
In my organization we have machines with obsolete OpenCL.DLL in their
\windows\system32 (they have 1.x version, while QGIS needs at least 2.x).

The solution is to restore the OpenCL.dll into %OSGEO_ROOT%\bin from the
QIGS standalone installation package, that is removed by the setup
installer after checking the existence of C:\windows\system32\opencl.dll.

The problem is that with that obsolete version QGIS refuses to start with
this error:

Unable to find the entry point. clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties from
OpenCL.dll library

Luca Manganelli
Assistente informatico
Servizio Innovazione e Sistemi digitali
Via Ezio Maccani 148
38121 Trento (TN)


Comune di Trento 

via Belenzani, 19 - 38122 Trento | C.F e P. IVA: 

tel. +39 0461.884111 | www.comune.trento.it 
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