Re: Problem with OpenOffice 4.1 Crashing While Trying to Open Some Word Documents

2014-05-01 Thread Marcolongo

No problem opening the file
AOO410m14(Build:9760)  -  Rev. 1573601
2014-03-03 17:47:48 (Mo, 03 Mrz 2014)
Italian language and Win 8.1 (64bit)

Il 01/05/2014 16:12, Maryna Martynenko ha scritto:

No problem opening the file
AOO410m1(Build:9750)  -  Rev. 1560934
Win 8.1

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Edwin Sharp wrote:

No problem opening the file
AOO410m18(Build:9764)  -  Rev. 1589052
2014-04-22 11:43:54 (Di, 22 Apr 2014)
Win 7

On Thu, May 1, 2014, at 16:44, David Goldfield wrote:

OK, I'm going to assume that there may be something flaky with my

installation and that this isn't some sort of bug but I'd like confirmation
from one of you, if you wouldn't mind.

I have a copy of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, a book in the

public domain, and it consistently causes OO Writer to hang when I try to
open it as well as some other big Word files.  It then says that Writer is
not responding.

I have the file in my Dropbox folder, if someone else could verify that

this is or isn't a global problem.

The file is at

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Re: Fwd: [RELEASE]: propose RC3 on revision 1586584

2014-04-14 Thread Marcolongo
I downloaded RC3 and I tried to install it. He asked me to close the 
program running and quick starter, I had already closed before. The 
installation was interrupted.

I continue to work with RC2.
Gian Paolo Marcolongo

Il 14/04/2014 11:58, Yuzhen Fan ha scritto:

RC 3 is announced available by Juergen :

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 5:51 PM, Edwin Sharp wrote:

Another suggestion:
We should aim for smallest code base.
The smaller the code is, the better chances an update won't break anything.
This can be achieved by:
a. removal of non used features
b. making less used features available via extensions
c. one UI element per task (avoiding duplicates in UI)
d. rewriting certain modules more efficiently (i.e. performing the same
task with 80 lines of code instead 100 lines of code)

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014, at 14:24, Yuzhen Fan wrote:

Hi QAs and all volunteers,

You are invited to test this RC3 if you have time and would like


to the AOO 4.1.0. Please do testing widely and intensively, from
installation, functions to integration with other applications in your

Any critical problems you find, please report immediately. Thank you!

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jürgen Schmidt
Date: Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 6:57 PM
Subject: [RELEASE]: propose RC3 on revision 1586584
To: dev


I would like to propose a new RC3 based on revision 1586584 of our
AOO410 release branch.

Integrated fixes for

The fix for is not
integrated because it is not really critical and the fix is not yet well
enough tested.

It is potentially not understandable for people why we don't integrate
all available fixes but our experience have shown that even minor and on
the first look uncritical fixes can cause regressions. As acting release
manager it is my goal to stabilize the release branch and bring the
planned release out. I am sometimes to optimistic and over motivated and
try to push a release. But this time it becomes again clear that our
code base is tricky and complex and we need probably more time to
stabilize and test it. We published a Beta with 20 downloads and
received no critical feedback which was promising. But with the first RC
we got several critical issues and partly on code that is in the product
since last year. I am sure we can do better and the question after the
release will be how we can improve this. Quality is important for us and
I invite all to think about ways how we can improve this together.


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Yu Zhen

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Re: Fwd: [RELEASE]: propose RC3 on revision 1586584

2014-04-11 Thread Marcolongo

I'm using RC2 without problems. Win 8.1 64bit
I wait RC3
Gian Paolo Marcolongo

Il 11/04/2014 13:54, Edwin Sharp ha scritto:

Thanks Yuzhen!
Where to download?
IMHO we need
alpha feature freeze
beta feature freeze+fixing freeze
RC feature freeze+fixing freeze+testing freeze

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014, at 14:24, Yuzhen Fan wrote:

Hi QAs and all volunteers,

You are invited to test this RC3 if you have time and would like contribute
to the AOO 4.1.0. Please do testing widely and intensively, from
installation, functions to integration with other applications in your

Any critical problems you find, please report immediately. Thank you!

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jürgen Schmidt
Date: Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 6:57 PM
Subject: [RELEASE]: propose RC3 on revision 1586584
To: dev


I would like to propose a new RC3 based on revision 1586584 of our
AOO410 release branch.

Integrated fixes for

The fix for is not
integrated because it is not really critical and the fix is not yet well
enough tested.

It is potentially not understandable for people why we don't integrate
all available fixes but our experience have shown that even minor and on
the first look uncritical fixes can cause regressions. As acting release
manager it is my goal to stabilize the release branch and bring the
planned release out. I am sometimes to optimistic and over motivated and
try to push a release. But this time it becomes again clear that our
code base is tricky and complex and we need probably more time to
stabilize and test it. We published a Beta with 20 downloads and
received no critical feedback which was promising. But with the first RC
we got several critical issues and partly on code that is in the product
since last year. I am sure we can do better and the question after the
release will be how we can improve this. Quality is important for us and
I invite all to think about ways how we can improve this together.


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Yu Zhen

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Re: Beta Survey

2014-03-17 Thread Marcolongo
For me, the proposed list is exhaustive. I'm using the beta version 
without any problems.

I have no other additional questions
Gian Paolo Marcolongo

Il 17/03/2014 13:08, Rob Weir ha scritto:

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 9:16 AM, Rob Weir wrote:

The purpose of having a beta release of 4.1 is to gather feedback from
users.  Reports to Bugzilla or the mailing list is one source of
feedback.  But that doesn't give us a good sense of coverage.  If
there were no beta testers of the Bulgarian translation (for example)
then we'd probably want to take a closer look, at that specific

I'm putting together a beta survey that we can have beta testers fill
out, to record their testing experience.  I'm thinking of questions

My question was not very clear.  Sorry.  This note was not a survey.
It was asking for feedback on what questions we should ask on a
survey.  The questions I have here were proposed questions.  If we can
reach consensus on this I can code the survey into our LimeSurvey
instance and we can collect this information from users of the public



1) What platform they ran with

2) What language they used

3) How many hours they have used AOO beta

4) Which apps did they use

5) What file formats did they read/write

6) Link to a list of P1 bugs reported on beta:   Did they encounter
any of these bugs?

7) Did they encounter any other bugs?  (Nudge them to enter a BZ report)

8) Did they try any of the new features in AOO 4.1 (list them)

9) Any other comments (free text response)

Does anyone have any other suggested questions?

The plan would be to send out the survey early next week, before the
beta period is done, so we can react to any feedback.


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Re: Beta Survey

2014-03-15 Thread Marcolongo
Thank you, Andrea. Problem with 4.0.1 has been resolved, following the 
instructions of the link -,

Gian Paolo Marcolongo

Il 15/03/2014 17:35, Andrea Pescetti ha scritto:

Marcolongo wrote:

I did not understand where I need to update my profile. However, my OS
is in Italian.


Ask on the utenti mailing lists in Italian (read ) if you need further 
details for your specific OS version.


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Re: Beta Survey

2014-03-14 Thread Marcolongo

I apologize in advance if my English is not perfect or too elementary.
I installed the BETA version three days ago and I'm using it instead of 
the version 4.0.1

Using two components in Writer and Calc MSOffice-compatible format.
The overall impression is good. No crash. It is slightly faster than the 
previous one. Let's move on to the list.

1) Platform Vindows pro 8.1 64bit, updated March 13, 2014
2) Italian language
3) about 8 hours a day.
4) writer and calc
5) format. Doc and. Xls
6) no bugs
7) no
8) no. I need to retrieve the list
9) during installation copied bad three extensions (two epub converters 
and one dictionary), taking outdated versions. You did not copy the 
customizations made. It has taken some personal definitions deleted. 
Apart from that there were no problems. Only doubt. Version 4.0.1 has 
abnormal behavior. It does not recognize the language and reports errors 
even where there are not. I also tried the REPAIR option without success.

Gian Paolo Marcolongo

Il 14/03/2014 14:16, Rob Weir ha scritto:

1) What platform they ran with

2) What language they used

3) How many hours they have used AOO beta

4) Which apps did they use

5) What file formats did they read/write

6) Link to a list of P1 bugs reported on beta:   Did they encounter
any of these bugs?

7) Did they encounter any other bugs?  (Nudge them to enter a BZ report)

8) Did they try any of the new features in AOO 4.1 (list them)

9) Any other comments (free text response)

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Re: Issue with defining default format

2013-08-06 Thread Marcolongo

I have italian version v4.0 and I don't see writer8. all definitions are 
spelled correctly

Gian Paolo

Il 06/08/2013 19:25, Andrea Pescetti ha scritto:

Edwin Sharp wrote:

No list of formats in Tools - Options...

Tools - Options - Load/Save - General.

In the Italian version I see a writer8 in the list that is 
definitely a bug, but it will need to be investigated to see if this 
happens due to profile migration, translation issues...


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Re: Call for volunteers for AOO 4.0 performance test.

2013-02-27 Thread Marcolongo
I'm a italian volunteer. I would like to run performance tests for 
italian project.

I have windows 8 pro 64.
Gian Paolo Marcolongo

Il 27/02/2013 15:49, Anders Kvibäck ha scritto:


Yes, I would like to run performance tests. I've started to look into the
link about  automated testing that you reffered to.
There it says that I have to disable color calibration. But is this
possible in Windows Vista.? I just can't find out how to do it. As far as I
understand it this is only possible in Windows 7- which I don't have

2013/2/26 Yi Xuan Liu

Rob, I agree with you. The test environment configuration would impact the
performance test results. Therefore, we should keep the test configuration
unchanged between build to build.

I checked performance bugs list in bugzilla. 5 performance bugs are found
in automation performance test, such as memory leak and save performance

Lots of performance bugs are found in AOO daily usage. Therefore, for
volunteers who are not willing to run automation performance, you can also
report bugs for any performance issue and it will be helpful for us.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 9:16 PM, Rob Weir wrote:

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 11:42 PM, Yi Xuan Liu

Hi, all:

AOO 4.0 will release. Performance plays an important role in software
quality. Is there any volunteer who want to run performance test?

I've run AOO performance test on my own machines. I've tried on 3
platforms: Windows XP, Ubuntu 10.04, Mac Mac OS 10.7.3. The test


are as follows:

(1) W500; CPU:2.53 GHz; Mem: 3GB; OS: XP SP3
(2) Ubuntu; CPU: Interl® Core™ 2 Duo 2 GHz; Mem: 3GB; OS: Ubuntu 10.04
(3) Mac; CPU: Interl® Core™ 2 Duo 2 GHz; Mem: 3GB; OS: Mac OS 10.7.3

I assume the volunteer does not need to have exactly the same machine
type as you had.   But they need some stability in the configuration.
  A performance test might be run first on the AOO 3.4.1 release to
establish a baseline.  Then re-test on a current 4.0 snapshot build.
And then re-run on new dev snapshot builds, maybe once a week.

The goal is to detect performance regressions early, so developers can



The technical challenge here is to preserve a stable machine
configuration.  If the machine changes, because of an OS upgrade, or a
changed hard drive, or a different network environment, or because of
a new anti-virus product, then that confuses things.  We need to
control all the variables.

One approach to controlling all of the variables is to have a machine
that is used for nothing but performance testing.  That way we know
the machine's base performance does not change.

Another approach is re-run the baseline AOO 3.4.1 performance tests
each week.  This is more tolerant of changes in machine configuration,


The test scenario include: AOO startup, file open, and save.

Volunteers could run performance test on other platforms.

All the automation scripts could be downloaded in AOO project. And it


not difficult to set the automation environment. You could follow the


For any questions, be free to contact with me :)

Re: Hi

2013-01-05 Thread Marcolongo

Il 05/01/2013 18:00, Michel Futtersack ha scritto:

NO, i am not the boss, i am a newbie !!! and i am expecting also for 
an assignement !

Are you the boss that was talked about in the confirmation letter??? 
What is my first assignment???

No! I'm not the boss. I'm only a volunteer