Re: [QGIS-it-user] dati traffico google

2018-08-22 Thread Paolo Cavallini


a parte i problemi tecnici (non so se GG espone questi dati tramite una 
AAPI pubblica), dubito che GG li renda disponibili con una licenza 
ragionevolmente usabile.

Se qualcuno ha evidenza del contrario, ben venga!


Il 2018-08-22 18:54 aramis ha scritto:

Buona sera, è possibile visualizzare/scaricare i dati di traffico di
google map? qualche plug-in?
Quelli che vorrei prendere sono i dati del traffico tipico.
Selezionare giorno e orario e poter ottenere il relativo grafo.
Non vedo niente in rete che mi dia informazioni in merito.


QGIS-it-user mailing list

Paolo Cavallini -
QGIS & PostGIS courses:
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[Qgis-user] Missing Processing Toolbox

2018-08-22 Thread Emily Wine
 Hi all!

I'm using:
QGIS Version: 3.2.1-Bonn
Windows 10 64-bit

I am receiving an error message when I start QGIS. The message is as

"Couldn't load plugin 'processing' due to an error when calling its
classFactory() method See message log (Python Error) for more details."

The Message Log (Python Error) reads:

2018-08-22T11:59:47 WARNINGTraceback (most recent call last):
"C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.2/apps/qgis/./python\qgis\", line 337, in
  plugins[packageName] = package.classFactory(iface)
line 37, in classFactory
  return ProcessingPlugin(iface)
line 171, in __init__
line 103, in initialize
line 57, in loadStyles
  alg[tokens[1]] = tokens[2]
 IndexError: list index out of range

Please help me get my Processing Toolbox back.


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[QGIS-it-user] dati traffico google

2018-08-22 Thread aramis
Buona sera, è possibile visualizzare/scaricare i dati di traffico di 
google map? qualche plug-in?
Quelli che vorrei prendere sono i dati del traffico tipico. Selezionare 
giorno e orario e poter ottenere il relativo grafo.

Non vedo niente in rete che mi dia informazioni in merito.


QGIS-it-user mailing list

[QGIS-it-user] Cena GFOSSers e QGISsers a Venezia (Forte Bazzera) 31 luglio 2018

2018-08-22 Thread Amedeo Fadini
Ciao a tutti (scusate il cross-posting),
mentre i più bravi di noi saranno impegnati a Dar es Salaam per il Foss4G,
ci hanno invitato ad essere presenti come comunità Geo Open Source all'end
sumemr camp [0], un ritrovo festoso di persone che a vario titolo
condividono una mentalità di innovazione, condivisione e openness...

Per conto dell'associazione mi preoccupo di mantenere una presenza per i
giorni di giovedì-venerdì e sabato, rinnovo l'invio ai soci vicini a farmi
presente se possono contribuire con una ezza giornata di presenza.

Per tutti quelli (soci, ex-soci, mai-soci, anti-soci...) vicini e lontani
che se la sentono di raggiungere Venezia vorrei organizzare una cena per
venerdì 31, un qualcosa alla buona, devo ancora approfondire gli spetti
logistici... vi invito a segnalarmi se potete raggiungerci e dare
suggerimenti e consigli compilando questo form:

Fatemi sapere!


QGIS-it-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] QGIS Promotional materials in FOSS4G2018

2018-08-22 Thread Tim Sutton
Hi All

Is anyone from Europe coming to FOSS4G2018 that would be prepared to bring a 
load of QGIS stickers (and perhaps other similar materials) along with them? I 
believe we have a budget for making this kind of thing, so it would be great to 
have everyone leave the conference with a nice QGIS sticker on their laptops…..



Tim Sutton

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Re: [Qgis-user] Grass V.clean error in 3.2

2018-08-22 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Please share your solution here.


On 08/22/2018 10:42 AM, Mensio Federico wrote:
> Solved.
> Il giorno mar 21 ago 2018 alle ore 11:59 Mensio Federico
>>> ha scritto:
> V.clean still continue to not working... 
> 2018-07-29 10:42 GMT+02:00 Mensio Federico  >:
> Some news?
> 2018-07-18 12:13 GMT+02:00 Mensio Federico  >:
> Hi everybody, when i use v.clean command in Qgis 3.2 the
> tool doesn't work, it's interrupt itself with this error: 
> processCommands end. Commands: ['g.proj -c
> proj4="+proj=utm +zone=32 +datum=WGS84 +units=m
> +no_defs"', ' min_area=0.0001 snap=1.0
> input="/var/folders/_p/g0dpln352f7fw6mpryz77ddcgn/T/processing_a9636d257dac447bbd86f8483cd9eaa0/87b5209a7b6f4603ba16aaef38245d5a/input.shp"
> output="vector_5b4f11ea685cf4" --overwrite -o', 'g.region
> n=5067532.39079 s=4905848.37989
> e=515019.3946023 w=350249.30290076975', 'v.clean
> input=vector_5b4f11ea685cf4
> type="point,line,boundary,centroid,area,face,kernel"
> tool="break" output=output87b7c1f374d74e19bacb102a76d633e3
> error=error87b7c1f374d74e19bacb102a76d633e3 --overwrite']
> Anyone else have the same problem?
> Qgis 3.2.0 on MacOs
> -- 
> Federico MENSIO
> IPLA spa
> Corso Casale, 476 - 10132 Torino
> Mobile +39.340.06.01.363
> TEL +39.011.432.0443 FAX +
>  -
> -
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> -- 
> Federico MENSIO
> IPLA spa
> Corso Casale, 476 - 10132 Torino
> Mobile +39.340.06.01.363
> TEL +39.011.432.0443 FAX +
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> -- 
> Federico MENSIO
> IPLA spa
> Corso Casale, 476 - 10132 Torino
> Mobile +39.340.06.01.363
> TEL +39.011.432.0443 FAX +
>  -
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> -- 
> Federico MENSIO
> IPLA spa
> Corso Casale, 476 - 10132 Torino
> Mobile +39.340.06.01.363
> TEL +39.011.432.0443 FAX +
>  -

Re: [Qgis-user] vector tools of Grass failed in Qgis 3 Mac os

2018-08-22 Thread Mensio Federico
Now it's works. in effect there was an error when i write the PATH
variable... Thank you so much.

2018-08-21 23:12 GMT+02:00 William Kyngesburye :

> Did you follow the instructions in the Readme to add an environment
> variable?  It's needed for this very reason - external scripts (GRASS,
> GDAL, ...) can't find python without it.
> On Aug 21, 2018, at 5:07 AM, Mensio Federico  wrote:
> Its' seems a problem of Python. Some solution?
> Algorithm 'v.clean' starting…
> Parametri in ingresso:
> { '-b' : False, '-c' : False, 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER' : 0.0001,
> 'GRASS_VECTOR_LCO' : '', 'error' :
> '/var/folders/_p/g0dpln352f7fw6mpryz77ddcgn/T/processing_8fc8a3cd9db144d8a7e04d741f6b2821/510564a2b8db42e393e2254640a879ae/error.shp',
> 'input' : '/progetti/temp/suoli_test.shp', 'output' :
> '/var/folders/_p/g0dpln352f7fw6mpryz77ddcgn/T/processing_8fc8a3cd9db144d8a7e04d741f6b2821/16c02a3f39974724bef28a376b3e63ca/output.shp',
> 'threshold' : '1', 'tool' : [0], 'type' : [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] }
> g.proj -c proj4="+proj=utm +zone=32 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
> min_area=0.0001 snap=1.0 input="/progetti/temp/suoli_test.shp"
> output="vector_5b7be41acf0d87" --overwrite -o
> g.region n=5068419.991296747 s=4905848.37989 e=521593.56898278
> w=350249.30290076975
> v.clean input=vector_5b7be41acf0d87
> type="point,line,boundary,centroid,area,face,kernel" tool="break"
> threshold="1" output=output10c76cc109c14eca860414df206c8505
> error=error10c76cc109c14eca860414df206c8505 --overwrite
> v.out.ogr -c type="auto" input="output10c76cc109c14eca860414df206c8505"
> output="/var/folders/_p/g0dpln352f7fw6mpryz77ddcgn/T/processing_8fc8a3cd9db144d8a7e04d741f6b2821/16c02a3f39974724bef28a376b3e63ca/output.shp"
> format="ESRI_Shapefile" --overwrite
> v.out.ogr -c type="auto" input="error10c76cc109c14eca860414df206c8505"
> output="/var/folders/_p/g0dpln352f7fw6mpryz77ddcgn/T/processing_8fc8a3cd9db144d8a7e04d741f6b2821/510564a2b8db42e393e2254640a879ae/error.shp"
> format="ESRI_Shapefile" --overwrite
> env: python3: No such file or directory
> env: python3: No such file or directory
> Esecuzione completata in 0.64 secondi
> Risultati:
> {'error':  {'sink':/var/folders/_p/g0dpln352f7fw6mpryz77ddcgn/T/processing_8fc8a3cd9db144d8a7e04d741f6b2821/510564a2b8db42e393e2254640a879ae/error.shp,
> 'createOptions': {'fileEncoding': 'System'}}>,
> 'output':  {'sink':/var/folders/_p/g0dpln352f7fw6mpryz77ddcgn/T/processing_8fc8a3cd9db144d8a7e04d741f6b2821/16c02a3f39974724bef28a376b3e63ca/output.shp,
> 'createOptions': {'fileEncoding': 'System'}}>}
> --
> Federico MENSIO
> IPLA spa
> Corso Casale, 476 - 10132 Torino
> Mobile +39.340.06.01.363
> TEL +39.011.432.0443 FAX +
> -
> -
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> Qualora abbiate ricevuto questo documento per errore siete cortesemente
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> Salvaguardiamo l'ambiente: se non ti è necessario, non stampare questa mail
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
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> -
> William Kyngesburye 
> All generalizations are dangerous, even this one.

Federico MENSIO
IPLA spa
Corso Casale, 476 - 10132 Torino
Mobile +39.340.06.01.363
TEL +39.011.432.0443 FAX + -

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Re: [Qgis-user] Point layer output from modeller point parameter

2018-08-22 Thread Philip Barlow
Thanks Nyall,

This isn't mission critical work or anything. What I am experimenting with 
here, taking advantage of the fact that in QGIS 3.x you can point algs in the 
modeller at data outside your project, is creating a set of ready to use 
analysis tools for our users.

Is it worth putting a feature request in for something like this?

I don't know C++ but I've got the python basics and use the console in QGIS 
from time to time, it's a skill I want to develop given time. I'll have a look 
at the template.


-Original Message-
From: Nyall Dawson [] 
Sent: 21 August 2018 23:18
To: Philip Barlow
Cc: qgis-user
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Point layer output from modeller point parameter

On Tue, 21 Aug 2018 at 23:15, Philip Barlow
> Hi folks,
> Is there a way to create a point layer as an output from the point parameter 
> in the modeller? For example if you wanted to record the click location as 
> well as generate e.g. a viewshed or water outlet.
> I’ve had a bit of a trawl through the tools, not found anything that fits the 
> bill yet.

Unfortunately not (at least, not out of the box). There's an algorithm
which converts an extent parameter to a vector layer, but the
equivalent doesn't exist (yet) for point parameters.

The source for "extent to layer" is at,
if you know c++ and feel like adding a point version. Otherwise, you
could use a similar approach and create a python script algorithm
using the script template to do this task.


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Re: [Qgis-user] What Plug in does live GPS input in QGIS?

2018-08-22 Thread Brent Wood

The QGIS panel allows you to manually save individual GPS points to a currently 
open & editable point layer - a mouse click on the button does this. Upon 
saving a point, you will be presented with a dialogue box to enter the values 
for any fields (attributes) defined in the map layer.

There is also a check box in the pane to log the NMEA GPS data to file. You can 
then use a Python QGIS NMEA plugin (nmea2qgis2) to open the saved GPS NMEA data 
file, and optionally save as a shapefile. This is an experimental plugin, so 
you will need to enable these.

I just used this plugin today - and found a bug in the python code which 
incorrectly converts southern hemisphere latitudes to decimal degrees, but this 
is a simple fix, & I'll email the author to hopefully fix the code. Prior to 
this I used an awk script to convert the GGA lines in a QGIS GPS log file to 
points, with a counter allowing them to be ordered and easily turned into a 
line by another QGIS plugin (Points2One).

Hope this helps...

Brent Wood

Programme leader: Environmental Information Delivery
DDI:  +64 (4) 3860529

Brent Wood
Principal Technician - GIS and Spatial Data Management
Programme Leader - Environmental Information Delivery
T +64-4-386-0529

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From: Qgis-user  on behalf of Joep Orbons 

Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 17:40
Subject: [Qgis-user] What Plug in does live GPS input in QGIS?

Hi all,
The QGIS plugin "GPS tools" imports and exports GPX files. But I need a plug in 
to live grab GPS data. I connect my GPS to an USB port. The GPS sends 
continuously an ASCII string with GPS data and I would like to visualise the 
live data on a QGIS map and store points when I hit a functionkey. A sort of 
surveyors tool. Anyone any ideas?

[logo ArcheoPro Algemeen, Mailsize]
drs. ing. Joep Orbons
Senior Archeoloog, Senior Specialist Geofysica
St Jozefstraat 45, 6245 LL Eijsden
Tel: +31 43 3672586

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