I'm trying to emulate a USB thumb drive from a .img file. My current
arguments for that look like this:

-drive file=/path/to/file.img,if=none,id=drive-usb0,format=raw -device
nec-usb-xhci,id=xhci -device usb-s

It works but the device shows up as 46f4:0001 (vendor="QEMU", product="QEMU
USB HARDDRIVE") which my guest really doesn't like. Is there a way to
change the vendor id and product id? I looked everywhere, the manpage,
forums, I even asked ChatGPT in desperation(which surprisingly kinda
worked. It told me about the "serial" parameter which I also needed to
spoof.), nothing.

All I found was an email on this mailing list:
 (I don't know how to properly link a thread, this is my first time using a
mailing list, sorry)
It contains a hacky(as described by the author themself) patch to take vid
and pid but it's from 2015 and uses "-usbdevice disk" which is deprecated,
I believe.

Is there a way to set vid and pid in current versions of QEMU or do I
need to adjust that patch to "-drive usb-storage" myself?

Thanks in advance


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