Hi Peoples,

i guess, Qemu would have been more popular, if exist a really well Gui
for Users who whant work in cli/promt.
It's give not a possible for build up a .. maybe a QT-Surface for Qemu, something like Qemu Manager, but this/QM it is nomore on the current state and it is not maintained anymore .. i have wrote something on reboot.pro as suggestion : http://reboot.pro/topic/21103-a-pretty-well-gui-for-qemu/

would be great , if something exist in future
to be in able for use qemu in grafical and with all
possibilitys what should be possible.. also in Gui :)
and QT it is well for the big 3 Desk-Systems

best regards

communitymember of Reactos.org
communitymember of OpenMandriva.org

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