzling me is
why, if it's so necessary, does neither Linux nor *BSD do this in
their daemon() functions? It would seem surprising if the operating
system authors don't know how to make a daemon process in their
own OS ;-)

Re: [2.4.2/Linux] Getting Python to fork?

2008-02-04 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-02-04, Gilles Ganault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I need to launch a Python script, and fork it so that the calling
 script can resume with the next step will the Python script keeps

 I tried those two, but they don't work, as the calling script is stuck
 until the Python script ends:

This should work I believe:

  if os.fork():
  fd =, os.O_RDWR)
  os.dup2(fd, 0)
  os.dup2(fd, 1)
  os.dup2(fd, 2)
  if fd  2:
  # do stuff

Although bear in mind it's pretty UNIX-y.

Re: [2.4.2/Linux] Getting Python to fork?

2008-02-04 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-02-04, Rolf van de Krol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To create a deamon, you indeed need to fork two times. For more 
 information and a working example see: . I'm 
 quite sure this works, because I used it several times to create a deamon.

That doesn't mean it works. That just means it hasn't failed while
you were watching.

(Not that I am saying it's necessarily wrong, I'm just saying that
it worked when I tried it is a very bad way of deciding if something
is correct code.)

Re: Regarding coding style

2008-03-07 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-03-07, D'Arcy J.M. Cain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2. You should use two spaces after a sentence-ending period.
 For heavens sake, why? I've always been obstructed by the double
 blanks but tolerated them. Now, that i read that it actually is a
 recommendation, i need to ask about the purpose.

 Like many things of this nature, the purpose is to follow the rules of
 correct English usage.

Well, no, it's to follow a particular person's choice out of the many
and various competing rules of correct English usage. Personally,
I dislike double spaces after sentences, but it is not wrong to put
them there any more than it is wrong not to put them there.
Consistency is far more important (hence the rule, I presume).

Re: Finally had to plonk google gorups.

2008-04-16 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-04-16, Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But that's not a battle you can win, so I broke down and joined all
 the other people that just killfile everything posted via google.groups.

I did the same about an hour ago.

Re: Python Success stories

2008-04-23 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-04-23, Mark Wooding [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Python is actually one of the few to define one but not the other.  (The
 other one I can think of is Acorn's BBC BASIC, for whatever that's
 worth; it too lacks `++'.)

You should've added it in Termite Basic then :-p

Re: Setting expirty data on a cookie

2008-04-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-04-25, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Another note: 'expires' is apprantly a legacy attribute for early
 Netscape browsers. The RFC and python source comments suggest that you
 use 'Max-Age' instead.

Theoretically, yes. In practice, no. *Nobody* uses the new-style
cookies, everyone uses Netscape ones.

Re: Why is None = 0

2008-04-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-04-25, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 None is smaller than anything.

According to Tim Peters, this is not true.


Re: Why can't timedeltas be divided?

2008-04-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-04-27, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sorry for bringing up such an old thread, but this seems important to me
 -- up to now, there are thousands [1] of python programs that use
 hardcoded time calculations.

 Would you like to work on a patch?

Last time I brought up this sort of thing, it seemed fairly unanimous
that the shortcomings of the datetime module were 'deliberate' and
would not be fixed, patch or no patch.

Re: Why can't timedeltas be divided?

2008-04-27 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-04-27, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Last time I brought up this sort of thing, it seemed fairly unanimous
 that the shortcomings of the datetime module were 'deliberate' and
 would not be fixed, patch or no patch.

 Ok, so then if the answer to my question is yes, the first step
 should be to discuss it on python-dev.

Yes, that's where it was decided that the datetime module was fine
that way it is and must not be changed.

Re: Why can't timedeltas be divided?

2008-04-27 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-04-27, webograph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2008-04-27 14:18, Jon Ribbens wrote:
 Yes, that's where it was decided that the datetime module was fine 
 that way it is and must not be changed.
 could you give me some pointers to that discussion?

Well, seems very closely related.
As does the thread starting at

 nevertheless, i fail to see such problems when dividing timedeltas -- 
 after all, `delta2 / 5 == delta1` works, so why should not `delta2 / 
 delta1 == 5`?

I used very similar arguments for the changes I wanted, and they
weren't appreciated ;-)

Re: Best way to store config or preferences in a multi-platform way.

2008-05-01 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-05-01, Ivan Illarionov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 IMO .ini-like config files are from the stone age. The modern approach is 
 to use YAML ( 

You mean YAML isn't a joke!? It's so ludicrously overcomplicated,
and so comprehensively and completely fails to achieve its stated
main goal of being readable by humans, that I had assumed it
was an April Fool along the lines of Intercal or brainf***.

I certainly wouldn't recommend it as being suitable for, well,
anything at all.

Or were you trolling and I missed the joke? ;-)

Re: Best way to store config or preferences in a multi-platform way.

2008-05-01 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-05-01, Ivan Illarionov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I used XML files before for this purpose and found YAML much easier and 
 better suitable for the task.

 Please explain why don't like YANL so much?

Because even the examples in the spec itself are unreadable gibberish.
The PyYAML library is over 300kB! These are rather big clues that it's
unsuitable for the purpose for which it was designed. It's certainly
unsuitable for use as a configuration file format, where it is
overkill by several orders of magnitude.

  !!str a1 foo:
  !!str bar
  a2 baz : *a1
  !,2002:str foo :
  !!bar baz

This is supposed to be human readable?

 PS. Your reply remind me of early days of Python when Perl programmers 
 said exacly the same thing about Python.

I think I would suffer irony overload if I saw a Perl programmer
criticising Python for being hard to read ;-)

Re: 16bit hash

2007-06-27 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2007-06-27, Robin Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is the any way to get an efficient 16bit hash in python?

int([:4], 16) ?

Re: Why PHP is so much more popular for web-development

2007-07-27 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2007-07-26, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That sounds trivial to ameliorate (at least somewhat) by putting your
 uploads in a directory whose name is known only to you (let's say it's
 a random 20-letter string).  The parent directory can be protected to
 not allow reading the subdirectory names.

 But you have to admit that's security by obscurity.

Um, no?

Re: Best way to protect my new commercial software.

2007-12-18 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2007-12-18, Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2007-12-18, Jan Claeys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, it's only copyrighted when you _publish_ it.

 Interesting.  So, in Europe, if somebody steals something you
 wrote before you get it published, they're free to do with it
 as they please?

No, I believe the above comment is false. The Berne Convention of 1887
makes copyright automatic as soon as a work is written or recorded.
Thus, most of Europe has had automatic copyright for a very long time,
and all of it does now.

Re: Getting Python to fork?

2008-02-04 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-02-04, Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 #Fork and commit suicide
 if os.fork():

I'm pretty sure that should be os._exit(0)

 #What to do in parent process

This is now the child process.

 sys.stdin = open('/dev/null')
 sys.stdout = open('/dev/null', 'w')
 sys.stderr = open('/dev/null', 'w')

I think that's changing Python's idea of stdin etc but not the
operating system's idea of them. You won't be closing the original
file descriptors, and if you run any subprocesses they will end up
with the original stdin/out/err. Unless sys.stdin is more magic
than I'm aware of.

Re: [2.4.2/Linux] Getting Python to fork?

2008-02-04 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2008-02-04, Christian Heimes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Although bear in mind it's pretty UNIX-y.

 IIRC you have to fork a second time after you have changed the working
 dir and created a new session group.

Why? I don't think you do.
Neither does BSD daemon.c or glibc daemon.c

Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2007-10-23, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yuk.  Reminds me of one of the Hitachi processors that
 has a single depth hardware link register that tells a 
 subroutine where it was called from.

That's how ARM processors work, and they're everywhere these days.

Re: count pages in a pdf

2007-11-27 Thread Jon Ribbens
 is it possible to parse a pdf file in python?  for starters, i would
 like to count the number of pages in a pdf file.  i see there is a
 project called ReportLab, but it seems to be a pdf generator... i
 can't tell if i would be able to parse a pdf file programmically.

Re: why isn't Unicode the default encoding?

2006-03-21 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 In any case, it doesn't matter what encoding the document is in:
 read(2) always returns two bytes.

It returns *up to* two bytes. Sorry to be picky but I think it's
relevant to the topic because it illustrates how it's difficult
to change the definition of to return characters
instead of bytes (if the file is ready to read, there will always
be one or more bytes available (or EOF), but there won't always
be one or more characters available).

Re: How do clients(web browser) close a python CGI program that is not responding?

2006-03-28 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:
 Hi,there. Sometimes a python CGI script tries to output great
 quantities of HTML responce or in other cases, it just falls into a
 dead loop. How could my client close that CGI script running on the
 server? I tried to use the STOP button in the web browser button, but
 it does not work.

It depends on what CGI framework you're using. If the user hits
'stop', the client browser should close its connection and your web
server should close the pipe to your CGI process. I'd expect you to
get a SIGPIPE when next trying to output data.

 In addition, how could I configure that if a CGI program do not finish
 its task in 20sec or so, it will be automatically terminated?

Do you mean a specific CGI, or all CGIs in general? If it's in general
then you need to see if your web server can be configured to do that.
If it's a specific CGI, check out signal.alarm() or
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CPU, ...). Apache has a RLimitCPU
directive, but be careful with it since it may well not do what you

Re: Difference between 'is' and '=='

2006-04-03 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Roy Smith wrote:
 This may even be useful.  What if you were trying to emulate SQL's
 NULL?  NULL compares false to anything, even itself.

Strictly speaking, comparing NULL to anything gives NULL, not False.

Re: overloading constructor in python?

2006-04-03 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Alex Martelli wrote:
 I guess in python we use two idioms to cover most of the uses of
 mulltiple constructors:
 ... and classmethods.  OK, _three_ idioms.  Oh, and factory functions.
 Among the idioms we use are the following...

Nobody expects the Spanglish inquisition...

Re: File writing success

2007-05-11 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2007-05-11, HMS Surprise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If file writing has no return value (
 file-objects.html), how do you know if the write was successful?

Because no exception was thrown?

Although bear in mind that some errors might not become apparent until
you close or flush the file.

Re: Select hangs after some reads

2006-06-08 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Holden wrote:
 Of course, if the client forces the TCP PSH flag true then the receiver 
 is guaranteed to debuffer the stream up to that point - this is how FTP 
 clients work, for example.

I don't think that's right. You are confusing the PSH flag (which is
basically unused in Unix networking I think) and the URG flag (which
is extremely rarely used, but is indeed used by FTP to get abort
requests to 'jump the queue' as it were).

Re: Select hangs after some reads

2006-06-08 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Holden wrote:
 I don't think that's right. You are confusing the PSH flag (which is
 basically unused in Unix networking I think) and the URG flag (which
 is extremely rarely used, but is indeed used by FTP to get abort
 requests to 'jump the queue' as it were).

I'm sorry, but you're definitely mistaken.

 The URG flag indicates that a packet contains out-of-band data, 
 whihc is what you describe above.

out-of-band is just way the sockets interface slightly mis-describes
it. Either way, it causes (in Unix) the FTP server process to receive
a SIGURG; the signal handler sets a flag and the data-transfer loop

 The PSH flag indicates that the data stream must be flushed right 
 through to the other end.

That's sort-of true, but irrelevant. The PSH flag, when received,
means that the networking layer should unbuffer any data and ensure it
is released to the receiving application. *However*, BSD sockets never
wait before allowing the application to receive incoming data, so the
incoming PSH flag is unnecessary and ignored.

In addition, the sockets interface simply doesn't provide a method
for applications to set the PSH flag on output. The networking system
simply sets the PSH flag by default whenever the output buffer

 This is essential for interactive protocols such as FTP: without it
 the server has no way to know that the client has sent a complete
 command, and vice versa.

I'm afraid that's completely wrong. The FTP server knows it has
received a complete command because it sees the CRLF sequence
in the data stream.

I must admit it's refreshingly unusual to find someone who is more
familiar with TCP/IP as described theoretically in the 1981 RFCs than
the realities of the sockets interface ;-)

Re: help() on stdout.closed

2006-06-21 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pekka Karjalainen wrote:
 from sys import stdout
 help (stdout.closed) 
 If I do this, it gives me help on the bool object.

stdout.closed is a bool. What were you expecting it to show you?

Re: What's the best way to wrap a whole script in try..except?

2006-06-21 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Hari Sekhon wrote:
 I want to wrap a whole script in try ... except. What is the best way of 
 doing this?

You could do this maybe:

  import sys

  def excepthook(exc_type, exc_value, tb):
import modules_needed_to_notify_exception

  sys.excepthook = excepthook

  import modules_needed_by_script

Re: OS specific command in Python

2006-06-21 Thread Jon Ribbens
 So basically, instead of typing in on the command line argument I want
 to have it in a python program and let it do the action.
 Try exec() and execfile() from the standard library (IIRC)

Ths os.spawn...() functions are likely to be better suited to what he
wants to do.

 ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  .etc
 When you connect (via ssh or telnet) to a remote machine, you need to
 type (manually) your username and your password. Programming that is
 never easy.

Indeed, so it is much easier to use public-key authentication with an
unencrypted private key, that way you don't have to type any
passwords. See the AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT section of the 'sshd'
man page, and the 'ssh-keygen' command.

Re: Sudoko solver

2006-07-04 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Rony Steelandt wrote:
 Yes, this is on windows using winzip
 It says the zip file is not a valid zipfile

Works fine for me on Windows. Try deleting the file you downloaded,
clearing your browser cache, and trying again.

On the other hand, when you run it it immediately pops up a huge
dialog saying that there is a new version available, 404 File Not
Found, and a huge pile of HTML source. The game itself seems to work

Re: Fork You.. Forking and threading..

2006-07-05 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], rh0dium wrote:
 if os.fork() == 0:
 sys.stdout = open(/dev/null, 'w')
 sys.stdin = open(/dev/null, 'r')

I don't know if it's the cause of your problem, but you're not doing
the backgrounding right, it should be:

  if os.fork():
  fd =, os.O_RDWR)
  os.dup2(fd, 0)
  os.dup2(fd, 1)
  os.dup2(fd, 2)
  if fd  2:
  # do stuff

Re: how can I avoid abusing lists?

2006-07-07 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Thomas Nelson wrote:
 This is exactly what I want to do: every time I encounter this kind of
 value in my code, increment the appropriate type by one.  Then I'd like
 to go back and find out how many of each type there were.  This way
 I've written seems simple enough and effective, but it's very ugly and
 I don't think it's the intended use of lists.  Does anyone know a
 cleaner way to have the same funtionality?

How about this:

map = {}
def increment(value):
  map[value] = map.get(value, 0) + 1


Re: #!/usr/bin/env python 2.4?

2007-03-21 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stargaming wrote:
 from sys import version_info
 if version_info[0]  2 or version_info[1]  4:
  raise RuntimeError(You need at least python2.4 to run this script)

That'll fail when the major version number is increased (i.e. Python 3.0).

You want:

  if sys.hexversion  0x020400f0:
... error ...

Re: #!/usr/bin/env python 2.4?

2007-03-21 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
 Jon Ribbens  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if sys.hexversion  0x020400f0:
... error ...
 Readability counts.
 if sys.version_info  (2, 4):
 ... error ...

Maybe you should suggest a patch to the Python documentation then ;-)

The formula I mentioned is the one suggested in the official Python
documentation ( )
as being the way to check the Python version.

Re: #!/usr/bin/env python 2.4?

2007-03-22 Thread Jon Ribbens
 I don't see any problem with::
 if version_info[0] = 2 and version_info[1]  4:
 raise RuntimeError()

What if the version number is 1.5?

Re: #!/usr/bin/env python 2.4?

2007-03-23 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 Uh... I never thought it was an implied formula there - that F0 had to  
 come from 1.5 = 15 = 0xF.
 I think it should be stated much more clearly.

I'm not sure what you're saying. You are correct that the
documentation is rather vague. The 'f0' comes from 'final release'
I think.

Re: I need a string/list/generator/comprehension incantation.

2007-04-20 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steven W. Orr wrote:
 Now I want something that's going to give me a string whose value is the 
 set of all of the first letters of months. Order is not important.

.join(set(m[0] for m in calendar.month_abbr[1:]))

 And for extra credit, I need the string whose value is the set of all of 
 the letters of months minus the first letter.

.join(set(.join(m[1:] for m in calendar.month_abbr[1:])))

Those are the ways that are obvious to me anyway, maybe there are
better ways. If you actually want a set not a string, remove the
outer-most .join().

Re: need an alternative to getattr()

2006-08-07 Thread Jon Ribbens
 import heading1
 import heading2
 While True:
 heading = get_next_heading(file_ptr) # This func will return
 heading1, then heading2(on next call)
 if heading = :
 getattr(heading, process)(file_ptr) # The problem, as you would
 have noticed, is that the first
 # argument to getattr is a string!!
 Is there an alternatice to getattr() that will solve my problem, or is
 there another way to do it.




but note that, unless you are checking 'heading' against a 'known
good configuration keywords' list beforehand, you are trusting the
author of the configuration file.

Re: IP address

2006-08-10 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lad wrote:
 I have a website written in Python and I would like to login every
 visitor's IP address.
 In other words, if a visitor come to my Python application, this
 application will record his IP.

Depending on what CGI framework you're using, something like:


Re: list index()

2007-08-31 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2007-08-31, Erik Max Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I say the 'oll' in troll like the 'ol' in frolic, and pronounce roll
 and role similarly.

 My accent is probably from the East Midlands of the UK, but is not

 _Troll_ and _frolic_ aren't pronounced with the same o sound in any 
 accent I've ever heard of.

Welcome to England!

 Which you pronounce _boat_ and _bot_ the same way, too?


Re: smtp debugging methods

2007-09-14 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2007-09-14, Sean Nakasone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having trouble with sending smtp mail.  It's hanging after the 
 smtplib.SMTP() line. It doesn't works from home but not from work.  What's 
 the best way to debug this?

 # Here's the error
 server = smtplib.SMTP(,465) port 465 is SSL only. Try port 587 instead.

Re: add without carry

2006-09-15 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Hugh wrote:
 Sorry, here's an example...
 added without carrying, 5+7=2
 i.e the result is always less than 10
 I've been thinking some more about this and my brain is starting to
 work something out... 
 No need to think too long to come up with the most possibly QD solution:
 res = int(str(5 + 7)[-1])

Am I missing something subtle in the question or is there some reason
that nobody has posted the correct solution:

  (a + b) % 10


Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-23 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 So I think the default for the second argument to cgi.escape should be
 changed to True. Or alternatively, the second argument should be removed
 altogether, and quotes should always be escaped.
 you're confused: cgi.escape(s) is designed to be used for ordinary text, 
 cgi.escape(s, True) is designed for attributes.  if you use the code the 
 way it's intended to be used, it works perfectly fine.

He's not confused, he's correct; the author of cgi.escape is the
confused one. The optional extra parameter is completely unnecessary
and achieves nothing except to make it easier for people to end up
with bugs in their code.

Making cgi.escape always escape the '' character would not break
anything, and would probably fix a few bugs in existing code. Yes,
those bugs are not cgi.escape's fault, but that's no reason not to
be helpful. It's a minor improvement with no downside.

One thing that is flat-out wrong, by the way, is that cgi.escape()
does not encode the apostrophe (') character. This is essentially
identical to the quote character in HTML, so any code which escaping
one should always be escaping the other.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-24 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Georg Brandl wrote:
 Attributes can be quoted with either single or double quotes. That's what
 the HTML spec says. cgi.escape doesn't correctly allow for that. Ergo,
 cgi.escape is broken. QED.
 A function is broken if its implementation doesn't match the documentation.

Or if the design, as described in the documentation, is flawed in some

 As a courtesy, I've pasted it below.
 Now, do you still think cgi.escape is broken?


Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-24 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Making cgi.escape always escape the '' character would not break
 anything, and would probably fix a few bugs in existing code. Yes,
 those bugs are not cgi.escape's fault, but that's no reason not to
 be helpful. It's a minor improvement with no downside.
 the improvement with no downside would bloat down the output for 
 everyone who's using the function in the intended way,

By a miniscule degree. That is a very weak argument by any standard.

 and will also break unit tests.

Er, so change the unit tests at the same time?

  One thing that is flat-out wrong, by the way, is that cgi.escape()
  does not encode the apostrophe (') character.
 it's intentional, of course:

I noticed. That doesn't mean it isn't wrong.

 you're supposed to use  if you're using cgi.escape(s, True) to
 escape attributes.  again, punishing people who actually read the
 docs and understand them is not a very good way to maintain

In what way is anyone being punished? Deliberately retaining flaws
and misfeatures that can easily be fixed without damaging
backwards-compatibility is not a very good way to maintain software

 btw, you're both missing that cgi.escape isn't good enough for general 
 use anyway,

I'm sorry, I didn't realise this was a general thread about any and
all inadequacies of Python's cgi module.

 since it doesn't deal with encodings at all.

Why does it need to? cgi.escape is (or should be) dealing with
character strings, not byte sequences. I must admit,
internationalisation is not my forte, so if there's something
I'm missing here I'd love to hear about it.

By the way, if you could try and put across your proposed arguments as
to why you don't favour this suggested change without the insults and
general rudeness, it would be appreciated.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 maybe you haven't done software long enough to understand that
 software works better if you use it the way it was intended to be
 used, but that's no excuse for being stupid.

So what's your excuse?

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 If you're really serious about making things easier to use, shouldn't
 you look at the whole picture?  HTML documents are byte streams, so
 any transformation from internal character data to HTML must take both
 escaping and encoding into account.

Ever heard of modular programming? I would suggest that you do indeed
take a step back and look at the whole picture - it's the whole
picture that needs to take escaping and encoding into account. There's
nothing to say that cgi.escape should take them both into account in
the one function, and in fact as you yourself have already commented,
good reasons for it not to, in that it would make it excessively

 If you and Lawrence have a hard time remembering how to use the
 existing cgi.escape function, despite it's utter simplicity, surely
 it would make your life even easier if there was an alternative API
 that would handle both the easy part (escaping) and the hard part
 (encoding) ?

You seem to be arguing that because, in an ideal world, it would be
better to throw away the 'cgi' module completely and start again, it
is not worth making minor improvements in what we already have. 
I would suggest that this is, to put it mildly, not a good argument.

 I've already explained that, but since you're convinced that your use
 case is more important than other use cases, and you don't care about
 things like stability and respect for existing users of an API, nor
 the cost for others to update their code and unit tests, I don't see
 much need to repeat myself.

You are merely compounding your bad manners. All of your above
allegations are outright lies. I am not sure if you are simply not
understanding the simple points I am making, or are deliberately
trying to mislead people for some bizarre reason of your own.

 Breaking things just because you think you can simply isn't the
 Python way of doing things.

Your hyperbole is growing more extravagant. To begin with, you were
claiming that the suggested change would make things (minisculely)
less efficient, now you're claiming it will break unspecified
things. What precisely do you think it would break?

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 (still waiting for the jon's enhanced escape proposal, btw, but I guess it's
 easier to piss on others than to actually contribute something useful).

Well, yes, you certainly seem to be good at the pissing on others
part, even if you have to lie to do it. You have had the enhanced
escape proposal all along - it was the post which started this
thread! If you are referring to your strawman argument about
encodings, you have yet to show that it's relevant.

If it'll make you any happier, here's the code for the 'cgi.escape'
equivalent that I usually use:

  _html_encre = re.compile([\'+])
  _html_encodes = { : amp;, : lt;, : gt;, \: quot;,
': #39;, +: #43; }

  def html_encode(raw):
return re.sub(_html_encre, lambda m: _html_encodes[], raw)

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Duncan Booth wrote:
 It is generally a principle of Python that new releases maintain backward 
 compatability. An incompatible change such proposed here would probably 
 break many tests for a large number of people.

Why is the suggested change incompatible? What code would it break?
I agree that it would be a bad idea if it did indeed break backwards
compatibility - but it doesn't.

 There should be a one-stop shop where I can take my unicode text and 
 convert it into something I can safely insert into a generated html page; 

I disagree. I think that doing it in one is muddled thinking and
liable to lead to bugs. Why not keep your output as unicode until it
is ready to be output to the browser, and encode it as appropriate
then? Character encoding and character escaping are separate jobs with
separate requirements that are better off handled by separate code.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 There's nothing to say that cgi.escape should take them both into account
 in the one function
 so what exactly are you using cgi.escape for in your code ?

To escape characters so that they will be treated as character data
and not control characters in HTML.

 What precisely do you think it would break?
 existing code, and existing tests.

I'm sorry, that's not good enough. How, precisely, would it break
existing code? Can you come up with an example, or even an
explanation of how it *could* break existing code?

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Georg Brandl wrote:
 I'm sorry, that's not good enough. How, precisely, would it break
 existing code? Can you come up with an example, or even an
 explanation of how it *could* break existing code?
 Is that so hard to see? If cgi.escape replaced ' with an entity reference,
 code that expects it not to do so would break.

Sorry, that's still not good enough. Why would any code expect such a

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Duncan Booth wrote:
 I guess you've never seen anyone write tests which retrieve some generated 
 html and compare it against the expected value. If the page contains any 
 unescaped quotes then this change would break it.

You're right - I've never seen anyone do such a thing. It sounds like
a highly dubious and very fragile sort of test to me, of very limited

 I'm talking about encoding certain characters as entity references. It 
 doesn't matter whether its the character ampersand or right double quote, 
 they both want to be converted to entities. Same operation.

This is that muddled thinking I was talking about. They are *not* the
same operation. You want to encode , for example, because it must
always be encoded to prevent it being treated as an HTML control
character. This has nothing to do with character encodings.

You might sometimes want to escape right double quote because it may
or may not be available in the character encoding you using to output
to the browser. Yes, this might sometimes seem a bit similar to the
 escaping described above, because one of the ways you could avoid
the character encoding issue would be to use numeric entities, but it
is actually a completely separate issue and is none of the business of

By your argument, cgi.escape should in fact escape *every single*
character as a numeric entity, and even that wouldn't work properly
since , #, ; and the digits might not be in their usual
positions in the output encoding.

 Right now the only way the Python library gives me to do the entity
 escaping properly has a side effect of encoding the string. I should
 be able to do the escaping without having to encode the string at
 the same time.

I'm getting lost here - the opposite of what you say above is true.
cgi.escape does the escaping properly (modulo failing to escape
quotes) without encoding.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Max M wrote:
 I'm sorry, that's not good enough. How, precisely, would it break
 existing code? Can you come up with an example, or even an
 explanation of how it *could* break existing code?
 Some examples are:
 - Possibly any code that tests for string equality in a rendered 
 html/xml page. Testing is a prefered development tool these days.

Testing is good, but only if done correctly.

 - Code that generates cgi.escaped() markup and (rightfully) for some 
 reason expects the old behaviour to be used.

That's begging the question again (an example of code that would
break is code that would break).

 - 3. party code that parses/scrapes content from cgi.escaped() markup. 
 (you could even break Java code this way :-s )

I'm sorry, I don't understand that one. What is party code? Code
that is scraping content from web sites already has to cope with
entities etc.

Your comment about Java is a little ironic given that I persuaded the
Java Struts people to make the exact same change we're talking about
here, back in 2002 (even if it did take 11 months) ;-)

 If you cannot think of other examples for yourself where your change 
 would introduce breakage, you are certainly not an experienced enough 
 programmer to suggest changes in the standard lib!

I'll take my own opinion on that over yours, thanks.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Max M wrote:
 Oh ... because you cannot see a use case for that *documented* 
 behaviour, it must certainly be wrong?

No, but if nobody else can find one either, that's a clue that maybe
it's safe to change.

Here's a point for you - the documentation for cgi.escape says that
the characters ,  and  are converted, but not what they are
converted to. Even by your own argument, therefore, code is not
entitled to rely on the output of cgi.escape being any particular
exact string.

 This funktion which is correct by current documentation will be broken 
 by you change.
 def hasSomeWord(someword):
  import urllib
  f ='')
  content =
  return '%s' % someword in content:

That function is broken already, no change required.
I find it amazing that you cannot understand this.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
 I'm sorry, that's not good enough. How, precisely, would it break
 existing code?
 ('owdo Mr. Ribbens!)

Good afternoon Mr Glover ;-)

 URI= ''
 html= cgi.escape(text)
 html= html.replace('O\'Reilly', 'a href=%sO\'Reilly/a' % URI)
 Sure this may be rare, but it's what the documentation says, and
 changing it may not only fix things but also subtly break things in
 ways that are hard to detect.

I'm not sure about subtly break things, but you're right that the
above code would break. I could argue that it's broken already,
(since it's doing a plain-text search on HTML data) but given
real-world considerations it's reasonable enough that I won't be that
pedantic ;-)

 I personally think the entire function should be deprecated, firstly
 because it's insufficient in some corner cases (apostrophes as you
 pointed out, and XHTML CDATA), and secondly because it's in the wrong
 place: HTML-escaping is nothing to do with the CGI interface. A good
 template library should deal with escaping more smoothly and correctly
 than cgi.escape. (It may be able to deal with escape-or-not-bother and
 character encoding issues automatically, for example.)

I agree that in most situations you should probably be using a
template library, but sometimes a simple CGI-and-manual-HTML system
suffices, and I think (a fixed version of) cgi.escape should exist at
a low level of the web application stack.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Sorry, that's still not good enough.
 that's not up to you to decide, though.

It's up to me to decide whether or not an argument is good enough to
convince me, thank you very much.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Filip Salomonsson wrote:
 Here's a point for you - the documentation for cgi.escape says that
 the characters ,  and  are converted, but not what they are
 converted to.
 If the documentation isn't clear enough, that means the documentation
 should be fixed.

Incorrect - documentation can and frequently does leave certain
behaviours undefined. This is deliberate and (among other things)
is to allow for the behaviour to change in future versions without
breaking backwards-compatibility.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 It's up to me to decide whether or not an argument is good enough to
 convince me, thank you very much.
 not if you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously.

Now you're just being ridiculous. In this thread you have been rude,
evasive, insulting, vague, hypocritical, and have failed to answer
substantive points in favour of sarcastic and erroneous sniping - I'd
suggest it's you that needs to worry about being taken seriously.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Brian Quinlan wrote:
 Now you're just being ridiculous. In this thread you have been rude,
 evasive, insulting, vague, hypocritical, and have failed to answer
 substantive points in favour of sarcastic and erroneous sniping - I'd
 suggest it's you that needs to worry about being taken seriously.
 Actually, at least in the context of this mailing list, Fredrik doesn't 
 have to worry about that at all. Why? Because he is one of the most 
 prolific contributers to the Python language and libraries

I would have hoped that people don't treat that as a licence to be
obnoxious, though. I am aware of Fredrik's history, which is why I
was somewhat surprised and disappointed that he was being so rude
and unpleasant in this thread. He is not living up to his reputation
at all. Maybe he's having a bad day ;-)

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Georg Brandl wrote:
 Here's a point for you - the documentation for cgi.escape says that
 the characters ,  and  are converted, but not what they are
 converted to.
 It says to HTML-safe sequences. That's reasonably clear without the need
 to reproduce the exact replacements for each character.
 If anyone doesn't know what is meant by this, he shouldn't really write apps
 using the cgi module before doing a basic HTML course.

So would you like to expliain the difference between #34; and quot; ,
or do you need to go on a basic HTML course first?

Re: QuoteSQL

2006-09-25 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 You're proposing two separate functions:
 1) quoting of non-wildcard specials
 2) quoting of wildcard specials

Lawrence, you're wrong in this thread for the same reason you were
right in the cgi.escape thread. Escaping general characters for string
literals is a different operation from escaping wildcards from pattern
matches, and for a good reason.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Holden wrote:
 I would have hoped that people don't treat that as a licence to be
 obnoxious, though. I am aware of Fredrik's history, which is why I
 was somewhat surprised and disappointed that he was being so rude
 and unpleasant in this thread. He is not living up to his reputation
 at all. Maybe he's having a bad day ;-)
 I generally find that Fredrik's rudeness quotient is satisfactorily 
 biased towards discouraging ill-informed comment.

It's a pity he's being rude when presented with well-informed comment

 As far as rudeness goes, I've found your approach to this discussion
 to be pretty obnoxious, and I'm generally know as someone with a
 high tolerance for idiotic behaviour.

Why do you say that? I have confined myself to simple logical
arguments, and been frankly very restrained when presented with
rudeness and misunderstanding from other thread participants.
In what way should I have modified my postings?

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 the same documentation tells people what function to use if they
 want to quote *every-thing* that might need to be quoted, so if
 people did actually understand everything that was written in a
 reasonably clear way, this thread wouldn't even exist.

The fact that you don't understand that that's not true is the reason
you've been getting into such a muddle in this thread.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Holden wrote:
 Why do you say that? I have confined myself to simple logical
 arguments, and been frankly very restrained when presented with
 rudeness and misunderstanding from other thread participants.
 In what way should I have modified my postings?
 Please allow me to apologise. I have clearly been confusing you with 
 someone else. A review of your contributions to the thread confirms your 

Oh, ok! You had me worried for a minute there ;-)

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 It's a pity he's being rude when presented with well-informed comment
 since when is the output of
[snip code]
 well-informed?  heck, it doesn't even pass the turing test ;-)

Since when did that bear any resemblance to what I have said?

Are you going to grow up and start addressing the substantial points
raised, rather than making puerile sarcastic remarks?

An apology from you would not go amiss.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 the same documentation tells people what function to use if they
 want to quote *every-thing* that might need to be quoted, so if
 people did actually understand everything that was written in a
 reasonably clear way, this thread wouldn't even exist.

 The fact that you don't understand that that's not true is the reason
 you've been getting into such a muddle in this thread.
 it's a fact that it's not true that the documentation points to the function
 that it points to ?  exactly what definitions of the words fact and true
 are you using here ?

You misunderstand again. The second half of the sentence is the untrue
bit (if people did ... understand ... this thread wouldn't even exist),
not the first.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 This has nothing to do with character encodings.
 it has *everything* to do with encoding of existing data into HTML
 so it can be safely transported to, and recreated by, an HTML-aware

I can't tell if you're disagreeing or not. You escape the character
 as the sequence of characters lt;, for example, because
otherwise the HTML user agent will treat it as the start of a tag and
not as character data. You will notice that the character encoding is
utterly irrelevant to this.

 does the word information set mean anything to you?

You would appear to be talking about either game theory, or XML,
neither of which have anything to do with HTML.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Brian Quinlan wrote:
 A summary of this pointless argument:

Your summary seems pretty reasonable, but please note that later on,
the thread was not about cgi.escape escaping (or not) quote
characters (as described in your summary), but about Fredrik arguing,
somewhat incoherently, that it should have to take character encodings
into consideration.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 I know the answer.  I'm pretty sure everyone else who's actually
 read my posts to this thread might have figured it out by now, too.
 But since you're still trying to win the debate, long after it's
 over, I think it's safest to end this thread right now.  *plonk* 

It's sad to see a grown man throw his toys out of his pram, just
because he's losing an argument...

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Brian Quinlan wrote:
 Your summary seems pretty reasonable, but please note that later on,
 the thread was not about cgi.escape escaping (or not) quote
 characters (as described in your summary), but about Fredrik arguing,
 somewhat incoherently, that it should have to take character encodings
 into consideration.
 And, of course, about you telling people that their explanations are not 
 good enough :-)

I guess, if you mean the part of the thread which went it'll break
existing code, what existing code? existing code but what
existing code? i dunno, just, er, code ok *how* will it break it?
i dunno, it just will?

 BTW, I am curious about how you do unit testing. The example that I used 
 in my summary is a very common pattern but would break in cgi.escape 
 changed it's semantics. What do you do instead?

To be honest I'm not sure what *sort* of code people test this way. It
just doesn't seem appropriate at all for web page generating code. Web
pages need to be manually viewed in web browsers, and validated, and
checked for accessibility. Checking they're equal to a particular
string just seems bizarre (and where does that string come from

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Jon Ribbens wrote:
 does the word information set mean anything to you?

 You would appear to be talking about either game theory, or XML,
 neither of which have anything to do with HTML.

I notice that yet again you've snipped the substantial point and
failed to answer it, presumably because you don't know how.

 you see no connection between XML's concept of information set and
 HTML?   (hint: what's XHTML?)

I am perfectly well aware of what XHTML is. If you're trying to make
a point, please get to it, rather than going off on irrelevant
tangents. What do XML Information Sets have to do with escaping
control characters in HTML?

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 What do XML Information Sets have to do with escaping control
 characters in HTML?
 figure out the connection, and you'll have the answer to your substantial

If you don't know the answer, you can say so y'know. There's no shame
in it.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Brian Quinlan wrote:
 Well, there are dozens (hundreds?) of templating systems for Python. 

I know, I wrote one of them ;-)

 t = Template(test.html)
 t['foo'] = 'Brian - Hi!'
 assert str(t) == 'pBrian -gt; Hi/p'
 So how would you test our template system?

What I don't get is why you are testing the above code like that at
all. Surely if the template system somehow became so broken that it
couldn't even do trivial replacements, you would notice immediately
as all your web pages would go totally wrong.

 Maybe, which is why I'm asking you how you do it. Some of our web 
 applications contain 100s of script generated pages. Testing each one by 
 hand after making a change would be completely impossible. So we use 
 HTTP scripting for testing purposes i.e. send this request, grab the 
 results, verify that the test in the element with id=username equals 
 Brian Quinlan, etc. The test also validates that each page is well 
 formed. We also view each page at some point but not every time a 
 developer makes a change that might (i.e. everything) affect the entire 

Ah, ok, that sounds more sensible. But something as specialised and
complicated as that can surely cope with un-encoding HTML entities?

Incidentally, the company I work for,, does
automated web site testing - and it's all done in Python! :-)

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Brian Quinlan wrote:
 If, in the example that I showed, the less-than character was not 
 correctly escaped, then it might not manifest itself frequently in a 
 typical application because the less-than character is seldom used in 
 English prose.

OK, but effectively what you're talking about here is testing the
'cgi.escape' function itself - said test of course being part and
parcel of the cgi package and therefore easily updatable if the
cgi.escape function changes.

 Also, assuming that single case was trivial to test without a test 
 harness, how many web pages do I have to look at to be reasonably 
 confident that *every* feature works correctly?

It depends on how many features you have! My templating system, for
example, has sections and replacements, and that's it. Replacements
can be unencoded, html-encoded or url-encoded. That's approximately
4 things to test ;-) Plus, the templating code basically never changes
so doesn't need regression testing.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-27 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gabriel G wrote:
 By example, I do not validate a page. I validate that all methods 
 that make up pieces of a page, build them the way they should - these 
 are our unit tests. Then, it's up to the templating library to join 
 all the pieces into the final html page.

That sounds sensible to me - and also likely to be the sort of tests
that are not going to get broken by changes to cgi.escape ;-)

 I validated the original html against the corresponding dtd some time 
 ago (using the w3c validator), and ocasionally when things looks 
 wrong on a browser, but most of the time the html generated pages 
 are not validated nor checked as a whole.

That's possibly a mistake, but obviously that depends on details of
how your overall methodology works that I have no information about.

Re: Computer Language Popularity Trend

2006-09-27 Thread Jon Ribbens
 Careful there with the sweeping generalizations and quick judgments
 about languages :)

I just read PHP as a language is rather dry and business-like,
and fell off my chair.

Re: CGI - mod_python

2006-10-03 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Paul Boddie wrote:
 it is a kind of nooby question. Is there a way to transfer a CGI python
 script to mod_python without rewriting the code?
 Had you used WebStack [1] to begin with, this migration would involve
 changing a few lines of glue code.

Or Jonpy ;-)

Re: Raw strings and escaping

2006-10-03 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Matthew Warren wrote:
 I would expect this to work,
 rawstring=r'some things\new things\some other things\'
 But it fails as the last backslash escapes the single quote.

String constants in Python are weird - raw strings doubly so.
In a raw string, backslashes are not special - unless followed by
a quote character, when they simultaneously escape the quote and
also insert a literal backslash.

I presume there was originally some reason for this bizarre behaviour
- it'd be interesting to know what it is/was, if anyone knows?

Re: Raw strings and escaping

2006-10-03 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Duncan Booth wrote:
 I presume there was originally some reason for this bizarre behaviour
 - it'd be interesting to know what it is/was, if anyone knows?
 See the FAQ for the explanation:
 The idea is that if you use raw strings for regular expressions you can 
 write things like:
   pattern = r'[\']'
 if the raw string simply ignored the backslash altogether it would be much 
 harder to write regular expressions that contain both sorts of quotes.

Well, hardly *much* harder:

  pattern = rfoo

Personally, I think that raw strings behaving as they do is
unexpected, unintuitive and unnecessary, but it's obviously too late
to change it now anyway ;-)

I think standard strings accepting backslash followed by an unexpected
character is also a mistake, but again it's too late to fix now.

Re: 2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

2006-04-18 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Aahz wrote:
 On that front, I think that pysqlite is much more important because
 it finally gets rid of the excuse for using Berkeley for simple
 database purposes.

Apologies if I'm being obtuse, but how does including the pysqlite
wrapper module change anything? You still need to download and install
SQLite, so what's the point of including a wrapper for something you
may or may not have? Why is pysqlite included, for example, and not
MySQL-Python or postgresql or whatever?

Re: 2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

2006-04-19 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Chris Lambacher wrote:
 At least on windows.  PySqlite is statically linked with the sqlite library.
 This can be done because it is quite small.

OK, well that makes sense, but why not on any other platform?

Re: 2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

2006-04-19 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Apologies if I'm being obtuse, but how does including the pysqlite
 wrapper module change anything? You still need to download and install
 I'm pretty sure the distributors will do this for you, just as
 they've included zlib, dbm, tcl/tk, openssl, and many other standard
 libraries over the years.

The distributors? Que?

I guess I just don't get why the inclusion of the pysqlite wrapper
is so exciting if all it's doing is changing the situation from
Python does not come with a DB, but you can install extra software
to provide one to Python does not come with a DB, but you can
install extra software to provide one.

Re: 2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

2006-04-19 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 these days, most end users get their Python either with their OS,
 or by downloading a prebuilt installer.

Oh, ok. I've just never heard such people referred to as the
distributors before. It sounds like some sort of TV series! ;-)

 I guess I just don't get why the inclusion of the pysqlite wrapper
 is so exciting if all it's doing is changing the situation from
 Python does not come with a DB, but you can install extra software
 to provide one to Python does not come with a DB, but you can
 install extra software to provide one.
 I assume you stopped reading at just as they've included zlib, dbm,
 tcl/tk, openssl, and many other standard libraries over the years.

I'll assume you didn't read my post properly then, since I did no such

Never mind, it was just meant to be an innocuous question, and
I'm certainly not disagreeing with the decision to include pysqlite.

Re: Checking for EOF in stream

2007-02-19 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 So this is the way to check for EOF. If you don't like how it was spelled,  
 try this:
if data==: break

How about:

  if not data: break

? ;-)

Re: multiple content-types break

2007-03-04 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Janto Dreijer wrote:
 The Nokia Java SDK allows one to define multiple content-types in a
 single HTTP header field. I'm not sure if it's standard, but it's
 happening from some Java-enabled phones.
 The only reference to this bug I can find dates back to 1999:

It's not a bug - sending multiple content-types is just totally broken.
What would such a header even be supposed to mean? It's like saying
this is an apple orange.

Re: multiple content-types break

2007-03-04 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Janto Dreijer wrote:
 It's not a bug - sending multiple content-types is just totally broken.
 What would such a header even be supposed to mean? It's like saying
 this is an apple orange.
 Hmmm. Thanks! I suspected as much.
 Rough inspection suggests that calling
 connection.setRequestProperty(Content-Type, application/x-www-
 on the Nokia 6230 would actually cause the value to be *appended* and
 not set.

If that method is inherited from, then if the
phone is behaving as you suggest, its Java library is bugged and
behaving contrary to Sun's Java documentation.

Re: Recommended FastCGI module?

2007-03-07 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Nagle wrote:
   The JonPy version:
   Last revised in 2004.

I'd recommend my one, but it's just possible I'm not impartial ;-)

Re: Recommended FastCGI module?

2007-03-07 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Nagle wrote:
 Jon Ribbens wrote:
 The JonPy version:
 Last revised in 2004.
 I'd recommend my one, but it's just possible I'm not impartial ;-)
 Does it work with current Pythons?  (2.4, 2.5)?  I'm mainly
 concerned about the abandonware problem with some of them.

Yes, I use it myself in my day job, where we have recently upgraded
to Python 2.5. jonpy itself hasn't been revised for a while because
there have been no revisions I felt necessary. There may be a new
version released in the next couple of months, but there won't be
any major changes.

Re: Database module multithreading

2007-03-10 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Nagle wrote:
  As for some modules not being maintained, it really is sad
 that MySQLdb is kind of behind.  If you're running Windows and need
 MySQL, you're either stuck with Python 2.4

Looks like that's changed:

Re: Database module multithreading

2007-03-10 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Nagle wrote:
 Is the egg packaging gimmick considered mainstream Python, or just some
 wierd idea from the Peak people?  It seems to complicate installation
 without adding much value.

I don't know, but stock Python 2.5 seems to stick mysterious '.egg'
files in the site-packages directory when you install things.

Re: Database module multithreading

2007-03-11 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 I don't know, but stock Python 2.5 seems to stick mysterious '.egg'
 files in the site-packages directory when you install things.
 Which stock Python? Not the one from

Yes, the one from

Re: Database module multithreading

2007-03-11 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 I don't know, but stock Python 2.5 seems to stick mysterious '.egg'
 files in the site-packages directory when you install things.

 Which stock Python? Not the one from

 Yes, the one from
 Those .egg must come from other installed packages...

My mistake, they are .egg-info. And they certainly do come from
stock Python 2.5 from and not anything else. They
are installed by distutils/command/install_egg_info, which is
automatically called by 'python install'.

Re: Watching a file another app is writing

2007-03-12 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Nagle wrote:
 On Unix a quick shortcut would be to simply read the output of 'tail -
 f file' command...
 tail -f just checks the file size once a second.  It's not doing
 anything exciting.

That's not actually always true these days. *BSD, at least, use
'kqueue' to avoid busy-wait on tail -f.

Flask import problem with Python 3 and

2014-08-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
Flask suggests the following file layout:
flaskapp/ contains:

from flaskapp import app

flaskapp/ contains:

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

Running this with 'python3' works fine. However it
seems to me that a more Python3onic way of doing this would be to
rename '' as 'flaskapp/' and then run
the whole thing as 'python3 -m flaskapp'. Unfortunately this doesn't

$ python3 -m flaskapp
 * Running on
 * Restarting with reloader
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/username/src/flaskapp/, line 1, in module
from flaskapp import app
ImportError: No module named 'flaskapp'

Does anyone know why and how to fix it?

Re: Flask import problem with Python 3 and

2014-08-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2014-08-26, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 8/26/2014 12:03 PM, Jon Ribbens wrote:
 Flask suggests the following file layout:
  flaskapp/ contains:

  from flaskapp import app

 flaskapp/ contains:

  from flask import Flask
  app = Flask(__name__)

 Unless there is something else in flaskapp, this seems senseless.  Why 

 from flask import Flask
 app = Flask(__name__)

Because that's not how Flask apps work. I am showing a minimal test
case, obviously for any real app not only would contain
more code, but there would be other files inside flaskapp/ too.
Then when deployed, '' would either be changed or go
away entirely and the web server would just be pointed at 'flaskapp'.

 Running this with 'python3' works fine.

 You are either giving this in directory 'x' containing or 
 given a longer pathname. In either case, directory 'x' get prepended to 
 sys.path, so that 'import flaskapp' finds flaskapp in x.

Well, as I understand it actually the empty string is in sys.path,
which is taken by Python to mean 'the current directory'.

 However it seems to me that a more Python3onic way of doing this
 would be to rename '' as 'flaskapp/'
 and then run the whole thing as 'python3 -m flaskapp'.

 In what directory?

In the same directory as above, i.e. the one containing 'flaskapp'.
It clearly does find 'flaskapp' initially, otherwise I would get
a different error message /usr/bin/python3: No module named flaskapp.

  Unfortunately this doesn't work:

 Because x does not get added to sys.path.

No, but the current directory does (effectively).

 Or put flaskapp in site_packages, which is on the import search path .

That's no use for development though.

The important part of my question is why is running
from inside flaskapp/ somehow different to running
from the parent directory? It's probably a fairly Flask-specific

Re: Flask and Python 3

2014-09-23 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2014-09-23, Juan Christian wrote:
 if __name__ == '__main__': = 8000), debug=True) might've made the problem easier to find.

Lazy-evaluation lists/dictionaries

2014-10-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
I have a need, in a Python C extension I am writing, for lists and
dictionaries with lazy evaluation - by which I mean that at least
some of the values in the lists/dictionaries are proxy objects
which, rather than returning as themselves, should return the thing
they are a proxy for when retrieved. This is because retrieving
the proxied objects is expensive and only a small minority of them
will actually be accessed, so retrieving them all before they are
actually accessed is massively inefficient.

With object attributes, this can be easily done with the descriptor
protocol and having properties which look like simple objects but
actually cause a method to be invoked when they are accessed. However
there doesn't seem to be any equivalent way of doing this for
retrieving items from lists or dictionaries - unfortunately, the
method implementations of list() and dict() are full of direct
accesses to the underlying data pointers rather than indirecting
through obj-tp_as_mapping-mp_subscript or whatever.

Is there any better way to do this other than simply re-implementing
these types from scratch, emulating all their methods and operations?
(i.e. using UserList/UserDict). I was under the impression that that
sort of thing was supposed to have gone since Python 2.2 or so.


Re: Lazy-evaluation lists/dictionaries

2014-10-27 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2014-10-26, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 10/26/2014 10:14 AM, Jon Ribbens wrote:
 Is there any better way to do this other than simply re-implementing
 these types from scratch, emulating all their methods and operations?
 (i.e. using UserList/UserDict). I was under the impression that that
 sort of thing was supposed to have gone since Python 2.2 or so.

 We considered dropping UserDict and UserList for 3.0 but kept them in 
 collections for cases in which subclassing does not work.

It seems on further investigation to be hard/impossible to subclass
Python classes from C extensions. I've gone with subclassing dict,
and reimplementing most of its methods. It helps that I only need it
to be read-only. It's a pity there's no protocol for 'dynamic'
lists/dicts though.

Re: Lazy-evaluation lists/dictionaries

2014-10-27 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2014-10-26, Tim Delaney wrote:
 On 27 October 2014 01:14, Jon Ribbens wrote:
 I have a need, in a Python C extension I am writing, for lists and
 dictionaries with lazy evaluation - by which I mean that at least
 some of the values in the lists/dictionaries are proxy objects
 which, rather than returning as themselves, should return the thing
 they are a proxy for when retrieved. This is because retrieving
 the proxied objects is expensive and only a small minority of them
 will actually be accessed, so retrieving them all before they are
 actually accessed is massively inefficient.

 Why not put proxy objects into the list/dict?

That's precisely what I am doing. The point is that when they are
retrieved they need to be resolved into the genuine objects.

 Have a look at the weakref module for an API that may be suitable
 for such proxy objects (if you used the same API, that would also
 allow you to transparently use weakrefs in your lists/dicts).

Hmm, the idea behind that appears to be to create a proxy that
emulates every possible method of every conceivable type. My
method of only emulating the list and dict methods seems to be
somewhat simpler for my purpose ;-)


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