Re: [python-win32] Pywin32 local variable

2021-08-13 Thread Greg Ewing

On 12/08/21 9:17 pm, Salih KUYUMCU via python-win32 wrote:
I create a String 
value before the methods and try to return these values in another 
method. I get the problem local variable 'xxx' referenced before 

It sounds like you may want to store the value in an attribute
of an object instead of a local variable.

If you show us your code and the exact error message you're
getting, we will be able to help you better.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Using win32gui.FindWindow() results in black or white screen

2021-06-03 Thread Greg Ewing

On 4/06/21 4:59 am, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

Many video apps don't display in "Windows". The window you grabbed is a
basically a hole through which the graphics chips are rendering and are not
available, and the render is not part of the window itself.

When grabbing the entire screen, you are getting the screen buffer
which includes the video.

Maybe you could find the size and position of the window, and
then extract the relevant part from a full screen capture?


python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Registering COM servers doesn't work out of the box any more

2017-07-26 Thread Greg Ewing

I recently tried to install a COM server written in Python and
ran into a small problem. The procedure I used was this:

1. Install Python 3 using the standard Windows installer, as
Administrator, for All Users, adding Python to the path.

2. pip install pypiwin32

3. Run my script for registering the COM server, which
calls win32com.server.register.UseCommandLine.

This didn't work, and the reason turned out to be that the
InprocServer32 registry was just the filename of the dll,
rather than a full pathname. When I changed it to an
absolute pathname, the server worked fine.

The standard win32com code for server registration seems to
be assuming that pythoncom.dll and winctypes.dll have been
installed in C:\Windows\System32. However, pip doesn't
put them there, and I get the impression that installing
all DLLs there is no longer considered best practice.

I found an old sourceforge bug report about this:

which suggests a one-line change to win32com\server\
to address this problem, but it was closed with works-for-me.

Am I right that using a relative pathname for InprocServer32 is
no longer the right thing to do? Should I reopen this issue?

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] python-win32 Digest, Vol 165, Issue 3

2016-12-05 Thread Greg Ewing

Tim Roberts wrote:

Is it possible your 2008 laptop had had the registry changes necessary to
associate .P files with Excel, but your current laptop does not?

He's running a program that explicitly tells Excel to open the
file, so extension associations don't come into it. What
matters is whether Excel uses the extension to tell what kind
of file it is, or just looks at the contents. Possibly different
versions of Excel behave differently in that regard.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Calling unregistered COM libraries via Python

2016-01-12 Thread Greg Ewing

Manowitz, David wrote:
Is it possible, either via the win32com extensions or the comtypes 
package (or some other package), to call to an unregistered COM 

It does appear to be possible, using a manifest file:

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Storing Passwords.

2015-01-19 Thread Greg Ewing

Bob Hood wrote:
I'm probably missing some crucial point here, but with Python being the 
host environment, why wouldn't the Python keyring module provide the 
hardened storage the OP is seeking?

The same problem arises. If the program can get the password
out of the keyring, then so can any user who is capable of
running the program. If nothing else, by inserting a print
statement into the program at the point just after it has
retrieved the password.

Keyrings allow a user to keep his or her passwords secret
from *other* users. The OP seems to want to keep the *user*
of the password from being able to know it, which is
fundamentally impossible.

The best you can do is obfuscate it, but with Python code
being so easy to reverse-engineer, you can't get much
security that way.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Windows automation basics

2014-03-05 Thread Greg Ewing

Alan Gauld wrote:

And for interest only, where is COM in the world
of .NET and Windows 8+ etc? Are there better options

As far as I understand, not always. If the functionality
you're after happens to exist in the form of a .NET
library, and you're willing to use a .NET-compatible
language, you can access it directly, but otherwise
you still need to go through COM.

As for discovering an app's COM interface, if any,
I think the only way to find out in general is to
read the app's documentation. It's possible for an
app to make its COM interface introspectable, but
not every app does that.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] optimizing code to read serial port

2014-02-15 Thread Greg Ewing

Tony Cappellini wrote:
Do you have any ides why running a terminal program written in 
(presumably C, mentioned in my original message) doesn't seem to suffer 
from the problems that my python app does, even when transferring the 
data at much higher baud rates?

Could the terminal program possibly be using some
protocol such as xon/xoff for flow control? If so,
that might account for the difference.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Pythonwin Combobox

2011-08-19 Thread Greg Ewing

Manfred Schulte-Oversohl wrote:

I'd like to use a combobox control. Getting it with dialog is no problem.

But I could not create a combobox on a window.

I had the same problem -- pywin32 is missing a CreateComboBox

After much frustration, I found the following workaround:

   hwnd = win32gui.CreateWindow(COMBOBOX, ...)
   pycwnd = win32ui.CreateWindowFromHandle(hwnd)

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Finding out whether there are any visible windows

2011-06-23 Thread Greg Ewing

In PyGUI I have a need to find out whether the application
has any visible windows, so I can quit when the last visible
window is closed.

However, I can't seem to find a way of iterating over all
the windows belonging to the application, without also
getting windows belonging to *other* applications.

Any suggestions?

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Finding out whether there are any visible windows

2011-06-23 Thread Greg Ewing

Tim Golden wrote:

Just for information, my nearly-what-you-want is here:

Yep, I came up something similar -- was just wondering whether
there was some more obvious way that I was missing. Seems not.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [Pygui] Convert RGBA to BGRA using standard library?

2011-06-21 Thread Greg Ewing

geoff wrote:

Greg, I had to solve this problem in another application and ended up 
using the array module and the with the slice syntax.

import array

input = rgbaRGBA1234
ba = array.array('c', input)
ba[0::4], ba[2::4] = ba[2::4], ba[0::4]

Yep, I was thinking the same thing myself. I'll give it a try
next time I'm working on the problem.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [Pygui] Installing PyGUI-2.5 on Mac OSX 10.5.8 fails

2011-06-17 Thread Greg Ewing

Colin Brown wrote:

Macintosh:PyGUI-2.5 colin$ python install
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 12, in module
from distutils_extensions import pygui_build_py
ImportError: No module named distutils_extensions

Sorry about that! The missing file is attached, and I'll
upload a fixed distribution soon.

#   PyGUI - Distutils hackery

import os, sys
from glob import glob
from distutils.dist import Distribution

if sys.version_info = (3, 0):
from distutils.command.build_py import build_py_2to3 as build_py
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(build_py_2to3 not found in distutils - it is 
required for Python 3.x)
from distutils.command.build_py import build_py


class pygui_build_py(build_py):

An extension of the distutils build_py command that supports
gathering .py files for a package from multiple source directories.

It provides a new option 'package_subdirs' that is a mapping from
a package name to a list of directory paths:

package_subdirs = {'package_name': ['source_dir', ...], ...}

The directory paths are interpreted relative to the primary source
directory for the package. In addition to .py files from the primary
source directory, any .py files from the specified directories will be
copied into the package during installation.

Distribution.package_subdirs = {}

def initialize_options(self):
self.package_subdirs = {}

def finalize_options(self):
self.package_subdirs = self.distribution.package_subdirs

def find_package_modules(self, package, package_dir):
#print distutils_extensions: Searching subdirectories of 
package, repr(package) ###
modules = build_py.find_package_modules(self, package, 
subdirs = self.package_subdirs.get(package, ())
for subdir in subdirs:
#print Looking in subdir, repr(subdir), of, 
repr(package_dir) ###
module_files = glob(os.path.join(package_dir, subdir, 
for f in module_files:
module = 
#print Found module, repr(module), in, 
repr(f) ###
modules.append((package, module, f))
return modules
python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.5

2011-06-16 Thread Greg Ewing

PyGUI 2.5 is available:

Lots of new stuff in this version. Highlights include:

  - Improved facilities for customising the standard menus.

  - Functions for creating PyGUI Images from PIL images and numpy arrays.

  - ListButton - a pop-up or pull-down menu of choices.

  - GridView - a user-defined view consisting of a regular grid of cells.

  - PaletteView - a GridView specialised for implementing tool palettes.

There is also a big pile of other improvements and bug fixes. See the
CHANGES file for full details.

What is PyGUI?

PyGUI is a cross-platform GUI toolkit designed to be lightweight
and have a highly Pythonic API.

Gregory Ewing
python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Creating PyCComboBox?

2011-06-15 Thread Greg Ewing

Mark Hammond wrote:

I think you just want a CreateWindow(Ex) with Combobox as the class.

Yes, but the puzzle was how to get a PyCComboBox object rather
than a raw window handle.

I discovered it can be done by calling CreateWindowFromHandle
on the resulting handle, but I don't think I should have to do
that. All the other PyCFoo classes have a corresponding
CreateFoo function, but CreateComboBox seems to be missing.

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Creating PyCComboBox?

2011-06-11 Thread Greg Ewing

How are you supposed to create a PyCComboBox? There
doesn't seem to be a CreateComboBox function anywhere.

I tried using CreateControl(COMBOBOX, ...) but it
says that the CLSID is invalid.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Creating PyCComboBox?

2011-06-11 Thread Greg Ewing

Vernon Cole wrote:
  The problem is that the Windows combobox does not allow for the user 
to type more than one letter to select an item from the list

I'm not sure it's necessary to replace the entire thing just to
fix that -- it ought to be possible to override the keyboard event
handling and do that part differently.

Writing a complete replacement might be a good idea in the long
run, but for the moment I just want to get something working
for a particular project.

Surely *someone* out there has used the PyComboBox object in
pywin32? Google is being particularly unhelpful on this.

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Convert RGBA to BGRA using standard library?

2011-05-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Can anyone think of an efficient way to convert a string
full of RGBA image data to BGRA, using only what's available
in the standard library?

I'm trying to add a function to PyGUI for creating an Image
object from arbitrary data. The problem I'm having is that
GDI+ on Windows expects BGRA, whereas most other platforms
deal with RGBA. I don't want to require the user to supply
the data in different formats on different platforms, so
PyGUI needs to be able to convert where necessary.

I know the conversion can be done easily using something
like PIL or numpy, but I'm after a solution that doesn't
depend on any third-party libraries.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Bit of a strange one using py2exe

2011-05-23 Thread Greg Ewing

Tim Golden wrote:

Backticks are a little-used alternative to
the repr () function -- deprecated in Python 3 ISTR.

Actually it's been *removed* in Python 3:

Python 3.1.2 (r312:79147, Mar  2 2011, 17:43:12)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  File stdin, line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Good riddance, IMO -- there was never a good reason for
having it in the first place.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Bundling font with application?

2011-05-17 Thread Greg Ewing

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

I think AddFontResourceEx is what you are looking for.

Yes, that sounds like it may do what  I want, thanks.


python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Bundling font with application?

2011-05-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Is there a way to tell an ordinary Windows application to
look for fonts in a specific directory, or load a font from
a specific file? The only things I've been able to find about
this using Google all relate to .NET.

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] PyGUI Window Always Starts Behind Others

2011-03-28 Thread Greg Ewing

A PyGUI user has reported a problem on Windows XP whereby an
application's window is not on top when it starts up.

Apparently launching it with with pythonw doesn't entirely
fix the problem, but making it a py2exe application does.

Anyone here have any idea what might be causing this? Is there
something I should do when creating a window to make sure it
appears on top?

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: [Pygui] Window Always Starts Behind Others
Date:   Mon, 28 Mar 2011 10:17:10 -0400
From:   Mark Melvin
To: Greg Ewing

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:

Mark Melvin wrote:

I'm on Windows XP - 32-bit using the latest PyGUI.

How are you launching the app?

If you're not doing so already, try running it with pythonw.exe
rather than python.exe, or give it a .pyw extension and double


Hi Greg,

I was indeed launching as a console app, and I even had console in my
py2exe setup.  I've changed to using the 'windows' version of the
launcher and it seems to have fixed the issue of the GUI launching
behind almost every other window and being hidden from view entirely.
 However, it still pops up behind the console window I launch it from,
and the py2exe'd executable version of the application pops up behind
the Windows Explorer window from which I launched it.

I checked a py2exe'd app I wrote that uses wxPython, and it always pops
up on top when launched.  Could there be a small issue on Windows with
this in PyGUI?

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Fonts behaving differently - The plot thickens a bit

2011-03-06 Thread Greg Ewing

Roger Upole wrote:

The conversion in win32ui has changed since 212.  At one time it
was negating the height that was passed in:

if (PyInt_Check (v))
pLF-lfHeight = -PyInt_AsLong(v);

Ah, that explains it all!

You can also extract the version embedded in the pyd's using

That sounds great, thanks.

Do you happen to know exactly which version the change was
made in, so I can get the version test right?

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Fonts behaving differently with Py3/216

2011-03-04 Thread Greg Ewing

Tim Roberts wrote:

Are you running this on a different computer?

No, it's the same computer. I can run 2.x and 3.x versions
of the same test side by side, and the 2.x one has normal
sized text whereas the 3.x one has tiny text.

Oddly, it only seems to affect text drawn by the standard
win32 controls. Text that I draw myself using GDI+ comes
out the same size in both cases. So it looks like GDI
and GDI+ are doing different things with the fonts,

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Possible trouble with pywin23-216 on python 3.2

2011-03-03 Thread Greg Ewing

Tim Golden wrote:

Re: [python-win32] Possible trouble with pywin23-216 on python 3.2

Aha! There's your problem: you're trying to install pywin23.

Unless of course you're using one of those rare machines based
on Intel's little-known 23-bit architecture. (There was a typo
early on in the design phase that wasn't spotted until an
embarrassingly late stage of the development process. They
hijacked the time machine and tried to cover it up, but a few
prototype machines slipped through.)

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Fonts behaving differently with Py3/216

2011-03-03 Thread Greg Ewing

I recently tried running PyGUI on Python 3 using
pywin32 build 216, and a couple of things are
not working quite the same way as they were with
Python 2 and build 213.

1) The default font used for control labels etc.
is slightly smaller.

2) When I calculate the width of a piece of text
using DC.GetTextExtent() I get a value that is
too small, and doesn't match the actual size of
the text as it is drawn.

Anyone have any idea what might have changed,
and what I can do about it?

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Fonts behaving differently with Py3/216

2011-03-03 Thread Greg Ewing

Mark Hammond wrote:

What version of python and how many bits?  I'm guessing you tried 3.2, 
which means you must have used the 64bit version

No, it's 3.1, and 32 bit. It can't be 64, because the
machine I'm running it on can't handle that. (And it's
definitely not 23 bit either. :-)

The only other thing I can think if is the manifest changes - windows 
uses the manifest of the owning hmodule for some things

I don't really know anything about these manifest things.
Is there some tool I can use to examine them and see
whether anything is different?


python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Possible future direction for PyGUI on Win32

2011-02-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Octavian Rasnita wrote:

From: Greg Ewing

No, if I go this way, I would probably stop maintaining
the current implementation.

Oh, in that case imho I think this is a very bad idea.

Can you elaborate on exactly what is bad about it, and
suggest an alternative?

The standard Windows GUI API is severely crippled compared
to what is available natively in Cocoa and Gtk. The only
alternatives I see at the moment are:

* Allow Windows to hold back the development of PyGUI on
all the other platforms.

* Implement the missing functionality on Windows in pure
Python -- a lot of work, and probably not practical for
something complex such as a rich text or HTML widget.

* Rely on a third party library to supply the missing
functionality on Windows.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Possible future direction for PyGUI on Win32

2011-02-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Tim Golden wrote:

Python.NET seems to sit in an awkward
place in the ecosystem. Its niche seems to be: where you want a small
bit of .NET technology (such as SQL-SMO in my case) but don't want to
migrate any win-specific Python code. (ie stuff relying on pywin32)

Or, as in my case, you are developing a library and
want to make use of some .NET technology, but don't
want to force all the users of your library to use
a non-standard Python implementation.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Possible future direction for PyGUI on Win32

2011-02-26 Thread Greg Ewing
From: Octavian Rasnita []

 If it will still be possible to use the standard Win32 GUI,
 it is OK to be able to use Windows Forms as an adition.

No, if I go this way, I would probably stop maintaining
the current implementation. I don't want to have to
support two backends on Windows, and some of the things
I intend to do with Windows Forms would be impractical
to do using the raw Win32 API.


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python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Find containing window given a control handle

2011-02-01 Thread Greg Ewing

Reckoner wrote:

Given the handle of a text field or button embedded in some window,
how can I find the parent window that contains the handle?

Use the win32gui.GetParent() function?

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Prevent a (Tkinter) window from maximizing via win32 api call?

2010-12-02 Thread Greg Ewing wrote:

I have a *resizable* Tkinter window with min and max sizes set. I want 
to prevent users from attempting to maximize this window because the 
window pops over to the upper left of the display - a behavior that my 
users find very frustrating (and of little value).

If they find it annoying, why can't they simply refrain from
maximising the window? Nobody's forcing them to *use* the
maximise button...

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] How to block ctrl-alt-delete on Windows 7?

2010-10-29 Thread Greg Ewing

Does the kiosk application need all 3 of those keys?
If not, you could remove one of them from the keyboard
and glue something over the hole.


python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] PyGUI blobedit creashes with pywin32-214 but not 212 - traceback - related problems

2010-10-21 Thread Greg Ewing

Roger Upole wrote:

The resource is actually in win32ui.pyd, rather than in Pythonwin
itself.  I've just verified that this method works from plain python.exe.

That's great news! I thought I had already tried something
very much like what you suggested, but maybe I hadn't hit
upon the right resource ID. (It would help if the available
resources were actually *documented* somewhere...)

Looks like we may have a solution, thanks.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] PyGUI blobedit creashes with pywin32-214 but not 212 - traceback - related problems

2010-10-21 Thread Greg Ewing

Roger Upole wrote:

You instantiate the MFC view object without a document, but in order
to actually create a window and do anything useful with it, it needs
a valid document.

Are you absolutely sure about that?

At the MFC level, I can't see anything to stop you from
instantiating a CView and calling its Create method without
ever mentioning a CDocument.

The RichEditView kludge ends up creating a PyDocument object
wrapping a null pointer, and MFC seemed to be happy with
whatever pywin32 build 212 and earlier did with that.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] does pipes.quote() work properly on Windows?

2010-05-22 Thread Greg Ewing

Bill Janssen wrote:

   myprogram --title=That's the game! says Mike Hammer Brotsky --file=...

cmd.exe also supports pipelines, I'd sort of expect it to do the right
thing on Windows, too.

Don't know about later versions, but in Python 2.5 the pipes
module is listed under Unix specific services, so I guess
it was never designed with Windows in mind.

The reason it fails on Windows is that it assumes single
quotes can be used to quote a string containing double
quotes. But Windows usually requires double quotes around
arguments, so you will have to escape the inner quotes:

--title=That's the game! says Mike \Hammer\ Brotsky

A quick test suggests that this will work, at least in the
case where the program being passed the args is a Python

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] recent spam

2010-04-06 Thread Greg Ewing

Mark Hammond wrote:
as they were replies 
to legitimate mailing-list messages, I was fooled into approving them.

Spammers are getting more obnoxiously devious all the time.
You have to wonder at the mentality of someone who goes to
such lengths to try to trick people into reading messages
that they are clearly not at all interested in -- if they
were, no such tricks would be necessary in the first place!


python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Win API call to display a BMP/PNG file as a splash screen for a console app?

2010-03-23 Thread Greg Ewing

Andrew MacIntyre wrote:

Is it possible to draw directly to the desktop?  I vaguely recall reading 
somewhere that that is how some splash screens are done to avoid the overhead 
of a window...

Somehow I doubt that. I have a hard time imagining that
displaying a splash screen could be a serious performance
bottleneck! Not the window-creation part of it, anyway.

Although if by overhead you mean that some programmer
was too lazy to write the necessary code, I could
probably believe that...

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Python Windows Socket problem after Py2exe and install

2010-03-14 Thread Greg Ewing wrote:

...'Choosing a
collection of common modules/packages for a general purpose reusable
PY2EXE runtime'. This post got zero feedback so our idea is either too
stupid or too obvious to warrant further conversation :)

I think the problem is that in the rare cases when you need
a kitchen-sink approach, the set of appropriate modules to
include isn't going to be covered by a single project-independent
choice. Different kitchens need different-sized sinks. :-)

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Technique to limit number of instances of our application under Terminal Server

2010-03-12 Thread Greg Ewing

Here's another possible solution. Each process tries to open a
socket connection to a server process. When the maximum number of
processes are connected, the server stops accepting connections.

The server also selects all of its open connections for reading.
When a process dies, the server will notice because it will
see an EOF condition on its connection.


python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [Correction] Trying to get the Win32_PortableBattery and Win32_SystemEnclosure classes to work

2010-03-08 Thread Greg Ewing wrote:

I'm not entirely clear on why there are 2 battery classes and why I
would choose to use vs. the other, but I suspect the
Win32_PortableBattery class is for machines with advanced power supply
management capabilities.

Obviously it's for machines that have a *wireless* battery.

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Solved - Printing coordinate system problem

2009-12-15 Thread Greg Ewing

Thomas Heller wrote:

I would guess that GetDeviceCaps() returns the information that you need.

Yep, this turns out to be right, although it's *very*
difficult to find this out if you start looking in
the area of the docs that talks about printing!

My margins are spot-on now. I'm happy.

Need sleep now.

Thanks, everyone.

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Printing coordinate system problem

2009-12-14 Thread Greg Ewing

I'm wrestling with printing support for PyGUI on Windows.
I'd like to set up the coordinate system during printing
so that (0, 0) is at the corner of the paper, so that I
can arrange for the margins to have predictable sizes.

However, the device context I get from calling PrintDlg()
seems to be set up so that the origin is at the corner
of the printable area of the page, which is smaller by
some amount that depends on the printer being used.

If I could find out the limits of the printable area,
I could correct for this, but there doesn't seem to be
any straightforward way of getting this information.
It doesn't seem to appear anywhere in any of the
structs returned by PrintDlg(), and I can't find any
call that might extract it from the device context.

Am I missing something? Surely this an issue that most
applications that print have to deal with. How do they
do it?

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [Pygui] Printing coordinate system problem

2009-12-14 Thread Greg Ewing

Vernon Cole wrote:
In searching for documentation, remember a quirk in Microsoft 
vocabulary... a printer is software, not hardware.  The device on the 
corner of your desk with the paper in it is not a printer, it is a 
printing device.

Yes, I know. I'll be happy if I can somehow find out what
the driver for whichever printer has been selected in the
PrintDlg box thinks the printable area is for the selected
paper size. If that doesn't match what the actual printer
uses, that's not my problem. :-)

Delving a bit further, it looks like I may be able to find
out via GetPrinter() and GetForm()... I'll try an experiment

Using Crystal Reports, a rather expensive commercial product which uses 
Windows very well, I designed a very fancy Purchase Order form, which I 
tested on three or four different Windows printers.  When I installed 
the application, the purchase orders would not print out correctly on 
another printer

Configuring printer drivers on Windows can be a massively
confusing and frustrating experience, especially when a
network is involved. Chance are there was a setting
somewhere in the maze of dialog boxes that would have
made it work properly... or maybe not...

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] PyCPrintDialog - Is it any use?

2009-11-30 Thread Greg Ewing

The PyCPrintDialog in pywin32 doesn't seem to have
any methods or attributes.

How are you supposed to get information out of it?


python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] ANN: PyGUI Mailing List

2009-11-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Thomas Heller wrote:

Is the list available on gmane?

I have received a reply from gmane saying that a subscription
request has been sent and that the gmane group would be
created when the first message arrives.

I'm not a gmane user myself, so someone may want to take a
look over there and see if it's working.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] ANN: PyGUI Mailing List

2009-11-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Thomas Heller wrote:

Is the list available on gmane?

I have received a reply from gmane saying that a subscription
request has been sent and that the gmane group would be
created when the first message arrives.

I'm not a gmane user myself, so someone may want to take a
look over there and see if it's working.

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] RichEditCtrl scrolling doesn't work properly

2009-11-23 Thread Greg Ewing

I'm trying to create a PyRichEditCtrl with scroll bars.
I can get scroll bars to appear using the appropriate
style flags in CreateWindow, but they don't entirely
work. Clicking on the scrolling arrows causes the text
to scroll, but the position of the thumb doesn't get
updated to match.

Can anyone point me to a piece of example code that
shows the minimum necessary steps to get this to
work? I've looked at the editor example that comes with
pywin32, but the details are hidden under several
layers of abstraction, making it hard to tell what's

Also, it seems to use a RichEditView/RichEditDoc
combination instead of a RichEditCtrl. Does this make
a difference? Is it possible to get a plain
RichEditCtrl to scroll properly, or do I need to use
a RichEditView?

The code I'm currently using looks like this:

  import win32con as wc, win32ui as ui

  win_style = wc.ES_MULTILINE | wc.ES_WANTRETURN
  win = ui.CreateRichEditCtrl()
  win.CreateWindow(win_style, (0, 0, 100, 100), parent_win, 0)
  flags = 0
  if 'h' in scrolling:
flags |= wc.WS_HSCROLL
  if 'v' in scrolling:
flags |= wc.WS_VSCROLL
  win.ModifyStyle(0, flags)

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] ANN: PyGUI Mailing List

2009-11-21 Thread Greg Ewing

Thomas Heller wrote:

Is the list available on gmane?

Not yet, but I'll look into making it so.


python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.1.1

2009-11-19 Thread Greg Ewing

PyGUI 2.1.1 is available:

This is an emergency bugfix release to repair some major
breakage in the gtk version. Also corrects some other

What is PyGUI?

PyGUI is a cross-platform GUI toolkit designed to be lightweight
and have a highly Pythonic API.

Gregory Ewing
python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [pygtk] ANN: PyGUI 2.1

2009-11-16 Thread Greg Ewing

John Finlay wrote:

Start your own list for the community that is interested in your project.

That's not going to reach anyone who doesn't already
know about it.

It's probably a good idea for ongoing discussion,
though. Any suggestions on the best way of going
about it? I could start a Google Group, but I'd
prefer a real mailing list server if possible.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [pygtk] ANN: PyGUI 2.1

2009-11-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Vernon Cole wrote:

If it
produces code for a cross platform GUI API then the resulting
application will be cross platform. I would love to find one such that
actually works and produces good code.

Code produced by a GUI designer shouldn't be getting edited
by humans, so the quality of the code is immaterial (as long
as it works).

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.0.5

2009-11-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Roger Upole wrote:

Greg Ewing wrote:

Randy Syring wrote:

win32ui.error: The object has been destroyed.

I looked at this a while ago, and have a good idea where the
problem is.  I'll try to get a fix in before the next build.

If it's because of the screwy things I'm doing to
get a dummy PyCDocument, can I suggest that you
fix it by providing a way to create a PyCScrollView
without having to supply any PyCDocument at all?

It seems to be entirely possible to do this at
the MFC level, and in fact MFC doesn't even provide
any way to supply a CDocument at creation time of
a CScrollView. Pywin32 is currently going through
unnatural contortions to support it.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [pygtk] ANN: PyGUI 2.1

2009-11-16 Thread Greg Ewing

Sturla Molden wrote:

The only GUI API that doesn't suck is no API at all.

GUIs should be designed visually.

There's a lot more to a GUI API than just specifying
the layout.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] [pygtk] ANN: PyGUI 2.1

2009-11-15 Thread Greg Ewing

John Finlay wrote:


Why do you post to mailing lists that are unrelated to your project? I 
would appreciate it if in future you didn't post a message about your 
project ot the PyGTK mailing list.

I posted the announcement to the pyobjc, pygtk and pywin32
lists because PyGUI uses all of those libraries, and because
I don't know of any single mailing list where people interested
in Python GUIs in general can be found.

However, if the consensus is that PyGUI announcements are
not welcome on those lists, I will be happy to cease posting
them there.

What is the general feeling out there? Should I stop posting
PyGUI messages to these lists? Is there another GUI-related
list that would be more appropriate?

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.0.5

2009-11-14 Thread Greg Ewing

Randy Syring wrote:

I am still seeing the bug noted below in 2.1.  Do you have plans to 
tackle it?

win32ui.error: The object has been destroyed.

Reportedly it can be worked around by reverting to build
212 of pywin32. I haven't had a chance to investigate
what's causing it yet, sorry.

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.1

2009-11-13 Thread Greg Ewing

PyGUI 2.1 is available:

Highlights of this version:

* Win32:
Fixed bug preventing PyGUI apps from working under pythonw
Fixed incorrect mouse coordinates in ScrollableView
Added more standard cursors

* MacOSX:
Application menu now has working Hide, Hide Others and Show All

Plus a few other bug fixes and improvements.

What is PyGUI?

PyGUI is a cross-platform GUI toolkit designed to be lightweight
and have a highly Pythonic API.

Gregory Ewing
python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Pywin32 GUI not working with pythonw

2009-11-09 Thread Greg Ewing

I have a bizarre problem. The following program:

import win32ui
app = win32ui.GetApp()

works fine when run from a command window using
python.exe -- it happily sits there waiting for
events until I kill it with the task manager.

However, if I run it using pythonw.exe, the
GetApp() call returns immediately with a value
of 0.

I've tried diverting stdout and stderr into a
file to see if there are any error messages or
tracebacks, but there is nothing.

Anyone have any idea what might be wrong?

I'm using Python 2.5.4 and Pywin32 build 213
on Windows 2000.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] daemonized child

2009-09-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Elias Fotinis wrote:

From: Antoine Martin

I had forgotten about the pipes (doh), I guess I should start the child
with stdin=stdout=stderr=None then?

That won't necessarily close the OS-level file descriptors,
though. If you want that, you need to do something like

  for i in xrange(3):

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] regarding invoking command prompt using python

2009-06-18 Thread Greg Ewing

Tim Roberts wrote:

Depending on your point of view, that's either a usage problem or a
design flaw in the os module.

The design of the os module does seem rather screwy in this
area. Since os.environ is a custom mapping type, I don't
know why it doesn't just pass all get and set operations on
to the real process environment instead of keeping a copy
of it.

It's not just Windows, btw, it seems to work the same way
on Unix too.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.0.5

2009-06-04 Thread Greg Ewing

Randy Syring wrote:
I am wondering if the problems with build 213 have ever been resolved on 
Windows.  Or was I mistaken that build 213 was the problem?

I don't know. I haven't heard any more about it from
anyone since then.

Has anyone else out there that's having this problem
successfully cured it by reverting to 212?

If so, I could look into what's changed between 212
and 213 to see if it gives any clue to what's going

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Extract icon from exe files

2009-05-05 Thread Greg Ewing

Nicolas EISEN wrote:
the icon have the tranparence but the bmp 
take this in black. In win32ui, there are not attribute to set the 
background in white before write the bmp in DC ... an idea ?

Draw a white rectangle over the bmp before calling

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.0.5

2009-04-26 Thread Greg Ewing

PyGUI 2.0.5 is available:

More bug fixes for various platforms.

Still no idea what's causing the object has been destroyed
error on Windows XP, though. Does this happen for everyone?
Is there anyone who *has* got working for them
on XP?

What is PyGUI?

PyGUI is a cross-platform GUI toolkit designed to be lightweight
and have a highly Pythonic API.

Gregory Ewing
python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.0.5

2009-04-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Randy Syring wrote:

Could you tell me briefly how this project differs from something like 

It wraps platform-specific libraries directly, rather than
being a wrapper around another cross-platform library. This
means less bloat and less dependencies. Chances are you
already have the necessary libraries installed.

The API is designed to be very straightforward and Pythonic,
and it's fully documented in its own terms, so you don't
have to consult the documentation for some other library
in some other language and translate into Python.

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.0.4

2009-04-21 Thread Greg Ewing

PyGUI 2.0.4 is available:

Fixes a few more bugs and hopefully improves things
on Windows, although I can't be sure it will fix all
the Windows problems people are having, because I
haven't been able to reproduce some of them.

What is PyGUI?

PyGUI is a cross-platform GUI toolkit designed to be lightweight
and have a highly Pythonic API.

Gregory Ewing
python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.0.4

2009-04-21 Thread Greg Ewing

Christian K. wrote:

I'm afraid, that error is stil there:

  File c:\pythonxy\python\Lib\site-packages\GUI\Win32\, line
31, in __init__
GScrollableView.__init__(self, _win = win)
win32ui.error: The object has been destroyed.

That's a bit of a problem, since it works for me on all the
Windows systems I have readily available.

Please tell me if I can help,

If you can do any debugging and find out more about what's
causing the problem, that would be helpful.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.0.2

2009-04-19 Thread Greg Ewing

Christian K. wrote:

TypeError: 'pitch_and_family' is an invalid keyword argument for this 

Looking at the source of pywin32, I can see why this
happens -- it really is expecting 'pitch and family'
with spaces (and it's abusing ParseTupleAndKeywords
to unpack a dict, which is why it's reporting a
keyword argument error even though it's not really
a keyword).

What's really puzzling is why I *don't* get this
error on my system!

Anyway, since that parameter isn't being used any
more, just take it out and let me know if it fixes
the problem.

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.0.2

2009-04-16 Thread Greg Ewing

PyGUI 2.0.2 is available:

Fixes problem on Windows causing This file should not
be imported error.

What is PyGUI?

PyGUI is a cross-platform GUI toolkit designed to be lightweight
and have a highly Pythonic API.

Gregory Ewing
python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.0.1

2009-04-12 Thread Greg Ewing

PyGUI 2.0.1 is available:

Fixes some problems in affecting installation
on Linux and Windows.

What is PyGUI?

PyGUI is a cross-platform GUI toolkit designed to be lightweight
and have a highly Pythonic API.

Gregory Ewing

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.0

2009-04-11 Thread Greg Ewing

PyGUI 2.0 is available:

Highlights of this release:

* Native Windows implementation, based on pywin32 and ctypes.

* Full set of Postscript-style path construction operators
  available on all platforms.

* Mouse and keyboard events can be intercepted for all
  component classes.

Plus numerous minor improvements, see CHANGES on the website
for details.

What is PyGUI?

PyGUI is a cross-platform GUI toolkit designed to be lightweight
and have a highly Pythonic API.


Thanks are due to Patrick Forget and Erez-Sh for getting me started on
the Windows implementation. Even though I didn't use much of their
code in the end, I appreciate their efforts and may draw more from it
in the future.

Gregory Ewing
python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] PyGUI 2.0 fixes

2009-04-11 Thread Greg Ewing wrote:

error: package directory 'Gtk' does not exist

Smeg, there's a bug in the installer. I'll release
a fix soon. In the meantime, try replacing the
following line in




I've also noticed another problem that could affect
Windows installations. If anyone is having trouble
installing on Windows, try copying the
file from GUI/Gtk to GUI/Win32.


python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Rendering to bitmap with OpenGL

2009-03-24 Thread Greg Ewing

I'm trying to create an OpenGL context for rendering
to an offscreen bitmap.

The attached program gets as far as trying to call
wglCreateContext, then fails with

  WindowsError: [Errno 8] Not enough storage is available to
process this command.

Can anyone see what's going wrong here?

import win32con as wc, win32ui as ui, win32gui as gui
from OpenGL import WGL as wgl

def main():
#  Create device context and bitmap
win = ui.CreateFrame()
win.CreateWindow(None, , 0, (0, 0, 1, 1), None, None, 0, 0)
dc0 = win.GetDC()
dc = dc0.CreateCompatibleDC(dc0)
bm = ui.CreateBitmap()
bm.CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc0, 10, 10)
hdc = dc.GetSafeHdc()
print Bitmap:

#  Create pixel format descriptor
pf.dwFlags = flags  0x
pf.cColorBits = 32
pf.iLayerType = wgl.PFD_MAIN_PLANE

#  Choose pixel format
ipf = wgl.ChoosePixelFormat(hdc, pf)
print Using pixel format no., ipf
wgl.DescribePixelFormat(hdc, ipf, pf2.nSize, pf2)
print Pixel format chosen:

#  Set pixel format and create opengl context
print Setting pixel format
wgl.SetPixelFormat(hdc, ipf, pf2)
print Creating opengl context
ctx = wgl.wglCreateContext(hdc)
print Context created

def dump_pixelformat(pf):
print nSize =, pf.nSize
print nVersion =, pf.nVersion
print dwFlags = 0x%08x % pf.dwFlags
print iPixelType =, pf.iPixelType
print cColorBits =, pf.cColorBits
print cRedBits =, pf.cRedBits
print cRedShift =, pf.cRedShift
print cGreenBits =, pf.cGreenBits
print cGreenShift =, pf.cGreenShift
print cBlueBits =, pf.cBlueBits
print cBlueShift =, pf.cBlueShift
print cAlphaBits =, pf.cAlphaBits
print cAlphaShift =, pf.cAlphaShift
print cAccumBits =, pf.cAccumBits
print cAccumRedBits =, pf.cAccumRedBits
print cAccumGreenBits =, pf.cAccumGreenBits
print cAccumBlueBits =, pf.cAccumBlueBits
print cDepthBits =, pf.cDepthBits
print cStencilBits =, pf.cStencilBits
print cAuxBuffers =, pf.cAuxBuffers
print iLayerType =, pf.iLayerType
print bReserved =, pf.bReserved
print dwLayerMask =, pf.dwLayerMask
print dwVisibleMask =, pf.dwVisibleMask
print dwDamageMask =, pf.dwDamageMask

def dump_bitmap(bm):
info = bm.GetInfo()
print bmType =, info['bmType']
print bmWidth =, info['bmWidth']
print bmHeight =, info['bmHeight']
print bmWidthBytes =, info['bmWidthBytes']
print bmPlanes =, info['bmPlanes']
print bmBitsPixel =, info['bmBitsPixel']

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] GDI+ text rendering screwed up

2009-03-19 Thread Greg Ewing

I'm trying to use GDI+ (via ctypes) to draw text.
It works for some fonts but messes up with others.
Using Times, for example, it seems to be using the
glyphs for one character earlier in the code sequence,
so that Times comes out as Shldr -- except that it
uses the widths of the original characters for positioning.

Can someone please run the attached code and tell me
whether it works for them or not? And any ideas on what
I could be doing wrong to cause this?

import os, traceback
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import *
gdiplus = windll.gdiplus


CS_VREDRAW = 0x0001
CS_HREDRAW = 0x0002

WS_VISIBLE = 0x1000
WS_SYSMENU = 0x0008

WM_QUIT = 0x0012
WM_PAINT = 0x000f
WM_CLOSE = 0x0010


WNDPROC = WINFUNCTYPE(c_long, c_int, c_uint, c_int, c_int)

class WNDCLASS(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('style', c_uint),
('lpfnWndProc', WNDPROC),
('cbClsExtra', c_int),
('cbWndExtra', c_int),
('hInstance', c_int),
('hIcon', c_int),
('hCursor', c_int),
('hbrBackground', c_int),
('lpszMenuName', c_char_p),
('lpszClassName', c_char_p),

class PAINTSTRUCT(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('hdc', c_int),
('fErase', c_int),
('rcPaint', RECT),
('fRestore', c_int),
('fIncUpdate', c_int),
('rgbReserved', c_char * 32),

lo_byte = lambda x : x  0xff
hi_byte = lambda x : x  8  0xff
lo_word = lambda x : x  0x
hi_word = lambda x : x  16  0x

class RectF(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('x', c_float),
('y', c_float),
('w', c_float),

class LOGFONT(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('lfHeight', c_long),
('lfWidth', c_long),
('lfEscapement', c_long),
('lfOrientation', c_long),
('lfWeight', c_long),
('lfItalic', c_byte),
('lfUnderline', c_byte),
('lfStrikeOut', c_byte),
('lfCharSet', c_byte),
('lfOutPrecision', c_byte),
('lfClipPrecision', c_byte),
('lfQuality', c_byte),
('lfPitchAndFamily', c_byte),
('lfFaceName', c_char * LF_FACESIZE),

def __init__(self):
self.lfHeight, self.lfWidth = 10, 10
self.lfEscapement = 10
self.lfOrientation = 0
self.lfUnderline = 0
self.lfStrikeOut = 0
self.lfCharSet = 0 # ANSI_CHARSET
self.lfPitchAndFamily = 0
self.lfOutPrecision = 0
self.lfClipPrecision = 0
self.lfQuality = 0
self.lfPitchAndFamily = 2

class GdiplusStartupInput(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('GdiplusVersion', c_uint),
('DebugEventCallback', c_void_p),
('SuppressBackgroundThread', BOOL),
('SuppressExternalCodecs', BOOL),

def __init__(self):
self.GdiplusVersion = 1
self.DebugEventCallback = None
self.SuppressBackgroundThread = 0
self.SuppressExternalCodecs = 0

StartupInput = GdiplusStartupInput()
token = c_ulong()
gdiplus.GdiplusStartup(pointer(token), pointer(StartupInput), None)

class Font(object):

def __init__(self, family, size = 12, style = []):
logfont = LOGFONT()
logfont.lfFaceName = family
logfont.lfHeight = -size
logfont.lfWidth = 0
if 'italic' in style:
logfont.lfItalic = 1
logfont.lfItalic = 0
if 'bold' in style:
logfont.lfWeight = 10
logfont.lfWeight = 0
self._size = size
self._win32_object = 
self._free_object = True
self._family = family # should came elsewhere

class Canvas(object):

def __init__(self, hdc):
self._hdc = hdc
self._GpGraphics = c_void_p()
gdiplus.GdipCreateFromHDC(hdc, byref(self._GpGraphics))
self._GpFont = c_void_p()
self._GpBrush = c_void_p()
gdiplus.GdipCreateSolidFill(0xff00, byref(self._GpBrush))
print Canvas: brush =, self._GpBrush.value ###
self._GpPen = c_void_p()

Re: [python-win32] GDI+ text rendering screwed up

2009-03-19 Thread Greg Ewing

Tim Roberts wrote:

Sadly, I see Times Italic 48 in black-on-yellow.

Do you really have a font called Times?

I'm not sure, but I can use the name Times with
plain GDI and it works fine, so it seems to be able
to find something equivalent.

But I'll try using the exact name and see if it
works any better.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] GDI+ text rendering screwed up

2009-03-19 Thread Greg Ewing

Turns out I *sort* of have a font called Times... I've got
Times Bold, Times Italic and Times Bold Italic, but
no plain Times!

Times New Roman works fine, though, and it seems that the
same is true of all the other fonts for which there is a
full set of variations.

So it looks like I'll be building in my own translation

Thanks for the help,
python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] PyCSlider notification messages

2009-03-17 Thread Greg Ewing

Mark Hammond wrote:

Works for me.  In, directly after the creation of the 
control I added:

  self.HookMessage(self.OnSliderMove, win32con.WM_HSCROLL)

Okay, I've modified that demo similarly and it works
for me too. I can investigate further from there,

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] PyCSlider notification messages

2009-03-16 Thread Greg Ewing

I'm having trouble getting notification messages from
a Slider control.

According to MS, a Slider is supposed to send WM_HSCROLL
messages to its parent window when the user changes it,
but this isn't happening.

I can get WM_HSCROLL messages from a normal scroll bar,
but either the Slider isn't sending them or I'm
somehow failing to intercept them.

Is HookMessage the right way to catch these? Or is there
some other trick to this that I'm missing?

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] PyCScrollView with no PyCDocument?

2009-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing

Is there any way of creating a ScrollView without needing
a Document?

I just want a scrollable user-drawable area, but CreateView
insists that I supply a Document. What's more, the only
way to create a Document seems to be to use a DocTemplate,
and the only way to get one of those is to use a resource.
But I don't have any resources.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] PyCScrollView with no PyCDocument?

2009-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing

Mark Hammond wrote:

No not only can I no longer answer your question, I'm quite confident I 
never could :(

Alternatively, is there a way of getting a valid DocTemplate
without having to put a resource in the executable? Some
kind of in-memory resource creation or something?

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] PyCScrollView with no PyCDocument?

2009-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing

Well, I think I've found a workaround. The following
hack seems to create something looking enough like
a PyCDocument to keep it happy while creating a

  dummy = win32ui.CreateRichEditView().GetDocument()

The result of this appears to be a PyCDocument that's
wrapping a null pointer. The fact that CreateView
accepts this suggests that there's really no need to
supply a document at creation time as far as the
C++ level is concerned. I can't find anything in the
MS docs to say there's any such need.

Looking at the source, you seem to be doing some
very strange things. In the PyCView constructor,
first you're hacking around protected members to
stuff the CDocument pointer into the m_pDocument
member. Then in CreateWindow you're taking it out
again and putting it in the CCreateContext.

I don't know why you can't just leave all this
alone at creation time, or at least make the document
argument optional, and expose the AddView method of
CDocument as a way of setting the document afterwards.

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Focus lost when switching windows

2009-03-06 Thread Greg Ewing

The following program creates a FrameWnd with an
Edit control in it.

If I select some text in the control, then switch
to another window and back again, the Edit control
has lost the keyboard focus.

Normal Windows applications don't behave that way.
What do I have to do to get my controls to stay


import os, win32con as wc, win32ui as ui, win32gui as gui

class Test(object):

  def __init__(self):
frame = ui.CreateFrame()
self.frame = frame
frame.CreateWindow(None, Test Focus,
  wc.WS_CAPTION | wc.WS_SYSMENU, (100, 100, 300, 200))
edit = ui.CreateEdit()
edit.CreateWindow(wc.WS_VISIBLE, (10, 10, 90, 30),
  frame, 1)

  def OnClose(self):

test = Test()
app = ui.GetApp()


python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Confused about PreTranslateMessage

2009-03-05 Thread Greg Ewing

I'm having trouble understanding how PreTranslateMessage
is supposed to work.

According to M$:

  Return value: Nonzero if the message was translated
  and should not be dispatched; 0 if the message was
  not translated and should be dispatched.

and according to the pywin32 docs:

  The result should be a tuple of the same format as
  the msg param, in which case the MSG structure will
  be updated and TRUE returned from the C++ function.

If all of that is true, I don't see what the purpose
is of updating the MSG, since it's just going to be
ignored when TRUE is returned.

But in any case it doesn't seem to be working -- the
original message gets dispatched anyway, regardless
of what I return from my PreTranslateMessage method.

So I'm totally confused at this point. Should I be
able to prevent the original message from being
dispatched, and if so, how do I go about it?

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Finding attached object?

2009-03-04 Thread Greg Ewing

Mark Hammond wrote:

Hrm - m_pMenu (and m_pSubMenu) is *supposed* to return a PyCMenu object 
- what are you seeing?

They're returning a PyCMenu, but not the object that
I have attached to the PyCMenu.

This seems to happen automatically in some other
places, e.g. ui.GetFocus(). If m_pMenu behaved that
way as well, I wouldn't have had a problem.

While on the subject, there's something I'm a bit
confused about. According to the MS docs, when you
destroy an HMENU that has sub-menus attached, the
sub-menus are destroyed as well. This suggests that
the only reasonable way to attach a PyCMenu as a
sub-menu is to Detach its menu handle first.

If that's true, then the PyCMenu object isn't much
use any more, so you might as well throw it away,
and not getting the attached object from m_pMenu
probably isn't so much of a problem.

But what happens if a PyCMenu object returned by
m_pMenu or m_pSubMenu gets deallocated before the
parent menu? It seems as though it will end up
destroying an HMENU that it doesn't really own,
and stuff up the menu that contains it.

On another topic, another thing it would have really
been handy to have access to is the m_bAutoMenuEnable
property of CFrameWnd. PyGUI has its own scheme for
managing menu item enabling, and MFC's one just gets
in the way. If I could turn it off, it would save me
a lot of hassle.


python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Finding attached object?

2009-03-03 Thread Greg Ewing

Mark Hammond wrote:

Apparently not from Python.  It would be easy to add,

If you do happen to add this, another thing you might
want to investigate is why PyCCmdUI isn't automatically
doing this when you read the m_pMenu property, as seems
to happen in most other places if you call a method
that returns a wrapped MFC object.

but I guess that 
doesn't help you much now (or parse the repr() and use ctypes to de-ref 
the pointer, then wash your hands ;)

I was hoping to avoid having to use ctypes:-(. I'm
working around it for now using weak refs and a global
dict to make my own reverse mapping, but it's disappointing
having to do this when the information is hidden in there
all along.


python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] OnCtlColor not working?

2009-03-02 Thread Greg Ewing

Mike Driscoll wrote:

I'm probably being naive, but why don't you just use one of Python 
excellent GUI toolkits?

I'm implementing my own cross-platform toolkit, because
I don't like any of the existing ones. See

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] OnCtlColor not working?

2009-03-02 Thread Greg Ewing

Vernon Cole wrote:

So, Greg, can we anticipate a python_gui flavor for Windows in native mode?

Yes, it looks like there's a reasonable chance of that
happening fairly soon.

There are actually two possible ways it could go. I
have a partial implementation contributed by one of
my users based on ctypes, but it has some issues,
and programming at the raw win32api level is a bit
much for me to cope with just yet.

So I'm working on an alternative implementation
based on the mfc layer of pywin32. This does mean
an extra dependency, but I consider pywin32 to
be fairly standard equipment and not too much of
an imposition to require. Also it will work with
older versions of Python that don't come with

It's coming along nicely -- tests up to 07 are
working well enough. It's a bit disappointing that
buttons don't play fair with respect to colour
customisation, but not a serious problem.

Now, on to menus...

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] OnCtlColor not working?

2009-03-01 Thread Greg Ewing

Has anyone successfully used the PyCWnd.OnCtlColor
virtual function to change the appearance of a

The program below tries to use it to set the colour
of the text in a PyCButton. My OnCtlColor method gets
called, but it doesn't have any effect on the appearance
of the button.

Also, if I attempt to return a PyCBrush from the
OnCtlColor method as the docs suggest, I get
TypeError: An integer is required errors.

Am I doing something wrong?


import win32con, win32ui
from pywin.mfc.object import Object

class MyFrame(Object):

def OnCtlColor(self, dc, btn, typ):
print MyFrame.OnCtlColor:, self ###
# Doing the following causes TypeError: An integer is required
#b = win32ui.CreateBrush()
#return b

frame = MyFrame(win32ui.CreateFrame())
frame.CreateWindow(None, Test, win32con.WS_CAPTION,
(100, 100, 300, 300))
button = win32ui.CreateButton()
style = win32con.BS_CHECKBOX
button.CreateWindow(Hello, style, (20, 20, 100, 40),
frame, 0)
app = win32ui.GetApp()


python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] OnCtlColor not working?

2009-03-01 Thread Greg Ewing

Roger Upole wrote:

OnCtlColor is expected to return a GDI handle rather than a full
MFC object.

Ah, okay. It does say so, now that I come to look at
the docs carefully enough. It works fine now.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] OnCtlColor not working?

2009-03-01 Thread Greg Ewing

Well, it *almost* works now... it's okay for all the
button styles except BS_PUSHBUTTON.

My OnCtlColor is still getting called, but the
pushbutton seems to ignore the results. All the other
button styles are okay.

Am I still doing something wrong, or is this a known
limitation of pushbuttons?


import win32con, win32ui, win32gui, win32api
from pywin.mfc.object import Object

b = win32ui.CreateBrush()
hb = b.GetSafeHandle()

class MyFrame(Object):

def OnCtlColor(self, dc, btn, typ):
print MyFrame.OnCtlColor:, self ###
return hb

def add_button(title, style, y):
button = win32ui.CreateButton()
button.CreateWindow(title, style, (20, y, 100, y + 20),
frame, 0)

frame = MyFrame(win32ui.CreateFrame())
frame.CreateWindow(None, Test, win32con.WS_CAPTION,
(100, 100, 300, 300))

add_button(Push, win32con.BS_PUSHBUTTON, 20)
add_button(Check, win32con.BS_CHECKBOX, 50)
add_button(Radio, win32con.BS_RADIOBUTTON, 80)
add_button(Group, win32con.BS_GROUPBOX, 110)
add_button(3State, win32con.BS_3STATE, 140)

app = win32ui.GetApp()



python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Error with VixCom operation; TypeError: The VARIANT type is unknown (0x00000015)

2009-02-17 Thread Greg Ewing

Tim Roberts wrote:

It's kind of loony for an API to use a
64-bit integer as an error number, but that's what they're doing.

This is Windows, remember. There are large numbers
of things that can go wrong.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Writing to Excel performance

2008-12-12 Thread Greg Ewing

Tim Roberts wrote:

Dahlstrom, Roger wrote:

My opinion is that determining file type by extension (arbitrary at that)

 is a bad thing to begin with.

This is veering a bit off-topic for this mailing list, but I'd be
curious to hear what alternatives you would suggest.

The way classic MacOS handled it was much better. The file type
was a separate piece of metadata that the user never normally
saw or changed.

The file type info is still available in MacOSX, but Apple
seems to be discouraging its use, which is disappointing.

python-win32 mailing list

Re: [python-win32] Does Python need a native Windows GUI toolkit?

2008-11-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Thomas Heller wrote:

Does Python need a native, pure Python, Windows GUI toolkit, one that uses
win32 api calls directly to use native windows controls?

I believe so. One of the long-term goals for PyGUI is to
give it a native Windows backend. I share your dislike of
layers on layers.

Are there people that share these ideas?
Are they willing to join a coordinated effort to develop a framework
like this,

Would you be willing to work on a Windows implementation
of PyGUI?

python-win32 mailing list

[python-win32] Python COM: Automatic wrap/unwrap?

2008-11-10 Thread Greg Ewing

I'm creating a COM server in Python that will have one
main class, with methods that create and return instances
of other classes.

I've found that I need to use win32com.server.util.wrap
and unwrap on these objects when they pass over a COM
connection. This doesn't seem very convenient, especially
for methods that can be called either via COM or internally
from other Python code.

It seems that the basic Python types are wrapped and
unwrapped automatically when needed. Is there some way of
extending this mechanism? Is there a class I can inherit
from, or a magic attribute I can set, or some registration
process I can use, to get instances of my class automatically
wrapped and unwrapped?

python-win32 mailing list