Hey all,

I'm trying to create a win32com server that implements a standard interface (IExtractImage)

I've added the iid to _com_interfaces_ and the method names to _public_methods_, but now I'm at a complete loss how to implement them.

For instance, given the method,

HRESULT IExtractImage::GetLocation(
  [out]           LPWSTR pszPathBuffer,
  [in]            DWORD  cchMax,
  [out]           DWORD  *pdwPriority,
  [in]const  SIZE   *prgSize,
  [in]            DWORD  dwRecClrDepth,
  [in, out]       DWORD  *pdwFlags

How in the world is that supposed to look as a python method??

(Or is there some c++ or other glue I'd need to write to define that?)


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