If you want to play around with the PPC before buying one, try using the
following emulator.  It can be run from a usb key.  In that way, you can
take your virtual ppc "anywhere with you".

http://www.furrygoat.com/2005/09/portable_ce_20.html Portable Win CE 

This pocket pc on an usb stick will run all of the currently embedded apps
that ship with WIndows mobile 5.0 as an example.  Plus you can add software
such as pythonce and run it.  FOr whatever reason, I could not get wxPython
to play in this environment so I have scrubbed playing with it.  IT is not
all that stable and  from my experience there seems to be no guarabntee that
an app which runs within the emulator, will run on the hardware device (or
vice versa)

You will be able to see how things work.  The speed of the emulator is not
that great so you may not be able to accurately access if certain software
packages will run fast enough for you.

Anyways, its a good place to start playing with windows mobile apps before
investing any money.  I initially liked working with the emulator because I
could run pocket pc software with a screen resolution of 640 x 480 rather
than that dinky 320 x 240.  But the inability to get a software
configuration that works on the hardware device, to run on the emulator, has
caused me to dump it.

If you want a better understanding of the differences between pythonce and
python, visit the web site.

http://pythonce.sourceforge.net/Wikka/HomePage pythonce 

In general, most features work.  There are some nifty debugging capabilities
that I wished  worked and a number of os and sys functions that aren't there
in the pocket pc version but overall, its a pretty good emulation.  The
biggest problem is with building a GUI that is portable between your desktop
and the pocket pc.  The simplest GUI for me is TKinter but the widgets are
very limited.  I added TkTable which helps a bit.  Plus I have used
BWidgets.  The latter works great on the desktop but one widget, the combo
box blows up on the ppc.

JBirdAngel wrote:
> Hello, 
> i am looking into Pocket PC's and am wanting to better understand the
> options for programming on them.  python is what im most familiar
> with
> on dekstops, but still am not a programmer, i like that it is portable
> and so on, so id like to be able to program on my pocket PC but have
> the program be as cross platform as possible, i dont fully understand
> what all the differences betweeen PythonCE and Python for the desktop
> mean in relation to how it would affect the portability of the
> programs, so i am wondering about that.. 
> also is PythonCE continually and currently being developed? 
> what all are my options for programming on Pocket PC's for a variety of
> platforms or where is the best place to look?  it looks like various
> microsoft things are used alot for pocket PC's but it sounds like they
> are very platform restricted and so not at all what im interested in. 
> ive also seen a couple things like Pocket Programming Language and
> Go-DB, but i am not familiar enough with programming languages to
> udnerstand what all these are capable of, and i would of course prefer
> something that doest cost money. 
> things i might program would range so i cant really specify what
> exactly id be interested in, but i would like to be able to program on
> a Pocket PC for something that is intended for a Desktop, so if i came
> up with some kind of program suited directly to an individual need of
> say a store, i would like to be able to program for it on the pocket PC
> even if its something that no Pocket PC would ever use, is this
> possible? 
> i dont want to be limited and would want the program to work on as wide
> a range of things as possible, the Pocket PC as well as Linux/desktop
> windows.. 
> also i dont know all that much about pocket pc's at this point, i read
> that one of the cons to consider for python is people having to
> download it in order to run the program as well as the size, any
> suggestions for better understanding all the consequences of this? 
> and
> affects of taking up the more space would take? 
> on the newer Pocket PC's that have 400Mhz or up to i think 600mhz(?) 
> is there alot of noticeable slowness with python being interpreted? or
> how can i better understand to compare the possibilities that may be
> open to me as far as programming on a pocket pc. 
> i am very new to pocket pc's and new to python as well but have read
> some on it, but i really dont understand how it all works or the
> differences at this point, for example there is a pocket pc program
> called Pocket Artist that seems to me to have the main features one
> would want from GIMP or Photoshop, yet it takes up like 4mb or
> something? i dont understand how such a featurefull program can take up
> such little space, and why then do desktop programs take up so much
> more space? 
> if this is an improper place for these questions please let em know as
> im not sure where to go with these questions exactly? 
> also if its okay to ask more genaric PPC question, as i do not
> currently have a PPC is there a way to see on my desktop what it would
> be like to use one, for example id like to better understand how web
> surfing would look on one and it would be nice to be able to try like
> the free trial of some softwares for PPC and see if it functions enough
> for me, as i am looking into the possiblity of using a Pocket PC as my
> main computer, which the uses i would want are email/web
> surfing/programming/ visual communication/web design, and all of this
> does look possible to suite what im looking for. 
> thank you - jason 
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