Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Development server - Service WMS is not registered

2020-04-20 Thread Uros Preloznik

Thanks for responding and sorry for the mess. I tried again without
install, just "make" so I'm only using output directory from build_master.
So this now works. I understand I need only build folder so installing was
just messing everything. Response from development server is now

uros@Mint19:~/dev/cpp/QGIS/build_master$ ./output/bin/qgis_mapserver
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
QGIS Development Server listening on http://localhost:8000
CTRL+C to exit
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]: Qgis Server Settings:
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_OPTIONS_PATH / '' (Override the
default path for user configuration): '' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_SERVER_PARALLEL_RENDERING /
'/qgis/parallel_rendering' (Activate/Deactivate parallel rendering for WMS
getMap request): 'false' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_SERVER_MAX_THREADS /
'/qgis/max_threads' (Number of threads to use when parallel rendering is
activated): '-1' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL / '' (Log level):
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_SERVER_LOG_FILE / '' (Log file): ''
(read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_SERVER_LOG_STDERR / ''
(Activate/Deactivate logging to stderr): '1' (read from
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_PROJECT_FILE / '' (QGIS project
file): '' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - MAX_CACHE_LAYERS / '' (Specify the maximum
number of cached layers): '100' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_SERVER_CACHE_DIRECTORY /
'/cache/directory' (Specify the cache directory):
'/home/uros/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/cache' (read from
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_SERVER_CACHE_SIZE / '/cache/size'
(Specify the cache size): '52428800' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_SERVER_SHOW_GROUP_SEPARATOR /
'/locale/showGroupSeparator' (Show group (thousands) separator): 'false'
(read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
'/locale/userLocale' (Override system locale): 'en_US' (read from INI_FILE)
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_SERVER_WMS_MAX_HEIGHT /
'/qgis/max_wms_height' (Maximum height for a WMS request. The lower one of
this and the project configuration is used.): '-1' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_SERVER_WMS_MAX_WIDTH /
'/qgis/max_wms_width' (Maximum width for a WMS request. The most
conservative between this and the project one is used): '-1' (read from
'/qgis/server_api_resources_directory' (Base directory where HTML templates
and static assets (e.g. images, js and css files) are searched for):
(read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]:   - QGIS_SERVER_API_WFS3_MAX_LIMIT /
'/qgis/server_api_wfs3_max_limit' (Maximum value for "limit" in a features
request, defaults to 1): '1' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]: Ini file used to initialize settings:
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]: cacheDirectory:
09:51:12 INFO Server[15333]: maximumCacheSize: 52428800
09:51:13 INFO Server[15333]: Prefix  PATH:
09:51:13 INFO Server[15333]: Plugin  PATH:
09:51:13 INFO Server[15333]: PkgData PATH:
09:51:13 INFO Server[15333]: User DB PATH:
09:51:13 INFO Server[15333]: Auth DB PATH:
09:51:13 INFO Server[15333]: SVG PATHS:
"Loading native module
09:51:13 INFO Server[15333]: Adding service SampleService 1.0
"Loading native module
09:51:13 INFO Server[15333]: Adding service WCS 1.0.0
"Loading native module
09:51:13 INFO Server[15333]: Adding service WFS 1.1.0
"Loading native module
09:51:14 WARNING [15333]: Adding API OGC WFS3 (Draft)
"Loading native module
09:51:14 INFO Server[15333]: Adding service WMS 1.3.0
"Loading native module
09:51:14 INFO Server[15333]: Adding service WMTS 1.0.0

Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Development server - Service WMS is not registered

2020-04-20 Thread Jorge Gustavo Rocha
Hi Uroš,

QGIS Server is complaining about the missing
output/lib/ That library should be generated by your
compilation. Can you check the compilation output? Make sure that
library exist (and the other libraries). You should have:

ls output/lib/lib*.0

output/lib/  output/lib/
 output/lib/  output/lib/
output/lib/   output/lib/

I don't know if that is the problem, but there is something missing in
your build step.


Jorge Gustavo

On 20/04/20 08:06, Uros Preloznik wrote:
> Hi,
> I found couple of minor issues in QGIS Server 3.10 and wanted to make
> some test requests before posting issue, so it will be possible to
> replicate issue.
> So I build QGIS master and tried Development server, which I think is
> really cool to try and test things.
> For building I used this parameters
> and then sudo make install
> I can start development server. Output from start:
> uros@Mint19:~/dev/cpp/QGIS/build_master$ ./output/bin/qgis_mapserver
> qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
> QGIS Development Server listening on http://localhost:8000
> CTRL+C to exit
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: Qgis Server Settings:
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_OPTIONS_PATH / '' (Override the
> default path for user configuration): '' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_PARALLEL_RENDERING /
> '/qgis/parallel_rendering' (Activate/Deactivate parallel rendering for
> WMS getMap request): 'false' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_MAX_THREADS /
> '/qgis/max_threads' (Number of threads to use when parallel rendering is
> activated): '-1' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL / '' (Log level):
> '0' (read from ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_LOG_FILE / '' (Log file):
> '' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_LOG_STDERR / ''
> (Activate/Deactivate logging to stderr): '1' (read from
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_PROJECT_FILE / '' (QGIS project
> file): '' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - MAX_CACHE_LAYERS / '' (Specify the
> maximum number of cached layers): '100' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_CACHE_DIRECTORY /
> '/cache/directory' (Specify the cache directory):
> '/home/uros/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/cache' (read from
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_CACHE_SIZE / '/cache/size'
> (Specify the cache size): '52428800' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_SHOW_GROUP_SEPARATOR /
> '/locale/showGroupSeparator' (Show group (thousands) separator): 'false'
> (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_OVERRIDE_SYSTEM_LOCALE /
> '/locale/userLocale' (Override system locale): 'en_US' (read from INI_FILE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_WMS_MAX_HEIGHT /
> '/qgis/max_wms_height' (Maximum height for a WMS request. The lower one
> of this and the project configuration is used.): '-1' (read from
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_WMS_MAX_WIDTH /
> '/qgis/max_wms_width' (Maximum width for a WMS request. The most
> conservative between this and the project one is used): '-1' (read from
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_API_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY /
> '/qgis/server_api_resources_directory' (Base directory where HTML
> templates and static assets (e.g. images, js and css files) are searched
> for):
> '/home/uros/dev/cpp/QGIS/build-master/output/share/qgis/resources/server/api'
> (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_API_WFS3_MAX_LIMIT /
> '/qgis/server_api_wfs3_max_limit' (Maximum value for "limit" in a
> features request, defaults to 1): '1' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: Ini file used to initialize settings:
> /home/uros/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/QGIS/QGIS3.ini
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: cacheDirectory:
> /home/uros/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/cache/
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: maximumCacheSize: 52428800
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: Prefix  PATH:
> /home/uros/dev/cpp/QGIS/build-master/output
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: Plugin  PATH:
> /home/uros/dev/cpp/QGIS/build-master/output/lib/qgis/plugins
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: PkgData PATH:
> /home/uros/dev/cpp/QGIS/build-master/output/share/qgis
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: User DB PATH:
> /home/uros/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/qgis.db
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: Auth DB PATH:

Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Development server - Service WMS is not registered

2020-04-20 Thread Alessandro Pasotti
On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 9:07 AM Uros Preloznik  wrote:
> Hi,
> I found couple of minor issues in QGIS Server 3.10 and wanted to make some 
> test requests before posting issue, so it will be possible to replicate issue.
> So I build QGIS master and tried Development server, which I think is really 
> cool to try and test things.
> For building I used this parameters
> and then sudo make install

this is normally not required, you can install your build in your user
space with no sudo.

> I can start development server. Output from start:
> uros@Mint19:~/dev/cpp/QGIS/build_master$ ./output/bin/qgis_mapserver

I'm probably missing something but you are NOT launching the binary
you have installed (globally as root)  a few lines above.

> qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
> QGIS Development Server listening on http://localhost:8000
> CTRL+C to exit
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: Qgis Server Settings:
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_OPTIONS_PATH / '' (Override the default 
> path for user configuration): '' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_PARALLEL_RENDERING / 
> '/qgis/parallel_rendering' (Activate/Deactivate parallel rendering for WMS 
> getMap request): 'false' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_MAX_THREADS / 
> '/qgis/max_threads' (Number of threads to use when parallel rendering is 
> activated): '-1' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL / '' (Log level): '0' 
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_LOG_FILE / '' (Log file): '' 
> (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_LOG_STDERR / '' 
> (Activate/Deactivate logging to stderr): '1' (read from ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_PROJECT_FILE / '' (QGIS project file): 
> '' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - MAX_CACHE_LAYERS / '' (Specify the maximum 
> number of cached layers): '100' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_CACHE_DIRECTORY / 
> '/cache/directory' (Specify the cache directory): 
> '/home/uros/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/cache' (read from 
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_CACHE_SIZE / '/cache/size' 
> (Specify the cache size): '52428800' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_SHOW_GROUP_SEPARATOR / 
> '/locale/showGroupSeparator' (Show group (thousands) separator): 'false' 
> (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_OVERRIDE_SYSTEM_LOCALE / 
> '/locale/userLocale' (Override system locale): 'en_US' (read from INI_FILE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_WMS_MAX_HEIGHT / 
> '/qgis/max_wms_height' (Maximum height for a WMS request. The lower one of 
> this and the project configuration is used.): '-1' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_WMS_MAX_WIDTH / 
> '/qgis/max_wms_width' (Maximum width for a WMS request. The most conservative 
> between this and the project one is used): '-1' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_API_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY / 
> '/qgis/server_api_resources_directory' (Base directory where HTML templates 
> and static assets (e.g. images, js and css files) are searched for): 
> '/home/uros/dev/cpp/QGIS/build-master/output/share/qgis/resources/server/api' 
> (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]:   - QGIS_SERVER_API_WFS3_MAX_LIMIT / 
> '/qgis/server_api_wfs3_max_limit' (Maximum value for "limit" in a features 
> request, defaults to 1): '1' (read from DEFAULT_VALUE)
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: Ini file used to initialize settings: 
> /home/uros/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/QGIS/QGIS3.ini
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: cacheDirectory: 
> /home/uros/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/cache/
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: maximumCacheSize: 52428800
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: Prefix  PATH: 
> /home/uros/dev/cpp/QGIS/build-master/output
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: Plugin  PATH: 
> /home/uros/dev/cpp/QGIS/build-master/output/lib/qgis/plugins
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: PkgData PATH: 
> /home/uros/dev/cpp/QGIS/build-master/output/share/qgis
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: User DB PATH: 
> /home/uros/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/qgis.db
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: Auth DB PATH: 
> /home/uros/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/qgis-auth.db
> 08:58:28 INFO Server[26649]: SVG PATHS: 
> /home/uros/dev/cpp/QGIS/build-master/output/share/qgis/svg/:/home/uros/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/svg/
> 08:58:28 WARNING No Authentication Methods[26649]: No QGIS auth method 
> plugins found in:
> /home/uros/dev/cpp/QGIS/build-master/output/lib/qgis/plugins
> No authentication methods can be used. Check your