Re: [Maya-Python] PySide6 Transition Guide

2024-05-09 Thread Reza Aarabi
Amazing Man!


*--= Reza Aarabi =--*
* <>*

On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 00:44 Carlos Rico  wrote:

> Thanks Marcus, really appreciated. Cheers!
> *Carlos Rico Adega*-
> <> LinkedIn
> <>
> El jue, 9 may 2024 a las 8:45, Justin Israel ()
> escribió:
>> On Thu, May 9, 2024, 6:31 PM Marcus Ottosson 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> With Maya 2025 released, we're now in the domain of PySide6 and Qt 6.
>>> We've updated to account for this, keeping code written with
>>> PySide2, PySide, PyQt4 and PyQt5 running in Maya 2025.
>>> -
>>> I've put a transition guide towards the bottom with known needed tweaks,
>>> if you encounter anymore, feel free to submit a PR with a tweak to the
>>> README for everyone to enjoy. Overall there is little to change, luckily.
>>> But there is some.
>>> -
>>> Here's to 8 years of keeping alive! :cheers:
>> Congrats!
>>> --
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Re: [Maya-Python] How to analyze other people's codes?

2024-02-28 Thread Reza Aarabi
You never find out what other people did in their code
Especially in big studios
It’s a complete chaos

But first you should look at the task the code dies, software, tool or
plugin as a whole
Then you should see which APIs they used
And in the main programming language how they have implemented the
libraries, classes or functions
And how these codes are related to each other

Of course if you can find API documentation in any studio for their
libraries (if you find any let me know) it would be great to learn
functionality of each class and function

If not you have to read the code
Module by module
Function by function
Or line by line to be able to use them
I’m talking about using APIs (or custom libraries) especially in VFX …

Good luck tho

*--= Reza Aarabi =--*
* <>*

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 17:44 Abdelhalim abulmagd <> wrote:

> I'm still a beginner and the most advice I've received while learning. It
> is that I have to read other people's codes. But when I tried, I found it
> very difficult. I tried to read the code line by line, but that was very
> tiring, especially in the long codes. I also tried other methods and they
> did not work and did not lead me to anything.
> What is the best way to read other people’s codes and find out how they
> work?
> --
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Re: [Maya-Python] Re: Maya C++ OpenGL linker issues

2023-11-11 Thread Reza Aarabi
No worries

As I told you building software is experimental completely

About C++ things
You should know that you have these directories
Include: using for finding header files when you coding and compile code
Lib: using when you want to link static libraries in compile time
Bin: using when you want to use dynamic linked libraries in runtime

So you should know that every library details and add them in right place
to your build system, let’s say cmake

About Qt yes you should have your three directories and add them to your

But in related to maya and Qt, because maya shipping its own implementation
of Qt you just need to call the maya cmake module

SDKS location for me is a place that I put third party libraries

Vcvarsall will setup Visual Studio related things in your batch file
session to be able to use VS Developer area

Include_library function of cmake for adding include directory
Target_link_library function of cmake for add lib files

After creating your executable file

For running it you should have your third party dll and exe files location
in your PATH env variable to be able to run it
Otherwise you get runtime error!

Every build has its own challenge but the rules of adding third party libs
are same

Good luck!

On Sat, Nov 11, 2023 at 07:49 Andrew Golubev  wrote:

> Hey Reza!
> Thank you for your answer!
> So, an update from me. Good news -  I could build and compile it; thank
> you so much for your help!
> What helped is that, as you said, I added pluginEntry and launched the
> build_plugin() function inside of it.
> A small thing to notice: I had to return to my previous semi-manual Qt
> setup because I could not make your solution work. I probably misunderstood
> something.
> I'm unsure if I can continue torturing you with silly questions, haha. You
> are probably busy, and you have already helped me a lot. Thank you so much!
> Sorry, I'm still grasping things here and there with C++; just in case you
> have some desire/free time to answer:
> 1) What does vsvarsall.bat does?
> 2)  What is the set SDKS location?
> SDKS_LOCATION=D:/myPath/sdks?
> 3) it seems to me, that you are using a separate qt library; maybe that is
> how I should do this. I was just thinking about using Qt, which is included
> in devkit; I mean this line in your offered solution:
> set Qt5_DIR=%SDKS_LOCATION%/Qt5/lib/cmake
> What I did at the moment and what worked - I manually linked all Qt libs
> and includes, which are included in the devkit. It is probably not the best
> solution (I would argue not even a good one), but it works.
> I also wanted to ask on whether this is the only thing you do to include
> QT libraries in your build. If not, how do you link all the include and lib
> files into it? The only thing I can see you do in your reply is add this
> QT-related variable, Qt5_DIR, and that's it. Probably, I am missing
> something!
> On Thursday, 9 November 2023 at 20:23:25 UTC Reza Aarabi wrote:
>> No problem
>> I add some other info I hope it helps
>> - you don't need to set DEVKIT_LOCATION when you defined them in your
>> env vars or batch file
>> - this is wrong: set(ENV{DEVKIT_LOCATION}
>> "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/external/devkitBase")
>> - ENV will be used when you defined your env var outside of the
>> CMakeLists.txt so in this case you just need to use it like: $ENV{
>> - for Qt dependencies I told you you should use
>> find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Widgets Gui OpenGL REQUIRED)
>> target_link_libraries($ENV{TARGET_NAME} Qt5::Core Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Gui
>> Qt5::OpenGL)
>> - you don't need to add  CMAKE_MODULE_PATH  to your CMakeLists.txt file
>> however, (I forgot to mention) you should define this env var
>> set Qt5_DIR=%SDKS_LOCATION%/Qt5/lib/cmake
>> in your windows env var or your build.bat file
>> - if you want to have multithreaded things, instead of
>> you can use this
>> this is my DEVKIT_OCATION
>> in batch file:
>> set SDKS_LOCATION=D:/myPath/sdks
>> in CMakeListx.txt file:
>> include($ENV{DEVKIT_LOCATION}/cmake/pluginEntry.cmake)
>> - at the end, you don't need to set things like:
>> all of these settings will be managed automatically
>> you just need to have a cleaner CMakeLists.txt file and do thin

Re: [Maya-Python] Re: Maya C++ OpenGL linker issues

2023-11-09 Thread Reza Aarabi
> A little information about my project.
> I launched it just as you said:
> cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DMAYA_VERSION=2023
> ../CMakeLists.txt
> The repository structure looks like that:
> root
>  |-build
>  |-modules
>  ||_FindMaya.cmake
>  |   |_FindMaya_Qt.cmake
>  |
>  |-src
>  ||_CMakeLists.txt
>  |
>  |-external
>  | |_devkitBase
>  |
>  |_CMakeLists.txt
> root CMakeLists.txt:
> # go to build folder and launch this command in terminal:
> # cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DMAYA_VERSION=2023
> ../CMakeLists.txt
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
> project(maya_viewport_collisions_plugin)
> set(EXTERNAL_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/external")
> set(DEVKIT_LOCATION "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/external/devkitBase")
> set(ENV{DEVKIT_LOCATION} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/external/devkitBase")
> # # Function to recursively add subdirectories
> # function(add_subdirectories_to_module_path base_dir)
> # # Get all subdirectories
> # file(GLOB children RELATIVE ${base_dir} ${base_dir}/*)
> # foreach(child ${children})
> # if(IS_DIRECTORY ${base_dir}/${child})
> # list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${base_dir}/${child}")
> # endif()
> # endforeach()
> # # Set the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH variable to the updated list
> # endfunction()
> # # Call the function with the base directory path
> # add_subdirectories_to_module_path("${DEVKIT_LOCATION}/cmake")
> include(${DEVKIT_LOCATION}/cmake/pluginEntry.cmake)
> add_subdirectory(src)
> src CMakeLists.txt:
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
> project(MayaViewportCollisionsPlugin)
> set(BULLET_ROOT "${EXTERNAL_DIR}/bullet3")
> add_subdirectory("${BULLET_ROOT}" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bullet3")
> link_directories("${EXTERNAL_DIR}/boost_1_83_0/libs")
> include(${DEVKIT_LOCATION}/cmake/pluginEntry.cmake)
> message("My sources: ${MY_SOURCES}")
> message("My headers: ${MY_HEADERS}")
> Adjust the path to where FindMaya.cmake and FindMaya_Qt.cmake are located
> # include(FindMaya)
> # include(FindMaya_Qt)
> find_package(Maya REQUIRED)
> find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Widgets Gui OpenGL REQUIRED)
> target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME}
> "${EXTERNAL_DIR}/boost_1_83_0"
> "${BULLET_ROOT}/src"
> )
> target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
> Qt5::Core
> Qt5::Widgets
> Qt5::Gui
> Qt5::OpenGL
> BulletDynamics
> BulletCollision
> LinearMath
> )
> # Your custom MAYA_PLUGIN function/macro - make sure it is defined before
> this call
> FindMaya.cmake I took version from Chad Vernon:
> FindMaya_Qt.cmake from AutodeskUSD repo:
> On Wednesday, 8 November 2023 at 00:42:01 UTC Reza Aarabi wrote:
>> Hello My Friend
>> I don't know how did you manage your CMakeLists.txt file and your build
>> system, so it should be related to many things, from Visual Studio version,
>> to debug and release versions of your buil

Re: [Maya-Python] Re: Maya C++ OpenGL linker issues

2023-11-07 Thread Reza Aarabi
>>> LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp_glClearColor referenced in
>>> function "protected: virtual void __cdecl
>>> DebugRenderer::initializeGL(void)" (?initializeGL@DebugRenderer@@MEAAXXZ
>>> ) maya_plugin C:\Users\golub\Documents\maya_plugin\build\src\debugDialog
>>> .obj 1 Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp_glColor3f
>>> referenced in function "protected: virtual void __cdecl
>>> DebugRenderer::paintGL(void)" (?paintGL@DebugRenderer@@MEAAXXZ)
>>> maya_plugin C:\Users\golub\Documents\maya_plugin\build\src\debugDialog.obj
>>> 1 Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp_glEnd referenced in
>>> function "protected: virtual void __cdecl DebugRenderer::paintGL(void)"
>>> (?paintGL@DebugRenderer@@MEAAXXZ) maya_plugin C:
>>> \Users\golub\Documents\maya_plugin\build\src\debugDialog.obj 1 Error
>>> LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp_glVertex3f referenced in function 
>>> "protected:
>>> virtual void __cdecl DebugRenderer::paintGL(void)" (?
>>> paintGL@DebugRenderer@@MEAAXXZ) maya_plugin C:
>>> \Users\golub\Documents\maya_plugin\build\src\debugDialog.obj 1
>>> And also, class which gives me an error:
>>> #pragma once #include  #include
>>>  #include  #include
>>>  #include  #include
>>>  #include  #include
>>>  #include  class DebugRenderer : public
>>> QOpenGLWidget, protected QOpenGLFunctions { // Updated inheritance
>>> public: DebugRenderer(rp3d::PhysicsWorld* physicsWorld, QWidget* parent
>>> = nullptr); protected: void initializeGL() override; void resizeGL(int w
>>> , int h) override; void paintGL() override; private: rp3d::PhysicsWorld*
>>> physicsWorld; }; class DebugDialog : public QDialog { public:
>>> DebugDialog(rp3d::PhysicsWorld* physicsWorld, QWidget* parent = nullptr)
>>> ; };
>> --
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*--= Reza Aarabi =--*
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Re: [Maya-Python] how can i compile c++ maya plugin

2023-04-16 Thread Reza Aarabi

You can make your cmake file for it based on the maya sdk samples for your
target platform and target compiler

Take a look at Chad Vernon tutorials about cmake and maya plugins

Building a plugin is an experimental work

On Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 12:09 Abdelhalim abulmagd <> wrote:

> please, can anyone hlep me to compile this plugin
> thanks.
> --
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*--= Reza Aarabi =--*
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Re: [Maya-Python] Cloud Native Studios discord invite

2021-10-16 Thread Reza Aarabi
Thanks Justin For Sharing.

On Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 1:38 PM Justin Israel 

> Hi Everyone,
> If you didn't manage to make it to Siggraph this year, or you did but
> didn't make it to the Birds of a Feather cloud/pipeline chats, you might
> have missed that a new discord server was created.
> Cloud Native Studios
> Focuses on topics related to studio pipelines and moving towards
> cloud-based workflows. Lot of topic channels on there and good
> representation from large and small studios so far. Example channels
> include: containers, render farm, remote working, databases, careers...
> Here is an invite that is good for 7 days:
> If you join up, make sure to edit your server nickname to "Your full name
> (studio)" as it is a server requirement.
> Enjoy!
> --
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*--= Reza Aarabi =--*
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Re: [Maya-Python] Compiling plugins in Visual Studio for multiple maya versions and platforms

2021-10-14 Thread Reza Aarabi
Good point Chad

On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 1:44 PM Chad Vernon  wrote:

> I've used Jenkins CI in the past to build plugins for multiple versions of
> Maya on all 3 platforms. You have to have access to all three platforms on
> the same network. I used CMake to set up the build environment for each
> platform/maya version.
> Also while you can often use a different Visual Studio version than what
> Maya was compiled with, you may sometimes see irregularities, like
> difficulties running through a debugger.
> On Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 9:31:40 AM UTC-7 Rudi Hammad wrote:
>> found this on youtube by chad vernom!
>> El jueves, 14 de octubre de 2021 a las 11:38:17 UTC+2, Rudi Hammad
>> escribió:
>>> hello,
>>> Not sure if I am understanding correctly. I only know how to setup VS
>>> for one maya version. What I do is a set the directories in the properties
>>> the the corresponding maya verstion path.
>>> So what I would do to compile for each is manually change every time the
>>> path, which I am sure is not how to do it.
>>> I would like to get this right first and then I'll check the replies
>>> about other platforms.
>>> R
>>> El miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2021 a las 23:15:13 UTC+2, Marcus
>>> Ottosson escribió:
>>>> Yes, that's not an issue. The version of Maya you build for is
>>>> determined by the SDK you use, e.g. the Maya 2020 SDK for Maya 2020
>>>> plug-ins. The only thing to bear in mind is that the compiler version needs
>>>> to match the Maya compiler version, so VS 2015 or 2019 for Maya 2018-2022.
>>>> You can't build for Mac with VS.
>>>> On Sun, 10 Oct 2021 at 11:47, Rudi Hammad  wrote:
>>>>> hello,
>>>>> the title of the thread sums it up really.
>>>>> I wonder if there is an easy way to compile the plugins for multiple
>>>>> maya's and platforms(windows and mac mainly) at once with visual studio.
>>>>> I couldn't find much info googling, or maybe a missed it.
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> R
>>>>> --
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>>>>> .
>>>> --
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*--= Reza Aarabi =--*
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Re: [Maya-Python] Compiling plugins in Visual Studio for multiple maya versions and platforms

2021-10-13 Thread Reza Aarabi
Marcus I tested it
no need to use same compiler version as maya built against it

for example I've compiled plugin for maya 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022
with Visual Studio 2019
and it worked well

(same for gcc)

the only point is that you have to have C++ redist 2019 installed on your
machine if you used visual studio 2019 for compilation
or related C++ redist  for your VS that used for building

On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 2:28 PM Reza Aarabi  wrote:

> btw, in windows you don't have to use Visual Studio, you can use Visual
> Studio build file that is `cl.exe`
> in linux you should use `gcc`
> and in mac you can use `clang`
> cl, gcc and clang are C++ Compilers
> On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 2:26 PM Reza Aarabi  wrote:
>> as Marcus said
>> You can not compile the plugin for mac from windows
>> but you can create a build system with CMake that be compatible with all
>> Operating Systems
>> then you should go to the target OS and run the cmake file, and build the
>> related plugin
>> windows: mll
>> linux: so
>> mac: bundle (not sure)
>> but you have to have Maya(version> SDK  to build and compile your plugin
>> against it in your target OS
>> On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 2:15 PM Marcus Ottosson 
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, that's not an issue. The version of Maya you build for is
>>> determined by the SDK you use, e.g. the Maya 2020 SDK for Maya 2020
>>> plug-ins. The only thing to bear in mind is that the compiler version needs
>>> to match the Maya compiler version, so VS 2015 or 2019 for Maya 2018-2022.
>>> You can't build for Mac with VS.
>>> On Sun, 10 Oct 2021 at 11:47, Rudi Hammad  wrote:
>>>> hello,
>>>> the title of the thread sums it up really.
>>>> I wonder if there is an easy way to compile the plugins for multiple
>>>> maya's and platforms(windows and mac mainly) at once with visual studio.
>>>> I couldn't find much info googling, or maybe a missed it.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> R
>>>> --
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>> --
>> -
>> *--= Reza Aarabi =--*
>> * <>*
> --
> -
> *--= Reza Aarabi =--*
> * <>*


*--= Reza Aarabi =--*
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Re: [Maya-Python] Compiling plugins in Visual Studio for multiple maya versions and platforms

2021-10-13 Thread Reza Aarabi
btw, in windows you don't have to use Visual Studio, you can use Visual
Studio build file that is `cl.exe`
in linux you should use `gcc`
and in mac you can use `clang`

cl, gcc and clang are C++ Compilers

On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 2:26 PM Reza Aarabi  wrote:

> as Marcus said
> You can not compile the plugin for mac from windows
> but you can create a build system with CMake that be compatible with all
> Operating Systems
> then you should go to the target OS and run the cmake file, and build the
> related plugin
> windows: mll
> linux: so
> mac: bundle (not sure)
> but you have to have Maya(version> SDK  to build and compile your plugin
> against it in your target OS
> On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 2:15 PM Marcus Ottosson 
> wrote:
>> Yes, that's not an issue. The version of Maya you build for is determined
>> by the SDK you use, e.g. the Maya 2020 SDK for Maya 2020 plug-ins. The only
>> thing to bear in mind is that the compiler version needs to match the Maya
>> compiler version, so VS 2015 or 2019 for Maya 2018-2022. You can't build
>> for Mac with VS.
>> On Sun, 10 Oct 2021 at 11:47, Rudi Hammad  wrote:
>>> hello,
>>> the title of the thread sums it up really.
>>> I wonder if there is an easy way to compile the plugins for multiple
>>> maya's and platforms(windows and mac mainly) at once with visual studio.
>>> I couldn't find much info googling, or maybe a missed it.
>>> thanks,
>>> R
>>> --
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> --
> -
> *--= Reza Aarabi =--*
> * <>*


*--= Reza Aarabi =--*
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Re: [Maya-Python] Compiling plugins in Visual Studio for multiple maya versions and platforms

2021-10-13 Thread Reza Aarabi
as Marcus said
You can not compile the plugin for mac from windows
but you can create a build system with CMake that be compatible with all
Operating Systems
then you should go to the target OS and run the cmake file, and build the
related plugin
windows: mll
linux: so
mac: bundle (not sure)

but you have to have Maya(version> SDK  to build and compile your plugin
against it in your target OS

On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 2:15 PM Marcus Ottosson 

> Yes, that's not an issue. The version of Maya you build for is determined
> by the SDK you use, e.g. the Maya 2020 SDK for Maya 2020 plug-ins. The only
> thing to bear in mind is that the compiler version needs to match the Maya
> compiler version, so VS 2015 or 2019 for Maya 2018-2022. You can't build
> for Mac with VS.
> On Sun, 10 Oct 2021 at 11:47, Rudi Hammad  wrote:
>> hello,
>> the title of the thread sums it up really.
>> I wonder if there is an easy way to compile the plugins for multiple
>> maya's and platforms(windows and mac mainly) at once with visual studio.
>> I couldn't find much info googling, or maybe a missed it.
>> thanks,
>> R
>> --
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>> <>
>> .
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*--= Reza Aarabi =--*
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Re: [Maya-Python] V Crypt System

2021-09-13 Thread Reza Aarabi
he scene is 
>>>>>>>>>>>> loaded?
>>>>>>>>>>>> When it comes to protecting stuff like code, usually you hear
>>>>>>>>>>>> the best security is to just never let the source get onto the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> client side.
>>>>>>>>>>>> But with DCC scene files if you have to work with them locally 
>>>>>>>>>>>> then it
>>>>>>>>>>>> feels like there is going to be some way to defeat it. Once its 
>>>>>>>>>>>> unencrypted
>>>>>>>>>>>> in the DCC, there must be a weakness that might just be more 
>>>>>>>>>>>> obscure to
>>>>>>>>>>>> many people and the security is really just focused on the obvious 
>>>>>>>>>>>> act of
>>>>>>>>>>>> copying files around. Probably the better approach is just not 
>>>>>>>>>>>> letting
>>>>>>>>>>>> people work on their person workstations and only support a remote
>>>>>>>>>>>> workstation solution like teradici.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 4 Sept 2021 at 19:50, Rudi Hammad 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes I am refereing to the actual file, not source code.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here's a usecase:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> due to covid a lot of production are done remotly. In
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somecase you can connect  by logging remotly to office computers 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to work,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in which case no protection is needed since it pretty much as if 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the office.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But in many cases, the files are sent to personal computers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let's say  you rig  characters  that are sent to 10 different 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> animators to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their personal computers. Despite the NDAs, its impossible to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> police
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specially if you don't know the client but you don't want to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> miss the opportunity to get a job. There is no guaranty that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> someone will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not leak the file outside the production.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So here is where you use in V Crypt system. It is not like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you are recieving a file from an untrusted source because you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are part of a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> production and you know that your .mb and .ma files are from the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rigger not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> form a the prince
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of niggeria that is asking you for money XD.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's seem a pretty secure way of working don't you think?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you know you recieve a file that is encrypted because you know 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you are in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> production context. You can open it and work with it. It simply 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> won't work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> outside you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2021 a las 20:06:47 UTC+2,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marcus Ottosson escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To protect the contents of a Maya file? Typically protection
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would involve software, like Python source, but you mean to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect like a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> model or some animation? At that point, why wouldn’t you just 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hold onto the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file, and not send it or make it publicly available? Maybe you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particualr usecase in mind, because I can’t quite see it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also I would be most weary opening an .mb from an untrusted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> source. That’s what .ma is for, so you can inspect it for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any script-related things. I’ve been bitten before and, as they 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> saying
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> goes, fool me once.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 4 Sept 2021 at 16:17, Rudi Hammad <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a while a go I create a thread about protecting your work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Along the same lines I saw this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> V Crypt maya files
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So in theory, you can generate a license for the computer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mac address, and inside your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .ma and .mb so some kind of assertion make sure sure that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the file is being open in the right computer. And since both 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> files are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> crypted, you can remove that block of the code.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, if you try to saveAs, it is saved with th crypted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> format.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It seems like a good solution right? what do you think?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> R
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Re: [Maya-Python] Re: News: Additional Manager for Group

2021-06-01 Thread Reza Aarabi
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