how to set doc-string of new-style classes

2005-01-11 Thread harold fellermann
does anyone know a way to set the __doc__ string of a new style class?
Any attempt I tried results in the following error:
Python 2.4 (#1, Dec 30 2004, 08:00:10)
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1495)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 class Foo(object) :
... pass
 Foo.__doc__ = bar
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
TypeError: attribute '__doc__' of 'type' objects is not writable
I can understand someone arguing that changing a doc string is during
programm execution and should therefore be forbidden! But, I cannot
even find out a way to set the doc string, when I CREATE a class using
type(name,bases,dict) ... At least this should be possible, IMHO.
- harold -
If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you;
but if you really make them think they'll hate you.

Re: exporting from Tkinter Canvas object in PNG

2005-01-11 Thread harold fellermann
On 11.01.2005, at 19:14, Nicolas Pourcelot wrote:
I'm new to this mailing list and quite to Pyhon too.
I would like to know how to export the contain of the Canvas object
(Tkinter) in a PNG file ?
Thanks :)
Nicolas Pourcelot
you can make a postscript dump using
 canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(master)
If you have ImageMagick, you can later use
% convert your_file_name.png
on the comand line, if you want to have png.
- harold -
Science is to see what everybody else has seen,
and think what nobody else has thought.

Re: Why would I get a TypeEror?

2005-01-12 Thread harold fellermann
On 12.01.2005, at 18:35, It's me wrote:
For this code snip:

Why would I get a TypeError from the len function?
because len() works only for sequence and mapping objects:
Help on built-in function len in module __builtin__:
len(object) - integer
Return the number of items of a sequence or mapping.
- harold -
Ceci n'est pas une signature.

Re: Why would I get a TypeEror?

2005-01-12 Thread harold fellermann
On 12.01.2005, at 18:35, It's me wrote:
For this code snip:

Why would I get a TypeError from the len function?
the problem is, that (1,len(a)) is evaluated, neither what type a 
actually has
(python has no builtin lazy evaluation like ML). You have to do it this 

b = isinstance(a,(list,tuple,dict)) and len(a) or 1
- harold -
The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement.
But the opposite of a profound truth may be another profound truth.
-- Niels Bohr

Re: Unclear On Class Variables

2005-01-13 Thread harold fellermann
Hi Tim,
If you have
class Foo(object) :
x = 0
y = 1
foo = Foo()
foo.x # reads either instance or class attribute (class in this case)
foo.x = val # sets an instance attribute (because foo is instance not  

Foo.x = val   # sets a class attribute
foo.__class.__x = val # does the same
this might be sometimes confusing. IMHO, the following is especially  

 foo = Foo()
 foo.x += 1

 print foo.x
 print Foo.x
although the += operator looks like an inplace add it isn't.
it is just syntactic sugar for foo.x = foo.x + 1.
- harold -
On 13.01.2005, at 07:18, Tim Daneliuk wrote:
I am a bit confused.  I was under the impression that:
class foo(object):
x = 0
y = 1
means that x and y are variables shared by all instances of a class.
But when I run this against two instances of foo, and set the values
of x and y, they are indeed unique to the *instance* rather than the
It is late and I am probably missing the obvious.  Enlightenment  
appreciated ...
PGP Key:

Everyone is a genius.
It's just that some people are too stupid to realize it.

Re: Pickling a class instead of an instance

2005-01-13 Thread harold fellermann
have a look at the thread copying classes? some days ago.
what goes for copying goes for pickling also, because the
modules use the same interface.
- harold -
On 13.01.2005, at 13:32, Sebastien Boisgerault wrote:
It seems to me that it's not possible with the pickle module
to serialize a class rather than an instance, as in
from pickle import *
class C(object):
... doc ...
a = 1
pickstr = dumps(C)
I mean, it does *something*, there is no error indeed, but
from the string pickstr, I am unable to rebuild the class
C in a brand new context (got a you're really stupid, all
you deserve is an AttributeError because you know there is
no attribute 'C' in the 'module' object error).
Am I wrong ? Why would the (new-style) classes are regular
objects too mantra not apply in this case ? Could we imagine
a patch to the pickle module to handle this kind of situation ?

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you;
but if you really make them think they'll hate you.

Tix.FileSelectDialog wait for user?

2005-01-13 Thread harold fellermann
I have a question concerning the Tix file select mechanisms. 
I have very little experience with neither tk, Tkinter nor Tix. 
in my GUI I have a save button. What I want is that pressing the button
opens a file requester. The user can either select a filename or cancel 
action. I have found Tix.FileSelectDialog which seems to be nice for 
the task.
But how can I use this dialog after all? how can I e.g. attach a 
command to the
Ok-Button. Or isn't there a simple function that
1.) opens the requester
2.) waits until the requester is closed
3.) returns either a string (filename) or None (canceled)

so that I can just write something like:
fname = FileSelect()
if fname != None : do_something_with(fname)
Damn, I hate Tk's and Tix' so called manuals:
The Tk manual takes a user and makes it into a grammar parser. Further 
like common usage or examples, that might normally be expected in a 
manual cannot be
found with no additional arguments.
The Tk manual returns the completely clueless programmer.

Start to like pydoc(Tkinter) and pydoc(Tix), though :-)
- harold -
Mr Ghandi, what do you think of western civilization?
Oh, this would be a great idea.

pickling extension class

2005-01-18 Thread harold fellermann
Hi all,
I have a problem pickling an extension class. As written in the 
Extending/Embedding Manual, I
provided a function __reduce__ that returns the appropreate tuple. This 
seams to work fine,
but I still cannot pickle because of the following error:

 from model import hyper
 g = hyper.PeriodicGrid(4,4,1)
(type 'hyper.PeriodicGrid',(4.,4.,1.))
 import pickle
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 5, in ?
  File /sw/lib/python2.4/, line 1382, in dump
Pickler(file, protocol, bin).dump(obj)
  File /sw/lib/python2.4/, line 231, in dump
  File /sw/lib/python2.4/, line 338, in save
self.save_reduce(obj=obj, *rv)
  File /sw/lib/python2.4/, line 414, in save_reduce
  File /sw/lib/python2.4/, line 293, in save
f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
  File /sw/lib/python2.4/, line 760, in save_global
raise PicklingError(
pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle type 'hyper.PeriodicGrid': it's 
not found as hyper.PeriodicGrid
['Dir', 'Neighbors', 'PeriodicGrid', 'PeriodicPos', '__doc__', 
'__file__', '__name__', 'refcount']
type 'hyper.PeriodicGrid'

So pickle complains about the class PeriodicGrid not being found in the 
module hyper, but a dir()
proves that python can find it. Has anyone an idea what's going wrong 

Any help appreceated,
- harold -
What is mind? -- Doesn't matter.
What is matter? -- Never mind!

Re: pickling extension class

2005-01-18 Thread harold fellermann
On 18.01.2005, at 20:31, Alex Martelli wrote:
harold fellermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   File /sw/lib/python2.4/, line 760, in save_global
 raise PicklingError(
pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle type 'hyper.PeriodicGrid': it's
not found as hyper.PeriodicGrid
['Dir', 'Neighbors', 'PeriodicGrid', 'PeriodicPos', '__doc__',
'__file__', '__name__', 'refcount']
type 'hyper.PeriodicGrid'
So pickle complains about the class PeriodicGrid not being found in 
module hyper, but a dir()
proves that python can find it. Has anyone an idea what's going wrong
These symptomps are pretty weird -- let's try to pin things down a bit
more.  The relevant few lines of are:
mod = sys.modules[module]
klass = getattr(mod, name)
except (ImportError, KeyError, AttributeError):
raise PicklingError(
so, could you please edit your to provide VASTLY more info,
and let us know exactly what his modified outputs...?

Here it goes...:
 OOPS, error (exceptions.ImportError): No module named hyper
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 5, in ?
  File /Volumes/space/Users/harold/uni/pace/ono/, line 1387, 
in dump
Pickler(file, protocol, bin).dump(obj)
  File /Volumes/space/Users/harold/uni/pace/ono/, line 231, 
in dump
  File /Volumes/space/Users/harold/uni/pace/ono/, line 338, 
in save
self.save_reduce(obj=obj, *rv)
  File /Volumes/space/Users/harold/uni/pace/ono/, line 414, 
in save_reduce
  File /Volumes/space/Users/harold/uni/pace/ono/, line 293, 
in save
f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
  File /Volumes/space/Users/harold/uni/pace/ono/, line 765, 
in save_global
raise PicklingError(
pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle type 'hyper.PeriodicGrid': it's 
not found as hyper.PeriodicGrid

I have noticed that the error does not occur, when the imported module 
('hyper') is in the same directory as the script that pickles. When it 
is imported from a subpackage (like in the code
I sent you) it goes wrong.

- harold -
Reality is for people who lack imagination.

Re: Class introspection and dynamically determining functionarguments

2005-01-24 Thread harold fellermann
On 20.01.2005, at 12:24, Mark English wrote:
I'd like to write a Tkinter app which, given a class, pops up a
window(s) with fields for each attribute of that class. The user 
enter values for the attributes and on closing the window would be
returned an instance of the class. The actual application I'm 
in writing would either have simple type attributes (int, string, 
or attributes using types already defined in a c-extension, although 
prefer not to restrict the functionality to these requirements.
I am working on nearly the same thing! Small sort of generic attribute 
in Tkinter (and Tix). Altough my implementation is still very unpythonic
(== ugly) in many places, it can edit the attributes of instances and 
as well as generate new instances / classes. I would like to create new
attributes or delete them as well, but haven't done it so far.
A still faraway dream would be, to allow the user to enter source code, 
will be compiled into byte code and assign it to the instance, so the 
user can
modify code at run time (if it is possible to disallow access to 
modules while code is compiled).

Secondly, the code won't know exactly how to initialise the class
instance used to determinte the attributes. Do I need to make it a
prerequesite that all instances can be created with no arguments ?
I did it this way, too.
Maybe you can provide a parameterless __new__ in addition to the 
I imagine this is the way that e.g. pickle does the job. Well, I don't
know. Let this sentence just be an invitation for an expert to write 

Should I force/allow the user to pass an instance instead of a class ?
However you like. I prefer passing classes, otherwise you end up in a
situation where you need to create dummy instances that are only used
as copying templates. If you get an instance: foo = type(bar)()
would give you an instance of the same class as bar. But this just
looks like a hack to me when compared to foo = Bar().
Passing an instance allows you to look at its __dict__ of course.
But you have no assurance that the variables you find there are present
in all instances of that class. Phython is just to dynamic for that.
Should I be using inspect.getargspec on the class __init__ method and
then a loop with a try and a lot of except clauses, or is there a nicer
way to do this ? Presumably the pickling code knows how do
serialise/deserialise class instances but I'm not sure how I'd use this
without already having a class instance to hand.
Personally, I ended up writing a class Attribute that provides access to
the attributes and allows more finetuning than a generic approach would
do (think of e.g. validation). My overall setting works like this:
For each attribute that you want to appear in the GUI you define an 

class Attribute(object) :
def __init__(self,
 name,   # name of the attribute
 type,   # specifies the widget type
 values=None,# then OptionMenu is used instead
 validate=None,  # if given, a callable that returns
  # either True or False
 get=None,   # callable to get the actual value
  # None: generic getattr()
 widget_options={}   # passed to the Tix widget used
) :
pass # [...]
The controller of an editable object gets the object and a list
of those Attribute()'s. There is a generic one that handles validation
and generic setattr(), but can be overwritten to allow more 

When creating a new instance, I ask for initial arguments which I know
(like __name__ and __doc__ if its a class that I create) in nearly the
same way.
If you already have your instance, it is possible to generate the
Attribute()-list from the dict of this instance:
attributes = [
Attribute(name,type(getattr(instance,name))) for name in 

Lastly, does such an app already exist ?
As you see, my solution is not as general as what you might have in 
I needed to finetune so much of the underlying generic plan, that it
looks more like declaration-based now.

Anyway, if you are interested: This is the edit part of my app (It's 
the mapping from attributes to widgets, so no instance creation in this 
As this was only a short snippet in the project I am doing, I could, 
give it the time it deserved. So I am sure that my code is not the best 
but maybe it serves as a starting point for further discussion.

All the best,
- harold -

import Tkinter
import Tix
class Attribute(object) :
def __init__(self,
) :

How to extend inner classes?

2004-12-21 Thread harold fellermann
Thank you very much. Of course I know how to do it in python. The
problem is that I want to reimplement these classes as a python
extension in C. The question is: how can I add class members (like
e.g. inner classes) to a PyTypeObject defined in a C extension?

- harold -

 You can define a class variable Pos with the class Pos as its value
 class PeriodicGrid :
 class Pos:
 Pos = Pos 
  grid = PeriodicGrid()
 __main__.Pos instance at 0x00EEFAD0

Re: Keyword arguments - strange behaviour?

2004-12-21 Thread harold fellermann
I cannot see any strange behavior. this code works exacly as you and I 

 def otherfunction(x) :
... return x
 def function(arg=otherfunction(5)) :
... return arg
Or is this not what you excepted?
- harold -
On 21.12.2004, at 15:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
def function(arg=otherfunction(value)):
return arg
My expectation would have been that otherfunction(value) would be
called if (and only if) the arg keyword parameter was missing from the
function() call (ie. the optional value is evaluated the lazy way).
Also, otherfunction would be called each and every time this function()
is called without the arg keyword. (At least, I would have assumed this
before today)
Still, I can see why it's been implemented the way it has, it just
seems a shame there isn't a neat shortcut to default lots of optional
arguments to new mutable objects. And since I'm not the only one to
fall into this trap it makes me wonder why the default behaviour isn't
made to be what most people seem to expect?

Freunde, nur Mut,
Lächelt und sprecht:
Die Menschen sind gut --
Bloß die Leute sind schlecht.
-- Erich Kästner

copying classes?

2004-12-29 Thread harold fellermann
Hi all,
In the documentation of module 'copy' it is said that This version 
does not copy types like module, class, function, method, stack trace, 
stack frame, file, socket, window, array, or any similar types.

Does anyone know another way to (deep)copy objects of type class? What 
is special about the objects of these types that they cannot be easily 

Any help appreciated,
- harold -
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down to us.
Pigs treat us as equal.
-- Winston Churchill

Re: copying classes?

2004-12-31 Thread harold fellermann
On 30.12.2004, at 01:24, It's me wrote:
I would not think that a generic deepcopy would work for all cases.   
object can be as simple as a number, for instance, but can also be as
complex as the universe.  I can't imagine anybody would know how to 
copy a
complex object otherthen the object itself.

I always think that a well designed object should have a copyme method.
take a look at the __setstate__ and __getstate__ documentation of copy
(e.g. pickle) -- with them you can customize the copying task. Anyway,
they work only on instance but not on class objects :(
- harold -
Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.
-- Groucho Marx

Re: syntax error in eval()

2005-01-10 Thread harold fellermann
Thank you, Duncan and Steven.
I completely forgot about setattr.
Of course that's the way ... as its name might suggest *g*
What you are doing wrong is attempting to use eval before exhausting 
the simpler techniques. Why not just call 'setattr'?

setattr(X, 'attr', 5)
BTW, the syntax error is because eval evaluates an expression and
an assignment statement is a statement not an expression.
Abandon the search for Truth -- settle for a good fantasy.

Re: How do I know when a thread quits?

2005-06-07 Thread harold fellermann

 I want a reliable way of knowing when the child
 thread finished execution so that I can make the main thread wait till

 Any ideas?

use a lock. the subthread allocates the lock and releases it after 
the main thread must wait until the lock is released. otherwiese, use 
higher level Threading module which provides a function Thread.join 
that allows
the main thread to wait for the subthread. I think it uses the same 
that I explained above.

- harold -

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend: and inside a
dog, it's too dark to read.
-- Groucho Marx


Re: How do I know when a thread quits?

2005-06-07 Thread harold fellermann
we had some off-group mails. A summary is posted to improve the 
base of the list.

Prashanth wrote:


 I can use the threading module but I am just looking if there is a
 reliable way using the thread module.

 If I use a lock...
 Let us assume that the child thread has done a lck.release() but does
 not get a chance to quit before execution is whisked away from it and
 given to the main thread. Now the main thread sees that the lock has
 been released and quits. The child thread hasn't quit yet and we are
 back in the same problem.

 Don't you think?

Harold wrote:

I think it depends on when you release the child lock. if you do it 
refering to any data, e.g. as the last command in the child thread, you
should be on the save side, no?

- harold -

 Yes, I can assume that in most cases. However I don't think it happens
 so always. Even though infinitesimal, there is still a chance that it
 will not quit. I am looking for a mechanism using which I can make

I don't understand what you mean. Why should the following code fail in 

import thread

def parentThread() :
lock = thread.allocate_lock()
child = thread.start_new_thread(childThread,(parent,))

def childThread(parent) :
# don't do anything with parents vars after releasing the lock

I did not test it, but I cannot see any reason why this should fail.

 After the childThread executes parent.lock.release() execution may be
 taken away from it and given to the parent thread(note that the child
 thread hasn't quit yet). The parent thread which is waiting on the
 lock gets released and quits. Now the still running child thread
 tries to exit and based on my assumption attempts to call some cleanup
 func in some module which has been GC'ed due to the exit of the parent
 thread. This leads to an exception being thrown.

o.k. with this assumption, things might become a little more tricky.
one possibility: bind the modules you use to local variables in your 
thread. then they won't be GC'ed before childThread stops.
or (better): use Threading. it really isn't complicated to change your 
and timing issues become much simpler.

Referencing the module locally on the child thread does not seem like an
elegant solution besides I don't know which modules are involved in 
up. Yes, I will use the Threading module but am just curious as to what 
be done to reliably use thread module.


Re: redirecting messgaef from sys.stdout

2005-06-07 Thread harold fellermann

On 07.06.2005, at 16:43, Ahmad Hosseinzadeh wrote:


 Im trying to run an external program in my
 application. Both are coded in python. I need to write
 an independent module that is used in the main
 application. Its responsibility is to run the external
 program and redirect its stdout and stderr to the main
 The applications stdout and stderr are set to an
 object and they are not command prompt anymore.
 The output is selected by a flag; if true the stdout
 and stderr will be redirected to applications stdout
 and stderr. If false, the stdout and stderr will be
 redirected o command prompt. I dont know how to
 redirect the output.
 Can anyone help please?

have a look at:

Je me suis enferm dans mon amour -- je rve.
-- Paul Eluard


Re: How do I know when a thread quits?

2005-06-09 Thread harold fellermann

On 07.06.2005, at 16:44, harold fellermann wrote:

 import thread

 def parentThread() :
   lock = thread.allocate_lock()
   child = thread.start_new_thread(childThread,(parent,))

 def childThread(parent) :
   # don't do anything with parents vars after releasing the lock

 I did not test it, but I cannot see any reason why this should fail.

 After the childThread executes parent.lock.release() execution may be
 taken away from it and given to the parent thread(note that the child
 thread hasn't quit yet). The parent thread which is waiting on the
 lock gets released and quits. Now the still running child thread
 tries to exit and based on my assumption attempts to call some cleanup
 func in some module which has been GC'ed due to the exit of the parent
 thread. This leads to an exception being thrown.

  Referencing the module locally on the child thread does not seem 
like an
  elegant solution besides I don't know which modules are involved in

I wander how much an issue this fear really is. To my understanding, 
situation can only happen, when the child thread accessess a module that
was imported locally within the parent thread. Does anyone with a better
understanding of the internals of the interpreter know whether such a 
can occur? If so, in what circumstances?

- harold -

The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement.
But the opposite of a profound truth may be another profound truth.
-- Niels Bohr


Re: Controlling assignation

2005-06-13 Thread harold fellermann

On 13.06.2005, at 15:52, Xavier Décoret wrote:

 I would like to know if there is for python's classes an equivalent of
 the operator= that can be overidden.

 Let's say I have
 and I want to write
 and I want this to change some internal value of a instead of making a
 point to a new object (an int 5)

 In other word, I would like to be able to use a=5 instead of a.set(5)

 Is that possible?

the short answer is: no.

the long answer:

if you write
an instance of class A is created and bound to the local identifier 
'a'. If you later write
the object 5 is reassigned to the same identifier, deleting whatever 
value was stored there before. The identifier itself does not impose 
any restrictions on the type of instances that can be bound to it. 
Binding an instance of class A in the first part, does not make the 
identifier of the kind 'can-only-bind-A-instances'. In other words: 
identifiers don't have types. Thus, there is no mechanism that allows 
to change the binding behavior of identifiers.

As a general advise, don't try to write C++ in python. I think, for 
most cases, there are far better solutions than changing the assign 
operator anyway... explicit is better than implicit:

If class A has only one dedicate value and no internal state, make it a 
construcotr call:

Otherwise, it is worth mentioning the name of the member to set.
IMHO this increases the readability of your source code:


- harold -

I was born not knowing
and have had only a little time
to change that here and there.
  -- Richard Feynman


Re: string formatting using the % operator

2005-06-13 Thread harold fellermann
 to return 'WHERE name LIKE %smith%'I have tried using escapes,
 character codes for the % sign, and lots of other gyrations with no
 success.  The only thing that works is if I modify searchterm first:

searchterm = 'smith'
searchterm ='%'+'smith'+'%'
sql += 'WHERE name LIKE %s'  %  searchterm

 Any Ideas?

  %%%s%% % here you go
'%here you go%'


- harold -

If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.


extending Python base class in C

2005-06-13 Thread harold fellermann
Hi all,

I once read that it is possible to use a python base class for a C 
extension class. To be precise, I want to achieve the following 

class PythonClass :

class CClass(PythonClass) :
this class should be implemented as C extension

Unfortunately, google could not find me the right reference. Does 
anyone know how to do it, or where I can find relevant information?


- harold -

Je me suis enfermé dans mon amour -- je rève.
-- Paul Eluard

Re: Controlling assignation

2005-06-13 Thread harold fellermann

On 13.06.2005, at 19:23, Terry Reedy wrote:

 harold fellermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 if you write
 an instance of class A is created and bound to the local identifier 

 I think it perhaps better to think of the label 'a' being bound to the
 object rather than vice versa.   For one, a label can only be bound 
 to, like a stick note) to one object at a time while one object can 
 many labels (and other references) stuck to it.

 If you later write
 the object 5 is reassigned to the same identifier,

 Or one could say that the label 'a' is removed from the A() object and
 reassigned to the 5 object.  Since the 5 object may have numerous other
 connections, and since those connections are unaffected by the new
 connection to 'a', whereas the previous assignment of 'a' is broken, I
 think it better to say that 'a' is being reassigned, not 5.

yeah. I have never seen it this way, but you are right! Binding the 
identifier/label to the object is a much better perspective. thanks for 
the lesson :)

- harold -

Ceci n'est pas une signature.


Re: translating C++ exceptions to python

2005-06-14 Thread harold fellermann

On 13.06.2005, at 13:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have a C++ library I call from python. The problem is I have c++
 exceptions that i want to be translated to python. I want to be able to
 do stuff like:
 except cpp_exception_1:
 except cpp_exception_2:

 any ideas how can i do the translation?

If you do not already use it, have a look at a C++ -- library to wrap the
Python C API, i.e. it helps you to extend Python in C++.
AFAIK it has fascilities to transform exceptions from one type
into the other.

- harold -

Everybody lies. but it does not matter, as no one listens.


Problem with simple C extension

2005-06-14 Thread harold fellermann
Am I stupid or what?

I want to implement a very simple extension class in C (as I did
it many times before...) The python equivalent of my class whould
look like:

class physics_DPD :
def __init__(self,cutoff,friction,noise,dt) :
self.cutoff = cutoff
self.friction = friction
self.noise = noise
self.dt = dt

That's all fir the start. Simple, heh? My C implementation is
the following:

#include Python.h
#include structmember.h

// PhysicsDPD instance structure
typedef struct {
   double cutoff;
   double friction;
   double noise;
   double dt;
} hyper_PhysicsDPD;

// tp_init
static int
hyper_PhysicsDPD_init(hyper_PhysicsDPD *self, PyObject *args, PyObject 
   if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,,
 return -1;

   printf(%f %f %f 

   return 1;

// method table
static PyMethodDef hyper_PhysicsDPD_methods[] = {
   {NULL}  /* Sentinel */

// instance members
static PyMemberDef hyper_PhysicsDPD_members[] = {
   {cutoff, T_DOUBLE, offsetof(hyper_PhysicsDPD,cutoff), 0, cutoff 
   {friction, T_DOUBLE, offsetof(hyper_PhysicsDPD,friction), 0, 
   {noise, T_DOUBLE, offsetof(hyper_PhysicsDPD,noise), 0, noise},
   {dt, T_DOUBLE, offsetof(hyper_PhysicsDPD,dt), 0, time step},
   {NULL}  /* Sentinel */

// type structure
static PyTypeObject hyper_PhysicsDPDType = {
 0, /* ob_size */
 simulation.hyper.physics_DPD,   /* tp_name */
 sizeof(hyper_PhysicsDPD),  /* tp_basicsize */
 0, /* tp_itemsize */
 0, /* tp_dealloc */
 0, /* tp_print */
 0, /* tp_getattr */
 0, /* tp_setattr */
 0, /* tp_compare */
 0, /* tp_repr */
 0, /* tp_as_number */
 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
 0, /* tp_hash */
 0, /* tp_call */
 0, /* tp_str */
 0, /* tp_getattro */
 0, /* tp_setattro */
 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
 | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE ,/* tp_flags */
 DPD physics, /* tp_doc */
 0, /* tp_traverse */
 0, /* tp_clear */
 0, /* tp_richcompare */
 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
 0, /* tp_iter */
 0, /* tp_iternext */
 hyper_PhysicsDPD_methods,  /* tp_methods */
 hyper_PhysicsDPD_members,  /* tp_members */
 0, /* tp_getset */
 0, /* tp_base */
 0, /* tp_dict */
 0, /* tp_descr_get */
 0, /* tp_descr_set */
 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
 (initproc)hyper_PhysicsDPD_init, /* tp_init */
 0, /* tp_alloc */
 0, /* tp_new */
 0, /* freefunc tp_free */
 0, /* inquiry tp_is_gc */
 0, /* PyObject *tp_bases */
 0, /* PyObject *tp_mro */
 0, /* PyObject *tp_cache */
 0, /* PyObject *tp_subclasses */
 0, /* PyObject *tp_weaklist */
 0, /* destructor tp_del */

// module hyper

static PyMethodDef hyper_methods[] = {
   {NULL}  /* Sentinel */

#ifndef PyMODINIT_FUNC  /* declarations for DLL import/export */
#define PyMODINIT_FUNC void
PyMODINIT_FUNC inithyper(void)
   PyObject* m;
   m = Py_InitModule3(hyper, 

Re: extending Python base class in C

2005-06-14 Thread harold fellermann

 harold fellermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi all,

 I once read that it is possible to use a python base class for a C
 extension class.

On 14.06.2005, at 09:29, Grigoris Tsolakidis wrote:

 There was good article of how to do this on DDJ home page

unfortunately, I could not find it yet. I managed to do the following:
I the initmodule function of my extension, I import the module and look
for the class I want to use as a base class:

PyObject *base_module = PyImport_ImportModule(module_name);
if (!base_module) return;

PyObject *base_class = PyMapping_GetItemString(
if (!base_class) return;

This gives me a pointer to the class I want to use as base class.
Does anyone know how to assign this to the extension class? I tried
to build a tuple (BaseClass,) and assign it (after the respective
PyType_Ready call) to CClass.__bases__ like this:


but this raises a TypeError when executed during import:

TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 

Any ideas how to proceed?

- harold -

You can imagine the opposite
-- Maurizio Nannucci


Re: extending Python base class in C

2005-06-15 Thread harold fellermann
Yah! Finally, I got the thing to work. Here is how I did it.

/* import the module that holds the base class */
PyObject *base_module = PyImport_ImportModule(module_name);
if (!base_module) return;

/* get a pointer to the base class */
PyObject *base_class = PyMapping_GetItemString(
if (!base_class) return;

/* assign it as base class */
cclassType.tp_bases = Py_BuildValue((O),BaseClass);

I am doing all this before the call to PyType_Ready() -- as
Scoot Daniels suggested. Using the python API's SetAttrString()
did not work (I suppose for the same reason, why assigning
cls.__bases__ does not work in pure python either).
I also checked

cclassType.tp_base = (PyTypeObject *) base_class;

which also works and I am not aware of the difference of these two 
Anyway, for my simple purposes it works just fine.

- harold -

Mr Ghandi, what do you think of western civilization?
Oh, this would be a great idea.


Re: dir() with string as argument

2005-06-16 Thread harold fellermann

On 16.06.2005, at 20:59, Shankar Iyer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:


 Suppose I have a string, sModuleName, that contains the name of a 
 module.  I now want to see what functions are in that module, but if I 
 call dir(sModuleName), I instead get the list of operations that can 
 be done on a string.  Is there any way to convert the string into a 
 format that I could feed to dir to cause the desired effect?  I think 
 I could modify the string a bit and then use the exec command, but I 
 was advised against that on this board last week.

you have to import the module:

name = sys
mod = __import__(name)

- harold -

Bitte verlassen Sie diese Welt so,
wie Sie sie vorfinden mchten.


Re: eval() in python

2005-06-21 Thread harold fellermann
 the doc seems to suggest that eval is only for expressions... it says
 uses exec for statements, but i don't seem to see a exec function?

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  s=print 'hello Xah Lee :-)'
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- harold -

I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence.  There's 
knob called brightness, but it doesn't seem to work.
-- Gallagher


Re: Python internals and parser

2005-06-23 Thread harold fellermann

On 22.06.2005, at 23:18, Michael Barkholt wrote:
 Is there any detailed documentation on the structure of Pythons 
 besides the source code itself?

 More specifically I am looking for information regarding the C parser, 
 I am looking into the viability of using it in another project that 
 to parse python code (and I would like the code to be written in C).

maybe this link might help you:

Wahrheit ist die Erfindung eines Lügners
-- Heinz von Foerster


Re: I need help figuring out how to fix this code.

2005-06-28 Thread harold fellermann

   I need help figuring out how to fix my code. I'm using Python 2.2.3, 
 it keeps telling me invalid syntax in the if name == Nathan line.

The problem is that you indent the if statement. the if/elif/else 
are part of the outer block, so they do not need indentation.

 Here is the code if you need it.
   #This program asks for a password, then asks for the user's name 
 after the
 correct password has been supplied. The computers response will vary,
   # depending on the name inputted.
   print Program Author: Nathan Pinno
   print ID# 2413448
   print Program 3 - Loops and IF Conditions
   password = raw_input(Type in the password, please: )
   while password != hello:
   print Incorrect password!
   print Welcome to the second half of the program!
   name = raw_input(What is your name, please? )
   if name == Nathan:
   print What a great name!
   elif name == [Madonna, Cher]:
   print May I have your autograph please!
   print name,, that's a nice name!

name = raw_input(What is your name, plase? )
if name == Nathan :
print What a great name!
elif name in [Madonna,Cher] :   # in better than == here :)
print May I have your autograph please!
else :  # don't forget the :
print name, , thats a nice name!


- harold -

You can imagine the opposite
-- Maurizio Nannucci


trace function calls to get signatures

2005-07-04 Thread harold fellermann
Hi all,

I am trying to write a script that prints out the signatures
of each function call that occurs during the execution of
a second script which is invoked by my program. i.e. if the
inspected program is '':

def bar(x,y,z=None) : pass

the output of my script should be:,str,function),type,NoneType)

I thought I go for sys.settrace() and achieved the following:

import sys
import types

def tracefunc(frame,event,arg) :
 if event is 'call' : return trace_call(frame,event,arg)
 else : return None

def trace_call(frame,event,arg) :
 code = frame.f_code
 scope = frame.f_locals
 try :
 print code.co_name+(+,.join(
 [ str(type(scope[var])).split(')[1]
 for var in code.co_varnames
 except KeyError : pass
 return None

if __name__ == __main__ :
 prog = sys.argv[1]

the output of the above example is:

which is pretty close, but I need / would like to improve several 
but have no idea how to do it:

1. I would like to have not only the name of the functions and type 
but their full package/module/class-path, e.g.
However, I cannot find a way from the frame object to the function 
where I could find the information.

2. The KeyError in my code is raised by the from XXX import statement:
from distutils import setup results in

  File, line 28, in ?
  File /Volumes/space/Users/harold/uni/pace/dpd/, line 1, 
in ?
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
  File, line 5, in tracefunc
if event is 'call' : return trace_call(frame,event,arg)
  File, line 12, in trace_call
print code.co_name+(+,.join(
  KeyError: 'setup'

does anyone know how I can circumvent this?

3. Is there any way to set the __name__ attribute for the inspected 
script to
__main__, so that tracing is really transparent?

4. finally, does a functionality like this already exist in the library 
did anyone of you come up with an implementation?


- harold -

Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.
-- Groucho Marx


Re: Conditionally implementing __iter__ in new style classes

2005-07-06 Thread harold fellermann
 I'm trying to implement __iter__ on an abstract base class while I 
 know whether subclasses support that or not.
 Hope that makes sense, if not, this code should be clearer:

 class Base:
 def __getattr__(self, name):
 if name == __iter__ and hasattr(self, Iterator):
 return self.Iterator
 raise AttributeError, name

 class Concrete(Base):
 def Iterator(self):
 yield 1
 yield 2
 yield 3

I don't know how to achieve it, but why don't you simply use

class Base:

class Concrete(Base):
def __iter__(self) :
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3

What is the advantage to have a baseclass that essentially does
some method renaming __iter__ == Iterator?

- harold -

Always remember that you are unique;
just like everyone else.


Re: inheriting file object

2005-07-06 Thread harold fellermann

On 06.07.2005, at 18:58, Jeremy wrote:

 Hello all,
   I am trying to inherit the file object and don't know how to do it.  I
 need to open a file and perform operations on it in the class I am
 writing.  I know the simple syntax is:

 class MyClass(file):

 but I don't know how to make it open the file for reading/writing.  Can
 anyone help me out with this?

just invoke file.__init__ inside your own init. if you don't need to do
any initializiation in myFile.__init__, just leave the method and
file.__init__ will be invoked automatically.

class myFile(file) :
def __init__(self,fname,mode=r) :

for line in myFile('testfile') :
print line

- harold -

If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.


Re: inheriting file object

2005-07-06 Thread harold fellermann
 I don't know if I should be inheriting file or just using a file 
   How would I determine which one would be more appropriate?

Inheritance is often refered to as an IS relation, whereas using an 
is a HAS relation.

If you inherit from file, all operations for files should be valif for 
class also. Usually the file-operations would be directly inherited and 

However, if you don't want to expose all file functionalities, a HAS 
is more appropriate. if you plan to use your class as a file handle, 
e.g. for
formatting output in a special way, I woould prefer to make the file an 

class myFile :
def __init__(self,fname,mode=r) :
self.file = file(fname,mode)

def write_formatted(self,string) :
# format string

If you would tell as your use case, it would be easier to give you an 

- harold -

Yesterday is but today's memory and Tomorrow is today's dream.


Re: Windows Cmd.exe Window

2005-07-07 Thread harold fellermann

On 07.07.2005, at 15:25, Giles Brown wrote:

 Nah.  You're missing my point.  I only want the command window not to
 be closed if there is an *exception*.  Picky I know, but there you go.

well, then register raw_input as exit function:

  import atexit

works fine in my terminal. should do in your framework also.


- harold -

What is mind? -- Doesn't matter.
What is matter? -- Never mind!


Re: Windows Cmd.exe Window

2005-07-07 Thread harold fellermann

On 07.07.2005, at 15:43, harold fellermann wrote:

 On 07.07.2005, at 15:25, Giles Brown wrote:

 Nah.  You're missing my point.  I only want the command window not to
 be closed if there is an *exception*.  Picky I know, but there you go.

 well, then register raw_input as exit function:

 import atexit

 works fine in my terminal. should do in your framework also.

sorry, I did not think. if you want to wait for input _only_ if
an exception occured, your exit function needs to check for the

  import atexit
  def wait_on_exc() :
... import sys
... if sys.exc_type :
... raw_input()

this should do the job, now.

- harold -

What if nothing exists and everything is an illusion?
In this case I definitely overpayed my new carpet!
-- Woody Allen


Re: Missing Something Simple

2005-07-12 Thread harold fellermann

 I have a list of variables, which I am iterating over.  I need to set
 the value of each variable.  My code looks like:

 varList = [ varOne, varTwo, varThree, varFour ]

 for indivVar in varList:
 indivVar = returnVarFromFunction()

 However, none of the variables in the list are being set.

You only change the value of the local variable in the body
of the for loop. it has no effect on the list. you could do e.g.

varList = [vorOne,varTwo,varThree,varFour]
for i in len(varList) :
varList[i] = returnVarFromFunction()

However, as in this example the former list values are not used anyway,
you could just write:

varList = [ returnVarFromFunction for i varList ]


- harold -

Tages Arbeit, abends Gäste,
saure Wochen, frohe Feste!
-- Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe


Re: Missing Something Simple

2005-07-12 Thread harold fellermann
 I have a list of variables, which I am iterating over.  I need to set
 the value of each variable.  My code looks like:

 varList = [ varOne, varTwo, varThree, varFour ]

 for indivVar in varList:
indivVar = returnVarFromFunction()

 However, none of the variables in the list are being set.

 You only change the value of the local variable in the body
 of the for loop. it has no effect on the list. you could do e.g.

 varList = [vorOne,varTwo,varThree,varFour]
 for i in len(varList) :
  varList[i] = returnVarFromFunction()

 However, as in this example the former list values are not used 
 you could just write:

 varList = [ returnVarFromFunction for i varList ]

 The problem I have, is the variables are referenced elsewhere.  They 
 have been declared before being used in the list.  Basically, I'm 
 after the Python way of using deferencing.

so, if I understand you right, what you want to have is a list of
mutable objects, whose value you can change without changing the 

class Proxy :
def __init__(self,val) : self.set(val)
def set(self,val) : self.val = val
def get(self) : return self.val

a = Proxy(1)
b = Proxy(2)
c = Proxy(3)

varList = [a,b,c]

for i in varList :

print a,b,c

prints whatever returnVarFromFunction has returned.
n.b.: instead of the Proxy class, you can use any other mutable
objects, e.g. lists.

- harold -

All unsere Erfindungen sind nichts als verbesserte Mittel
  zu einem nicht verbesserten Zweck.
-- H.D. Thoreau


Re: automatic form filling

2005-07-12 Thread harold fellermann
 I would like to know how I could automatically fill a
 (search) form on a web page and download the resulting
 html page. More precisely I would like to make a
 program that would automatically fill the Buscador
 lista 40 (in spanish, sorry) form in the following
 and download the results for several dates
 (dia/mes/año = day/month/year).
 I am not sure this is the right place to ask, but I
 would be very grateful if anybody can help or redirect
 me to another mailing list...

The relevant part of the sites source code is the following:

FORM method=POST action=busquedas_b.html name=porFecha
TD BGCOLOR=#33 WIDTH=2img SRC=/images/0.gif WIDTH=4 
TD align=right WIDTH=25 BGCOLOR=#66font face=Arial, 
Helvetica, sans-serif size=1 color=#66input type=text 
name=byDay  class=campotxt9 size=1 value=dia 
TD align=right WIDTH=15  BGCOLOR=#66font face=Arial, 
Helvetica, sans-serif size=1 color=#66input type=text 
name=byMonth class=campotxt9 size=1 value=mes 
TD align=right WIDTH=25  BGCOLOR=#66font face=Arial, 
Helvetica, sans-serif size=1 color=#66input type=text 
name=byYear class=campotxt2 size=1 value=antilde;o 
TD BGCOLOR=#33 align=leftA 
SRC=/images/ir4.gif BORDER=0 title=Ir/a/TD

from the first line you can see that submitting the result will request 
page busquedas_b.html -- so your script has to request this site 
with the form parameters given as additional data (method=POST). which
form parameters to pass can be seen in the name attributes of the 
e.g. input type=text name=byYear.

urllib provides the methods urlopen and urlencode to setup the query 
and fetch the result:

from urllib import urlopen,urlencode

form_data = {
'byDay' : '12' ,
'byMonth' : '07' ,
'byYear' : '2005'
html_data = urlopen(;,

print html_data

- harold -

I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe
  and what I believe - I believe what I believe is right.
-- George W. Bushman


Re: How can I import a py script by its absolute path name?

2005-07-14 Thread harold fellermann
 for f in os.listdir(os.path.abspath(libdir)):
 module_name = f.strip('.py')
 import module_name

 Obviously, this throws:

 ImportError: No module named module_name

 Is there some way to do this?

have a look at help(__import__) to import a module whose name is given 
as a string.

- harold -

Tages Arbeit, abends Gäste,
saure Wochen, frohe Feste!
-- Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe


Re: property and virtuality

2005-04-01 Thread harold fellermann
I asked this question some time ago, but as I got no answer, so I just 
try it a second

I am working on a C extension module that implements a bunch of 
classes. Everything
works fine so far, but I cannot find any way to implement class 
attributes or inner
classes. Consider you have the following lines of Python :

class Foo :
class Bar :
 spam = foobar
How can this class be translated to a C extension? Is there anything 
comparable to
PyMethodDef that can be used for other attributes than functions?

Thanks for your help,
- harold -
Always remember that you are unique;
just like everyone else.

class attributes and inner classes in C extensions

2005-04-01 Thread harold fellermann
I just posted this question with a wrong subject... So here again with 
a better one.

I am working on a C extension module that implements a bunch of 
classes. Everything
works fine so far, but I cannot find any way to implement class 
attributes or inner
classes. Consider you have the following lines of Python :

class Foo :
class Bar :
 spam = foobar
How can this class be translated to a C extension? Is there anything 
comparable to
PyMethodDef that can be used for other attributes than functions?

Thanks for your help,
- harold -
Always remember that you are unique;
just like everyone else.

Re: class attributes and inner classes in C extensions

2005-04-01 Thread harold fellermann
I am working on a C extension module that implements a bunch of 
classes. Everything
works fine so far, but I cannot find any way to implement class 
attributes or inner
classes. Consider you have the following lines of Python :

class Foo :
class Bar :
 spam = foobar
How can this class be translated to a C extension? Is there anything 
comparable to
PyMethodDef that can be used for other attributes than functions?
O.k. I found it out now, and in order to improve the knwoledge base of 
the mailing
list, I will answer my question myself.

The PyTypeObject structure has a field tp_dict that holds the 
dictionary of the
class object. You can initialize it with a dictionary that holds class 
If you provide a custom dictiomary, you must do so _before_ 
PyType_Ready() is called,
because PyType_Ready adds other entries to this dictionary.

This is my C extension of the above. It works great for me:
static PyTypeObject FooType = {
/* ... snip ... */
0,  // tp_dict
/* ... snip ... */
static PyTypeObject FooBarType = {
/* ... snip ... */
PyMODINIT_FUNC inithyper(void)
the following lines add class attributes to the types tp_dict:
FooType.tp_dict = PyDict_New();
PyDict_SetItemString(FooBarType,Bar,(PyObject *)FooBarType);


PyObject* m;
if (PyType_Ready(hFooType)  0) return;
if (PyType_Ready(hFooBarType)  0) return;
m = Py_InitModule3(my_module, NULL, some documentation);
PyModule_AddObject(m, Foo, (PyObject *)FooType);
PyModule_AddObject(m, Bar, (PyObject *)FooBarType);
Documentation for tp_dict can be found in the API:
- harold -
2x2 = grün
-- Heinz von Foerster

Re: class attributes and inner classes in C extensions

2005-04-01 Thread harold fellermann
I think you could as well, after PyType_Ready() is called, set it
yourself with
  PyObject_SetAttrString(FooType, Bar, FooBarType);
You *may* have to cast the FooType and FooBarType to (PyObject *), to
avoid compiler warnings.
I tried this. Its shorter and and works fine, too. thanks for the 

- harold -
I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence.
There's a knob called brightness, but it doesn't seem to work.
-- Gallagher

Re: Class, object question.

2005-04-06 Thread harold fellermann
What I am wondering is if I have a 2nd init  or something similar to 
create a vector. Such as what follows and if I can how do I go about 
implementing it?

Class vector(point):
def __init___(self, point1, point2):
self.i = point2.get_x() - point1.get_x()
self.j = point2.get_y() - point1.get_y()
self.k =  point2.get_z() - point1.get_z()
def __init___(self, i, j, k):
self.i = i
self.j = j
self.k = k
That way I can define a vector either using 2 points or if I have the 
vector data itself?

Well, what you want to do -- polymorphism of function signatures -- can 
implemented like this:

class vector_1(point) :
	def __init__(self,*args) :
		if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[0],point) and 
isinstance(args[1],point) :
			self.i = args[0].get_x() - args[1].get_x()
			self.j = args[0].get_y() - args[1].get_y()
			self.k = args[0].get_z() - args[1].get_z()

elif len(args) == 3 :
self.i,self.j,self.k = args
else :
raise ValueError, wrong arguments for instance 
You can also find a nice implementation by Guido van Rossum using 
at Artima (look for multimethods).
However, I would prefer to avoid this sort of polymorphism because it 
obfuscates your code. IMHO, there should be exactly one clear way to 
an instance. Therefore, I suggest the provide a class method that 
serves as a
special instance factory:

class vector_2(point) :
def __init__(self,i,j,k) :
self.i = i
self.j = j
self.k = k
def difference(cls,point1,point2) :
return cls(
point1.get_x() - point2.get_x(),
point1.get_y() - point2.get_y(),
point1.get_z() - point2.get_z()
# how to use it:
point1 = Point(4,5,6)
point2 = Point(1,2,3)
vec = vector_2.difference(point1,point2)
I wonder, why your vector inherits from point though.
And of course, class is written lower case.
- harold -
Es ist schon längst alles gesagt worden --
aber noch nicht von jedem.
-- Karl Valentin

richcmpfunc semantics

2005-04-06 Thread harold fellermann
Hi all,
I want to implement rich comparision in an extension class. Problem is 
I cannot
find good documentation of the richcmpfunc semantics. Given the 

richcmpfunc compare(PyObject *,PyObject, int);
I supposed the two objects passed are the ones to be compared.
What is the meaning of the integer argument? Does it specify the kind
of comparision operator (e.g. __eq__ or __le__), and if so, how?
What is my richcmpfunc supposed to return? 0 or 1 indicating False or
True? What has to be done, if the function is invoked for an operator
I don't want to define?
Maybe there is some good documentation available, but I cannot find it.
So, any references or help is appreciated.
- harold -
Scientist are very good in answering the questions
they choose to answer.
-- Richard Alley

Re: richcmpfunc semantics

2005-04-07 Thread harold fellermann
Thank you Greg,
I figured most of it out in the meantime, myself. I only differ
from you in one point.
What has to be done, if the function is invoked for an operator
I don't want to define?
Return Py_NotImplemented. (Note that's return, *not* raise.)
I used
return NULL;
instead. What is the difference between the two and which one
is to prefer. Also, do you need to increment the reference count
of Py_NotImeplemented before returning it?
- harold -
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down to us.
Pigs treat us as equal.
-- Winston Churchill

Re: Equivalent string.find method for a list of strings

2005-04-08 Thread harold fellermann
I have read a text file using the command
lines = myfile.readlines()
and now I want to seach those lines for a particular string.  I was 
hoping there was a way to find that string in a similar way as 
searching simply a simple string.  I want to do something like

lines.find.('my particular string')
Is there a module that already exists that allows me to do this or 
will I have to created my own method?
file.readlines() returns a list of lines. You can either call find on 
element in this list, like:

for line in myfile.readlines() :
if line.find('my particular string') :
of just read in the whole file, if you are not interested in the 
line, where 'my particular string occurs':'my particular string')
- harold -
All unsere Erfindungen sind nichts als verbesserte Mittel
 zu einem nicht verbesserten Zweck.
-- H.D. Thoreau

curses for different terminals

2005-04-14 Thread harold fellermann
Hi all,
I want to use curses in a server application that provides a GUI for 
telnet clients. Therefore, I need the functionality to open and handle 
screens. Concerning
this can be done using the function newterm(type,ofp,ifp). However, this
function seems not to be defined in the python library. Does anyone know
how this can be done in python?

- harold -
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans
-- John Lennon

Re: curses for different terminals

2005-04-14 Thread harold fellermann
On 14.04.2005, at 19:17, Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou wrote:
On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 18:39:14 +0200, rumours say that harold fellermann
[EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:
Hi all,

I want to use curses in a server application that provides a GUI for
telnet clients. Therefore, I need the functionality to open and handle
Just to make sure we understand what you want to do:
1. Are you doing an single process application that produces output on
many terminals?  ie the program is kind of like a service?
gotcha. I want to write a TCP server that handles incoming requests in
threads (one thread per request using SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer).
Now, I want the server to use curses for client-server communication
(client will be telnet). Thus, my programm runs in a single process
(although several threads) and provides several curses screens (one for
each client.)
this can be done using the function newterm(type,ofp,ifp). However, 
function seems not to be defined in the python library. Does anyone 
how this can be done in python?
Select one of the above, or describe more the desired situation if I
didn't cover your case, and we will try to help you more.
great, thanks,
- harold -
Dieses Schreiben wurde maschinell erstellt und bedarf daher keiner 


Re: Question about extending the interperter

2005-05-13 Thread harold fellermann
 The problem for me is that the pointer p in the last function points
 to the arguments:
 If a user caller foo(123) - p points to '123'.
 What I need is to point it to the whole string received - 'foo

 Is there a way I can do this?

no. at least not a simple one. you can obtain the function name by 
as the corresponding python code suggests:
  def f() :
... pass
  print f.func_name

However, you still don't know, how the function has been invoked.

  print g.func_name

of course, the situation can be much more sphisticated. f could be a 
in a dict returned by some other function, and so on. Of course there 
ways to inspect the source code (like pdb or exceptions do), but are you
sure this is the functionality to want?


- harold -

Learn from the mistakes of others.
You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.


Re: Declaring self in PyObject_CallMethod

2005-05-13 Thread harold fellermann

 Calling a python method from C++ has the following signature:

 PyObject *
 PyObject_CallMethod(PyObject *self, char *method_name,
 char *arg_format, ...);

 I'm having trouble figuring out how to declare self.

 Let's say my python file is called and is like the following,
 doMath() is defined in and is not part of any class:

 def doMath():
val = val + 1

 In C++, I think my codes should be like the following:

 PyObject *resultObj = PyObject_CallMethod( self, doMath, );

 What do I put for self? Any help please?

it looks like you are confusing methods (bound to class objects) and
functions (bound to modules). if your doMath is a function defined in
a module, use

PyObject* PyObject_Call(PyObject *callable_object, PyObject *args, 
PyObject *kw)


PyObject resultObj = PyObject_Call(doMath,NULL,NULL);

If, however, doMath is declared as a class-bound method, you have to use
PyObject_CallMethod() with a pointer to an instance of this class as the
first argument.


- harold -

Je me suis enfermé dans mon amour -- je rève.
-- Paul Eluard


Re: Problem with the strip string method

2008-03-03 Thread Harold Fellermann
 Thanks to all respondents, Steve Holden
 is right, I expected more than I should

Others have explained why all your examples work as they should.
From your exmaples, it seems like you would like strip to
remove the leading and trailing characters from EVERY LINE in
your string. This can be done by the simple construct

 my_string = '  foo\n bar   '
 '\n'.join(line.strip() for line in my_string.split('\n'))

If you need this construct at several places, define a function

def line_strip(string,sep='\n') :
return sep.join(line.strip() for line in string.split(sep))


- harold -

Re: Profiling, sum-comprehension vs reduce

2008-09-13 Thread Harold Fellermann
 doesnt sum first construct the list then sum it?

 def com(lst):
 return sum(x for x in lst)

You construct a generator over an existing list in your code.
Try sum([x for x in lst]) to see the effect of additional list
construction. And while you're at it, try the simple sum(lst).


- harold -

Re: Python Linear Programming on Ubuntu

2008-09-17 Thread Harold Fellermann
  Scroll down.

 Yes, many of those seem to be deprecated, without destinations to
 links, most are poorly or not documented at all. The few that are, I
 still can't get running. Of those 254, I think I have tried at least
 10 pages worth. Still no luck.

 # lpsolvpy - Can't get it to compile - dependency problems.
 # Lp_solve5 - NO python binding yet. Volunteers needed for python
 # pycplex - You need to compile the module. Change the required
 paths to CPLEX, Python and numpy in the Makefile, and type make. Not
 sure what to do here.
 # GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) - Hrm... might be something here,
 I missed the second link to the python bindings, looked all over the
 glpk site for anything about python.
 # SciPy -- - supposedly has this, but as I said,
 I can't find any mention of it anywhere but on the site you linked.
 # pySimplex - (broken link)(broken link)
 # Simplex - link is broken, but nothing is mentioned

 I'll take a closer look at glpk's python bindings and if there is any
 documentation on them, maybe I'll have some luck. btw, I have been
 looking for something that works, I have over 5 packages on my desktop
 that I have tried to get up and running, but none of them seem to
 work. glpk makes 6.

You are right that this is an unsatisfying experience. Fortunately,
the referred  site is a wiki. Why don't you edit it and delete the
links or add the package that did the job for you to the list, so that
others do not need to go through the same hassle.

- harold -

Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Harold Fellermann
Hi Alexandre,

On Oct 24, 2:09 pm, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code

Please tell us, what it is you want to achieve. And give us some
for this function.

 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if arg is True:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)

This snippet will seperate d.Arguments into two lists: one that
holds all elements that are references to True(!) and another list
that holds the rest. The condition 'if args is True' will only
be hold if arg actually _is_ the object _True_. This is probably
not what you want. Apart from that, you might go with

lMandatory = [ arg for arg in cls.dArguments if condition() ]
lOptional = [ arg for arg in cls.dArguments if not condition() ]

the second line could be rewritten

lOptional = list(set(cls.dArguments)-set(lMandatory))

If lMandatory and lOptional do not need to be lists, you can also

lMandatory = set(arg for arg in cls.dArguments if condition())
lOptional =  set(cls.dArguments) - lMandatory

But please, give us some more context of what you want to do.

- harold -


how to switch from os.tmpnam to os.tmpfile

2006-06-08 Thread Harold Fellermann

I need to create a temporary file and I need to retrieve the path of
that file.
os.tmpnam() would do the job quite well if it wasn't for the
tmpnam is a potential security risk to your program. I would like to
to os.tmpfile() which is supposed to be safer, but I do not know how to
the path information from the file object returned by tmpfile(). any

- harold -


Re: From Python to Shell

2006-06-08 Thread Harold Fellermann
 Im not a total noob but i don't know the command and the module to go
 from python to the default shell.

there are several ways depending on what exactly you want to achieve:

terminates the python process and gives controll back to the shell
execute command string in a subshell. result is the return value of
starts command as a subprocess and allows you to communicate with
that process, i.e. lets you send something to its stdin and
retrieve data
from its stdout and stderr streams. have a look at the docs of that
for more information.

- harold -


Re: how to switch from os.tmpnam to os.tmpfile

2006-06-08 Thread Harold Fellermann

Maric Michaud wrote:
 Le Jeudi 08 Juin 2006 15:30, Harold Fellermann a écrit :
  to os.tmpfile() which is supposed to be safer, but I do not know how to
  the path information from the file object returned by tmpfile(). any
 There is no path for tmpfile, once it's closed, the file and its content are
 lost. from the doc :
  The file has no directory entries associated with it and will be
 automatically deleted once there are no file descriptors for the file.

 You must maintain a reference to it in your program untill you don't need it

I am doing so. But still, I need its path. To give you some context:
I have an app built on Tk that uses gnuplot behind the scenes.
My application creates a temporary file where which gnuplot writes its
results to (using the tkcanvas terminal). Later, I load the contents of
that file into the a tk canvas. I don't care about the temporary file
after my app is closed, so I have its reference all the time. But I
its path to tell both gnuplot and tk where to read/write data to/from.

class PlotWindow(Tk.Canvas) :
def plot(self,commands) :
tmp = os.tmpnam()
gnuplot = subprocess.Popen(
gnuplot, shell=True,
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=file(tmp,w)
stdout,stderr = gnuplot.communicate(
set terminal tkcanvas interact
set output %s
 % tmp + commands)
assert not stderr,tmp),self._w)

Of course, I could just use matplotlib or but the problem
is not necessary enough to make any refacturing. If there is no way
to use os.tmpfile(), I just go ahead with the security warning. Its
a small personal app, anyway.

- harold -


Re: how to switch from os.tmpnam to os.tmpfile

2006-06-08 Thread Harold Fellermann

Chris Lambacher wrote:
 You should be able to find exactly what you need in the tempfile module.

thanks! tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() is exaclty what I have been
for. Using python for such a long time now, and still there are unknown
in the library, great :-)

- harold -


Re: Searching and manipulating lists of tuples

2006-06-12 Thread Harold Fellermann

MTD wrote:

 I'm wondering if there's a quick way of resolving this problem.

 In a program, I have a list of tuples of form (str,int), where int is a
 count of how often str occurs

 e.g. L = [ (X,1),(Y,2)] would mean X occurs once and Y occurs

 If I am given a string, I want to search L to see if it occurs already.
 If it does, I find the corresponding tuple and increment the integer
 part. If not, I append the new element with int = 1.


 algorithm(L, X) would produce output L = [(X,2),(Y,2)]
 algorithm(L,Z) would produce L = [(X,1),(Y,2),(Z,1)]

 I tried to create an algorithm of the following form:
  def algorith(list,str):
 ...   flag = True
 ...   for l in list:
 ...   if l[0] == str:
 ...   l[1] += 1
 ...   flag = False
 ...   if flag:
 ...   list.append((str,1))




 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File interactive input, line 1, in ?
   File interactive input, line 5, in algorith
 TypeError: object does not support item assignment

Your approach does not work because the tuples in the list a imutable.
The problem occurs in the line l[1] += 1. You could solve the problem
by using lists of lists, rather than lists of tuples. However, if you
want to know the frequency of items in the list (i.e. want to build a
and you are not interested in the original order of items in the list,
dictionary is suited better for this task, because you avoid the linear
behavior of:

def histogram(liste) :
result = {}
for item in liste :
result[item] = result.get(item,0) + 1
return result.items()


passing options to __import__

2007-04-03 Thread Harold Fellermann
Dear list,

I looked through the list but could not find any solutions for my
current problem.
Within my program, I am importing a module via
and I want to pass comand line options to this module. I would prefer
not to save them
in a config module or a Config class but rather use the globals and
locals dictionaries
that are given to __import__. Unfortunately, they don't show up in the
globals or
locals in the module. Even setting them specifically by

params = globals()
params['module_opts'] = module_opts

does not work. When I put the debug statement

print 'module_opts' in globals()

into my_module, it prints 'False'. Unfortunately, the docs for
__import__ are a bit vague
about the precise role of the globals argument. Is there any way, to
acheive what I am
trying, or do I need to fall back on a config module/class?


- harold -


ScientificPython - LeastSquareFit diverges

2006-07-18 Thread Harold Fellermann
Dear all,

I am trying to fit a powerlaw to a small dataset using
Scientific.Functions.LeastSquares fit.
Unfortunately, the algorithm seems to diverge and throws an
Here is how I try it:
 from Scientific.Functions.LeastSquares import leastSquaresFit

 data = [
... (2.5, 589.0, 0.10001),
... (7.5, 442.0, 0.10001),
... (12.5, 96.0, 0.10001),
... (17.5, 36.0, 0.10001),
... (22.5, 16.0, 0.10001),
... (27.5, 7.0, 0.10001),
... (32.5, 6.0, 0.10001),
... (37.5, 3.0, 0.10001),
... (42.5, 3.0, 0.10001),
... (47.5, 1.0, 0.10001),
... (52.5, 3.0, 0.10001),
... (57.5, 1.0, 0.10001),
... (67.5, 1.0, 0.10001),
... (77.5, 2.0, 0.10001),
... (82.5, 1.0, 0.10001),
... (87.5, 2.0, 0.10001)
... ]

 def powerlaw((a,b),x) :
... return a*x**b
 params,chisq = leastSquaresFit(powerlaw,(10,-3),data)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
line 72, in leastSquaresFit
next_chi_sq, next_alpha = _chiSquare(model, next_p, data)
line 22, in _chiSquare
f = model(parameters, point[0])
  File stdin, line 2, in powerlaw
line 182, in __rpow__
return pow(other, self)
line 171, in __pow__
raise OverflowError, Numerical result of pow(%s,%s) out of range.
% (self.value,other.value-1)
OverflowError: Numerical result of pow(2.5,8376.79243687) out of range.

I added some debugging output in
in the function _chiSquare that prints the fit parameters during the
Levenberg-Marquardt iteration.
The procedure seems do diverge after the first step:

((10, [1]), (-3, [0, 1]))
[(-67402.311817579117, [1]), (8377.7924368716158, [0, 1])]

Note that I could easily fit the above data using gnuplots internal
fitting procedure. Any idea what is going wrong here? Is it a known
problem? Are there any work arounds or other packages?

Any help is appreciated!

- harold -


Re: tkinter help

2006-07-18 Thread Harold Fellermann

groves wrote:
 Now let me tell you that i was able to create a simple listbox which
 had 6 options which one can select, but Now what I want is that from
 the available menu, if I select an option it should give me another
 menu associated with that option. Its like digging up that option to do
 advance search.

If I understood you correctly, this is how I would go for it:
consider to create all submenus during initialization but make them
(put each of them in a single frame) anf toggle the visibility of these
in the handler of your option menu.

- harold -


Re: ScientificPython - LeastSquareFit diverges

2006-07-19 Thread Harold Fellermann
Thanks for your advices, Terry and Konrad,

using the linear fit as initial condition for the pawerlow fit works
pretty well for my data.
(I already had the two calculations but performed them vice versa ...
:-) Anyway, I had
the impression that the leastSquaresFit in Scientific Python is an
implementation of
the Levenberg Marquardt algorithm as it is presented in the Numerical
Recipes. Accoring
to reviews, this algorithm is not famous for its stability
(e.g. Better
are out there (e.g. Are
there any plans to
improve the SciPy algorithm? Would it be a welcome contribution to
SciPy to work
this part out?

- harold -


Re: mp3 libs and programs

2006-09-15 Thread Harold Fellermann

Jay wrote:
 I'm writing a python script that involves playing mp3 files.  The first
 approach I had was sending commands to unix command-line programs in
 order to play them.  I tired mpg123 and moosic, but there was a key
 feature to my program's success that's missing.  SEEK!  I need to be
 able to start playing a song at an arbitrary point in the song.  I
 can't find anything to let me do this.  Does anyone have any advice or
 has anyone needed something similar?

check out pyxmms.


Re: Protocols for Python?

2006-04-27 Thread Harold Fellermann
 Still, I'm designing an application that I want to be extendable by
 third-party developers. I'd like to have some sort of documentation
 about what behavior is required by the components that can be added to
 extend the application. I'd thought I might try documenting these
 behaviors as protocols instead of creating abstract classes with no
 method implementations.

Use doc strings :-) They are easy to learn, easy to understand (once
learned how to write meaningful ones, that is), integrated into the
language and supported by IDEs and editors.
Combine a good documentation with proper exception handling and
extending your application will be easy. Bateries inluded, you know.


Re: python game with curses

2006-04-28 Thread Harold Fellermann

if you want anyone to answer your question, please read this:


__getattr__ for global namespace?

2006-05-04 Thread Harold Fellermann

I am writing an application that initializes the global namespace, and
afterwards, leaves the user with the python prompt. Now, I want to
catch NameErrors in user input like e.g.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'some_name' is not defined

For classes, there are the __getattr__ and __getattribute__ functions.
I wonder if there is some related function for (failed) global
lookup that is invoked with name as its argument instead.

I consulted the docs, but could not find anything. Any ideas?

- harold -


Re: __getattr__ for global namespace?

2006-05-06 Thread Harold Fellermann

sys.excepthook() is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.


Re: How can I do this with python ?

2006-05-09 Thread Harold Fellermann
Better go for the subprocess module. It is supposed to replace os.popen
and has a much nicer interface.

- harold -


Re: redirecting print to a a file

2006-05-11 Thread Harold Fellermann
 import sys
 sys.stdout = file(output,w)
 print here you go


scientific libraries for python

2006-05-11 Thread Harold Fellermann
Hi all,

I want to use the current need for a Levenberg-Marquardt least squares
fitting procedure
for my long term desire to dive into scientific libraries for python.
However, I am always
confused by the shear sheer variety of available packages and the fact
that some of them
(Numeric, Numarray) seem to be outdated. gives a nice overview
of the most
popular packages. According to this listing, ScientificPython and
PyDSTool seem most
appropriate for what I generally work on (simulations of dynamical
systems and data

Before I start to dive into one of these packages (I would go for
ScientificPython from what
I know so far), I want to ask about your experiences. Is there a good
reason to choose
one instead of the other? Or do they even work together, in the sense
that I can use
PyDSTool to generate data to be later analyzed by ScientifPython
without much timeconsuming
conversion a.s.o. in between?

Thanks for any suggestions!

- harold -


Re: what is the difference between tuple and list?

2006-05-16 Thread Harold Fellermann
The main difference is that lists are mutables while tuples are not.

Tuples are fine if you only want to group some objects (e.g. as a
return value) and access their members as in
 t = (1,2,3,4)

Lists give you a lot more flexibility, because they are mutable: you
can change the order of elements (e.g. sort), or delete or append items
(all that this is not possible for tuples). These features make lists
the primary data structures for stacks, queues, a.s.o.

So, whenever you want to change what objects are in your collection or
their ordering, use lists, otherwise, use tuples. Note, that this does
not mean, that the items themselves cannot be changed. You can
perfectly well change an object (e.g. dictionary) that resides in a

 t = ({},)  # tuple with empty dict as its only item
 t[0][foo] = bar

But if you e.g. want to exchange, that dictionary by another, you need
to go for a list instead of a tuple.

Hope that made sense...

- harold -


Re: Help System For Python Applications

2006-05-16 Thread Harold Fellermann
I usually go for the webbrowser package that allows me to launch the
systems webbrowser and opens my html help files. It is really simple:

 import webbrowser

and thats all there is to do.

- harold -


Re: Feature request: sorting a list slice

2006-05-19 Thread Harold Fellermann
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 George Sakkis wrote:

  It would be useful if list.sort() accepted two more optional


 useful for what?  what's the use case ?

Actually, I was in need of such a construct only few weeks ago. The
task was to organize playlists
of an mp3 player. I wanted to sort future entries but not past ones
(according to an index in the
list that seperates past from future). I can imagine many more
situations in which sorting part of
a list is usefull.

While I agree that the improvement of the additional keywords is minor,
I think that the additional
load they impose on the sort function is also minor. In my oppinion,
this is a straight-forward
extension of what we already find in other places in the library. I
would like to see it in a future version.

- harold -


Re: design question: no new attributes

2007-03-15 Thread Harold Fellermann
Hi Alan,

 One last point. While I remain interested in examples of how
 late addition ofattributesto class instances is useful,
 I must note that everyone who responded agreed that it
 has been a source of bugs.  This seems to argue against a
 general ban on locking objects in some way, in some

If you want to restrict late addition of attributes, no-one will
prevent you to do so.
Arnaud has already given you an example implementation. Here is mine:

 class Foo(object) :
... _locked = False
... def __setattr__(self,attr,var) :
... if self._locked and not attr in dir(self):
... raise RuntimeError
... else :
... object.__setattr__(self,attr,var)
... def lock(self) :
... self._locked = True
 foo = Foo() = 'allowed'
 foo.spam = 'fails'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File stdin, line 3, in __setattr__
NotImplementedError = 'still works'

See how it works? The lock method *dynamically* adds the attribute
foo._locked *after* initialization to the instance. Before the call
of foo.lock() foo._locked is a class attribute. Now you might argue
that one should better set foo._locked = False in the __init__ method
rather than as a class attribute. Something like:

class Foo(object) :
def __init__(self) :
self._locked = False

But no! The initialization would trigger
which naturally runs into an attribute error since __setattr__ looks
up this
attribute. So this very same implementation is one of the pro examples
asked for :-)


- harold -


Re: Creating classes and objects more than once?

2008-11-27 Thread Harold Fellermann
On Nov 27, 6:42 pm, Viktor Kerkez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is this a bug?

It is not a bug: the dictionaries are different because they are
loaded from different modules.

 import os
module '' from 'test/data.pyc'
 import data
module 'data' from 'data.pyc' is data

Re: Don't you just love writing this sort of thing :)

2008-12-04 Thread Harold Fellermann
On Dec 4, 10:39 am, Cong Ma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
  for \
          Entry \
      in \
          sorted \
              f for f in os.listdir(PatchesDir) if != 
            ) \
      Patch = (open, 
  gzip.GzipFile)[Entry.endswith(.gz)](os.path.join(PatchesDir, Entry), r)
      ... read from Patch ...
  #end for

 The if ... != None is not necessary...  if is OK.
 And I don't like it...

Maybe the whole if clause is not necessary? This is how I would try

for Entry in filter(, os.listdir(PatchesDir)) :
fname = os.path(PatchesDir, Entry)
Patch = file(fname) if fname.endswith('.gz') else GzipFile(fname)
# ... read from Patch ...

Problem combining Scientific (leastSquaresFit) and scipy (odeint)

2009-11-21 Thread Harold Fellermann

I need to perform leastSquaresFit of a model that is given by a
differential equation for which there seems to be no analytic
solution. So, I am trying to solve the ODE numerically (using
scipy.integrate.odeint) within the function I provide to
leastSquaresFit as a model:

def func(L, t, a, k) :
return -k * L * (1 - ( 1 - a*L**(-1./3) )**3.)

def model((k, L0, a), t) :
solution = odeint( func, array(L0[0]), array([0,t]), args=(a,k) )
return L0 - solution[1][0]

params, chisq = leastSquaresFit(model, params, data)

Unfortunately, this approach runs into an error (ValueError: shape
mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape) that seems to
stem from the fact that leastSquaresFit is based on automatic
derivation (DerivVar), and according to the manual the function [that
defines the model] may only use the mathematical functions known to
the module FirstDerivatives.

What is a good solution or workaround to this problem which appears to
be quite a standard situation to me?

Thanks for any help, harold.