Re: [QGIS-it-user] QGIS 3.10 (v. GDAL 3) e pannello "Select Transformation"

2019-11-19 Thread Luca Bellani
Grazie mille Andrea. Ora, ho tutto piú chiaro su come funziona.
Il problema é:

dopo aver accettato la trasformazione (1) tra 6372 a 32615, esce un errore
in rosso, che dice que non trova o riesce a eseguire la trasformazione.
1) Il layer (é un lago) 6372, sparisce, e si localizza completamente

2) il pannelo mi presenta la trasformazione d ialtri layer: uno su tutti, un
layer datato, con NAD83 EPSG: 4140, cil pannello manda immagini che sia in
zona CAnadá?

Appena ho empo preparo un progettino per condividerlo, Grazie!

Sent from:
QGIS-it-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] PostGIS- erroneous query : Unable to get list of tables from DB

2019-11-19 Thread Laurence Béchet
Thanks Boris and Jason for your messages. I tried your suggestion but it 
still doesn't work (new error message 'permission denied for relation 

However, I think that you miss the point somehow:
1) I can retrieve the tables if I use my qgis 3.4 version, but I cannot 
if I use my 3.10 version (manage layers toolbar or browser). I have 
reinstalled the 3.10 - no changes. I have reinstalled postgis - no changes.

2) I can access my tables if I use the DB manager within 3.10.
2) It happened after I created a new profile in 3.10. I never had used a 
profile <> than the default one before.

Kind regards

On 20/11/2019 5:16 AM, Borys Jurgiel wrote:

It's fixed now in master, so the upcoming 3.10.1 (to be released in a few
days) should be free from that bug.

For now, as GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA is not enough, try also grant permissions to
two tables used in that failing query:

GRANT SELECT ON TABLE topology.topology
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE topology.layer


Dnia wtorek, 19 listopada 2019 15:18:17 CET Jason Carlson pisze:

The error message would still suggest it is an access problem to the
topology table. Perhaps you need to take it a step further with your
postgres version and grant select to the user.

Not at my computer now but try something along the lines of:

GRANT SELECT ON topology TO username;

On Mon., Nov. 18, 2019, 5:10 p.m. Laurence Béchet, <> wrote:

Thank you Jason for your answer.
I've granted usage on schema topology to my user -> same problem. I even
granted PUBLIC.

There is something 'wrong' with the passed request itself as it fails in
pgadmin as well (see it below).

I have a very basic test.qgz file. I launch it with 3.4.13 (I've updated
all my qgis versions), open the browser, connect to my db and see the
tables. Same file, launched with 3.10.0, open browser, connect to my db
(same profile so I guess same qgis-auth.db file I suppose) and get the
'failed to get layers' as described in the bug. I can see the sql request
which failed and that one doesn't work either in pg_admin. Unfortunately
the sql request passed with 3.4.13 is not displayed.

count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
FROM geometry_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
WHERE c.relname=l.f_table_name AND l.f_table_schema=n.nspname AND NOT
a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0
n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
2,c.relkind,obj_description(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname), count(CASE WHEN
t.typname IN
('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
FROM geography_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type
WHERE c.relname=l.f_table_name AND l.f_table_schema=n.nspname AND NOT
a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0
n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
l.table_name,l.schema_name,l.feature_column,CASE WHEN l.feature_type = 1
l.feature_type = 3 THEN 'MULTIPOLYGON' WHEN l.feature_type = 4 THEN
'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION' END AS type,(SELECT srid FROM topology.topology t
e), count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
FROM topology.layer l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
WHERE c.relname=l.table_name AND l.schema_name=n.nspname AND NOT
a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0
n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
on(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname), count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
FROM pointcloud_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type
t WHERE c.relname=l."table" AND l."schema"=n.nspname AND NOT
AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0 AND
n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT

Re: [Qgis-user] PostGIS- erroneous query : Unable to get list of tables from DB

2019-11-19 Thread Borys Jurgiel
It's fixed now in master, so the upcoming 3.10.1 (to be released in a few 
days) should be free from that bug.

For now, as GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA is not enough, try also grant permissions to 
two tables used in that failing query:

GRANT SELECT ON TABLE topology.topology
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE topology.layer


Dnia wtorek, 19 listopada 2019 15:18:17 CET Jason Carlson pisze:
> The error message would still suggest it is an access problem to the
> topology table. Perhaps you need to take it a step further with your
> postgres version and grant select to the user.
> Not at my computer now but try something along the lines of:
> GRANT SELECT ON topology TO username;
> On Mon., Nov. 18, 2019, 5:10 p.m. Laurence Béchet, <
>> wrote:
> > Thank you Jason for your answer.
> > I've granted usage on schema topology to my user -> same problem. I even
> > granted PUBLIC.
> > 
> > There is something 'wrong' with the passed request itself as it fails in
> > pgadmin as well (see it below).
> > 
> > I have a very basic test.qgz file. I launch it with 3.4.13 (I've updated
> > all my qgis versions), open the browser, connect to my db and see the
> > tables. Same file, launched with 3.10.0, open browser, connect to my db
> > (same profile so I guess same qgis-auth.db file I suppose) and get the
> > 'failed to get layers' as described in the bug. I can see the sql request
> > which failed and that one doesn't work either in pg_admin. Unfortunately
> > the sql request passed with 3.4.13 is not displayed.
> > 
> > l.f_table_name,l.f_table_schema,l.f_geometry_column,upper(l.type),l.srid,l
> > .coord_dimension,c.relkind,obj_description(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname),
> > count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
> > ('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
> > FROM geometry_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
> > WHERE c.relname=l.f_table_name AND l.f_table_schema=n.nspname AND NOT
> > a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0
> > AND
> > n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
> > has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
> > BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
> > l.f_table_name,l.f_table_schema,l.f_geography_column,upper(l.type),l.srid,
> > 2,c.relkind,obj_description(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname), count(CASE WHEN
> > t.typname IN
> > ('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
> > FROM geography_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type
> > t
> > WHERE c.relname=l.f_table_name AND l.f_table_schema=n.nspname AND NOT
> > a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0
> > AND
> > n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
> > has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
> > BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
> > l.table_name,l.schema_name,l.feature_column,CASE WHEN l.feature_type = 1
> > l.feature_type = 3 THEN 'MULTIPOLYGON' WHEN l.feature_type = 4 THEN
> > 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION' END AS type,(SELECT srid FROM topology.topology t
> >,2,c.relkind,obj_description(c.oid),array_agg(a.attnam
> > e), count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
> > ('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
> > FROM topology.layer l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
> > WHERE c.relname=l.table_name AND l.schema_name=n.nspname AND NOT
> > a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0
> > AND
> > n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
> > has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
> > BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
> > l."table",l."schema",l."column",'POLYGON',l.srid,2,c.relkind,obj_descripti
> > on(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname), count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
> > ('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
> > FROM pointcloud_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type
> > t WHERE c.relname=l."table" AND l."schema"=n.nspname AND NOT
> > a.attisdropped
> > AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0 AND
> > n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
> > has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
> > BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
> > l."r_table_name",l."r_table_schema",l."r_raster_column",'RASTER',l.srid,2,
> > c.relkind,obj_description(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname), count(CASE WHEN
> > t.typname IN
> > ('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
> > FROM raster_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
> > WHERE c.relname=l."r_table_name" AND l."r_table_schema"=n.nspname AND NOT
> > a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND 

Re: [Qgis-user] PostGIS- erroneous query : Unable to get list of tables from DB

2019-11-19 Thread Jason Carlson
The error message would still suggest it is an access problem to the
topology table. Perhaps you need to take it a step further with your
postgres version and grant select to the user.

Not at my computer now but try something along the lines of:

GRANT SELECT ON topology TO username;

On Mon., Nov. 18, 2019, 5:10 p.m. Laurence Béchet, <> wrote:

> Thank you Jason for your answer.
> I've granted usage on schema topology to my user -> same problem. I even
> granted PUBLIC.
> There is something 'wrong' with the passed request itself as it fails in
> pgadmin as well (see it below).
> I have a very basic test.qgz file. I launch it with 3.4.13 (I've updated
> all my qgis versions), open the browser, connect to my db and see the
> tables. Same file, launched with 3.10.0, open browser, connect to my db
> (same profile so I guess same qgis-auth.db file I suppose) and get the
> 'failed to get layers' as described in the bug. I can see the sql request
> which failed and that one doesn't work either in pg_admin. Unfortunately
> the sql request passed with 3.4.13 is not displayed.
> l.f_table_name,l.f_table_schema,l.f_geometry_column,upper(l.type),l.srid,l.coord_dimension,c.relkind,obj_description(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname),
> count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
> ('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
> FROM geometry_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
> WHERE c.relname=l.f_table_name AND l.f_table_schema=n.nspname AND NOT
> a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0 AND
> n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
> has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
> BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
> l.f_table_name,l.f_table_schema,l.f_geography_column,upper(l.type),l.srid,2,c.relkind,obj_description(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname),
> count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
> ('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
> FROM geography_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
> WHERE c.relname=l.f_table_name AND l.f_table_schema=n.nspname AND NOT
> a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0 AND
> n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
> has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
> BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
> l.table_name,l.schema_name,l.feature_column,CASE WHEN l.feature_type = 1
> l.feature_type = 3 THEN 'MULTIPOLYGON' WHEN l.feature_type = 4 THEN
> 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION' END AS type,(SELECT srid FROM topology.topology t
> count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
> ('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
> FROM topology.layer l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
> WHERE c.relname=l.table_name AND l.schema_name=n.nspname AND NOT
> a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0 AND
> n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
> has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
> BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
> l."table",l."schema",l."column",'POLYGON',l.srid,2,c.relkind,obj_description(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname),
> count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
> ('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
> FROM pointcloud_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type
> t WHERE c.relname=l."table" AND l."schema"=n.nspname AND NOT a.attisdropped
> AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0 AND
> n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
> has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
> BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 UNION SELECT
> l."r_table_name",l."r_table_schema",l."r_raster_column",'RASTER',l.srid,2,c.relkind,obj_description(c.oid),array_agg(a.attname),
> count(CASE WHEN t.typname IN
> ('geometry','geography','topogeometry','raster') THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) , 1
> FROM raster_columns l,pg_class c,pg_namespace n,pg_attribute a,pg_type t
> WHERE c.relname=l."r_table_name" AND l."r_table_schema"=n.nspname AND NOT
> a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid AND a.attnum>0 AND
> n.oid=c.relnamespace AND has_schema_privilege(n.nspname,'usage') AND
> has_table_privilege('"'||n.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"','select') GROUP
> BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,c.oid,11 ORDER BY 2,1,3
> ;
> I have postgresql 9.6, postGIS 2.3
> Kind regards
> Laurence
> On 19/11/2019 4:28 AM, Jason Carlson wrote:
> I think your issue sounds like what I experienced and from what I dug up
> it can be as simple as what version of Postgres you were using (I was using
> Postgres version 10.10) not allowing any access to the "topology" schema.

Re: [QGIS-it-user] Tritech SeaKing SSS - QGIS

2019-11-19 Thread Telesub Lanterna - info

grazie per la risposta.

I formati dei dati sono da pag 54 a pag 59 del seguente manuale:

Cordiali saluti

Alessandro Bertelà

Telesub Lanterna S.r.l.

Via Vincinella, 15
19037 - Santo Stefano di Magra (SP)
Tel: 0187 631350 / 632005
Fax: 0187 630400

--- P.IVA: 00809010119 ---
--- Codice univoco: M5UXCR1 ---
--- PEC: ---

Il 18/11/2019 12:33, Giulio Fattori ha scritto:

Il 18/11/2019 10:32, Telesub Lanterna - info ha scritto:
Buongiorno, avrei bisogno di sapere se i dati estratti da un Tritech 
SeaKing SSS possono essere visualizzati su QGIS

Alessandro Bertelà

Telesub Lanterna S.r.l.

Via Vincinella, 15
19037 - Santo Stefano di Magra (SP)
Tel: 0187 631350 / 632005
Fax: 0187 630400

--- P.IVA: 00809010119 ---
--- Codice univoco: M5UXCR1 ---
---  ---

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